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Everything posted by rawsatyr

  1. when I see fun top with a (elongated) GAPE and even better, dripping and drooling DNA from random inseminations just prior to him topping, I'm super turned on. BACK-STORY: I recall Gaydotcom public chat episodes during the millennial MAINSTREAM transition away from the then common. holier-than-thou condom SAFE SEX ONLY (as dogma lip service) towards the NEW NORMAL of RAW IS LAW bareback sports-fucking! I recall hypocrisy and being SHUNNED (as trash) by snobby ALL=BOTTOM bareback queens. Specifying they were looking for those who ONLY TOP. And arrogantly dismissing guys who were more opportunistically VERSE like myself, saying THEY JUST SPREAD HIV. They presumed an ALL TOP was more masculine or SAFE I guess and being ALL BOTTOM was like a better female or SAFER than those horrible TRASHY SLUTS. Fast forward to now. I'm super turned on by SLUTTY, TRASHY, promiscuous bad-boys and we all (in the NEW NORMAL) have embraced the once derogatory terminology of [banned word] risky behavior. Guys cockily posing with a smirk, a boner and a cum-dripping hole have become the ultimate expression of sexual liberation for the ever more dare amateur posers of the internet. LOVE taking loads from them... or imagine: them using their overflowing DNA collection dripping from their holes as LUBRICANT before fucking me, OR YOU!!! SWOON!
  2. No NEED TO CHEAT when you are both turned on by total promiscuity and your partner being a slut. Basically we granted each other LICENCE TO WHORE & SCORE! BEFORE MARRIAGE! Sometimes we play together, sometimes we don't. As liberal and limitless as that appears, there have to be boundaries, agreed upon RED FLAGS and SAFETY HATCHES! Not neurotic shit like NO KISSING or PLAYING TOGETHER ONLY! But for example: neediness, clinginess, couch-surfers wanting to BECOME THE THIRD but contributing nothing! And no old school hypocrite-hetero, religiously-confused, politically-populist attitudes. say no more, hush my mouth) Amateurs and newbies with goo-goo eyes for just one over the other. Typically confirmed after the first or second trick session... (really more into ONE-ON-ONE even passed the first hookup), aka aspiring monogamists, guys with evasive attitudes towards one or the other, partner-poachers wanting to BE WITH ONE of us in a relationship... And for me the all-time dislike... the sneaking around, avoiding me, not responding at all (as an alleged REAL FRIENDLY would and hitting up on my partner when a certain one I'm thinking of, a congenital CHEATER (ex-Jehova cultist) knows I'm asleep. Dumb motherfuckers could HAVE THEIR COCK AND EAT IT TOO but seemingly needs the thrill of being a snake!
  3. I love how all the day to day terminology in the gay world has changed. Am I mistaken? Not sure if the old school prissy SAFE SEX ONLY and gay monogamists still have much say... I was sure tired of it! That and the hypocrisy. You know: one-sided cheating and name-calling! Seems to me that the old terms of derogatory slandering  or SLUT SHAMING somehow faded away.

    Call me slut, cumdumpster, promiscuous and bareback whore! Makes my nipples tingle and from I can gather all what was once predominantly viewed as SCANDALOUS behavior, has become the norm. I think we may have to thank BLANCHE from Golden Girls, who made 'ASSERTIVE PROMISCUITY' and 'scoring' a widely acceptable LIFESTYLE... 

