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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. The lack of gratitude for male aggression is atrocious.
  2. Yes, they will always say that, because "[t]here’s not a safety issue past age 45. We just aren’t sure how much the vaccine will help men and women who are past that age, because so many of us have acquired HPV by that point". So they're not sure, but cancer happens to be really, really bad, so I would suggest that you insist on it anyway.
  3. It's perfectly well-formed, but completely without interest due to hairlessness.
  4. If you've been having random sex during those 16 years, it's a near certainty that you've been infected and infecting people with various strains of HPV continuously, even though you didn't notice any symptoms. You got visible warts once, and then you got them again.
  5. Spitting is aggressive, which is good, but there's nothing sexual about it. Using a boy as urinal is a bit more impersonal, but is inescapably sexualized by the penis pointing at his mouth.
  6. No, but I am not against the idea in principle.
  7. I encountered ass-to-mouth in real life long before I started seeing it in porn. Finishing off where you started isn't a particularly exotic impulse.
  8. I engage in these forums because I take the name of the site as seriously as an invert can. Everything, all sex and life itself, is secondary to the male breeding instinct. Also, the technical functioning of the site is excellent.
  9. Yes. Onan's mortal sin was his failure to seed the cunt. Men have right and natural dominion over sex, but they have the corresponding obligation to penetrate with the desire to create new life. Your purpose is true, though faggots are barren.
  10. What is the difference in this context?
  11. No, because I am not delusional. Sex is binary and reproductive, male in female. All else is masturbation. While there's no relation whatsoever to superficial "femininity" (long hair, lipstick, panties, etc), there's equally absolutely no way that I could or should feel "masculine" while a man is thrusting in my rectum. In simple point of biomechanical fact, he is the male, and he is using me as a female. Everything else aside, it's just how and why a penis works. It would be inappropriate, disrespectful, and simply bizarre for me to insist on a transparently false equivalence of male status between us, because my putative masculinity is utterly irrelevant in this context. It has no place in the sexual equation. It is a privilege for me to serve him as cunt. It is not at all masculine.
  12. Considering the patient population, taste tests should be part of the protocol for any AIDS drug.
  13. Learn to love the taste of freedom.
  14. Rape-breeding. But I repeat myself.
  15. The power of the penis never ceases to amaze. Not that I was exactly reticent before, but I feel ever more righteous in my desire to force every cute boy to his knees and stick it in his face. The Truth protrudes from man's crotch and it is glorious.
  16. I doubt He would have any compunctions, but a corpse full of my seed could prove legally inconvenient. Tricky.
  17. Interesting. Like most faggots, I've been drooling over the male organ since the onset of puberty (actually, a bit before). It's unimaginable that I wouldn't notice the best thing in the universe until late in life.
  18. My dick determines what's right and wrong. That's just science.
  19. So you were never interested in other men's penises before? Did it come out of nowhere? Is it the penis itself or something about the sucking or the submission involved?
  20. How and when did this desire arise?
  21. You have good taste for a faggot, but you might enjoy it too much.
  22. 100% Degrader 98% Dominant 94% Voyeur 91% Degradee 81% Submissive 79% Sadist 74% Master/Mistress 67% Rigger 65% Slave 62% Primal (Prey) ___ Since this survey doesn't recognize sex per se, there's no direct way to gauge an affinity for forced or otherwise violent penetration. No doubt there are correlations with existing categories, but I would hope to see the addition of separate "Rapist" and "Victim" scores.
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