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Everything posted by denVERScub

  1. Friday was hard to get through, knowing what I had planned. Using my tech savvy Thursday night (and the list of passwords for the company email accounts) I was able to figure out Mark's facebook password and find out that the girl who he referenced the day before was an ex of his named Shannon who was coming into town that afternoon and planned to meet him at a party across town, clear on the other end of the city where some former high school basketball star was having a huge blow out guaranteed to end with Shannon letting Mark fuck her. Thinking as quickly as I could, I spoofed a facebook profile of one of Shannon's hot friends from her school. With a little poking and prodding I managed to get Shannon to admit to her "friend" that she was way more into Mike than Mark and was only going to let Mark fuck her as a back-up if Mike wasn't interested. Emailing from Mike's account at work, I sent her a message that I (aka mike) wanted to see her and had been into her for years. Before I went to bed that night, I got Shannon to tell Mark that she was more into his brother, and was going to hook up with him instead. This was where the plan got tricky. Calling upon the spoofed profile I'd used with Shannon, I messaged Mark as if I was Shannon's friend Maggie, and told him I was coming with her for her visit but had decided not to go to the party, and hoped he would meet me to hang out one on one. Giving him a fake phone number that could receive calls and texts from an app on my phone, I told him to text me (Maggie) if he wanted to do something more fun than just go to a party. Around 10, when he finally checked his phone, he seemed confused by the random facebook message but texted the number and asked what "Maggie" had in mind. Maggie: I dunno. Shannon said u and ur bro were into partyin, that true? Mark: Yeah but I think Shannon's planning on hooking up with Mike at the party, and u said u didn't want to go Maggie: lol not that kinda partying. I meant parTying. i.e. tina Mark: not really my thing Maggie: too bad, it turns me on like mad! (attached photo of faceless topless teen tits) Mark: fucking nice! I'm still up for hanging out! Maggie: Nah, I wana find some tina and a guy to fuck me while we smoke (attached photo of faceless naked teen tits and finger in pussy) Mark: come on, I promise u a good time (attached pic of Mark's hard cock laying against his abs) Maggie: I want that in my cunt so bad Marky, but I need to party while I can, b4 going back home. think ur bro can handle both Shannon and I? I knew this might set Mark off, since he'd lost some girls to his suave brother in the past, but it had to be done to push him towards what I had in mind. I switched out of the app at that point and turned to my own texts and sent him one from my normal number. Me: hey Mark, u still gonna get some from your ex tonight? Mark: Doubt it, turns out she is more into Mike. But her hot friend is coming 2 town and might be down. (attached two pix sent to him by "Maggie") Me: nice, u should do her friend royally so she goes back and tells your ex how amazing you were. Mark: Fucking right! Just not sure I wanna do what she wants. Me: fuck it man, whatever it is, do it! She is fucking hot enough to be worth anything bro! Mark: ur right man, ttyl Turning on the app, I waited for him to respond but got nothing. Impatient, I sent a text that I knew would push him over the edge. Maggie: can u give me Mike's # so I can get him to fuck me? Mark: don't need his #. I'll get some and we can fuck at the party 2night. Maggie: Awesome, but can we do it somewhere else? I don't want Shannon to know I smoke tina. Mark: I dunno where? Maggie: My hotel? near Colfax and downing. (and conveniently only blocks from my condo). Mark: cool. what time? Maggie: Text me when u have the tina and I'll send u my room number. The rest of the day was torture, waiting for 5 o'clock to come, but finally it arrived and I texted my dealer, asking if 'doc' had set up a time to come get stuff too. My guy said yes and told me he'd be there at 8 sharp. I agreed to be there by 7:45, lying in wait. -- Showered, shaved and spotless, I was seated on my dealer's couch, smoking a bowl when a knock came at his door at 8 pm that night. This time I wasn't going anywhere. Mark came in wearing a crisp looking button-down black shirt tucked into a pair of well-fitted black pinstripe slacks, with a leather belt, jacket and combat boots to complete the look. Upon seeing me, he almost bolted, but my dealer had shut the door behind him, and it was too late. Acting as if I was just as surprised to see him, I even called him Mike at first, and waited for him to correct me...which he didn't. Panic set in as I realized that Mark might have sent his brother to get the supplies and this might be the wrong brother. If Mike was here, then Mark might be at home waiting for a text or out in the car, oblivious to what was going on. Excusing myself to the bathroom, I booted up the app and typed in a text from Maggie and set it to send on a 2 minute delay. Back in the living room, 'Doc' was now seated on the couch, so I joined him and told my dealer how we worked together, and he nodded as if he had no idea while weighing out the sack of favors. Feeling the phone in my pocket buzz to inform me that "Maggie" had sent her message, I was relieved when Mark's phone went off right next to me. This was the boy I'd been perving on, he was just playing it cool with the dealer so the guy wouldn't figure it out. Scratching my nose, my dealer recognized the signal I'd given him before Mark arrived, and made an excuse about needing to run upstairs for more baggies, leaving Mark and I alone in the living room. "So you're not Mike are you?" I asked, whispering to Mark as if I was keeping his secret. "How did you kn---no. It's me, Mark." he said, nervous as a cat in dog kennel. "Shannon's friend Maggie said she wanted to party with me, so I decided it was time to try it out." "That's cool man," my hand clasped onto his knee and squeezed, keeping it friendly but introducing some physical contact between us. "You going to pick her up and take her someplace where the two of you can party?" "Can't," Mark said, constantly looking between me and the doorway in case the dealer came back. "Mike took the car to a party down in the boonies, so I'm gonna walk over to her hotel on Colfax and downing after I finish up here." "Want me to give you a ride? I live only a few blocks from there anyway so I'm headed that direction." Mark eagerly agreed and went to text "Maggie" just as the dealer returned with the bags and finished with the sale. Mark's bag was loaded especially heavy, but I'd paid extra to make it that way. Thanking him for the goods, we went to my car, and Mark got in the passenger's side while I walked around the back and read what he'd texted. Mark: hey babe, got goodies. headed ur way. Maggie: Not ready yet. Can u hang out close for few mins? Mark: Not really. being dropped off by friend. Maggie: hang w/ ur friend until Shannon and the other girls go2 the party pls. Ill txt when u can cum fuck me. Climbing in the car I could tell Mark was unhappy with something, at which point he showed me the text Maggie just sent. Graciously I offered to let him come over to my place and chill until she was ready, to which he reluctantly agreed, emphasizing the fact he'd only be able to hang for a few minutes. On the ride over, I asked him how he was going to partake in the party favors, which got me nothing but a quizzical look. Explaining that most people preferred to smoke or shoot up with tina, I asked how he planned on doing it, and he admitted he hadn't thought about it. As we parked in my garage, I told him I had a pipe inside and would show him what to do with it. Crossing through the mud room and into my condo, I could see Mark was impressed with my place. I lived on the northern half of a duplex which had a garage and mudroom on the lowest level, leading up to the kitchen, living room, study and dining room on the main level, before going up again to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the top floor. Showing him into the study, I told him to go ahead and take off his jacket and boots since my a/c was on the fritz and it only got as cold as 76 in here. In actuality, I set the thermostat to 76 before I left, and locked it off so it couldn't be reset without the key. Being the good brother, he did as I asked and sat down on the plush couch in his shirt, slacks and clean white socks. Moving to the cabinets on the opposite wall, I opened a sliding door to reveal a large flatscreen tv with a frozen image of a hot young girl getting felt up by two men in their early twenties. "You can unpause it if you want," I said, retrieving a box from the shelf next to the tv and sitting on the cushion next to his. "while I show you how to load a pipe with this." "Thanks man," Mark said, starting up the gangbang porn I had in the Blu-ray, ready to go. "I'm such a retard. I can't believe I didn't think about how we were gonna smoke this. No wonder this chick wants to bang my brother and not me." "If she wants him more, she's a fucking idiot," my response was quiet so he had to move closer to hear me. Watching me load the tina into the bowl with a small straw, he seemed mesmerized as I complimented him. "You're way funnier than your brother, and it looked to me like your dick is bigger too. You just need to learn a few things about how to party before you dive in." Blushing, Mark nodded and watched as I explained what I just did. Pulling out a lighter from the box, I showed him how to heat the bottom of the bowl without burning the crystals, until finally they'd melted enough for the smoke to begin to swirl. Motioning for him to take a hit, he declined. "I'm gonna wait until I'm with Maggie so we can enjoy it together." He said, forcing me to take the first hit or risk losing the smoke. He watched intently while I took a huge inhale, and proceeded to release a thick white cloud of smoke into the air. All I could think to do was play on his lack of experience. "Suit yourself," pausing to take another hit and blow it out, I made sure to seem as casual as could be before setting the pipe on a cool, damp towel I'd prepared and hearing it sizzle. "but don't be surprised if she can tell you're a tina virgin. It never hits as easy as it looks the first time." "Really?" Mark was beginning to sweat in the warm room with his long sleeve shirt on, not to mention his fear. "Well, if you are sure I won't get too high before I meet her...okay, show me what to do." I handed him the pipe and explained once more how to properly melt and hit the tina, watching as he failed to go slow enough to get any smoke to rise. Looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes, I took pity on the poor sap and lit the pipe for him. "Wait for my signal to inhale," I said while slowing turning the pipe over the lighter until the wisps turned into curls of smoke. "now inhale and don't stop until you can't inhale anymore. Good job, keep going! Good, good, okay now exhale!" Coughing only once while a gigantic cloud unlike any I'd seen before escaped from his lips and mouth, I could tell he was excited and horrified all at once. "Again!" I said, lifting the pipe to his lips before he could argue, and reheating the pre-melted crystals for another giant hit. "This time shot gun your hit into my mouth." Doing as he was told, Mark took hit after hit, exhaling each time into my open mouth, less than an inch from his. Switching back to taking turns on the pipe, we continued to shot gun with Mark never questioning the fact that we were practically on top of each other to do so. Once the bowl was finished I could see how fucking high Mark really was, his pupils dialated to giant black pools with green and brown around the edge, his body stiff and alert, and his mouth open slightly, waiting for another hit to come. "How do you feel?" I asked, unbuttoning my own shirt so it was open all the way and untucked. "Fucking awesome man! This stuff is amazing! I feel like I'm on fire!" Mark was definitely as high as possible. Somehow my plan to make him need to get high in order to get laid, then get him to my house to try it out had worked. Time for phase 3. "That might be because it is so hot, feel free to get comfortable while I grab us some drinks." Standing, I kicked off my shoes and toed off my socks, leaving me in just my open shirt, board shorts and white briefs. Once I reached the kitchen, I felt my phone buzz and checked to see if Mark was texting Maggie as I figured he might. Sure enough, he was asking how soon he could come over, explaining that he was ready to get high and fuck her all night long. Maggie: sounds awesome stud, roommies leaving 4 party @ 10, then u can cum party w/ me. u ok 2 hang w/ ur friend till then? Mark: think so. u mind if I start smoking b4 I get there? Maggie: sure sexy, prefer it that way, but thot u weren't in2 smoking tina? Mark: I'm full of surprises (attached photo of Mark in the study with his pants open revealing his cock hard in a pair of white briefs like mine) Maggie: cant wait, cu soon I returned to the study with drinks in hand, a rum and coke for me, and a rum and coke with a dash of ghb for Mark. Not enough to knock him out, but enough to get him drunk from one or two drinks, instead of the 6-8 it would normally take a teen of his size and metabolism. Maybe he was feeling modest, or just unsure of the etiquette, but he'd refastened his pants and his shirt was only unbuttoned down to mid chest, with the sleeves rolled up. He had a real sweat going now, as did I, so I decided to kick things off by ditching my shirt and dropping my shorts so I was in nothing but my briefs as I joined him on the couch. "Damn man, you're ripped! I mean I know I've seen photos before," he said, blushing slightly and downing half his drink. "But you're fucking shredded man! Much more than you can tell in some crappy selfie." "Thanks man, but you got me all self conscious now," I faked modesty and put my shirt over my briefs, doing very little to hide my growing cock. "it's not fair for you to check me out without showing something too. Quid pro quo remember?" Mark laughed, finished his drink and stood up. Stripping away his shirt first, then his shorts, he was soon left in only his briefs and white socks, striking a pose or two to make me giggle. As he sat down he swayed slightly, and I realized the g was taking effect. Asking if there was anything wrong, he shook his head no, and turned his attention back to the porn while fishing something from his pockets and asking "can we load another bowl?" Smiling, I took his bag of tina from his hand and loaded another fat bowl into the glass bubble pipe, offering him the first hit this time. Salivating like a dog for his bone, Mark took the bowl and slowly lit it how I taught him. After taking a long drag from the pipe, he turned to shot gun to me, but apparently forgot to keep a little space between us, pressing his mouth into mine and exhaling before slowing letting his tongue lick my lips. Eyes popping open, he snapped backwards and began apologizing like he had severed my hand or beaten my puppy to death, but I just laughed and told him it was cool. The next few hits we didn't shot gun, instead smoking and watching the porn which had evolved into 5 guys taking turns on the hot teen girl. Checking the clock I saw that it was only 9:20, so I decided to refresh our drinks and see if Mark was getting antsy. Sneaking my phone along with me into the kitchen took some Houdini-ing but soon I was carefully measuring out another small dose of g into Mark's second rum and coke, while making myself a coke on the rocks. Downing a Viagra, I checked my phone and realized Mark wasn't texting Maggie while I was out of the room. Horny to see what he had in mind for her, I called out to him. "So you text that girl and let her know you're getting ready to pound her pussy?" I asked, stopping to readjust my cock in my undies and stroke it a little. "Just did," he lied. "She says it will be awhile longer, is it cool if I hang here till then?" "No problem." My smile was big enough that a sober man might have realized it was hiding something when I returned to the study, but Mark was high and drugged and absent-mindedly stroking his soft shrunken cock through his briefs when I sat beside him. "It's fucking weird dude," he said, peeling the elastic waist band away from his slim, smooth 8-pac to reveal his tina dick. "I'm hornier than I've ever been in my whole life, but my cock won't get hard." "That's normal dude," I said, reaching over and giving his soft dick a squeeze and a stroke, with no objections from him. "Tina can make some dudes dicks go soft, and other times it makes you harder than steel, see?" Pulling down my own briefs to my knees, my hard 8.5 inch dick sprang back against my hairy 6 pac with a 'thwack!' Hypnotized by my hard on, Mark couldn't help but reach over and squeeze and stroke me a few times before a moan escaped my lips and the spell was broken. Blushing and stammering, he turned back to the tv and gulped from his new drink. We continued to drink, smoke and stroke to the porno, me stiff and him soft, until the video started to include shots of the men stroking and sucking one another. Looking over I noticed Mark's glass was empty, he was taking another big hit from the pipe and his eyes were darting from the porn to my raging man meat. Putting my arm around him and pulling him to me, he shot gunned into my mouth and let me pull him closer for a real kiss. Now I'm no shrimp at 6'1" but his basketball body was long enough that I'd never be able to kiss him and feel his ass at the same time if he weren't so loopy that he bent like gumby as I pushed him back on the sofa. Turning his head to the porn I asked him if he liked what he saw, and he nodded yes. Before it dawned on him what that meant, I worked my way up his body and placed my erect dick at his lips. His eyes looked up at me with fear and desire, but I knew desire would win when I reached behind me, between his legs and ran my fingers over his asshole. Moaning, his mouth opened and I slid my cock inside it, feeding him 3, then 4, then 5, 6, almost 7 inches of my cock before he began to choke. Not wanting to go to fast, I only used those 7 inches for awhile while I teased his asshole and fed him my precum. "How does that feel Mark?" I said, pulling my cock away long enough for him to answer. "Good but I'm not-" leaning down, I stopped him from telling me 'I'm not gay' by kissing him hard, while maneuvering his hips so he began to flip on his stomach. "What was that mark?" kissing down his back until I reached his ass crack, I dove in with my tongue. "I'm not....uunnnnnggghhh." my tongue pressed fully against his sweet tight ass. Pleased to discover there was no dirtiness inside him, I wondered if his brother warned him to wash out before partying. Eating his ass at full speed and with lots of gusto, he writhed in pleasure beneath me, unaware that I was soaking my fingers in lube laced with tina at the same time. Kissing back up his spine, I worked a finger inside him before he cried out from the pain of penetration. "It burns! Take it out Peter!" "Sorry Mark, it'll be over in a second," speaking of second, I added a second finger and used my muscular frame to keep my drugged prey from bucking me off. When he calmed down some more, finger number three joined in, eliciting one final cry and them just whimpers and moans. "There now, the booty bump should be taking effect any second and we can get started." Sure enough, a minute or so later, Mark's breathing got heavier and he started bucking his hips back to meet my hand. As I pulled out of him, he whispered "don't" and tried to clamp his virgin ass around my fingers to keep them inside. That was my cue to give him the real thing. Turning him onto his back, I pulled his hips to the edge of the couch and knelt between his thighs on the floor, Placing his long, muscular legs over my shoulders, I looked down at the semi-delirious, semi-conscious, semi-erect teen and moved my crotch forward until I felt my thick penis penetrate his unfucked hole. Suddenly his eyes came into focus and he threw his arms up to push me off as I rammed home all 8.5 inches of circumsized 24 yr old man meat, until my pubes came to rest against his sphincter. Try as he might, my buff frame was too much for his skinny, sinewy, strong form. Maybe he'd have had a chance with less/no drugs in his system, but his altered state made him the perfect toy for my hungry hard on. Besides, his cock was only hard once I was balls deep in him, so it couldn't have been all bad. Over the next ten minutes I fucked him slow, then fast, soft, then hard, shallow then deep, until his hands stopped trying to push me away and began pulling me in to go faster, harder and deeper. Seeing the last ounce of reticence turn into desperation for more dick was all it took for me to lose it. "I'm going to cum inside you unless you tell me to stop," my hips picked up speed as I leaned in and informed him of what I had planned. His only answer came in the form of his hand taking up his cock and jerking himself off as fast as he could. Eyes locked, I saw them widen as he got close, and I nodded to show him I was getting there too. Suddenly he gasped as a huge volley of cum rocketed up and splashed against my fuzzy pecs. Catching me off guard, I looked down and caught the next one across my cheek, nose and mouth. Tasting and smelling hot, fresh boy cum sent me over the edge. My back curled and stiffened as I lost control, pistoning deeper than I had yet, and depositing shot after shot of searing hot seamen into the furthest reaches of his no-longer-virgin asshole. His load soaked us both from neck to navel while his butt swallowed each drop I could give it. Panting, I collapsed against his heaving chest and kissed him hard while we recovered. Seeing the post-coital guilt setting in, I quickly retrieved the pipe from the table beside us and forced him to take a few hits, curbing his moral dilemma long enough for my cock to reharden. As round number two began, I could tell he wasn't ready. The truth of the matter was, I didn't care. Until I figured out a way to fuck Mike's ass too, his brother would be fulfilling the needs of two desires. No two ways about it.
  2. As the lanky teen with the cute smile shuffled past me carrying the stack of filing boxes, I kept staring at his lean body while I walked, until almost falling over a stack of shipping crates. Stopping just short of the pile, I turned and watched him disappear out the back door with them. My cock jumped in my khakis as I wondered who the new blood was. "Excuse me sir," a deep voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and press myself against the wall as he passed me again with another stack. It puzzled me how he had managed to unload the boxes and get back inside and pass me in only a few seconds, until the back door opened and he walked back in, followed by...himself? 'Twins!' I realized as the two teen boys wiped sweat from their brows and passed me going the opposite direction to get another load. "Who are they?" I asked a co-worker as we pretended not to watch the fit teens take load after load of old tax paperwork out to the truck to be hauled away and shredded. "Marvin's grandsons," Jessica replied, covertly watching them in the reflection on her computer monitor. "He got the bossman to agree to let them come in a few days a week and intern in the accounts department with him until they go back to school in August. Their names are Mac and Mal or something like that, and they play basketball for their high school team and need some more academic stuff for their resumes if they want to get into a good school or some shit like that." Eyeing them less discretely than my co-worker, I caught a glimpse of one boy's ripped abs when he lifted his shirt to wipe his face off, and oogled the other brother's butt when he bent to get the last box, making his pants ride down exposing his hairless creamy ass cheeks and crack. Fantasies of a basketball boy sandwich with me in the middle were floating around my head, causing my hard on to leak into my briefs. I was so lost in my imaginary world that I didn't realize they had caught me watching them and were coming over to say hello, until they were suddenly at my desk. "Hey I'm Mark," the one in the blue bball shorts and black tee said, before pointing to the brother in white plaid shorts and a green tee and adding, "and this is my bro, Mike. You must be Peter. My granddad said you were the computer genius around these parts." I nodded and tried not to check out their bulging boy packages while they asked me some technical questions. Answering as quickly as I could, I hoped they didn't notice my voice cracking or how desperate I was to keep my lap concealed under the keyboard drawer on my desk. Finally they seemed happy with the facts I'd provided and made some joke about me seeing them around, maybe twice. I laughed a little too hard but they just smiled and returned to the re-org work they'd been busy with before they came over. Once the coast was clear I ducked into the bathroom and jerked a huge load all over the sink and mirror, with visions of these teen gods doing the same. -- The rest of the week went by uneventfully, with me spending twice as much time in the bathroom as any of the other employees, spanking my meat to images of the twins I'd managed to find on their facebook pages. As it turned out, they were all too happy to friend the just-out-of-college, tech-savvy young computer tech when I sent the request, and that made me happy once I found out they were aspiring models and had dozen, perhaps hundreds of photos of the two of them in tuxedos, work-out gear, shirtless and even in matching red speedos. My sixth sense had been right, their dicks were well above average, at least according to the photos where they could be seen through the speedo fabric. When Friday arrived I was ready to get the hell out of there and go find some young buff bball boy to substitute for the hot new interns, and I even decided to take it further than usual, texting my guy and setting it up so I could drop by and pick up some tina on my way to the club. When I got to his place I was eager to get back out and find some ass to pound, but my dealer convinced me to stop in and smoke with him first, even offering to load the first bowl himself. Never one to turn down free drugs, I agreed and plopped down on the couch next to him and told him about the hot new guys at my work. "That's awesome bro!" he coughed as he said it, obviously turned on at the idea of twinteens as well. "Wish I could see them. Where do you work so I can sneak past one night at closing and check them out?" Uncomfortable with the idea of my dealer knowing where I made a living, I offered instead to show him a photo of the twins, but I made sure it was only a shirtless pic since I felt kinda possessive about their asses and dicks after a week of coveting them. "DAMN MAN, I know this dude!" My dealer yelled, causing me to cough as I smoked. "I know one of them anyway. This kid stops by once in awhile to buy some shit for him and his girl. Always thought he was hot, but now that there's two of him, I want him twice as bad!" "What's the name of the kid who buys from you?" I demanded. "Dunno. I always call him doc cause he only gave me his initials when we met: M.D." He said, swiping through more of my photos. Could have been Mike or Mark from the initials, but I was desperate for more info that might lead me to discover which one did drugs, so that I might blackmail him into doing me too. "In fact, doc said he'd be stopping by around 8 if you want to stick around and see him." As intriguing as the prospect of him coming in and my catching him in the act of buying might be, I knew I had a lot more to lose in this situation than he did, so I made sure my guy wasn't going to snitch on me and got out of the house by 7:45. Inside my car I began to pull away but stopped myself at the end of the block. I needed to be sure my dealer was telling the truth, so I pulled around the block, and parked under a tree a few houses down, with a perfect view of the front door. By 8:10 I was ready to call it quits when a familiar grey sedan turned the corner and pulled up in front of the house. It idled for a moment before the engine cut out and the driver's door opened. My breath caught in my throat as all 6'6" of boyish ball player stood up out of the car and began walking up the path. With no idea which guy of the two I was seeing, all I could do was fondle myself and picture one of them sucking smoke from a pipe while I pounded my 8 and a half inch dick deep into his athletic ass. Minutes passed before he returned to the car and I used my phone to snap a few photos of the boy so I had a record of what he was wearing as he slid behind the wheel and drove off. Turning around and heading home, I signed onto facebook as soon as I reached my garage and tried messaging both boys to see which one was out in the car and which one was being good and staying away from drugs. Neither one responded and both had similar statuses, reading 'out with the crew tonight, c u at the spot' and 'cruisin with da buds 2nite.' After 20 minutes it became clear that the twins were too busy with their friends to check my message on fb, so I got on my phone and used a hookup app to find some sexy bottom bitch who wasn't too far from me.it took about the amount of time for me to shower and change my sheets before the guy appeared on my front stoop. 6'2", almost as blonde as the bball twins, with a more classically handsome face, more muscle mass and hard inside his shorts, I pulled him inside and had my cock inside him as soon as I could get his shorts off. Disappointed that he wasn't one of the boys, I took comfort in his perfect body and well-trained sexual prowess, fucking him 4 times over the next few hours, with a few periodic breaks for some bowls to be smoked and a shower after round 3. When he left around 4am, I was still hyped up on tina and in no mood to quit partying, so I picked up my phone and started cruising again when it buzzed, alerting me to a new fb message. It was Mark, who I'd discovered was the quieter of the twins, seeming happy to let his 'big' bro (older by 6 minutes according to Mike) take the lead in most situations. 'Hey dude, where u at 2nite?' Mark's reply read. Assuming it had been posted a lot earlier, I almost ignored it until I saw the time stamp and realized he'd only written it an hour ago, around 3:20. 'My place,' I typed in, debating whether to embellish my evening to make myself seem cooler or just include some details of what I had been up to and possible cross a line that I shouldn't. Unable to decide, I kept it vague, ending the reply with 'buzzed from a crazy night.' Unsure if he would respond or if he was awake still, I almost giggled when my phone alerted me that he responded only a minute later. 'Nice! me2. Went out w/ friendz and got hi' it read. Without knowing what he was high on, I still admired his bravery admitting that he was on something, since I not only knew his grandfather but also had the ability to get him fired from his internship. The same thought must have hit him when another message quickly followed:'u cool? pls don't tell.' Laughing, I decided to ease his stress level and responded: 'no worries bro, im no snitch. been known to try stuff when I was young 2. could get wild sometimes.' 'i knew u were cool...and ur not old enuf 2 say 'when I was young.' When was that? last week?' his response made me laugh. Guess my vague answer didn't put him off the scent like I thought. When I didn't answer his last question he added another: 'what did u get in2 when u smoked?' Again I paused before responding and wondered what I should say. If he was the brother I'd seen at my guy's place earlier, this might be my chance to have him join me for some bowls and eventually lure him into letting me suck him or watch him with his girl. If this was the other brother, I could be revealing hard drug use to a teenager who might be stupid enough to tell someone at the office or he might hate the fact his brother does drugs like that and decide to get me in trouble with my boss or even with the cops as some bizarre lesson. 'u first' I typed into the messenger and waited for his response. I'd already told him I wouldn't snitch, so I hoped he would confess to me, but I wasn't too surprised when all he said in return was 'all sorts of things :)' 'Same here' was my reply. After that we chatted inanely for awhile, finally reaching a point where we'd run out of things to share, and a long silence occurred. Taking to my hookup app, I almost didn't notice the notification in the corner when, about 20 minutes later, he sent another message reading 'every1 here is 2 hi, no fun :(' Seeing the opportunity to find out which one I'd seen before, I asked him who he was with, since my dealer said his customer always bought for himself and his girlfriend. If he said his girl, it could be either of them, but if he was with friends, chances are it was Mike I'd seen before. Totally catching me off gaurd, Mark responded 'my bro and sum buds.' Shit! If they were together, I had no way of knowing which one I saw earlier. Then it his me, if they were together, they were probably both smoking the tina! Typing quickly, I asked him if he'd taken any photos of his antics from earlier. When he said yeah and asked why, I asked him to send me a pic of his buds and his bro, making up some excuse about possibly knowing some of the guys he hangs with and wanting to see a pic to be sure. He was quiet enough that I figured he was probably thinking it was a bad idea, so I decided to sweeten the pot adding 'u send me a pic of ur friends tonight, and I'll send u a pic of my friend 2nite.' 'ok! u send first' came back quickly. Mark must have deduced from our conversation, specifically some remarks I made about 'needing 2 shower' and 'wandering round my place in da buff,' that I had been screwing earlier in the evening. Unable to convince myself to be sane and say no, I found a picture I'd taken of the bottom face down with his thong-clad ass in the air, and cropped it so all you could see what his lower back and ass. Somewhat sure that it looked round enough to be a girl's butt, I sent him the photo and prayed he wouldn't figure out who he was seeing. Almost immediately a response came back with only one word in all caps: 'HOT!' Bells sounded alerting me that I had a picture message, and my hands shook as I opened the file entitled 'less exciting photo than 1 u sent me.' As it loaded, I began to make out some boyish faces, and surprisingly, some girls as well. It hadn't occurred to me that some of Mark's buds might be girls, but at least I could be semi-confident that none of them were his girlfriend from the label he'd given. His brother was standing behind a girl in the photo and hugging her to his chest blocking the outfit he was wearing, defeating my plan to find out if he was the guy I'd seen at the house. Undaunted I asked for another pic and Mark eagerly responded that he'd be happy to...as long as I understood it was quid pro quo. Digging through my new pics, I found one of the blonde bottom mouthing my junk through my briefs and cropped and edited it until only his mouth and nose could be seen drooling on my cotton-encased hard-on. zooming in as close as possible to see if I could make out any blonde stubble on his chin, I felt secure that Mark would be fooled again and sent the photo. This response took longer and I began to worry that I might have shown too much when my phone ding-a-ling-ed again and another message came through entitled 'couple hours later.' In this message, Mark had included a few photos of his buddies and brother stripped down to their boxers or panties respectively and taking shots in a hot tub on the same porch where the last one was taken. I scrolled through all of them and was disappointed that there was no way to tell which guy was which in the photos (even though all the ripped teen torsos and see-through undies did have me stroking pretty seriously). 'want more?' I wrote, while simultaneously searching my phone to see if any of the rest of mine could be re-done to hide the sex of my partner. I was considering sending one where I had my cock head forcing its way into the sweet smooth asshole of the boy, when Mark told me that he was all out of photos, but really wanted to see more of me and the 'bitch I'd fucked yesterday.' Crest fallen, I went to correct him on the date and discovered it was almost 8am and the boy had arrived at my place nearly 11 hours before and a whole day earlier. making some excuse about needing sleep, I ended the chat session and jerked off to a photo of Mike and Mark standing up in the hot tub, boxer-briefs clinging to their long, flaccid dicks and fuzzy thighs, giving enough definition to show me that they were both cut. My load was gigantic. -- Saturday I spent doing chores and hooking up with a guy from my gym after my work out. As I bred him in a shower stall that afternoon, some young guy was unabashedly watching us and pounding away at his average size uncut dick. Closing my eyes I imagined the hole on my cock belonged to Mike and his brother was the guy enjoying the show. Gym guy commented as we got dressed that his ass hadn't been fucked that well in years, and the voyeur snuck me his number on the back of a gym brochure before an older man, probably his father, yelled for him to stop fucking around and get changed so they could leave. Through out the day and the following night, I exchanged texts with Mark and strung him along just enough with vague details about my hookup in the afternoon to get him to continue to hound me for more information and unwilling reveal more about how far he'd gone and what he had planned. From what I gathered, he lost his virginity to a girl from his swim team when he was a freshman in high school while her best friend took his brother's v-card. After that he'd had one steady girlfriend for awhile who put out regularly but she moved away. My cock spewed more semen as he told me how he and his bro shared a girl down the block for awhile until she figured out they were both fucking her and ended it by kicking Mike in the junk and telling him to "share that with your brother too!" The LOL in my response was honest, but didn't include the CUM the story made me shoot. Finally I got around to asking if he had a girlfriend, to which he replied 'no.' Part of me was glad he wasn't with some girl but the other part knew that meant it must have been his brother I'd seen at the dealer's house the night before. Still I figured he might have enjoyed some of the goodies, so I decided to press on with our friendship. I went to bed early that night (early being around 11pm), and dreamt of Mark in bed with me, sucking my cock, then turning into Mike (don't ask how I knew the difference) and taking his turn on my dick. For some reason I felt guilty when Mike was doing it, but when I went to push him off, he turned back into Mark and finished the job. I awoke the next morning at 7 with cum in my tighty whiteys and a lot of questions in my mind. As I took my morning piss, I was happy to find messages from Mark and Mike, who had apparently been brought up to speed on my conversation with his brother. Each had sent me questions about my own sexual experiences, and after I'd failed to respond for a few hours, it turned into more of a drunken contest to see who could send me more explicit descriptions of things they'd done attached to photos of the girls from the stories (all pg-13 rated or under) until around 2 am when Mike stopped texting and both of them went quiet. Then at 5:13am, a message from Mark had arrived saying 'wana knw wut I wan2 try?' followed by 'beign w/ a guy.' Sitting stunned I moved forward in the conversation as Mark slowly admitted to wondering what dudes felt like and asking if I'd ever done anything with a guy. The last text was from mere minutes before I'd woken up and all it said was 'Mikw nad I messd round ocne.' Translating from the language of drunk I almost had a stroke realizing it said Mike and I messed around once. Hands shaking, I typed back carefully 'oh yeah, what did u guys do?' The minutes seemed like hours and I'd almost given up hope that he was awake and still drunk enough to tell me, when the bells went off. 'jus jerkd each ohter offf and stuf.' was his response. My heart jumped while I asked what stuff meant. His shyness returned with 'u know, stuff. nothnig gay.' Not wanting to push my luck, I left it up to my imagination and began stroking to their hot tub pic when another bell went off and he asked me again if I'd ever done anything with a guy. Horny as fuck and thinking I might still be asleep, I responded with the same shot of the bottom in the thong that I'd sent the day before, followed by another shot of the same guy on his back, with his cock clearly visible through the thong, and finally one more photo of me and the thong-wearing bottom in the mirror opposite my bed, his legs over my shoulders, my cock in his ass, and his head thrown back in pleasure. Once I was sure my face couldn't be seen in the picture, I hit send and waited. 5 minutes passed, then 10, then 20, 25, 30, 40. My mind was spinning as I wondered if I was about to get fired for sending fuckpix to the teen grandson of the head of accounting, but a bell went off instead. Opening the text on my phone, I scrolled through five pictures. One: a blurry pic of Mark in a bathroom mirror, holding his phone and wearing a black polo and baggy jeans, sagging enough to reveal the waist band of a pair of red and black undies. Two: another slightly less blurry pic of Mark in the mirror, now shirtless, flexing his chest and arms. Three: Mark holding his phone in front of him and taking a downward shot, this time with his pants out of the photo, and a hand shoved down his undies. four: Mirror again, undies pulled down to midthigh, facing away and flexing his back muscles, while clenching his butt enough to make the white buns taut and round. Five: A shot straight down his torso with his big, hard cock pointing out and up in his left hand, with a drop of precum peaking out of the head. After I finished looking at them, I got another text asking me simply 'what do u thnik?' 'U got me hard man.' I responded, stroking slowly hoping I might get more photos if I didn't cum at that very moment. 'Prove it.' came his response, and without a second thought, I walked into the bathroom, dropped my undies to the floor and took a shot of my impressive pecs, abs, dick, balls and thighs in the mirror. Pressing send so fast I couldn't be sure my face was entirely hidden, I decided I didn't care as long as it meant the possibility of more pics of Mark today, tomorrow or somewhere down the road. Instead I received a message that demanded another photo of my hard cock(or drunkenly written: my hard cokc). Snapping a few photos of my left hand stroking it while my right hand conveniently aimed the camera so my head was concealed, I sent a group all at once. The next text was short and to the point: 'make it come.' Unable to deny the quiet teen,I threw one foot up on the toilet next to me, switched over to video mode on my camera and began stroking for all I was worth. Seconds later a huge load rained from my thick, red, angry mushroom head, smearing streaks down the mirror as it sprung forth. As I lowered myself to the floor and caught my breath, I paused to wonder if I was better to deny the view of this explicit video from the inexperienced eyes on the opposite end of the conversation. The pervert who lusted over his co-worker's grandsons won out in the end though, and I ended up sending the video with a subject that referred to both the video's contents and my intentions for the boy: 'i'm coming for you.' -- Pulling into the work parking lot the next morning, I was a little unhappy to see the grey sedan already parked by the employee entrance. Most of the company wouldn't be in until after 9, so I'd hoped my 8:15 arrival would allow me the chance to watch out the window and see which of the twins drove the grey sedan. Most likely it was a shared vehicle or they at least carpooled for work purposes, so the entire idea was probably moot. Still, I had an uncommon obsession with needing to know which boy was the druggie if only one was into that stuff. After I thought I'd deduced it was Mike since Mark had no girlfriend, I saw Mike's relationship status on facebook was set to 'single' for months now, so it was a toss up who my dealer had been selling to, or if he was even being told the truth in the first place. Most likely whoever 'Doc' was, he made up the girlfriend after my dealer made eyes at the boy, figuring it would keep the gay drug dealer from making a move. Lost in thought over the entire scenario, I almost ran smack into one of the boys as I rounded the corner to go into my desk area. Apologizing and wondering if this was the boy who sent me his naked photos, he told me it was no sweat, and asked if I hadn't responded Saturday night because I was too busy getting more of the same from the night before. Revealing himself as Mike by being unaware of the nude picture exchange, I just smiled and told him I had fun and moved past him and got to work. Keeping an eye out for Mark, I began to get more and more nervous that I'd gone too far when 9 turned into 9:30 and the whole office was at work with still no sign of the quieter twin. Finally the boys' grandfather called down into the filing basement for Mark to "stop dilly dallying and get up here." Mark appeared soon after, scanning the office with his eyes until they came to rest on me, at which point they darted away, and so did he. Obviously I wasn't the only one who was nervous about what had gone down, so I decided to text Mark and let him know it was cool. me(9:48a): sorry if i freaked u out yesterday morning. we cool? Mark(9:56a):yeah me(10:04a): u ok? Mark (10:21a): yeah, cant talk now With his curt tone and short answers I figured Mark was now a lost cause. Just another sexy text memory to get me off when I'm alone and high, I guess. When he texted me at lunch and apologized for his abrupt response earlier, I was so happy to hear from him that I almost stopped him in the hall as he passed me. The embarrassed look on his face and inability to look me in the eye kept me from acknowledging him, even when his brother started up a conversation that afternoon, with him only a few feet away. We chatted about our crazy weekends in hushed tones and I enjoyed seeing Mark's brow form a dewy layer when I told him how many sexts I'd received the last few days. Mike practically demanded that I show him some, but somehow his forceful tone did nothing but make me want to say no. Still I considered showing him one from gymguy describing my amazing fuck skills, just to see if I could give Mark a heart attack and pretend it was one from him. Knowing better, I told both boys to get back to work and reminded them that it wouldn't be professional to share that stuff at work. Mark let out a sigh of relief as they walked away, and I sent him a text promising to keep his secret before returning to my own, rather large stack of work. Over the next few days I barely saw Mark and Mike, but began texting with them more and more. With Mike it was always puns about the positions and lude acts accountants did with the files, usually culminating in him sending me a selfie where he had some paper in his fly or was humping a filing cabinet. Mark's texts were more lowkey, often poking fun at the shitty work he was doing or how many of the older executives were practically illiterate when it came to tasks like opening their email or sending a text message. Eventually they started referencing the sex stuff we'd discussed the weekend prior, never going far enough for him to admit to seeing me cum on video though. By Thursday the three of us were eating lunch together and stealing moments in the halls to exchange good natured barbs, so I figured I had worked my way back into Mark's good graces. It was time to mention the sexting and see if he would freak again. me: thanks 4 the coke at lunch, ill get u next time mark: no sweat. better you drink a soda than thirst for the cum of sumyungguy! me: lol that thirst is never satisfied *slurp* mark: gross dude me: you didn't think it was gross sunday morning me:? mark: about sunday...I was really fucking drunk and high and didn't know what the fuck I was saying. I never should have hit that bowl, that stuff was way too strong for me, and I feel really awful for texting u all that gross shit. me: it wasn't gross man. I enjoyed it, which u could probably tell. But if u wanna drop it, its cool. Just wondering what u were smoking that got u so fckd up? mark: something stronger than the shit I usually smoke. It was awesome but I lost control. I decided to test the waters and see if I could get him to admit what it was with a little admission of my own. me: yeah tina does that to me sometimes too. me: :/ me:? Mark: I don't know, I've never smoked tina. Just weed. Fuck. I'd admitted my worst habit and now the hot dude who works with me had me jerking on video AND admitting to drug use in text form. I was screwed for sure...until... Mark: Mike does tina sometimes. He even fucked his ex on it in front of me once. got me to film a little. (pic attached) The photo attachment included three shots. One: Mike taking a hit off a bubble. Two: Mike fingering a naked girl while she hit the same bubble. Three: Mike getting head from the girl while he hit the bubble. Me:shit dude thats hot! u shoulda joined them. Mark: Ew dude, thats my bro! Anyway I don't do hard drugs like that. Mike likes it tho. Said it made him hornier than fuck. Me: I can tell Mark:...Whats it like? Me: exactly like mike said, plus a hundred times better. Mark: cool Me: u never been tempted to try it. Mark: not really. seems like a waste unless u know ur gonna get some. Me: yeah, ur right. u should try it sometime tho. Mark: maybe. my ex will be in town this weekend, but ill probably just fuck her sober me:cool, back to work, ttyl Mark: ttyl man I snuck into the bathroom and barely had my cock out of my pants before I shot all over the tile floor and my pants and shoes. I didn't even get the door locked but luckily I was one of the last people in the building. Sneaking out the side door I ran to my car and drove home to jerk off again to the hot photos of the teen smoking and getting sucked. -- coming up: Friday
  3. (the picture at the bottom is the actual guy from this story!!!) INTENSE INTENSIVE PART I: INTRO TO PROPER DICTION 101 The height of the building in front of me was almost as intimidating as the prospect of actually going inside and living in it for the next year, but I knew eventually I would have to pick my jaw up off the pavement, stop staring up at my new dorm like a tourist, and make my way inside. It wasn’t as if I’d never seen a skyscraper before. Being from Denver I’d spent my life in a major metropolis, so I was hardly some country hick. Still the 30-some story building near the Brooklyn shore was almost twice as tall as any place in the small town where I’d been going to college, and the people in this dorm would be a lot more interesting than anyone you might meet at a state school in Colorado. Gripping my bag firmly in my right hand, and my admissions folder in my left, I took a deep breath and shouldered my way through the crowd of teens and 20-somethings until I had worked a path into the lobby and made it up to the sign in desk. Handing my folder to the disinterested man behind it, I looked around at the place I’d be living for the next year. HUGE was the only word I could think once I’d taken in the expansive marble floor leading past the desk another 50 feet, before opening onto a set of doors that led to either a computer lab, an industrial size kitchen and a set of elevators. Behind me was the entrance, some pay phones, a bulletin board and a set of stairs that disappear down a short hallway with some doors off of it. Probably building management offices, but I didn’t want to ask and seem like an idiot on my first day. “Well?” The desk clerk asked, obviously waiting for an answer to some question I hadn’t heard. I looked at him without a clue. “I said, how old are you and what group were you put into?” That was my chance to look at him like he was an idiot, but this was before I was used to the NY attitude, so I simply smiled and pointed to the next page in the folder I’d handed him and waited for him to turn it over and realize he had the answers in his hand. Something on the paper in front of him made his eyes bug a little, and his posture improve greatly, not to mention his attitude. “Sorry man,” He said, standing and motioning for another lackey to take over at the desk. “I didn’t think any of the advanced class was arriving until tomorrow. I’ve been dealing with snotty high school brats all week and I’m ready to fucking snap.” ‘Advanced class?’ I wondered while he picked up my luggage, and walked me to the bank of elevators. I had no idea what he was referring to, but I wasn’t going to object when he moved us in front of a line of 20 or 25 fellow students waiting for an elevator, and answered their complaints by shouting out “Sorry newbies, he’s a JMS talent winner.” This somehow not only silenced their groans and shouts but caused them all to push forward to try and see me as the elevator doors shut. “What did you call me?” I asked as he pushed the button for the 34th floor and we began to rise. “Don’t be a dick,” He responded, leaning against the railing, which caused his tight polo to ride up and reveal his tight abs and elastic waistband of his briefs above his sagging jeans. “You know each of those kids is dying to meet one of the four peeps who won a Janice M. Sysco Talent Scholarship. You must be hot shit since you beat out all the other auditioners for one of those slots.” “All the other…”My voice trailed of as I wondered what he meant. I had decided to audition on a whim this past spring when one of my acting professors told me there would be some people in town from a film school in New York. Mostly I just wanted to attend their master classes and see if I could get in, so I was pleasantly surprised when one of the people behind the table in the auditions told me she wanted me to attend a year-long film intensive and could offer me a talent scholarship. I figured the scholarship was offered to any student old enough to meet the pre-reguisite requirements, and would probably be a pittance until I received my admissions letter explaining that, should I decide to attend, I’d have my entire tuition and housing completely covered with a weekly stipend for food and transportation. Up until that offer came through I assumed I’d have to turn it down, since I could barely afford to put myself through state school, even with academic and talent scholarships. Once I realized it would actually save me a ton of cash to go, I couldn’t say no. No one ever told me this was a special scholarship, or how rare and coveted one was. “…rumor that your rooming with the other guy who got one.” My mind snapped back to the present as the elevator door opened and I realized my companion had continued talking while I spaced out. “The two girls who won it are just down the hall from you, but only one of them is in your group. The other one is only 15 or 16 from what I hear, and she’s starting at the bottom. Here we are.” Opening the door with a key from his pocket, he walked inside and held it open for me. Once I passed the threshold I took a look at the room. Not too shabby, it had a big square closet right by the door, and directly across from that was the entrance to a bathroom with one small sink, a full bathtub, a toilet and some towel rods. The room itself was long and rectangular, with two full size beds and two windows, one with the shade pulled down and the other looking out on a blank brick wall and the roof of another wing of the building. This was the window with the air conditioning unit in it, and it was directly over the radiant heater. “Want some advice?” the desk guy said as I tossed my bag onto the bed by the shade covered window. I nodded the affirmative. “Take the bed by the ac and heater. It’s the only way you won’t cook at night till September and won’t freeze after that. Trust me the novelty of the view wears off when you are miserably hot or cold.” “What view?” I laughed, moving my stuff to the other bed and looking over the small desk and chest of drawers opposite them. “This one.” With that my tour guide tugged at the ring at the bottom of the shade and it snapped up onto its roll, revealing a spectacular sight. Walking over to him, I heard myself say ‘wow’ as I took in the view starting at downtown Manhattan and working across the island and two bridges. “That is an amazing view,” I said unable to look away. “It’s better from back here,” the deskman added. Turning to see what he meant I realized he was sitting on the desk on the far wall checking me out. He smiled and squeezed the bulge in his jeans as he added “unless you don’t go for that.” “I can appreciate the sights,” feigning confidence, I walked towards him while I said it. He hoped off the desk and met me by the foot of the bed and we began kissing and undressing each other. In no time he was deep throating my 8 inch cock while I fingered his ass. He was pretty hot, and took my cock up his ass like a champ when I proceeded to ream him against the chest of drawers that would eventually become my roommates. He asked if I had a rubber before I shoved it in and I just laughed and went balls deep. Having just turned 21 a week before, and attending college where I did, I’d only fucked around with a handful of guys before this, but I decided when I got accepted that if I was going to school in NY, then I was going to use the year in the big apple to discover if I was really a homo or bi or just a sexually confused str8 boy who could go back in 11 and a half months and finally settle down with my girlfriend of 3 years. As I shot load after load of cum all over this college boy’s ass, I already knew I wouldn’t be going back to pussy again, but I wasn’t ready to admit that just yet. PART II: SOCIOLOGY AND HUMAN INTERACTION 201 The next few days went by fast, with a half-dozen different orientation seminars scheduled and almost no time between sessions for anything but a granola bar or piss in the disgusting bathroom across from the ballrooms on the third floor where we were meeting. By the third morning I wondered if I was never getting a roommate, but alas it wasn’t so. Returning from the morning session to shower before heading back for the afternoon, I found a giant dufflebag strewn across the other bed in the room, some books spilling from a backpack on the second desk and the door to the bathroom was locked while the shower ran. My mysterious roomie must have arrived shortly before my appearance here in the room, and since I had little time before I needed to head back, I wasn’t able to snoop as much as I’d have liked. Instead I made sure all my valuables (aka a 3000 year old laptop and some bi porn dvds) were hidden in my dresser and locked the door behind me. On the third floor, I walked over to the desk clerk, (who I now knew as Rick after another fuck session in the stairwell the night before), and asked him what the next session was. Whether or not he could tell how excited I was when he told me we were finally being put into our leveled class groups, I don’t know. I can tell you he seemed a little jealous when they began the separation with an announcement for everyone in the level 1 intensive class (my group) to go ahead and head into the smallest ballroom and for everyone else to head into the biggest and await instructions. As the first person in the tiny room, I had a moment of awe at finding only 14 chairs in the room, all set in a small semi-circle facing one chair with a stack of papers on it and a silk cape tossed over the back. I made no effort to disguise the fact I was reading the papers when a well-dressed woman came in a back door and strode confidently to the seat. Normally, I’d have made some lame attempt to pretend that I wasn’t looking at them or sat down with a shy smile, but I was catching on with how things worked around here. “Hi, I’m Peter Hayward,” I thrust my hand out and shook hers with ease, making eye contact and smiling. We continued chatting as the other group members made their way in and took seats in the circle. “I know who you are Peter,” she said with a smile in her voice. “The question is do you know who I am.” “You’re…you were the woman who offered me the scholarship when I auditioned last spring.” My stomach was in knots at the realization, but I wasn’t going to wimp out now. “So that makes you Mrs. Sysco I presume.” “You presume perfectly,” She responded and motioned for me to take one of the two empty seats. “but my chosen 4 get to call me Janice.” She turned from me to the rest of the class and kept going as if they couldn’t hear what she’d just said to me. “Welcome to the Level 1 intensive class. For those of you who don’t know who I am, now is your last chance to learn.” She sat in her chair with ease and command, and only paused as the door flew open and the last member of the group came in. Everyone gave the tall boyish lanky guy a glare that would roast weenies as he apologetically made his way to the chair slightly behind mine. “As I was saying, I am Janice M. Sysco, but you may refer to me as Ms Sysco. Some of you know me from the auditions, others from my reputation, and a few from the rare opportunity you may have had to have me direct you at the master classes.” Suddenly I realized I had been one of two kids from my school who’d volunteered to have my monologue reworked during the master class that spring. The girl from my scene study group had her monologue reworked for 20 minutes before she broke down and began to cry. She was seated only four seats away from me now and looked terrified. I, on the other hand, had allowed her and her colleagues to rip me down to the studs and rebuild my performance from the ground up, and an hour later I still only responded with “Thank you” and “Certainly” when they’d attack a choice I’d made or belittle something in my performance. Janice went on to explain that almost all of us had been rudely and viciously degraded during our auditions, and the two of us who’d handled ourselves like pros were the two college age recipients of her personal talent scholarship. She directed the two of us to stand, and I looked over as I rose to see standing a gorgeous blonde almost as tall as I am with a hot rack and fantastic butt. We shared a smile and a nod of both mutual respect and awareness that each was the other’s biggest threat. “I also give two scholarships to high school students who perform exceptionally well at their audition, but sadly I am unable to be as ruthless with them since their parents often attend,” She continued and pointed for us to be seated. “Still each of these students shows such amazing potential they also receive my scholarship, and for the first time in many years, I decided to allow the male of the high school winners to be in the top level class. Please stand up Jeffrey.” The guy who arrived late stood up slowly and with some awkwardness. Turning to check out my other competition I was both relieved and turned on. Relieved because the look on his face told me that he was likely to run screaming home to Florida (where I’d discover he was from) or go completely catatonic at any moment. On the flip side, I was hard as a rock looking up and down the fit, tall frame of the most strikingly handsome young man I’d ever seen. He was skinnier than I’d normally get into, but his wide shoulders, chiseled jaw, cut cheek bones, wild golden hair and sharp blue eyes were enough to almost make me sweat. When he realized how frightened he looked, he laughed a little and relaxed, showing a smile that could soften steel. I had a hard time focusing on the rest of Janice’s introduction and the tapes of each of our auditions while I pondered if the hottie sitting just inches from me was also my new roommate. His hair looked damp, but so did many of the group, since it was august in New York and the ac wasn’t working In the hall outside the ballroom. When we packed up to leave I tried desperately to see what the room number on his folder said, but I was stopped by the girl who’d won the other college scholarship. “So you must be Peter,” she said, forcing her hand into mine and leaning just close enough for her tits to brush my pecs. “I’m Jenna Marks, from Dallas. Former Miss Teen Texas and graddaughter of –“ a very well known Hollywood director. “So are we gonna be friends or competition, cause you’re too cute to be my enemy. At least too cute for a Colorado boy.” “I’m always up for new friends, and you’re too cute not to be my friend,” I smiled and shook her hand tightly. “Even if you weren’t cute enough to go all the way to becoming Miss Teen USA.” Her jaw dropped and I thought she might slap me, until she began laughing and linked an arm in mine. From then on we were best buds according to her, and eventually me. We chatted all the way up to my dorm room and I was very pleasantly surprised when I came in to find the high school hottie laying on the other bed, with a new laptop open and earbuds in his ears. He hopped up to introduce himself and after some quick hellos, he dashed out the door with his computer to ‘meet some friends from school.’ Within an hour Jenna and I had discussed everything from her famous family to my total ignorance of what I had won to who we’d already screwed. She correctly guessed I’d screwed the desk boy Rick, and when I asked her how, she just shrugged. “One thing I can recognize is a homo with a heart-o-gold,” she said kicking off her high heels and pawing through Jeffrey’s stuff. “Meet enough closeted movie stars and you’ll be able to do the same.” Jenna stopped pawing through the bag when a knock came at the door and one of our classmates asked if we wanted to go with the whole group to get dinner. Unable to think of a reason why not, we joined the entire level 1 group, minus my roommate who nobody could find. After a good meal with everyone, and a few bottles of wine, we became fast friends and ended the night with a game of strip poker in somebody’s room. I left before I lost my briefs, but decided not to put on anything before making my way down the hall to the elevator. As I passed a door, I saw my roommate sitting on the floor next to a hot high school girl, who was all cuddled up to him and listening as he explained how he was ‘in over his head’ and ‘might just go home.’ I snuck to the elevator and got in, hoping I’d get a chance to see Jeff naked before he left. Back in the room, I took the opportunity to finish the snooping job Jenna had started and fingered through his bag and drawers. Mostly there was nothing to find, until I saw something sticking out from under his bed. There was his laptop and a small zip up toiletry case. I pushed the computer to the side and unzipped the bag. Nothing but the usual shaving kit, contact solution and a spare set of glasses. On the outside zipper I felt a bulge, and after pulling it back I got instantly hard when I pulled out a green silk pair of thong type underwear. Peering in further, I found some crudely printed photos of Jeff in the underwear, posing and flexing in front of a mirror. He had almost no muscle mass to flex, but his arms and butt were hot and the size of his cock in the posing strap was impressive. Hearing someone walking down the hall, I shoved the stuff back in the case, zipped it up and shoved it beneath the bed. The bedding was just being readjusted back to cover the pile when a knock came at the door. Answering, I was pleasantly surprised to see Rick and another hot young guy standing there in nothing but pajama bottoms. “Sorry sir,” Rick said rather seriously. “My colleague and I got a complaint that someone on your floor was wandering the dorm in only their underwear and possibly concealing a weapon.” “What weapon?” I said ushering them inside. “This one.” The hot muscle jock said, squeezing my bulge as he walked past. “Might need to do a strip search.” I let him continue to feel up my dick as he and Rick slid their pajama pants to the floor and we made our way to the bed. Asking if I liked to party, I assumed they meant alcohol and nodded yes while we all made out. Rick produced a small cloth bag from the pants pocket of his pajama bottoms and took out a glass pipe and a bag of crystal from it. Going to school in a small town means you have three means of entertainment: drinking, vandalism, and drugs. I’d never personally smoked meth, but I’d seen it done a few times so I knew what this was. Nervous, I made some excuse about my roommate being back any minute and said we shouldn’t do it. Muscle boy just smiled and took the doorstop and shoved it under the edge of the door to the hall. This way no one could get in without us moving it. Out of ideas, I watched as first Rick, then his friend took hits, and after trying to beg off, I gave in as muscle boy shotgunned a huge hit into my mouth. Flight and fireworks were all I felt as we smoked, slowly transforming to passion and impatience. By the time we smoked a big bowl, I had Rick bent over the desk and went to breeding his ass while muscle boy fed him his cock, before they switched places. Hours later the sun was coming up and I was coming up…muscle boy’s tight ass. It was my third load for the night and my first for muscle boy. We all got dressed and agreed to meet later that day for a late Sunday lunch and I let them out, just as Jeff came around the corner and came face to face with my two fuck buddies. I blushed when he followed them down the hall with his eyes and I realized he could see my cum leaking into the butt of their pajama pants. He didn’t say anything when I moved aside to let him in, and we made small talk while he stepped into the large closet to get changed into a new set of clothing. Finally he came around the corner and I asked him if one of us needed to switch rooms. “No way Peter,” Jeff said, almost too quickly. “I missed all the orientation and already seem to be on Janice’s bad side. I am gonna need your help to figure out which subways to take into the city to get to our classes, which rooms we’ll be in, which teachers teach which subjects, all that shit! Who you do…stuff with is no business of mine.” “Thanks Jeff,” I replied, laughing at him calling fucking ‘stuff.’ “Looks like you were doing some stuff with that blonde hottie from your high school last night too.” He asked how I knew about his blonde buddy and I told him what I’d seen the night before, but he said they’d been dating on and off for awhile and she wouldn’t take it any further. I figured the pictures must have been for her and maybe he’d only accepted the scholarship her to be near her, but decided instead to ignore it at just chat about what he’d need to know for class. PART III: THE DANGERS OF DRUG USE 301 For a few months after that first week, life was pretty simple. Weekdays began with a 6:42 ride into manhattan by Subway, followed by 10 hours of soul-crushing classes split up by a 23 minute lunch hour and then a 5:33 ride back to the dorm in Brooklyn where our class would meet for dinner at the shitty pub down the street, go over classwork while we ate, then retire to the dorm for 4 or 5 hours of homework, and then a short workout at the gym on the 12th floor, and bed by 11 or 12. Jeff was there for everything but the workout, choosing instead to get up at the butt crack of dawn and work out before going to class. A few nights when I got back from the gym early I’d caught Jeff jerking but he was always under his covers with the lights off watching something on his laptop, so I never had a chance to see his cock or what he was jerking to. Weekends were the only time we could let off steam, and it usually involved Jenna and I getting a group of our friends from the class or maybe some of the hot guys I’d been screwing or one of the hottER guys she’d been screwing to go with us to dinner and a club Friday night. We never got back to the dorm before dawn, and often ended up going home with some strange from the club. I scored about as often as Jenna, but very rarely did I get as hot of guys. I did snag a few hotties she was done with though, getting to suck off the hottest model ever born on the subway back to Brooklyn after Jenna broke it off with him before hopping in a cab with a tall black dude, and taking an ass fucking from a gorgeous, muscle bound bouncer from one of the clubs after he found Jenna sucking off his boss in the backroom in exchange for some blow. Saturdays were more in flux, depending on if Rick or his muscly friend (Alan) had their room to themselves. If one of us got a room alone, the other two were invited up and we’d get high as fuck and then fuck all day and night, sometimes not even stopping before we had to shower and go to class. Those were some rough Mondays. We tried to hook up a few times in my room over the first two months, but Jeff would always ‘happen’ to come back before anything could start. If it wasn’t for the doorstop under the door, we’d have been caught smoking and fucking a lot! Finally around October Jeff told me we was spending Saturday with the girl downstairs and I was able to invite Rick to my room (Alan was out of town). In honor of the occasion, Rick brought some extra goodies including some extacy and ghb for us to take later. We’d just finished a bowl and I was about to shove my cock into Rick’s ass when we heard a key in the lock. Realizing none of us had blocked the door, we threw a towel over the drugs and covered our junk as Jeff walked in. “Sorry guys!” Jeff said, obviously checking out what we were doing before remembering what was going on when he heard a female voice call out ‘get back here asshole!’ Slamming the door and locking the deadbolt, he ducked down so he wouldn’t block the light from the peephole as someone started banging on the door. “Get out here chicken shit!” The girl continued. “I know you’re in there Jeffrey! Get your ass out here and face me you mother fucker! I worked my ass off to get into this program to be here with you! I waited almost a year for you to make a move and fuck me, and the night, the FUCKING NIGHT you say we finally get to fuck, you break up with me?!!?!? Come out here and face me like a man you pussy!” Jeff looked mortified, and I was tired of this bitch reaming my friend so I motioned for Jeff to go hide behind my bed and made my way, naked, to the door. “What the fuck do you want?” I yelled in my most intimidating voice, as I opened the door. My fierce tone caused a lot of cracked-open doors to slam shut. “I don’t know who the fuck you think is in here, but Jeff hasn’t been here all day and all you’re doing is interrupting an ass fucking session.” Her face froze in terror as Rick pulled back the door to reveal his own nude body. “Now unless you want to get fucked in the ass too, go yell somewhere else, got it?!?!” and with that I slammed the door in her face and watched through the peephole as she slunk back down the hall and began looking for Jeff again. We all shared a laugh as Rick and I pulled on our briefs, and after some apologies from both sides about embarrassing situations, Jeff asked if we wouldn’t mind him hanging with him that night. My hard on objected but our friendship won out, so Rick and I took showers, called Jenna and met some of our friends at a club in midtown. Three hours later, Rick and I had slipped into the bathroom twice to smoke and fuck and wanted to leave, so we started to look for jeff. We found him in a booth with a black man who easily had 3 or 4 inches on Jeff’s 6’4” frame, with the black man running a hand up and down Jeff’s thigh while he massaged Jeff’s shoulder with the other hand. When we approached and asked Jeff how he was doing, the black man tried telling us to move on, the ‘bitch’ was his. Rick told the man that the ‘bitch’ was in high school and the son of a cop (a lie) and the black guy hightailed it towards the exit. Without the black guy up against him, we realized Jeff could barely stay upright. The black dude must have rufied Jeff’s coke, because it took Rick, Jenna and I to get jeff up and out onto the street. The fresh air helped a lot, but our whole group took turns with an arm under him, walking the 16 blocks to the subway. By the time we got back to the dorm, Rick and I agreed to take Jeff back to the room. Minutes later Jeff was passed out in his bed and Rick and I decided he was out enough for us to play. With only the light from my ancient laptop playing a porn dvd, I was balls deep in Rick’s ass, while we passed the pipe back and forth. Pretty soon I was getting close and Rick started to jerk to join me. His elbow knocked the edge of the laptop and it turned just enough to cast some light over to Jeff’s bed. At Jeff’s waist level, the covers were tented and I would guess by the look of it, he was jerking off as fast as his drugged lil mind could go. It was too dark to see if he was looking at Rick and I so I reached down and retrieved my phone from next to me, and, as inconspicuously as possible, turned on the night vision camera and turned it toward Jeff. From the angle I was at, I couldn’t see what it was recording, but it hardly mattered as I began to breed Rick and he shot all over the floor. Rick collapsed in my bed and I excused myself to the bathroom. Once the light was on and the door was closed, I checked my videos and was disappointed to see I didn’t get a good angle on Jeff’s face. About a minute into the video it finally caught him just as I came, and sure enough Jeff was looking right at us as he jerked his cock. Returning to the bedroom, both Jeff and rick were passed out in the respective beds so I joined rick and wondered what that meant as I too drifted off/ PART IV: HISTORY OF ESPIONAGE 401 Over the next few weeks Jeff was always around. He never wanted to leave my side except for our separate gym schedules. It got to where I hadn’t met with Rick or Alan or anyone of my fuckbuds for almost a month and finally I decided enough was enough. I was going to tell Jeff I was spending the weekend out of town and find some strange. Friday morning I was awake early, pondering how and when to inform Jeff of my plans, when Jeff’s alarm went off and he got up to head to the gym. Before he went, he turned on his computer and checked his email, as he often did, then stepped into the closet and got change into his gym clothes. When he returned from the closet, he forgot to close his laptop on his desk and left for the gym. Curious about what he was always checking on his laptop, I crawled out of bed, went to the door, put the doorstop under it and went to the computer As it turned out the password wasn’t required if he didn’t close it, so one swipe across the thumbpad and the screen came up. There on his internet browser was his email. I almost closed It before remembering that it might give away what I was doing. Instead I started reading the subjects of some of the emails and was amazed when they seemed to be a correspondence between Jeff and an older woman telling each other to do sexual stuff. I read further and further back until the woman asked Jeff to send her photos. At first there were just shirtless pics, but then some of the posing strap shots came up and finally on shot with Jeff nude. He was soft in the photo, but his cock was thick, hung low and cut. He barely had any pubic hair and that was the only other than his pits and head I could see. I whipped out my cock and stroked. Jeff asked for pics in response and I almost skipped them but decided I wanted to see what he liked. The first pic loaded and I almost came right then. The emails weren’t from a woman, they were from a man. A hot, toned man with a large dick who seemed to be wearing the same posing strap as Jeff. Reading on I discovered Jeff had been given the undies by the man, who was actually the wrestling coach at Jeff’s school. From what I could tell, Jeff and the man hadn’t done anything…yet, despite the coach obviously wanting to. Opening Jeff’s other programs I came upon a video player and opened the last file. It was a video of the man masturbating on a picture of Jeff’s face. The second video was a video of the man receiving a bj from another guy and then I clicked on the third video. This was a video of me. Me naked. Laying in bed. Jerking off with my finger in my ass. The video was taken from the closet. About a minute into the video the camera panned down and there was Jeff’s hard cock. He was jerking off while watching me jerk off. I clicked another and it was more of the same, only this time I was getting head from Alan while the two of us smoked a bowl. The next video was the coach smoking from a pipe and jerking off. The last video was Jeff in the green silky posing strap, stroking his cock and saying things like “I want to try getting high and having you fuck me like my roommate fucks the guy downstairs” and “I can’t wait to take my first hit of meth and get your bare dick in my virgin hole coach.” As soon as I heard him say that, I shot my load all over my chest, even up onto my chin. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, until two seconds later when Jeff pulled a small pink vibrator out from under his mattress, sucked on it for a second, then pushed it into his ass and shot his own load all over the place. I rewound the video and shot again watching that part over and over. Remembering where I was I quickly got up, and closed everything on his computer. I left the internet window open but shut the screen so it would go to sleep. As I pulled the door stop from under the door, I heard jeff walking up and fiddling with his keys. I ran as quietly as possible to my bed and almost tossed the covers over me, when a light dawned. Instead I stroked my cock back to hardness and positioned myself like the covers had slid to just below my balls. The door opened just as I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. Listening for his footsteps I heard Jeff come in and drop his gymbag on the bed. I waited and stayed “asleep” as he quietly inched his way over until he was standing over my sleeping form. Sensing he was close I willed myself not to flinch as I felt his hand brush my semi-hard cock. His fingers ran up my body, through my two cum loads and I heard him scoop up a little and lick it off his finger. My cock involuntarily jumped hearing him moan. I felt his hand wrap around my cock again and start to stroke it. Not able to help myself, I humped his hand and moaned “Jeff.” He jumped away, as I predicted but I stayed ‘asleep’ and took the opportunity to roll to my side and move my arm over my eyes. Squinting from under my arm, I watching him grope his hard cock through his shorts before sliding them down, revealing the fact that he was wearing MY jockstrap! He began stroking his dick in ernest, just as my alarm ruined the moment by going off. Both of us jumped and Jeff dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door. I heard the shower running as I got up and wiped myself off with a pair of his boxers. PART V: ADVANCED CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN THE HUMAN BODY That night I was supposed to go out with Jenna and the crew but I feigned illness and Jeff being Jeff, he told everyone he’d hang out and take care of me. Once they left I told him I had a confession to make. He went white as a ghost, probably assuming I was going to tell him I knew what he’d been up to. Instead I confessed that Rick was supposed to come over later and we were going to get high and fuck around. Jeff didn’t get the hint, so I continued to tell him I didn’t think Rick would be okay with Jeff being there and maybe he should find someplace to be once Rick arrived. Jeff’s shoulders dropped and he said he understood. As he got up to leave, I stopped him. “Look Rick won’t be here until after his desk shift is done, so you can hang till then if you want, the only thing is…” “What?” jeff asked, returning to his seat on his bed. “Well I already got the drugs from Rick and I was gonna get high before he arrives,” I feigned trepidation, as if I was afraid of what I had to say next. “And the thing is, the stuff we smoke…it isn’t just weed…it’s something…better.” “So?” Jeff leaned back trying to seem super calm about the whole idea, but obviously hyped up by the way his knees were bouncing. “So once I get started I’m gonna wanna get showered up and cleaned out and was probably gonna take some pix of myself and send them to rick,” I said quietly. “Whats the big deal?” Jeff was practically buzzing with sexual energy while pretending not to care. “Pictures of me…naked.” I said while reaching under my pillow and pulling out the pipe I’d already loaded and a lighter. “I’d feel too weird doing all that with someone here who was stone cold sober. So you can stay if you wanna join me for a bowl or if you can find some booze or something. Cool?” The wheels in Jeff’s head were turning. Like me at that age, the idea of doing drugs was cool to fantasize about, but when it came down to actually drinking or smoking, it was terrifying. “Can’t I stay for a little while and leave before you take the photos?” Jeff asked as I shook my head no, then held the pipe to the light, pretending to check to see how much was in it while really making sure he saw that it was full. “I don’t know where I can get booze tonight. Everyone is out partying.” “That’s up to you to deal with, but I don’t do this shit unless the people I’m with are on something too,” I held the pipe close to my mouth and picked up the lighter again, staring at my roommate. “So do you wanna join me or what?” I almost didn’t believe it when Jeff nodded yes. Smiling I asked if he wanted me to go first, which got another nod. Lighting the lighter, I held the flame to the bowl and we both watched as the crystals melted and popped, before a cloud started swirling inside it. Bringing it to my lips I sucked it in carefully and took a HUGE hit from it before blowing it out causing Jeff to say “Holy shit Peter.” “Your turn,” I said, and motioned for him to take the pipe. After a minute of him fumbling with it, I decided to take the initiative and took it back. “You just hold the flame to it like this, and don’t inhale until you see a little smoke start to swirl…right…now.” Jeff put his lips against the pipe and inhaled a medium sized hit from the pipe. As he sucked in the smoked I adjust the way I was holding the pipe so my fingers were up against his lips. When he pulled back and exhaled. I patted him on the back and moved over so I was sitting next to him on his bed. On my next hit, I told him I was going to blow the smoke into his mouth and he was to inhale while I did. I took another huge hit and went to blow it into his mouth, surprising him by pulling his face to mine until our lips almost touched while we shotgunned. When he exhaled it, he coughed a little and his eyes widened a little. When he exhaled the next time, I sucked in his smoke, and ‘accidentally’ brushed my lips across his. After my next hit I pressed my lips to his with full force and almost tongued him before realizing his hand was shaking. Not wanting to scare him off, I told him I was going to change into something to take the photo for rick and he could watch one of the porns from under my bed while I got ready. Stepping into the bathroom, I stripped off my polo and jeans and pulled on the jockstrap that Jeff had been wearing that morning. When I stepped back in the room, Jeff was taking another big hit from the pipe and just started a film called “Cream lovers gangbang 6” in which a hot redhead get gangbanged by a bunch of college frat looking dudes, all of whom eventually cum on her pussy, ass, and tits. “Good choice bro,” I said, startling Jeff almost making him drop the pipe. “What do you think? Will Rick like it?” I spun around in my jock before reaching down and stroking my dick a little. Jeff just nodded while I picked up my phone and took some (purposefully) awful photos with my phone “Shit man,” I plopped down next to Jeff. “These won’t turn him on at all. Can you take a couple for me?” “Uh….sure. yeah.” Jeff was sweating as he began taking photos of me in various poses on the bed and against the wall. I took the phone and looked at the pictures he’d taken and complimented him on how good they looked. Jeff was sweating hard now, partially from the tina, and in part due to the fact I’d turned up the heat when we got back from class and then unscrewed the temperature control and told jeff it was missing. “Fuck you look hot bro, do you need to take off your shirt?” “Fuck yeah Pete, it is brutally hot in here.” Off came the shirt, revealing the slim but extremely toned body of my teenage roommate. His boxers and pants sat so low on his hips that a few of his barely there pubes were peaking out, but I pretended not to notice instead complimenting him on how good he was looking. “All those mornings in the gym are paying off man, you are getting ripped!” I said, running my fingers down from his pecs to his abs. His body tensed and he sucked in a breath so I told him to hit the pipe again. “and then maybe I should get a couple shot of you man.” “What!?!?” He said almost choking on the smoke. “Yeah bro take some hot pics and make the cunt downstairs resent ever breaking up with you,” I added, knowing full well it was Jeff who broke it off with her and not the other way around. “What do you say?” “Hell, why not?” He said, taking another big hit then hopping on the bed and making a bunch of Adonis poses. As if the fates were on my side, he kept having to readjust his pants between photos and almost tripped getting up. “Damn dude these are hot, but not when you trip all over your pants man,” I said showing him the blurry shots from when he was pulling up his pants. “Don’t you have anything sexier you can wear? Or anything tighter?” “No.” Jeff wasn’t going to admit to the posing strap without some work. “Nothing huh? Maybe I have something…” I said bending over and exposing my bubble butt and hot hole to Jeff. “Shit everything in here is too big for you. There must be something for you to wear…” “There might be one thing…” Jeff said so softly I barely heard. Smiling, I stood up, but put on my best acting face before turning to him and asking what it was. “Promise not to laugh?” I crossed my heart and held up my fingers. Jeff sank to his knees, pulled his toiletry bag from under his bag and pulled out the green silky posing strap. “Damn dude, that is hot. Will you try it on?” I said, groping myself and handing the pipe to Jeff. He took a huge hit and nodded yes. He moved towards the closet but I stopped him. “You can put it on here, it is just us bros here.” “Okay,” and with that he slid his jeans and boxers down until his semi-hard big cut cock popped out. Stepping into the strap, I leaned back and hit the record button on my computer so it began filming the action in the room. “How do I look?” “Amazing Jeff,” I said, honestly. “Hotter than any dude I’ve ever seen. Now lie on the bed and pose for me.” I took twenty or thirty photos while opening stroking my hardening cock. Jeff wasn’t getting hard (probably due to a mix of nerves and meth) so I wasn’t too surprised when he made some comments about “never having any trouble before.” “I know a trick that will get you hard, turn over.” He did as he was told once I handed him the pipe. While he hit it, I leaned in and pulled the strap to the side and began eating Jeff’s ass. He moaned his approval as I retrieved the lube laced with tina from under the bed and began fingering his hole. “It burns a little,” he complained, pulling away a little. I moved until my weight was on his legs and ass so he couldn’t go anywhere. He might have been 4 inches taller than me, but I was easily 40 pounds heavier than him, and it was all muscle. “Just for a second, it feels amazing once I get another finger in there.” He tried to say no as my second finger broke through, but bit his lip instead. “Shot gun a hit to me.” I said, leaning in close to his face. He did as I asked and I held the smoke in my lungs until I got close to his hole and then exhaled. This made him shudder and relax enough for a third finger to join in. He was so busy moaning and riding my fingers he never noticed me slide my cock out the left side of my jockstrap, or lubing it up. Suddenly my fingers pulled away and my cockhead took their place. Catching his eye in the reflection in the window over looking the city, he instantly knew what was about to happen and buck back to get away. Instead it only pushed his ass open and my cockhead popped inside, eliciting a scream from his lanky form. My hand clamped over his mouth as I proceeded to inch my way inside him until my hips were firmly planted against his butt. “Don’t act like this isn’t what you wanted Jeff,” I whispered in his ear as I slowly began to pull in and out of him. “I saw the vids on your laptop. I know you’ve been watching me and now it’s time for payback little boy.” He nodded okay and I began to fuck him. He never relaxed entirely during the first fuck, but a few minutes passed and I could feel his ass contract as his cock shot cum into the pouch of the posing strap. Never one to stop when my partner was done, I kept fucking until I could feel my own load building. I didn’t warn Jeff at all, I just rammed his ass as hard as I could and bred him so deep he’d been shitting my cum for a week. PART VI: PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION TEST That night we fucked another five times, with him cumming twice. I thought at first that he’d run scarred but after a week of silence he surprised me by letting me walk in on him sucking Alan and Rick off the following Friday. We all bred him that night and once they’d left, Jeff climbed on top of my exhausted, tweaked body and bred me without mercy. Almost every from then on I would fuck Jeff before we went to bed and he’d feed me his load the next morning. Weekends I took him downtown and found some older men to get us high and screw around with both of us. By Christmas break, he was an expert at taking my cock, so I was sad to be apart for two weeks while we went to our respective homes but I couldn’t wait to hear what happened with the coach. Especially since I sent him the video of Jeff’s first time and had been emailing with him ever since. That coach is one dirty faggot…and so am I.
  4. OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER, YOUNG ENOUGH TO DO IT ANYWAY PART I: INVINCIBLE BEGINNING At some point all teenage boys reach a moment in which they are transformed from a normal kid into a super powered, unstoppable force…or at least something deludes them into believe that about themselves. Once it has occurred, these kids will take on daring, and even foolish risks, with no fear that they might face consequences for their actions. Most boys probably couldn’t tell you when that moment was, but Chris could pinpoint exactly when and where and what he was doing (and who) when he lost his sense of self preservation and became a daredevil willing to try anything and always looking for the next adventure to prove he was all he believed himself to be. The night in question was during his sophomore year, only hours after he’d been told he’d be starting pitcher for his varsity baseball team the next season. So excited he could barely see straight, he texted some buds and made plans to meet them behind the diamond that night to celebrate. After three or so beers that had been purchased by someone’s older sister, Chris found himself doing handstands on the top row of the bleachers. This brave and idiotic act of show-off-ery was made possible by his alcohol intake and the appearance of some girls from his English class, but soon he’d feel strong enough to do such things without anything clouding his judgement. As it turned out, the handstand were sufficiently impressive to get one of the girls to come over to him and ask what else he could do. Not even an hour passed before they’d both gotten drunk enough to climb in the back of his dad’s truck and start fucking while all their friends were only a few feet away. Drunk and loud, their moans gave away what they were up to, and drew the other girl and the boys to come over and watch. Pretty soon a chant started encouraging Chris to go faster and harder. Now Chris would remember that this went on for at least a half hour and his girl orgasmed 3 times before he finally whipped his dick out and shot copious streams of jizz across her pussy, stomach and tits. The truth was more like five minutes, one (possibly fake) orgasm, and his cock slipping out at the last second, missing her tits or cunt, and instead coating the insides of her thighs and calves. While she retrieved her panties from his radio antenna, one of his buddies secretly took a photo of the cum covering her legs and showed it to Chris. It was right then that he became a myth to his buddies and any shred of self-preservation was gone. He was convinced he could do anything, having seduced the hottie with his athletic prowess, fucked her royally with an audience cheering him on, and a photo to prove it was all as awesome as he thought it was. That night when he got home and went into his bathroom to shower off the sweat, cum and pussy juice, he stripped nude and admired himself in the mirror. For months he’d been working his ass off to get his biceps bigger, his abs tighter and his legs stronger to help his game. Smirking, he suddenly saw the resulting body in a new light, as if it was imbued with mystical properties. Another foolish teen was born that night, and no one would be able to break him of his delusions of grandeur for quite some time. Over the next year he was cock of the walk, ruling the school as only buff, tall, handsome teen varsity jocks can. He even managed to make honor role first semester, which got him an offer to join an Honors track in the spring. With nothing to fear, he accepted without a second thought, and continued to spend his time perfecting his physique and juggling three girls. Once baseball season started in February, Chris was starting to realize that his honors classes might not have been the best idea. Midterms would be right around the same time as the first game, and so far Chris was barely finding the time to study enough for a ‘C’ average between practice and his workouts. Still he figured it would all work out just fine even when his teachers began pointing out that he was getting dangerously close to dropping below a ‘C’ which would keep him off the list for academic eligibility. Finally his coach pulled him aside after practice one night and mentioned some rumors that Chris might be off the team if he didn’t get his grades back up, and some fear kicked in. The next weekend, Chris cancelled his dates and spent the whole weekend studying and writing papers. During the week he began doing homework at lunch and between classes, and even used study hall for its intended purpose. His grades began to pick up, but now the coach was riding him for not playing as well. Friday’s practice was worst of the week, and Chris found himself barely able to focus with all the stuff he was freaking out about. Too wired to go home, he decided to drive over to his family’s athletic club and get in some time on his arms and try to figure out what he was doing wrong. An hour passed while Chris worked different weight machines to pump up his arms, but he was still distracted by all the work he had to do. So much so he accidentally loaded 20 lbs more than his top weight, and almost killed himself on the first press. Out of nowhere appeared a tall toned white guy covered in tattoos who jumped in to spot him and helped get the weight readjusted. Chris sat up to thank the guy, and found out he was one of the personal trainers at the club, Freddy. They chatted as the lifted and walked into the locker room together as Chris explained that with all he had to get done, there just wasn’t enough time during the week to do it and be well rested and ready for practice. “What if I could make the weekend longer?” Freddy asked, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. Chris asked what he meant and found out that Freddy had some stuff at his house that would allow Chris to stay up all night Friday and Saturday, get his work done for the week, and not make him groggy afterwards. Chris agreed without asking anything about what the stuff was or what it did. He was so excited about the idea of being able to get everything done that he didn’t notice Freddy checking him out as they showered. Inside Freddy’s apartment, Chris was offered a drink, but declined in favor of getting the stuff he needed to help study. He figured on the short drive over that it was probably caffine pills like truckers use, but he wasn’t sure if he could take those since technically the school could check for drugs at any point, even though they always did it Friday after school. He tried to hide his shock when Freddy returned to the living room in nothing but a pair of baggy bball shorts and a cap, with a small glass piper and lighter in one hand and a tiny bag of something resembling the rocks Chris grew in chemistry class the year before. Chris watched as Freddy explained that the stuff in the bag was called ‘Tina’ and was used to fight fatigue, as well as a few other things. Chris inquired as to why he needed the pipe and when Freddy started to show him, Chris objected quickly. “I don’t do drugs man, can’t risk it.” He said, losing some of his posture unconsciously from the disappointment of realizing there was no miracle way to stay up without chancing an ‘f’ on a piss test. “If any of this shit is detectable on a UA, then I would be fucked if it was still in my piss by Friday.” “No sweat man,” Freddy responded while loading some of the rocks into the glass bowl. “This stuff burns clean and is out of your system in 2, 3 days tops. Plus it won’t show on any UA for sports enhancing drugs or opiates.” Assuming that meant that the ‘tina’ wasn’t a drug, Chris spirits rose, but he remained wary, asking if there were any side effects or if it was addictive. “It can be addictive if you aren’t able to handle it properly,” Freddy said as he measured some of his baggie into an even smaller bag. “but you’re a big dude and you don’t look like one of those pussy bitches who can’t drink or smoke without ending up strung out on the side of the road somewhere. As for side effects, it just hypes you up and gets you running on overdrive, which can sometimes make you really thirsty or horny, kinda like a really good work out but with no fatigue after.” Chris’ sense of invulnerability over-rode all the ‘don’t do drugs’ lectures he’d heard over and over again in school and scouts, convincing him he could handle it in small doses. After all, no one was ever hooked after just one hit right? Wrong. Freddy asked him if he wanted to try it out, but Chris hesitated for one more second as he tried to decide if he was really willing to do this to get his stuff done. “Up to you man,” Freddy shrugged and pocketed the baggie and went to take a hit off the pipe himself. “I just need to know if you want this or if I should save it for the college chic I got on her way here. She loves smoking this and riding any cock in the room, so maybe I should save it for her anyway.” The idea that some girl could handle it and he was hesitating made Chris realize that it was time to man up. There was also the image of some co-ed tits bouncing as a girl rode his dick that had him wondering if he could use this as an excuse to hang around take a turn. He stopped Freddy and said he was ready to try it. Since he’d never seen a pipe like this before, Freddy offered to help him by lighting it for his first few hits. Instructing him to wait to inhale until Freddy gave him the signal, Chris sat as close to Freddy as he could. The tattoo’d taller, older guy held the pipe to Chris’ lips and flicked the lighter until it lit under the clear glass bowl. Crackling could be heard as Chris noticed the crystals melting and smoke beginning to billow in the round enclosure. From the weed pipes he’d smoked, Chris assumed the hole on top was a carb, but didn’t say anything since Freddy left it uncovered. Once some whisps of clean white smoke began to seep from the hole, Freddy said “now.” Inhaling deep into his lungs, Chris was surprised that he wasn’t tasting the smoke like he had when he’d smoked pot before. ‘must be due this being a cleaner burning substance or something,’ he thought, until he began to exhale and coughed really hard. Freddy laughed and asked if he was okay and Chris nodded. Taking another hit, Freddy handed Chris the bowl and told him to try it that time while Freddy retrieved water for the two of them. Chris had an easier time on that hit and wondered how long it would take to kick in. Just as Freddy came back with the waters, Chris got his answer in the form of a huge head rush and a wave of heat flowing over him. Now he understood why Freddy had stripped to his shorts. They continued passing back and forth the pipe while Freddy listened to him drone on and on about how amazing he felt. Once the bowl was finished, Freddy told Chris to strip down to his boxers if he was too warm, which Chris went ahead and did, with all the confidence of a boy his age. He didn’t even worry about getting hard when the extremely sexy 22 yr old girl showed up and smoked with them. By the time they’d smoked another bowl, Chris was concerned that he wasn’t getting hard, but kept his mouth shut since he was enjoying the 22yr old fingering her pussy and Sucking Freddy’s large dick. Within minutes of starting, her cunt got slippery, then sloppy and finally she creamed all over the couch cushion when Chris worked up the courage to reach over and stroke her pussy lips. Still, Chris couldn’t get any response from his dick. When the girl left, he asked Freddy, and he explained that it was a common side effect and if he decided to come back for more “study helpers” the next night, that Freddy would toss in a Viagra just in case. Confused, but wired, Chris left the apartment and went home, where he spent the next 6 hours pounding out a term paper, two research papers, and a set of flash cards for his midterms that week. Around 7 am, he was fading and went into his pocket for some more tina. Immediately he realized he had no pipe and no lighter. Whipping out his phone, he texted Freddy and prayed he was awake. By 8, Chris was back at Freddy’s door, and was greeted by the tattoo’d dealer’s naked body, semi-hard cock, and a nasty gangbang video playing on the tv. He was so distracted by his need for a pipe that it took him a minute to realize there was another guy there, around Freddy’s age, but shorter, around Chris’ height, and very muscly. He stammered and tried not to stare as the two men absent mindedly jerked their rods while he told them what he needed. The buff shorter guy laughed and told him to go buy one at the Mexican market on the corner, but Freddy stopped him and said he would give him one as part what he owed for the tina. Chris asked what he meant, and Freddy explained that tina was not free, and told him the bag he’d left with earlier was worth $30, and he’d toss in the Viagra he’d promised, a pipe and a lighter for another $10. All the money from Chris’ wallet added up to $38, and the change from his car got him another $1.57 closer, which Freddy graciously accepted on the condition that “next time you bring the cash before I give you the goods.” All Saturday, through the afternoon and evening, Chris was working at full speed, sneaking into the bathroom and locking the door periodically, in order to be sure he could take a few puffs without his parents catching him. As promised, the tina was life-changing, allowing Chris to stay focus and on task all day so he was done with all his work by midnight. With that, he booted up his laptop and hunted through some porn online so he could celebrate. Try as he might, even his favorite videos did nothing to help him become erect. Frustrated, he fished the little blue pill out of his pocket and gulped it down. He wondered if Freddy and the other guy had taken one, since they seemed to have no issues getting hard when he was there. Suddenly he realized he had no idea why the two of them were stroking together with no sign of a female anywhere and no mention of any coming over. A brief thought that they were fags crossed his mind, but he dismissed it as quickly as it arrived, reminding himself that Freddy fed his dick to the college girl right in front of him the night they met. Perhaps they were jerk off buddies like he and his friend Nick had been in middle school. It seemed weird that they’d continued as adults, but he forgot all about it when he looked down and found his own dick was now fully hard. Assuming it was from the slutty blonde getting a facial on the computer screen, he began to stroke and think of all the girls he’d been blowing off the last few weeks. One hand on his cock, he reached with his other hand for his phone and texted the girl who lived closest and asked if she wanted to come over. Imagining her taking a hit from his pipe before letting him use her slit, he felt his balls tightening already. Pausing to take another hit off his new pipe, he prayed for a pussy. Mere moments passed before the girl he’d texted sent a response saying: just got home from party. Come over and letz fuck. The sex was better than he ever could have imagined, even with a half-asleep drunk girl who didn’t want to do anything other than missionary. When he pulled out and shot his load on her pussy lips, she smiled and rolled over. She was out before his breathing returned to normal, and he was already figuring out how he was going to make $30 bucks that week to get more tina. PART II: UNSTOPPABLE ADDICTION Nine weeks had come and gone since that first night partying, and Chris had spent every weekend high as a kite. His grades were safely in the ‘B’ range and his performance on the team had never been better. He’d even managed to lose the baby fat around his waist with the help of the drugs, giving him an even more enviable form. In that time, he’d run through all his birthday money, he allowance, his gas money, and had even taken to selling some of his comic books from when he was younger, all to support his new habit. What began as a $30 bag and the occasional puff through the day was now $100 a weekend and a constant intake of meth. Days he spent at home locked in his room behind a combo lock he installed himself, nights he snuck over to Freddy’s apartment and smoked and jerked and hung out naked, occasionally enjoying a left over girl from Freddy’s customers. Recently Freddy was kicking him out more and more often, which required Chris to schedule hook ups with girls and friends at bizarre hours. He was loving every drugged minute of it, and had become totally okay with spending hours in the buff with Freddy and random friends and customers he had over now and then. Finals came just in time for the money to run out, and Chris was panicked when he asked Freddy what to do. “You remember the guy you met the first weekend we hung out?” Chris nodded. “Well he has mentioned you a few times since then and I bet he’d be down to spot you some cash if you’d be down to let him suck you off.” “Seriously? He’s a fag? Seemed so…normal. I dunno man. I’m not into gay shit. I just really need this for one more week.” Chris was already aching for a puff when Freddy explained that he could pretend it was a girl and keep his eyes closed the whole time. Glancing over to the coffee table, Chris saw Freddy’s pipe laying out and his eyes glazed at the thought of being high again. He nodded okay. No sooner had Freddy gotten off the phone with the guy and told Chris to use his shower really quickly. Chris was now including some extra cleansing of his balls, ass and hole when he showered, since the tina had a tendency to make him empty his bowels. He’d just finished verifying there was nothing left inside him and getting washed when Freddy knocked and told him the guy was there, stripping nude and eagerly dropping to his knees in front of the chair where Freddy directed Chris to sit. The dude wasted no time and immediately began to suck as best he could, but it was no use since Chris was only thinking about getting high. Freddy suggested they smoke a bowl and gave Chris a Viagra to help him out. Once the smoke hit his lungs, Chris felt the high he needed and was able to turn his attention to the tv screen where an asain girl was taking two black dicks in either end. It turned out that the man was an excellent cock sucker, so good that Chris forgot who was doing it and grabbed his hair and started pounding his dick down the man’s throat and saying things like “take my fucking cock” and “I’m gonna feed you my cum bitch!” Sure enough, the next stroke was all it took for Chris to shoot load after load down the throat of a man he barely knew. As the euphoria wore off, he looked down and was disgusted to see the masculine face as it licked his shaft and balls. He pushed the man off and hurriedly got dressed, only pausing before leaving to get the tina he needed. PART III: INESCAPABLE OUTCOME Finals and the end of the baseball season went off with no problems, and Chris decided he was going to stop smoking now that he no longer needed to do it for his grades. Friday came and he was doing okay until he received a video message on his phone from Freddy. The clip was the college girl he’d met at Freddy’s apartment, and she was taking a hit from Freddy’s pipe totally nude. Never in his life had he wanted something so badly, and he couldn’t figure out if he wanted the pipe or the girl more. Since classes ended with finals, Chris rushed the last half of the last essay on his lit final, before tossing it on the teacher’s desk on his way out the door. On the way to Freddy’s apartment, he called the dealer and explained that he was still broke, but Freddy told him not to worry about it, because he had a friend coming over that was willing to share. When the other guy finally arrived, Chris had the co-ed on her back on the couch, with her legs over his shoulders and his cock ramming her pussy as hard as he could. He told Freddy how impressed he was by his own staying power since he’d been inside her for at least 20 minutes by then with no sign of cumming, and Freddy just laughed. “That’s because the pepsi I gave you to wash down the Viagra had some g in it,” Freddy mentioned like it was nothing. Chris looked concerned. “Don’t sweat it bro. G is ghb, all of us have some in our drinks. It is just like taking a couple shots.” Once the other guy started stripping, the girl declared that she needed a break and they all sat around and smoked a large bowl. Chris was so hard he was practically humming when his female fuck-partner got a text and apologized, explaining that her roommate was locked out and she needed to go give her the keys to their room. Promising to be back soon as she got dressed, she stopped only to stroke Chris’ cock a few times, before slipping on her shoes on her way out the door. “FUCK!” Chris shouted when she left. “I really need to fuck her! I am so fucking horny man!” “Chill Chris,” Freddy advised him, handing him a freshly loaded bowl. “Why don’t we each do another shot of G so we can calm down a little and by the time the bitch gets back, you’ll be ready for round two.” They all agreed and Freddy dashed into the kitchen to get the g. “I’m Steve, by the way,” the other man spoke up, sitting across the sofa from Chris, in only a jockstrap and his sneakers. “Guess I forgot to introduce myself before sucking you off last week.” “No worries,” Chris responded, awkwardly. “I’m Chris.” Freddy returned with three small shot glasses each filled about half full. Chris said they were wimps if that’s all it took, but both guys chuckled and told him to wait and see how he felt once he drank it. Sliding it back, he gagged at the god-awful flavor and almost threw up, eliciting more laughs from the other guys. Assuming they didn’t choke because they were used to it, it didn’t occur to him that it was actually because their glasses had water in them instead. Within minutes Chris’ vision was getting blurry and he felt himself start to fade into a state of semi-awareness. He remembered thinking he should be worried when Freddy moved to Steve’s side and the two of them started whispering back and forth, but he couldn’t seem to find the energy or will power to question them. As the tv became too difficult to make out, Steve got up and went out on the balcony to make a phone call. “How about we move into the guest bedroom so we can watch porn on the big screen?” Freddy suggested once Steve was out of ear shot. The high school boy agreed amicably and stood up too quickly, falling right back on his butt. Luckily the high from the pipe and the g was making him easy going, so he just laughed and let Freddy help him up. Inside the bedroom, he tried to object as Freddy stripped them both naked and placed Chris next to him in bed, but every time he opened his mouth, Freddy would stick the pipe in front of him and feed him another hit off of it. He soon forgot to protest when the tv began playing a very hot porn featuring a girl who looked a lot like the college girl from earlier, getting plowed in her ass by a tall tattoo covered tan guy who Chris swore looked almost identical to Freddy. Reaching for his cock, Chris discovered Freddy was already playing with it. “I’m nat a fig brew.” Chris slurred. “What?” Freddy asked, sliding his other hand between Chris’ legs to stroke and tickle the balls and asshole. “I’m…not a fag. Bro.” Chris struggled to focus, making his word come slower and more clearly. “Who said you were Chris?” Freddy replied before bending down and engulfing his buddies cock with his mouth. Chris moaned and tried to push Freddy away, but once he felt the dealer’s lips against his pelvis, he moaned and relaxed enough that moments later, he was passed out. Looking up at the nude, ripped teen boy in the bed, Freddy let the stiff post-pubescent cock fall from his mouth, which curled into a smile. Hopping up, he leaned out the door and motioned to Steve, who ended his call, came back inside and climbed onto the bed next to Chris’ head. Together they readjusted Chris until his ass was at the foot of the bed and Steve was kneeling over his head, pinning the boy’s arms beneath his muscular thighs. Freddy chuckled quietly as he applied some lube to his fingers and work one, then two and finally a third one into the teen’s tight virgin ass. As the third one slipped in, Chris began to stir and Steve tensed his legs to keep the boy’s arms still. Withdrawing from the boyhole, Freddy was pleasantly surprised to find Chris’ ass as clean inside as it was outside. Showing Steve, the two of them made some quiet jokes about what a good little slut they’d found, doucheing before they used ‘her.’ “Time for a little wake up call,” Freddy whispered, pulling out a syringe with no needle, a small cup of water and some of his tina. He put a large crystal of the drug into the syringe then reinserted the plunger and used it to suck up some water. Not enough to make a mess, but enough to dissolve the rock with a little shaking and swirling. Once neither one could see the crystal, Freddy lubed the syringe and slowly slid it in the ass where he had just had his fingers. As soon as it was in as far as it could go, freddy pushed down on the plunger and emptied the liquid into Chris’ ass. “Baby’s first booty bump,” Steve said, laughing. The two men watched as the drugs took effect, reviving the boy slowly. Five minutes passed before they figured it was in his blood stream, then Freddy pulled out the syringe and leaned down over the teen’s body. Lifting the boy’s legs over his forearms, he moved his erect cock in until the lubed head was pressed against the virgin cunt. “Open your eyes ball boy,” the dealer said softly but in a commanding tone. Chris was dreaming that his math teacher was on her knees sucking his balls while his French teacher ate his ass with her bright red lips, and he wasn’t happy to respond to the male voice demanding he awaken, but he did anyway. Fluttering eyelids gave way to one and then two pupils, followed by some blinking before Chris finally became fully awake and looked up puzzled. For a few seconds, it didn’t register what was happening to him, until he managed to look a little further down his chest and caught sight of a tattooed torso between his thighs. Dawning on the fact that it was a set of male abs and pecs bent over him, his eyes shot wide open and he began to struggle. Steve and Freddy laughed at the feeble attempt to escape, since the boy was still on enough g that all he could really do was shake his head back and forth and wiggle his hips. “Get off of me mother fucker!” Spat the teen trying to gather enough strength to get an arm free. “what the fuck are you doing?” “Nothing much,” Freddy said, beginning to add pressure to the hole with his large, leaking cock. “I just want you to be awake when I make you a man.” “Fuck you queer!” Came the reply from the baseball boy, which did nothing but anger his rapists. Freddy dropped a thigh and smacked the teen’s face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough to force to shut the boy up and make him tremble slightly. “The only queer here,” The dealer said, sneering at his victim and lifting the leg back over his arm. “Is you bitch. I knew from the moment you smoked the very first bowl with me that you were a no-good faggot cock-sucking whore, and now I’m gonna prove it. Hold onto your panties.” Suddenly Freddy reared back and slammed his hips and cock forward, pushing half his engorged dick past the boy’s tight outer sphincter. Chris screamed like an 11yo falling off his bike, and slammed his eyes shut. Freddy motioned to Steve, who reached back on the bed and picked up Freddy’s discarded jockstrap, shoving it in the boy’s mouth. Freddy reared back again, withdrawing until only the head was still in the boy’s butt, and slammed forward a second time, until ¾ of his cock was inside. Another scream, muffled by the jock, came shooting out of the teen’s throat, as well as some sobs and tears. Pulling out again, the third slam saw the huge tattooed man’s meat make it all the way in, pushing past a second sphincter and causing one pitiful cry from the boy before he passed out. Minutes later the boy returned to consciousness, but somehow he was no longer in pain from the dick in his ass. Instead the sharp knife stabbing his insides had transformed into a warm ache and something else, something suspiciously like…pleasure. He heard moaning and grunting as he opened his eyes again and found Freddy ramming his ass full speed. With each driving thrust, the dealer added another guttural sound of pleasure, explaining the grunts he heard, but Steve was no longer kneeling over him, so where were the moans coming from? Shame filled the boy’s head when it dawned on him that he was the one moaning, from the pleasure of having his ass reamed. With no Steve above him, his arms were free to fight. Raising them, Chris expected them to push against his rapist, but as the cock inside him slid in and out of his no-longer virginal asshole, it rubbed something that caused tiny orgasms to shoot through the teen’s body, and made his arms reach out and pull the dealer’s hips against him harder. “Look who’s up,” Freddy said, bending down and kissing the teen. “And it looks like he’s enjoying himself.” Chris kept his mouth shut at first, which frustrated his fucker. Freddy slammed the boy especially hard, making Chris’ mouth pop open in a yelp, allowing the taller man’s tongue to slip inside the boy’s mouth and rape that as well. Once their tongues began wrestling, every last ounce of resistance faded from the youngster, and he became a willing participant as Freddy proceeded to fuck him on his belly, on his side, doggy style and finally on his back again when he was getting close to finishing. “You want me to cum in you bitch?” Freddy asked, his forehead resting against the boy’s. “Please don’t” Chris whimpered, part of him wanting the man to go ahead anyway. “Then I’ll stop fucking you.” Freddy threatened, pulling almost the whole way out of the boy. Chris cried out, hating the empty feeling and throwing his hands out to pull the man back into his ass. “That’s what I thought,” the tattooed top said laughing, resuming his full force fuck into the teen. “So I’ll ask you again. You want me to cum in you bitch? Want me to cum in you now and again tomorrow and again every day from now on until you’re nothing but a used up cunt full of sperm and shame? Tell me what you want!!” “I want…” Chris stopped himself, but Freddy slammed as hard and deep into him as he could, forcing the boy to continue. “I want you to cum in me.” “Good cause here…I…CUM!” Chris felt the cock inside him swell as his rapist slammed a dozen more times harder and deeper than he had yet and suddenly he could just tell that the man was cumming. The tight tattooed abs rubbing his own teen cock and the stiff giant cock in his hole, stimulating him in places he’d never felt before, joined together to make the teen shoot 1, 2, 3,…a dozen shots of thick, ropy boyjizz against the two male chests. Both men breathed hard and fast as they emptied their balls together, until both were finished and Freddy collapsed onto Chris, making out with the teen as their sweat and cum rolled off of them onto the bedspread. “hot damn.” Steve said, stepping out of the shadows with a camera in his hand. Chris’ gut dropped as he realized the two men had just taped, possibly even broadcasted his rape. “This oughta be enough to make sure you come back for more.” Chris felt the shame stream back into his mind as he stood in the shower, washing himself with boiling hot water. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized Steve was right. He had no choice now. If he didn’t want the men to release the tape or show his parents or get him kicked out of school, he’d have to do what they said, when they said. His feeling of being invincible was over, replaced by a mix of fear, resignation and excitement. Drying off, he walked back into the guest room and laid down without a fight. Steve started moving between the boy’s legs and lubed up his own cock for round two, and Chris knew there was nothing he could do but take the man’s cock, and any other cock they wanted him to take. He was theirs now.
