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About Hooligan

  • Birthday 01/20/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Footie kit, workies, skins, Hi Viz, gas masks, bomber jackets, boots, poppers
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Friendly, sleazy sub looking to play with other pigs. Poz friendly
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Fun, spunk, sleaze

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  1. I don't wish to unduly resurrect a thread that has long gone quiet, but smoking is my primary fetish and interest. 2 pack a day Marlboro reds lad and I am very keen to connect with other heavy smokers and fetishers, tops and bottoms. Neg, poz, on Prep/meds - it doesn't matter. The sleazier and pervier the smoker the better!
  2. Thank you all for your replies to this thread. They/you have all been helpful!
  3. MSlave97 and einathens, thank you both for your replies. I became sexually active at 16. My first fuck was BB. That was not a conscious decision at the time, more just being caught up in the act. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Since then I have had BB sex with both strangers and people I have know and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have also probably had just as much safer sex during that time also and it never feels as intimate or sexual with a condom. My last HIV test was negative. I would start PrEP if I could get hold of it at a reasonable financial cost. Do any guys here get their PrEP on a private prescription from an NHS clinic? Who buy's it over the internet?
  4. Hi guys! I'm a sub who wants to make the transition to being a BB slut. Wanna chat with others about the reality of this. I don't care if you are down the street or on the other side of the world, a sub, a top, neg or poz. What helped you to come to a decision? Are you neg and do you take poz loads? Are you on PrEP? Are you poz? I have many questions that could otherwise be posted across multiple forum topics but I thought this the best place to introduce myself. Not into fantasy chat or chat wanks. Serious discussion wanted. Private messages welcomed.
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