    Let's stir this up! Poz promiscuity and PnP totally opened up a whole new world

  4. Well NOT IN YET but on Telegram. Your description makes my nipples tingle


  5. I started jacking reading your profile! Must be the mutual chemwhore fascibation thing! Makes my nipples tingle!

  6. I'm gonna do a long-winded storytime here! Maybe repeated somewhere before on here by me, IDK! Hope you can relate. Condoms were always that awkward 'Debbie Downer' elephant in the room for me. For many of you too! The CONEHEADS used the as chewing gum! Even when THE GOLDEN GIRLS timidly purchase rubbers in a drug-store, each one of the girls picking a personal style, then getting humiliated as they get loudly broadcasted by an uncouth druggist! Cringeworthy things and it seemed as though even the churches despised those demon GADGETS! Mentally I was too tweaked to even WANT to DEAL and fuck with those clinical devices on the pecker,. Really did a doozy on the dick hydraulics. Passion went POOF! And all the implied ungodliness in the early days of doom and gloom attitudes. An era of FEAR & Loathing, the talk of SAFE SEX is NOT SAFE, just SAFER! ABSTINENCE IS BEST! And then the even more bizarre palaver about DENTAL DAMS for blowjobs and 'chowing down on beaver' on what was essentially pitched as 'sensible responsibility' to keep that DREADED SCOURGE at bay... For heteros it made even more sense with their constant worries of CHILD SUPPORT for decades to come, on top of the often hysteric AIDS fears falsely linked to sitting on a tainted toilet and accidently drinking from THE WRONG CUP. SICK, SICK, SICK the proselytizing anally-verklemmte cults of rebranded McAngrypunishmentofGod church people preached and railed. The 'sodomites' as well as the 'perversions' and THEIR AIDS were pitched as divine punishment. The stigmatized American UNTOUCHABLE caste of homos was derided by Anita Bryant and ignored by Reagan, until THEIR FRIENDS and America's show business darlings in Hollywood came out of the closet, but typically once close to death. I was one of the intimated novices not impressed by the bitter attitudes of the gay volunteers at the AIDS PROJECT (?) in LA, hateful towards 'twinks' , blaming some of them for a plague having gone out of control. There were barely accurate tests available and few medicines were as primitive and toxic as rat poison. I sequestered myself away from the gay mainstream of West Hollywood and SF escaping into make-shift gay monogamy. A total of FOUR of these, each longer than trailer-park marriages (on average) all destined to fail with the hypocrisy, cheating, lying and deceptions. SERIAL MONOGAMY as prophylactics! Better that those 'breaking condoms'! Sure! Then slowly I let my guard down, fornicated 'selectively' by WHO LOOKS SAFEST: no inked, pierced, heavily vested in gay subculture 'types'. A very conservative gay doctor friend us to rail against contacts with them. I picked my suitors like a fool hooked on fairytale endings. All 4 of my suitors were alleged monogamists who sadly failed when temptations arose. Then my Number 5 came around like an innocent Harry Potter art student in 2007 and by 2008 us going straight to BAREBACK seemed a SAFER CHOICE. Withing a year of newly-wed bliss my young prince was getting sick. Cancer squarely related to the cure-all herbicide product ROUND UP of Monsanto had made it into his weekly chores of spraying this chemical malarkey liberally (and UNPROTECTED) into the otherwise weed-choked parking lot of a small church in Arkansas, instructed to do take care of, easy as child's play by his scripture toting, homo-hating preacher father. Wafting and pickled in Roundup hiding his sexuality as he went to college. Reality Check: Leukemia had spread throughout and the kid who was given little chance of survival as he was also found to be poz. And although my tests weren't coming out the poz, I was told that in 6 months ... and yes then I too had the SCARLET LETTER. Quick thinking, cobbling lemons into lemonade, discovering the NEW NORMAL of unrestricted, promiscuous BAREBACK sex and essentially a WILLFUL mental conversion followed. From those days on my BF and I decided that we can reinvent and disband the RULES of an uptight morality best suited for scripture-fearing heteros intend to raise clutches of toddlers. We would embrace sex as a subcultural CONTACT SPORT, promiscuity-embracing and ALWAYS to be practiced RAW, BAREBACK and say the words WITHOUT PROTECTION. Embrace and celebrate what we once feared, stay healthy, keep home-wreckers, partner-poachers at bay, keep the house clean of VD or the generic kinds, including crotch monkey crabs, mites and other nuisances. Become a new breed of poz, gay and proudly-promiscuous BAREBACKERS who will not even tolerate a suggestion of shame, fear and condoms. RAW IS LAW and as we line up out sexual exploits, they are handled in a casual manner like a weekend fishing trip. The BAD BOYS, once gossiped as 'having that plague', the ones carrying a style and appearance that MARKS them as 'man-whores' and 'sluts' are now our favorites! We even invite the VETERAN POZ survivors into our lives and have reported to each other (among peers) that the raw, vulgarly-celebrated acts of poz sodomy and debauchery gives us the strongest thrills. In a way, it is penance and redemption but also a personal high some comparing the willful poz bondings as a spiritual SUPERCHARGE. And NO CONDOMS EVER or the ones not IN SYNC with it, still stabding lost with scriptures and TROYANS will find themselves politely escorted away from where the NEW NORMAL has become 'standard practice' (ok its later, I'm foregoing edits)
  7. YEAHHH! Got that censored promiscuously virile number of followers! That magically wicked number that frightens the X-tian cult followers! Must celebrate today with some more sodomy and unprotected as usual! A pack of six hundred sixty six admirers of my 'sinful' ways! 

  8. I'm having an old school AIDS=scare survivor living with HIV for 40 years. No he is no beauty but oddly fascinating! Ravaged and scared by the plague that none of his close friends from the early 1980's had survived. I was a freaked and frightened vanilla twink in those years and I stayed a stunted, stymied and sexually repressed serial monogamist until the mid 2000..