  5. First time was my best friend from middle/high school. I spent as many Saturday nights at his house as my own from the time we became friends around 5th grade to senior year of high school. Around the seventh grade I got curious and started encouraging him to play truth or dare and then dare him to streak or go commando or anything where I could see his cock. He began doing the same, daring me to do things that required me to flash him my dick. After awhile I wanted more, especially once I discovered the internet and began looking up pictures of penises and naked men. It started innocently with me waiting for him to fall asleep, then sliding under his blanket and fondling his package, my heart racing the entire time. Each night I got bolder continuing until he'd begin to stir. Eventually I managed to free it from his boxers and stroke it a little. One night when I was too tired to try, I just laid down to sleep, and soon he was nudging me while pretending to be asleep, obviously wanting me to do more. Once I knew he was okay with me playing with him I stopped worrying about waking him, since he was pretending all along, and just went for it. I sucked him off that night and soon I was doing more including putting my dick in his 'sleeping' mouth and jerking off on him. At this same time I discovered the chat rooms on gay.com and aol, and began talking to older men about what I wanted to try. I even managed to sneak out a few nights and meet a few to jack off in their cars and let them suck me off. We always played in their vehicles since I was too young to drive and too nervous to let them take me too far from my house. A few of them tried to convince me to fuck them or let them top me, but I thought that sounded nasty since it was where poop came out. One guy managed to convince me to let him rim me while I jerked off, and he slid his finger into my ass just as I came. The sensation was so intense I tried it on my own when I jerked from then on. Within a few months I was using my entire finger and sometimes a magic marker. About that same time I decided to investigate my buddy's butt, but I found that he didn't clean up well enough. I whispered to my 'sleeping' friend that he needed to shower next time I came over and instead sucked him off while straddling his face. He didn't seem interested in my ass until I fingered my hole and shot a huge cum load all over him. The next time I came over he showered before we went to 'sleep' and wore a pair of his Dad's boxers that were loose enough to slide down and off his legs without 'waking' him. For a few months we exchanged fingers in one another's holes while sucking and I always shot my load while grinding my butt on his lips and chin. It caught me totally off guard when he started tonguing me one night, and then reached up and spread my cheeks and chowed down. I came really hard that night and when I sucked him off he held my head down on his cock and shot in my throat which he'd never done before, making me swallow his jizz. His eyes stayed shut the entire time and he made it very clear we could only play as long as we both continued to keep up the charade that he was asleep. After that he seemed to want me to play with his hole only when I was sucking his dick and never let me finger him like I had before. He'd groan when I'd rim him, and I'd try to do it as well as he did it to me, but he stopped me from putting in any more than one knuckle by rolling over or clenching his thighs around my cheeks. His ass-eating got more aggressive too and pretty soon he was inserting his tongue as deeply as he could before working in two and even three fingers once. When I tired to pull away, he grabbed my dick and jerked me until I shot all over his smooth chest. Needing an explanation I sought advice from some men online, and one man in particular who'd been coming over to my house about once a week and blowing and fingering me in his car down the hill by the playground. He'd been desperate to fuck my virgin ass but while I was no longer grossed out by it, the idea scarred me too much. He explained that my friend was probably dreaming about eating pussy and wanted to fuck me. When I told him that I was 99% sure my buddy was actually awake, he insisted I let him come over and suck me off, but I declined. Instead he convinced me to try rubbing my friend's dick between my cheeks against my hole to see if he wanted to do more than just oral and finger play. The next weekend I was there, I made sure to grab some lotion from his bathroom (which is what I used at home to finger my ass) and some paper towels to clean up with if necessary. Our usual fore play ensued, but I was sure to use a lot of lotion between my cheeks so once I straddled his lap I wouldn't have a reason to get up. As soon as I pulled away from his cock, he moaned as if to say "Wait, where are you going? We're not done." I wondered if he might drop the act in desperation to get off. When he just kept moaning and making his dick jump and dance at me, I realized he'd never admit to being awake, and decided to try straddling him. Once my leg was over his other side, I lowered my butt until his hard-on was caught between my cheeks. This made him very happy and he thrust up to meet my buns. Within minutes we both shot gigantic loads, mine across his chest and face, his between my asscheeks and against my ballsack. Two weeks later I'd been dreaming of the last session while chatting with random men, and discovered that one of my former teachers was one of the men I was talking with. He had no idea it was me, but even so I avoided him for says until working up the courage to talk more without revealing that I knew him. I pretended to be older than I was so he wouldn't run away and we had long discussions about what we liked to do. He always told me stories about the young men he fucked and when I told him I had never tried it, he lost interest in me, explaining that virgins didn't interest him. Even when I told him he could take my virginity (which I had no plans on actually doing) he still said no, informing me that he had a pretty big dick and needed a bottom who could take the whole thing. He ended our final chat with a sentence that made me sure of what I had to do, saying "Sorry bud, but if you want to play with real men, it's time to get fucked." That weekend we repeated the night from two weeks earlier only this time I followed the instructions I'd gotten from a website, and held his hard dick up straight until I felt it make contact with my lotion-coated butthole. According to every account I found, it was going to be tough getting it in at first, but once I got used to it, I'd be ready to ride until my buddy was done. No one told me I should have removed my socks or been sure to have a hood footing before trying to sit on his cock, because the combination caused me to lose balance right as his cock head forced its way inside me, with the result my friend's thrusts knocked me entirely off balance, causing my feet to slide out, and my ass to slide down on his dick until he was balls-deep inside my ass. I held back a scream and saw stars from the pain, but I didn't have time to hop off or find a place to push with my feet and hands to rise up before his hands grabbed my hips and began slamming up again and again. It felt like an eternity, but we were both teenage boys so it probably only lasted for a minute or two before, to my horror, my friend filled me with his sperm. After he was done shooting, I finally managed to get my legs under me, sprang off his lap and dashed out of the room, down the hall, tiptoed past his sister's and parent's bedroom, and locked myself in the bathroom. My hole was still on fire as I examined myself to prove what I had convinced myself was true: he'd torn my ass from end to end, and my hole was sticky and sore, and I needed to poop. Once I'd expelled his load from my butt, I was still in shock but glad that no damage had been done and I returned to the room where he was now rolled away from the door, his boxers pulled back up. Angry, I crossed the room to him, pulled the boxers down as far as I could and began squirting lotion on his ass. Whether he was actually asleep or just resigned to the idea that I'd be doing him in return, I don't know, but I managed to get my dick hard and awkwardly mount him, pushing my head into his hole as roughly as I could, just to see how he liked it. You should know that he was six inches taller than I was, having hit puberty first and grown much faster. The same was true of his dick, which was easily over seven inches the last time we'd measured during truth or dare, and now might even have been as much as eight or slightly bigger. Mine, however, was just starting to get bigger and was only five inches, maybe ever smaller since I usually exaggerated when we'd measure. Combine that with trying to get it between his rather large butt cheeks and the awkward angle and I only managed to get an inch or so inside him and thrust three times before I began to shoot my own load. I couldn't even keep it inside as I shot, so most of it ended up on his hole and cheeks by the time I collapsed against his sweaty back. After that it was obvious he wanted to try again, always playing with my butt as much as I'd allow or even trying to maneuver us into a position where he could get his cock against my ass, but I had decided after the pain I felt that first time that I wasn't meant to be plowed. Once it was clear I wasn't interested, we went back to sucking, rimming and fingering until I left for college. Just in case I was wrong, I tried anal play twice more in the next few years, but both guys were too rough and I was too insecure to tell them how much I was hating it, so I decided I must be all top. I didn't get fucked again until I was in college and even then I didn't learn to enjoy it until I was almost 23.
  6. I need more man!!!!
  7. more please!!!!
  8. Part 2 Unable to disengage my eyes from Tom’s cock while we showered, I was grateful that he’d chosen to start by shampooing his full head of rusty hair, the grey around his temples disappearing as soon as the soap mixed in. Watching him soap up his chest, ass, pits and pubes, I only glanced up to his eyes occassionally to ensure they were still glued shut to keep out any suds. His meat had plumped to semi-hardness, but was still only about 6 inches long, leading me to imagine just how much bigger it would get fully hard. My cock would have been rock hard if not for the tina I’d been smoking, but tina-dick left me flaccid. “All do good in here?” the heavily accented voice came from the shower entrance and, turning to look, I realized it was the handsome young korean man with the movie star looks. “Great thanks, Matt.” My redheaded shower companion responded, rinsing his face to see who had asked. “Alright Missah Tom,” The handsome boy called Matt responded before turning to leave. “you ask fo me if you need rub latah, okay?” “Okay,” Tom called to him before turning off his shower head and stepping closer to me while toweling off. “You gonna ask?” “Hmm? Ask what?” I said, whipping back to him and trying my hardest not to drop to my knees and suck him hard. “Ask why I called him Matt,” Tom laughed. “His real name is ‘Tickle Jar’ or “Tiki Jam” or something, but all the massage boys go by an american name for the clients.” “Aha,” I laughed too and turned off my shower head, reaching for my towel. “and do they know all the customers by name as well?” “Probably not,” Tom said, holding the door open for me and leading me back to the locker room area. “But I am a good customer. I am the one who insisted they train some of the young men here to do massage. Last year they only had females and none of them could do it…hard enough to really relax me, ya know what I mean?” “I think so,” My eyes returned to his towel-covered crotch which did little to cover the fact that his dick was almost fully hard now, and tenting the towel impressively. “You ready Missah Tom?” Matt popped his head around the corner. “Sure Matty,” Tom gropped himself once then sauntered over to the boy, putting an arm around him, before they disappeared down the hall with the massage rooms. I’m no slouch at 6’1”, but watching this older man who stood 6’3” or 4” with his arm around the slight figure of the 5’7” tall boy next to him made my dick hard again. I scurried to my locker and grabbed my glasses case and a small bottle of lube and wrapped them in a wash cloth. Hurrying back to the door, I strained to see if I could hear them while I reached down to stroke but jumped when another young man rounded the corner and asked if I ‘want him rub me.’ Turning to say no, I was shocked to see it was the older of the two brothers, in nothing more than a tight pair of speedos. His cock was still almost fully hard inside them and pulsed with each step towards me. Swallowing hard and nodding, he took my hand and led me through the door and down the hall, just past the door where Tom and ‘Matt’ were getting started, which was standing open about a foot. Moving too fast to see anything more than Tom’s nude figure on the massage table, I tried to come up with some excuse about needing to go back to my locker for something, when the younger brother appeared and said something in Korean to his older bro. “So sorry Missah…?” he stood waiting for me to tell him my name is Dan. “Sorry Missah Dan. I gotta get uhspecial oil for rub you. You wait here and I back in 5 minute, yes?” I smiled and nodded. “Good, me,” he pointed to himself. “Eddie. No you let othah boy rub in you, yes Missah Dan? Only Eddie rub in you, right?” “Right only Eddie,” I said as he smiled, turned and left. Once he was back in the main part of the locker room, I fished out my pipe and took a big hit before sneaking back into the dark hallway and tip-toeing to the next door to spy on Tom and Matt. Sadly nothing was happening as far as I could see. Tom was now on his stomach with a towel over his big meaty ass, and Matt was on the far side of the table, using his small hands and elbows to dig as hard into Tom’s back as possible. Maybe he was only interested in a real rub down, I thought before turning to go back to my room. “You want puff on glass Missah Tom?” Matt’s voice brought me back to the open door. Peering in, my dick began to stiffen again as Matt stepped from behind the table, revealing that he was nude with a ribbon tied around his hard cock and balls. Bending over almost a foot from my hiding place in the hall, he fished through a bag of goodies and pulled out a glass pipe similar to the one in my hands and loaded it with more crystal than I had ever seen. Tom meanwhile reached out and pulled the boy’s dick into his mouth while the boy melted the shards and took a big hit from the pipe. I quietly lit my own pipe as Matt made Tom take a big hit, before turning the man over, stripping away the towel to reveal almost 9 inches of hard manly dick rising from the red pubes. I exhaled as Matt climbed up on the table and lowered his (probably pre-lubed) hole down onto the older man’s dick. Unable to take more than a few inches, he slapped Tom’s hands away when they tried to pull him on further, instead pointing them to the pipe on the side table and telling him to “make smoke more.” My ass was itching to show the korean boy what it was missing as I saw him ride just the first 4 or 5 inches up and down, over and over. Tom kept taking hits from the pipe, occassionally pulling the boy’s chest down to him so they could shotgun hits. I was so caught up watching half the ginger cock slide in and out of the tiny hairless hole that I almost screamed when I glanced back at Tom and saw his eyes locked with mine, a huge grin across his face. Realizing he could see me standing there, holding my own pipe, I copied his movements when he next lifted the pipe to his own mouth, and the two of us took identical hits. “Yous make sperm for Matt Missah Tom?” Matt asked while bouncing away on the dick inside his ass. “No matt,” Tom responded, keeping his eyes locked on mine. “I think I’ll wait to find an ass that I can fuck all the way before I make sperm inside it.” At that moment I was about ready to push my way in, shove the korean kid to the floor and hop on the dick myself, but the sound of a key turning in the lock to the door at the end of the hall made me shoot back into my own room and hide my pipe in my washcloth. Just barely getting it concealed before the door opened, I was relieved it was “Eddie” carrying a small bag just like the one “matt” had next door. Eddie asked me why I was still in my towel and urged me to get naked and get on the table. Blushing I tried to scoot past him and slide onto the table with my towel still on, but Eddie grabbed it and pulled it off, tossing it in with the dirty laundry. My hard on sprung up, hitting my abs and leaving a heavy dollop of precum smeared in with my treasure trail. “Dontcha worry none Missah Dan,” Eddie laughed. “My stickah stiff too.” Pulling his speedos away from his tight muscular waist, his own uncut 8 inches jumped out and throbbed at the cool air in the room. Pushing me back down on the table, he walked around in front of my face and oiled up his hands and my back. I tried to ignore his dripping cock in my face by closing my eyes, but he leaned in close enough that it kep brushing across my lips and cheeks until I took it in my mouth and began to suck it as deep and hard as I could. “Ahh, yes Missah Dan,” He said while taking my head in his hands. “Thatah so nice feel. I make more nice feel for you too.” He reached down beside us and lifted up the bag, pulling out something I couldn’t see with his hips against my face. Hearing a familiar clicking, I saw a glow from behind my head, and watched in surprise when he pulled away from me just as he exhaled from the pipe in his hand. “You like some crystal fun too yes Missah Dan?” Not waiting for my response, he lowered the pipe to my lips and had me hit it. Once I had a huge hit in my lungs, he leaned over and sucked it back into his mouth, before exchanging spit with me. He stopped kissing me and handed me the pipe, motioning for me to keep taking hits while disappearing behind me. My body stiffened then relaxed once I realized he was mounting me from behind and continuing the massage while his stiff dick slid tantalizingly from the top of my ass crack down to where my cheeks hid my hole. Each time it reached the bottom, another drop of oil would hit the cheeks, allowing his cock to further split my bubble butt before sliding back to where it met the small of my back. Five hits and 7 slides later I was moaning and arching my back to meet his dick, almost catching the head in my hole. “Missah Dan want Eddie to make ass fuck?” Eddie whispered, leaning down and pressing his chest against my back. My moans made him laugh softly and press his cock harder against my hole. “Missah dan know it cost much money more? 25 dollah for massage. 40 dollah for eddie make ass fuck, yes missah dan?” “Yes Eddie, please.” I said. Eddie laughed again, leaned back to an upright position, handed me the pipe to hit again, and began spreading my cheeks. Inhaling from the pipe as deep as I could, my body screamed when I exhaled and Eddie rammed all eight inches into me all at once. Reaching around, he shoved a towel into my mouth before whispering “no scream or Eddie stop.” Clenching my fists and trying to breathe, I slammed my eyes shut as Eddie began fucking me like a mad man. No doubt Tom and Matt had heard us if they were still next door, but I didn’t want anyone else to come investigating and find me, pipe in hand, cock in ass, high and skewered like a pig. No such luck though, since just as I got used to Eddie’s massive cock and he began spewing some Korean gibberish which sounded to me like he was getting ready to cum, our room door swung open and the guy who showed me around stepped in, a shocked look on his face. I tried to pull back to get off the table but eddie pushed me back down and continued fucking me while he and the other guy chatted in Korean. Embarassed I buried my head in the pillow in front of me just in time to hear Eddie moan and what felt like a gallon of jizz unload into my hole. Almost too quickly, he’d hopped off of me and was pulling up his speedos as I felt another body mounting me. Turning over my shoulder, I caught the smile of the first teen I’d met as he hit the pipe and slid his thick 6 and a half inch cock in where Eddie’s had just finished. Even with less length, his girth was impressive, and I found myself pushing back onto his cock with each thrust until I heard some familiar expletives before the teen added his own load. My own cock was begging for release but I held off as the teen dismounted me and pulled his shorts back on. “Sorry for that,” He said, using my towel to wipe the sweat and oil off his chest and my back and ass. “Just couldn’t resist adding my cum to Eddie’s when I caught him pounding your sweet ass. It’s no charge of course. I’m Jing by the way, but you can call me Jerry if that’s easier.” “Dan.” My mind was still reeling as I sat up and willed my cock to stop throbbing. “You guys provide that service for all your customers? How did he know I wouldn’t freak when he pulled out the pipe? Why can you speak english so well? What is this place?!?!” “Slow down Dan, just take a hit, drink this,” He said handing me a water bottle from the side table. “and I’ll explain.” As we sat and smoked, Jing explained that his family owned the place and he was actually a US citizen, being born here, going to school and everything. The other guys (and girls) were all here illegally, having been snuck in to work in places like this for a few months while they got some false papers for them and they worked off the cost of the trip over. Jing could tell I was not too happy to hear they were indentured, so he explained that each and every one of them knew exactly what they were getting into when they signed on, and none of the boys or girl who worked this side of the spa had any objections to fucking around with guys. If they were only into women, they only worked the other side. Many of them were excited to be working here since it was safe and paid well. Some of them would even end up being hired by men and women who patronized the spa to become their house boys or maids, leading to a career and perhaps even a real chance at becoming a citizen. They even had the choice not to smoke or play with the tina if they didn’t want to, but most of them were already addicted when they arrived and Jing’s father was helping them to break the habit slowly so they didn’t end up arrested once they were out on their own. “Okay but how did you know I was okay with smoking?” I asked while watching Jing mindlessly play with his cock while staring at my ass. He rolled me back onto my back and lifted my legs while he explained. “We have a few cameras hidden around the place and I spotted you smoking in the lockerroom earlier before I gave you the tour. Hope you don’t NNNNHMMMP mind.” He grunted as he reinserted his dick into my hole, hard again and ready for load number two. We fucked for another twenty minutes or so while he told me about their underground reputation for closeted men as a place for inexpensive hot sex and privacy to get high. Most of their clients seemed to want to fuck young guys, but Eddie figured I was more bottom after finding out I was spying on Tom and Matt. “You saw that on camera too?” I asked between moans. My head was floating while he told me that Tom actually ratted me out to Eddie when he came back to do the massage. I didn’t even really care, which told me something was up. “Guess that ghb is taking effect huh?” Jing asked, taking the now-empty water bottle from me and tossing it in the trash. “Don’t worry, it was a small dose. Just enough for you to relax and let some of our clients use your cum-lubed hole. Speaking of cum lube, here….I …cum!” Jing added a second load and I smiled, my muscles loose and my asshole warm and sloppy. He helped me to my feet and wrapped a clean towel around my waist. I went for my pipe and he told me he’d put it back in my locker, that all I needed to worry about was getting myself into the showers to clean off the oil and then take a dip. Once I was under the shower head I could feel part of the fog lifting. Somehow I had failed to notice the new customers now filling up the locker room, showers, steam room and pool area. Probably only 5 guys total, but it felt crowded now that I wasn’t sure if they were all okay with what had just happened to me. Leaving my towel on a beach chair I made my way to the jacuzzi pool instead of drying off, and sunk down in next to Tom. “Looks like Jerry was right,” He said, sliding closer and slipping his hand between my legs, fingering my hole. “A massage was exactly what was called for to loosen you up.” Another guy joined us in the jacuzzi, but Tom seemed to know him as they shared a head nod before the new guy moved to my other side and fondled my dick. Looking at this handsome man in his mid-twenties, it took me a moment to recognize him as a proathlete from one of the local ball teams. My eyes grew wide when it dawned on me who it was, but I didn’t say anything, remembering what Jing, or Jerry as Tom called him, had said about this being a place for discrete and closeted guys to fuck and party in private. “Hey guys, why don’t we head over to the small steam room for a minute?” The proathlete who I’ll call “Les,” said to Tom and me. “We can enjoy ourselves more there I think.” When he hopped out to head across the tiled pool deck to a door marked “sauna #2,” doing nothing to hide his 9 or ten inches of massive circumsized meat, surrounded by well-groomed black hair. Tom took my arm and lifted me out of the pool and stood me beside him, before grabbing a small toiletries kit from the deck chair next to us and dragging me into the room where Les had just entered. It was dark here and my eyes took awhile to adjust as the only light in the room was a red blub in the furthest corner. Suddenly a lighter came alive next to me and I saw Les and Tom passing a pipe back and forth, each pulling me to their lips to shotgun every time they exhaled. Feeling Les’ massive cock against my hip on each kiss, I turned to leave but was caught unaware as Les picked me up and carried me back to a wooden bench. Before I could say no, Tom was using some oil from the bag to lube up his cock while Les made his way to the door to keep a lookout. Now closer to the red bulb, I watched helpless as Tom withdrew his small bag of crystal, took the biggest chunk and fingered it as deep into me as he could get it. Thrusting his finger in and out for a few minutes to be sure the booty bump was melted, he only stopped when Les encouraged him to hurry before anyone came over. “I knew I was right to save my load for your ass boy,” Tom whispered before pressing his towel to my mouth and shoving 7 inches of his huge cock in without any warning. I struggled and tried to get away but was caught between his red haired crotch and the wall as he slowly pounded in and out until he had managed to get balls deep. Two minutes of fully in and out pumping and Tom lost control, adding his load to the three I had already taken since arriving, not to mention anything left from the previous night. “My turn,” les said, quickly taking tom’s place so I didn’t get a chance to escape. My eyes almost burst from my head as Les repeated tom’s actions and also shoved most of his dick into me all at once. With a fresh load from Tom’s big dick, it took only two thrusts before the muscular v-shape of Les’ groin was pressed against me, which elicited moans from both of us. It might have been only five minutes of fucking, but it felt like forever as Les tenderly kissed and caressed me, all while destroying my ass with his giant cock. “Are you ready for some cum from a real man?” Les whispered in my ear. I nodded. “Then beg for it boy.” “Please sir, give me your hot cum.” My mouth spewed pleas for his load, while my brain tried to remind me to keep it down in case anyone could hear us in the pool area. “Fill me with every last drop of your steaming load. I need your creamy jizz deep inside me.” “Then take it bitch!” Les suddenly yelled. Tom tried to signal us to be quiet, but Les was lost in the moment and grunted and growled at full volume while he shot dozens of cum volleys into my tight hole. When I looked down at his dick as he pulled it out, I couldn’t tell if it wa my drugged up mind or if his cock had really grown another inch in my ass, until tom noticed it too. “Damn ball-boy,” Tom remarked, grasping Les’ dripping dong and shaking it. “This thing does get bigger when you bred a bitch, you weren’t lying!” “Told ya!” Les bragged between ragged breaths. Once he had slowed his heart beat, he helped me stand up, making sure to check out the locker key number on my wrist. With a kiss and a pat on the back, he disappeared out of the room. Tom and I waited a few minutes for him to get a head start, each taking a couple hits off the pipe. As we went to leave, Tom turned on the steam on a switch next to the door, explaining why it had been off while we played. “I figured we’d get hot enough without it,” And damn, was he right! Part 3 Skipping the showers in favor of a dip in the pool, I separated from Tom and dove into the 10 ft deep end of the crystal blue waters. Coming up for air, I noticed a few new faces, mostly men around Tom’s age, with one or two closer to Les and I. When my eyes weren’t too busy taking in the sights of the many uncovered crotches, I was able to scan the faces of the men, discovering that I recognized quite a few. Just coming into the pool area from the locker room was a local weather man who was probably 40ish, with well-coiffed brown hair adding an inch to his 5’9” frame, surprising me since he looked taller on TV. He held his towel in front of his dick while walking to the showers, but I admired his firm butt and tight almost hairless body. Then there was the son of our former Governor. Late 30’s, maybe 5’11” with sandy blonde hair, his chest and arms were as attractive as I had imagined them whenever I’d seen him at fundraisers or rallies for his Dad. He had married the heiress to a local cattle fortune last year, shocking me and derailing my feeling that he was gay, but I felt vindicated seeing him grope his dick while chatting up one of the small asian worker boys near the door to the bigger steam room. Across the pool from me was a handsome man in his late 40’s with grey temples accenting his dark black hair, broad shoulders and creamy white skin. It took me a moment to realize that this sexy daddy is our current state senate leader. I’d never looked at him as more than a public servant until seeing him naked, his feet dangling in the water, and tattoos running around his upper thighs and waist area. The most prominent ink being an eagle across his lower stomach, with its talons reaching down around the base of his cock which was soft, but steadily growing. Looking back up at his eyes, he was obviously showing off for me, until another asian boy (Eddie’s brother) came over and told him it was time for his massage. He hopped out of the pool, and winked at me while taking special time to “dry” off his groin, before following Eddie’s bro out into the locker room area. Intrigued by the senator’s sexy ink, and not sure if I had a shot with the weather man, governor’s son, or either of the other two gents in the pool area, I hopped out of the pool and went to the locker room. Sadly, the Senator was already down the massage hallway, but there was some fresh blood here for me to enjoy. Sauntering down the main hallway past the rows of lockers, I was happy to see some sexy men getting undressed and checking each other out. Once at the end of the hall, I ducked into a room I’d previously ignored called the “relax room.” Pitch black, it took my eyes a moment to adjust to the tiny amount of light coming only from the window in the door to the room. From speakers in the corners, a relaxation cd played sounds of a rainforest. The large room consisted of five black pleather recliners on one wall, with a long bench on the opposite wall. Stretched out in the furthest recliner was Tom, who I thought was alone until his towel started moving. We shared a smile as some hidden guy lay between Tom’s legs and sucked his big cock. Another man came in behind me and crossed over to the recliner next to Tom’s, dropping his towel and working his soft 3 inch uncut cock. Not feeling the vibe, I nodded to Tom and backed out of the room, almost running over another guest. “Scuse me man!” I said, grabbing his back and arm to keep him from falling over. “No, pardon me!” he said, gripping my shoulder and gaining his balance before looking up at me. As soon as our eyes met I realized he was a local lawyer, famous for his commercials about how much money you missed out on if you didn’t hire him. His commercials had been playing since I was 8 or 9 and almost 15 years later I still found him sexy as fuck. Back then he was the junior partner, fresh outta law school with the curly brown hair and green eyes that they used due to his good looks. These days he was a named partner, the face of the company, and just as handsome as ever. A few years back some photos were hacked from his phone, showing him posing in the mirror and stroking a good sized bulge in some ftl briefs, resulting in a nasty divorce for he and his rich wife. I had probably shot 100 loads to those photos, imagining he was sending them to me, even after he remarried. My mind raced to remember his nickname in the commercials while our hands slid down each other’s bodies until his came to rest on my ass and mine were at his waist. “I need to watch where I’m going.” I blushed and felt my head rushing. My hole twitched as his firm fingers and palm slid under my towel and stroked my soft round ass cheek. “I’m glad you weren’t,” he said quietly, stepping forward until his towel-clad cock pressed against my own. Unable to break the stare we were sharing, I had to gage his size based on what I could feel, and it felt big. I shuddered, causing him to smile, step back and motion for me to follow him into a room marked “Medatation Steam.” Inside it was dimly lit, with some benches at the far end and a long troff of lava rocks along the wall. He loosened his towel, exposing the ass I’d dreamt of for years, and ladled some water over the stones until steam filled the air so thick I could barely see him. Walking towards the far end, I noticed mats on the floor, not as thin as yoga mats, but not thick enough to be called cushions. Suddenly a hand undid the towel at my waist and I could feel a thick meaty penis against the crack of my ass. “Do you know who I am?” the lawyer said quietly, while walking us forward until my feet hit the end of the closest mat. I considered lying in case he was afraid of being discovered but decided to be honest since his cock was getting hard between my thighs. “Yes I do,” I said quietly, reaching between my legs and stroking his cock while pressing my thighs together. “Good,” He said, moving us both forward until we were on our knees. His hands began pressing against my shoulders until I was bent all the way down. Turning my head so I could breathe, I could now look out the window beside the door we had entered through, and realized with the steam and low light we were totally hidden but could see anyone coming towards the room. My ears perked at an odd sound that I quickly discovered to be him spitting onto my ass crack and working it down around my hole. “Do you know what I want from you?” “I think so,” My back arched, and I reached back to spread my cheeks to give him better access. “Good.” He smacked what felt like a massive cock against my sphincter, causing me to jump. “Do you agree to take what I’m offering you with no stipulations or objections until such time as all parties are satisfied?” “Yes.” My dick was hard now, hearing him speak in legalese like he did in his commercials. “And do you willingly and openly accept any property transferred to your person during such acts, including but not limited to, my cum?” His cock head was now pressed against my hole and firmly pushing. “Willingly, openly and desperately sir.” I said pulling my cheeks further apart. “Good, then we may proceed.” Suddenly his head slipped in. Slowly a few more inches joined, then a few more, and more, until I was as full as when the athlete had fucked me, maybe more. Quietly and agonizingly slowly he raw fucked my hole all the way in and all the way out. From my view on the mat I could see the clock on the wall as 5, 10, 20 minutes passed, with him almost cumming many times during our fuck, but stopping short each time and holding still until he’d calmed down again. At 25 minutes I felt him building speed but once again hold back at the last second. “What are you waiting for?” I whimpered that time, squeezing my ass in hopes that he might lose control and breed me. “You’ll see.” Another five minutes and I was starting to itch for him to cum, when suddenly I heard the door opening and looked over to see the shadow of another man enter the room. Unsure if we could be seen, I tried to get the lawyer’s attention so we could get decent before we got caught but he began fucking harder. As the man in the mist got closer, I started to make out his features and realized he was another famous face. Not just another famous face, this was another famous lawyer, the man coming closer was the leading competition for the lawyer who was fucking me. “Good you’ve arrived,” My lawyer told his competition. “Lets see you beat this.” With that, the slow fucking was over, suddenly the lawyer was pulling me onto my side and fucking the hell out of me. I tried to scream but his hand was over my mouth before I could. Over the next ten minutes he’d fucked me in every known position and a few new ones until finally he shouted: “Here’s my closing arguments.” There on the floor with my knees over his muscular for arms and his groin pressed to my ass, he bred me so hard I blacked out for a moment. When I regained consciousness, my lawyer was seated a few feet away on the bench and his competition was taking his place. Looking down, I could see that I was in for a dick of lesser size but a much bigger head, which suddenly plunged in and tore me apart. My first fucking lawyer sat and watched as this guy went to town on me, using my ass in every position the first guy had, even lifting me up and fucking me against the wall before finally bending me over the bench and shouting : “so, to sum up…take that jizz boy!” I blacked out again, this time a little longer, waking to find my fuckers leaving the room, while Jing stroked my ass and helped me to sit on the bench. He had me down some more water and told me to take it slow before another couple of guys came in and sat next to us on the bench. These two seemed genuinely interested in a steam, so Jing whispered for me to “take a break,” and left to get back to work. Soon one of the men in the room with me added more water to the rocks while the other went off to shower. Two more men entered as he left, and now it felt like a real steam, as we each sweated out our toxins and ignored each other. My head spun when I tried to stand, and I realized I must have gotten some more ghb-laced water from Jing, so I sat down and relaxed as he said. Glancing to my right, I realized my steam-mates were all wearing their towels around their shoulders and the two on the far end were subtly stroking themselves. Worn out and afraid of too much more fun, I scooted to my left and almost on top of the first guy who came in. Turning to say I’m sorry, I found it was the Governor’s son stroking an 8 inch uncut dick similar to my own. I knew then and there I needed to get up and leave, but as his hand pushed my head into his lap, and I felt someone else fondle my ass, I gave in and decided I’d have to find out what it would take to become a permanent member of this spa… END
  9. In my mind I was constantly vigilant, making sure not to say or do anything that might give me away, but sometimes my eyes couldn’t help themselves when some dude bent over to warm up or when somebody was changing in the dressing room and had nothing more than a dance belt on. Usually I caught myself before anyone noticed me gawking, but not last Sunday. We had just finished a long dance rehearsal at the rehearsal space and were all being called in to the dressing rooms in pairs for our final fittings, and finally I was called in with Neal, the leading man who I was glad to say I had become friends with, despite him being the star and me only a lowly chorus boy. I was relieved that he and I were called in together because, while he was a very attractive guy, he was at least 20 years older than me and I had no interest in him other than as a buddy. Some of you are probably offended by this, but it had nothing to do with his looks or age. In any other group of men, he would shine as the most attractive, but in the theatre, surrounded by college guys and dancers in their early 20’s, he was only average in comparison. The costumer handed us some pants to try on and stepped out of the room so we could change which would usually have been my cue to run off to one of the dark corners or even into a bathroom stall to avoid changing with another guy. This wasn’t because I was that shy, but actually due to my fear of getting hard seeing the rock hard abs, bulging biceps and toned thighs of the other guys. Since it was just Neal and I, and he was engaging me in conversation, I stayed put and stripped to my tighty-whiteys while he tried getting a knot out of his shoelace. “No dance belt like the other boys huh?” he asked when he glanced up at me after finally giving up, and pulling the shoe off. “Nah, I don’t even own one,” I responded while pulling on my first pair of slacks. “I know I’ll need one for dress rehearsal next week but since this is my first professional show I’ve never bought one before and I’m stalling until the last possible day. “I understand,” he continued to undress, peeling off his shirt, revealing a surprisingly cut chest for a guy in his mid-30’s. “I still don’t own a dance belt and I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years.” “How do you get away with that?”I asked him while slipping on my next pair. “With this,” He said, motioning to his mid-section while undoing his drawstring and letting his sweats drop in a puddle at his feet. Unaware of what he was doing I turned and looked at the very moment his pants slid down, and my jaw dropped almost to my feet. “Jockstraps are just as good for me most of the time, and they don’t ride up into a super wedgie like dance belts do.” Neal should have been the one safe person for me to be in here with, but standing only 4 feet away from him now, unable to peel my eyes away from his giant bulge held back by a white athletic supporter, I was suddenly aware of just how naïve I’d been. Here I’d been treating him like an asexual mentor, and he was secretly concealing a fuzzy, muscled, horse-hung, sex god under his track pants and cotton pullovers. “Pete? Peter? Yo earth to Pete!” He snapped his fingers bringing me back to reality so quickly I caught my foot in my pants and fell forward into his naked chest. “Whoa boy, I thought you were more coordinated than the average teen. Or has this suave dancer façade been nothing but an act?” “Sorry,” My mouth was dry and I couldn’t push away and turn around to try on the last pair of pants fast enough. “Just wasn’t expecting…” “What?” His voice sounded too close for my comfort, and send a shock down my spine that began stiffening my cock. “Oh, I get it. Grossed out by my flabby ass and fur.” “you forgot your bare ass in that jock,” my quip caused us both to laugh. “That’s more crack than even Lindsey Lohan could handle!” “Hurrying to finish, I dashed out before he stopped laughing and ran almost straight into the costumer. “How’d it fit?” Big enough for you?” She asked. “Big enough? You mean the pants! Yeah plenty big. All of them were just perfect.” I said trying to sound nonchalant while begging my hard on to go down. “Well you are not getting off that easy,” she said, pushing me back towards the dressing room. “go put the number one pick back on and lets see it so I can mark any alterations I need to make.” “But” “Go! And send Neal out in the grey suit if it fits okay!” and with that she opened the door and pushed me back in, right past Neal who was passing me in the very grey suit she had mentioned. “So what do you think? Too tight in the inseam?” She asked as the door shut behind me. Quick before they finished I ducked around the wall with every pair of pants she’d given me and into the rest room part of the dressing area. Tossing the pants on the counter, I dropped my shorts whipped out my cock and began stroking. Just as I was about to cum I heard the door open and Neal re-enter, with instructions to try on the tweed and come back out. Shoving my cock back in my briefs, I picked up a random pair of slacks and slid them on, fastening them with the head of my dick trapped between my abs and the waist band. “There you are!” Neal announced as he rounded the wall, the costumer close behind. “Pam was wondering if you got lost so we came looking for you. Looks like a good fit Pam, so how bout letting me and the kid change into option two?” “The waist is pulling weird,” pam said as she began towards me. “Do we need to take it out a little?” “NO!” I shouted with such gusto it stopped Pam in her tracks. “No, sorry, just wearing the wrong underwear today. It is perfect.” “Wrong underwear?” Pam turned to Neal with a puzzled look. “Yeah, kid forgot to wear a dance belt,” Neal explained while trying on another suit coat over his bare chest. “Can you please step out so I can put on the suit you keep claiming you need to see me in?” “Fine.” Pam turned the corner and went to the door. “Buncha babies can’t get dressed with a girl in the room, I’ll step outside.” “Finally,” My voice revealed a little too much of my desperation for her to leave. “She can be such a knit-picker, even after 3 fittings!” “Seriously Pete,” Neal agreed with my excuse. “Spends hours trying to make my inseam fit just right and can’t make it so my zipper will work. Can you help me out with this?” “With your zipper?” My eyes came to rest on the bulge I previously ignored, wondering if he had to wear loose slacks or sweats all the time to keep it from looking obscene. “Yeah, it is stuck half way down and I can’t get it to keep going,” He added, oblivious to my depraved gaze. “Can you get down there and see if it is caught on my shirt or something?” With a nod I took two steps and lowered myself to the ground. Hands trembling I reached out and took hold of the metal zip, tugging a few times with no luck. “Maybe if I unbutton them,” and he did just that. “Now give it a good tug.” And I did, causing the jeans to slip and pull the jockstrap down with them. Without a thought I kept pulling down but Neal caught his waist just in time to stop the impending nudity, giving me a glimpse of his dark brown straight pubes leading right up to where they meet his cock, but not quite revealing it. “Whoa there buddy,” He said as he pulled his pants back on. “I guess I know what they got caught on! Better let me fix these bad boys. Mind stepping back into the changing section so I can take these off and see what’s wrong?” “Sure,” my cock throbbed as I turned to go around the wall, catching a glimpse of his fuzz-covered ass in the mirror right before cleared the partition and found myself alone again. Listening to him curse at the zipper I walked over to his discarded sweats and lifted them to my face while my other hand undid my trousers and fished out my cock. One deep inhale and suddenly I was exploding. Streams of cum escaping my dickhead while an image of Neal in his jock filled my head. Tossing a few paper towel on the cum spots I used my feet to wipe up while slipping into the second pair of pants. Just in time, Pam burst in and Neal rounded the corner, neither one any wiser about my illicit jerk session. As I packed up to leave after final dress rehearsal a dozen or so days later, Pam spotted me and pulled me aside. Some notes had already been passed along, but she wanted to ask me privately to make sure I went out and got a dance belt before the show opened the next night. Sensing my discomfort, she recommended a specialty men’s clothing store not too far from the theatre and told me to tell them what I needed when I arrived. I explained that I didn’t have my own car these days, and she got a smile on her face. “No problem!” She began walking me towards the dressing rooms. “One of the other guys needs one too and I’m sure he could give you a ride if you need.” Unfamiliar with who was in which dressing room since moving from the rehearsal space into the actual theatre, I didn’t realize who’s door she was knocking at until it opened. “Hey Pam, Pete, what can I do for you?” My heart sank as Pam explained to Neal that I was also needing a dance belt for the show and would he mind giving me a ride there the next morning before call. “No problem, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 9.” I considered not texting him the address to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing where I lived. Not because it was some dump, because it was actually a beautiful house in the suburbs. No I didn’t want him to see it because as soon as he did he’d know that no teenage could afford living there unless it was his parent’s house. Finally I decided I’d meet him in front of the apartment complex a few blocks away, when the house phone rang and my mom picked it up. Just as I was about to press send, I heard her say “The blue house on the corner, thanks Neal, we’ll see you at 9.” “Who was that?” I shouted down to her from my room. “That was a guy from the show looking for you,” She called back, nonchalantly. “He said you both need to pick up some dance equipment before the show today and offered you a ride. Turns out he had no idea you live at home. You must be acting pretty mature at rehearsals because when I answered he asked if I was your girlfriend. Isn’t that sweet?” “What did you tell him?” I begged of her as I flew down the stairs, two at a time, screeching to a stop in front of her. “Nothing embarrassing,” she smiled and handed me my coat. “I just explained that I’m your mom and we really appreciate the ride since I have work and your dad is taking your sister to a piano lesson.” I cringed and slunk back to my room to finish getting dressed. Bad enough he now knew I am still stuck at home with my folks, but now he would probably think of me as some sort of baby-faced, mama’s boy who has to get rides from his parents and be home before curfew or something. I wondered if opening night was too late to call and quit my first professional acting gig. Just in case I could avoid him being asked in to meet everyone, I texted Neal my cell number so he could tell me when he was close. When my phone buzzed at 9, I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door before my parents could see me. Rushing down the drive I ducked under some bushes to avoid having to open the gate and ran up along side Neal’s car. “Hey bud,” He reached across and opened the door for me, patting me on the back as I slid into his ride. “Got everything you need?” “Yeah let’s go,” I smiled a fake smile and began making small talk to avoid any questions he might have about just how old I was. Pulling off the highway and into downtown was still new to me, having grown up in the suburbs, but Neal slid from lane to lane with no problems, finally parallel parking like he did it all the time (which he probably did since he worked down here full time as an actor). Hopping out, he led the way to the front door of a small, unassuming shop, tucked between a large bar and an upscale clothing boutique. My eyes took a second to adjust when he ushered me into the dimly-lit entryway. Now indoors, I was shocked to see men’s undergarments from floor to ceiling, adorning mannequins and featured on buff models in photo spreads. Neal took point again, walk past me up to the counter and hitting the bell. Almost immediately a handsome man around My Dad’s age appeared from behind a curtain and asked what he could do for us. “My friend and I are in the show opening tonight across the street,” he said with no ego. “and we both need underwear with the necessary support for us to dance in, without creating any pantylines under our costumes.” “Certainly,” The man seemed to know exactly what we meant and called into the back room for someone named David. “Let me take you to those items and then David and I will help with the fitting.” Gesturing to follow, he stepped around the desk and briskly made his way down a flight of stairs into a much bigger room, with more varieties of undies on every surface. As we passed some truly bizarre pairs, Neal grabbed one from the wall and wrapped it around his neck and feigned choking. We both laughed for a second until the clerk cleared his throat and pointed out two dressing rooms, one for each of us. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping inside and disrobing, David will be along to take some measurements in a moment and I’ll be back with some choices of styles, colors and materials.” The man turned to go before pausing and turning back. “By the way, I am Edward if you need anything.” “I guess we should get undressed,” Neal said, pulling back the curtain to his dressing area and stepping inside. I followed suit and began to slowly peel away my coat and shirt, when I realized there was something missing from this dressing room. “Hey Pete does your dressing room have any-” “Mirrors?” I completed his thought. “Not one, guess we’re supposed to use the big one out in the main area.” David appeared moments later and walked right into my dressing room. He was obviously annoyed that I still had my pants on and dropped to his knees to pull them and my briefs off. Even with the handsome 20ish muscle guy running a measuring tape around my waist, thighs, hips and up my groin, I was too nervous to get hard, thanking God that it wasn’t too cold though. After writing a few things down, David stepped back into the main area and left my curtain open, pointing to something on his clipboard and nodding when Edward pointed to something else. With that he pulled back the curtain to Neal’s area and I wished to heck they weren’t right next to each other so I could have seen if he’d stripped all the way down or only to his undies. For the next twenty minutes or so, Edward brought me pair after pair of dance belts, but much nicer than any I’d ever seen. Finally I had worn it down to two choices, a flesh tone style with high sides and a nice soft pouch, and a black silky pair with an elastic band around the cock and wider waist band to help keep it in place. “Step out and take a look.” Edward said when he slid the flesh tone pair up my legs. My nerves were diminishing and Edward’s forceful tone had me thinking of baseball and fat chicks to keep myself flaccid. Opening the curtain, I was surprised to see Neal on the platform in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but a royal blue dance belt with a drawstring around the pouch to help keep things inside. If anything, his bulge looked bigger today than it had before. “Oh shit, Pete,” Neal turned red and spun around, dashing into his dressing room. “Didn’t realize you were stepping out so soon.” “No problem Neal,” I responded laughing at his reaction. “It’s only slightly less than you were wearing the first time we changed together.” We laughed and I stepped onto the platform and marveled at how manly I looked. My muscle mass had increased quite a bit since I’d begun training for this show, and the baby fat I used to carry around my love handles and pecs was all but gone since I’d been dancing so much. I thought I looked hot, but the faces of the two clerks said otherwise. “Try the black and I will go find on more I think you should see,” Edward said as David shooed me back into the dressing room. Expecting him to leave, I was shocked as he whipped the flesh pair down to my feet and held out the black for me to slip into. This time when he got it to my groin, my nerves were forgotten and my cock began to harden, aided when he grasped the base firmly, ran his fingers under my balls and tucked the whole thing into the black pouch. Running his fingers along the sides to make sure the sides lay right, he stopped as they met, right by my sensitive butt hole. Hearing the other curtain pull aside, I could just see a glimpse of Neal’s back as David stepped out to take a look at the other customer’s choice. Unaware that he’d left the curtain open an inch, I snuck forward and peeked out to see what Neal was wearing. My cock went from tentatively hardening, to full on hard-on when I saw Neal’s massive meat encased in white cotton so thin I could see the ridge of his cock head and a vein working its way down the shaft. David gave Neal a thumb’s up and Neal returned to his room. Absent mindedly stroking my own dick in the black pair, I forgot about Edward’s return until my curtain was thrust open once more and Edward led me up onto the platform. “Not bad,” He said with no hint of disgust or intrigue. My dick was fully hard and causing the black material to poke out obscenely, even creating a wet spot where the tip was leaking precum. “But I think these will work better.” Pulling me back into the dressing room, Edward reached into my pouch and grasped my hard cock firmly, while pulling off the black belt. Not letting go until I stepped free of the black one, Edward finally held open a new pair with a wide black belt, attached to a red pouch, which was attached to two red elastic bands that each made a small loop. Looking confused, Edward showed me to put my leg into the belt first then a loop for each on until they reached the top. Once there he grasped my hard cock once more and slid it and my balls through a small hole in the first layer of fabric in the pouch, giving me tons of extra support around my crotch with nothing touching my ass. He explained that this pair had a built in c-ring for added support, but the tiny leg straps were practically invisible under clothes. Now harder than ever, he tucked my dick back up under the waist band, leaving my bulge quite full but not so obviously stiff. I felt so naked I grabbed my shirt off the floor and tucked it around me and not a moment too soon. Ripping back the curtain, Edward was pushing me out to the mirror. I was surprised to see Neal standing on the platform in a red pair that looked like briefs at the front and a thong in back. Both of stammered for something to say as I took a spot next to him, before he finally spit it out. “Seems only fair I see you bare ass,” he said slapping my butt, “since you’ve seen me that way!” I dropped my shirt a little bit giving him a glimpse at mylily white cheeks, we laughed and the clerks ushered us back to our separate rooms. Once inside I agreed with Edward that this was the best pair for me, but asked if there was one with a fly incase I needed to pee and didn’t have time to release myself from the ring in the pair I had on. Reaching out, he took the top of the pair I had on and peeled back a Velcro piece, allowing the entire front section to roll down and reattach at the bottom, leaving my cock hanging free while still through the ring. “Would you like to see anything else today?” He inquired, before unzipping his own slacks and letting them fall open to reveal a similar pair on him, but made of leather and without any cloth to cover his thick uncut 8 inches. I nodded yes and reached for his thick cock, stroking it as he returned the favor. Pressing my body against the wall by the curtain he peeled away the closest edge so I could see Neal now wearing a crisp white jockstyle belt while David stood back and judged. Looking past them I caught a reflection of my face, chest and cock, being stroked by a meaty older man’s hand and felt a thick finger pierce my ass hole and force itself in two knuckles deep and I lost control. I stifled my cry of pleasure by throwing my head into Edward’s chest and began to cum, stream after stream soaking his cotton oxford shirt and soft wool and silk pants. Simultaneously I could feel Edward’s load shoot out over my dick and thighs. Pulling his chest away, he leaned in and kissed my lips before telling me to get dressed. He looked outside the tiny room and once he was sure the coast was clear he ran off, while I got dressed and waited for Neal. We left about 5 minutes later, making our way to the main floor to pay for our purchases. When Neal asked me where mine was, I told him I decided to wear it to the show. In actuality I had been unable to find my briefs anywhere and, assuming Edward took them to wipe up with, I decided to wear them so any rogue cum drop wouldn’t leave a mark on my pants. Neal was holding his in his hand, and from what I could tell it was one of the white pairs I had seen before, but I couldn’t see which. At the desk, I paid for mine using a credit card I had no idea how I was going to pay off, but luckily Edward (now with a jacket over his shirt and tie) gave me a big discount. Neal paid next and seemed unfazed by the price, whatever it was. As we left I made sure to accidentally leave my ball cap behind, and ran back to get it, sliding my number to Edward before leaving. Opening night was a rousing success and due to some very quick changes I had to make, I was given a private dressing room right off the stage so no one ever saw my new dance belt. By the curtain call, the whole cast ready to get out of there, which meant drinks for most and calling for a ride home for me. “Gonna come out with us for a drink?” I turned at the sound of Neal’s voice. “It should be fun.” “Wish I could,” I said, walking with him toward the parking lot. Rather than further embarrass myself I figured I’d be ambiguous. “Sadly I have to get home and get some stuff done tonight, otherwise I would.” “What is so important you have to skip out on your first professional opening night?” He asked, clapping a hand around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. The heat coming off of him was almost as intoxicating as the smell of his cologne and sweat, causing me to falter before I could come up with another excuse. “Just come out and have a couple drinks and you can still be home in time for Matlock, okay Grandma?” “Sounds fun but I am not old enough to drink,” I hated admitting it, but it might give me an out. “Sorry, forgot about that.” Neal loosened his arm hold as we walked, but kept it around my shoulders, and it felt nice. “But you can still have a couple tonight if you want. We got a full bar and buffet set up at Jim’s (the director) house, and I live only a few houses down from him so you can crash at my place if you’re too drunk to drive home.” “I dunno Neal,” I wanted to go but was nervous about spending time with everyone and having nothing in common. “I really do have things to get done tonight.” “If you really need to get home tonight then you can come for an hour and then you can drive my car home,” he said, defeating my defenses. “Chances are I will walk back to my place anyway once I decide I’ve had enough. Then tomorrow you can give me a ride to the show and bring my car back.” “Really?” My mind was searching for another excuse but this way I could hang out for a little while, then get home without any one worrying, and check out where Neal and Jim lived. “Okay, but I can’t stay too long.” “I know, I know,” he smiled and walked us over to his car. “You have things to do.” Pulling up outside the house I tried my hardest to seem nonchalant, but inside I was going nuts. Here we were in one of the snootiest neighborhoods in town, pulling up to the cast party for the biggest show of the year so far, and not only was I in it, but I was walking in with the star. It never occurred to me that the party would have more than just cast, but everywhere I looked I saw the local elite. Some famous, most rich, all classy. Lucky for me, Neal was pulled away as soon as we entered, so he could schmooze some big wig producers. Meanwhile the other chorus members grabbed me and pulled me out on the patio where there was a dance floor set up and lots of waiters walking around with champagne. After a few glasses and a few dances, we all decided to check out the digs, and snuck off to see the rest of the house. The ensemble guys and girls were all older than I was, some by a few years, some by a decade, but I was having a great time, especially when one of them absconded with a bottle of expensive vodka and we all snuck into Jim’s screening room to do shots. I’d forgotten all about going home when some of the others decided to go back out and dance some more. A few of the chorus boys who were fresh out of college wanted to see the bedrooms, and asked me along so I joined them. Turns out they were only looking for dirt about Neal and why we’d been hanging out so much. I laughed it off and explained that we were carpool buddies, which put it to rest, until we came upon Neal in Jim’s study and he asked to join us. The other guys were pretty drunk (although I was not far behind) and couldn’t help themselves when they noticed Neal joking with me. “So what’s all this?” One of the guys asked us. “Pete says you’re just carpool buddies, but I heard you two went shopping together and shit.” “yeah we did,” Neal said. “So? Is it too far-fetched to think we could be friends?” “But are you only friends,” the guy slurred. “Or maybe something more?” “Yeah we’ve all heard the rumors about you,” another guy added. “and you can date as many singers and ingénues as you want, but lots of your friends seem to be young guys like us.” “Well, not to fret Gents,” Neal smiled. “I promise not to make any of you my friends. Wouldn’t want any nasty rumors floating around, now would we?” “Besides,” I jumped in, feeling defensive. “If I was sleeping with the star don’t you think I’d have a bigger part?” Everyone laughed at that, even though I was being serious. “Truth is I don’t have a car and he was nice enough to gimme a ride. End of story.” With that, they dropped the subject although I am sure they had some doubts. Truth is, I had some too. Doubts about my ability to control myself around Neal, especially after hearing he might like young dudes like me. A few hours of hanging out and dancing and suddenly the party was ending. I went to get my coat when one of the actresses who had a supporting role, Lisa, grabbed me and told me to follow her. Up some stairs and past a set of glass doors and suddenly we were on a gorgeous veranda. Seated on some comfy couches around a low, glass table were the director Jim, choreographer Steele, the leading lady Rebecca , one of the chorus guys Mark, Neal and now Lisa and me. Taking a seat by Mark, I asked him what was going on, but he just shrugged and told me to “go with the flow.” Pretending like I wasn’t totally out of my league, I listened to the conversation and sipped on a cocktail handed to me by Jim before he went to retrieve something he referred to as “party favors.” Immediately I recognized the smell coming from his pipe as weed, having grown up with a hippy grandma. I’d only tried it once before, but when the pipe was passed to me I took a bigger hit than I should have and almost choked to death. Everyone got a kick out of it, but I wasn’t embarrassed since Lisa and Steele both did the same thing. Pretty soon we’d finished a couple bowls and I was melting into the sofa. Lost in thoughts of how hot Neal and Mark and Steele were, I didn’t hear when Jim asked me a question. “I said: what do you think of your first show?” He asked again. “Seems good to me.” I said, causing another round of laughs. “Got nothing to compare it to.” “Good point,” Mark said, moving in closer and patting me on the knee, before leaving his hard there to rub from my knee up and down my thigh. “Maybe I should ask you what YOU think of MY first show?” I said, feeling very deep. “I’d say you are doing an amazing job,” Steele interjected. Tall tan and ripped I found Steele to be hotter than hot and was flattered by his statement. “You’re keeping up with dudes who’ve been doing this for years and you’re only in high school.” “No shit!” Lisa piped in. “You’re in high school? I knew you looked young but damn man that’s impressive.” “I’m not in high school, I graduated early.” I tried to argue the point but it was futile. “It’s not like I’m 12 or anything.” “No one is saying that,” Rebecca, always the mature voice, chimed in. “We are just impressed at what you can do at this age. Just think about all the things you will accomplish before you’re 21.” “Yeah plus he is fucking ripped,” Neal’s comment made my dick jump despite the booze and pot flowing through me. “Dude’s got killer abs and a butt that makes sales clerks get hard ons.” “Please,” My mouth responded before my brain could catch up. “if anyone made that guy hard, it was you!” Realizing what I said, I turned bright red and tried to morph into the same color as the couch. The crowd took no notice of it and continued chatting about my looks and Neal’s, expanding from there into the rest of the cast. 20 minutes passed when Rebecca decided to call it a night and Steele, Mark and Lisa were heatedly discussing who was the hottest guy in the show. Jim walked Rebecca out while Lisa made her argument for the guy playing her love interest. “Sure he is cute,” Steele interjected. “But he is nowhere near as ripped as either of the two boys sitting on the couch.” “Thank you Steele!” Mark responded. “I’d argue that it comes down to either me, Greg (the dance captain) or Peter here. Who do you think is hottest?” “You,” I said, my eyes locking with Neal’s. Mark didn’t see that and assumed I meant him, and leaned over and kissed me before I could stop him. As stoned as I was I just giggled and covered my face with my hands, all while Mark’s hand had moved to my inner thigh and up closer to my crotch. “If you’re so hot,” Jim said, reappearing through the glass doors with another pipe in his hands. “then prove it Mark. Give us a show.” This was met with applause from Lisa, Steele, Neal and eventually, me. Once I joined in, he agreed, but told us he needed some place with better lighting. So the party moved inside to the upstairs tv room. While Mark went through Jim’s giant collection of mp4s on the house stereo system, Jim loaded a different looking bowl and took a hit before handing it to Steele and Lisa. When it got to me, I looked at it with no idea what it was before giving in and asking. “It’s tina.” Jim replied, still not making any sense to me. “Ya know, crystal?” I still wasn’t 100% sure and decided I was too fucked up as it was and passed it along to Mark who was once again seated next to me. Mark took a big hit from the pipe and then stood up and took off his shirt, revealing tight abs, firm pecs and an entirely unblemished torso except for an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He moved to the stereo to continue selecting while Lisa and Steele teased him about his tattoo. Before I realized it, the pipe had come back around but now Neal was sitting beside me, smiling and holding the pipe. “Give it a try Pete,” He whispered while the others paid no attention. “It feels really good.” “I am too fucked up already,” I argued, but leaned in closer to share in the whispering. “if I get any higher I’ll forget myself entirely.” “You talk like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes forgetting yourself is the only way to find what you really need.” He said while coming so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Just let me light it for you and take a hit. I promise it won’t make you feel bad, it might even make you feel better.” Looking at his strong chiseled face, I lost control. Clicking and sparking, the lighter burst into a small flame which Neal held to the bottom of the bowl. Clouds of white mist formed and swirled in the round end of the pipe. Neal nodded and I leaned forward and began to suck in the sour, white smoke. “Blow it in my mouth,” Neal instructed. We both leaned in and my lips grazed his as they opened, blowing the smoke into his mouth until I ran out, then pressing into his for a kiss. Pulling away I felt my world get brighter, and my mind get less foggy. While Neal took a hit, I started to remember where we were and what was happening. Suddenly his lips were on mine again and I was taking a shot gun from him, followed by a longer kiss, including a teasing with our tongues. Standing, he walked the pipe to Jim, who seemed to be torn between watching us and the other three. Looking over to see what they were up to, I wondered when I missed mark stripping down to his yellow and green bikini briefs, and when had Lisa and Steele both become topless. I laughed when Lisa made a joke about Mark’s dancing, which suddenly reminded him I was there. Bringing me the pipe, he straddled my legs and took my hand and placed it on his abs. Hitting it himself while I felt his ripped stomach, he took his time before tentatively trying to hand it to me. Neal was back next to me now, and told me to hold it to my lips while Mark lit it. I did what he asked and got an even bigger hit this time, which Mark tried to bend over and suck from my lips, but lost his balance and had to slide off of me onto the couch cushion instead. “Show us what you got Mark!” Lisa called out, now sitting on Steele’s lap, with Jim behind them, taking turns feeling her breasts and his chest. Never one to give up on a challenge, Mark pulled Neal and I over onto the loveseat next to the other three and turned on some music. Unfamiliar with the song, all I could tell you is it consisted of some pop star begging for someone to do things to her, with a very repetitive beat and overpowering baseline. He had some impressive moves, but he seemed to be trying really hard to turn me on by acting feminine, and all it did was turn me off. After a few minutes, Steele pushed Lisa off his lap and wanted to show Mark “how it’s done.” Switching over to the first techno-ish house music he could find he proved what an amazing athlete he is with all sorts of gymnastic moves, while stripping down to a black and gold pair of thong style undies. Even more cut than Mark, Steele was also much manlier and had no problem getting me hard in my pants. Steele tried passing it on to Jim, but he was too busy with his hand down Lisa’s skirt and Marks tongue playing with Jim’s dick through the material of his baggy boxer shorts. “Peter,” Jim said. “Show us what you got.” “Yeah Pete,” Neal said quietly. “I want to see what you got without a shirt in the way.” Taking a hit from the pipe, I felt bold, so I stood up, walked to the stereo and hunted for something to dance to. Originally thinking of something modern I stopped when “feelin’ good” by Sinatra popped up. As the opening strains began I turned around and slowly undid my shirt until it fell at my feet. Sliding in on and around the others on the loveseats, I somehow had them all watching me, frozen and focused entirely on my pants as I stepped onto the coffee table and worked them down my thighs, pulling a blanket off an armchair and using that to slowly uncover more and more of me until the climactic key change where I dropped the blanket. Left only in my special new undies, I twisted and turned and worked my way over to Neal, letting him reach out and brush fingers over my firm smooth butt and around over my cloth covered cock and balls. Just when I could tell all five were buzzing for me to finish I undid the Velcro and rolled down my pouch, until my hard 7 and a half inch dick popped against my abs, drooling precum down onto the floor. “Definitely the hottest,” Mark said before Jim shoved his mouth back down onto his now exposed dick. “Fuck yeah school boy,” Steele added while sliding his dick out of his thong and rubbing it over Lisa’s pussy. “I’m gonna get some of that ass tonight!” “Jim, where is the tina I brought over earlier?” Neal stopped me as I moved to join them on the couch. “In my room in the bedside table,” Jim said between moans as he face fucked Mark and felt up Steele’s ass as it slammed into Lisa’s cunt. “Pete and I are gonna go get it.” Pulling me behind him, Neal dragged me out of the tv room, down the hall and into a large bedroom, adorned with dark wood walls and a huge bed. Sitting me on the bed, Neal pulled open the bedside drawer and brought out another pipe, a bag full of crystals and a small torch. He loaded it, handed it to me and explained how to melt it, then started to hurriedly strip. When I finally got it melted and took a hit, I looked back at him just as he slid his jeans off. All he was wearing now was my briefs from that morning, and they were stretched to the maximum. Handing him the pipe, I worked to get his cock and balls through the fly while he smoked. Finally freed, his cock stood at least two inches longer than mine and was thicker than a peppermill. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” I wanted to lie as I always had and say no when he asked, but instead I just nodded yes. “I can tell. Only a virgin could see that cock and still be laying there.” “Your only job right now is to hit this,” he said, indicating the pipe he was handing me, then dropping to his knees, spreading my legs and munching my ass cheeks. I moaned and took a big hit and moaned and took another hit, and moaned and went on until I was writhing in ecstacy. Once I could take no more, Neal pounced on top of me and told me to get my hands on his cock. While I stroked it, he reached behind me and worked a shard of tina up inside me. “That burns,” I whined and wriggled as he worked some lube into my ass with it. “Good,” Neal smiled and pumped his meat into my fists. “I want to be sure you know that my dick is not meant for little boys like you. You need to feel some pain so you can understand that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. This is your last chance to say no, back down, and go back in there and try one of those average size dicks. Once you agree to stay, I will take that cherry and there will be no going back, understand me?” For a second I stopped and wondered if I was really able to do this? All I could see when I looked at my hands was a dick that I could just barely get my fingers around, long enough to fit through both and still leave a few inches uncovered, and it scared me. But then I glanced up and my eyes caught Neal’s gaze and I remembered how it felt being with him, what he was risking by being with me, and what it felt like with his hand on my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.” With that declaration, he tucked my legs back behind my shoulders and poured some lube on his cock. Pulling a small bottle off the side table, he unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose and inhaled. Moving it to my nose, I followed his lead and held it in. My head started swimming and I saw stars as his cock head moved in and pushed against my tight sphincter. In only seconds, but what felt like hours, it breached the hole and sunk inch by inch until slowly, and surely he worked it balls deep. I was in horrible pain, but I had nowhere to run. Hanging on for dear life, he began pulling out and pushing back in, fucking me in ernest, until we were up to a good clip. My eyes were screwed shut until I felt him lean in and kiss me, awakening me to his presence. Suddenly I relaxed a little and his cock managed to go deeper, pressing something so deep inside me that I felt orgasms exploding from every finger tip, eyelash and arm hair. Each sensation was 1000 stronger than my best jerk off session, and I forgot all about the pain just as he reached full speed. “Fuck Pete you’re so….tight…fuck!” Neal growled to me while working himself into a frenzy. I could feel my own balls contracting and knew he was getting close to. Pulling him down against me, his hairy abs stroked my smooth cock and almost hairless cock until I couldn’t hold back and screamed out. “You’re making me cum!!!” My dick exploded, coating us in teen semen, which pushed Neal over the edge. “I’m making you a man! Here it is boy, your last innocent moment. Now you are nothing but a sow to be bred by every bull that can seed you. I’m cumming!” His dick swelled so big that it somehow passed its previous record and unloaded a gallon of cum past my body and into my spirit. As high as I was, I still felt the exact moment his man seed spilled into my soul and made me crave cum for ever after. We laid on the bed, locked together for awhile after that, until my ass began to seek more cum and started to milk his dick again. That was only the first part of a night of surrendering to seeking seed, of a year of discovering my desire for deep deposits, and a lifetime of accepting my addition for any and all anal.
