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About Dinoo

  • Birthday 05/15/1992

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  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Interests
    Being a good pup for my dom
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Did a one time thing for Knightbreeders but have hopes for bigger things

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. When a guy's phone rings when playing I usually encourage them to take the call so I can start (or continue) to blow them, it is both fun for both (re)establishing my obedience and the challenge of trying to get them to what I refer to as 'breaking character.'
  2. Thank you for the follow. Hot profile!

  3. Hm, I am also autistic and very sensitive to tastes, smells, and sensations; My "issue' with taking prep was simply being unable to take the pill every day, chalk it up to laziness, recklessness and/or carelessness but I understand thats a personal thing thats's not within the scope of this topic. It obviously ended up with my pozzing around 6 years ago which, given the era and an understanding partner-now-ex, didn't mentally affect me in the slightest. You say you stoppped taking prep during covid - how/what methods were you using to be able to take it before and could you possibly just start trying those again? Or were you having intermittent success as well? I have to also mention that I absolutrely am freaked out by needles - the knowledge is probably the unbearable part more than the relatively minor pain but just typing this I am clutching my now-tensed-up arm with my fingernails (which is what I do to 'distract' myself from the feeling) - but maybe this is more tolerable than a pill for you? Fizzy, sweet soda, preferably orange is what I use to wash down pills and, erm, drugs BTW - how i do it is: 1.) hold your breath (this should take 10 seconds all said) 2.) take a sip and keep it in your mouth 3.) pop the pill/dose in the pool of soda etc... 4.) swallow (you can follow with slightly more drink first) 5.) take a big gulp of your drink to wash it all out 6.) THEN you can breathe Best of luck
  4. Thank you for the add!

  5. Wouldnt it be a good idea to leave it unedited to give an example of what the OP is talking about for future reference in case?
  6. I admit I've got nothing useful to add the discussion, but you had me at 'poz(itively)'😅
  7. Woof sTud... thanks for the follow!

    1. BustInside


      Right back at you, fucker. Hot profile 

    2. Dinoo


      VERY much likewise to yours as well 😈

  8. Thanks for the follow 🐷

  9. Thanks for the follow!

  10. Thanks for the follow….

  11. The first man that ever fucked me was a stranger at Flex when I was 18, this was probably my second time there and the majority of my sexual experience was mutual body contact with my brother (I am a year younger but arguably shared him almost everything I knew from jerking off to discovering porn on Google...lol but that's a story for another thread.) I was in the steamroom and one guy was there, and I was walking out when I heard "Nice ass." I of course turned around and sheepishly said "Um, hehe...thank you" which led to asking if I'd ever been fucked to which I admitted a guy had tried but didn't succeed as it was painful. "i'll be really gentle" was his reply and how could I say no to that? I was very shy at the time and unable to turn down most men who made an effort to compliment me for a couple years at least. I remember getting on all fours, with my towel underneath and true to his word I don't remember it being painful at all, but I don't recall much of the actual fucking either except it was not more than 5 minutes or so. "I won't cum in you" was what he said and I said "Okay" but I had no idea why he said that because I was ignorant to STD's and HIV and associated risks. He slid in me without a condom, by the way, which I figure now was what I would then associate with pleasurable sex (I topped bareback my first time that same or the next visit, which is also a story for another time.) After a few minutes he slowed down and stopped, and said "I gotta renew my room," which I later (and usefully) learned is the old standby for escaping a situation at a bathhouse and left me waiting, still on my fours, for him to come back. After a few minutes I was wondering where he went and instinctively reached around and felt/smelled the soon to be addictive feeling of cum in/on my my hole... and I remember feeling dirty and used, but certainly not turned off and I credit that moment with starting my journey as a raw cumdump. Anyway, the point is that I don't remember what he looked like, nor his name if we had even exchanged those, and that I enjoyed the experience although it would have been hot to tell him how I evolved from that point on. Phew, I have never written that down, at least not so detailed for sure and I have to say it feels cathartic to recount and share with a community who is built on the appreciation of bareback sex!
  12. Thank you! I admit I’ve forgotten about this and definitely owe you guys some closure, I’ll work on finishing or at least continuing it😈
  13. Last minute New Years trip was made possible, looking to get fucked, fucked up while at it; strip area preferred
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