    Converting to the poz camp (unexpectedly) and then together with my gifter formally entering the RAW IS LAW BB culture has turned my world inside out!

    RAW IS LAW  and PROMISCUITY RULES and we also pledge to NO LOADS REFUSED

    Ugly fuckers and those we would have never given the time of day to or suddenly ON THE MAN MENU!

    A HARDCORE POZ veteran as a TYPE has progressively INTRIGUED me and is featured in a lot of poz fetish memes. (attached examples)

    He intends to inseminate this afternoon, looking me in the eyes during the explicitly UNSAFE SEX procedure conducted with POZitively no PROTECTION as he is totally into the vulgar-verbal scene using the popular TERMS OF ENDEARMENT once used as derogatory slurs and then later claimed as SLUT TALK by the bb-underground. CUMDUMPSTER, MANWHORE, PROMISCUOUS SLUT, breeding, seeding... raw-dawging... you get the drift!

    Any commentary? Questions? Any constructive input for SCENARIOS? There will be REPEAT sessions to integrate them as he would like to tag-team with other poz tops!




    A 1 FKVBRH2WYAE0s2n.jpg

    1. rawsatyr


      UPDATE: oh that was POOR editing in the original entry... it should have said "I'm having this HIV-veteran COMING OVER!

      Bottom-line: it was a spiritual journey for both parties. For me it was the having contact with somebody who for most of my life I would have never had sex with! TOO SCARY  for the first quarter century of THE PLAGUE that he endured. But now to the NEW POZ me, it was an anxiously anticipated and oddly THRILLING SEXUAL RUSH! 

      For him the 'having sex with ANYONE' was a mile-stone and a highlight, as he apparently for the last 15 years has been an asexual hermit, after surviving his partner lost to AIDS and feeling shunned by old school bible-belt gays hateful towards 'the poz world'.

      The take-away of my otherwise sobering experience is that his physical condition is SO WRECKED it's no more fun! When reviewed on a Monday morning! Things you can simply overlook but not ignore! Him being wrecked from the early primitive 1980's HIV-treatments (starting with AZT) to the plethora of medical issues he is battling now. And the ugly truth I observed may be a Debbie Downer for those seeking to remain 'untreated' in the modern age of poz-seekers.

      This man has had multiple cancers, losing his (real) teeth and part of his tongue in one episode, endured two liver transplants that he felt compelled to mention during the process of undress, as he had massive scars across his abdomen. He speaks in a barely intelligible slurring speech, wobbles when he walks in a uneasy gate, his hands shake and his eyes, when open, looked closed... to his great regret, the anti-rejection drugs he has to take for the rest of his life, affect his sex life to where half-limp masturbation seems to be the best he can hope for... some would dismiss this as a pity fuck but for me it was an elevating, almost spiritual experience.

      That said, we will probably 'stay friends' FACEBOOK even, but the fizz and buzz is gone. It makes me appreciate my 'delayed entry' into the poz world, my relative commitment to health and fitness, and my strict attitude towards 'moderation' on anything potentially fostering addiction. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF & BE KIND TO OTHERS!

      But I will still be an insatiable demon in a sling at some SKETCHY EVENT or location, 'flying high' like an immortal Anne Rice vampire, or willfully skating on (thin) ice HUNGRY for stranger-danger! Or I could be stone-cold sober but vulgar-verbal and fearless, enticing some biohazard marked veteran to BRING IT ON! 


  9. I hooked up yesterday with a secret, DARK SECRET fantasy man of mine. Not him personally, just his TYPE! No stunning beauty by any means, but A POZ VETERAN of the homosexual revolution, if you will. He told me he was poz since 1983. If he was a ship, he would be one of those battle-and-storm-battered frigates reemerging from beneath the waves in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. He had all the battle-marks and scars of a rare survivors of a then 'deadly scourge':  the scars of operations, organ failures and consequent transplants, cancer, the 'wasted look' , the sunken eyes and an unsteady gait...

    He embodied the scarily promiscuous world I once  FEARED, DREADED and AVOIDED! Condoms didn't catch on with me, not physically nor with my mind. Damn boner killers they were! So through most of my adult life of virtually asexual self deprivation I escaped into LT 'quasi-monogamy'. All failed attempt of creating 'normalcy' in a chaotic time riddled with denial, cheating and hypocrisy. Male monogamy, sure, until dick do us part! LOL


    I told him I AM ONE OF THOSE ARROGANT FUCKS who by happenstance late-in-life underwent a 'conversion and transformation', one that 'FLIPPED THE POLES' . Now what I once feared, I search for. POZ bad boys, 'unsafe sex' , total promiscuity... anon sodomy! Terms like 'slut' manwhore, cunt, breeding, seeding, barebacking tramps and poz fucker are now REBRANDED and embraced giving us boners! So here I am with this random stranger who approached me with pic on A4A. With pictures, stating 'POZ undetectable'  and he made a bold, forward proposition in a message. Less than a day later here we are, him telling me HIS story, me telling mine, all blunt and condensed. And he said he had a bolt of courage but was expecting to be SHOT DOWN...