  10. Part 2 I expected Derek to avoid me for awhile, maybe quit working in the office, perhaps even pack up and move out. After his disappearing act that night, nothing would have surprised me except for what happened. The next afternoon, only a few minutes after his usually scheduled shift was to begin, in walked Derek, apologizing for his tardiness, explaining that he got no sleep last night, barely made it to his classes and was so fucking horny after last night that he didn’t hear a single thing any of his professors had said. I laughed and explained that it was the tina that made him so wired and horny. “That shit is awesome!” He said as he stripped off his jacket and backpack. “Not to mention those fucking hot girls you had over. That was the most amazing night ever!” Not quite believing my ears, I asked him how he felt about everything that went down, and he surprised me again by repeating all of his favorite moments, conveniently leaving out anything involving me and him. So he’d decided to ignore that part eh? Well that was fine with me. Denial would keep him from admitting what I was doing to him until it was too late. By the next time I saw him, he’d had a couple days to cool off, and seemed more embarrassed by what had gone on. So much so that he almost begged out of using the office for his jerk session that weekend until I told him I’d sent the link to his paysite to Lana and Lois and they both wanted to watch. Reluctantly he agreed, but his performance that night was his hottest yet, possibly because of the videos I kept sending him of Lana’s face between Lois’ legs. He never knew I was behind the camera, assuming the girl were filming it all themselves. He kept trying to get them to agree to another bang session, but backed down when they insisted they’d only do it with more tina. While I could tell he was itching for more of the same fun, he resigned himself to jerking on his pay site a few more times that weekend and once during the week. My plan was too successful suddenly, as Derek made so much during his frustrated jerk sessions that he didn’t need to do any for almost a month, only popping back on after he got an email requesting a private show from Lana. When I (under Lana’s screenname) asked him when we could party again, he explained that he couldn’t risk his grades by getting high and missing any classes, especially with finals approaching. It was a conundrum for sure, until I realized that finals would be followed by summer break. The next day when Derek showed for work, I asked him what he had planned for the holidays, to which he shrugged and told me he usually spent most of the 10 weeks off as a counselor, helping high/middle schoolers improve their game. Telling him how much fun it sounded like, I asked him where he planned to live after he got back, and he laughed, and responed “well here, of course.” “Oh so you wanted to renew your lease?” I asked him, trying to sound unaware of his desire to stay in the apartment. He nodded yes, playing right into my hands. “Damn I wish you’d told me that a few months back. I wanted to do some refreshing of some of the apartments that will be unused for the summer, and I ordered the fixtures and carpet at stuff weeks ago and I got stuff for your apartment too. I should also mention that I was planning to raise the rent a few hundred a month, maybe even double it.” “Shit, pardon my french, but where will I find a place to stay this late in the game?” Derek’s voice got worried. “Everyone who is coming back for next year has already signed leases and tied down any place I could afford.” “I’m sorry Derek,” I lied. “Maybe if you get a good-enough paying summer job you can save up enough to live there again. How much does the camp pay?” “Almost nothing, just room, board and a little extra for our travel. Besides, I’d need a miracle to save up enough for tuition and double the rent.” Derek was frantic, almost in tears. “Please Mr. E, isn’t there some way I can stay in that apartment at the same rent? Or something I can do to work it down to where I can afford it.” “Well, I was going to hire a couple guys to help me with the cosmetic stuff,” I offered, hoping Derek couldn’t hear the smirk in my voice. “If you want, you could work for me this summer, painting the apartments, ripping old cabinets and carpeting, installing new lights in the hallways and bedrooms, etc. That way I only have to hire professionals for the plumbing, electrical stuff, but it’d mean missing out on your camp.” “Not a problem sir,” Derek jumped at the chance to save himself from returning to working 2 jobs on top of a full time class load. “But where will I stay while we rip up my place and they redo it?” “Well if it isn’t too odd for you, you are welcome to bunk in my second bedroom,” my voice almost gave me away as I explained my idea, but Derek didn’t catch on. “It wouldn’t be all summer, and once we were finished in your apartment, you’d be free to move back in there, with all new cabinets, bath fixtures and appliances. Between the discount I’d give you for helping out, the money you’ll make, and some extra cash from your online shows, you should have enough saved to stay there until you graduate and cover you tuition for at least a semester or two.” “Are you sure it isn’t too much of an imposition sir?” Derek asked, always so polite in spite of his obvious doubts about staying with me. “Not at all Derek,” I put my arm around him and led him down to my apartment to show him the room. “The other room is so far from mine that it’s practically a separate place. Besides I’d prefer giving you the money as opposed to some guy off the street.” After seeing how nice my second bedroom was, with its attached bath, walk-in closet and balcony over-looking the pool, Derek couldn’t help himself and agreed to move in the next Friday after his last final. The week flew by, with me busying myself with the instillation of cameras all over my apartment and “Lana” constantly emailing Derek to see if he’d be able to get together after finals before she went on vacation with her “parents.” In actuality Lana and Lois were booked by an older gentleman friend of mine to spend a few weeks on his yacht getting high and gang-banged the entire time. Still, I knew she’d be free for one last night of partying so I called her up as soon as Derek agreed to meet up with her that Friday after he finished moving in. From my laptop in my private office, I watched every hidden camera angle of Derek’s muscular body as he hauled his final loads into his temporary digs, before texting Lana to go ahead and give Derek some bad news. I watched the screen as he answered and got a disappointed look on his face at something she said. “Well isn’t there anywhere else we can do it?” He asked her, listening to her respond before talking again. “No we can’t do it here. I am staying with Mr. E while we remodel my place, and I’d feel bad asking him if I could have you over on my first night.” More listening. “No please don’t ask him, I—Lana I’m not sure he’d--- No, please, I- Hello? Lana?” My phone buzzed with a text from Lana, telling me he’d fallen for it and thought she was asking me if she could stop by and play at that very moment. I watched as he paced on camera and finally tossed himself on the bed. His phone buzzed a moment later and he seemed happy at the response. Jumping up, he unearthed a towel from his bags and stripped naked, making his way into the bathroom to shower. My cock stiffened knowing he had just seen a text from Lana explaining that I was cool with it, and Lois was actually planning to come by after her last final too, so they’d be welcome to join the two of us for some partying. Whether he was reluctant to party again or not, he certainly showed no sign of it while stroking his stiff, soapy meat in my shower, working his way to a nice big load. Derek walked out of the bathroom just as I knocked on his bedroom door and told him to come out and join me for a drink before the girls arrived. Moments later he appeared in my living room wearing a loose pair of board shorts and a tee shirt, and took a drink from my hand. He might have sipped on the strong drink if I hadn’t turned off the air, and shut the windows. Instead he gulped while pretending to ignore the porn I had playing on my huge flat screen. Taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch from me, I asked him if he’d gotten settled and we chatted for awhile before Derek’s phone buzzed, right on cue. “Lana says Lois’ car broke down on campus and she has to wait with her for the tow truck so their gonna be kinda late,” Derek read, swallowing the last of his drink. “guess it’s just us for awhile.” “No problem,” I said as I refilled Derek’s glass. “just means I don’t have to be so uncomfortable.” With that I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, leaving me in only my own khaki shorts and sandals. Derek was sweating now and obviously considering joining me. I almost told him to join me, when he made up his mind, set down his glass and stood to remove his shirt. It was obvious all he was wearing now were the shorts, which rode low as he sat back down. “Fuck it is hot in here,” I said, trying to make him more comfortable about his choice. It worked, getting him to spread him legs and lean back a little. “Guess we should get this party started.” “Um, I’m good thanks.” Derek said as I pulled out my pipe and a baggie of tina. “You sure bro?” I continued loading the bowl, ignoring his protest. “You know Lana will want to smoke when she gets here and I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself like last time.” “What do you mean?” Derek said, taking another gulp from his glass. “Just thought you’d want to seem like you could handle yourself this time, and show Lana you weren’t a stick in the mud is all,” My round about way of saying he was boring her. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this but she told me after you left that she thought you were a virgin, or maybe even… never mind.” “What?” His eyes grew wide and he pulled at the cuff of his shorts. “Tell me what she said.” “She… she wondered if you were kinda…gay.” I spit it out like I was disgusted by the thought. “The way you freaked whenever we came in contact and wouldn’t smoke around me, she thought you might be insecure about your sexuality. It didn’t help that you couldn’t light the pipe without my help. Lois even mentioned something about it when they were leaving the next morning.” “I’m no virgin and I’m definitely not queer,” Derek almost shouted, finishing his second drink and refilling it himself. “I just never smoked before.” “Want me to show you how so you can hit it for real when they arrive?” Derek nodded the affirmative and I motioned for him to come back to the couch, patting the seat next to me. Only inches from his sweet-smelling sweaty torso, I got hard watching him light the torch, and slowly melt the crystals, while my eyes drifted down to the head of his cock peaking from his shorts, which had ridden up when he sat. Once the bowl clouded over, I told him to put the pipe to his lips and slowly inhale. He breathed in a medium size puff before coughing and almost dropping the bowl. I grabbed it from him and laughed, which only made him mad. “Just show me how you do it okay?” He barked, before catching himself. “I mean… please.” Lighting the torch I took a perfect giant hit and blew it towards the tv. Handing him the pipe I lit it for him this time and coached him on how hard to inhale and how long. That time the hit was bigger and he only coughed once. Taking the pipe again, I suggested he take a shotgun from me, and reminded him to act like it was nothing so the girls didn’t think he was freaked by another guy. The logic was backwards but he fell for it as I slowly pressed my lips to his and filled his lungs with crystal clouds. I encouraged him to do the same for me, and he thrilled me by pressing his lips harder to mine that time, not pulling away when it ended in a small kiss. Not wanting to press my luck, I said he was doing well and we smoked without shotgunning, so I could check how big his clouds were. We finished the first bowl quickly and I loaded another, bigger bowl immediately, subtly implying that he was lucky I felt generous that night. We were thoroughly tweaked when Lana and Lois arrived, and all our inhibitions were gone. We spent the next few hours taking turns smoking and tagging the girls, Derek purposefully making sure that each of them saw him hit the pipe and shot gun with me a few times. Before I knew it, both of us had cum in our respective ‘date’ and Derek was so hot he ran off to hop in the shower. While they were gone, I slipped Lois the bag I owed her for that night and the girls got dressed and left. “Where’d they go?” Derek lamented reappearing from his bathroom in nothing but a pair of briefs, his hard cock pushing out the waist band. “They needed to pack for their trips and told me to tell you they might stop back by in a couple hours on their way to the airport.” I handed him the pipe as he sat next to me and we smoked and watched porn. Pretty soon we were both jerking off, me in the open, him through the fly of his calvins. “What’s that around you dick?” Derek nodded to the cock ring and ball separator I had put on earlier. I showed him the apparatus and asked if he wanted to try one on. He smiled and said yes, but was stymied when I thrust my hard on towards him and told him to get it off me and put it on himself. He blushed and looked up at me like I was nuts until I got frustrated. “Jesus Derek it is a dick not a rocket launcher,” I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on the snaps at the base of the ring. “Fucking sack up and help me get it off already.” He jumped into action, pulling and twisting the device in attempt to release my meat from it, before finally taking my cock in one hand, and pulling it off with the other. Feeling his hand stroke my slick dick accidentally as he pulled it free, I almost covered him in a cum load right then, but I knew the liquor was all but gone from his system by then and he might tweak out if I didn’t plan this next part just right. Holding in my load, I sat back down and watched amused as he tried to figure out how to put the ring on his own manhood. “Damn you’re helpless,” I said as I reached out, pulled him to standing in front of me, and ripped down his undies. Taking the ring from his hand I manipulated his cock and balls into it with as many “inadvertent” strokes as I could get away with. His dick was leaking like mad and I was happy his eyes were glued shut so I could open my mouth and catch a big glob of his juice on my tongue right as it dripped off his head. Smacking his ass, I told him he was done and pushed him back into his seat. He sat stunned for a moment, while I complimented him on how good he looked in it. “Really?” He asked me, finally gaining enough control to take his cock again and play with it. “Doesn’t it look kinda…gay?” “No way bro, lots of guys wear them, just look at the tv,” I said, pointing out a few of the porn stars waiting to gang bang the girl on the screen. “Most straight porn stars wear rings and fancy undies and even use toys in their butts once in awhile. It’s only gay if you wish it was a dick up there.” We both laughed at that and returned to stroking. When I was sure Derek could see me doing it, I took some lube from the table, covered my middle finger in it and worked it up into my hole. A few minutes later I added another before saying ‘fuck it!’ and pulling out my bag from next to the couch and dumping out a couple small vibrating plugs on the table. Taking the smallest one, I lubed it up, turned it on and pushed it slowly into my hole, all while Derek sat staring at my performance. “Try one,” I encourage him while jerking my dick. “I saw when Lana stuck her finger in your ass before” as I had told her to “and I know that you came in her only a few minutes later, so I know you liked it. Just try one dude.” “No way man,” Derek demurred. “Most I have ever had up there is a finger, and even then only when some girl caught me off guard.” “well then try a finger when you’re prepared,” I said, handing him a bottle of lube laced with tina. “This stuff is warming lube to help relax you and I promise no one will ever know. Go ahead…unless you’re worried about liking it so much you turn into a fag.” We laughed and he snatched the lube, squeezing out twice what he needed onto his middle and pointer fingers. As if he was dared, he threw his legs back so I could see and pushed them into his hole until they were all the way in, smiling at me like nothing was wrong. Still I could tell the burning from the laced lube had him rethinking his decision, so I complimented him. “Damn man, you must have balls of steel to take two fingers your first time,” stroking his ego with my admiration stopped him from pulling them out. “I bet that burns like a bitch right now, but with your tolerance for pain you could probably take a third finger once the sting wears off in a minute.” Sure enough a few minutes later, once he’d readjusted so he was facing the tv again, I watched as he added a third finger to his whole. When that seemed alright, I saw him begin to thrust them in and out, and could tell that was counteracting the tina-dick he was fighting. When his eyes drifted to the plugs on the table, I excused myself to the bathroom for a piss and instead ran to the bedroom to watch on my laptop as he grabbed the smaller of the two plugs I’d left on the table and worked it into his hole. Pounding away at his ass and stroking his dick he was still too high to get off. I walked back in just as he removed the smaller plug and was sitting on the bigger one. This fat rubber dong was more penis shaped than the last two but still ambiguous enough to keep him from feeling gay. Right as he managed to sit all the way down, I announced my presence with an offer to load one last free bowl. “What do you mean ‘last free bowl?’” He inquired, pretending he was just sitting on the table, not giving away the fact that 6 inches of black rubber were now inside him, stretching out his sphincter. “This shit is expensive man,” I said before shot-gunning a hit into his mouth. “I can’t keep smoking you out without you paying for any of it now can I? I am happy to provide sometimes, but how will I make money at it if I give it all away.” “Make money…so you sell this stuff?” Derek’s eyes were focused on the pipe that I held just out of reach. “Is that a problem?” He shook his head no. “Good then you can buy some for the next bowl.” “How do I do that?” Derek said, his dick now totally soft. “Well do you have any cash right now?” I asked, pulling out my phone. “Cause I can call my supplier and get some but I’ll either need to get some cash from you or take it from my sales and deduct it from what I was gonna pay you this week.” “I have like 20 bucks, what will that get me?” Derek asked, his cock shriveled to almost nothing, but his ass still hungry for the plug. “Almost nothing,” I kept lying to get him where I needed him to be. “but I will pull some of what I was gonna pay you and we can figure that out later. In the mean time, have another drink and I’ll get my dude to stop over with some for you.” Within 30 mins, Derek was hard again and working the plug in his hole, unaware that I’d slipped from g and a crushed tab of Viagra into his glass. He was so into stroking his cock that he didn’t realize I had company until I walked in with Matt, one of the boys who sold for me. “This is Matt,” I introduced them while Derek tried futilely to cover his hard on. “He is my supplier. Here’s your money Matty.” I handed Matt a folded up stack of $100 bills that he’d handed to me only moments before when we met out in the hall. Matt knew I didn’t want Derek to know that I was the real head of the operation, so he agreed to pretend to be my supplier. He also didn’t mind checking out the straight boy on my couch. Matt may have looked straight at almost 6’5”, with ripped muscular arms and pecs, tanned skin and some gang tats on his body, but really he was a bottom through and through, who sold to half the thugs in the county and occasionally let them get some for free if they would breed him with their thick black dicks. “Thanks bro, here’s your goods.” He handed me a small bag. “You can have some more if you let me jack off your boy here.” “Sorry bro, he’s straight like me,” I said, motioning for Derek to sit down since he had almost bolted when Matt suggested taking him into hand. “But you can watch me jerk it for a little extra if you want.” “Sounds good man,” Matt said, following me down the hall to my room. Once we shut the door, I wasted no time spinning matt around, bending him over my dresser, whipping out my stiff cock and reaming his hole bare. I shot deep inside in a few minutes which made him shoot all over the wood. “So I thought you said you didn’t fuck the help?” Matt whispered while pulling his pants up. “This guy must have you going fucking nuts to make you go to all this trouble and break your own rule. I hope he plays hard to get cause I would love to have you fuck me like that all the time.” I laughed and we traded the money again and I handed him a much bigger bag of goods, actually worth the amount he was paying me. We walked back out past Derek, who tossed a throw pillow over his crotch as Matt left, and I thanked Matt at the door for the help. Returning to the room, Derek asked me if I really let Matt watch me jerk off for party goods and I told him yes, before tossing him the small bag of goodies I owed him. “If you want I can give him your number,” I said as Derek frantically tried to load a bowl. “He might give you some freebies if you let him watch you do a show online.” “Yeah right man, I make 300-400 a session doing one of those,” Derek said as he fumbled to hit the pipe. “That’s about what that baggy in your hands cost,” I said pointing to the $40 or 50 worth he held in his hands. “He’d probably front you a bag half that size for a simple jack off video.” Derek hit the pipe and we smoke in silence, with him stroking his meat and his mind pondering the idea of selling jerk off videos for drugs. Finally the combo of the plug, his strokes and the tina was getting to him and he shot all over his chest, up onto his neck and even hitting his cheek. As he collapsed back onto the couch and caught his breath, I asked again if I could give Matt his number, and he nodded yes. Part 3 Over the next few days Derek and I worked side by side ripping up carpet, tearing out cabinets and removing old hollow core doors from the apartments. At night, we declined from partying for a day or two after both of us “ran out” of favors. But by Wednesday, Lana was sending Derek shots of her masturbating and sexy emails (per my instruction) and asked him to send some back of him smoking and jerking off. Coincidentally only a few minutes after Derek told lana he didn’t have the cash to buy any more tina, “Matt” texted him and asked if he’d consider jerking off in exchange for more. Watching the video stream from his room, I stroked my cock as Derek gave in and agreed, sending Matt (aka me on a burner phone) the link to a live site. Sneaking upstairs into the office, Derek was almost silent, not realizing I was aware of his actions the whole time. That night I watched and instructed Derek in every move of his hand and thrust of his fingers into his tight hole until he splashed cum all over himself. By the time he’d cleaned up and got back to the apartment, I was sitting in the living room with a fresh baggie from “Matt” for him. We stayed up all night that night, smoking and jerking, Derek sending photos of himself puffing and pounding his pud to Lana, who sent them right back to me. By the next morning we’d smoked it all and Derek had ridden the 6 inch plug to orgasm twice. This time it only took two days before Derek texted “Matt” and wanted to trade again. “Matt” suggested this time that he deliver the sack first and Derek make a home movie jerking off and playing with his ass, so Matt could watch it later. Derek agreed and while he went out for a swim, Matt must have stopped by because I was waiting in the living room with another sack of favors. This time we matched bowls, and I showed Derek how to use the video camera feature on my phone to make a video. Derek excused himself to his room this time and made a nasty video, riding his fingers and the 6 inch plug while wearing the cock ring, before shooting all over his bedspread. The next day I gave Derek his first payment, minus the 300 I supposedly paid for his first sack. He handed it right back and asked me to get him more favors and went out and found a girl at a bar, brought her back and had me film him while he fucked her all over the apartment and even took her down to the pool for a midnight ass fuck. After his newest sack ran out, she pretended to get a call and high-tailed it out the door. Broke, higher than fuck and hard, he texted “Matt” who told him this time if he wanted to get more favors, he’d have to get Mr. E to jerk off with him, and they’d have to stroke each other. I returned to the living room just as Derek read the text and got very upset. I asked him what was the matter. “He wants us to spank it together,” Derek said, blushing hard. “Otherwise he won’t give me anymore favors.” “I dunno Derek,” I feigned discomfort. “I don’t think I am down to do that without a chick here. Seems kinda gay.” “Yeah Mr. E, you’re right,” Derek responded. “Guess we can’t win them all.” Derek went back to room and tried for the next two hours to jerk off while watching old porn on his shitty computer but finally passed out still hard, never getting to cum. A few days passed and Derek kept texting and asking for more favors, asking if there was anything else he could do to get more, but “Matt” held firm. Finally after an especially rough day ripping out the old vanity in one of the bigger apartments, Derek received a text from Lana telling him she’d be back that weekend and wanted to get high and let him fuck her all weekend long. It took less than a minute for him to approach me and ask if I had any favors to share. “Nah sorry Derek,” I said, lying through my teeth while feeling the large bag of favors in my pockets. “Then will you front me my paycheck?” Derek asked hopefully. “I know I am not supposed to get another one from you for a few weeks but I really need to get more favors before Lana gets back in town.” “I wish I could Derek,” Lying again. “But until the next rent due date I am running low on funds, what with paying the contractor, plumber and electrician this week.” “Then please Mr. E, Sir,” He swallowed, gathering up his courage. “Please make the jerk off video with me. I know it seems kinda screwed up, pardon the language, but if you want you can just lay back and I’ll jerk you off and we can negotiate with Matt and get some favors for this weekend.” “I don’t think I can Derek,” I was already hard at the prospect. ”It’s too gay.” “It’s only gay if we like it,” Derek said, smiling. “Please Mr. E. I really, really need to smoke. Please.” “Alright Derek, I will do it for you. But you’d better make sure we get the stuff first and make sure Matt doesn’t want anything extra.” “Will do sir!” Derek ran back to his room and texted my burner. The deal was done. “Matt” would drop off some goodies while Derek worked out, and then he and I would make a jerk off video. A few hours later Derek returned from the work out room, sweaty and shirtless, his shorts hanging so low I could see the base of his cock as he dashed into his room to shower up. When he returned wearing tighty-whiteys and socks, I handed him a drink laced with a serious dose of ghb and Viagra, before pulling out the large bag of goodies and telling him I set up the camera in my bedroom so we’d be more comfortable. He reluctantly hopped onto the bed and his hands shook when I handed him the pipe, so I offered to light it for him. The glow of the torch hit his face and I could tell the ghb was taking effect, but there was something else I hadn’t expected. His eyes seemed full of fear, like he might run off before he was fully drugged. He opened his mouth to say something and I told him to inhale, just like the first night we got high together. As his lungs filled with smoke, I leaned in closer, until he started to exhale, and for the first time in weeks, he shotgunned the smoke into my mouth. This time I kissed him softly as the smoke passed to me. With the infusion of Tina in his system, the fear started to leave his eyes, and I handed him his cup and told him to finish it. Doing as he was told, I stood up and stripped off my tee shirt and shorts, my hard, dripping 8 inch cock springing out and hitting my tight fuzzy belly. “Finished,” He said, setting the cup on the bedside table. As he turned back towards me, I took advantage of his distracted mind and moved in so my cock brushed across his chest as I moved in to sit down. He flinched and tried to move away before realizing he was between my body and the wall on the bed and there was nowhere to go. I grabbed the remote and started the porn on my bedroom tv, and we both watched, our bodies stretched out with our shoulders and heads propped up on the pillows, as a lithe teen blonde took four men into bed and began sucking their cocks and fingering her pussy. Derek tried not to be too obvious as he fished out his hardening dick and stroked it, before remembering he was supposed to be jerking mine. He looked over at me in the darkened room and gingerly placed his fingers over my pulsing shaft. Mimicking his actions, but with more confidence, I too fingered his dick, but took it firm in my hand and began to stroke. “UUUUHNNN, fuck yes Mr. E.” Derek moaned, before stopping himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.” “It’s okay Derek,” I whispered in his ear, using my other hand to press take his fingers and close them around my cock. “Now we better get to business if we want more favors.” We stroked each other hard now, both of us working the other, while moaning and grunting. After a few minutes I told Derek that Matt offered us twice as much tina if one of us would suck the other one in the video. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” my lips almost pressed to his ear as I said it. He didn’t respond but closed his eyes, the ghb was now totally in control of him. I took my hand away from his cock and reached over and picked up the pipe, pressing it to his mouth. Lighting it, he inhaled as soon as I whispered “go.” Eyes still closed, I waited until he finished inhaling, then rolled over on top of him and French kissed him, sucking the clouds from his lungs and into mine. With his arms pinned under my knees on either side of him, I sat up a little and took another hit and blew it back into him. This time when I pulled away, he sat up a little, chasing my lips as if he wanted more. I smiled the smile of a victorious man and sank down to his crotch level, releasing him from my body weight and asked again. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” Without waiting for his answered I swallowed his cock almost to the base, eliciting a moan and causing both of his hands to grab my hair and try to force me deeper. I deep throated him for a few minutes while my hands snuck under the blanket and brought out the laced lube. He gasped as my thick middle digit pierced his hole and burrowed deep into him. Something resembling the words “my butt’s burning” escaped his mouth but I only added more fingers until three were inside him. Thicker than his own fingers, three of mine were easily as thick as the plug he was now used to, but the plug didn’t spread and stretch the hole like my fingers were. A whimper and some leg action to push away from me told me Derek was trying to make an escape and I chortled at how pitiful his attempt was due to his drugged state of mind. Still I wasn’t a total ass, so I ripped my fingers from his hole, bringing him to a small scream, before, climbing back up his chest, re-pinning his arms beneath my thighs and slapping my cock against his mouth. His glassy eyes opened wide and he tried to turn his head, but I’d have none of that. “Your turn, Derek.” I said, sliding my cock head between his lips. “Come on now, I am doing this because you asked me to, so take my dick in your mouth, and no teeth.” “GmHpphrrmm” came out around my dick, and I freed it for a second to hear his final thoughts on the matter. “Getuff me, youkint dothiz. I dunt wantuh sukeur dick.” “Look at me Derek, Look at me!” I took my dick away, swung my hand down and smacked him just hard enough to bring him to full attention for a moment. His eyes met mine as I smiled and leaned closer. “You asked me to make this video with you, you practically begged. You even offered to do all the work just so you could get a fix. So now you’re going to do what you need to do to earn your baggy and you can relax and accept it and maybe have an okay time or you can fight me and try to get away and end up torn open and used like an old paper bag. It is up to you, but make no mistake. You will take my cock in your mouth and suck my dick and anything else I tell you to do or I will kick your ass to the curb, cut off your supply of goodies, and send the video of you smoking, stroking and stuffing your slutty ass to the dean, your parents and all of your old teammates. You’ll be kicked out of school, disowned, shunned, and you’re still going to end up sucking dick, mine or some other dealer’s. Now open wide if we understand one another.” “Fuck you faggot.” Derek said, on the verge of tears. Slamming the lids shut, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth. I straightened up again and moved my dick onto his virgin tongue, forcing it back into his throat. He gagged at first but I explained that he’d need to breathe through his nose when he could as I pushed it further and cut off his air supply. Thrashing and bucking his eyes popped open but he avoided using his teeth and did his best to take what I gave him. When he began to get the hang of it I reached back, took a large crystal from the bedside table and speared it up into Derek’s boyhole, eliciting a squeal from around my dick. I plugged it up with the same plug he’d been so fond of only days before, and gave his shriveled tina dick and jiggle as I returned my attention to throat fucking the fight out of him for another 5 minutes or so. Sufficiently satisfied that he’d gotten me to full mast and provided enough snot and slobber, I withdrew all the way and climbed off of him. Curling up, he coughed and whimpered, scooting himself towards the head of the bed and mumbling something like wudyaduduma as he went. “What did I do to you?” He nodded and reached to remove the plug, but my hand was faster and I pinned his wrist and shook my head in disapproval. “You’ll want that where it is for now, trust me. As for what I did, I gave you exactly what you wanted, the high of your life. Your drink was spiked with ghb, aka the date rape drug, and you downed it so fast I am amazed you didn’t pass out. What you should be asking is what do I have planned for you. That one is much more interesting, but I think I should show you instead of telling you.” I grabbed Derek’s toned legs and twisted until he had no choice but to flip onto his stomach. Pulling him by the ankles, I worked him toward me until his knees were off the mattress, before separating them with my own legs and climbing up between his toned smooth thighs. Reaching out I plucked the butt plug from its home in one foul swoop. Bucking in protest, I caught sight of Derek’s face in the mirror in my headboard and knew that he’d finally figured out what was coming. His hands shot out in front of him, wildly grasping the bedspread in hopes of pulling himself to safety, but without any traction from his legs, he was out of luck. Inching closer, my hands reached out to where the lube had been concealed and retrieved a steady cam remote. With the press of a button the TV screen switched over to a live feed from all the many cameras hidden around the bedroom and I scrolled through them until I found the one I wanted: a hidden camera in the alarm clock, angled just right to see Derek’s face. Animal instinct and primal fear were evident in his face, suggesting he’d given up the urge to fight and was now relying on flight to save him. Setting down the remote and spreading his ass cheeks with one hand, I clasped the other to his neck, immobilizing his movement just slightly, and turning the look on his face into a look of defeat. “No.” was the last coherent word I made out from him that night, when my massive cock head slid up against his sphincter and pressed in. Derek lost his ability to process language when the pressure got higher and my butt cheeks clenched, drawing my dick forward until it burst into Derek’s virgin hole. Adrenaline and pain combined to make his body seize forward, but only until it bounced against the mattress and sprung back, causing my cock to go further. Taking his ensuing screech as an invitation, I sunk my staff all the way in until my body was pressed tight to his own. Sobs rocked his chest when I felt my cock pierce a third pulsing ring, so the boy who’d done nothing but respect and obey me from day one was in pain and I was causing it. It was clear to me that I had to pull myself off, beg his forgiveness and fix what I’d done, but all of that was forgotten when I started to pull out and his asshole grasped my helmet and squeezed enticingly. I sunk back deeper still into his hole, and he gasped, then sobbed again. With all my will power I managed to pull out almost half way before a different muscle gripped and wouldn’t let me out. Accordingly I slammed back in again, followed by a bigger gasp and quieter sobs. Finally I speedily reared back until I was almost free, this time his outer hole closing tight, locking my bulbous cockhead inside. Not one to argue with physiology I figured that whatever his mind had to tell itself about hating what was happening, his butt was not about to let it stop. Pumping slowly at first then faster, I worked myself up until I was truly fucking the former virgin beneath my roaring form. Glancing up I saw that Derek’s face was no longer contorted in pain as it had been upon my initial entry, but the tv now showed it to be conflicted, upset but intrigued. Scooting back until my feet touched the ground, while pulling his semi-conscious form along, I repositioned myself and spun him around until he was on his back, my cock never leaving his bowels. Sure enough, he was as hard as I was, maybe harder and pulsing along with no help from his or my hand. Arms limp above him and tear streaked head rolling from side to side I resumed my pounding, now faster and deeper with his legs over my forearms. He suddenly came to life and moved his arms to my chest to push me away. Beating against my hairy pecs with all the strength his drugged body could muster, he moaned and sucked in breath, until his eyes popped open, his abs tightened and his ass milked me like nothing I’d ever felt. Unable to speak, I shot my gaze deep into his and grunted to warn that he was about to receive my sperm. Almost as if he understood me, he nodded once, then his hands, which had been fighting me off, reached out and grabbed my hips and my neck, pulling me in deeper on each thrust. Before I could impregnate my straight victim, his neck arched, his chest puffed up and his untouched cock began to shoot all over both of us, soaking my furry chin, chest and abs, as well as his smooth lips, nose, adam’s apple, and down to his belly button. This was exactly what I had hoped for the first day we met, except for one final thing. Then suddenly it was complete. My uretha swelled and opened as I shot stream after stream of hot meth-laced semen so deep in his ass that it might still be there. Counting when I watched the video later, it looks from the outside like I shot at least 12 hard shots and another 15 or so medium sized spurts before my balls gave out and I collapsed onto Derek’s delirious body. When I came to a few minutes later, Derek was also just regaining consciousness and mumbling. When both of our eyes focused and he realized it was really happening, he shook his head for a second, then closed his eyes, turned his head away from me, and squeezed my cock with his hole. “More huh?” I asked, my hoarse voice full of lust. His hands reached down and squeezed my ass cheeks then fell to his sides. His will was broken and his ass was mine. I shot another load in him before I ever pulled out, and managed another two loads, one in his throat and one both on his asshole and inside it, before the drugs completely wore off. He came once more, in the shower, while crying, after I dumped him there once I was done. When he was sober enough to get out, he locked himself in his room with his party favors, the plug I left inside him to keep my loads in, and a copy of the video we’d just made. Over the next few hours he smoked the last of the tina and tried not to freak out. Watching via the hidden cams, I saw as he texted Lana, receiving no response, before struggling and finally taking his phone and texting someone else. Hearing a buzz I looked over and saw “Matt’s” phone had a new message. It said: ‘have vid u requested. should b worth 2x what u gave me or more. If u like it enuf I can make sequel.’ Attached was a clip from the video of me sucking Derek’s dick and another clip of me pounding his hole Typing furiously I responded: ‘If ur willing 2 do that, maybe we can work it out so u never have 2 pay. I have friends 4 u 2 meet and service.’ Watching the camera, I saw him start to work the plug in his ass. Reading the response, he took a deep breath and typed back: ‘Whatever u want but I need more stuf asap. I want 2 be so hi I dont remember what I did 2day.’ My smile widened and I picked up the pipe and a bottle of g off the table before responding: ’ever been 2 rest stop on hwy 85? Its worth 3x as much if I can c u with other guys there.’ ‘just tell me when n where 2 go. I need 2 get hi now.’ The end of part 3
  11. Chris couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t attached to a girl. Even before he knew how to spell ‘girlfriend,’ he had one. At first he attracted them just by being the brash, confident exceptional boy he was, excelling in every sport, activity, hobby, and grade as he went. Once puberty hit, the line of ladies seeking his company grew exponentially, keeping his dance card full all the way through high school and college. Maybe that’s why he never realized there was a need inside him that was aching to be fulfilled, until it was too late. The rain had been pouring for almost a week straight since Chris had moved into his new apartment, in a new city, where he had just started a new job. Having graduated high school at 16, and college at 20, Chris was used to things coming easily to him, but no one seemed impressed or even pleased with him at work. Unnerved by his slow start, he hungered for something to distract and rejuvenate him. On his third night there, he called his current girlfriend who was two hours away in the tiny town where they’d gone to school together. After five minutes on the phone, Chris realized she wouldn’t be driving up to see him anytime soon. Unphased, he assumed he’d have another girlfriend by the end of the week, and decided to work out his frustrations with a different type of physical exertion. He was already lacing up his tennis shoes for a run when the sky opened up and cancelled that idea. The next few nights he spent looking for a female companion in bars and clubs, but amazingly he had no luck. As it turns out, being born handsome and exceptional makes it easy to get girls when you are in a small town, but here in the city, he had no idea how to approach a woman and start a conversation. Without the aid of a classroom he was helpless, not to mention the added disadvantage of working so late each night that anyone worth talking to was either taken or drunk. So there he was, stuck inside on a rainy Saturday night: horny, alone and itching for release of some kind. Getting out the newspaper with half a mind to call one of the women advertizing under the escort section, he happened to turn to a full page ad for a gym. Halted by the spandex clad babe in the photo, he realized as he read that the gym was only a few blocks from his house and extremely reasonably priced, considering they advertized services like personal training, massage therapy, dozens of different classes and a nutritionist. He clipped the coupon from the bottom corner, tossed on some shorts and a tshirt and dashed to his carport. Perhaps it was a stereotype, but Chris expected floor to ceiling windows, bright lights and a giant neon sign to welcome him. Instead he found himself walking in to an unassuming red brick building at 11pm, where a short, trim redhead greeted him. She took his coupon, promised him the first five visits no strings attached and instructed him to veer left to the men’s gym, where one of the male trainers would meet him. A slim tan blond man named Dave led him through the 4 story complex, explaining that unlike other gyms, Stern’s kept the male and female gyms separate, only combining on the top floor where group classes were held. The floor below that had the nutritionist’s area and windowless mirrored work-out areas for each sex, containing equipment like weight machines, treadmills, etc. The main floor housed the offices, private training rooms, locker rooms, and massage rooms, and the basement housed two identical pool areas, divided by sex, each with an Olympic size pool, sauna, steam room, and shower area. Chris was about to question the separation until a man strode past him in the buff and dove into the pool. Dave explained that the workout area was divided to promote working out for yourself, instead of worrying how you looked to some slut. Chris laughed, but asked again about the pool, when Dave explained that there were no suits allowed on the pool level when the gym opened 60 years before, and they’d never changed the rule. Shrugging it off, he thanked Dave and got to his work out, running for almost an hour with only a few other men spread around the large room. He was sweating profusely, going faster and faster, his eyes locked with his reflection in the mirror across from him, until someone walked in front of his machine, and he almost fell off. Hitting the stop button and jumping off, Chris glanced up as he took a swig from a complimentary water bottle and almost spit it back up. The man who’d broken his stride was the most beautiful specimen Chris had ever seen. He starred, slack-jawed and bug-eyed at the shirtless 6’6”, 230lbs, raven haired, blue eyed ripped god who had taken up a spot at the weight bench and was pressing some ridiculous amount. “Spot me, bro.” The man, who Chris would come to know as Jake, commanded. Usually Chris would have begged off, being more of a cardio guy with no weight training to speak of, but Jake’s tone made him step over and take the spotting position. He stood there spotting him for two sets of 25, when Jake hopped up and began removing weights, telling Chris to take his place. He laid down before remembering to protest, and tried to grunt out his lack of interest in weights between lifts. “You need this man,” Jake said, scooting close enough over Chris’ head that his shorts hung open directly over Chris’ face. Chris shut up and tried not to get caught sneaking glances at the firm thighs and enticing shadows up the shorts’ legs. “Guy like you probably got along fine in school, handsome and fit, but now you’re in the real world and it’s time you work out like a real man.” After Chris could do no more reps, Jake pulled him to standing with one hand and introduced himself as one of the private trainers that the gym employed. Jake explained that new members got three free training sessions, and he expected Chris to use them. Arriving in the lockerroom, Jake tugged off his shorts leaving him in an extremely-snug pair of white briefs, outlining his hefty bulge and perfectly spherical ass. Taking Chris’ hand, he placed it on his lower abs and told him to feel the definition where they met his groin muscles, as well as on his pecs, huge biceps and the back of his warm, fuzzy thighs. Wrapping himself in a towel, Jake stripped the briefs from under it without revealing anything else, and then made Chris promise to come back the next night for legs. Nodding, he watched as Jake strode off into the staircase for the showers, before regaining his senses, pulling on his coat, and leaving. That night as he showered, Chris replayed the images of Jake in his mind, and found that he was excited by the idea of working out with him again. His dick jumped when he remembered the view up Jake’s shorts, but he dismissed it as a side effect of needing pussy and seeing that much exposed skin. Chris returned the next night, and the next, and the next and was quickly the gym’s best customer. Jake made him a great deal on a weekly training fee, and the two of them were quickly transforming Chris from an attractive slim wasp-type, into a buffed, taught, machine of a man. Chris became obsessed with making Jake proud of his work, and started imagining Jake more and more in his fantasies. At first he was just taking part in whatever imaginary threesome Chris concocted to get his rocks off, but after awhile Jake was becoming the star. Still, Chris convinced himself that he was only picturing Jake because he symbolized the ideal that Chris was striving to become. Before either of them knew it, 6 months had passed and Jake was Chris’ best friend, well only friend, in town. One night as they stripped down to shower, carefully concealing their full nudity from one another, Jake asked Chris when he last got laid, and couldn’t believe it was really 6 months. “Come early tomorrow,” Jake said before they split to head to separate shower stalls. “Then we’ll go out after and find some pussy. Time to test out your new body on some unsuspecting skanks.” Music rocked Chris’ chest as he tried to hear what the gorgeous brunette was saying, shouting from the stool next to his. He tried to care, but he could tell she was hot for his dick, the way she caressed his arms and stroked his thigh, but he kept getting distracted watching Jake dance with a petite latin girl. As he suspected, it was barely an hour later that the four of them had taken a cab back to Jake’s apartment and each couple began getting hot and heavy on opposite ends of the couch. He was so caught up seeing Jake in action and getting his first play in months that he didn’t notice Jake pull out a glass pipe and small white bag full of crystal shards. Both girls jumped at the chance to smoke, but Chris declined, never having tried any drugs, or even hard liquor. “Too bad,” Jake said, blowing a cloud of something he called ‘tina’ as he spoke. “This shit makes me cum like a fire hydrant and fuck like a bull.” The latin girl squealed and shoved her hand into his open fly while they finished the bowl. As the brunette started to unzip Chris’ pants, Jake picked up his date, tossed her over his shoulder and dashed into the bedroom. Disappointed that he was unable to watch his idol demolish the latin chick’s cunt, Chris regained his vigor when he realized he could hear every dirty, nasty thing that was going on just beyond the bedroom door. The two buddies eventually turned it into a fuck-fight, seeing which one could make his girl cum faster, harder and more often. Chris planned to be the victor, having achieved anal first, but lost control when he moved to the floor and caught a glance through the open door of Jake’s face and chest contorted in pleasure as he pounded the bitch doggy style. He whipped his cock out of the brunette’s ass, and shot copious amounts of jizz across her tits and face. Spent, Chris fell back against the coffee table and watched as the brunette hopped up and ran to the bathroom. Once she was finished, she made some dumb excuse and disappeared to find a cab, while Chris slowly found his briefs and used them to wipe down his cock and chest before dragging his ass to the john. Taking his time as he passed the bedroom in hopes of another glance, he almost fell over when the latin girl was slammed up against the wall by the door, both her legs over Jake’s arms as they completed their fuck. Chris stood in the dark hall, his dick hardening again, wishing he could see Jake’s cock, but afraid to venture further out from his hiding spot. As Jake laid the girl on the bed and grunted his final grunt, Chris slipped into the bathroom and began washing up in the sink. Still hardening, he