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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Avoiding disease

    Male power, privilege, and excellence
    "Free use"
    Piss (face/mouth)
    Intra-coital irrumation
    Facial ejaculation
    Young cunt
    Forceful penetration
    Perpetrators and victims
    Rape stories (non-fiction)
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Background
    Sex is entirely dichotomous in power and biomechanical function. Male dominance and pleasure are the indivisible foundations of life itself. From the moment the man forces himself into the cunt to the moment he puts his Excellence back in his pants, the subordinate's function is to worship him and be ruthlessly exploited in return. Such is the power and glory of the Phallus.

    Penis and vagina are uniquely matched for the deepest male pleasure and satisfaction. Their union alone aligns natural men with the instinctive, reproductive, fundamental meaning of life. Other means of penetration are inferior epiphenomena undertaken for reasons of erotic variety, birth control, female unavailability, dominance, punishment, or sexual disorders such as obligate androphilia.

    To be at all successful, male-male mating requires an authentic, penetrative male to conquer, degrade, and spiritually castrate his chosen victim. The inferior pseudo-male must be forced to accept his infra-female status and learn to regard himself as a mere servant and object of penetration.

    A good faggot-breaking isn't always permanent. If vestigial resistance arises, it is righteous and good for the man to use his strength and iron hardness to punish and force compliance. Only when his fuck power is completely unrestrained can he achieve deep union with the undeserving rectal cunt and breed his godseed into it.
  • Porn Experience
    I wish. If I were free of financial concerns, I would record myself breaking and seeding a young virgin. The tears of a freshly-violated boy (or girl) are supremely gratifying.
  • Looking For
    Phallic supremacy. A virtuous man has an endless desire to dominate and penetrate. He is a paragon of aggression, entitlement, and unfettered male instincts. His penis, the true center of the universe, is the weapon he uses to enforce the natural law that he embodies. He is proud to impregnate, and the new life he creates lives or dies on his word alone.

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  1. Natural, of course. Genital mutilation is evil.
  2. I much prefer the vagina esthetically. The way it looks and works during penetration is captivating. Aside from a little prolapsing maybe, an anus does not add much to the visual appeal of copulation. I look at the penis itself, and the boy's face and body. I will generally not watch an ugly boy taking it, but with girls I mostly just want them to not be too distracting, so I can concentrate on the man thrusting in her cunt.
  3. This topic has been discussed previously: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/52841-ass-to-mouth/ [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/72429-arse-to-mouth/ [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/9345-atm/ [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/62976-ass-to-mouth/ [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/87308-ass-to-mouth/
  4. I feel sure, that circumstance will not arise. The aim is always to avoid anyone who would. Random group situations are not interesting for this reason among others.
  5. The cunt quality of a choking faggot's throat varies, and more mucous-drool is not always better. However, the use of force is satisfying in itself. It stokes our complementary rape instincts and sets the stage for further exploitation.
  6. It's a minimum requirement. The very idea that an ungrateful faggot would consider disobeying is outrageous.
  7. Yes, they are analogous, which does not mean the same. The male is thrusting to orgasm in something approximating a vagina.
  8. Do you mean that perpetrating males are not contributing their experiences? I agree, they would be more interesting. They can narrate the whole process from intoxication to ejaculation. But they were not asked in the original question.
  9. It is abomination.
  10. It's a moral requirement.
  11. There's no question that the preparation needs to be closely supervised and tested. Unfortunately, that's also the case for too many experienced faggots, who are indifferent to the horror of befouling a man and so just do the minimum.
  12. When a real men of high quality needs to fuck, but is left masturbating, the cunt has failed.
  13. I wondered what rectal cleaning had to do with inseminating. Explained: [think before following links] https://www.selectsires.com/article/ss-blog/2020/11/10/a.i.-technique-in-cattle
  14. It's passing strange they imagine there's a choice involved. Verily, the world is fallen.
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