    "And now you are here, buddy! Wanna fuck!? RAW IS LAW!" 




    Shall I tell more?  I probably won't as I don't want to rack up warning points if it shows up in the wrong section. 

    (I had a much longer story but I deleted it, concerned it probably belongs in a different section. ) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rawsatyr


      I think I just may... I have struck gold on the promiscuous bareback  level and entered a twilight zone of stranger-danger-seeking seeking young pretty boys (of the 2020's) who embody the bad-asses among my peers from the early days of coming out in West Hollywood. They were HOT CHILI PEPPERS compared to me being vanilla ice LIGHT. The 'physical wreck' of a poz veteran top was what I imagined the embodiment of everything I was once afraid of...

      At age 22 when carded at the door of MOTHERLODE my brand-new California ID often mistrusted as a FAKE. Studly bouncers smirking and then 'letting me slide'. Truth be told, the first guy I EVER had sex with was the bouncer of THE SALOON in Minneapolis. He plucked me, that chicken-of-the-day right off the grill. But 4 years after taking a raw cock up the arse, I still looked like I WASN'T DONE YET!  Looking like a 16-year-old TIMID TIMMY from Pasadena.

      It was the late 80s maybe and AIDS was taking a heavy toll. The young punks my age that bottomed at the drop of a hat are pretty much all dead from what I recall hearing. Back then we all STILL KNEW EACH OTHER, lol, after fucking. But then over the following years, they started dropping off like in THE TEN LITTLE INDIANS! After enthusiastically fucking a few daddy-type cowboys I did however 'settle' for a benign twink, to be able to pull away from the fast lane I never really got on. Sat on the shoulder of the fast life, making out and opting out of the DANGER ZONE. Fearful or reasonable, IDK! The ten little bottoms I knew all disappeared and few were confirmed to have been taken by the grim Reeper. Actually the main one I had a crush on is now a very successful owner of a vinyard in Italy, oh and another runs a 'popular' rehab center franchise. HUSH, I say no more... so maybe some were IMMORTALS. modern day gay vampires... oh my demons, Brad Pitt visions, HOTTIES having run petal to the metal Thelma-and-Louise-style and still coming out smiling and smelling roses while making lemonade from the lemons life tossed at them.

      So yes I told the POZ VETERAN with scars from TWO transplants and tales of AZT and throat cancer, that I was one of those stuck-up vanilla dudes who played it 'SAFE' or played dead and sidelined guys like him for basically two decades. TOO DAMAGED and TOO DANGEROUS to handle! And as quasi penance I invited him to put his poz stinger in my uptight bitch-cunt and recharge me with his seasoned tainted DNA...

      Yeah that's where that went... maybe I'll continue IDK

    3. Latinfkhole4U


      Please,,do Continue,,don't hold back

  10. I got married to a big-dicked twink after he unknowingly pozzed me. The other gogo dancers in West Hollywood must have INITIATED him into the 'brotherhood'. We have been thick as thieves for over ten years now. Age DIFFERENCE between us is 25 years! Our prenuptial was a pledge that ALL SEX IS SPORT, no jealousy, no shame or hypocrisy allowed! Also not allowed are old-school home-wreckers or those showing the attitude. And ALL SEX MUST BE CONSUMMATED BAREBACK or it's too lame to brag about! Young guys getting bred and submitting OPENLY and proudly to jaded much older, barebackers has become an awesome turn-on for the both of us!
  11. I could 'cobble together' some pretty kinky fun with your pre-existing pervy comditions!