took a moment to admire the v-shape that was forming from his abs to his dick, and the way his arms and pecs stood out and shone in the dim bathroom light. He flexed and stroked his dick just in time for Jake to burst in behind him and push past him to the toilet. They laughed at Chris’ display, and Jake began commenting on how proud he was of Chris’ progress while Chris went into a fog where all he could see was Jake’s dick. Semi-hard and covered in cum and pussy juices, Jake drew a finger from the dick head out to the toilet bowl, leading a heavy beady string of cum. After a moment, Jake’s piss began to flow, and Chris realized he was fully hard again. All he wanted to do at that moment was reach out and take Jake’s cock in his hand. He had no idea what he would do with i, all he knew is the world would be perfect if he could feel Jake’s cock. He snapped out of his haze as the latin girl came in with them and took a hold of Chris’ hard-on, asking for seconds. He lifted her up onto the counter and fucked her right there while Jake watched and cheered them on. Chris was ready to cum in minutes once Jake began to stroke his dick again. He came deep in her pussy, adding his load to Jake’s, before the trainer lifted her off Chris’ cock and took her back into the bedroom for sloppy thirds. Looking down, Chris realized his cock was covered in both his load and his buddy, and he couldn’t resist wiping off a few drops and tasting them before he got dressed and snuck out the door. Chris gave up trying to explain his feelings for his friend after that, giving in each weeknight to fantasies of jerking off together, showering together, even letting Jake cum in his mouth. On the weekends they’d find more girls and repeat the fun with new victims, sometimes only finding one girl and having to share. Still too afraid of what Jake might do if he realized Chris’ attraction, Chris was always careful to take turns on the girls. One night as a perky blonde co-ed was giving them both head on the couch, Dave from the gym walked in with a teenage jock type guy, sat down and loaded some tina in a bowl. Chris was weirded out at first, until Jake explained that Dave was his roommate and they saw each other fucking around on a regular basis. Chris was even more shocked when the teen dropped to his knees and began sucking Dave off. Jake could see Chris’ shock and, before the girl noticed, he dragged them both to the bedroom to fuck. A few weeks later, they had just gotten back from the club with tall modelesque girl, when Dave entered, this time accompanied by a skater type guy with piercings in his nose, brow, ear and nipples (which he proudly showed while Dave loaded a bowl). Chris declined the pipe as usual, but the girl was on a mission to get him to try it, telling him he could only fuck her tight pussy if he took at least one hit off the pipe. Chris said no again, his hard cock begging him to give in. “Stop being a little bitch and smoke this,” Jake ordered him before handing Chris the pipe, and lighting it. Chris began inhaling as the smoke filled the cylinder, just as he had heard Dave and Jake explain to girls and guys they’d initiated previously. At first he felt nothing, but with the exhale came a huge cough, and a buzzing feeling shooting up his spine and into his brain. He should have stopped at one hit, but the model kept shotgunning hits with him and encouraging him to take more and more. Soon there was an all out smoke/fuck fest in the middle of the living room. Chris was pounding the model’s pussy while Jake shoved his cock deep into her throat, which was quite a feat, since he is at least 9 inches long and tends to get wider the longer he fucks. Dave had the skater on the floor with his legs over his head and was breeding his ass with a nice thick 8 inch uncut cock. Chris found himself wondering how the tight hole took so much cock and somehow still made the boy beg for it like he did. Many years before, one of Chris’ girlfriends had shoved her finger in his ass while they fucked. After the initial jumping and hollering, Chris found he enjoyed it, so much so that he was now in the habit of fingering his hole when he jerked off. The combo of the high and the site in front of him had Chris so horned up that when he and Jake switched ends, he asked the model to finger his hole. Eyes closed, he heard a bottle of lube pop open and a long, kinda thick finger slide two knuckles deep into his tight ass. Moaning, he began to pump harder in her throat, which made Jake pump back from the other end. Simultaniously, they pulled out of their respective ends, and began covering her in cum. Neither one shot far enough to hit the other, but Chris made sure to lick up some of Jake’s load while kissing the model before she ran to the shower. Mysteriously, even with the model in another room, Chris could still feel a finger slowly pumping his hole, almost making him hard again. Turning, Chris made eye contact with Dave, who pulled his finger out and mouthed “you’re welcome,” so Jake and the Skater bottom would be none the wiser. Joining the model in the shower, Chris was worried when he didn’t get hard as fast as usual, which she explained might be from the tina. Anxious about it, Chris hopped out and went to find Jake or Dave to ask them but stopped just outside the living room where he couldn’t be seen easily, but had a pretty good view of Jake feeding his hardon to the skater boy, while Dave pounded the boy’s ass. Instantly Chris was hard and went back into the bathroom where he fucked the model as rough as he could, focused on the picture of Jake’s dick sliding between his own lips. A few days later, Dave ran into Chris in the locker room and asked him what he thought of the weekend’s festivities. Unsure, Chris tried to play it cool, until Dave told Chris he had seen the way Chris looked at Jake, and was pretty sure Chris would have sucked Jake off if the skater hadn’t done it. Chris tried to deny it, but Dave whipped out his phone, and produced pix of Jake feeding his load to other tricks Dave had brought home. “I’ve yet to see him fuck a guy,” Dave said, handing Chris the phone before leading him into a massage room. “but I know he loves feeding them. Maybe next time I can find a way for you to swallow his spunk.” Chris wasn’t listening. He was engrossed in the photos on Dave’s phone, each of them featuring the two roommates destroying bottoms of all ages and types, Dave in their asses, Jake in their mouths. Dave continued describing dirty scenarios involving Jake, while pulling down Chris’ shorts and jock, and jerking and fingering Chris. Moaning with pleasure, he licked his lips pretending he was the boy taking Jake’s man meat in his mouth. The fantasy was so real he didn’t even notice that Dave had maneuvered three fingers into his hole and was rubbing his own hard cock against Chris smooth ass cheek. Chris could see Jake in his mind, siddling up behind him to show him some proper dumbbell technique, then popping his dick from his shorts and sliding inside Chris’ ass without any of the other gym members knowing. Dave just started to spread Chris’ cheeks and slip his cock into the crack when they both heard Jake call out Chris’ name into the locker room, only feet from where they stood. Adrenaline soared through Chris’ body as he flew back from Dave and tried to pull up his shorts. He couldn’t be sure if Jake saw what was going on when he came in, but there was no way Jake missed Chris’ stiff cock poking out obscenely or the fact that Dave still had his monster dick in plain view. Still, Jake didn’t say anything about it and everything seemed totally normal until they finished and Jake got a text from Dave. “Dave told me what happened,” Jake said quietly, causing Chris’ heart to sink into his abdomen. “He told me he caught you jerking in the massage room. It was pretty ballsy of you to offer to let him watch in exchange for not ratting you out. Good thing he has been hot for your ass since you walked in. Of course now that you’ve had a man show you how to sculpt it, you’d better watch out for more pervs.” Chris laughed nervously and thanked god that Dave covered for him. However, he was so rattled that he didn’t realize they were both naked together for the first time with no one else around. Jake took advantage of the opportunity and had Chris flex his different muscle groups so they could compare. Somehow Chris stayed flaccid for the flex off, even when Jake ran his hand down Chris’ back, over his ass and down between the thighs to show the line of the musculature. Chris asked if he could feel on Jake, just to be sure he understood, then told Jake he was going for a swim, dashed off and blasted his cum load under the water. The next weekend Chris got a text from a number he didn’t know, but he was sure it was Dave when the attachment was a photo of Jake in the shower. Dave invited Chris to come over before he and Jake went out that night, to smoke and hang out, and discuss what had happened the last time. Chris politely declined a few times, worried he might end up getting fucked by Dave, until Dave mentioned that he had a sex tape Jake made before they’d met, and Chris could watch it. Shower, shave and he was out the door to Dave and Jake’s. Chris was greeted by a familiar face but no one he could place, until Dave explained that his guest was a member of the gym and a former MLB player. In no time they’d smoked a few bowls, got the video playing and convinced Chris he could jack off without Dave or Todd (the mlb guy) raping him. Sipping the drink Dave made him, Chris was stroking furiously at the sight of Jake plowing the hell out of some poor teen girl. By the look of Jake and his fuckslut, this must have been 3 or 4 years ago, when Jake was just a high school senior. Little by little the ghb in Chris’ drink took effect, loosening him up so Todd had no problem getting Chris’ dick in his mouth. He could feel his senses dulling, but decided the best way to counter act it was take more hits off the pipe and agree when Dave asked him if he’d like to try taking some fingers in his ass again. Perfectly timed once again, Jake walked in just as Todd was sucking Chris’ dick down to the balls and Dave had three fingers in Chris’ tight hole. “Hey roomie,” Dave said, handing Jake the pipe. “Turns out your buddy here likes getting his hole fingered, especially when he is high.” Jake laughed and took a few hits, before asking Chris if he was okay. Chris nodded yes and reached for Jake’s crotch. Oblivious, Jake handed him the pipe as if that’s what he wanted, before stripping off his own clothes and instructing Todd to suck his cock. Eyes glued to the real Jake, Chris forgot they were watching Jake’s sex tape, until the star of the tape noticed and asked why. “It was a request,” Dave said, standing up and moving down behind Todd’s upturned hole. “Seems as though your little trainee gets off watching you fuck.” Mortified, Chris was too high to deny it and just blushed. Everyone laughed, while Dave pulled Todd off Jake’s cock, and threw his legs back and began wailing on the baseball player’s tan hairy ass. “Course he does!” Jake added. “Just like I think it is hot watching him fuck. He is one hot piece of muscle man now, ain’t he Dave?” “You know I think he is,” Dave grunted between thrusts. “but I think he’d be even hotter with your dick in his mouth. And I KNOW he’s game for it.” Jake’s eyes whipped to Chris, and he knew Dave was telling the truth. No words were spoken as he stepped closer and waved his hard dick only an inch from Chris’ pink lips. Leaving the last bit of distance for Chris to make was all the approval Jake needed, for as soon as Chris leaned in to suck Jake, Jake thrust forward, grabbed a handful of dusty blond hair and began reaming Chris’ throat. If it was anyone else, Chris would have choked and pulled off and never tried it again, but he knew what he was getting with Jake, and it was exactly what he needed. Chris began to jack his own meat and finger his tight hole while he slurped on Jake’s massive member. Less than a minute was all it took for Chris to cum all over himself, and soon after Jake fed him his load. Worried that Jake would think less of him, Chris told Dave he was heading to the gym and ran out while Jake was in the shower. Although Jake’s apartment was only a few blocks from the gym, Chris was too high to drive there, but did anyway, barely making it in one piece. The rain had turned to snow recently and the roads were covered in it, which meant no one was working out on a snowy Saturday night. Inside the locker room, Chris stripped off his clothes and sat on the bench, still covered in cum. He began to freak out about what his only friend might do now that he saw what a faggot bitch Chris was. Still too drunk for a work out, he laid back and closed his eyes, willing this to just be an amazing dream, but knew it wasn’t when he heard the door slam and Jake’s voice call out to him. “What the hell man?” Jake asked, putting his bag and coat in his locker, and starting to undress. “You should know me well enough by now to realize I always have at least two loads to shoot once I start partying, and you gotta take the rest of them now boy.” Chris opened his eyes just in time to see a fully erect Jake straddle the bench, hoist Chris’ legs over his shoulders, squirt some lube on his cock, and slide most of it in on the first stroke. Chris screamed out, but stopped once Jake commanded him to. The first few minutes were excruciating, but after awhile it was less painful and more of a dull ache. All the pain was forgotten once Jake was balls deep. It was like a switch had been thrown, turning a straight muscle boy into a hungry bottom whore, begging and pleading for more dick and cum. When Jake finally decided to grace Chris’ ass with his load, he did it balls deep, sharing both of their first man2man kiss at the same time. Once they were sure the gym was truly empty, they sent the desk worker home and moved up to the gym floor, where Jake added another load to Chris’ ass, this time on the weight bench. Reinforcements arrived soon after, and Chris spent the rest of the night taking loads from Dave, Todd, two other gym members and high school kid who wondered in thinking it was a club and accidentally caught Jake giving Chris a fourth load on the reception desk. Attached: one pic of chris, four pics of Jake
  12. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
  13. Max pulled over and parked his 1992 dodge spirit, killing the engine but hesitating to open the door. As if glued to the driver’s seat, he silently debated whether to stay or go home, while gripping the wheel and biting his lower lip. Staring out his windshield, he was surprised to see what looked like a normal brick office building, with no obvious markings or signs on the business to show what it was. He double checked the address in the text message from his dealer, Tony, just to be sure, before holding his breath, grabbing his duffle bag and hoping out of the car. The heavy wood door creaked ominously when Max pulled it open and stepped inside the warm alcove. He shivered, glad to be out of the cold February night, but still uncertain about what he was getting into. Realizing the door to the rest of the club was locked, he stepped up to a plexi-glass window and rang the small bell, which prompted a very tall, muscular, bearded guy in his 30’s to appear from a door on the other side of the glass. The hunky clerk, “Jax” according to the name tag pinned to his tight t-shirt, made Max worry even more about what he was getting himself into. “What’s up bro?” Jax’s voice crackled through the small speaker next to the window. “I need to see your ID and cash and do you want a locker or room?” “Um, I’m ‘Max Rider,’” Max said, eliciting a blank look from the clerk. “I think you’re expecting me.” Again, the man looked miffed, and max began to worry that maybe this was a joke or perhaps the massive man was expecting someone more cocky. Here he’d been freaking out over whether or not he could strip for guys, it never crossed his mind that they might not like him. Standing straight up to his full 5’11” height, yet still at least 6 inches short of the other man, Max flashed a fake smile and tried to sound like he wasn’t a nervous school kid. “I’m the entertainment for Dave’s party.” “Oh! You’re here for the strip and jerk show!” Jax eyed Max as far down as the window would allow. “You are definitely hotter than the last dude they hired. Go ahead and come in and I’ll introduce you to Dave and take you to where you can set up.” Jax buzzed Max through the door and into the heart of the bath house. Motioning for the boy to follow, Jax strode nonchalantly down a maze of small dark hallways, filled with numbered doors, past half a dozen men wearing nothing but towels or less. Max would have run for it if he thought there was any chance he’d find the exit. Instead he kept his eyes on Jax’s broad shoulders in front of him as they descended a staircase into the pitch black basement. “This is your room for the night,” Jax unlocked a black door with the number 25 on it, revealing a small bedroom-type set-up with a twin bed, footlocker, flat-screen tv playing gay porn, and mirrors on two of the walls from floor to ceiling. “hang here for a second and I’ll let Dave know you’re here.” Max stood awkwardly in the center of the small room while he waited for Jax to come back, and he wished he’d had the forethought to hit his pipe before he came inside. “Dave just got here a little while ago and is still setting up, but you can get changed while we wait,” Jax reappeared, holding a couple towels, some Gatorades and some body-oil.”…unless you are wearing that for the show.” Max looked down at his hoodie, jeans and ratty sneaks, wishing he could get away with wearing them instead of what filled his duffle. Tony let him borrow some costumey outfits on his way here, and he dreaded the thought of a bunch of queers getting their rocks off watching him in them. He started to sweat when he realized they were paying to see a lot more than that. Noticing how pale the teen looked, Jax got him a gatorade and asked how he got the gig. “I dunno man, it just fell in my lap I guess,” Max sat on the bed and chugged from the bottle as he recalled how he ended up there. “I was hanging with my de-, um my bud, and I owed him some green but I am broke cause of school and my transmission busting and shit. I have been dancing at a club downtown on ladies night and the tips are awesome, so I told him he could have his cash next week but he said he could set me up to do a private gig for twice what I get at the club. I figured he meant a bachelorette party or some shit like that. I never would have agreed if I knew it was for a bunch of dude, but I am too broke to say no.” ”I feel ya dude,” Jax closed the door and sat on the other end of the bed, smiling at the sight of the kid downing the drink laced with ghb. “Why do you think I work here on weekends, on top of my 9 to 5 job? This gig allows me some spare change for recreational purposes. Otherwise I’d be a fucking nun, staying in nights and never getting any pussy.” “That sucks bro,” Max was relaxing noticeably, from both the g and the conversation. Hearing Jax mention pussy made his more at ease, not understanding that Jax wasn’t referring to girls. Assuming his new friend was straight like him, Max stood up, kicked off his shoes, and tossed off his hoodie revealing just how low his jeans were sagging. There were 3 or more inches from the top of the pants up to the white waist band of his calvin klein boxer-briefs, which sat just below a sleeveless t-shirt showing off his buff arms. Jax oogled the teen beefcake as he began searching the duffle for something to wear. “I can’t imagine being stuck here with a bunch of pervy homos trying to mack on your ass all the time. I could barely convince myself to do this one night!” “It’s not so bad Max” Jax tried to contain himself as the kid pulled out various skimpy costumes and a couple pairs of thongs and jocks. “The money is good and tax free, plus I occasionally make a little extra by letting a dude blow me or jerk me off. I bet you could double your take if you tried it.” “I ain’t a fag,” Max stopped sorting the gear from his bag and gave Jax a very serious look. Jax almost burst out laughing at the sight of the young man denouncing gays while standing in a gay bath house, laying out tear away clothing, wearing only his sleeveless tee, boxer-briefs, and sagging jeans. “If you wanna do some gay shit, that’s your business, but I’m only here cause Tony will kill me if I don’t come back with what I owe him.” “That’s cool, just telling you what some of the guys might offer,” Jax replied, defusing the tension by picking up a shiny green g-string and twirling it around his finger. “Especially when you swish around in this pretty pair of panties.” “Fuck that shit,” Max said, joining the laughter. “I might have to get naked for these queens but I’m not doing a drag show first. I better hide all the girly shit from Dave when he tells me which one I should wear.” As Max returned the green g-string and some equally frilly gear to the duffle, he accidentally knocked a small cloth bag out, which spilled open on the bed. “You know you’re not supposed to bring that in here, right?” Jax picked up the pipe and bag of crystals that had escaped from the cloth sack and gave his best fake-mad stare. “Shit man, that’s not mine, it must have been in with the outfits!” Max went ghostly white and stammered excuses before Jax finally laughed and handed them back to the terrified teen. “I’m just fucking with ya Max.” Jax slapped him on the back and ruffled his hair, but Max stayed stiff and silent. “I told you I work here to pay for recreation, which is my discreet way of saying I enjoy partying sometimes too. Just make sure to keep that someplace outta sight and only smoke in here or another private room, cause not everyone is as understanding as I am.” You got it Jax. I’ll be super sneaky I swear man.” Max promised while the color returned to his cheeks. He went to put the pipe back in its bag, but stopped short. “You sure it is cool if I smoke in here? I could really use a pick me up before I meet this Dave guy.” “If you are down, I’d love to match bowls real quick.” Jax reached into his back pocket and pulled out his own pipe, and the two men quickly loaded two large bowls. Simultaneously, Max and Jax lit their lighters and melted the tina in their pipes, sucking in smoke and blowing out huge clouds. Jax insisted Max try his supply, so they took turns on each pipe, and before long, each man was high as a kite. “That’s good shit,” Max complimented his smoking-partner’s stash while they packed away the paraphernalia. “But now I’m fucking sweaty as fuck. Wish I could shower before I get into one of these get-ups.” Jax explained that was no problem as long as Max understood that he’d have to undress here, and take his towel with him to the communal showers, which caused Max to hesitate. Jax assured him he wouldn’t get raped, and told him where the least used showers were, but Max wouldn’t go until Jax gave in and allowed Max to bend the rules and where his boxer briefs. With that, Max stripped off his shirt, revealing his firm pecs, tight abs, and smooth skin except for a fine blonde treasure trail. The jeans were next, and Jax was happy to see his muscular thighs and calves were also covered in blonde hair. Tossing the towel over his shoulder and sliding the room key onto his wrist with the convenient elastic band, the teen stud followed Jax to the showers before the clerk left him to retrieve more Gatorade and check that the other employees were holding down the fort while he played tour guide to the hired meat. Taking the shower in the furthest corner from the entrance allowed Max some privacy from guys walking by, but he did end up sharing the shower with another guest before he had a chance to finish. Carefully turned into the corner, Max tried not to show any interest in his shower-mate, but couldn’t help sneak a glance at the short buff latino’s uncut meat. Max was a big talker when it came to sex but he’d only been with three girls and never actually seen a dick other than his own and his two best friends when they used to go skinny dipping. Even during his years on various sports teams, Max always had separate showers and private changing stalls in his school locker rooms. The temptation proved too great once the man closed his eyes to soap his face, and Max took a good long look at the foreign entity between the other man’s legs. His face went scarlet when he looked up from the thick dark cock and caught the smile on the face of its owner. Rinsing off faster than anyone ever before him, Max was dashing out of the showers in under a minute, trying not to fall as he dripped water all the way back to his room. “You could have dried off there you know.” Jax was waiting at the door to the room with more drinks and a tv remote so he could change the porn to the only straight option they played. “Sorry bro,” Max let them in and focused on drying off, not noticing Jax, facing the tv, but using the mirrors to check out the boy’s silhouetted dick and ass through the wet, transparent undies. He feigned trouble with the remote to cover his glances as the damp calvins dropped to the concrete floor, giving Jax an eye full of Max’s soft 4 inch cut dick, small blonde pube patch, and lowhanging naturally smooth balls. Max turned and bent down over the duffle to pull out some clean underwear, exposing his round, firm butt covered in the lightest dusting of peach fuzz, which made Jax stiffen in his sweat shorts. Luckily he was wearing his best jock, so he knew he could keep it under wraps unless he reached his full 8 ½ inches, which might have happened if Max hadn’t broken the trance by sliding a pair of black briefs over his naughty bits. The two guys proceeded to smoke another bowl as Max downed a second Gatorade laced with g, while a big-breasted brunette took on five guys on the tv screen. Jax was considering slipping a larger dose into the drink and raping the boy then and there, when a knock interrupted his fantasizing. Max asked who it was, and Dave responded “the guy with your money,” causing Max to jump up and let him in. With the amount he was being paid, Max expected a fat troll. Instead a 6’ tall handsome, muscular but not too defined, fuzzy Italian man with black hair in his forties walked in, causing Max to wonder why such a normal, even attractive, man would want to pay a guy to strip and jerk off for him. Jax left the two of them to finalize the plans for the performance, heading off down the hall and into a room marked ‘employees only.’ “Wow, Tony wasn’t exaggerating,” Dave said as he unashamedly walked a circle around Max and scoped out every inch of what he was buying. “It is almost too bad you have to get dressed before the show, because those briefs are getting me hard. Oh well. Speaking of which, what did you bring to wear?” “I laid out a bunch of the stuff Tony leant me,” Max volunteered. His manner was much more relaxed now, with no shame about showing Dave what he had. Dave knew this was probably due to the ghb and tina he’d instructed Jax to give the boy, but Max just figured he was comfy with Dave because he was a masculine, average joe-type. He pointed out uniforms for a cop, fireman and boy scout, as well as some mix-and-match gear which could be used to make him look like a construction worker or leather-enthusiast. Dave was unimpressed with most of it, so he dumped out the duffle bag on the bed, mixing the costumes with Max’s stuff. “Holy shit boy,” dave exclaimed as he pulled a wrestling singlet, pads and jockstrap out of the pile. “Why were you hiding this?” “That’s not a costume, that’s my wrestling uniform for school. I forgot it was in the bag when I grabbed it to take to Tony’s.” Max said, oblivious to the idea that someone might be interested in seeing his buff, tight body wrapped in skin tight green and black spandex. “That’s the one! Just wear one of Tony’s jockstraps instead of your usual one. No one will be able to see your cock through an athletic cup.” Dave handed Max the singlet, helmet, pads, shoes, jock and an envelope with half of his payment for the evening. “You have thirty minutes to get your cock fluffed, get dressed and meet me at the stairs to head up to the tv room where you’ll be performing. Once you get on stage you can do up to a fifteen minute strip show, but no less than ten. Then you’ll be groping jerking and fingering for the rest of the 30 minutes. If you can oil yourself up as you strip that would be great, or you can let one of the audience do it for you. You will get the rest of the money once you have shot your load. There will be a few guys who would toss you a few extra hundreds if you shoot in their mouth, on their face or chest or let them touch you when you jizz. You need any Viagra or a cock ring or anything to help keep your cock up?” “Um, I don’t think so.” Max began to worry again. No one had warned him about the restrictions, and it wasn’t even a possibility until that second that he might not be able to get it up. “Maybe I’ll take the Viagra, just in case.” “Good idea,” Dave chuckled and pulled his towel off. Underneath was the tiniest pair of blue athletic shorts with white piping, known to man. Reaching into the pocket, he pulled out a little blue pill, a leather cock ring with silver snaps, and a bottle of lube. “Take this now, then go do a quick enema to make sure your asshole is clean. There is plastic tubing and water spigots in the stalls by the showers. Then come back here, get your dick hard, and put on the cock ring. Once it is on, your dick will get soft but not smaller. Then hop in that singlet and I’ll see you by the stairs.” Max didn’t have time to ask why he needed the enema before Dave was out the door, but he often administered one before a match to get down a weight class, so he knew what to do. Popping the pill and sliding his briefs back on, he made his way back to the shower area and spotted the stalls. There were a lot more guys around the bath house now than when he arrived, but Max was on a mission, so he didn’t stop to wonder about it. After he was sure he was clean inside and out, he headed back to the room, squirted a generous amount of lube onto both palms and plopped down on the mattress to get his dick up. The video had progressed to a scene where a petite asian girl was being gang banged by 8 hung white and black men, with dicks in every hole, and sometimes two in a single hole. Max’s cock went from flaccid to fully erect in no time, achieving its full 7 and a half inch glory. As the asian slut begged for more cock in her ass and pussy, curiosity got the best of Max, and his right middle finger slid slowly into his virgin crack, teasing his asshole as it had on the rare night when he felt particularly horny. The last time it happened, Max was jerking off at home after a party where his girlfriend had spent the whole night grinding against his cock through his khakis. He’d had a few too many by the end of the evening, and there in his bed he couldn’t quite get hard enough to cum. One teasing finger slowly penetrated his sphincter that night in the dark. It was joined shortly by a second finger, thrusting just deep enough to hit his prostate and blast a huge load all over his chin, neck and chest. Every time he’d played down there he vowed never again, and every time he went a little further. As he remembered the euphoric feeling of the last orgasm, his lubed finger punctured the tight hole, eliciting a drop of pre-cum out of his pisshole. The clock next to the tv caught his eye causing him to pull the finger out since he only had five minutes until he had to be on stage. Carefully gathering his hard dick and big balls in one hand, he snapped on the cock ring and quickly admired how big it made his dick look in the mirror. All his practice getting into uniform after weigh-ins payed off as he shimmied into a black jock strap with a white, semi-transparent pouch, followed by his singlet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, and helmet. He almost forgot the lube and oil, but slid them into his elbow pad before grabbing the key and towel and dashing to the stairs. “Right on time.” Dave said, now wearing only a leather cock ring, leather vest and boots. They began up the stairs, as the sound of excited men’s chatter grew louder. “The gang’s all here. I know Tony told you ten to twelve guys, but once I sent out the link with your body pics from the club downtown, we had some added interest. I’ll throw in an extra $500, cool? “Yeah man, whatever.” Max felt like he was floating, rushing and calm all at once, just like before a wrestling match, only better. The crowd noise sounded just like the fans during a meet, tricking his brain and making him forget to hold his towel in front of the obscene bulge in his singlet. “Just tell me where to go and I’m ready.” “I can tell,” Dave said as they turned a corner and stopped in front of a curtain. He reached out and rubbed Max’s muscles just like his coach at school before a match, with a few added strokes along the outline of his cock. “Once you hear your name announced, pull the curtain, hop up on the platform and get going. Do some poses, maybe a wrestling stance or two, then show us what you can do. You’ll get better tips if you go out into the audience a little, but don’t stay out there. They’ll never let you go. ” Dave stepped into the room beyond the curtain, and Max was left alone in the hallway. One last thought of running came to mind, but then a voice came over the speaker and asked the crowd to give it up for wrestling champ Max Rider. The cheer that went up was gigantic, and Max forgot all about running. Rushing through the curtain, he took two long strides and jumped up onto the stage. Max was caught off guard by the fact that it ran the length of the entire room, about 30 feet, but was only 4 feet deep. The wall behind him was mirrored head to toe, with six huge flat screen suspended above, all showing Max from a different angle. The music blasted as the crowd began hooting and hollering. The spotlight in the corner effectively left max blind, but he was sure there had to be at least 40 guys there just based on the shadows and voices he could make out. Ignoring his anxiety, he began by flexing his arms, chest, legs and butt. Once he’d gotten some significant applause, he got down into a wrestling pose and did a take down on the pole located at the far end of the stage. Hearing the guys whistle and clap seemed to make Max excited, in all senses of the word. His cock was about ¾ hard the entire time and working its way to full steam. After tossing in some tumbling and a handstand transforming into walking on his hands, he was running out of moves. Looking up at the tv over his head, Max was relieved to see they had a timer in the corner for how long he’d been up there, which just hit 7 minutes as he watched. “Enough stalling stud! Take it off!” came from the gallery. Do or die time. Max started by peeling away the shoulder straps of his singlet, followed by the helmet and elbow pads. He kept the knee pads on and did a running slide on them to the opposite side of the stage. The next five minutes were some of the most terrifying and thrilling of Max’s life. Once he got the singlet to his waist, he grabbed the oil and hopped into the front row and asked who wanted to oil his chest. The winner was a 20-something thin guy who had a gigantic dick and kept trying to get Max to touch it as he oiled his chest. Another audience member got excited and hoped up and did his shoulders and back, leading to a third guy reaching out, grabbing the singlet, and taking it down to Max’s ankles in one foul swoop. This was too much, so max hopped back on the stage and finished his legs himself. Somewhere in his mind he knew he wasn’t totally in control, and it was only reinforced when Dave climbed up next to him and insisted he be the one to oil up Max’s ass, and max didn’t argue. “Bend over and grab your ankles,” Dave ordered. Max did as he was told and felt as two large, rough Italian hands spread the oil up the back of his thighs, over his cheeks and into his ass crack. He tried to stand up, but Dave pushed him back to a bent position, then spread his ass and oiled the crack for at least a minute, teasing and pressing against the hole. His finger might have gone in if Max hadn’t regained his senses and pulled Dave’s leg out, getting him in a wrestling hold. The audience loved it, and apparently so did Max’s cock, as it was stone hard and dripping. “I’ll give you an extra hundred if you let me peel the jock off with my teeth,” Dave whispered so only Max could hear it. Max released Dave from the hold and stood up, nodding yes. Dave took his sweet time, running his scruffy cheek and lips over the jock before biting the waist band, and slowly dragging it down over the thick pink boy dick. Once the cock head cleared the elastic, it sprang up, flinging a string of precum into the audience. Somehow the teen wrestler with the pulsing pink dick, wearing only knee pads, wrestling shoes and a cock ring got the entire crowd to shut up. Max closed his eyes and began to rub his hands over his chest and abs. Once they were good and oily, he slowly reached down and began to work his dick and balls. As he got closer to cumming, the noise got louder. By the time his half hour was ending, he was still not quite there. A thought came to him and he jumped on it before he realized what he was doing. He turned around, dropped to his knees and spread his legs as far as he could, leaning his face against the mirror. Reaching back he slid one finger down the crack of his ass, circled the hole twice, then rammed it all the way in. He had only seconds until his load would come charging out, but with no other options, he simply threw his shoulders back until they hit the stage, with his head hanging off into the audience. Two strokes of his dick and one thrust of his finger and the explosion began, shooting over his body and into the first row of men. Groans and cheers surrounded him, many of his audience shooting their own load without Max ever knowing it. The next few minutes remain a haze in his memory, but Dave was proud to see the embarrassed straight boy lose himself in the moment, get up, wag his cock at the audience, collect his wrestling gear, and take a bow before rushing off to hide in his room. Back in the basement, Max was spinning faster than a tilt-a-whirl, half of his body tweaking from the tina, and half unable to move from the ghb. He answered a knock at the door to find a very happy Dave. “Fantastic show Max,” He pulled him into a hug, not caring about the sweat, oil, and cum all over Max’s chest. “Here’s the rest of the money plus a generous tip. You were the best I’ve ever seen! Any chance you’d consider doing more stuff for a lot more money?” “No way dude!” Max pulled away and grabbed his towel to cover his nudity and shame. “I can’t believe I did that stuff! I’m gonna shower, get dressed and go home.” “That’s fine. Too bad you can’t stick around though because a buddy of mine wanted to give you a t-shirt of tina as his tip. Room 30 if you change your mind.” Dave knew a new druggie when he saw one, and Tony told him how Max had gone from one purchase every few months to twice a week. He’d specifically given him more than he could possibly afford, knowing he’d be desperate for more and all too willing to exchange his virtue for some cash and crystal. “I…I’ll think about it man.” Max pushed Dave out of the room and disappeared to the showers, washing as fast as his ghb-ed brain could manage. Most of the men in the club were still upstairs so he managed to get clean and back to his room with only two guys making a grab for his cock and ass. When the door shut behind him, he whipped out his pipe and was horrified to see he had smoked most of his stash with Jax before the show. He took a couple big hits and decided to stop by Dave’s room just for the tina. He slid on his briefs and jeans, but couldn’t find his shirt. Knocking at the door, he could hear multiple voices talking in hushed tones. When it opened, Dave, Jax and another tall muscular man were inside, all stripped down to their underwear, including Jax, who had finished his shift. Dave, now in a leather jock with a tear away pouch, introduced Max to Sam, the third guy, who bore a striking resemblance to a wwe wrestler that Max couldn’t quite place. He was built buff and broad like Jax and Dave, but was smooth and had a small belly. Max thought the belly looked good on him, hot even, before remembering why he was there. “Of course Max, I have it right here.” Sam reached under a pillow on the be near him, which made Max notice that this room was much bigger than his, containing a weight bench, some sort of chair suspended from the ceiling and a queen size bed. “Wanna join us for a bowl?” “I guess.” Max was handed the clear glass pipe, but Sam lit the torch and cooked the bowl, forcing him to take a huge hit. He coughed and sputtered and Jax appeared next to him, guiding him to take a seat on the bed between he and Dave, who handed him a bottle of Gatorade to help with the choking. The liquid tasted a little funny, Max’s thought, but downed the entire bottle in a few minutes, while the pipe continued to make the rounds. At first Max was involved in the conversation, but soon found it hard to concentrate. Before he knew what was happening, he was agreeing to let Dave take some photos of him for some extra cash. Jax and Sam helped him to his feet and encouraged him to take off his jeans. He argued for a minute, but must have lost as Sam was sliding them down his legs. Jax had some sort of lightbulb moment and disappeared as Dave and Sam told Max where to sit or stand and what to do. Jax returned with some of the jocks and costume pieces from Max’s room, and helped Max to change into some of them for different shots. Max could hear a voice in his mind telling him this was gay and to run away from these fags, but it was so quiet and the guys were so commanding that Max couldn’t help but give in after every time he argued with them. Once they had shots of him in a bunch of different undies, Dave made a snide comment about how sad it was to see a young guy who couldn’t get it up.Max looked down to his crotch and realized he was soft. Embarrassed, he insisted he could get hard, he just needed a few minutes to jerk off with the porno. “Okay stud, here’s some lube and the tv is right over the bed there.” Dave directed Max’s drugged form to the bed and peeled away the last pair of undies, leaving him nude. “Take your time and get hard while I get some shots of Jax on the weights.” Watching the porn and laying down brought Max back some, allowing him to focus on working his pink dick and balls. In a few minutes he was almost fully hard, but couldn’t seem to get that last little push to full mast. Checking to make sure the other guys weren’t watching, he snuck his finger between his legs and poked at his hole. He worked it in to the second knuckle before he was interrupted. “Looks like Straight Max likes it up the ass,” Sam had turned around and was pointing out Max’s finger play to the others. “Nah man, I just don’t feel right,” Max interjected in his defense. “It’s like I am drunk or something.” “Oh damn, you must have gotten the Gatorade with the ghb be in it,” Jax postulated, knowing full well he had been feeding it to Max all night. The last bottle contained enough that Max was finally letting go, allowing for the next step in Dave’s plan. Max seemed worried but they assured him he’d be fine. “No wonder you need a little fingering to get it up man,” Sam sympathized. “but it’ll work faster if you do a little booty bump to get your ass warmed up.” “What’s that?” Max asked as Dave took a large crystal from the bag and placed it on the end of his lubed finger. “It’s just like smoking a bowl, but it will help get you horny.” Dave said, as Sam pulled Max’s legs open. “I’m gonna put it in this time cause you don’t know how and you might mess it up.” “Wait man, I don’t---UHHHN.” Max groaned as Dave replaced Max’s small finger with two of his thick meaty digits. Max tried to pull away, but Sam held him fast as Dave pushed the big rock as deep into his virgin ass as he could. With his free hand, Dave began stroking Max’s cock, ignoring Max’s feeble pleas for him to stop. A burning sensation deep in Max’s hole made him moan, which Jax decided to mute by taking off the white briefs he was wearing and shoving them in Max’s mouth. Much to his own disgust, the booty bump did the trick and Max was hard as a rock in minutes, leaking copious amounts of seminal fluid and suddenly hungry for another finger in his hole. Dave could see the fight fading out of Max’s eyes, and began working his fingers back and forth. The crystal had dissolved entirely by that point, and Max was primed for the cherry-popping. Jax pulled the briefs from max’s mouth and, as expected, he only moaned. The three men shared a look and a smile between them, acknowledging the rape they were about to commit. Sam released Max’s legs and moved to the end of the bed, where he set up a camera. Jax reached up to the head of the bed under a pillow and pulled out poppers, a butt plug, a huge bottle of lube, some adjustable cock rings and a cock pump. Dave stayed put, working Max’s hole, but releasing his cock to Jax who lubed it up and slid it into the cock pump. While their teen victim’s cock was pumped bigger than ever, Dave reached back and pulled at the snaps on the pouch containing his cock. Max could just barely see over the end of the bed when he raised his head, and began to squirm again once he saw the 9 inch uncut monster Dave was lubing up. “Don’t worry about that Max,” Dave leaned in and whispered to the stoned boy. “Sam’s got at least two inches on me. That’s why I am going before him.” Max jerked his head to where Sam was filming the action, and sure enough, stroking his 11” cut monster dick. The head alone was enough to split Max down the center, let alone the thick, veiny shaft. Max wanted desperately to push them off and make a run for it, but instead he got a shotgun hit of tina from Jax’s goateed mouth, followed by his first man-on-man kiss. His mind was screaming “disgusting,” but his body leaned into it and kissed back. “Fuck yeah, he’s ready.” Jax told Dave, who was coating his dick with tina-laced lube. Afraid for his life, Max tried with all his might to over-power the urge in his loins telling him to do it. It might have worked, except Dave simultaneously pulled his fingers from Max’s ass. “Don’t!” Max moaned, reaching out to try and stop Dave from depriving his hungry hole of something to fill it. “Put it back.” “Damn, this boy IS ready.” Sam said, laughing and moving in closer to get a good shot of Dave pulling Max to the end of the bed and putting Max’s legs up against his shoulders. “Give it to him Davey-boy.” “Don’t worry Maxwell, I’ve got something your ass will like even more.” Dave promised while working back his foreskin, pressing the head to the virgin hole, and leaning in. “FUCK!” Max screamed. His body shot back to almost total control, but Jax was prepared, holding Max down as one, two, three, six inches sank into his no-longer-virgin cunt. The men knew every boy’s first fuck was hard, and they were prepared to make sure this deflowering happened whether Max wanted it or not. “Take it out man! Jesus! Get off me you fucking faggot!” “You’ll regret that bitch,” Dave growled like an animal and started thrusting in and out, faster and deeper with each stroke. Within five strokes he was balls deep. Within fifteen strokes, he was up to a steady rhythm. By the 25th stroke, he was pounding Max like the whore he was meant to be. ‘No’s and cries for help were replaced with sobs, which turned to grunts, eventually becoming moans and whimpers, until Max was able to form words again. “Yeah. Fuck. That. Hole. Dave.” Max urged his rapist on. He felt guilt, shame and disgust at the core of his being. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized he was asking a man to fuck him like some two dollar prostitute. He also felt the most satisfying, complete physical sensation he’d ever known, like a constant orgasm, coming directly from where Dave’s cock head bottomed out in Max’s butt. “That’s right Max, you’re mine now. You’re nothing but a bottom bitch cumdump from now on. You’ll try to fight it after you leave tonight, but I guarantee you’ll be back in a week or two, pretending you haven’t spent every day dreaming about having me breed you again. Maybe you’ll even get a girlfriend to play house with, but she’ll just be keeping you busy until you have a man shooting inside you again.” Dave was now up on the bed, fucking Max so hard that his shoulders where next to his ears. Jax had to remove the cock pump because it was hitting Max in the face everytime Dave buried his dick balls deep in Max’s boyhole. “Open your eyes and look at me Maxwell. Good, now tell me you want me to cum in your ass. DO IT!” “Cum…Cum in my…” Max wanted it but admitting it out loud would take away the last straw of dignity he had. “Say it or I pull out right now and you’ll never have a dick inside you ever again,” Dave stopped his pounding and rammed his cock as deep as he could and held perfectly still waiting for an answer. Max was silent until Dave began to withdraw his massive meat, motivating Max to make the rightchoice. “Cum in my ass sir, please! I need you to cum in my ass right now!” Max screamed, reaching up to grab Dave’s hips and pull him back into the hole. “You asked for it.” Dave resumed pounding, kicking it up to top speed for the longest minute of Max’s life, a minute that Max wanted to continue forever. “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK. HERE I CUUUUUUMMMM!” Dave forced his dick a fraction of an inch deeper than the deepest he’d gone and flooded Max with two weeks of tina-filled cum. He tried to count how many pumps of sperm he unloaded in the sweet boy hole, but lost could around 18, which was somewhere near the middle. Once the last drip had worked its way out of his piss slit, he slowly retreated until only the head of his considerable cock remained lodged just inside Max.”Come take my place quick Jax.” Jax did as requested, hoping off the bed and sidling up as close as possible. Max moaned when Dave’s angry read cock head finally popped out, but settled down an instant later with Jax continuing where Dave left off. Dissatisfied with the position he was fucking his new toy, Jax thrust his muscular arms under Max’s shoulders and pulled his body up off the bed, fucking as they walked over to the weight bench, which was set on an incline. Once there, Jax spun Max’s legs until the boy was face down with his head downhill from his hole. Max lost track of time as he gave in to the bliss he felt with every thrust. He didn’t even object as Sam stuffed his mouth full of the giant dick that would eventually destroy his spermy, sloppy butt. “Here cums load number two. Take it Max!” Jax 8 ½ inches swelled and throbbed as he added another pint of baby batter to the straight cum receptacle he had schemed, drugged and abused. Jax knew at the moment of his orgasm that he had done the right thing. Max asked for more when Jax slid out with an audible pop, and then he remembered who was next in line. Dave was now working the camera as Jax jimmied the butt plug into max, and then helped him up and walked him over to the suspended chair the men called a “sling.” With Sam on his right and Jax on his left, they hoisted him into the leather contraption, and secured his arms and legs, before unplugging his ass. He was about to ask why they did that when Sam inserted 2/3rds of his massive meat into the boy in one thrust. Max screamed and passed out for a few minutes. When he awoke, Sam was all the way in, and Max was getting shotgun hits of tina from Jax and Dave. Max never did get used to the length and girth of the horse cock rearranging his organs, but he did beg for every inch of it when Sam got ready to shoot. There was no one left to fill Max after he received the third load, or so he thought. “Sam and I are headed to the shower, but we’re leaving the door open and Jax will be running the camera.” Dave told Max while force feeding him more ghb. “Sam stuffed another rock up your dirty hole, and it should kick in just in time for the news to spread that our straight stripper boy is open for loading. I expect you to have at least two more loads by the time I get back.” Max struggled against his bonds and begged for them not to do it as the g kicked in. They did it anyway.
