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About beanna

  • Birthday July 24

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • Location
  • Interests
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
  • Background
    13/06/17-been stood up twice by my potential pozzers,but now even more determined to get hiv and as many sti,s going
    high viral not on meds guys sought who can brush/bleed my hole to ensure I carry their babes and once pregnant will look after them by not going on meds and passing on to any who want them

    as of now 1

    January 2022 this slut whore is owned by a hiv + master, who is off meds and once his viral load high enough, master will use a cruel condom to breed her, once infected slave/whore will be given 3 no. bio hazard tattooed,1 no around her kunt hole,1 on her right breast c/w a small flower at its centre to reflect her feminity, the 3rd shall be a small one on its neck. i will be fitted with a permanent collar, castrated and 6 months later penis removed and ball sac removed to leave slave as a smooth nullo, re-route of urethra, will be whored out and never shall a condom ever be allowed, taken to bio hazard poz parties, Will to be taken to England to be bred with Cuban strain.GONO and SYPH are sought slave will never wear her panties when out with master and shall wear short dresses or skirts, when at home and Master not home she will be in leg irons and chained by her neck collar to the wall,taken to Poz breeding parties,cruising and whored out to homeless
    Now took HVL loads from 3 different guys,and sure i have been through the Fuck Flu,Never shall test or go on meds
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  1. Bare when I was 13 and abused By middle aged guy who's cock Was big and thick
  2. Now that is sound advice Even better if someone agrees to Lock you into the sling and release at pre agreed time
  3. Congratulations on your knowledge of genetics And HIV having no DNA only RNA evolution has designed it to Continually mutate in the search For new hosts and species in which to Procreate successfully But their also a balance to be struck in virility and tolerance
  4. Takes a good 4 month's To heal but once so Lovely feeling when fondled and pulled
  5. May I put my name forward As a hooded bottom I from Edinburgh
  6. Your timing to infect and transmit is perfect as the most successful period is 10 to 40 days after your initial infection
  7. Forgot to add permanent makeup up Eye Shadow. Eye liner , lips and cheek blush
  8. I have been given two Forced tattoos One as Slave The other as a urinal
  9. Yes for a HVL cock to Breed me
  10. I castrated and mine shrunk to tiny size now completely unable to erect
  11. Edinburgh
  12. I was castrated yesterday 29/1/24 And gladly so next my penis temoved
  13. If you are to receive a proper brand then it's essential that you firmly restrained to prevent any body movement As when the band strikes you are without jump
  14. One word suffice to Question Always
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