  12. At a sex=party I typically join the smirking DISBELIEF crowd when an old-school, nervous 'safe sex' player mumbles something about 'oh fun, let me find a condom'. That shit won't get me. I want me sex RAW, bb, BAREBACK, skin-on-skin as in DEVOUTLY UNSAFE and anxious to accept or share random DNA. Won't know his name, his 'status' or possibly what he 'looked like' in a police line-up... but if I see or hear anything about CONDOMS I hop up and out like it's KRYPTONITE! OOPS look at the time! I politely decline!
  13. Oh I forgot to mention, I'm kinda vers and actually really turned on by tops whose cunt looks well-fucked. Most likely he took a few poz loads that day himself and that INCREASED danger thrill turns me on! As to sexy bottoms: I'm more turned on by verbal powerbottoms with a pretty, cut dick getting hard from being penetrated or even NUTTING without touching the dick, than with "I'm justa hole!" vanilla bottoms going ass-up and doing nothing more. Same though goes for boring tops who just screw from behind and are done with it... As 'they say': "It takes all kinds!" But just sharing my personal angle for entertainment purposes....
  14. Actually, and this may come as a surprise, but I like to fuck a bottom face to face and look at a pretty lollipop cock while I'm breeding him...
  15. Ok I know I better try a bit harder getting my abs back but here is a fairly decent shot showing my pierced nipples and my pierced dick. Had my nipples done some 25 years ago at a legendary piercing shop in West Hollywood. Then the PA I DID MYSELF... some 20 years ago! Both ears pierced in earnest long before that. It's a look that radiates 'MANSLUT" and brings out awesome reactions from the fans, I'm fairly smooth and a shave/trim the pubes on the regular... something I associate with BAREBACK SPORTS-FUCKING!
  16. Does this work? The dick piercing of mine in the first two pictures??? In 2003 after finally dismissing 'cautionary advice' claiming 'increased transmission chances' for HIV and 'possible tearing' I decided to JUSY DO IT!! The same warning was also issued for having an 'enlarged meatus' especially if the PA ripped, whatever... ok but the sexy bad boys with piercings and 'striking genetic variations; sometimes assorted minor surgical 'mods' (i.e. meatatomy, aka having a definite enlarged, dimpled piss-slit) were my visually-stunning role models. My Bf at the time claimed NOT to like a PA. But then he ran off with a wildass flight attendant/hustler from Atlanta. And he was posing nude (in print media) in a Jeep with a raging boner! And the maligned by awesome vulgar PA he had unbeknownst to me! AWESOME SIGHT! Fuck, I WANTED THAT!!! So I by chance had a pointed (leather-piercing) tool and administered that piercing myself with determination and virtually nothing else, other then a courage buzz with alcohol to knock off the last trepidations. Had the steel PA ready! Yeah pretty rough trade but modelled right after the inked and pierced guy on that pool-table who I had picked as my admired ROLE MODEL! DAMN it gets a lot of fascinated attention from the most fun guys and scares off of few vanilla purse clutchers. BUT I can easily take it out when a dude says... "damn I wanna suck your dick some more! ...and says he wants to 'tongue my dimpled piss-slit'. Yeah that actually really turns me on, the vulgar directness! Some guys say the thick metal bothers their teeth while others are JUST FINE with the sensation. I think a regular PA gives me the BIGGEST BANG for the FUCK while a reverse PA or a more exotic ampallang or apadravya piercing would be less flexible and accepted by a 'broader audience' of manwhores!!!