  14. Driving home from the home of a hung black top early this morning, I happened to take a road I rarely use and stumble upon an Asian style spa, containing seperate facilities for men and women, each complete with indoor pool, large hot tub, three dry steam rooms, one large sauna, open showers, a hallway with private massage booths, and a few dark cozy rooms for relaxation. I had heard from a few people that this spa was somewhat cruisey, and having nothing better to do after an hour of partying and riding his nine inch uncut cock, I pulled off and parked. It wasn't yet 7AM when I arrived, but luckily it opened at 6 on Sundays. From the outside it had little curb appeal, occupying the middle store front of a red brick mini-mall featuring entirely Korean businesses, and hiding behind deeply tinted windows. Once inside, I was surprised at how nice and modern the design was, with a marble desk, marble tile floors, and plenty of nice furniture and greenery in the lobby. The man working the front desk was Korean, about 5'3" tall and barely spoke a word of English. He explained in broken sentences while pointing to signs and photos in the brochure. I found it hard to believe the tiny store front could hold even a fraction of the things it promised, and my instinct was to forget about it, untill he pointed out it was only men on my side and all visitors were required to be naked in the pool and only wear a towel outside the locker room. So $15 bucks and I took the locker key, towel and disposable flip-flops and walked into the locker room. While I stripped off my clothing I marveled at how big the locker area was considering the apparent limitations on size, until I made my way into the spa area and discovered this place was tremendously more than meets the eye. Getting a feel for the place while wondering from room to room, it dawned on me that the spa actually filled most of the mini-mall, running the entire length of it behind the other shops. There were no other guests at this early hour, so I tossed my towel over my shoulder and lazily stroked my cock, only pausing to ensure there were no employees beyond each doorway. I already loved how clean everything was, and smirked when I realized most of the rooms had a tinted window out into the main hallway so guys inside could see if someone was coming. The only doors I found to be locked were the port to the women's side, the hallway with the massage booths, and a door evoking some laughter: marked "Wearhouse - Employs Only Pleese." With no one to interrupt my stroking and exploring, I took advantage of the steam room, sauna, showers, pool and jacuzzi, filling up most of an hour before realizing I had thoroughly soaked my towel and couldn't see any replacements. Serendipity stepped in, taking the form of a young korean boy/man entering from the lockerroom, pushing a mop-bucket. I asked him where the replacement towels were, and he motioned for me to follow him back into the locker area, pointing out an unmarked cabinet full of them. He surprised me by retreiving one, handing it to me, and pulling the one from around my waist, revealing my semi-hard cock. Showing no sign of noticing, he simply tossed the used one in the hamper and stood watching me dry off (which didn't help my hardening cock). "First time here?" he pondered. I nodded the affirmative, wondering if he was circumspect due to poor language skills or just a teen of few words. "Want a tour?" Taking him up on it, I finished drying, as he moved to a locker towards the back corner, unlocked it and began stripping. Once he was naked I had to try my hardest not to stare at his smooth, thin, tan body, especially his bubble butt and soft 4 inches of uncut asian meat. He slipped on a very baggy pair of shorts with the spa logo emblazened across the rear, which hung low enough to show me the v-shape from his flat abs to his small patch of black wispy pubes. I knew by law he had to be 18, but he could easily have passed for 13 or 14 if it weren't for his man sized cock, which was practically the only reason his shorts didn't fall off as he pointed out the different facilities. I barely heard what he said with all my concentration working to keep my dick from getting hard. He even showed me the empty women's side, and the massage hallway, proudly pointing out a sign featuring "New! Male Masseurs! $25 for 30 mins, $40 for deep tissue." When he admitted that he was the sign maker, I knew he could speak and read english just fine, and we sharred a laugh over the poor wording on the "wearhouse" sign. I asked what was beyond that door, which halted his laughter, and returned him to short statements "just storage." Thanking him for the tour, I noticed he didn't lock the massage hallway when the left, so I snuck back in to get a better look. The hall had three 8x10 booths with massage tables and some small shelves in the center, with a black light, stereo and overhead light completeing it. The doors were saloon style, but full length with hook and eye locks for privacy. I was tempted to ask the teen if he was one of the guys I could have massage me, hoping deep tissue meant balls deep, but thought better of it since he might be the owner's son. While the boy mopped, I felt the urge for some partying, so I snuck my glasses case holding the pipe, favors and lighter, out of my locker and back into the massage hallway. I locked myself in one of the booths and took hit after hit with little time between, just in case someone came into the massage hall. Unable to smoke with no distraction, I snooped through some drawers and came up with nothing more than some cds, a few candles, some rope to fasten onto the over head bars for "walking massage," and a drawer filled with towels. Since the towels were much softer here, I tossed the one the boy gave me into a basket under the table and reached in for one that looked similar, so he wouldn't notice. Lifting out I felt something inside it, unrolled it and discovered a tan vibrating dildo with a dark pink head, much like I imagined the mop boy's cock to look like hard. I couldn't resist the temptation, lubed it up with some massage oil and sank down onto it. My dick went fully erect and began leaking as I rode the dildo, imagining the teenager breeding me. Only seconds from cumming, I heard the locker room door open into the main hallway, and scampered to rehide the dildo, tuck my 7.5 inch uncut cock up against my hairy abs, and tie my towel around it so it would be less obvious. Listening for a sign that I could head back into the main hall, I could hear the desk worker, who I figured to be the owner, speaking Korean to the cleaning boy. They sounded close enough that I worried they might find me, but instead I heard them head into the wearhouse, prompting me to scamper out of hiding and across to a semi-private alcove. More Korean wafted to where I sat eaves dropping, now eliciting responses from 2 or 3 more young men. While the language was foreign, the tone was not. The boss was pissed they weren't working and was yelling at them to get out on the floor of the spa. It made no sense to me why he was angry since I was his only customer, unless all of them were supposed to be cleaning. I peered around the half wall when I heard the boss exit back through the locker room, and got excited by the wearhouse door standing wide open. Getting as close as I dared, I could make out some storage shelves, maintainence equipment, laundry machines, tons of towels and a couch and flat screen, where three dark haired heads faced away from me. None of the heads were my tour guides, so I glanced around to see where he'd gone. On the very back wall was a door marked private, and a minute later he emerged from it, towing a 20ish korean girl, nude, with a pipe in her hand. Behind the door were three or four bunk beds, a few holding sleeping korean men and women. So the "wearhouse" was where the help lived, possibly working in exchange for passage to the U.S. Ducking back into the alcove, I could just see one corner of what was happening as the girl took a big hit off the pipe and shotgunned with my teen. He took the pipe and she sank to the floor, pulled down his shorts and started sucking like a hoover, while he encouraged the other guys from the couch to stand up and join in. I couldn't really see the couch, but one guy appeared from it, and boy did he make me happy I'd stopped in. He was the tallest of the Koreans so far, probably standing 5'8", but he was buff and ripped, with no body fat, covered in caramel smooth skin, including his shaved pubes and underarms, allowing his nice 7 to 8 inch cut cock to stand out proudly. The new guy took the pipe from the tour teen and took a big hit as well, while the girl took turns sucking their cocks. Admittedly I was disappointed that they were into girls, but the show made up for it in spades. Quietly I took a hit in my alcove as the teen pushed the girl down onto the floor, took her legs over his shoulders, and slid his hard 6 and a half inch, very thick uncut cock balls deep into her pussy. She wailed out something in Korean, which made the the buff guy speak up. "Shut up! Ujim hear you and come here." His voice was higher than most muscly guys, but seemed to fit his form when you considered that he was shorter than me by a good 6 inches, and probably only 19 or 20. His english wasn't great, but he seemed to be practicing it, since the teen helped correct his grammer before leaning over and sucking on the muscle dude's cock. I moaned softly while the boy busied his cock in the girl and his mouth by deep throating the muscle cock. Another figure appeared from the unseen couch, a shorter, younger looking version of the muscle boy. They must have been brothers since the younger looking one was identical down to the ass dimples, just slightly less defined and 2 inches shorter. His cock however was exactly the same as his brothers, which made it hotter as they stood there shotgunning hits back and forth while the teen tour guide sucked them off. Once the muscle boy had taken enough hits, he pushed the teen off the girl and rammed his own cock into her, sucking down his bro. Finally the last guy appeared, 5'7", slimmer than the muscle bros, but well defined and topped with the most handsome face and wavy black hair imaginable. His cock was around 7, thinner than the other three guys, but perfectly curved. I stood there watching them gang bang the girl for five more minutes, working my fingers into my hole, until the locker room door banged open, signaling someone's enterance. When the boys realized the warehouse door was open, the movie star looking guy dashed over and pulled it shut, ending my fun. Expecting the boss, I sunk back into the alcove and made myself presentable, and consealed my pipe case before stepping out to return it to my locker. Happily the boss was still in the lobby, and the door had been opened by a 45-50 yr old man with red hair, thick muscular ginger dusted chest, a small belly, tapering off at the tiniest towel ever made, precariously dangling from the man's hand, covering only his genitals. I admired his muscular legs and arms in the mirror while pretending to wash my hands, and blushed when I looked up and he was watching me watch him. He walked towards the pool doors at the end of the hall, but stopped beside me first to say hi. I stammered hello when he tossed the towel over one shoulder, so he could shake my hand. I didn't mean to stare but his cock was, in my mind, perfect. Thick trimmed meat, about 4 inches long, over heavy big balls, surrounded by short trimmed ginger pubes. As we shook hands, it began to twitch and grow, making my own meat follow the example. "Tom" He said, casually rubbing his big meaty, calloused paw down his pec, over his small gut and scratching dangerously close to his dick, making it swell even larger. "Dan. Nice meat to you," I said before I realized my mistake. Tom just chuckled and stepped into the shower and pool area. Like a drooling puppy dog I followed him, taking a shower across from his. Part two soon
  15. Chapter 2 "Hello?" Paul answered curtly, annoyed that someone was calling his private line less than 6 hours into a 3-day weekend, also happening to be the exact moment he chose to start jerking off. "Hi, I mean hello, sir, um, is this Paul, excuse me, is this Mr. Bishop?" The nervous teen voice at the other end of the call confirmed Paul's suspicion that one of the students was finally using the number they'd be given to invite him to some stupid high school bash or ask for an autograph. "Who's asking?" Paul responded, trying to sound less upset than he was. "This is Daniel Jacobs, sir. I am extremely sorry to call you this late," the boy sounded mortified, which melted Paul's anger a little, especially since the 'late' call was coming at only 9 pm. "but I am fu- um, in trouble Mr. Bishop. I was at the gym this afternoon and my locker was broken into, and my backpack with my laptop was stolen, and it had all of my finished footage from my project on it. Plus, I had just come straight from the editing lab at school, so all my back up disks and equipment were in it too. My teammates are freaking out, and I, well, I don't know what to do..." Paul felt awful when he heard the quiver in the boy's voice that made it sound like he might break into tears. Thinking back, his voice made it seem that he may have ben crying before the call too, which immediately made Paul ashamed for the rude way he'd answered the call. "ok, Daniel, right?" Paul asked in his softest, most calming voice. "Yes sir." Daniel sniffed. "First, calm down and take a deep breath. can you do that for me?" Paul waited until he heard the boy do as he asked. "Good, now don't panic, remember that I have copies of everything you've finished as of mid-week this week, so all you've lost is the stuff you hadn't edited yet... you did turn in your assigned deadline work this week, didn't you?" Paul remembered that a few of the groups had been lazy about turning in stuff on time since Mr. Carson had left town, and he wondered if this boy was playing him somehow, creating a fake robbery to get an extension on the final deadline, when he or his teammates hadn't been doing the work required. "Yeah, we did Mr. Bishop, you even screened some for the class the next day cause you liked our opening sequence so much, remember?" Daniel pointed out. Paul remembered the film now, and was positive the boy was on the level, since the film was one of the best in the school, and showed an immense amount of work by the team members. All he wondered was why he couldn't remember a boy named Daniel on the team, since he had taken some extra time for them that week. "That was your film? Of course I remember it, you've all done an amazing job putting it together, I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall you being on the team Daniel." Paul admitted, hoping the boy wouldn't be more hurt than he already was. "Oh sorry sir, that's my bad, the guys call me Dingo, so does Mr. Carson." Daniel, aka Dingo, said, and suddenly it dawned on Paul who the boy on the phone was. Paul had noticed Dingo from day one and often imagined it was his ass taking Paul's raw monster cock when he was jerking off. Dingo was taller than every other student participating in the project, standing almost 6' 10" tall, but was blessed not to have awkward bone structure or off-putting facial features as a lot of giant guys do. His perfectly formed bubble butt was always wrapped in baggy bball shorts, creating many opportunities for Paul to enjoy the view of it. The sight was enhanced with strong lanky muscles, smooth pale white skin, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a smile to die for. He was captain of the basketball team, nicknamed due to his miraculous vertical jump shot, and had turned down multiple full ride offers from some serious ball schools in order to pursue his dream of attending USC film school to become a director. Dingo was one of the shunning stars in the magnet program and Paul knew he had to do whatever he could to make sure the boy got his wish. "does that ring a bell Mr. Bishop?" "No one can forget you man, sorry if I was short when you answered, you caught me during.... something. Anyway, don't panic because I keep all the stuff you turn in and can easily get a copy to you this weekend Daniel, sorry, Dingo." Paul's cock was still fished out and began to harden again, imagining how grateful Daniel would be, not to mention his team, which consisted of two other young hot guys, and two somewhat attractive girls. "I like when you call me Daniel sir, it seems more professional, like it will on my films." Daniel's voice was calmer now, and his tone suggested he was relieved. "Man you stopped me from having a heart attack, or being murdered by my group. I just wish I had sent a copy to my cloud when I finished it tonight, so we didn't have to re-film the last scene and edit it all over again." "it's lucky you're ahead of schedule, I can get a copy of what I have tomorrow, and you'll have a week to finish up." Paul was stroking softly to Daniel's male team members' butts and faces floating in his mind. "I couldn't possibly put you out any more sir. I feel terrible asking you as it is, but I’d feel much worse knowing you cancelled your weekend plans to save my butt,” Daniel protested making Paul smile, and stroke harder when he mentioned his butt. “I appreciate the consideration, but based on the rest of your work, I am guessing you will use every possible second to get the ending exactly right. Besides, the only plans you’d be interrupting would be reading some screenplays my agent is sending me, since my girlfriend cancelled her visit this weekend.” Paul lied to reinforce the lie he’d fed the students on the first day about how his girlfriend would be flying out to see him on the weekends, which meant he wouldn’t have time to come to their parties or meet them for work sessions. This allowed him to gracefully decline invitations and subtly concrete the idea that he was straight as an arrow. “Are you sure you’re not just being nice? Because I could really use the extra time, since we’re all going nuts trying to find replacement equipment and schedule the actors and everything.” Daniel was giving in, and Paul was starting to precum. “I’m happy to help out anyway possible. In fact, I’ll bring over my camera and computer for you to use over the three day weekend. Then, on Tuesday, you’ll be able to finish using the school’s editing lab.” Paul said while trying to cover the growing excitement in his voice. “You gotta be the nicest movie star in the whole world Mr. Bishop,” Daniel gushed. “My crew will be on their knees tomorrow when you arrive.” That image almost made Paul explode. “What?” “We’ll get on our knees and kiss your feet or build you a shrine or something. We’ll do anything you want to make up for this, Mr. Bishop, anything!” Daniel promised. The idea of the teen boys on their knees offering anything Paul wanted was too much and made Paul cum, covering his sculpted chest, even hitting him on the chin and lips. Paul had to let the phone drop to the couch cushion at this side and bite his lip so the boy didn’t hear him groan as he came. When the orgasm subsided, Paul whipped the phone to his ear. “…there Mr. Bishop? Hello?” “I’m here Daniel, sorry, just dropped the phone for a moment. Why don’t you text me when and where you’ll be filming tomorrow and I’ll stop by with everything I have, okay?” Paul said, disguising his heavy breathing as best he could. “I will sir, Thank you so much, and have a good night.” Daniel hung up, and Paul let himself breathe normally again. After he’d cleaned up the cum running over his firm pecs and pooling between his abs, he opened his briefcase and pulled out the materials the students had turned in that week, and popped in the dvd of Daniel’s group. Watching it now, after his conversation cause him to notice much more about the boy’s bodies and performances. The film was about a family who invite a foreign exchange student into their home, never suspecting the boy is manipulating them with lies and misunderstandings, causing their secrets and insecurities to come out. He begins by getting each member of the family to confide in him, and then exposing their secrets to the others so they are all angry and untrusting of everyone but their foreign guest. He then works to corrupts the brother and sister, which the mother questions until he ‘accidentally’ leaves out his diary, explaining his deep commitment to his religion and his promise to save himself till marriage. With the father, he shows interest in his job and all the activities he loves, which the kids can’t stand, finding out the dad was once a compulsive gambler. With the parents thoroughly fooled, he bullies their teen son to sneak out to parties and clubs, making sure the parents discover and blame the son and not him. He even tries to take the blame, but they believe he is only trying to cover for the boy, which makes them even more confident that he is perfect. Meanwhile he seduces their daughter and convinces her to make love. Paul had stopped watching at this point before, since it was one of two dozen films he needed to watch, but continued now and couldn’t believe what he witnessed. In the next few scenes, the boy manages to get the mother to act on her desire for their next door neighbor, sets up the father to take up gambling again, and gets the daughter to invite over a friend for a threesome. The final scene they had edited features the son fighting with the student for getting him in trouble, but forgiving him when the foreign boy tells him he is sorry and cries over possibly losing the only friend he has in the world. When the son goes to comfort him, they end up kissing, which got Paul had as a rock once more, since the boys in the film were the two friends of Daniel’s. Before the action got good, the screen went dark, causing Paul to dive for his bag again, digging through it for a copy of the script they submitted. Skimming until he got to the shot of the boys kissing, he read on to the next scene, in which the foreign exchange student is being dropped at the airport. As he hugs each of them goodbye, he turns back and hands the Father a film he’s made of his trip. When they get home the family watches in horror as the film goes from innocent shots of scenery and touristy places, to hidden camera views of each family member engaging in salacious acts. The daughter in the threesome, the father losing $12,000 at seedy bar, the mother beginning to undress with the neighbor before the lights go out, and the son drinking, smoking pot and finally sleeping with the student. A voice over comes in, with the foreign boy explaining his film’s purpose: to show the seedy side of middle-class America, calling it “Waking from the American Dream.” When the film-within-the-film ends, it reveals a college professor watching it in his office, while the foreign boy sits across from him, interviewing for entry to a film school. The professor puts the foreign boy on the wait list, obviously upsetting him for a second, before he composes himself, thanks the professor and leaves. The professor is then seen packing up and leaving for the night, driving home and going inside, where this filming switches to a shot from outside his window. Once he kisses his wife, the professor sneaks into a desk drawer and takes a swig from a bottle. The voice over begins again “Subject hides a drinking habit from wife and faculty, corroding their relationship and impairing his ability to do his job. Our goul? To expose his deceit, dissolve his marriage, disqualify his tenure, and ensure his replacement with someone who recognizes and admits brilliant applicants. Watch his destruction in ‘Waking the American Dream, part two.’ Paul loved the rest of the script and couldn’t wait to see Daniel and his friends complete the last few scenes. He made up his mind as he drove to their film site the next morning that he’d stick around for a while and watch them get to it. When he arrived, he was happy to see they were all set up to film the scene with the family watching the film. Daniel ran out of the house with his two male teammates, who played the foreign exchange student and the son, to help carry in the equipment Paul brought, even though it all fit in one box. “Thanks again, Mr. Bishop, you’re saving our lives. By the way, these are my co-producers and two of the actors in the movie, Steve and Justin.” Paul shook their hands and let them carry in the box containing the camera, tripod and laptop. “Nice to meet you guys, and call me Paul, it feels like I’m someone’s dad when you call me Mr. Bishop.” The boys all laughed, a little more than was necessary, obviously excited to be getting some private attention from someone they thought of as famous. Justin and Steve went inside and started to set up, while Daniel and I followed and went over their schedule for the day. “We just have the one scene to film here at Steve’s house which should only take an hour or so, then we’re headed to Justin’s dad’s work which we set up last night to look like the airport in one of the hallways. Then we’ll shoot in his office, which we tried to make look like a professor’s office, before we head to my parents’ mountain house to shoot the final scene and do some reshoots around the Jacuzzi to look like a party, since we lost all the stuff we shot at the real party two weeks ago. If absolutely necessary we can finish up any reshoots or ADR on Sunday and have all day Monday to edit so we can just do the opening and closing credits on the machines at school.” Daniel was totally focused as he explained the plan, almost eliciting a chuckle from Paul if he didn’t think it would have made Daniel crazy wondering what he was doing wrong. In truth, Daniel’s attitude and vision reminded Paul of some of the directors he’d worked with back in LA. The humorous part was comparing the memories of those short, balding, hairy men, to this muscular Nordic demigod. Inside, Paul met the two girls on the team, who played the daughter and her friend, as well as being in charge of the sound and lighting. There were also two boys from the basketball team who volunteered to help by holding the boom, and operating the camera, and the actors who played the father and mother, who turned out to be Steve’s actual dad, and his Aunt who taught acting at the university an hour away. It was too bad that she didn’t have the class of the students from school, as she spent every second they weren’t filming trying to convince Paul to take a look at her reel or come speak with her class. Finally, as much as he enjoyed watching Daniel film, Paul couldn’t take any more of the woman’s incessant jabbering, and snuck out in the middle of a scene. From his rented car, Paul texted Daniel how great it looked, and to call if he needed any more help, before heading back to his rented house and spending a couple hours looking at the films from start to finish. Once he’d managed to get that done, he started feeling bored and, unable to read the screenplays from his agent, since they were on the laptop he’d left with the crew, he wandered the house looking for something to do. Finally he ended up doing laundry and drinking a cape cod made from some smooth vodka he’d been sent as a thank you from a car company for whom he’d recorded some voice over tracks for their commercials. He was about to make a second when his phone rang. “Mr. Bishop? It’s Dingo, sir.” Daniel said, sounding almost as panicked as he had the night before. “I told you to call me Paul, Daniel. What’s the problem?” Paul said, anticipating something terrible had befallen his laptop or camera. “It’s our schedule Paul, one of the actors had to run out of town for the holiday and didn’t call to tell us until about 10 minutes ago.” Daniel’s speech was getting faster as he went on. “We have sent out texts and calls to all the guys who could play him, even called a few women thinking we could make him a girl, but everyone who we can find has already been in the movie as somebody.” “Which part is it?” Paul said, wondering who they could possibly need to film that could be either sex. “A professor who interviews Bashir, our main character,” Daniel explained, “in a pivotal scene which shows the audience the point of Bashir’s behavior. He also has a few more shots in the” “I read the script,” Paul cut him off. “The Professor is crucial to your plot, can’t one of your parents play him?” “You read it? Really? What did you think?” Daniel suddenly switched gears, totally awed that Paul had taken the time to read the script. “Yes, really, and it was very well put together, but stay focused Daniel, what about a parent?” Paul smiled as he said this, enjoying the boy’s idolatry of him, but trying to stay on task. “Right, parents, no. All of our parents have been in it as teachers and neighbors and waiters and stuff and they all have little lines. We tried calling Mr. Carson, but he told us he won’t be back from visiting his Mom till Monday night or Tuesday. The guy who was playing it was a friend of my Aunt’s from her Improv troupe, but he only did it cause we were gonna pay him $100 for the afternoon of filming.” “$100 for a student film? This guy was ripping you off!” Paul got angry about the sleazy improve guy, but also over reacted a little since he had hoped Dick would be back before then so they could spend a day screwing. “Tell you what, gimme 30 minutes and I’ll provide a person to fill the role, ok?” “Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Bish-, I mean Paul,” Daniel answered sounding like a kid hearing he gets to go to Disney world. “Just tell whoever it is to bring a suit coat and button up shirt if he can and we’ll provide everything he needs.” “Will do,” Paul smirked, forming a plan. “No guarantees on his acting abilities though.” “No problem, any one will do,” Daniel responded, obviously splitting his focus between the call and the film crew so they’d be ready. “We can edit his scene to no lines if we have to. See you soon.” Paul pulled into the parking lot of the office 25 minutes later. He walked in, carrying a garment bag over one shoulder, running the lines in his head after memorizing them on the fly. He got off the elevator at the 9th floor as the text directed him to, and saw the high schoolers bustling around an open office door just down the hall. “Where do you want me?” Paul startled them with his question. “Anywhere you want to watch, Paul,” Daniel said, crossing to shake his hand again. “Where is the guy?” “You’re looking at him,” Paul responded, watching as each of their faces turned from shocked to ecstatic. “No shit?!?!” Justin shouted out, pushing past Daniel to Paul. “Justin!” One of the girls screamed. “Don’t say shit in front of Paul Bishop!” Paul laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking where he should get changed. Daniel directed him down the hall, giving his teammates a dirty look before showing Paul a private washroom where he could change and put on makeup. “Sorry, they’ve been super stressed since we found out all the work we have to re-do.” Daniel continued talking, sitting on an arm chair in the bathroom, showing no plans to give Paul any privacy while he got ready. “It is a huge relief knowing you’ll be doing the final scene for us Paul. If the others had known I bet they’d have stuck around to help.” “I noticed it was down to the five of you on the team, what happened to the volunteers basketball guys and Steve’s dad and Aunt?” Paul asked nonchalantly, while stripping off his shirt and shoes. “They were tired of waiting around,” Daniel turned his eyes down to avoid glaring at Paul, but occasionally snuck peeks at Paul’s tight physique. “so we figured we could finish things here and at the Professor’s house, since the scenes only feature two people, and I sent them home,” “Smart move,” Paul paused to talk just as he’d finished sliding the shirt over his bare shoulders, before unbuckling and pushing down his jeans, leaving him in white designer briefs. “You want to tell me how we will be shooting the scene?” “What? Oh yeah, sure.” The high school boy’s eye were no longer discreet as they worked over Paul’s buff legs, full package and up his cut abs. He reviewed the shooting plan, including which angles would be shot and with what lenses and angles, while Paul finally pulled on some slacks, buttoned and tucked in his light green oxford, and pulled on his grey silk suit coat. At that point, Daniel got one of the girls to come in and do Paul’s makeup(which turned into Paul giving her a lesson in proper application), while Justin ran the lines. Two hours and a dozen takes later, they’d shot the scene from 5 angles, some close up, some two-fers, and even some impressive shots from above and out the window. Overall, they all felt they’d learned a lot from Paul’s expertise, and Paul was impressed with their creativity and willingness to learn. They completed with some random footage of Paul locking up the office and going to his car (which was actually a very nice Jag owned by one of the girl’s grandfathers). From there they drove the jag onto a trailer attached to the back of Steve’s Father’s truck, which had a tripod secured in the bed to film the car’s drive to the ’professor’s house.’ Paul was amazed they had thought of something so elaborate, and was really wowed when they explained that they’d simultaneously be filming from a cell cam in a following car for the creepy footage. They drove about 45 minutes to the house, getting plenty of footage, while Paul “drove” the jag with Daniel hidden in the backseat, communicating by cell with the other two vehicles. He felt bad that the 6’10” guy had to spend the 25 minutes bent in half, but didn’t mind once he adjusted the rear view to see Daniel’s ass. At the house, they pulled the Jag off the trailer, did two shots of Paul pulling it into the drive. The final shots were all done with the cell cam, to reinforce the idea they were shot by “Bashir,” and involved nothing more than one long continuous shot of Paul walking in the house, kissing one of the girls (who wore a wig), waiting for her to leave the room, pulling out a bottle, taking a swig, pouring some into a can of coke, and sitting on the couch and drinking. Paul liked this kind of filming since it let him sit and drink over and over, especially when he found out the bottle was a real bottle of Johnny Walker Black. When they finished, and the girls ran out the door to make it back to town to meet some friends, Paul was feeling the liquor enough to make him give each one a huge hug before they left. Daniel asked Paul to watch the footage they’d shot, while he, Steve and Justin went out and took apart the set up in the truck before it got too dark. Everything he saw impressed him, some of it so much, that he pointed out specific shots to the boys when they got back in. When he finished discussing it with them, he realized it had been almost 80 minutes since they’d shot the final scene. Paul, slowly sobering, knew the boys still needed to film some of the party scenes, so he decided to get out of their hair, until he realized his street clothes, cell phone, and wallet were locked in his car, 45 away at the office building. As they set up for the party, he pointed out his situation and asked to borrow a phone to call a cab. “Oh crap Paul,” Daniel said, stepping in to apologize. “I totally forgot you didn’t drive here. Give me one second to tell the guys where to set up, and I’ll drive you back myself.” “Don’t stop working to do that,” Paul stopped him. “You guys are so close to being done, just finish the filming and I’ll catch a cab.” “A cab would take at least half an hour to get here,” Steve interjected, setting up some lights on the deck by the Jacuzzi. “and it will cost a fortune to drive you back to the office.” “Yeah, plus Rick is on his way with the party supplies,” Justin added, tossing empty solo cups into the Jacuzzi and around the deck. “He’d be happy to drive you back into town.” “Rick?” Paul asked, turning to Daniel, worried about having a strange guy acting as his chauffer, leading any number of outcomes, from benign annoying celebrity worship to crazy stalker kidnapping. “Steve’s brother who’s in town from college for the long weekend,” Daniel explained while setting up the tripod. “He has some stuff he is dropping off here for us, and agreed to stay here tonight and tomorrow night so we can stay and work without our parents around to interrupt. If you’d rather not catch a ride from some guy you’ve never met, you can take my truck and Rick can drive me down tomorrow to pick it up.” “I think I’ll wait to meet Rick,” Paul said, leaning in to Daniel. “But I might take you up on that if he’s nuts.” They laughed and Paul shed his jacked and went to the powder room to wash off his makeup. When he re-emerged, the guys were filming a party scene which looked pathetic since only Steve and Justin were in the shot. Paul stepped in, insisting Daniel join them, and then using lots of trick angles and close ups to make it look like more people. After a few short bits, Paul sniffed a cup that one of the guys had been drinking from, and recognized the smell of the Johnny Walker. “You guys really drinking?” Paul asked, stopping the boys in their tracks. They all began stuttering a response when Paul laughed. “It’s cool guys, just be careful and don’t ever tell anyone I was here when you did, okay?” The guys agreed, and they filmed a few more takes of “bashir” forcing “the son” to take shots or encouraging him to smoke some weed. They paused when the doorbell rang and Daniel went inside to show Rick to the back deck. “…traffic getting’ up her was murder Dingo,” Rick sauntered out in front of Daniel. “Took me a fuckin’ hour and 15 to get here bro. You guys start the party without me?” He laughed and turned to meet Paul’s gaze, which made his eyes grow HUGE. “Holy shit, you’re…you’re…fuck! You’re that dude from that show man!” Rick grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him in for a bro hug, not letting go. “Fuckin’ a, these shitheads told me they had a famous teacher but you’re for real!” “Thanks man,” Paul said as he pushed Rick off, as nicely as he could. “Steve says you’re his brother Rick, right?” “Yeah man, shit!” Rick continued freakin out a little, before turning to his brother and the other two guys. “You didn’t tell me you invited Hollywood elite, or I’d have brought more shit!.” “His name is Paul Bishop, Rick,” Daniel said, trying to get Rick to calm down. “He’s been helping us finish this one thing then he’s gonna head back to town in my truck.” “Aw seriously Dingo?” Rick looked crestfallen. “You gotta stay for some a drink and smoke, Mr. Bishop.” He pulled his backpack off and brought out a pipe already loaded with weed. The boys all looked horrified, which made Paul laugh since he had no intention of stopping their fun on a holiday weekend. “I’m so sorry Paul,” Daniel quickly pushed past Rick while Steve stepped up to take the pipe and stuff it back in Rick’s bag. “No big deal guys,” Paul smiled. “In fact I would be down to smoke some before I go.” “See he’s cool,” Rick said, pulling the pipe back out and lighting it up. He took a huge hit and coughed as it came out. In a show of good faith, with one eye on the camera to be sure it was off, Paul took the pipe from him and took a hit himself, controlling it so no coughing occurred. “Gangsta!” Rick proclaimed, slapping Paul’s hand and bumping his fist while Paul passed the pipe to the others. “Lets get in the fuckin cuzzi and finish this bowl.” With that, he ditched his coat, and cap revealing a closely trimmed head of honey colored hair, around his handsome very defined bone structure. Off came the shirt, showing his ripped, though skinny chest, covered in a well groomed layer of hair, and a tattoo across his right arm of some cheesy barb wire design. Suddenly he tore down his board shorts, leaving him in some grey cotton boxer briefs, which Paul purposefully didn’t check out while Rick hopped in the water. “We still have to film some more drinking and smoking shots,” Daniel objected, when Justin and Steven began to follow suit. “Let’s film it in the Jacuzzi,” Justin shot back, stripping off his button down short sleeved shirt and undershirt to reveal a trim but undefined chest with a dusting of dark black hair leading from his belly button to his waistband. His skin was somewhere between olive and brown, leaving Paul to guess that he was of Mediterranean descent. His black slacks came down revealing dark green boxers and hairy legs. “It makes more sense that way when there are less people in the shot.” “Plus it’s fucking hot out here,” Steve argued as his polo came up over his head full of curls the same color as his brother’s. His chest was slightly thicker than rick’s but he was also defined and covered in hair, but it was less groomed and more wild, with some curl across his upper chest. His khakis hit the deck, providing a clear view of his white boxer-briefs. “You want to join us, Paul?” Daniel’s eyes turned to look at Paul, and Paul tried to gauge whether they were asking for permission to do it or permission to stop it. Unable to decide, Paul began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his black loafers. Daniel sighed and pulled off his ball cap, before peeling away his polo, then his white wifebeater. Paul pretended to be looking at the buttons on his shirt while check out Daniel’s tall, slim, smooth buff body. Most guys that tall are so skinny it looks painful, but Daniel obviously worked like made to have thick arms and pecs. They were still developing, but Daniel was not ashamed of them. Paul decided to be brave, and shucked his slacks, showing off his perfectly fitted white briefs, before stepping into the hot tub. All eyes fell on Daniel who loosened the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his slim but manly hairless legs. He was wearing some basketball shorts, with a slight waistband of some sort of undies peeking out above them, but he got in wearing both, to Paul’s disappointment. They passed the pipe and drank beer and whiskey while Rick admired and commented on how ripped and toned Paul was, which led to Paul describing his workout routine to them. After the second bowl was finished and they’d filmed plenty of shots of each of them drinking and smoking, Paul hopped out to put the camera far enough away to keep it from getting wet. “Damn Paul, what do you do to get your ass like that bro,” Rick said, digging through his bag for something. “Cause that shit is as round as any bitch I’ve ever seen.” The guys all laughed, and Paul hopped back in, ignoring the question. Without provocation or permission, Justin reached over and ran his hand down Paul’s abs, telling them all they had to try it. Paul was surprised when Daniel was next, letting his hand go from the nipple down to the waist of the white briefs. “That’s television abs, but feel the real deal,” Daniel flexed his stomach, and Paul and the others all took their turn. Somehow they ended up each feeling everyone else from tit to treasure trail, before Rick finally focused, reached back in his bag and pulled out a funny looking pipe and a baggie Paul figured must have been coke. “Who’s down to kick this shit up a notch,” Rick said, smiling and shaking the baggie. “You game tv star? Or too chicken shit?” “Not chicken shit, but not into coke bro,” Paul responded, “but I won’t judge if anyone else wants to.” “It’s not coke, tv.” Rick pointed to the pipe, “this is crystal. But whatever, more for me and my bros. Who wants to get spun with me?” The guys all looked at him silently. “Make up your minds,” Rick stood and stepped out of the tub, revealing the outline of a semi hard lump snaking down his right thigh to a thick head in his wet, darker undies. “but I’m loading this over on the deck lounges if anyone is up for it.” As he walked over, Paul turned to the boys expecting them to stay put. He was unprepared for Daniel to shout “wait up,” and go to follow. The other two rose to join, and Paul gave in. He was grateful for all the booze and pot, because his dick would have been hard as a rock otherwise. As it turns out, he had nothing to hide, since Justin’s boxer’s tented impressively and Steve’s white boxer briefs became see through, showing his almost fully hard 7 inch cut duck tucked across his right thigh. Daniel’s short effectively obscured anything going on his groin, but Paul figured he was probably in a similar predicament as his two hs buds. When they sat around an unlit firepit, Daniel flipped the switch, turning it on, and then pulled the extension cord on the lights they’d used to light the filming, leaving them with only some inside lights bleeding through the glass doors and the fire light. Steve sat next to Rick on the porch swing, with Justin on a lounge chair next to them, so Paul took a seat next to Daniel on the other lounge he’d turned sideways so they could both face the fire. Daniel seemed even bigger when they were almost naked and sitting in low light, making Paul feel as though he couldn’t speak without leaning all the way into the center over the pit for the others to hear and see him. Rick had poured a good size pile of little crystals into the clear glass in his hand, and lit it before inhaling, waiting for the rocks to melt. When he finally had them smoking, he inhaled long and deep, and told Steve to open his mouth, kissing his brother and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs. “Jesus,” Justin said shouting but at half the volume. “Nice tongue action, fags.” “Fuck you lesbo,” Steve said, punching Justin’s bicep. His voice also low, as if dimming the lights lowered the volume as well. “It saves smoke, haven’t you ever shot gunned before?” Justin shook his head, so Steve lit the pipe and motioned for Justin to do the same thing he’d done. Their shotgun had much less contact, proving Rick and Steve had more experience doing it and didn’t mind sharing a little spit if it meant a bigger hit. Justin took a hit, which Steve had to light for him, and coughed before he could turn to either Steve or Daniel with a shotgun, blowing out stiff clouds of white smoke. He handed Daniel the pipe, and Daniel hit it like a pro, no need to have Rick or Steve show him how. He didn’t offer to shotgun Justin or Paul, instead blowing a steady white stream straight across the fire to Steve’s place on the swing. He handed Paul the pipe, who handed it to Rick without taking a hit. “Come on Paul,” Daniel said, breaking the smoke silence. “Let us get you high. It’s the least we can do after all the ways you saved our asses today.” “Thanks but you gotta remember how many people watch me like a hawk,” Paul put up his hands as Rick tried to pass it back to him. “If you guys try this shit, you only have to hide it from your parents. If I try it, I have to hide it from the world.” “No one here is gonna tell anyone,” Daniel said, grabing the pipe from Rick and taking the lighter to the round end. “We could all lose our futures at college, not to mention go to jail, if we did. Just do it tonight.” Before Paul could refuse again, Daniel put the stem to Paul’s lips and told him to inhale. As if he was a dog, he did it without thought, inhaling until his lungs were so full he thought he’d burst, when Daniel moved the pipe away and told him to exhale, placing his full pink lips just a hair from Paul’s. Paul shot gunned into Daniel’s mouth, desperate to follow the smoke with his tongue, but holding back instead to pull back and watch as Daniel repeated the exhale with a load as big as the one he’d taken first hand. “Fucking epic man,” Rick added, taking a huge hit and then turning and shot-gunning it into Paul’s mouth, but making full contact with their lips. After that they kept the circle going, sometimes shot-gunning, sometimes not. Paul lost track of how many hits he took, and began aching for the pipe to be back in his mouth. They decided to return to the hot tub after Rick loaded the pipe for the third time. When they stood to walk over, Daniel, Steve and Justin started a tweaker conversation about the film, but Rick grabbed Paul and held him back to keep smoking. They took some hits and Paul asked Rick what got him into Crystal. “Tina is the preferred name,” Rick said, lighting another rock in the bowl. “I started about a year ago after I joined this frat at school. Some of the guys sold it on the side to make some dough, so I tried it out. That’s how I ended up fucking around with dudes too.” Paul coughed. “*coughcough* you *cough*…you’re gay?” “Nah bro,” Rick said taking another hit. “I just fuck around with guys sometimes when I get spun. Gay dudes get the best shit. Steve knows I suck dick sometimes or cornhole the occasional fag to get some good shit. I had to ride this huge ass cock last week to get my hands on this stuff, but my bro doesn’t know I’ve done that, ok man?” Paul Nodded, and took another big hit, shot gunning with Rick, and letting Rick kiss him a little after. “He also don’t know I let his drama teacher, Mr. Carson, use my holes sometimes. That dude fucks like it’s his job, and gets the best shit I’ve ever smoked.” Rick was openly stroking his cock through his wet boxer-briefs when he wasn’t smoking, and Paul could feel his own hard cock expanding inside his white briefs. He couldn’t tell if he was hardening from watching the 20-yr-old next to him or because his regular fuck buddy was a perverted tweaking top who traded drugs for straight ass. “Damn Rick, aren’t you freaked someone will find out?” Paul said pulling back from a shotgun that had gone from smoke to making out. “Sometimes, so I always make sure the dudes I play with have as much to lose or more than I do. Plus I’ve gotten used to taking big cocks when I party, and I am not sure I wanna give it up. Speaking of which, once the jailbait goes inside to edit their film, I’d trade my left nut to have your big ass dick in my hole in the Jacuzzi.” Paul jumped a little as Rick began stroking his cock through his white briefs. It took no time at all for Paul to double check they couldn’t be seen from the hot tub, before he returned the favor, reaching into the grey boxer brief pouch to stroke Rick’s 7 cut inches. Rick moaned softly, reaching his other hand around and under the waistband to grope Paul’s cheeks, with the rare swipe of a finger in between to tease his hole. Paul grunted each time the finger made contact, and Rick smiled, working Paul’s briefs down below his stiff, dripping hard 8 inches, and under his bubble butt. Paul returned the favor and moved both hands around to finger Rick in earnest. Rick let Paul slide his finger all the way in, but took the hint to only tease the outer ring when he tried to reciprocate and Paul’s cheeks squeezed shut. So on they went before Paul went for another hit and Rick pulled his hands away and reached to the bag of tina on the swing. “You wanna get really high and fuck like nothing you’ve ever tried,” Rick whispered, opening the baggie and fishing out two larger crystals. “Just slide this up your ass and wait for it to melt. It’s called a booty bump.” Paul watched with anticipation as Rick returned his finger to Paul’s rear, this time pushing the shard of tina past the sphincter and deep inside on the first shove. Paul whimpered, but willed himself to stay put. Rick handed him a shard of equal size and Paul repeated the action, only getting a moan of pleasure from Rick. Once they were sure the crystals were in place they went back to stroking one another and smoking the bowls. After about five more minutes, Paul forgot to stroke the dick and instead began rubbing Rick’s chest and ass between hits. This led to the two of them sinking back onto the swing and feeling each other all over and making out. They started to get in position for Rick to lay back and get fucked, when they heard a splash of people getting out of the water, and hurried to get their underwear back on all the way before Steve rounded the corner. “Stop boring Paul with stories of your glory days in the high school musicals,” Steve told his brother. “and come share the goods with the group.” Rick and Paul got up to head back, and Paul was pleasantly surprised to find his cock had gone soft, as had Rick’s. He remarked on it and Rick told him Tina sometimes did that, but not to worry, it would get hard later when it needed to. They went back to the Jacuzzi and hopped in, Rick loading a new bowl and passing it around. He also provided a bottle of ghb that each of them took a small amount of. For a while they just sat in the hot tub and chatted about the film before somebody questioned why Daniel didn’t just play the professor, since he hadn’t acted in the film at all. “You know Dingo can’t be on screen man,” Steve said after a big hit. “We don’t have a wide-angle lens.” This got laughter from Justin and Rick, and a confused look from Paul. “You know why he’s called Dingo, right tv star?” Rick said, shot gunning with Paul, before Paul shook his head yes. “Not the bullshit basketball reason, but the real reason?” “It’s cause he’s got a Dingo in his shorts and that thing will drag you in and devour you whole if you get it angry!” Steve interrupted, and He, Justin and Rick all erupted in even louder laughs, which Paul couldn’t help but join in on. Daniel was even chuckling. “You gotta see it Paul,” Justin said, “go on and whip it out for Paul, Dingo.” “Nah man, no one wants to see that shit,” Daniel scoffed and splashed Justin. “I do,” Rick volunteered. “I’ve been hearing about this shit for years and you never prove it. I bet he’s got an apple dick, you know, big dick, no stem.” This got a laugh from all of us, which didn’t last long. “Oh yeah bitch?” Daniel stood up and pulled down his shorts revealing a pair of Joe boxer bikini briefs with a bulge running half way down his extra long thigh. “Meet the dingo!’ With that, he pulled the side of the bikini’s away and out sprung a good nine inch uncut pink cock, that even soft was as thick as a can of soup. The entire group went quiet, while Daniel smiled, lifted it up, smacked Rick across the cheek and lips, tucked it back in and sat down. The laughter that followed made each of the almost hyperventilate, and when they’d calmed down, it was decided they’d better go inside. Rick stopped Paul again, and they each took another, bigger slug off the bottle of g before following the teens. Once they were out of the pool, Daniel tossed towels to each of them and directed Steve, Rick and Justin to use the downstairs showers while he showed Paul to the master bath and used the other upstairs shower himself. Paul was incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t going to get to use Rick’s hole yet, but he consoled himself by stripping nude and climbing into the hot steam shower, sitting down on the stone bench, and jerking himself to hardness, while working a finger in his tight ass. Frustratingly, he found his dick didn’t want to get all the way hard, his head was spinning from the ghb and his butt was hungry for more than just his finger. Hoping out of the shower, Paul toweled off and swerved into the attached Master bedroom, going through drawers and closets before discovering a black dildo about 8 inches long and pretty wide. He ran back to the bathroom, poured oil over it and moved onto the bed. Stroking his stiffening cock, he lowered his hole over the wide dick but couldn’t get his hole to open enough to take it. He cursed slightly, imagining Dick Carson named below him and tried again, still with no luck. He added more oil, and tried a third time, just as Daniel burst in with a pair of shorts for Paul to wear. The shock caused Paul to lose his balance and fall, impaling himself on the first four inches of cock, causing him to scream. Daniel began to apologize, but instead of leaving, he turned around, locked the bedroom door and walked over to wear Paul had fallen back on the bed and was groaning. “I prayed for your ass Mr. Bishop.” Daniel said before grabbing Paul’s legs and folding them back over his torso till his knees hit the bedspread next to his ears. “AAAAhhhh, dammit Daniel, that hurt, what are you doing?” Paul whimpered, trying to move away but with no leverage to go anywhere. “I’m gonna help get this thing out, so don’t move sir.” Daniel put his body over Paul’s holding his legs back, freeing his hands to take the oil from next to them on the bed, and reach down to start pulling out the big black dildo. Paul started to scream again so Daniel covered his mouth with his own, forcing his lips to meet and meld with Paul’s. “There now it’s almost…OUT!” The head popped out and for a moment Paul floated between consciousness and passing out. When his senses returned he looked down to the space between his legs and Daniel’s impossibly long torso to view the same monstrous cock he’d seen in the hot tub, now four inches longer, red as the devil and pulsing with each heart beat. “Oh God,” Paul cried, sure that he would die if Daniel fucked him with that beast. “You can’t do this to me Daniel. You’ll kill me. Please I’m not gay and I’ve never been fucked.” “Mr. Bishop, right now I don’t care.” Daniel moved his crotch forward until the dick head smeared the oil against the hole. “I’ve never been inside anyone before. Not a mouth, not a pussy, nothing. So tonight you’re taking all of me, and I’m sorry. Try to relax, they say it makes it easier.” The next thing Paul felt was the thick cock of a high school boy as the head worked past his sphincter and inched up and up until it reached the second barrier. With a grunt and a thrust, Daniel pushed past that one too, causing Paul to pass out. That relaxed his hole just a little more allowing Daniel to continue until almost all of daniel’s cock was inside Paul’s butt. Just as he felt his big balls and light layer of blonde pubes rub against Paul’s ass, someone knocked on the door. “Hey Paul, you in there man?” Rick called from the hallway. “He’s still in the bathroom Rick,” Daniel called out. “We’re just discussing the film. How about going down to the family room and turning on some music or something till we are ready to join you dudes?” “Sounds good man,” Rick said, heading to the stairs. Daniel looked down to see Paul coming to below him, making his anal cavity start to twitch and tighten. Paul opened his eyes just as the loud music began to float up to them on the bed. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Bishop.” Daniel repeated one last time before slowly removing his cock all the way except for the head and then pushing it back in. At first it was as if Paul was being pulled apart and pushed into a tiny ball at the same time, pain overloading his nerves until he could no longer struggle. Once he gave in, he began experiencing something like the start of an orgasm, but not just in his cock, but everywhere in his groin and ass. Two minutes and some faster thrusts and the orgasm was building. Two more minutes and Paul was throwing his head back as ass-gasm after ass-gasm racked his toned, perfect form. It took less than ten minutes before Daniel lost all control, made half a dozen powerful fucks and realized what was happening. “Sorry Mr. Bishop, but I can’t hold it, I gotta shoot. I gotta shoot. I’m…I’M…FUCK!” The cum rocketed so hard out of Daniel’s dick that, combined with the pulsing of his shaft against Paul’s prostate, and the teen abs rubbing his dick, Paul had a real orgasm and sprayed them both, all over. It seemed to take hours and be done in seconds at the same time, but neither pulled apart when it was finished. They kissed and Daniel released Paul’s hands, which let Paul feeling the body above his. He was still spinning from the tina and G, but managed one coherent word. “More.” Paul whispered before grasping Daniel’s butt cheeks and pulling his hips against him. Daniel obliged, taking 15 minutes the second time, and enjoying the extra lube his first load offered him. Paul was overwhelmed and passed out when Daniel had orgasm number two. So Daniel pulled a blanket over Paul’s well-used, chiseled body, shining from pools of cum in the dim light from the bathroom. Daniel got off the bed, put on his shorts and went downstairs to join his pals. When Paul awoke in the dark room, he felt the tongue pressing against his hole, and happily discovered it had retightened. He wanted to reach for Daniel and pull him back up to fuck him some more, but something had his hands pinned. He moved against the restraints, realizing they were hands. “Shit, he’s waking up,” Rick whispered from behind his head. “If you wanna lose that cherry bro, you better put it in now.” Paul panicked as Steven popped into the beam of light provided by the bathroom, and winced as he felt the boy ram in all seven thick cut inches at once. His hole may have had some lube from Daniel’s cum, and was stretched by it as well, but it was still new to this experience and fought and grasped the dick at each opportunity. He felt something burning along the dick, and realized it burned the same way when he’d had a booty bump before on the deck. Steven didn’t use any of the gentle thrusts Daniel had used, instead he was full throttle from the start. It only took five minutes before he added his load to Paul’s ass, but it felt like an eternity to Paul who was now much more aware and knew that his mouth was stuffed full of something to keep him quiet. Steven sweat and huffed and he pulled away, replaced by Justin almost before Paul could take a breath. Just had a shorter dick, around 6 inches, also cut, but it was as thick as Daniel’s. He power fucked Paul just as Steven did, but he’d go all the way in and out each time, making Paul scream into his gag everytime the thick brown head of his dick slammed back into the asshole. Luckily Justin was the fastest yet, breeding Paul after three minutes. When he finished, he slapped Paul and laughed. Paul had very little fight left, which worked out well for Rick. Rick had his brother come hold Paul’s hands while he used his 7 and a half inch cut cock to make love to Paul’s hole. Paul began to enjoy the fuck so much that his cock got hard again. “Get your mouth on his dick little bro,” Rick ordered, grabbing his brother’s curls and forcing his head down to Paul’s cock. “Ew, no way Ricky,” Steve fought and pulled as much as he could while his brother held him by his hair. “that shit if for faggots.” “You want me to show Mom and Dad the pictures of you getting sucked by that boy from your film class? Then you suck his dick and swallow his cum.” Rick’s blackmail did the trick, and Paul’s cock grew in the boy’s mouth. Some thrusts from behind and a little tongue and Paul began shooting down the boy’s throat. Rick followed right behind him, pumping load four into Paul before collapsing on his brother’s head and making his bro lick his cock clean. They argued about something as they left the room, Justin snickering and following after our into the dim hallway. A sound came from the opposite corner and Paul focused enough to lift his head. He could just make out a form in a chair, holding something with a blinking red light. As the form stood up, Paul could see it had to be Daniel based on the height and frame. As Daniel stepped into the light from the bathroom, the thing in his hand was revealed as a camera. “Sorry to do this, but it is my insurance that you won’t tell anyone what we did once you leave.” Daniel explained as he set the camera on the dresser by the bed. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you like that, but I to have that ass, you understand?” “You can’t keep that tape, you have to destroy it,” Paul sat up, and felt woozy still. They must have given him more ghb as well as the booty bumps. “I can’t Paul. It’s my insurance.” Daniel lit the pipe and put it to Paul’s lips. As upset as he was, he was desperate for the high like before, so he took a giant hit, and didn’t fight Daniel as he kissed him and sucked down the smoke too. “Not just insurance that you won’t tell, but insurance that I will get to do it again.” Paul heard the last part too late, as Daniel pushed him back, turned him onto his stomach and pinned his hands before inserting his cock once more. Paul screamed and screwed his eyes shut for the first few thrusts, opening them to find Rick holding the pipe for him to smoke. As Daniel took his time and raped Paul in every position he could, Rick kept Paul busy with either the pipe or his dick in Paul’s mouth. When the sun started to peek in through the curtains, Daniel had shot twice more inside his ass, and Rick had cum once in his mouth and once all over his face, all on camera. Paul tried to think of a way out of this without ruining his career or destroying his reputation, but kept coming up empty handed and asking for more tina. Coming soon Chapter 3: Dick Carson returns, The films are screened, Paul goes back to Hollywood
