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    Arseplay toys fist pnp

    Need breeding seeding and pozzing.
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    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. Does anyone have experience of prostate surgery for benign enlargement? The option I am looking at is laser. What were your recovery times? When were you able to have anal sex again? Were there any difficulties to overcome for ff? Was there sensation change? I would be so grateful for advice. Many of us over 55 will face potential surgery or drugs which impact erectile function and libido. I know I won’t be alone in this room. Thank you in anticipation
  2. How do you find the fuck tree please?
  3. Oink sexy man.  Let’s have a chat

  4. I have never had a safe word. If I don’t think a top will read my body language and play connected with me I won’t play with him.
  5. My experience is different to the responses to your question so far. I am a very experienced BDSM passive guy who particularly enjoys CBT. For me there are two pleasures involved. The first is the personal challenge of endurance and showing off to others what pain I can take. The second is more basic and depends on the tops skills with building up the pain. In any SM play you cannot go from 0-100 mph in one strike. It is all about a gradual build up. The top has to read the signals from the bottom and the bottom must be clear in the signals they give off both verbally and nonverbally. What I am looking to achieve is not the most pain but the flow of endorphins which results from a good build up. Go to fast and the body goes into flight and fight mode and adrenaline is not a self made drug you want. Cortisol is even worse. Why endorphins are so addictive? They are the body’s own morphine. The buzz is intense and very long lasting. The feeling of wellness fantastic. I suppose for me I am just exploiting free very powerful self-made drugs.
  6. Your imagination and descriptive prowess are amazing. You paint a picture which brings the scene and your characters so alive one can practically share the sensations of those involved. This is a consistent and wonderful quality in all you write. Thank you so much.
  7. I have done 75 dicks in one night in a cruising area and 8 fists. Expect I have had more like 5000 in my lifetime at a conservative estimate.
  8. Tested negative 15 January. Seek conversion.
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