😛 Prior to that I have had my nipples pierced since the early 1990's, awesome rush and the beginning of me becoming a NIPPLE PIG. I recall strutting bare-chested with my peers on Venice Beach CA and relishing the obvious reactions. The typical ouch that must have hurt to a lot of straight guys eager to strike up conversations. That said, having both ears and nipples pierced, in skimpy club clothes I could be assured of getting the best response from sexy, self-assured females who often had their tongues and ears pierced. My gay male companions noticed a recurring pattern that would assure direct contact with the straight guys of interest. Inevitably one of my nipple rings would show, leading to the predictable 'flaunting--of-the-piercings'. My 'male nipple rings' would be admired by the girls, than one of the chicks would be bold enough to escalate and bare her pretty boobs RIGHT THERE at the bar with her nipples pierced and the straight guys reactions: CLASSIC! WHOA TITS! They were wondering how do 'the gay guys' get all the attention within the first few minutes at the bar with virtually NO EFFORTS. And with our sudden 'star-power' they then became incredibly friendly and then my gay male friends would let the wild cat out of the bag, push me centerstage and say: "AND HE HAS HIS DICK PIERCED TOO!" And yes I'd promptly and casually whip it out and the girls would be cheering and fawning and the straight guys want to see (a gay guy's pierced dick) too... we got a lot of drinks from total strangers... man, let me see that again! DAMN, man you got balls! One of my sidekicks from the bar-days some 20 years ago TO THIS DAY only scores with guys considered straight. Somehow cockiness and confidence and convincing verbal skills are associated with desirable fun people... I can only recommend IF YOU ALWAYS WANTED A PIERCING there! When it comes to playing, aka WHORING AROUND like we do, I expect guys to say RAW IS LAW, accept promiscuity, POZ GUYS are my favorites and the inked and both ears pierced and sluttily dressed can be expected to have a few more fun tricks to come out later... the only regret (if any) is that I wished I had gotten more into getting tats... definite TRADEMARKS assuring me credit in all the pics circulating among the manwhores... love having a total, sexy stranger ask me: "Say is it true you have a PA?" "Wanna see it? Go ahead, touch it!"
  17. I have played a magic act on guys when they used that term and embarrassed them. 'So, you're DD free?? No seriously, I mean are you CLEAN?" Dodging their ignorant reactions I have delighted in backhanded shaming by derailing the dumbass train with a variety of the following combo possibilities: "OMG, you are almost hilarious! Did you... WAIT, wait.. does it really say IN YOUR PROFILE... DD-FREE? CLEAN? Oh wow! But wait: Didn't you want 'smelly pits'? Ripe socks? HURL! I'm confused! CLEAN?? Yeah I douche and shower before sex, lol, and as to drugs? Hmm, do poppers count? GUILTY! But seriously, to each his own, trying not to be JUDGMENTAL but I CAN'T stand dopes with NO MODERATION! How do they NOT get fired partying and sleeping the days away?" "Fuck, why you ask, did you have an addiction?? Just saying: Recycled junkies are THE WORST. Like ex-killers turned reborn preacher on death row! What a joke! God told them DADDY LOVES YOU again!! Curious though: Do fags in >where you are< actually STILL USE that nasty slur in YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS? lol, Sorry but thought gays don't slander each other any more that way! Yeah FAG is ok! They use that old slur in gay porn!" "CLEAN??? I think that... kinda went out in the late 1990s!? HEY, don't mind me asking, because you look good for your age,... but... Are you maybe REALLY OLD or still in the closet or don't get out much? Small town right? Sorry had to laugh really hard! Need to know, where were you raised? Reminds me of old Arkansas country geezers who say 'spic', picker-ninnies and 'libtard commies' !" "No but seriously, since you brought it up, I rather fuck a CLEAN poz guy than a Trump-voter with nasty, rotten teeth and gross feet! lol" Let's face it: most guys on line have rarely a good grip on the English language, (wasn't on the test) aren't very witty, are rarely well-read and typically not fast in intelligent come-backs! You can run circles around them during the early 'feeling out phase'. The normal no-show proportion is excessively high either way...
  18. Yeah I'm gonna follow you because I like VERBAL, imaginative and confident fucks... more I can't say or reveal as I tend to get warning points for 'saying naughty things' in the wrong forum by accident a lot. belonging INTO THE BACKROOM. Darned did it again, for what I don't even know, lol

