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Everything posted by PervBugChaser

  1. Hi, You may go to bathhouses and sex clubs to take anonymous loads if you really wanna be a cumdump.
  2. It's still painful even you get fucked in 20s for the first time. So doesn't matter how old you are. I believe earlier the better coz you may enjoy sex for more years. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Your guys' stories are steamy hot. I was fucked by my first BF when I was 23, and he was 22. I asked for it. It was so painful at the beginning. But after several minutes I began to enjoy it. So age and pain don't matter.
  3. I have been to a meeting about pig sex at Steamworks. But I'm still confused that what real pig sex means. Thanks Partying.hard for explaining the details. To me, pig sex party is more than just group BB sex. It should be more raunchy, dirty and nasty.
  4. I went to HM party on Sept. 26, and I had 18 cocks, maybe 4 or 5 loads at least. It's the best sex party I've ever had.
  5. When is the biggest biohazard party of the year?
  6. Have you played with your sons?
  7. Adult sex is legal, but raping and sexual assaulting are illegal. It is not about age, but how people conduct sex. I know some guys started to chase for men for sex at young age. Every body is different. The legal ages are set manually. It can't fit everybody.
  8. No wonder there are many guys speaking French showing up at Steamworks in Toronto at weekends.
  9. I am in Toronto, and have been to CumUnion's parties almost every time since last June, but didn't get anything. Not sure how your friend got STI every time. Maybe he hooked up with someone individually? TBH, CumUnion parties seem less and less interesting to me. Most guys are bttm, probably like others said because Meth. And many guys are too picky. I am vers so I tried to fuck as many holes as I can, also wanna take cocks as many as I want. However, many guys rather just walk like zombies, and ignore the holes available. Not sure what they look for.
  10. I don't think people really care about it now. Most guys fuck BB at clubs and baths, and nobody asks about status. It only happened once when I was fucked by an Indian guy at bath, but he pulled out without cum. Then he asked me if I am NEG. I said yes. Felt funny coz he asked after fucking me. What if I was POZ?
  11. Level 6 since June, 2023. Once you try it, you'd know what hot sex really is.
  12. Well said. Really admire you guys who fucked BB in 80s without fearing about AIDS.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Was living in Montreal about 20 years ago. And went to the baths in the village. GIJOE was the biggest and best. I wonder when other baths in Montreal had been shut down? I remember there was another bath on the opposite side of street, called *** Ville. It was smaller and not as good as G-I-Joe.
  14. I admire guys who embraced HIV bravely in 80's and 90's even it meant death at that time. Those guys are real sex heroes. Everyone dies, sooner or later. What made life more miserable is to living under fear, not illness itself.
  15. I jerked off for several classmates at HS in late 80's in China! They were so naive that some of them even didn't know they could do it themselves. I was like a mentor and they all enjoyed it. I also invited one to my home and sucked his cock. But his foreskin is long and and we didn't shower. He had cheesy cock. Maybe that is why I don't like sucking cocks. They now all are married, but still good friends to me. We just don't have sex or even talk about it. In University, nothing happened. I liked the boy in the same dorm, so sniffed his underwear with stains when he went out with girlfriend.
  16. Just saw your post. Please keep me noticed next time. Thanks.
  17. I heard the tickets all sold out and very hard to get. Has anyone been there? Please share some details if possible. Thanks.
  18. I have a hot sex slave visiting Berlin. He wants me to whore him out to take anonymous loads. POZ guys are most welcome. if anyone in Berlin is interested please send me DM
  19. The prefect place should be like Hawaii but with freedom of sex as what Berlin has. Can anyone tell me if such place exists?
  20. You can have HPV vaccination first if you don't want warts. But I asked my insurance company and they said they only covers people under 45, because the vaccination was tested on people under 45 only. It costs about $200 each shot, and you will need three shots in 6 months. So I didn't get it. I heard the HPV virus can't be cleared from your body once you got it. Even you have surgery to remove it, it will come back later.
  21. I do. Last night I went to cruising spot near me. I unbottoned pants and exposed my butt. One guy approached me and wanna fuck me with condom. I told him no condoms coz I only fuck bareback. Then he walked away.
  22. That's hot. Hope to get fucked by you in the woods someday.
  23. Sylvester Stallone naked in First Blood. That was the first time I saw naked man on big screen and it was in China! I didn't know men's bodies can be so beautiful and sexy! Even I didn't know what sexy meant at that time.
  24. WOW! Sounds incredibly hot! That is the sex party I wanna go !
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