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  1. Adonis has several bar nights a week and a nude party once a month. Buffboyzz has nude parties twice a month. The nude parties at both places are a lot of fun and worth your time.
  2. Terlizzi is my doc also. Never any judgment from him or his staff
  3. I keep coming back to this story again and again - one of the best
  4. You know that there’s the faucet gay ws party the first Sunday of every month (today) in Brooklyn - you should head there
  5. Thanks for this. When it was gsa the crowd was older and all different body types and races which made it very fun. Same thing?
  6. Did anyone go to faucet this weekend love to hear a review
  7. That would be awesome! Will it be the same type of gsa party they had pre-pandemic?
  8. There are bars that have strippers with lap dances available - monster thursdays and pieces sundays. Buffboyzz also has nude stripper parties every week (twitter @nudemaledancers)
  9. Any idea how to get on their mailing list? I’d love to go again
  10. Anyone have any intel on whether the GSA water sports parties that used to happen monthly in Brooklyn are coming back? I feel like I haven’t heard anything about them at all since pre-pandemic …
  11. Does anyone know if the GSA parties in Brooklyn have resulted post Covid or plan to? I miss them
  12. Am i the only insensitive fucker who wants a link to whatever video this is
  13. I got the vaccine so nbd - but the bookstores and theaters may be on the West Bank. You never been?
  14. What’s good in town august 2021? Rawhide and Phoenix re-opened? Masks and vaccines requirements? Bookstores or cinemas in town or a short ride away? Gay4pay guys cursing the quarter? Advice and tips appreciated.
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