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      LOL, message me if you want dirty talk! I'm always up for this

  19. Raw_Satyr
  20. Grindr BANNED me about the same time one of my fun kinky friends got canned, like last week. Never had a warning, a confrontation, a problem other than getting pictures kicked back for too much nudity. But that's another subject! BUT another handy app ADAM4ADAM seems to be notorious for fake, fraudulent and outright predatory profiles. And angry losers with not a pot to piss in with a chip on their shoulder and no sense of MODERATION and 'being real'! NOTORIOUS! Having issues with some of them but a block worked. But others, the warning signs and red flags need to be shared... to warn NOVICES to our sleazy world! There are obvious profiles with CA$H and freebie ride expectations, 'MASSAGES to be repaid by PAYPAL' lol, and psychos with nothing to offer! Then the sketchy 4000miles away, claiming to be in some sort of service at a place that would be 7,000 miles away, 'SERVING OUR COUNTRY' (targeted lonely suckers will reveal themselves quickly to the con) Lots of suspicious profiles with awkwardly phrased 'looking for love and happy ever after', annoying blank FACELESS profiles sending smiley faces or cliche lines PRETENDING TO HAVE BALLS that they don't have from the darkness of anonymity, I would estimate about HALF of all profiles on A4A are trash-worthy! With many awesome hot leads in between. THIS WEEK was a game-changer: An 'entity' from Mississippi well known for excessive drug use and loudmouth bragging has made it an obsession to stalk me for about a year now. It started a year ago when I was at a sex party, where at a certain stage the ten of us REACHED OUT to bring in a few. Two promptly turned up! One even nailed me for others to watch! AWESOME! But the later NEMISIS was about 30 miles away! His very tempting profile and overtures became manipulative and rude, dogging the hosts of the party (they all seemed to know him and each other in 100 mile range) They said OH HIM, YEAH HE IS A BRAT - BUT NUTS! Need proof? The nemesis blocked when I refused to leave my party. Weeks later he reemerged, trying charm. We exchanged numbers and talked as I was agreeing to finally meet. But on the long drive, on a later call he grew verbally charged, what sounded like frothing at the mouth, totally delusional and I DARED TO DECLINE, AGAIN! Got off the freeway thinking: "ABORT MISSION, ABORT ABORT!" Checked my voice-mails later and he was OFF HIS ROCKER!! The nemesis kept popping up, screen-names of predictable similar format. HATE, VENOM AND PSYCH ISSUES!! I reported the one-sided, rambling, lecturing and falsehood-spewing abuse. Of course NO RESPONSE or action from A4A. Total proof available, abuse, that would go on FOR PAGES,,, I tried IGNORING his random messages But the loon tunes would probably return soon... Walking on eggs-shells with a boner while ON A SEX APP MISSION is no fun! Caught myself losing any interest to even take a chance on ANY remotely sketchy, secretive, TOO NEW, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE etc. Then I get blackmailed THIS WEEK, started by text message from Atlanta numbers, in response to a probable fake originally claiming to be a young Latino with hearing loss... my 'good deed' to entertain with banter then evolves into the classic spin... a pattern of identity switch... claiming 'PARENTAL' anger, Dad, grandpa, MOM trying different approaches, trying various forms of intimidation and rapid fire messages from another state with police pictures etc would result in 'offers of appeasement' ... PAYING OFF HIS CELL PHONE CONTRACT while 'the kid is in juvenile' RIGHT! (pays to be connected to assorted contacts in law enforcement to get a giggle over internet lemons) But BOTTOM LINE: TOO MUCH DRAMA if you take too many chances... NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY! I had left the two offensive stalker profiles open for a week allowing the message frequency to decrease... and with a plan. I changed profile to a faceless one, well half a face and whatever body snazzy but dressed... good enough that even I would say: "Sure I'd fuck that!" I also changed my long-standing screen-name, all the easily recognizable prose full of kink, fun and puns and kept it short and cryptic. Short to the poinT if you like... fly under the radar. I hardly make a move. Leave the bait out and multi-tasking. Ok... a regular party fucker is HITTING NOW! In real time... better finish this and make sure the SECOND door had no 'trash' behind... damn maybe he'' take pics of his cock in my hole... Anyway, HAPPY HUNTING SEASON and remember, unlike DEER, it's COCK-HUNTING SEASON year-round, no license, no permit, no 'bag-limits', few restrictions apply. I love OPEN CARRY in barely buttoned ratty denims COMMANDO-style! And remember: when you hunt for whores among squealing boars and sad-looking bores in a local pig-pen, piss-marked by egotistical yahoos and extras from the movie DELIVERANCE! Shit's gonna fly!
  21. The bottom-line is that in a lot of the (inherently 'non-scientific research' of TOPS BECOMING POZ, most is 'anecdotal! There is a lot of 'self-reporting', possible 'distortion', whether intentional or delusional, wishful thinking or outright lies and at least one stealther (for me) ! And then there is the possibility some of them were IN DENIAL ot may have conveniently forgotten about those times they got TOO HIGH, possibly a few times and didn't (seriously or not) or chose not to remember a random dude actually slipped them a dick and possibly pozzed them... or that there was that vulnerable 'sore they had' when some other VD hit them THAT TIME... Overall my impression is that a cum-and-run circumcised top is much less likely to 'get knocked up' by his 'cumdumpster bitches'... and pozzed bottoms rarely pass on their toxic status... unless they are highly toxic and the top has 'a sore'!
  22. OK, I have neglected posting here, spending more time on TWITTER, getting a following... but checked today and some of my electrifyingly 'corruptive BZ ROLE MODELS' are back messaging, so with that grows my motivation! On the subject: my early pics from 'showing off ass and hole'. (5 years ago maybe) In my early vanilla gay days of the 80's/90s, while posing for THE ADVOCATE I was asked to 'flaunt my hole' for the picturre series but couldn't do it! Froze up 'in shame' I guess! LOL Saying to myself: 'I'm not no bottom!' Fast forward to the poz-and-promiscuity-embracing NEW AGE that made other once unacceptable 'bad boy stuff' suddenly THE ULTIMATE thrill! And that includes letting every Tom, Dick and Harry know I have CONVERTED into a power-bottom,,, who will essentially take (just about) ANY load! My new 'slut mentor' from BBRT instructed me to TAKE MORE ASS PICS, pulling the fledgling 'manwhore-cunt' open for ANY and ALL prospective promiscuous, anon seeders to inspect like merchandise and hopefully find suitable for use! And he would take pictures of his own POZ COCK breeding and seeding me! Since then, about 5 years ago, my sex-life has somehow accelerated to a dizzying pace! Whoring and scoring with my bros, my hubby and solo. Hubby summoned up SEVERAL guys last night and I rode the one who apparently was in FALCON porn in the 2000's I guess... now a bit 'rougher' but wild and virile as fuck, with a reputation for EVERLAST and MULTI-BLAST cumdump-pleaser! Now able to ride a dick like a demon from hell, he was pinching my nipples on a 'I bet you I won't flinch' dare... AS HARD AS YOU WANT TO! I won and of course I didn't flinch. But I became alarmed about the structural integrity of the very solid bed... and whether to attach it with braces to the stud in the wall... It was an act of unbridled demonic debauchery and shameless sodomy! A definite LINDA BLAIR moment and my hubby was delighted seeing me act like the powerbottom superslut that I have a reputation for by know... Ass-pics did launch the 'evolution'!! It's 'merchandising' really!
  23. Damn, LOVE your avatar! That imposing cut cock, with a groove commanding to be tongued!😍