  16. Laughter floated through the comic store through the back room’s open door, meeting my ears and distracting me from the invoice I was reviewing with the store owner. Another laugh transported me back to the first boy I’d fucked in the rec center lockerroom after summer swimteam practice, almost 15 years ago. As soon as the owner signed the form, I excused myself and went searching for the boy whose chuckles got my cock hard. Near the far end of the store, I found three teen boys wearing baseball gear(showing off some firm bubble butts, tight waistlines and broad, if still developing, shoulders), presumably on their way home from practice. They were so engrossed in the adult magazine section they didn’t notice me sneak around the corner where they couldn’t see me. “Holy shit dude, look at those tits! That bitch is fucking hot bro. You gotta get this for me man,” said the shortest boy, who was a good six inches shorter than my 6’2”. By his begging, I guessed only one of the boys was old enough to buy the plastic wrapped mag, even though they each looked about 15-16. Before the other two could respond, one of their cell phones rang, and the tallest boy, who was probably within an inch of my height, retrieved it from his bag. “You here? K, be right out,” He hung up and turned to the middle boy, who I’d put at 5’10”. “You sure you don’t want a ride simon? My mom’s CRV can probably hold your bike.” “No thanks bro, I wanna hit up sports authority on the way home and return the speedo my mom got me since my swim coach said we can wear trunks now.” Simon responded, fist bumping his teammates as they picked up their bags and made their way to the door. He watched them go out the door before picking up another plastic wrapped magazine, reaching down and adjusting his bulge. He tried peeling the adhesive edge back to sneak the magazine out of its wrapper, and I took the opportunity to turn the corner, causing him to drop the mag and almost bolt. “Here you go bro,” I said, picking up the nudie mag and handing it back to him. “Nice choice, you got a lot of gangbang porn?” My attitude put him somewhat at ease, and I had to stifle a giggle when he responded by saying he usually preferred anal. His tone told me he was trying to save face, so I went with it and showed him a magazine that specialized in girls getting fucked up the ass by HUGE cocks. His eyes got wide and his pants tented even more, which reflected in my knakis. “You gonna get that one?” My question shocked him out of his trance, and he blew it off. “Nah man, I only brought enough to get the x-men collection I want.” He handed me the magazine again and I asked which collection. As it turns out, Simon is a huge comic book geek who’d rather be spending his summer reading about super heroes, than in the pool and on the diamond. He was careful to keep his comments as masculine as possible, but once I expressed my own interest and started explaining my collection at home, his teen-thug jock boy persona began to fail as we discussed comic book mythology. It was almost an hour later when we separated to check out, but ‘mysteriously’ I ended up behind him in line, making it easy to ensure he saw the two anal themed magazines I purchased. As we walked through the first set of doors on the store’s airlock, we realized the sunny afternoon had given way to a downpoor. We both ran out, me to my truck, him to his bike, and I waited a moment before taking advantage of this added stroke of luck. “You wanna lift bud?” I yelled out my open window as he tried in vain to keep his balance on the bike. Defeated, he dismounted and wheeled along side me, sticking his drenched head in the window. “I don’t know man, I live pretty far and I am supposed to exchange something near my house, I’d feel bad taking you out of your way.” His words protested, but he was already shivering, so I suggested he wait at my house a few blocks away till the rain let up. Despite his false maturity, I could see him worrying about going with a stranger. “You can dry your clothes and check out my comic collection.” The appeal of my comic books got him to toss his bike in the truck bed and hop in the cab beside me. Two minutes of me trying not to stare at his almost see through baseball uniform and we were already at my house. I parked on my circular front drive instead of pulling around back to the garage, knowing we’d both get soaked. Even better, the muddy ground caused us both to slip getting his bike from the truck to the covered porch, leaving most of our lower bodies a complete mess. Inside, I asked that he strip off his muddy clothes before tracking it all over the house, and was down to my briefs before he could argue. He stripped tentatively down to his support shorts, but I made sure not to look as I tossed the clothes in the washing machine and showed him to my guest suite to use the shower, promising I’d leave some loaner clothes on the bed for when he got out. I accidentally set the anal mags down to get out some towels before heading to my room to shower as well. After the fastest shower I’d ever taken, I tied my smallest towel around my waist, check out my firm calves and thighs, my hefty bulge, my slightly hairy 4 pack leading to my slab pecs, up past my firm jawline to the top of my 6’2” head, well framing my caramel eyes with my black wavy hair. I raced back to the guest room with my flimsiest pair of shorts and an extra-large white cotton wife-beater slung over my buff shoulder and bicep, bursting into the bathroom to find the exact sight I’d been hoping for: Freshly showered Simon on the toilet, his legs spread wide. My cock stiffened slightly in the moment before he realized I’d come in, catching his one hand between his legs with two fingers rubbing the edge of his tight ass, while his other hand rapidly stroked his young 7 inch cut cock. Once he saw my “shocked” face, he grabbed the open magazine showing a petite blonde girl being double fucked by a pair of Italian men who looked kinda like me. “sorry man, here’s the clothes, didn’t mean to interrupt,” I made a big show of not looking, knowing the large clock on the wall in front of Simon concealed a camera which had caught every minute of his shower and the jack off show following. I shut the door behind me, sure he’d be too embarrassed to continue. Right on schedule, he rushed out into the living room as soon as he could pull on the shorts and tee shirt. His hard on was clearly outlined in the thin cotton, and his firm chest was still wet enough to make the shirt transparent. I assured him not to worry about and showed him to my office and massive collection of comic books. Over the next hour we worked him into being comfortable, which was just enough time for the rain to let up. I worried I’d taken too much time making him feel at ease, but he was in no hurry to leave, especially when I mentioned a funny movie a friend sent me featuring some comic heroes fucking. I put on the video and we watched for a while, laughing at the cheesy plot lines in the beginning, growing quiet when the scene evolved into wonder girl getting gang banged by batguy, supermale, cycocks, and Iron rod. I had slowly worked myself to full mast out of Simon’s sight, waiting for him to turn to me. “Holy shit man,” Simon said when he finally caught sight of my dick. I jumped and apologized, ‘not realizing’ what was going on below my waist. In a dramatic attempt to cover my hard drooling uncut 9 inches, I tried tugging the towel over it, but alas that unfastened it from my waist, leaving me naked. Simon openly gawked, his cock hard under the shorts, leaving a wet spot, and his mouth aghast, making me wish I could shove my cock in without scarring him off. Instead I bent over and exposed my smooth tight butt cheeks, winked my fuzzy hole at him, while retrieving the towel and dashing into my connecting bedroom before nudging the door almost totally shut. “Sorry about that bro, just gimme a minute to throw on some clothes and I’ll drive you home man.” I yelled as I whipped out some lube, and got in the exact right position behind the door so anyone peeking through could clearly watch me in the full length mirror. A few loud strokes to be sure he knew what was happening, and the light beneath the door was blocked by Simon’s shadow. I began stroking faster and harder, keeping my face and body in the mirror while trying to ‘keep quiet,’ until the shadow began moving too. He was stroking now, I was sure of it, which was all it took for my balls to tighten, aiming my dick head towards my pecs and letting loose my thick creamy cum in 3 gigantic geysers across my chin and chest, with some smaller shots coating my lower abs, cock and the floor at my feet. That night once Simon left, I confirmed my suspicions and shot another load watching his shower/stroke show in the bathroom and his repeat performance with giant cum shot standing just outside my bedroom door. After denying myself the glances when he was there, I thoroughly memorized every inch of his naked form, from his slim, toned legs to his shelf-like butt, to his fuzzy balls and pubes surrounding his gorgeous pink cock with a slight right-curve, up his treasure trail and six pack to the beginnings of muscly chest and shoulders, over firm well-formed biceps, topped off by his round cheeks, strong brow, blue eyes and dark brown buzzed hair. The only signs of his youth were the baby fat on both sets of cheeks, which were smooth and rosy, on his face and behind. Watching him panic and shoot all over the plant by the door was almost as hot as when he got a finger into his hole in the shower. After I got dressed and brought Simon his clothes, we talked about the upcoming work I would be doing cataloging my comics and entering them into a database for insurance purposes. Since Simon really wanted to read some of the rare books I had, but I had a no lending policy, he agreed to come by a few days after practice each week and help me catalog, reading them at my house. A few days into our plan, I was called to work when he was supposed to arrive, so I decided to leave a key for him. This allowed me to begin his education. Over the following month, I managed to have Simon catch me balls deep in a blond bitch, titty fucking a redhead from the grocery store, and eating out and feeding my cock my cock to a Hawaiian college girl I sometimes hook up with. Each time I’d make sure to be in the thick of it right when he usually arrived, playing in open areas of the house where he could hide and watch me fuck, then sneak out, and come back once I’d bid the girl goodbye. My hidden cameras confirmed he was enjoying the shows, providing me plenty of fodder for jack sessions. After six weeks, I had a threesome on the kitchen table with a married couple I met online, making sure to listen for the creak of the front door to begin the countdown of ten minutes of tag teaming the wife before I was sure Simon would be close to cumming, and sneaking my cock into the ass of the husband. We hadn’t discussed it online before-hand, but I knew by how he moaned when I fingered him, that he needed my cock in his hole. It was during these sessions I also made sure that he saw my partners and I taking hits from a glass pipe filled with tina, and encouraged them to tell me how much they loved it and how much hotter it made the sex. Finally, after some more couple sessions where I’d fuck, suck and feed the guy, I invited over a 24 year old bodybuilder I’d met online who had a very specific fetish. So a week before his last day, Simon snuck in the front door, down the stairs and down the hall way until he was outside my media room. When he looked inside, I’d love to have seen his reaction. In the middle of the room I stood in my black boots, black latex jockstrap/shirt, leather gloves, and full cape and cowl. On his knees in front of me was the 24 yr old in red boots, red and blue jock, blue butt plug, red leather harness and red cape emboldened with a yellow ‘S’ and deep throating my cock. I’d pushed the furniture to the back of the room, creating a vast space for a super fuck, and plenty of hiding spots behind couches for Simon. Once I removed his “kryptonite” plug, Superman ended up getting fucked for almost a full hour before I pulled out and came on his ass and cape, but I couldn’t tell if Simon had stayed to watch or left. When I kicked out the super cum bucket, I expected Simon to show up just as he usually did, but instead I received a text telling me he forgot something and needed to go home early. I panicked that he was disgusted and gone for good, so I ran to my computer and checked the feed. Just as I thought, he came in, started watching, then slid into the room behind the couch where the cameras couldn’t see. Right after I blew on superlad, Simon slipped out the door, up the stairs and was gone. I was certain he was never coming back. The next day, I’d just gotten done working out and drove home to find Simon already in the house working. He informed me that baseball was over for the season and he would be there by noon for the last five days of our arrangement. An hour later he’d finished his work for the day and decided to go home early. I guess that meant he was not okay with what happened and wanted to get it done as fast as possible. I almost called it quits, but decided to check out the hidden cams just in case. A smile spread over my face as the tapes revealed Simon digging through my stuff until he found the butt plug and costumes, before lubing the plug, and slowly sliding it into his hole. And beginning to jerk. Hard. He was about to cum right as I arrived, and quickly shoved the costumes back in the closet, pulled up his briefs and shorts and dashing back into the office. I fast-forwarded and then hopped to my bedside drawer to verify what I thought was true. The butt plug was still in his ass! I whipped out my cock and came all over my self. The next day I put my final plan into action. With only four days to go, I told him I wanted to thank him for all his help by buying his ticket to the comic con that weekend in town. He practically flipped out, throwing his arms around me before he remembered his manly bravado and socked me in the arm as he pulled away. After that I made sure I was around every minute of every day (except a few for him to sneak the butt plug back in my drawer). This all led up to the last day, which would hopefully guarantee me some leverage. When he arrived that afternoon, I was in the living room getting head from a college guy I’d met at the gym, watching some anal gangbang porn and working a big, pink dildo into his bubble butt. But this time, I “heard” him arrive and made the college boy scramble to get dressed, while Simon, freaked he’d get caught watching, ran up the stairs to the office. I proceeded to tell the college boy I’d fuck him back at his dorm room if he’d wait outside for me to toss the dildo in my room and give my “assistant” some instructions for the day. College boy reluctantly agreed since I was providing the drugs, and I went upstairs and through the hall door into my bedroom, leaving the dildo, porn dvd and lube on my bed, and poorly covering them with a towel. I then opened the door to the office and I told him I was running out for a few hours, but I had a surprise for him for the comic con. I proceeded to disappear into my closet and brought out two garment bags. I unzipped them and his eyes widened Inside were full costumes for batman and robin. The batman suit was just a fully clothed version of the one I’d worn a week before, complete with utility belt and skin tight body suit. The robin suit was comprised of small boots, speedo style briefs, tight tunic, butt length cape, black wig and face mask. I could see his cock pulsing under his bball shorts, so instead of waiting for a thank you, I tossed it on the bed somewhat near the dildo and told him to try it on before I got back to be sure it fits, and otherwise just enjoy reading comics, since the work was done. I drove the college boy to his dorm and fucked him for ten minutes until he came, and then made some excuse and headed back to the house. Parking around the corner I snuck in through the side gate and into the gardening shed, where I had set up my laptop and a comfy chair the night before. After being gone for 30 mins I was hoping he’d be well into enjoying the goodies I left for him. Simon didn’t disappoint. When the screen went on, it took a minute for me to scroll through the cameras in the house until finally I found him. Splayed out on my bed, Simon was decked out in the full robin outfit, except the speedo-like cod piece was discarded on the floor. He stroked his cock hard before sliding on the finishing touch with the wig and the mask. He hopped up and crossed to the mirror, sucking the dildo and stroking while checking himself out. He paused for a moment as he walked over, inserting the dvd into the dvd player, and starting a bi-bareback gangbang flick. Once it passed the fbi warning, he made his way back to the mirror, picking up something along the way and started lubing up the dildo. He then pressed the suction cup of the dildo to the mirror and turned around, shoving whatever was in his hand into his mouth. My cock threatened to rip my shorts open when Simon finally managed to work the tip of the dildo into his hole. Once the head popped in, I could tell he was in pain and pulled away quickly. Little did he know his ass had stronger suction than the suction cup and the dildo came off the mirror with him. He hobbled to the bed and was about to pull it out but he lost his balance and ended up taking it further, spitting out the unidentifiable scrap in his mouth. “Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!” he yelled loud enough I turned down the speakers in case anyone was walking past the house. He tried pulling the dildo out again, and this time he discovered the pleasure it could provide. His dick throbbed and leaked some precum on my bedspread when he got it most of the way out, so he started reinserting it and took the cloth back in his mouth. 5 minutes later he had resuctioned the dildo to the top of my dresser and bounced like he had springs in his ass. He was obviously getting close, which caused him to pull the cloth from his mouth and hold it to his nose as he stroked and galloped. “Fuck yeah, fuck my hole while I make her my bitch. Does that ass feel good sir? Cause your cock is gonna make me cum in her fucking pussy. Can I shoot in her pussy sir? Please sir? I want to shoot my sperm in her pussy sir. I can’t hold it anymore sir, I am blowing my sperm in her slit sir. Here is cums bitch, Here it…UHHH…FUCK…TAKE MY CUM…” From the slit of his cock a giant load shot out, dousing his entire costume and forcing him backwards against the wall behind the dresser. My load was almost as big but it went where most of my jerked loads went, into a bottle I had been slowly filling with my tina-laced cum, then refrigerating for use on Simon’s ass, hopefully. While he was recovering, I squinted at the screen and finally identified the thing that Simon had been sucking/sniffing. It was a pair of panties from the Hawaiian slut. After one of our sessions, I used them to soak up my jizz and wipe down her cunt and ass, but then when we were getting dressed we couldn’t find them. I figured they were somewhere in my collection of cumrags, but it was incredibly hot knowing Simon had them all this time, sucking on my dried cum. I gave Simon enough time to get out of the costume, shower, get everything back in order, and sneak the buttplug into his bag. When I pulled up a few minutes later, he was just throwing the costume in the dryer, assuring me it fit perfectly. We sat down and went over our plans for the next day, deciding we would meet at 8 Saturday morning in normal clothes, then take a train into the city for the convention, and change when we arrived. Since we wanted to schedule our time at the convention carefully, we pulled up the website and discovered there were events well into that night, including a dark knight forum on the roof of the hotel, a costume party at 10pm and a contest at midnight. “We gotta enter Mr. Torelli, our costumes are awesome,” He said, sounding younger and younger every time we saw another cool event. “Simon, you can call me Steve, and I wish we could but the last train leaves at 7,” I put my hand around his shoulders and squeezed, sympathetically. “So we’re outta luck unless you are okay with staying overnight. If we got a couple rooms, that would allow us to stop by Sunday morning for the artists’ brunch, and still be back Sunday afternoon or evening at the latest.” “That would rock Mr. To- Sorry, Steve, but I don’t know if I can. I need to check with folks while I’m on summer vacation,” Simon said, trying to keep up the ambiguity we’d had since our first meeting. I was pretty sure he was still in high school, but we live in a college town and he always tried to make it sound like he was only living at home until school started back up. I’d met his parents once when they came to pick him up one day, which was probably planned for their peace of mind. Still, Simon played it off like a champ, telling me “I don’t need a car at school so I let them provide the ride over the summer so they feel useful.” “Well let me know as soon as you get permission and I’ll book the rooms,” knowing we’d be sharing one room that I booked weeks ago before they all filled up. “I don’t need permission, I just have to be sure they aren’t planning anything that includes me tomorrow night or Sunday morning. I’ll call them right now and let them know I’m gonna be out. Be right back,” Simon said, walking out of the office and down stairs into the kitchen. I clicked on the hidden camera to hear him tell his parents. “Mom? Tomorrow after comic con, Jerry and his dad are gonna stay for the Sunday morning events and invited me to go….I know it’s last minute but we can all stay in the city with Jerry’s aunt…They told me she is happy to host all of us and we can take the train back Sunday night…You don’t need to pick me up, I’ll bike home…No I won’t be too tired mom, I swear…I’ll be fine at practice…Please, if I promise to get plenty of sleep and get a ride so I can be at swim practice on time? Please!... Thank you! Ok, I’ll make sure they can drop me off Sunday night…Um I don’t know if I can stay at Jerry’s Sunday night too…I know it is way closer to practice but I’ll have been with them the night before, plus Jerry doesn’t always go to practice…Ok, I’ll ask, but if not I’ll ride my bike. Ok, see you at home…like an hour…love you too, bye.” Simon’s phone call told me enough to know his parents thought he was going with a friend from school. It also told me they would be totally fine not seeing him until Monday after his swim team practice. Most importantly, it meant I had Simon by the balls. “I told them we were going, they just asked me to ask you if it is cool for me to stay over Sunday if we get back too late for me to bike home,” he informed me as he returned to the office with his costume from the dryer. The next morning Simon texted me asking if I could pick him up a few blocks from the station at his friend Jerry’s house, so I brought our outfits, picked him up and marked down one more lie he told his folks for my blackmail. I told Simon to wear something comfy so we could just sleep in it after we changed from our suits, so I was happy to see he was in some loose shorts and a baggy t-shirt with flip flops. Once we got on the train, we talked about the upcoming day and I began the last step in Simon’s corruption, beginning with some water bottles filled with a vodka punch, with clips to attach them to our utility belts. Simon didn’t want to seem uncool, so he took a big gulp and almost coughed up a lung on the train. Once we got to the convention center I told Simon to get our passes while I checked us into our rooms. Simon never questioned me when I told him the hotel screwed up and put us in one room instead of two and they were full up. He just swigged from his bottle and followed me up there to change. As soon as we got the door open, I pressed his Robin suit into his chest and began undressing. Simon followed suit, until he realized he would have to get naked. “Shit Steve, I gotta change into the bottom part in the john, I forgot to wear undies…I’m not sure they’d even fit anyway,” Simon moved towards the door but I stopped him. “Damn Simon, you’d better show me how they look, cause you can’t go commando if they will show too much.” With that I yanked down his shorts and tossed him the briefs. He slid them up his legs sheepishly, confirming they would give away every detail. “Shit. Well I guess you’ll have to wear your shorts.” “No way Steve, that will look like crap. There’s gotta be something I can do to obscure my…you know,” he pleaded. I smirked inside and offered another suggestion. “Well I guess you can wear the thong I was going to wear under mine since my suit has a separate lining for the cod piece,” I said with my most disdainful voice, not wanting him to realize I’d been wearing it since yesterday in preparation. “Fuck, if you don’t mind, that sounds way better than my shitty shorts,” Simon slid off the bottoms again and stood, naked from the waist down, robin from the waist up. I had only changed into the top half of my outfit so far, so Simon had no choice but to wait as I peeled off my sweats and then removed my thong. I pretended not to notice Simon staring at my thick soft uncut monster and balls, which I had trimmed and fluffed in advance for his viewing pleasure. He slid took the thong and slid it up his legs, disheartened to find it was too big after stretching over my meat and butt. Good thing it was adjustable, which allowed me to reach between his legs and pull the elastic cords through the clasp until it was tighter, and the clasp was pulled up against his hole, to help stimulate him throughout the day. Fully decked, we hit the convention and had a blast, meeting writers, pencilers, inkers, some b-movie and tv stars and stopping every 10 minutes so another geek could get a photo with us. Through every bit of it, Simon never left my side, seeming to take pride in all the attention we received as the dynamic duo. By the time we hit the party that night, I had almost forgotten my original goal. That is, until, we started prepping for the costume contest. There were five categories. Best Costume, Best hero, best villain, best duo, and best team. Once Simon heard that the results would be based on audience response, he insisted we start working the crowd, which was mostly men. Not too surprisingly, a lot of guys loved our look, a few even trying to convince me to sneak off and fuck them in the bathroom or let them take Simon aside and blow or fuck him. I kept them away, but did get a couple numbers, while Simon downed shot after free shot offered to him by his fans. When the contest began, we were quickly moved from the first round to the second and into the finals for Best Duo. The results were close, but we got second place and a $50 gift certificate to a comic store, with first going to Mystique and Rogue (it’s hard competing with hot chicks in blue paint and skin tight spandex in a room full of nerds). As we left the stage, we were approached by a huge muscly guy dressed as bane asking if we’d like to join him and some friends and compete for best group. I wanted to get Simon upstairs, but Bane’s bulging arms, chest and crotch swayed me. Turns out he’d gotten a collection of seriously impressive costumed villains, including the Joker, Penquin, two-face, Catwoman (in full leather) and Riddler. We killed the closest competition and each of the group ended up leaving with $100 gift cards. We said our good-byes, but Bane stopped us and told us that the gay bar across the street was holding a naughty contest in 15 minutes. I said no, but Simon cut me off, asking what the prize was. When he discovered first prize was a signed copy of sin city, he dragged me over there. Somehow with the wig and the mask, the bouncer didn’t card Simon, waving us through and groping Simon’s ass as he passed. Inside we were outmatched by tons of guys in nothing but speedos and body paint, but Simon wouldn’t give up without a fight, dragging me into the bathroom and finding a stall, he stripped off the shirt and tunic, pulled off his speedos and showed me his new look in just his (my) thong, belt, boots, cape, mask and wig. “Wow Simon, you sure you are okay going out there like that?” I prayed he’d say yes. “Shit Steve, who cares if some fags wanna perv on me if we win right?” Simon slurred slightly. “But you gotta do it too Steve, so they can see your huge dick.” He laughed and began pulling at my suit, which got a chuckle from me before I pushed him back onto the seat and slowly stripped away the uniform until I was left in my boots, cowl, gloves, belt and cape. Simon was a little too drunk to care about playing macho and sat staring at my junk while I put the cod piece and utility belt back on. Suddenly he realized how long he’d been looking and pushed past me back into the main area of the bathroom. “Wish mine was bigger, then we’d win for sure,” Simon said, reaching into the thong to try and make his cock look as big as possible. I almost reached over to help him get it up, but remembered myself and where we were in the nick of time. We made our way back out onto the dance floor and check our unused costume pieces at the coat check, where a gigantic drag queen dressed as wonder woman told us we were missing something. She proceeded to whip out a fat black magic marker and draw the Robin ‘R’ on Simon’s chest, and the batman symbol on mine, with amazing skill. We gave her a huge tip, and she returned the favor by sliding the magic marker down the back of Simon’s thong so it was rubbing against his hole like a dick head waiting to fuck. “There you go sweety, just let Batman move the marker around every few minutes till you go up there and you’ll be saving the day in no time,” She smiled and waved us off to flirt and convince the guys to vote for us. Simon finally awoke to the reality of his outfit as we hit the crowd and every guy we met took the opportunity to squeeze my hardening cock and grab his ass. Before I knew it, Simon had his ass firmly against my hip, moving the marker with each step, which did a fine job of stimulating his hole. We got across the stage just in time to start the contest and it was a good thing. Looking down, Simon was now almost totally hard and his ass was bright red from pinches, slaps and grasping hands. When our turn came up, Simon almost chickened out, but the crowds roar in response to my obvious 9 inch hard on and his dripping semi and firm cheeks got him to strike a couple poses and even do a handspring off the stage when we exited. Simon and I enjoyed some free drinks while votes were tallied, but sadly we lost to some naked avengers. Second place was our choice of $100 bar tabs or a set of leather gear including a jockstrap, harness, wrist cuffs and a mask. Simon jumped at the bar tab, but I told him we’d had enough and took the leather gear instead. Back at the hotel, half dressed to where we weren’t indecent, Simon was bouncing off the walls talking about all the insane stuff we’d done and how he’d never get to sleep. In the elevator, a sexy scarlet witch had her hand down the pants of a ripped Hulk, obviously okay with us watching the two of them get started. By the time we reached our mutual floor, she was on her knees sucking his dick and groping Simon and I. At the Hulk’s room, she whispered something to him and then asked if we’d like to come inside. I looked at Simon and he looked equal parts excited and terrified, so I told her we had to hit the room first, get cleaned up and we’d head back when we were ready. She stroked us each once, and headed into the room behind Hulk, revealing another three or four people having sex on the king bed in the middle of the suite. As the door shut, I turned to see if Simon had changed his mind and wanted to join them, but he was already half way down the hall to our room. When we got inside, he started ranting about how hot she was and how much he wanted to plow her full of his semen. “So lets go back and fuck her,” I sat beside him on the bed and put an arm around him, rubbing it up and down his bare arm. “We can tag team her Robin.” That got a smile out of him. “I don’t know if I can Mr. Torelli . I tried doing it with this girl from school and my friend Eric, but I got weirded out having another dude around,” Simon sighed as I slid my hand under his cape and rubbed his lower back. “Having other dicks around just makes me nervous; wondering if they’re bigger, if they’re gonna try something with me, if-“ “Slow down Simon, you don’t need to explain it, you’re not with your friends or some coach who talks down to you. I understand exactly what you mean, that’s why you need to call me Steve. Sounds like you are stuck in your head when you should be stuck in some pussy. I think I have the solution if you think you can handle it,” I slid my free hand into the carry on sitting next to me, pulling out my zipper bag containing my pipe, favors and lighter. “I don’t do drugs Steve.” Simon frowned and looked away. “That’s cool, some people can handle them, some can’t. I bet most boys your age aren’t ready for this stuff, but then maybe you should wait to try the sex stuff until you can feel ready to handle a woman and not be distracted by the men around you.” Simon turned and looked at me like I betrayed him somehow. “I can handle a woman, Steve, I’m not a fuckin virgin!” Simon’s words said he was defiant of my assessment, but his voice rang of self doubt. “Even so Simon, you won’t be able to step outside your box and take control of those feelings until you can understand the difference between sex and nasty, no holds barred fucking, or between experimenting with something and becoming a drug addict or picking up a girl and seducing a woman. You should wait until you gain the necessary age and experience.” At that point I stood up and stripped naked, before sliding a robe on, but leaving it hanging open. “I’m gonna head over and get some pussy, maybe even fuck scarlet witch in her ass, if you can handle it you could come watch.” I turned and picked up a room key, sliding it, my phone, the tina, pipe and lighter into the robe pocket and reached for the door before I heard Simon say wait. “I’d be down to try it, but only a little.” Simon walked over to me and held out his hand. I passed him the pipe which he looked at for a moment before realizing he didn’t know how to light it. I took it back before he got embarrassed and told him to inhale when I said go. I filled it with a big bowl of crystal and lit the underside, until smoke started swirling. “Go.” He sucked in for a long time, using his full lung capacity from swimming until he couldn’t inhale anymore. Suddenly he coughed loudly and exhaled a giant cloud of smoke. Once he’d regained his composure I showed him how it was done and then did it again for him, instructing him to blow it in my mouth when he was ready to exhale. He handled it like a champ on that round and blew a large cloud to me. I did the same back to him and we continued like that for a few minutes until he seemed to be feeling the high. “Now you see how to do it, I want you to keep hitting it while I go see if they are still up for guests down the hall.” I handed him the pipe, encouraged that he desperately went for it, and stepped into the hall. Instead of going down to the orgy, I paused and pulled out my phone, texting the hottest of the men I’d met that evening, including bane. I let them all know I was about to break in a virgin bottom who got high and drunk and would be loaning out his hole to any top with a big cock, big load and big need to breed his virgin hole. Once I got some responses, I stepped back inside, explaining that they were taking a break but would come down and get us when they started again. “Shit, they had to take a break now Steve? I’m horny as fuck on this stuff,” Simon was stroking his hard dick through the thong, but had removed the rest of his costume except for the mask. I started to chub up watching him switch between smoking and stroking while wearing a mask and thong and nothing else. I took the opportunity to pull out my laptop and bring up some bi porn featuring a woman getting her ass double fucked, but eventually leading to some man on man once we were warmed up. As he handed me the pipe I handed him my carry on and told him to see what he could find inside to help out with his lack of pussy. Inside he found a fleshlight, my big pink dildo, poppers, and some cock rings. He needed no instruction once he’d figured out the purpose of the fleshlight, working his cock in without even using the lube. I almost corrected him but decided it would be fine if it made his dick soft since I wasn’t planning on using that part of his body at all. Within minutes the tina really took over and his dick got soft. He tried everything to get it hard again, but was having no luck. Finally I was ready to complete my weeks of work, and show this wanna-be jock just how much of a bottom boy he was born to be. ”One surefire way to get hard again is with this,” I lifted the dildo and towards him. “Just lube it up and slide it in and you’ll hard in no time.” “No thanks Steve, I am not into that gay shit,” he punctuated the sentence by hitting the pipe and turning so I didn’t have as good a view of his cock. “We both know that’s not true don’t we Simon?” I reached over and grabbed his hand, causing him to twist back towards me. “I know you’ve been using my toys to get your rocks off, so why don’t you drop the bullshit and take this dildo up your ass.” His face went ashen and he stuttered, trying to find an explanation for my disappearing/reappearing toys, but drawing a blank. I twisted his arm slightly making him lie back on the bed, and slid the lubed dildo between his legs, before placing his hand on it and giving him a look that said the rest was up to him. His cheeks regained color and rushed to a bright pink as he began to realize he couldn’t hide his shame from me. Tentatively he worked the dildo between his cheeks, before I took pity on him. “Don’t be ashamed Sy, it’s just a toy, and you’ll come to find out most men enjoy toys sometimes. I bet every guy you know has put something up his hole at some point just to see if it feels as good as they say. So stop messing around and sit on that big rubber dick.” Simon couldn’t make eye contact with me as he raised his body up, set the dildo upright and worked his hole down over it. Whimpers and porn music were all you could hear in the room as he gradually worked 5, 6, 7, and finally all 8 inches into his tight virgin sphincter. As promised, his cock began to re-harden and before I knew it, he was bouncing up and down, drool flying from his slack mouth as both hands worked his hard cock. When he wasn’t looking I switched the lube bottle for the bottle of my tina-laced cum, then told him he’d better lube it up again unless he wanted to hurt himself. Still ignoring me, he intensely watch the daisy chain on the screen as he rose off the dildo and began to relube it. “What the hell?” he jumped as my lubed fingers slid in to replace the dildo, flying off of them. “What do you think you are doing man?” “Just making sure you’re lubed correctly. If you don’t know how to do it you could rip you hole or even burn yourself on that thing. Friction will do that.” I stood as I replied, spinning him around and bracing his shoulders with one arm as I inserted my fingers again. “Stop being such a baby.” “Jesus! Take your fuckin fingers out of my ass Steve. I don’t like dudes, and I don’t need any help with my ass.” Simon struggled against me, but less now that I found his prostate and started to milk it. “Seems to me you do, otherwise you’d know how to get it lubed for a dong or stolen butt plug.” Mentioning the stolen butt plug shut him up and eased his struggles even more. “bend forward a little and take a swig from that water bottle in my bag while I grab a crystal to put up there.” He did as he was told, bending until his ass trapped my hand between my crotch and where it was inside his hole. I took a big crystal from my baggie and proceeded to slide it in between two fingers, before working in a third. He complained of a burning sensation, which I explained to be from the tina in his ass, before suggesting another swig from my water bottle filled with gatorade and ghb to promote obedience. Every minute or so he’d try in vain to escape my grip, even as my fingers made him moan and sign. I knew the g was in full effect when he leaned back and let his whole body rest against my thighs, crotch and chest. Like a good trainee, he followed my movements as I walked us over to the bed and laid us down on our sides so we were still in contact from knee to shoulders. I took a second to check that his eyes were closed before switching the porn to a new video and reaching out to take over masturbating his dick, which barely got a “no” before he gave in and let me do as I pleased. He was finally ready for the final step. Without removing my fingers from his hole I maneuvered the head of my dick until it was in line with his tight hole. In one movement I pulled out the four fingers I had in him, and replaced it with the head of my cock. “Stop! Don’t Steve! Get your fucking dick away from my asshole!!!!!!” Instead I rolled my weight over his trashing drugged body until he was trapped and began the slow decent into virgin territory. “Get off me faggot!!!” “Before you call me a faggot I think you need to look at the computer screen and decide just how bad you want me to make things for you.” He raised his head as I said this, thrashing for another moment until it dawned that the video was of him dressed as robin, riding the dildo and begging an imaginary top to allow him to cum in a fictitious pussy. The thrashing started again, this time with desperate cries of terror. “Now based on what we can see here, the only faggot in this room is the mama’s boy with a dick up his ass and a fetish for being controlled by a big dominant man. It makes sense I guess, the idea that you might become a real man one day if you let enough of them plant the seed deep inside you and hope it grows you a set of balls. Until that day, I’m going to make your wish come true by forcing in the other half of my hard dick-“ “Other half?!?!” Simon began struggling more. “Yep, only got 5 inches so far, 4 and a bit to go before my balls touch that hole. And for interrupting me…” I shoved two of the four inches in that very second making him cry like a wounded animal. “SO SHUT UP and thank me for providing your hole with a continuous source of pleasure and nutrients until you graduate to fucking a woman, instead of being one. Now tell me the truth, you never really fucked a girl, did you?” “No, I fucked my last girlfrie” simon was cut off by the rest of my cock pounding home. “Alright! Please sir, you’re right, I never have. I tried but I came before I got inside her. That’s why I was so afraid, because you’d see that I didn’t deserve to come here and lied to you about my age and experience.” “Please Simon, I saw that the first day we met when you couldn’t keep your fingers off your hole for five minutes while you showered. You never need to worry about lying to me about what you are boy, because I see through you and know what you need even when you don’t. So hang on and pray to whatever you believe in, cause I am breaking you in right now.” The following fuck session lasted over 90 minutes, with Simon transitioning from screaming to crying to moaning to begging for more, to cumming, over and over in different orders. I ended up shooting three huge loads inside his hole, in every position I could force him into, before I finally took pity and pulled out to let him recuperate. Funny thing was he asked me to put it back almost immediately. I popped a Viagra and gave him some hits from the pipe and the g bottle before agreeing, at which point I laid back and watched as he rode me to another orgasm for each of us. Collapsing on my chest, his breathing ragged and sweat dripping off his sexy body, he begged me not to tell anyone about what we’d done and told me how ashamed he was when he woke up night after night imagining sucking my cock or letting me fuck his hole. He admitted all the times he’d watched me fuck my various gals and guys and even admitted to doing some things I was unaware of. My dick began to harden inside his hole again when he told me about stealing a discarded condom from my trash can, emptying the load from it the next day onto a cucumber and fucking the cum into his hole in the bathroom at baseball practice, then eating the cucumber. His repressed desires were spilled one by one before he finally stopped and looked at me for some sign that I thought he was evil or dirty. Instead I had him suck me clean while I explained that I’d videotaped the entire session and would send it directly to his house unless he continued to act as my cum dumpster during the school year. He began crying again and begged me not to, so I pulled him to his feet and wrapped him in a towel, donned a rode, grabbed the goodies and began dragging him towards the elevator. “You think I am punishing you, but you need to accept that I know what’s best for you.” As the elevator doors closed, I spun him around, slipped my cock out from my robe, under his towel and pierced his hole, eliciting a squeal. “Just give in so you can stop worrying about what you think you know and can see what is right here.” I pulled out as the doors opened on the lobby level, and texted Bane as I led him into the darkened pool and Jacuzzi area. Once inside the cedar steam room, I bent him over and tied his hands to the bench, lit the pipe and made him take a series of hits before sliding back inside him. He relaxed as my cock slipped past his inner sphincter, and even whispered thank you. Behind us a door creaked, causing him to stiffen again, because he couldn’t see the three handsome well hung men crowding into the space around us. Bane was a good inch longer and much bigger around than my hung cock, and his two friends, while average height and trim, were almost as impressively endowed. I stepped aside while they lubed up and took hits from the bowl. At the last second I remembered what was in my pocket and pulled out my phone to record the destruction of any last iota of will and defiance, not to mention the last time Simon would ever turn down a cock in his ass. Still it is fun to watch the videos of his gangrape and remember a time before he became a drug-addicted cum-hungry bottom slut.
  17. Part two coming later today Featuring high school boys drugging and taking advantage of Paul and showing him what he's been missing.
  18. Coaching and cumcatching The heavy metal doors opened into the high school atrium with a whoosh of air, and immediately Paul felt déjà vu, recalling the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times he’d walked through these doors on his way to class. Now, he was back, almost a decade later, and it felt like he’d been there yesterday. The difference was Paul was no longer a flabby teen with bacne, glasses and braces. He’d grown a few inches at college, gotten contacts, and learned the proper balance of eating right and working out. The result allowed him to strut a little as he passed 4 teen girls, each undressing him with their eyes, gawking at his trim waist, muscular legs, chest and arms, and his firm bubble butt. Yet even with his adult body, ears of college training, and almost 5 years of real world experience, part of Paul wanted to run straight for the dark corner of the auditorium where he spent many afternoons running the lights for shows he never got cast in, eventually memorizing every inch of it so he could do his job in pitch black. He felt invincible in that spot, unseen and in total command. That same dark nook also held fond memories of his first sexual experimentation with handsome, talented, kind, sexy Tom Downey. No one ever understood why tall, muscular, gorgeous Tom hung around with chunky, dorky Paul, but they were inseparable when Paul wasn't relegated to run lighting, while Tommy shined on stage (not to mention on the swim team and baseball team). Most schools would not have intermixed theatre kids with athletes, but Franklin high had been home to one of the country’s top high school theatre programs for almost as many years as it had been presided over by Mrs. Nancy Wheeler. She had started in the mid-seventies and within a few years she’d made the drama department as profitable for the school as any of the athletics, before it became the city’s magnet school in the early 80’s. It was what made Paul, and many others, work tirelessly to get transferred to Franklin. Paul had always dreamed of performing in shows and movies, but Mrs. Wheeler popped that bubble on his first day, informing him he was too plain and shy to ever be more than a techie. It was her m.o. to tactlessly burst kids’ dreams that way, earning her the nickname Pinwheeler. Thus when they both tried out for 'the Tempest' their freshman year, Paul was stuck as a lighting assistant, training to work the control console while getting stuck with other jobs to fill the time. Tom however, got a lead role, and tried to help his bud by requesting Paul be his costume helper. Night after night, Paul pretended not to notice Tom’s hard cock while they hurried to get him out of a complex velvet period costume and into another. Closing night the friends went to the cast party and were talked into smoking some weed with a few seniors, including the only openly gay couple at the school. Stoned and giggly, they wandered around the host's house while Tom confided he'd caught the gay guys blowing each other one night in the parking lot. Paul still can't remember who initiated it, but minutes later they took turns swallowing each others' cum loads in a guest bedroom. Some guys would pretend it hadn't happened and get all weird but Paul and Tom decided they wanted more and began sucking, jerking and fingering every chance they got. By summer break Paul had trained Tom to take 3 fingers before they spent a month as roomies at a theatre camp. Neither duffle bag was even unzipped before Paul bred Tom's hole for the first time. When sophomore year started, Tom's butt was taking at least 10 loads a week. If Tom hadn’t regularly provided some hot ass, Paul would probably have given up on theatre since he was always losing roles to the same boy he routinely cornholed. 'Pinwheeler' assumed Paul had a crush on Tom, and told him once that, just as he would never succeed in acting, Paul had no chance of landing a leading role in Tom's life either. Paul smiled now remembering her words. Last year he’d made close to 3 million bucks acting. He wasn’t a movie star, but he’d gained the skill and confidence in college to get him steady work and recently landed a recurring supporting role on a cable drama series. That's why Paul graciously agreed to volunteer his help when his alma mater sent a letter requesting his expertise judging their short film contest. It didn’t hurt that the new teacher assisting Pinwheeler was fresh out of college, 6’4” with black hair, blue eyes, golden skin, and a thick muscular build. Paul was already planning to come to judge the videos to show Pinwheeler she was wrong, but decided to offer his help from start to finish when he saw Mr. Dick Carson's photos on Facebook. He paused as he reached for the door to enter the theatre room. This was the first time he’d be entering as the star, and after all his fantasizing of how it would be, he suddenly realized he needed to leave that behind if he was going to do these kids any good. Still, he took a moment to relish the look of wonder and embarrassment on Pinwheeler’s face when the whole class mobbed him before he’d even made it through the door. That afternoon, every student in the theatre magnet program watched and listened to everything he said with awe and admiration. At the end of the day, over 200 kids had taken his advices as gospel, and once again Paul found himself surrounded by fans, all hoping he’d agree to help them with some aspect or another of their videos. Mr. Carson stepped in just in time, informing the kids they would each get a chance to meet with Paul as each step of the process was submitted. Paul’s cock twitched as Mr. Carson’s arms guided him into Pinwheeler’s office and away from the kids. Over the next few sessions, the students got less pushy, and Paul found himself really enjoying being able to help them take their ideas and transform them into some truly funny, smart and marketable short films. A few seniors in the group were planning on submitting their films as audition pieces for college programs focusing on screenwriting, directing, cinematography and of course acting. He was shocked to discover that these students hadn’t been indoctrinated with Pinwheeler’s agenda, showcasing the acting talents of all shapes and sizes, while encouraging the beautiful girls and handsome boys to try their hand behind the scenes. Mr. Carson finally explained over drinks one Friday evening, that the administration had been receiving complaints for years about Pinwheeler’s harsh doses of reality and prejudiced approach. It was getting worse now that she was almost 70, so Mr. Carson had been hired to train under her before she was given the option of retirement or demotion. Paul tried not to show his delight in the news, but he did offer his congrats to Mr. Carson, adding that ”the kids are in great hands with you, Mr. Carson. These past few weeks, I’ve seen you open the minds of each kid in there, and I’m sure you’ll continue to evolve the program in many more exciting ways.” “Please Paul, call me Dick. After all, I never would’ve been able to pull this off without your generosity. I’m sure you’d prefer to spend your break from filming somewhere other than back in the little town high school where you were never appreciated.” Paul’s cock hardened slightly with thoughts of all the butts he could be breeding during this time. He and Tom only managed to enjoy clandestine rendezvous once they went to college, before Tom settled down with a girl they knew. Their last shared load was the day of his wedding, his tux pants around his ankles, while groom’s man Paul fished his cock from the fly of his own tux, bent Tom over a catering cart in the dish pantry while the bride and her family took photos, and committed his one and only act of infidelity, sealed with a load of semen deep inside. Paul started exploring his options at school after that, and discovered he had a lot now that he was in shape, taller and his Dick had grown to its full adult length of 8 thick cut inches. At first he fucked every butt that would bend over for him, but was shocked into secrecy when one of his regular cum-dumps was outed on the local late night news. Turns out the slim young preppy guy he’d met online was actually a married father of 4 and minister for an extremely conservative church the next town over. As Paul watched the man’s life dissolve into tabloid fodder and late night jokes, Paul made a rule: always be dating a hot girl, while secretly mating a hot boy, but never let either know the other. So now he was seeing some young actress he’d met doing a commercial, and hooking up with guys online for anonymous breedings. She was too busy to do much more than escort him down red carpets and be “caught” by paparazzi kissing, and his butt boys never saw his face. He’d even found a group in LA that hosted monthly orgies requiring every guy wear a mask. Since he’d been back home, he’d been too worried about being discovered to do anything other than jerk in the shower each morning after his work out. Usually this involved scenarios featuring Mr. Carson or some of the well developed high school boys bent over the editing computer or up against the stall door of the restroom, begging for Paul’s cum inside their holes. Paul came back to earth when he realized Mr. Carson, Dick, had not removed the arm from around Paul’s shoulders since placing it there when he was thanking him. He forgot himself for a second and glanced into Dick’s lap, observing a big lump snaking its way down his left leg, proving that Dick had the right name. “I bet you miss having your girl around especially,” Dick said while beginning to rub his arm down Paul’s back. “saw her on TMZ last month. She is one hot piece of pussy. I can’t imagine having to give up pounding that for a month just to help out an inexperienced teacher and a bunch of snotty brats.” His laughter sent a bolt to paul’s cock, and paul assured him that he was loving the time with Dick, and the kids, finishing (pretty unconvincingly) by adding that he did miss her tight pussy. “seems unfair that you’re being so helpful and won’t get laid till after you leave. Of course you could always enjoy some local fare, especially since there are so many people here who’d do anything to show you how much we appreciate you being here.” Dick chose that moment to move away from Paul, walking over to the bottle on his counter, and refilling Paul’s glass with some cheap rum and store brand coke. “Hell, I can’t even offer you really coke for your cocktails, but you could have your pick of any girl in town and most of the guys.” “Sounds fun until you remember how quickly those guys… and girls would jump online and spill to 4 million of their closest strangers. It would be the end of my relationship, not to mention my trust worthy reputation as the good boy of cable TV.” He walked back over as Paul explained the downside to cheating as a semi-celeb, but didn’t sit. This meant his large unfurling penis was eyelevel with Paul. “that does suck, I just hope you know you have given so much of your time and energy, you’ve earned a friend in me and I’d never do anything to jeopardize our relationship and its future.” Dick rook a step closer. “our relationship and its future…” Paul leaned forward to take a drink and Dick could feel his hot breath through his thin grey work slacks. “I am willing to do anything to secure the future of this program at the school and would never exploit our relationship as friends. So what can we do to ensure you are motivated to return every year and provide your services?” Dick didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he pulled Paul’s head forward until his giant man meat was up against Paul’s face. Once they made first contact, it was only seconds before they were naked on the kitchen floor, 69ing and playing with each other’s asses. Before Paul could catch a breath between inhaling Dick’s Dick, He was being flipped on his stomach and Dick was using the olive oil from their salads to finger Paul’s hole. “whoa Dick, I don’t catch, especially not a massive log like yours. I’m all pitching, but I’d love to take a toss at your butt.” Paul tried to get an angle on Dick’s hole, but Dick confirmed that he, too, was all top. Disappointed, they made the best of it and spent the rest of the evening eating each other’s cum loads. When Paul went back to the house he was renting, he almost turned off the highway to cruise a rest stop, before he reminded himself what dire consequences that could mean. The next few days working with the kids were even more fun than before now that Paul was taking breaks 3 or 4 times a day to feed Dick his load and swallow Dick’s semen. As he suspected, Dick had a hot muscled body, but with much more mass and less definition. Combined with his 9 inch uncut Dick and hairy chest and Paul was hopelessly desperate for each suck session. He even started dreaming about letting Dick fuck him in his almost virgin hole. He and Tom had tried once unsuccessfully (with Tom cumming too soon and Paul screaming in pain), and Paul had tried again his first year in LA with a TV star from his childhood. One of the first gigs Paul got after moving to Hollywood was a guest spot on a failed crime drama about a gay closeted cop and his drug addicted partner. The star playing the gay cop, ‘Bert’, was famous 10 years before for playing a wholesome dad, and he hoped he could redefine his image with the show. Paul played a male prostitute who witnessed a murder, was taken into protective custody and then sleep with the cop. Paul had had a crush on ‘Bert’ since he first saw him, and couldn’t believe that even at 40, he was still extremely well built and full of charm. After some long days filming sex scenes over and over, Bert noticed Paul getting excited while filming. Mortified, Paul apologized, but Bert told him it was no big deal and invited him to dinner to discuss his career. Paul was shocked when he arrived at Bert’s house when Bert answered the door naked. Bert offered Paul a drink while he got dressed, but Paul asked for some cock instead. Bert was all top, but Paul was starstruck, and decided to go for it when Bert told him he had some ghb that would help him relax and enjoy it. Within minutes of drinking it, Paul could barely stay conscious. Without any memory of how he got naked or upstairs, he found himself face down being roughly butt fucked by Bert. The pain was pretty severe since Bert didn’t use any lube, until he shot all over Paul’s hole. Too out of it to move, Bert said something about an encore and the next thing Paul knew, Bert was watching while a short buff, tattooed Latino forcefucked Paul’s stoned ass as well. After the ghb wore off, Bert tried to convince him to try some other stuff and stick around, but Paul politely declined while running out the door. His ads was sore for days after that, and ever since then, he’d only been a top. Now he found himself envisioning Dick stuffing his giant monster cock into his tight hole, and started using magic markers and a plastic ladle handle on his hole when he was jerking off. He was almost ready to ask Mr. Carson to teach his hole a new trick, when Dick got some bad news. Turned out his Mother was ill and he had to run off cross country that night. Paul sucked him off before he left, and prayed for a hot substitute, but no such luck. Finally ready to get fucked, and the guy he wanted to ride was 1000 miles away. That Friday, Paul was considering driving to the next town over for a shady internet hookup when he got a call from one of the students, frantic due to his laptop and thus, his entire film being stolen.
