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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. The power of the phallus compels you to kneel and worship. The man will take your throat as an offering. Choke in sacrifice and swallow his blessing in gratitude.
  2. There is nothing to forgive. Any male who wants to be sexually penetrated wishes he had a vagina if he has any sense at all. The fact that it's a desire for something that is absolutely impossible to achieve is irrelevant.
  3. I will never pass up the opportunity to force cunt. I just love it. In any case, coitus interruptus is a grave offence. I do not pull out. At most, I stop pushing while the pain of the initial violation subsides and his anus adjusts to my girth. That's just basic training at the minimum level of suffering I require.
  4. In an experimental phase, I penetrated ugly males several times. It was never amazing and I always regretted it. Never again. There needs to be a strong attraction.
  5. He's the perfect size and seems to have a cunt as strong as steel. I wonder if he's ever bled from intercourse.
  6. Give that man the gold medal for sexual manipulation. He pushed the incestuous thought of his brother's penis into your vulnerable mind and defeated your resistance. The satisfaction of breeding your virgin cunt must have been sweet indeed.
  7. It's paternity-based. If he made babies with his penis, I am interested in that penis. The more he makes, the more I'm interested.
  8. I don't think so. It's just that their posts will be hidden from your view: "Ignoring a user allows you to block some or all of their content from showing. Users are not notified that you are ignoring them."
  9. His genitalia don't matter. I can't fuck them. That's the only reason I'm commandeering his ass. In stark contrast, my penis occupies all of our attention. It's amazing, so it's understandable when he can't help having a female orgasm. Sometimes when that happens, his cunt grip changes in a way that I enjoy. Mostly, I just chuckle and continue the sexual act as if nothing happened, because nothing of any importance did.
  10. All boys should be required to watch their sperm in motion, to impress upon them the awesome power of creation they hold between their legs and inspire them to use it with pride and determination.
  11. Spermatozoa are genetic guided missiles that the male creates inside himself and deploys into females to attack their eggs. I don't consider them fully alive, as they have no independent function, and ironically, cannot reproduce themselves.
  12. Sperm exist to create life, but are not exactly alive in and of themselves. I guess you mean, how long can they keep moving via flagellation in your lower intestine, or maybe how long they would be capable of impregnating a female if the semen were somehow extracted from your rectum and squirted up into a real cunt. As erotic as the latter scenario sounds, it's unlikely to ever be studied, since your innards are super-dirty with dangerous bacteria at the best of times. A healthy vagina is finely attuned to keeping sperm active and moving forward through the cervix into the womb, where they can sometimes survive for days awaiting an egg. Your rectum makes no such accomodations, so the swimmers will be effectively terminated at the first encounter with acidity levels or temperatures outside a narrow range. In any case, congratulations on getting the seed of a real, active breeder inside you. The good news is that some of his sperm met their glorious end in your hot blood as his load seeped into the fresh damage he did to your cunt.
  13. Honesty is good. Perhaps it's a moral necessity. But how common do you think this result is?
  14. I guess you mean splitting from your wife for sexual reasons. Do you really have the compulsion to suck so frequently that it would be worth the conflict and expense of a divorce? Most people probably don't even have sex once a week, much less every day.
  15. If ever there were a case for picture-in-picture, this was it.
  16. Yes, male homosexual behaviour is now subsidized by many governments. Were it not, many of us, perhaps a majority, would be dead, or dying in horrible ways. As a group, we have become permanent government dependents. It only makes sense if you accept that homosexuality is a disorder like diabetes or multiple sclerosis and that the treatment regimen is somehow both frequent unprotected rectal penetration with multiple partners and expensive drugs to mitigate the disastrous health effects of said rectal penetration. I'm not complaining, because the accommodation serves my narrow interests, but the situation is objectively absurd.
  17. There's definitely a lower limit on both length and girth, but I couldn't give numbers. Only one sufficiently aggressive but under-endowed man has even tried. He seemed to be about half my height and had genitalia to match. He was desperately trying to push my legs apart and mount, but all I could do was laugh. I wasn't trying to be cruel, but the whole situation was ridiculous. He had nothing to use against me physically and so inspired nary a flicker of cunt-desire in me. If his penis had been substantial, I probably would have been inclined to reward his otherwise laudable approach by pretending that he had overpowered me.
  18. The quality of the males is high and rather uniform. I wonder if they're paid. It looks like he can take a throatfucking, so I don't understand why there's so much masturbation. The hand should just be for aiming the load at the last second.
  19. I think that's the point. Desire itself is not negotiable. Prostitutes are compensated to forgo their own desires in service of their customers'. If it were just a physical experience the customers were after, they could fuck anyone, or a hole in the wall for that matter.
  20. My understanding is that most customers of male prostitutes are a predictable collection of the fat/old/ugly, so it probably depends on how low you're willing to go. But there's no reason to ask when you can just do the experiment. Put up a "dating" profile with $$ in the title or text and see whom you get.
  21. I can see how such inhibitions could be a problem in a conventional relationship, but anyone who gives himself over to me knows the premium I place on intermittent penetrative violence, and is of one mind with me about its necessity and inevitability. It is his endurance above all that fills me with love and tenderness, which I will duly express between erections. (I'm actually rather agreeable when not inflamed with rape-lust.) Now, I suppose you could say that the "the full and natural expression of masculine sexual appetite" extends to the actual destruction of cunt. I have done my share of damage, but never had the intent to permanently incapacitate anyone. It would anyway be impractical to have to hunt down new cunt all the time because the previous victims are beyond repair. I consider all active penetration inherently violent, and I like it that way, but would of course agree that anorectal assault is uniquely and marvellously egregious. And I certainly agree that the male should exclusively concentrate on maximizing his experience and impact as a breeder. The cunt is the target of his desire, the pathway to his fulfillment, and a vessel for his seed. I don't see why, and I'm pretty sure I have been aroused by it. Intimate couples can and should engage in vigorous copulation.
  22. I have no intuitive understanding of the widespread faggot love of incest, but it does produce some wonderful things. The age difference and the contrast in size and male power are stark. The boy is both beautiful and actually good at sucking. After some overlong cunt-licking, rectal penetration is all about the man thrusting to fully internal ejaculation. The end. Thankfully, there's not even a suggestion of a female orgasm. I would have preferred some extra violence, and there are always a few aesthetic quibbles, but it was well worth watching almost the whole thing. I won't soon forget it and feel compelled to support the performers.
  23. That's natural and sexy. I want the boy to ooze my seed all day and then show me the mess in his underwear. Even better is a wet spot on the rear of his pants in public. I want everyone to know what I did to him.
  24. If the man seeds you that way, then he has to understand that gravity is in force. It's an entirely different thing to push it out intentionally.
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