    1. normalguy


      Thanks sexy man.love to raw fuck, breed with you 🙂



    2. rawsatyr


      I'd be honored...😍

    3. rawsatyr


      you sexy slut! I see you on Twitter! I got a bit high yesterday and today I'm hitting up all my assorted regulars to make sure I'm 'covered'. POZ, fun and verbal have top ranking! That sexy cock of yours would probably blast some awesome jozz in my poz hungry cunt... damn

  24. Damn, that is some hot meThed up shi... STUFF! Loving it! Another raw dimension I once avoided with timid fear... now all up and comfy in it! And yes... turning poz has improved things for me too! Odd how that turned out!

  25. Interesting! I thought I was the only one who almost 'searched out' promiscuous cumdumps who can be 'turned' into becoming 'sudden tops'. I actually had it happen to me where a trashy, very verbal top (this year) somehow had me so spell-bound, (with his 'NASTY TALK') I suddenly got so enraptured that I topped him, the vile aggressive top... although he was completely not at all my 'type' for what typically gets me aroused for fucking... I suddenly became a BEAST! A cum-dumpster beast! I think HE KNEW this was going to happen! In return, at the next opportunity, I tried the same 'poz promiscuity/corruption spell' method on a verified 'total bottom'. I told him about my experience with the (top) guy which he found incredibly erotic. So while fucking him (the bottom) I used the type of vile 'pep-talk' the other (top) guy had used on me... I really had only planned to USE him, the timid, sexually-frustrated bottom, as a 'spawning substrate' to practice my newly-acquired, verbally-reinforcing, vile 'breeding skills' saying things and calling him things just to get him excited and to create a 'loop' of thrills. I even told him so! "I just wanna USE you and see where it goes!" But surprise: after breeding him with PA in and using my verbal-poz badass talk I realized I had 'created another beast'. The bottom suddenly got so horny, he ate my ass and in quick progression proceeded to breed me and suddenly power-jizz in me in but a few minutes. He was genuinely proud of himself and apparently from what I understand hadn't topped ANYONE in like 20 years! TOPS getting bred by BOTTOMS IN PORN: In general, in porn especially, I get REALLY TURNED ON by tops who have a 'gaping fuck-slit': in other words where I'm CERTAIN that this stud also takes loads. When I'm so lucky to be in that situation, I'm thinking of all the DNA this top has absorbed from how many stallions as he breeds my ass. I even fantasized about scooped up the dripping jizz from a random vers. top's bred hole, or from a bath-house slut, fingering him erotically, looking him in the eyes, and making him witness how I relish his promiscuity and 'steal' collected DNA from him... or as he nuts hungrily scoop up his cum to put in my ass. As to the thrill: the thought of absorbing sketchy cum from 'anon sources' applied like a spiked lube... I think a lot of this 'increased promiscuity by proxy' (could that be a real thing?) has to do with me having shunned guys like that during my 'safer sex' /monogamy-seeking repressed sexuality: avoiding the HIGH RISK TAKERS and super-sluts, cum-dumpsters... now just HEARING terms like that electrifies me... and now with my 'conversion' I want to hungrily make up for lost thrills... Pictures like the one attached gets my nut: thinking of breeding a top like that in the CONVERSE kicks or being jizzed by him and taking a 'super-charged' super-slut load... not just a 'tame load' from a barely poz-tolerant bb-guy who ONLY tops. I have become totally turned on by those (stereotype) champ porno tops, who defiantly and shamelessly flaunt their well-fucked slut-holes to the world... Legends like Chad Douglas come to mind!
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