  19. “Step up to the blue line and look at the camera,” I shuffled forward and tried my hardest to form an expression that conveyed innocence and remorse all at once. Blinded for a moment by the flash, I wondered how I’d gone from drinking with my friends at our favorite dive bar near campus, to barefoot and high as a kite, awaiting processing of my arrest. When the cop pulled me over less than a block from the rundown off-campus housing where I’d gone with my friends Nick and Drew to pick up some party supplies for the gang this weekend, we were smart enough to quickly swallow anything we had on us. Sadly I had no idea that my roommate had left his bag under the back seat, and that it contained a half-empty prescription for a serious pain killer. Chances are the officers were disappointed that’s all they found since I suspect they were staking out the guy who we bought from. Normally, they’d have probably confiscated the bottle, and written me a ticket and released us. Unfortunately, these particular officers are assigned to the smallest branch of the state police force, charged with the safety of my tiny college town, and its population of under 20,000 people, meaning they were hungry for a bust. I explained that my roommate would happily claim the pills if they’d call him, but instead they cuffed me, and booked me for possession of a controlled substance, fulfilling their nightly quota. “Turn and face the red x on the wall,” the young Hispanic clerk barked, before blinding me again. My vision faded back while I was led to the cells by the massively tall Italian cop who’d pulled me over. We passed his partner, a shorter lean white ginger, as he dragged Nick into the processing area behind me. His charge was even flimsier than mine, as they found an empty baggy and trimmed drinking straw in his coat pocket, but it was enough to hold him overnight, so he was stuck here too. Drew had lucked out, swallowing his share, baggie and all, meaning they had nothing to hold him on. Hopefully he was able to find my roommate and drive my car back to the dorms before it all kicked in. My share of the loot was a small bag of tina, and a cap of something Andre, the dealer, had referred to only as “G.” I felt the G almost as soon as I was put in the back of the squad car, praying I could hold it together until the Tina kicked in and balanced it out. I had never done either before that moment, but had fucked a few girls who’d been on them and knew their effects well enough to know some of what to expect. It must have taken awhile for the tina to digest because I started to feel the kick right as Officer Tutelli opened another door and introduced me to the fluorescent glow of the holding cells. “Lets step in here kid, watch your toes” Tutelli, or “Tut” as he’d told me to call him was actually pretty nice considering I was being charged with a felony. I marveled at how easy he swung me down onto a bench in the middle of this small cinder block and pexi-glass pen. “Sorry to have to do this but you need to strip naked so I can check you for weapons and substances.” The thought of Tut’s fingers and eyes inspecting my naked body wasn’t nearly as upsetting as it might have been if I’d been sober. Imagining his strong tan hands sliding up between my legs and down into my ass crack was actually turning me on as I got down to my undershirt and briefs. Suddenly it hit me that he’d be able to see if I was hard, but glancing down I was relieved to see I wasn’t even close. In fact I seemed smaller than usual and the pumping lust I felt seemed more concentrated in my asshole. “Stand up and come here.” I walked to his chair, my cock only inches from his face, though still separated by my thin briefs. It never crossed my mind that he should put on gloves or have another officer present, all I could think of was how nice his fingertips felt as he spread out my fingers and toes. He slid them from my ankles to just below my balls before making me lift my arms so he could stroke them down my biceps, through my pit hair, and around the trails of chest fuzz on my pecs and abs. “I need you to be honest with me now about something. It’s so I know where to place you for your protection in regards to any other inmates. I need you to tell me if you are sexually attracted to men.” His voice was so low I could feel it vibrate in my stomach as he peeled my hands from my crotch and slid the front of my briefs below my balls. I shook my head no. “I think you are lying. I am not asking you if you have a boyfriend or take it up the ass. I just need you to be honest and admit that you have tried it before and might be inclined to try more.” I’d experimented a few times with dudes at that point, twice in MFM threesomes with my ex-girlfriend, and a few times with a TA from my micro-econ class. He was nothing much, just an average late-20’s grad student, but I’d sensed he was into me when we broke into groups and discussed minority economic values. My group was covering homosexuals, and he was extremely willing to offer his help with lists of fetish gear, sex toys and products that were created and marketed solely for gay men. That same weekend I bumped into him at a party hosted in a large house split into 4 or 5 apartments. He fed me drinks all night and then asked if I would like to see some examples of gay-market products. It turned out he lived right below the party and was very happy to show me some porn and try on a leather jock and harness for me. I sucked him off a few minutes later and he returned the favor. After avoiding him for a few weeks, I ran into him again at a bar and we’d ended up sucking each other off regularly a few days a week since then. Last weekend, I’d even managed to get my cock in his ass for 10 seconds before I shot all over his hole. I apologized and he reassured me that maybe I was meant for the other end. I laughed at the thought, sure I would never let anyone or anything pierce my virgin hole. Suddenly, as my briefs dropped to my ankles and Tut spun me around, I was having doubts about remaining a virgin back there. I quietly told him he was right. “I thought so. I need you to bend over, spread your ass cheeks and cough.” I did as he said, part of me disappointed that he didn’t need more. He asked me to cough again, and simultaneously I felt something wet hit right above my hole on my cheeks. I tried to turn around and stand straight but Tut was now on his feet and was able to keep me still with one well-placed hand. “It’s KY, gotta be thorough,” was all he said before I felt one of his thick fingers pushing the liquid against my hole until it broke through, impaling me up to his second knuckle. “Nothing there…yet. You really are new to men.” He pulled his finger out with a plop and told me to stand against the wall. Looking down I couldn’t believe it when I saw that I was finally semi-hard, but only because of his finger in my hole. I waited there while he searched my clothes and put them in a bag, informing me I’d have to wear a jumpsuit instead of my jeans, since they had a bunch of zippers and buttons that could be used as weapons. He stepped out of the booth and grabbed a dark green jumpsuit and a pair of boat shoes, all imprinted with the name of the county jail. He set them on the bench, but gave me a look when I reached for them that told me not to get dressed yet, before calling in his partner, who I learned was named O’Malley. “This one is ready to be processed, bring in the other.” Nick was brought in and I turned bright red trying to cover my junk as he openly stared. I was humiliated knowing he was seeing me so vulnerable until he too was asked to strip. O’Malley was much more business-like with Nick than Tut had been with me, using gloves and remaining standing the entire time. When the time came for his privates to be searched, O’Malley asked Nick to lower his boxers to his knees. I almost asked why he got to keep his boxers when I was forced to wait naked, but I forgot all about it when Nick’s hard 8 inch monster uncut cock sprang from his boxers and thwacked against his tight abs. O’Malley quickly and calmly lifted Nick’s balls before asking him to bend over and cough which he did. I glanced around the room to see where the KY was for Nick’s fingering, when I realized there wasn’t any in the room. My eye caught the smirk on Tut’s face as he licked his finger before turning to the next page in the booking report. “For your safety, we encourage you to volunteer any information about your sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gang affiliations or medical history. This better helps us place you away from possible cell mates who might take offense or react violently to such information. Any thing you wish to volunteer at this time?” My heart sank at the idea that Tut had called out my bi tendencies so easily. “Nah, I’m good.” Nick said, absent mindedly pulling his hard cock away from his abs, leaving a string of pre-cum between his piss slit and the light blonde treasure trail from his 6 pack to his sparse, slightly darker pubes. “Don’t mind my bone, I had plans to take care of it with my girl tonight before this happened, but I guess it’ll have to wait.” “it better wait son,” Tut warned. “Lots of guys come in here hopped up on shit and go from straight to ‘a hole is a hole’ once they are stuck in a cell over night. Just remember the guys in with you are gang members who would kill you for lookin at them wrong. Now get dressed before I make you go in there naked.” We both dressed, me in the jumpsuit, my t-shirt, briefs and the boat shoes, and Nick in his own shorts, wife-beater, boxers and a similar pair of well-worn slip-on boat shows. Somehow he managed to pull up his boxers and shorts last and my eyes never left Nick’s raging hard on until it finally disappeared under them, as O’Malley and Tut chatted in the corner. At that point, Tut took over our placement, cuffed us again and walked us back into the main cell area, stopping to uncuff and assign Nick to a floor-to-ceiling pexiglass cell that looked to be about 15 x 15, with benches along each side and padded mats stacked opposite a toilet and water fountain on the back wall. Nick seemed nervous when he looked at the two drunks sharing his cell, but I was relieved that all the talk of gang-members was just to scare us. I tried not to verbally groan at the thought of us being separated when Tut made it clear I wasn’t going to be in this cell. Instead he had me follow him down a long hall to a newer portion of the jail which connected to the long-term cells, which housed the rare local criminal charged with up to 90 days. Luckily they each had their own cells on the next level up, so right now I was the only resident of a cell twice the size of the one Nick was in. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this cell had benches not just along the walls, but a row in the middle as well. Plus the toilet and drinking fountain were tucked behind a small partition, giving me at least a little privacy. Tut told me he had to finish my paperwork, but in about 30 minutes most of the staff would be going home, leaving him as the only person on duty for this area. As he walked away I stared intently at his tight blue slacks, hoping to see a sign that his cock might be hard in them. I picked a spot half way down the back wall of benches and found that I could only be seen from the chest up. This encouraged me to reach back into my jumpsuit and fondle my cock and balls. I still didn’t seem to be able to get hard, so I decided to see if I could jumpstart my dick with a little finger play around my hole. I hit the can quickly to be sure my ass was clean, and was surprised at how easily my soapy finger bottomed out in my tiny hole. My cock started to throb to hardness while I worked the finger in and out, imagining my girlfriend’s tits, but accidently including Nick’s hard cock or Tut’s open shirt revealing his thick mat of black chest hair and O’Malley’s shirt sleeves stretching across his broad shoulders and biceps, before sinking down into the small waist of his pants. I looked towards the entrance to be sure I was alone and realized, from this seat, I could see all the way out the windows opposite the cell, and into the windows of the older part of the building, including the officer’s booth and the room where we’d be stripped searched. By the time I’d gotten to full mast, I had two fingers in my ass and a third knocking at the door. Just in time, Tut stood up from the officer’s station computer, and walked out. I tried standing a little taller to catch a glimpse of where he went, but there was no need. Less than a minute passed before Tut and the Hispanic clerk led two young men into the strip room. Both around my age or maybe a few years older, one was white, as tall as Tut, covered in tats and shredded. His 6 pack had a 6 pack. The other was a black guy, a few inches shorter, but probably still taller than my 6 feet, with a couple tattoos. He wasn’t as ripped but had way more muscle mass. He probably could have ripped me in half like a phone book. My cock was twitching in anticipation as they disrobed. I would guess most men would probably be too short for me to see much other than belly buttons and up, but these two were just tall enough that as each pulled out his dicks, I could see all of Whitey’s Dick, including the snake tattoo running the length, and all but the very low-hanging head of the black guy. I moaned outloud and worked the third finger in. A ding signaled an elevator door opening from the corridor past my cell that led to the upper levels. Scrambling to pull up my discarded briefs and jumpsuit, I accidentally caught my foot in the ads of the briefs, ripping it open an out an inch right where the rear fabric meets the fly. I barely got them to my knees, and sat back on the john as a chubby latino guard rounded the corner and did a head count of 1, me, and radioed it to the guard station. I don’t know a lot of Spanish, but I did manage to get him referring to me as the ‘maricon’ with la pingita Bonita, Aka the fag with the pretty little prick. Shamed, I remembered myself, and pulled on my clothing. Drugs might have made me horny and clouded my judgment, but I wasn’t going to go queer just because my hole felt hungry. I just managed to get my jump suit back on when the two thugs, now redressed, rounded the corner. “Hey Charlie, you’ve got roommates now. This is Derrick and Dante, in to sleep off their buzz, but I think they can do it better with you than in the tank. They will keep you company while you enjoy the view.” Tut directed them inside the cell and flashed another knowing smirk. He must have seen me watching the step search. This guy should be a detective. Before Tut had even finished locking the door, Derrick and Dante proceeded to shed their shirts and saggy shorts leaving Derrick in a wife beater and boxers, and Dante in just his boxer briefs, which did nothing to hide his black anaconda from my indiscreet eyes. “tut was right, you are one of the brotherhood, ain’tcha?” Derrick was opening groping his tattooed cock through his ratty boxers as he wondered over and sat right next to me. “what? Brotherhood? I dunno what you…” I trailed off when Dante joined in the fun but massaging his growing lump. “its cool son. Tut told us you like Dick sometimes. Don’t mean you a faggot, just means you need a bro to reload yo tank wit baby batter.” Dante revealed the head of his uncut black monster from the leg of his undies as he finished explaining my urges, which only furthered my belief that this had to be a dream. “I’m not, I mean, I don’t do that shit man. That officer, tut, he is fucking with me is all. I got a girl on campus and I’m just high right now.” It took me a moment to realize I was still watching them jerk while I clung desperately to my hetero life. “I feel dat Charlie. My first time tryin Tina, I was pounding this sweet teenage cunt for 10 hours straight before she passed out. Hitchin my way home, this queen ol white faggot agrees to trade me a ride if he can swallow this shit,” Dante took this opportunity to extract his full 9 inches of uncut mahogany. “so I pounded his throat and pussy for another 4 hours. Now I get all my crystal free from ol fairies like dat, and I get to bust a nut on they face too.” “looks like this preppy asshole is still getting used to partyin with cousin Tina, Dante. Yo chuckie, how long you been partyin?” Derrick lowered his boxers and pulled out a thin 7 inch cut woody with the snake now fully exposed. His cock was not as big as Dante’s, but his balls were gigantic, and somehow he’d managed to keep his prince albert even though I’m sure that should have been confiscated during his search. “what time is it? 2ish? About 4 hours.” I couldn’t help it, I unzipped my jumpsuit and slid it to my waist. “nah bro, not how long this trip, how long since you first partied ever?” Derrick took the opportunity to reach over and pull my shirt up, uncovering my 4 pack and decent pecks, all covered in downy chestnut hair. He began to stroke my nips and run his tattooed fingers through the fuzz. “about 4 hours. Hypothetically if I was high, which I would never be, especially in jail, then hypothetically I might have had to swallow some Tina and g. But if anyone is listening or if either of you is working for the police, again, this is all hypothetical.” Dante chuckled at my paranoia, and came over to my other side. “Damn Charlie man, it’s your first party and you are spending it like this? That’s not cool dawg. Dante, you think you can talk T into a visit upstairs?” Derrick said, scooting closer so his arm was around my shoulder. Dante nodded and reached down into my jumpsuit, firmly grasping my ass before winking at me and walking to the Plexiglas door and pressing a small button. It dawned on me that the button would call Tut or whoever else was on duty, and I asked if we should get decent. Both guys laughed at me. “what’s up D? Ah, I see you are warming up the rookie I lined up for you, you guys can’t think I still owe you more?” Tut had unbuttoned his top three buttons on his uniform shirt and had obviously been working his cock, which I could finally make out in his blue slacks. I was extremely confused when he mentioned owing Dante and Derrick, since they were locked up and yet I was beginning to learn that nothing was what I expected here. “nah pig, you done fine by me, but dis boy is in on his first party ride and you know dat shit ain’t right. You think he needs a trip up top? Seems fair since you was da reason he took it in da first place.” Dante must have convinced Tut, because he immediately opened the cell and told me to pull up my jumpsuit but keep it unzipped. He cuffed me and led me back into the hall, radioing O’Malley as he firmly directed me to the elevator I’d heard buzz before. Part two Moments later I found myself inside the jails main surveillance room, a dark windowless room with a few dozen screens making up one wall and a few desks with individual viewing stations spread through it. On the elevator ride up I’d assumed we were going to a private cell on the 2nd or third floors for privacy. Tut showed me on the screens in front of him that the only places where the cameras couldn’t see consisted of the back row of my holding cell, one corner of the guards’ station and this very room. That was why he brought me up here to do what he had planned. My mouth was watering at the thought he might let me suck on the still mysterious bulge in his trousers, but no such luck. Imagine my total surprise when he whipped out an odd looking pipe and a small bag of crystals identical to those I’d swallowed earlier, except 4 times as many. “if I’d known you were a virgin with this too, I’d have snuck you up here as soon as I got this stuff from Dante.” He said, while demonstrating how to light the pipe. I’d only smoked pot a few times, so this was entirely foreign to me, which is why I thought he was kissing me when he pulled me close to shotgun the smoke into my mouth. I got the drift when the cloud was blown in my face and caught the last of it before Tut really did pull me in for an urgent kiss. Removing my cuffs, and handing me the pipe, tut explained once more how to light it. I thought I was doing well until he saw my exhale, and demanded I get a hit ‘like a man.’ So he held it and lit it for me, and that inhalation was so big I almost passed out. We passed the pipe a few more times before I really started to feel it, at which point I forgot to be straight, and reached for Tut’s bulge. “hold on Charlie boy, I’ll get it out for you to play, if you’ll lose the suit and let me see that bubble butt again.” He didn’t have to ask me twice. I was stripped to my briefs before he’d undone a single button on his fly, allowing me to take over and rip it open. Onside he wore a jockstrap which was stretched to capacity with the biggest Dick I’d ever seen. 9 inches at least and as big around as my fist, this meat was perfect. I worked the tight foreskin down over his head a few times, eliciting a moan. He followed my groping with some of his own, stretching a hand behind me and pressing it between my cheeks in search of my hole. When he realized the fresh rip allowed him to get his fingers inside me, he almost took me right there on the floor of the dark room. Instead he bent me over a desk and tore the briefs further so he could eat my hairy butt. I thought it was a weird idea until I felt it happening and finally understood that I was destined to be a bottom bitch after that moment. Once his tongue had me loosened, Tut whipped out the crystals once more and inserted a couple directly into the spit-sloppy sphincter. “once those melt, you’ll be ready for me to pluck that cherry. In the meantime, we gotta get you back downstairs before Derrick and Dante flip out over me taking their toy.” Tut rebuked his pants and I stepped back into the jumpsuit. Some quick thinking before we left inspired him to take some scissors and slice the rear end of my jump suit, so he could have three fingers working my rosebud all the way back to the cell. Once we checked that we’d gotten everything, I looked up once more at the monitors and caught Nick balls deep in the throat of some young twinky looking drunk in his cell. Hopefully he’d have enough left over to give me a shot at it too. As soon as the door to the cell shut, Dante and Derrick could tell I was spun to a new level. Before either one could say one more word to convince me to try sucking their dicks, I was already on my knees behind the middle bench, working my first ever black cock into my throat. “aw fuck yeah faggot, suck that Dick.” The Tina had dried out my throat, otherwise I was damn near positive I could have had him all the way to the short and curlies. I only pulled off somi could try the snake on my other side. Somehow I’d expected I’d choke on the ring dangling from Derrick’s Dick head, but it seemed just as easy as Dante’s. Meanwhile, Dante discovered the easy access panel on my butt and began working his fingers inside me. “puck Derrick, this cunt has been prepped wit a booty bump I think. I bet I could get his cherry.” Dante began to work his cock through the cloth barriers towards his fingers, when O’Malley’s voice stopped him. “you do that and Tut will break it off. He claimed this one as soon as he saw him outside Andre’s. Besides, you guys need to cool it. Hector is on his way down for his last headcheck before we dim the lights for the night.” Both guys hurried to dive back into their street clothes while I wobbled to the bench. Sure enough O’Malley had just turned the corner towards the old building when we heard the elevator ding and Hector appeared from the other direction. “unos, dos, tres in cell b,” he read into his radio. “time for bed chicas.” He laughed at his own joke before hitting the switch which shut down all but a third of the overhead light fixtures. Once we were clear, my thug cellmates took off everything and began tag-teaming my throat. “damn bro, he’s already got me close.” Derrick said right before we heard the cell door unlock. “Good, let him get you off, but just pull out before he swallows it. I want you to shoot on his hole so I don’t ruin him on his first go around.” I didn’t need to look to know that the voice belonged to Tut, or that the following clomps and rustles were from his clothing hitting the floor. “fuck Tut, I been waiting years to see you seed some ass, get that ramrod over here and make dis bitch scream. Is O’Malley coming too?” Dante moved out of my sight, leaving only Derrick and his sweaty, rippling tattooed muscles. I heard Tut begin to explain when O’Malley would be joining us, only to be interrupted by the announcement that Derrick was gonna shoot. Quicker than a speeding sperm load, Derrick whipped me around and bent me over the bench. I jumped when he managed to rip the jumper and briefs even further, and got his piercing and most of his dick head inside me. He might have gone further, but not with a hole as tight as mine and how close he was. “FUUUUUUUUCCCKKK BITCH HERE IT CUUUUUUUMS!” I felt very little actual response in my hole considering how long his grunts and thrusts continued. It was almost a full two minutes before his soft head slid back out. I reached back to feel if there was any difference and was rewarded with a slimy, sloppy open butthole. Tut and Dante wasted no time in getting me on my back on the center bench, with Tut between my legs and Dante straddling my head. Tut’s cock must have grown another half inch to an inch since I’d seen it before, but there was no chance to double check since Tut slammed most of it inside me on his first thrust. In spite of the rimming, fingering and booty bump, I was still a virgin teenager, and I screamed bloody murder until Dante’s cock shut me up. Once Tut managed to slide it all the way in, it took no time at all to work his way up from slowly working a few inches at a time, to pounding me balls deep like a jack rabbit. Somewhere in my drugged haze I heard Tut welcome O’Malley and another guy in to watch ‘some bitch’ (me) get his v-card punched. O’Malley responded with something funny about my hole definitely ‘getting punched,’ but I couldn’t really see or hear anything with Dante’s legs around my head. I never wanted either of them to stop, but Tut had other plans, pushing Dante away so he could lean in close over me and look me in the eye when he informed me he was seeding my hole. The sound he created as he dumped a gallon of jizz up my guts, was somewhere between a cry and a roar. Unlike Derrick’s deposit, I didn’t need to reach down to be sure Tut was cumming inside me, each pulse of sperm caused his cock to expand and contract against my prostate. I reached for my aching, stiff rod, but Tut told me no. I tried to lock my legs around his neck to keep him inside me, but Tut easily overpowered me, and told Dante to resume fucking my face while he got the next dude to tuck my sweet creamy hole. I had no idea who else was now in the room, since my vision was blocked by Dante’s massive meat in my face or by Tut’s hulking hairy chest. I decided I could care less who the next Dick in me was once it lined up with my hole and sank in. I wondered if this cock belonged to O’Malley since it was almost as big as Tut’s and his was the only one I hadn’t seen. My anticipation was short lived when Dante dismounted to keep from cumming too soon. Looking up I immediately recognized the blond thin body that was violating my raw buns as belonging to “Nick!” His closed eyes popped open when I cried out his name, and his first response was to pull out. Just in the ‘nic’ of time I managed to grasp his hips and pull him back in, insisting he continue pounding me. “holy shit Charlie. They told me you were upstairs. They said there was a cumdump in here for me to seed and I was so fucking horny bro, I swear I had no idea it was you. I didn’t even see you until” I leaned forward and pulled his tee shirt until he was close enough that I could make him shut up by shoving my tongue in his mouth. That was too much for poor Nicky, and 30 seconds later I took his load right along side Tut’s and Derrick’s. He barely caught his breath when Dante tossed him off my ass and took over. I yelled out something about discussing it later before being force fed O’Malley’s red-framed 7 inch cut slab. Before the next shift came in at 6am, I managed to take 11 loads. I swallowed one each from O’Malley and Dante, and was bred by two from nick, two from Tut, two from Derrick, and one from Dante, O’Malley and some random inmate from upstairs who bred me doggy style. My first time bottoming and I never even saw one of the men who bred me. Once the morning shift arrived, I was processed and released on bond. Nick and I were awkward for the next few weeks until we had to appear in court. The night before we were set to go in, we got together to verify we had all the necessary paperwork. He was in my room for less than five minutes before he had my legs over my head and began working his Dick in my tight hole. Thank goodness my roommate was gone that night, because Nick stayed over and continued breeding me until we left for court. It turns out the evidence was filed incorrectly, and we both got off Scott free. Officer Tutelli was kind enough to come inform us in person at the court house. He also informed us that we could get picked up for drunk and disorderly whenever we felt like coming back for seconds. We took him up on that offer then and there. What followed was three days of gang-bangs and drugs that finally settled it. I plead guilty on all counts of being born a bottom bitch boy
  20. thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming!
  21. As I reached the top step and turned towards my top floor condo, a paper on my neighbors’ door caught my eye. I smiled as I read the eviction notice. For the past 18 plus months, the couple in condo 314 had made enemies of every tenant on the floor, not to mention anyone who met them in the laundry room, mail room or had the distinct bad luck of living below them. So it was no great shock that in the 36 hours I had been out of town on business, they had been booted for noise, delayed payment, suspicious activity, and about a dozen other violations of the co-op agreement. It wasn’t until a few days later, while I was collecting a package, that I discovered that management had reached the end of their patience when a maintenance man witnessed the female in the couple, brandishing a knife, chasing the half-naked male across the lawn in front of the rental office. It puzzled me as to why this tussle was different from the similar arguments I’d seen a handful of times, when they explained that the half-naked male was naked on his bottom half. My laughter continued all the way back to my stairway, only stopped by the image of a sweaty shirtless 6 foot tall teen hunk coming down and walking off towards a moving van. Taking the steps two at a time, I managed to position myself in a chair at the perfect angle out my living room window to watch as the shirtless guy and some equally hunky buds made their way to and from the truck, over and over again. Upon review, I could tell the first guy I’d witnessed was closer to 25 than 18, but only when his chest hair caught some sunlight, revealing a tattoo of a crucifix on his right pectoral. His small beer gut also hinted towards adulthood, as it was probably acquired from one too many frat parties, or perhaps a habit of drinking everyday after the whistle blew at some blue collar job. Otherwise his youthful smile, round cheeks and tight bubble butt would have had me convinced he was a freshman at the university up the road. Tempting as it was to offer a hand, a glass of lemonade or a ride on my 9 inches of thick circumcised cock meat, I knew I was better to watch from the shadows and collect jerk material for later. No reason I couldn’t enjoy a bowl though, as long as I didn’t light the torch where it would reveal my voyeuristic perch. Once the bowl was finished, the Tina kicked in, and I was aching to find some hot young ass to spew full of some chemmed-up seed, driving me to leave the window and move to my computer screen. The timing was probably perfect anyway, as the sun was setting quickly and I could hear the moving truck driving away no more than 15 minutes later. Less than an hour after that, I found a 19 year old bio major sucking white smoke from the business end of my pipe, while taking all nine inches into his sweet smooth ass. It was easy to get the curious college boys to come over once they saw the photos of my 6’3” tall frame, 46” chest, 15” arms, 32” waist and previously mentioned dick. This naive twink had originally begged me to go slow, use a condom, let him suck me off instead, yadda yadda yadda; but I just kept loading more shards into the pipe and stuffing more laced lube in his pooper until he was too fucked up to say anything other than “Fuck me! Faster! Harder!” I did as he commanded, blowing not one, not two, but three heavy loads into his innocent hole before kicking his ass to the curb a few hours after his arrival. His wide eyes kept looking into mine as I threw him his clothes, slid on some basketball shorts and told him to get the fuck out, shocked that I had so quickly transformed from a passionate cum-dispensing power top to cool-headed unconcerned asshole. I watched from my doorway as his head slid down the stairwell and out of sight, looking up just in time to see my new neighbor open the door and pull the same move on some equally innocent blonde bimbo. She ran down the steps in tears when she realized someone was watching her walk of shame. I had to admire my new neighbor’s nonchalant attitude towards her used pussy and I wondered briefly if she was running fast enough to pass my own discarded boy-toy. My neighbor might have had the same thought as he smiled too, making us both laugh, and step into the hall to introduce ourselves. “Hey man, nice to meet ya, I’m Pete.” I was elated that he was in fact, the same young stud I had first spotted downstairs, and he looked just as good the second time around, if not better. He smelled of axe body spray, cum, and lube; and was covered in a fine sheen of sweat as well as brown fuzzy hair on his head, chest and legs. Bright green eyes, a straight nose and boyish smile made him look like a 15-year-old from the neck up, but his work-built chest and arms, the black and red crucifix tattoo and a packed pair of white CK boxer-briefs made him all man from the neck down. My gaze lingered a second too long on the spot of precum forming at the head of his semi-hard dick, causing him to retreat into his apartment for a pair of shorts, inviting me to join him. He didn’t close the door to his bedroom as he stripped away the white fabric, connected to his dick by a string of semen. I had to tuck my own re-hardening cock into the waist of my jockstrap when he bent over to put on a pair of board shorts with nothing under them, granting me a glimpse of his tight fuzzy hole. As he turned to come back into the living room, I pretending to be checking out his balcony view before plopping unceremoniously on his couch. Another smile crossed my face when I realized the pillow I’d sat next to was hiding a pipe like my own, as well as a sack of goodies. His face went pale when he turned to sit too and noticed my discovery, and my raised eyebrow. The perverted asshole in me knew from the look of fear on his face that I could have blackmailed him into all sorts of dirty deeds at that moment, but I laughed, grabbed the lighter, and torched the bowl, taking a HUGE hit. He exhaled at the same time I did, relieved that he was not going to get evicted or have the cops called on him. “I wondered if you were a partier, especially when I heard you going to town on some pussy for hours. That’s why I called Sheila. My dick was so hard hearing your bitch scream I decided to torch up with my fuck buddy and see if I could compete!” He took a hit as big as mine, but coughed as it came out, obviously new to partying, but hoping to seem as cool as me. “Hate to burst your bubble Pete, but my pussy was a dude. Sweet little 19 year old fuck who thought he was coming over for romance and cuddling, before I raped him, that is,” I took another hit, while Peter went from wide-eyed to laughing. “Shit dude! That is fucking hilarious! Sheila, that blonde piece of trash with the cum running down her legs, was expecting the same thing, but I told her after my second load,” He bragged. “‘I smoked you out, and filled you up, what more do you want,’ and you should have seen how she pouted and bitched on her way out of here!” “I could tell dude! And if you’d been out two minutes earlier, you would have seen what’s-his-name leaking THREE of my loads while doing the same walk of shame,” both of us laughed at our shared experience of using a high bitch on a Saturday night. We passed the pipe around for a few hours and chatted about a bunch of shit, before he decided to call it a night, and I decided to call another unsuspecting jizz bag I’d met at a club. As I used the laced lube to pound a load into a medical student who was too high and mighty to smoke my favors, I thought about Peter, and wondered if he could hear the squeals coming from the blond gym bunny I was breeding. I only came out of my fantasy of Pete joining us and eventually becoming my steady cum-dumpster, when the drugged pre-med gym boy asked me to pull out before coming. Just for that I made sure to rape him especially hard when I pumped his ass full for the second time. His pupils were the size of his anus when I shoved him into the hallway, and I swear I heard my new neighbor chuckle when pre-med asked if we could do it again. For the next three months, life went on, with me splitting days at the office and the gym, and Pete splitting them between classes to get his business grad degree and working as a stock boy for best buy. We both lived for the weekends when almost every Saturday night we sat on his or my couch, rehashing our last twelve hours of fucking. Thank God Pete had grown up with a gay uncle and seemed totally unfazed by my talk of using the local college boys, and didn’t seem to mind that I got hard whenever he told me about his latest co-ed conquest. This also gave me a chance to find out all about him, discovering his background growing up with a single mother, working construction at 14 to make cash to buy a car and save up for school, putting himself through undergrad, and eventually discovering the joys of partying when he started dating a girl who dealt. It wasn’t until one night in fall that things began to change. Pete had been laid-off by the box store for a failed UA, which meant no money for drugs once his school bills, rent and expenses were paid. I was happy to provide a random bowl to the boy now and then, but we both realized he was too comfortable when he walked in on my dick balls deep in some ass. I would have been more upset but the interruption turned on the football stud I was fucking, causing his ass to tighten. My load shot in him right as Pete’s jaw dropped. Normally you’d think a straight guy would run for the hills, but football boy lit up the pipe and motioned for Pete to take a hit, which seemed to be all the invitation he needed to stick around and smoke. I knew some of Pete’s regular pussy had dried up when he could no longer afford Tina, but it had never occurred to me he might be so hard up as to try some dude ass. Sadly, I think the football stud was too butch, so Pete only stayed to smoke the rest of the bowl, before I went back to the ass at hand, and he went back to his apartment. The rest of my fuck session, the wheels were turning in my head, wondering how I could turn all these factors to my advantage. Once I kicked the linebacker out, Pete came over and apologized profusely, at which point I made it clear that I was not a dealer, and would no longer be loading bowls for him. I waited until he looked defeated before pretending to take pity on him by saying he could always still join me for a bowl when I was loading it for a hook-up. Sure enough, my plan worked like a charm. Although all the boys I hooked up with were muscular, I knew I’d need to find a smooth one, who was more on the swimmer’s build side if I was going to keep Pete from running away as soon as the pants came off. The next weekend I invited over a slightly effeminate teenager I’d met when he and some high school friends finished swimming at my gym’s pool When he arrived, I warned him that my “hot, straight neighbor” might be joining us for some partying before he got fucked. He said that was fine, since he wasn’t even sure he was in the mood to get fucked (yeah right), and was only looking to try partying. As soon as the smooth sweet boy crossed my threshold around lunchtime, Pete was knockin’ at my door. He seemed nervous with my young guest eyeing him, until the first hit crossed his lips, becoming loose and happy. Before the first bowl was through, the prudish teen was sliding his hand down my shorts and whispering how badly he needed to see my monster dick. I loaded fat bowl number two and asked Pete if he minded us getting started. His mouth wanted to say for us to stop, but the pipe in my hands made him say “no problem.” Pete tried to keep his eyes on the bi-bareback porn on my 55” plasma, and away from the slowly undressing teen boy only three feet away, but it was no use. I could tell he was enthralled when the boy slid off his jeans and briefs, uncovering a peaches and cream colored butt. I made sure to keep the boys ass facing Pete as he sank to his knees and unzipped my shorts. Usually nothing can distract me from the first moment a new boy takes my cock into his mouth, but instead I watched Pete’s shock while the teenager popped out my beast. I tried to be discrete while I watched Pete’s reaction to me getting an inexperienced blow/hand job, but his eyes were so locked into my big throbbing cock that fire works could have been going off and he’d never have noticed. I cleared my throat, making him jump, before my eyes motioned to the pipe he’d been holding, and not smoking ever since my cock appeared. He took a hit before shakily handing me the pipe. I shot gunned into the boy’s mouth before pushing his head back down onto my cock, and then slid my other hand down his back and worked a spit-covered digit three knuckles deep up his hole. He tried to cough up my cock and wriggle away from my second finger, but I just pushed his head down further. Pete’s hand was now down his pants, stroking what seemed to be a good seven or eight inch cock, as far as his carpenter’s jeans would reveal. Reaching to the side table, I grabbed my laced lube and slathered some over my fingers before returning to the teenage hole. It must have burned when the mix of tina, lube and my three fingers pierced his hole, but he stopped complaining once the stuff kicked in. I was in hog heaven, with a blond twink swallowing most of my prick, backing his ass up, trying to swallow my hand, while Pete seemed a second away from whipping out his cock and beating it right there. I needed to push him over the edge, so I got his attention and told him to load another bowl. While he grabbed my sack and loaded bowl number three, I pulled blondie to standing, kicked his legs apart and had him straddle my waist. He thought it was time to make out, but no way was I going to miss the show across the coffee table. I pulled the boys head to the side and chewed on his neck, while I lined my cock up to his hole. Pete took a gigantic hit and almost choked to death exhaling it, but never closed his eyes as my cock forced its way into the hole perched above it. The teen cried out and tried to back off of it, but I reached out and grabbed the pipe from Pete’s hand just in time to pass it to the boy, distracting him. Pete muttered something that sounded like “fuck yeah,” as the boy took a big hit and shot gunned it to me. Once the boy set down the pipe, I gripped both of his small hands behind his back in my right hand, grabbed him by the neck with my left and punched most of my cock into his ass. I covered his mouth with mine just in time to catch his scream, which was the deciding moment for Peter. In a flash, Pete’s jeans and boxer briefs were at his knees and his right hand began to pound away at a respectable 7 and a half inch cock. I pounded the teen’s ass in rhythm with Pete, as I took in the awesome sight. Shining with sweat like the rest of him, his hard on was not too thick, cut, with a slight bend in it, topped by a perfect fat head, surrounded by trimmed pubes, except for his big sagging balls, which he had shaved smooth. Pity, I thought, once I seduced and trained him, I’d make sure he didn’t trim so I’d have something to tug on when he is bad. I thought I could have been eternally satisfied just from this glancing moment of masturbation, until he hocked a loogey into his other hand, slicked it around his middle finger, and sank it up his hole, pounding it in and out in sync with me. I locked eyes with him briefly, and mouthed “one more finger,” and like a good hypnotized slave, he added another. His face tensed up and I worried momentarily that I’d pushed too far, too fast, until I recognized that face, and glanced down just in time to see a week’s worth of cum start shooting all over his chest, neck, chin and even a drop on his lips. His fingers popped from his hole making a squish sound, while his lungs worked over time to recover from his massive release. With sweat dripping from his brown hair all the way down his pecs and mingling with his cum load, he looked exactly as I’d pictured him, only real. One drop of sweat from his nose hit his lip next to the cum, and, without thinking, his tongue snaked out and lapped up both. Upon seeing him unknowingly swallow his sperm, my balls jumped, and I pushed the teen all the way down on my dick, having briefly forgot that he was not as slutty as the football stud or some of my other regulars. He cried out loudly as he hopped off my cock, turning around and revealing his hard on to Peter. As if the spell had been broken, Peter’s eyes focused on the boy’s 5 inch almost hairless penis and revealed panic. The teenager began to bitch about it hurting and needing a break as he took a hit and smiled at Peter, who was already dressed and using the boy’s tee shirt to wipe off his cum. Stammering about homework, Peter took one last horrified look before tossing the shirt back in the room and making his escape. “That was weird, where’d he have to go?” The twink’s question made me furious, mostly because I somehow blamed him for scaring Pete away. I threw the boy over my shoulder and carried him into my bedroom, tossing him on the bed. I told him to shut his eyes, and like a fool he did so, just long enough for me to handcuff him to the headboard. I fucked his hole for four hours, all while envisioning Pete’s cum shot. I’ve never used a new hole the way I used his that afternoon, but I didn’t regret a moment of it, even when he screamed so loud I had to back hand him or when he left in tears. (He called me two days later to see if I’d do it again, so I’m pretty sure he didn’t regret it either.) I was about to jump in the shower, when I heard a knock at my door. Oh great, I thought, blondie is back to cry some more. Nothing ever surprised me more or made me happier than finding a shirtless, smiling Pete. Part 2 “So is the blond bitch gone?” Pete said, walking past me into the living room, picking up my pipe and taking a hit. “Yeah, just kicked his ass out. Figured five loads was enough in one teenager today.” I snatched up my sack and offered to load a fresh bowl. “Five? Nice! Sorry I couldn’t stick around, just had to peace-out after that.” Pete said, watching me start the fresh bowl, and licking his lips, reminding me of the cum he’d eaten off of them earlier. “No worries, just figured you freaked getting off while I fucked a dude and you fingered yourself” I tried to gauge from his smoke intake whether or not this would send him back into the awkward guilty phase he’d been in earlier, but his smooth exhale revealed nothing. “Nah man, I’ve had plenty of fingers up my ass before.” This time I coughed, choking more on his words than my smoke. “HA! I figured that’d blow your mind man. I never told you cause I figured you’d try and pull some gay shit on me, but I’ve been fingering my ass since a friend showed me a book that mentioned it when I was 14, man! And you know there is nothing better than having some bitch fiddling with your hole when you cum in her twat…or, well I guess you don’t know. But seriously, I just got weirded out cause I forgot you were fucking a dude till right that second. I’m expecting him to turn around with tits and twat, and instead I get abs and cock, it threw me.” I laughed, and suddenly all was right in the world again. Pete began coming over whenever I had company, unless the guy wasn’t into partying or something, in which case I’d tell him I was busy and he’d wait for the dude to leave. Mostly, he’d smoke a bowl, and leave as the action got started or just ignore it until we moved to the bedroom and he’d disappear across the hall. Sometimes, if the guy was feminine enough or could really suck and ride my cock, Pete would stick around, although it took months for him to get comfortable enough to start jerking in front of me again. One Friday night a top buddy of mine and I went club hopping and brought back a sweet young freshman. Smooth from his eyebrows down for swim team, and only about 5’5”, he was begging to lose his innocence with his black curly hair, full lips, and crystal blue eyes. He kept the hair in a masculine style, and dressed very manly, but it did little to hide how pretty he was. Once we got him back, my buddy admitted to slipping some g in the boy’s drink, which explained why he had gone from uptight and against everything to care-free, and into anything. Soon enough he was stripped down, and putting on a thong with the superman logo on the crotch that he found in my underwear drawer. We immediately called him Superboy, which made him giggle and start in on some story, so we kept his mouth busy with the pipe and our cocks. Usually Pete was out trolling for tail on Fridays, but around 30 mins after we got home, I received a text from him, asking if he could stop by and smoke. I figured this wouldn’t be his scene, until I looked up and realized that, in his thong, superboy looked very fem, especially with my cock in his mouth, purring around my cock as my buddy ate his pink hairless hole. I texted okay. Two minutes later, after a slight pause when he realized I wasn’t alone, Peter was perched in an arm chair, hands in his ball shorts, growing a sizable puddle of precum and sucking at the pipe. My buddy tried to get him to join us when Superboy went to use the bathroom, at which point Pete explained he was only there to look, not touch. My buddy laughed and asked him if he wanted any G then. Pete looked stumped till I explained what it was. He probably would have answered no, but my buddy knew Pete’s type, and mentioned that the three of us has had double what we’d give him. Truthfully, between Superboy, my buddy and me, we had taken double the amount Peter would get, we just didn’t specify that most of it had been unknowingly taken by Superboy. Pete, true to form, replied "Okay, I'm sure I can handle a small dose." Superboy got back just in time to see Pete make a face as he swallowed a cap full of G. At this point I’d had enough of prepping Superboy’s ass, and decided it was ready for dick. Without removing his super thong, I pulled him into my lap, pushed aside the thong strap and shoved my lubed fingers into his hole. Luckily his mouth was full of my buddy, so he couldn’t scream if he wanted to. Working quickly from two to three to four digits, I whipped them all out, before replacing them with about eight inches of my cock. Superboy flailed and tried to escape, but my buddy would have none of it, holding his arms while I began to thrust up and down, in and out of the hairless pink hole. From Pete’s angle in the arm chair, I was sure it looked exactly the same as if two 30 year old straight guys were pounding a short-haired high school girl. The illusion was further perfected by Superboy’s nipples pointing straight out from our twists and pulls, not to mention the fact his small pecs could be interchangeable with a young girl’s breasts. I wondered if I could get Pete to join in if I’d had a bra or a wig on super boy, but was surprised to glance over and find Pete fully nude, fingers in his ass, pounding away on his dick. My buddy had his back to Pete, which was probably the only thing saving Pete’s ass from getting raped. This didn’t stop Superboy’s ass from a raping though, as I was now standing upright, pounding away at his hole, all the way in and out each time. My buddy couldn’t stand it, and decided to pull Superboy off his cock just long enough to flip him around. My moan of disappointment was matched only by Superboy’s whimper, until my buddy shoved his extremely fat 7 inch dick into his hole. Superboy babbled something unintelligible just long enough for me to tell him to shut up before I had my cock deep in his unwilling throat. My eyes dared not linger on Pete, since I didn’t know if I should draw any attention to his frantic, passionate hand job, but I could see enough to know he seemed frustrated that he hadn’t shot yet. He once told me he couldn’t cum when he’d tried weed and tina together, and I figured the gina/tina combo was having the same effect. This didn’t stop his dick from pouring buckets of precum out over his fist, to the point where he was scooping it up in his other hand and using it as anal lube, which gave my balls a tingle. Now the main reason I didn’t often join my buddy in threesomes was his stamina. When I party, I like to fuck for hours, sometimes even a whole day. He was more the type to get the hottest ass he could, and fuck it savagely till he dropped his load, then bail. And that’s precisely what happened. Instead of watching for warning signs and suggesting he pull out or take a break, I was trying to discreetly watch Pete while choking Superboy till he was red in the face. So when I heard my buddy yell ‘I’m gonna fuckin cum!’ I knew I was too late. Superboy pulled away just long enough to try mumble something. “Don’t in me, no cum, Don’t cum in me!” Too late I thought as my buddy’s fingers gripped tightly into Superboy’s hips. He was balls deep shooting a thick juicy load where no man had shot before. Superboy whimpered but I shoved him back on my cock as my buddy finished cumming and slowly pulled out. Pete was suddenly aware of how naked he was, and pulled his underwear up over his leaking dick. I groaned a little when I saw that unlike his usual CK boxer briefs, he was wearing a pair of silky tighty-whiteys. The material bulged conspicuously around his hard on, but didn’t let his precum seep through as I expected. “Well boys, I’ve lubed him up for you, so get some man hole while the getting’s good.” My buddy slid on his jacket as the final layer of clothing, picked up some Tina from the table, and pushed it deep into Superboy’s ass. He reached down to get the G, before noticing Pete, who still couldn’t keep his hands off of his brief-encased stiffy. “I’m gonna leave the Gina for you boys, just in case.” He winked at me as he said this, and headed out the door. I released Superboy from my dick finally, which allowed him to slip his button down shirt over his exposed shoulders, buttoning a single button near his pectoral muscles and was surprised that he still seemed eager to keep going. “Lets smoke another bowl, but can we do it in the bedroom? It’s not comfortable getting fucked standing up.” He smiled and grabbed my dick. Pete looked worried, since the bedroom was usually his cue to leave. “You’re welcome to join us for some more,” I said, indicating the pipe and baggy I was collecting for the journey. “I dunno, if you guys want your privacy-” Pete stood nervously, while still palming his hard on. “Not even a little bit man,” Superboy knelt and began dividing the remaining Tina on the coffee table into two lines. “I’m down for whatever, whoever, whemever, I mean whenever. Fuck this stuff has my head flying.” “You guys finish those lines and I’ll get us some drinks and we’ll all meet in the bedroom.” I walked into the kitchen with the Gina, Tina, pipe and torch, quickly mixing some rum and cokes, both Pete’s and Superboy’s with a little extra Gina. I looked out into the living room as I balanced all the goodies and drinks on a tray, and witnessed Superboy refusing to move to let Pete do his line. “if you want this line, you’ll have to come get it.” Pete moved in behind Superboy, laying his full front, woody and all, against Superboy’s ass and back. I heard Pete’s loud sniff, but watched as he continued to press his weight against the tight smooth buns below him. “I’m straight dude,” Pete said, almost too quietly for me to overhear. “That’s cool, just think of me as your high-school sweat heart until I’m done with this bump.” Superboy sniffed his line, while pulling one of Pete’s hands around him, under his shirt and onto his girlish nipple. They both swayed slightly as Superboy finished the line and leaned back till they were upright and moaning quietly. Pete’s other hand dropped between them and I wondered where it was headed until I heard Superboy’s moans. “Uhhhh, yeah, finger my pussy.” Superboy and Pete held that position for a minute, making my dick throb and produce a nice thick drop of semen, which I caught in Pete’s glass before it could sag to the counter. Superboy’s hands were now working their way behind him, probably all over Pete’s cock. Finally I coughed and walked with the tray and goodies into the bedroom. As if they’d been caught robbing a bank, both boys shot to standing and began to walk in behind me, although Pete’s hand remained between Superboy’s cheeks. “Pete, can you grab the torch from in there when you come,” I said, causing Pete to finally pull out his cummy finger, and turn around, searching for a torch he wouldn’t find. Superboy joined me in the bedroom, and, as planned, I took this moment to push my plans further. “You are so fucking sexy, you are making me so hard, and I really want to see my friend Pete fuck you, would you like that?” I whispered into his ear while undoing his shirt button, and tying the shirt tales into a loose knot. This gave a hint of shadow on Superboy’s chest, which looked more and more like ladies cleavage, especially with his hard nips poking out under the material. "Fuck yes," he replied, "but he said he was straight,” whispered Superboy as I ran my fingers through his curls, making a few ringlets fall over his brow. “Don’t worry about that, just make sure you don’t hold back on screams and moans when I’m fucking you. And if you get the chance, suck his dick, but don’t let him cum, okay?” He nodded okay and climbed onto the big bed, taking the pipe and hitting it. “Oh here it is Pete, never mind.” I shouted to him, while putting in a bi porn on the 48” tv in my room, one which featured two bigger dudes fucking a slim, smooth teenage girl who looked similar to Superboy (except for Superboy’s thong-covered Tina dick). Pete came in right as the film started, stroking his cock through his tight briefs. I handed Pete the pipe and his drink, and then slid onto the bed between Superboy’s legs. I began kissing his sweet chest and pulled the shirt aside just enough to suck on one nipple. Superboy moaned, ignoring the pipe Pete was trying to hand to him. I grabbed it instead and shot gunned a huge hit to Superboy. “Why do you do that?” I looked at Peter when he asked the question? He was sitting on the bed next to me and Superboy, stroking his hard on and fingering his tight hole. I shoved a few fingers in Superboy’s ass and handed him the pipe while I answered. “It is like getting a second hit. You inhale what the other person exhales and get twice as high.” Peter looked skeptical. “If you wanna try it and see, take a shot gun from Superboy here.” Superboy was about to light up, giggled at his nickname, and smiled at Pete. Pete, looking conflicted, downed most of his rum and coke (and g) and nodded in agreement. He leaned down to Superboy’s soft lips and took the shot gun. His lips floated a half inch from Superboy’s, until I “accidentally” pushed his head down so they kissed while it happened. Pete didn’t stop kissing Superboy as he re-exhaled the smoked from his nose. Meanwhile, I had slipped Superboy’s legs over my shoulders, and began to fuck his ass. I pulled Superboy to the end of the bed with my dick still in his ass, breaking his kiss with Pete. Flipping Superboy on this stomach, with my dick still in him, I began fucking him harder while taking a big hit. To my shock, Pete sat up, finished his drink, and leaned in to shot gun with me. This time, he went in fully and our lips met as I exhaled into his sucking mouth. He exhaled back into mine while I held his head close and continued to make out with him. At this angle, Pete’s dick was close enough to Superboy’s mouth, that he easily began to suck his dick. Pete moaned as we continued to kiss, and I played with his nipples and chest hair while I fucked Superboy’s ass. Pete reached behind himself and began to finger his hole with three fingers, which gave Superboy an idea. He grabbed my hand that was on Pete’s chest, put it on Pete’s cock, and then slid his head beneath Pete’s open legs and began rimming and fingering his hole, all of which I could see in the dresser mirror behind them. This was far too hot for me, and suddenly I could feel my load surging into my urethra and out into Superboy’s ass. “Fuck I’m cumming inside him,” I said, pulling away from the kiss. Pete’s eyes widened as he looked down and grabbed my balls, feeling them pulse into Superboy’s ass. His hand on my nether regions made me cum even harder, and I pulled him back into a kiss as I stroked his cock. Finally his squeezing and Superboy’s ass was too much, so I pulled out and excused my self into the bathroom. Splashing cold water on my face, I could hear rearranging in the bedroom and I was afraid Pete might be trying to leave. I peeked-out the door and smirked as I saw Superboy forcing Pete onto his back, straddling his hard cock, and sinking it into his hole. “No, I’m straight man, we can’t do…” He trailed off, the G obviously impairing his thought process. His hips involuntarily began thrusting up into Superboy, and I walked out to join them. Pete was so high he barely noticed me taking a few big hits off the pipe in a row and shot gunning them into his mouth. He repeatedly sucked on my tongue and made out with me after each hit, becoming more and more open to my ministrations. I moved down between his legs and inserted a large crystal as far up his ass as my fingers could go, happy to see that his butt was thoroughly cleaned out, probably from his Friday night ritual of fuck prep, in case some girl fingered him. I worked my thick fingers into his hole while Superboy worked his ass up and down over the hard on. The frustration was beginning to show on Pete’s face when four of my fingers were inside him and he was still no closer to cumming. Time for the pièce de résistance in my brilliant plan. Earlier in the evening Superboy said he had an early swim practice the next morning and absolutely had to leave by 3:00 A.M. I pulled out of Pete’s ass and walked into the living room and began to collect Superboy’s clothes into a neat pile by the bathroom door, while writing a text. Returning to the bedroom, I pulled my strategically placed briefs off my clock radio, revealing that it was almost 4:00. “Hey boy, didn’t you need to leave by 4:00?” I reminded Superboy while taking a big hit and shot-gunning it into Pete’s mouth. “Fuck it. I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Reluctantly I pulled away from Pete’s sweet lips. The little shit was going to ruin my plan. “Are you sure? I texted my buddy and he said he’d be happy to come back and give you a ride to the dorms, he lives only a few minutes away, so he should be here any minute.” The idea he might get a free ride seemed to pause his drug-filled mind. Right on time my doorbell rang, and sure enough, it was my buddy. Just like I figured, he’d had enough time away to get hard again, and seeing Pete fuck Superboy had him naked in no time. Superboy screamed a little as my buddy’s cock slid in to Superboy’s ass next to Pete’s cock, but it only took a moment for him to get used to it before he begged for more. I knew he’d be sore and ripped apart tomorrow, but if anything that only made me happier, especially seeing how hard his previously tiny cock had gotten. I focused all my attention on my buddy for the next five minutes, rimming his hole and pinching his nips. Finally he grunted and began to shoot into Superboy again, fucking him so hard he fell forward, and Pete’s cock slipped out into the cool air. Superboy kissed Pete and jerked his own cock, before spewing a small load onto Pete’s belly, which hardly fazed Peter. My buddy, as habit would predict, was ready to go. It was a good thing Superboy’s clothes were neatly stacked, otherwise he wouldn’t have been dressed in time to get the ride I promised. Before Pete could even sit up, Superboy and my Buddy were gone, supposedly to drop him off, but more likely ending up with Superboy chained to my buddy’s headboard for another load. Pete groggily sat up and sucked at the pipe I was lighting for him, eagerly exhaling into my mouth before kissing me deeply. “Damn man, I rurly wunted to cum in thet cunt, but my dick wudn’t shooooot.” Pete was the perfect mix of high and g-drunk, stroking his cock and fingering his hole as best he could in that state. “Well I might be able to get you off if you’ll let me try something Pete.” I said, before taking another hit and shot gunning it into his mouth. He wrapped an arm around my neck causing our chests to rub together. Giving in, I rolled around with him on the bed for a few moments, before repeating my offer. “Hmmm? Zure, goferit.” Pete said before kissing me again. He seemed to be really into making out now. He’d told me once it was his favorite thing to do when he was drunk and about to fuck some girl, and although I usually didn’t enjoy it very much, I was hard as a rock knowing I was one of two guys who had kissed him, and would be the first to make him cum while doing it. He whined a little as I pushed him back onto the bed, and spread his legs. I easily worked four fingers into his hole, and every time I pressed one against his prostate, it elicited a moan and some precum, which I used to lube my cock. Neither his dick or mine had ever been as large as they were now, at least to my knowledge, so I prayed I wouldn’t have to work too hard to force my fat dick inside him. Luckily, the booty bump I’d given him, combined with his g-state worked like a charm. “Oh fuck.” Was all he could mutter while I slid my entire cock, inch by inch, into his tiny hole, his knees bent over my forearms. His eyes were screwed shut, but he didn’t seem to be in any pain that I could see. His cock throbbed and leaked more precum than before, and I only paused for a quick hit and shot gun before beginning my assault. He clawed at my shoulders and made out with me like a starving whore while I worked my way from sweet gentle love making to hardcore ass breeding. I wouldn’t allow his hands near his cock, since I could feel his prostate pulsing with each thrust. Sweat began to pour off of me in buckets as I pounded away, covering us both in a sweet smelling sheen. “Open your eyes Peter, and look at the cum dump you’ve become.” I sat up, hooked Pete’s ankles over my shoulders and began my nastiest, rough fuck while Pete’s eyes locked onto my root disappearing under his balls with each stroke. He looked away, presumably in shock or disgust, only to catch a better view in the dresser mirror. “Oh fuck, yer all thuh way in.” He slurred, reaching up and jacking his dick. I glanced up and witnessed the same thing, and knew it would only take a moment for my balls to empty. Silently, I prayed I’d get him off too, but honestly, I was getting mine in the ass I’d coveted for months, so what did I care? So I sped up, and lifted my self further onto him , so he was now bent in half, getting fucked deeper than almost any boy in the bed before him, and jerking his cock only a few inches from his own mouth. “Oh shit, Erm Comma!” His indiscernible moaning meant little to me, until I felt his hole spasm, and looked down in time to catch one, two, three…in total eight streams of white jizz paint his pecs, neck, chin, lips and tongue. This started my own orgasm and I barely remained conscious while pumping my biggest (at least it felt like my biggest) load ever into his previously virgin hole. I collapsed next to him, with his legs splayed awkwardly, one under me, the other on my legs. Smiling, Peter licked the cum from his lips, and I quickly scooped more up, rubbing it on my own face. He leaned in and we made out some more, while I made him suck up every drop of cum he’d spilled. “Derit agen.” He said, half asleep a few minutes after we’d stopped kissing, now spooned with my hard on against his ass. “Excuse me jizzrag, did you say something?” I said, while jerking his dick back to hardness. His eyes lazily opened, he grabbed my cock, and sloppily tried to insert it back into his hole. “Do it Uhgen. Pleeeeeez.” Aha, do it again please. I smirked, lined up my dick with his hole and forced it back in. He whimpered and tried to roll out from under me, possibly regretting this request, but I was going to “derit agen” now, one way or another. I rolled on top of him and used his hole some more, first doggie style, then on his stomach, and finally with him bent over the side of the bed. I came twice more inside him before rolling him on to the bed and discovering a small jizz slick where he’d cum from rubbing against the bedspread while I pounded his pussy. I made him lick it up, and upon seeing his ass in the air and tongue slurping up his load, I couldn’t help fucking him full of a fourth final load as the sun rose outside my window. I smoked another bowl with him while trying to understand what he was mumbling about. “Thet wuz duh best fuck ever bruh.” He was sober enough now to stand and slide his briefs back on, before stumbling out to the living room to find the rest of his clothes. “Best ever huh? You think you want to try it again?” I said, shot gunning more smoke into his mouth. Now he pulled away once the smoke had cleared from his mouth, telling me he was aware enough to avoid kissing. “Yez, I wanna cum in that lul smooth super guy necks time ok?” He was fully dressed now, and taking a hit. I turned his mouth towards me for a shot gun, but he turned away and exhaled. The spell was broken. “I needs to get sum sleep, k? See ya lates.” He stumbled across the hall into his apartment, which he’s apparently left unlocked for the whole time. I was too wired to sleep, so instead I went into my bedroom and pulled a remote from behind the headboard. A few buttons pushed, and suddenly I was watching the view from my hidden camera, beginning when Superboy came into the bedroom. I laid back and began to jerk, loaded another bowl, and puffed while chatting with some cum-sluts online until I passed out around 9am. Chapter 3 I woke up around 1pm, blinded by the sunlight coming in my bathroom window. I got up and took a piss, showered and ate some food before I realized my tv was on and still showing the fucking from the night before. So it really had happened, I thought, when I watched as I fucked Pete’s ass for the fourth time before he got dressed and left. I rewound until right before the first time I entered his hole, and zoomed in on his hole. Thank god I’d fucked him at the angle I did that first time, because I had an almost perfect shot of his tight ass as I slid inside him. My cock jumped and some precum shot out into my jockstrap under my shorts. Suddenly it occurred to me that this video might be the only thing I’d have left of my friendship with Pete, and that was okay. I knew I’d seeded his ass and there’d be no way he could forget it with how much cum he’d be leaking today. Plus, if he decided to cry rape, I’d show him the video where he asked for it numerous times and smoked illegal substances, and I’d be off scott free. Still, the semi-decent human being inside me made wonder if he’d be okay, so I went across the hall to check. I knocked lightly, in case he was asleep, but the still unlocked door swung open slightly. Good sign he’s still passed out or unaware of what happened, I thought, until I heard moaning coming from his bedroom. Quietly I walked to his bedroom door, and peered inside. My dick jumped again when I saw Pete laying on his mattress on the floor, jerking his dick as hard as he could, with something resembling a cucumber going in and out of his ass. Another dick jump occurred when I looked at his laptop screen and saw the video he was watching: a young guy, much like Pete, balls deep in a tranny, while a 30-something body builder, somewhat like me, was balls deep in the young guy. Right as the body builder pulled out and shot on the young guys hole, before shoving his cock back in, Pete started to moan and use both hands to pound away at his dick. Nothing happened, to my disappointment, and Pete’s too. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, why can’t I fucking cum now?!?!?” He tossed the laptop on to the bed next to him and stormed across the room to his desk chair, sitting down and forcing the cucumber all the way in. He continued to pound his pud and moan for a few more minutes before his moans turned into words. “Damn it fuck my pussy-ass you son of a bitch, cum up my cunt so I can cum.” I had heard enough. Tip-toeing back to the front door, I knocked loudly before banging it open. “Hello, Pete? It’s me man, you left your door open.” I loudly walked towards his bedroom, as I heard him scramble to catch the door before I got there. “Pete? You okay man?” “Don’t come in here man! I’m, uh, I’m not dressed.” The door slammed and a lock clicked into place. I smiled and sat down, imagining him sliding the cucumber out and hiding it, along with his laptop, hunting for shorts, sweating bullets that I was this close to catching him begging for me or some imaginary faggot to breed his hole. He emerged a few minutes later to find me shirtless, smoking a fresh bowl and watching his TV. “Sup Pete? Thought you might need a bowl after all the shit that went down last night?” I smiled and handed him the bowl, which he reluctantly took. I was obvious in checking out his stiff dick through his shorts, before winking at him. He blushed and took a huge rip off the pipe. “About last night –” He inhaled again, but I moved in quickly and forced him to shot gun it into my mouth, while I palmed his dick. He froze, moaning, and puffing back into my mouth before coming to his senses and pushing me off. “Stop it dude! I wanted to tell you, last night was a mistake man. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it can’t happen again, you get me?” “That’s bullshit and you know it Pete,” I said while sliding my hand up his shorts and teasing his asshole with my finger. “You enjoyed that shit as much as anyone else there, hell you begged for me to fuck you more. So be a fucking man and at least admit you wanted it. Otherwise your slutty ass can find a new sugar daddy to support your partying.” He sat, silent and stunned while I continued to finger his hole. I held the pipe out with my other hand, offering him the opportunity to admit he wanted more of the Tina and my cock without needing to say it. Torn, he closed his eyes and reached out. Smiling, I handed him the bowl, and slid off his shorts while he took another hit. So almost nine months after we first met, bonding over our shared experiences of filling slutty holes with our cum loads, here we were. Me, reaffirmed as the best fucker in the building. Him, torn down and transformed into a cum-loving cunt, happiest when getting high and used as a cum dumpster. The rest of that day I spent using his holes all over that apartment, and by nightfall, he was finally learning how to deep-throat and take my cock balls deep without complaining. He avoided me for a couple weeks while his hole healed up, but soon enough he was spending every other night bouncing on my rod. Eventually I began letting him join me in fucking some of my regulars and even showed him how to pick up dudes in bars and online. He’d invite over some of his exes or some bitch from work or school, and fuck her till she was sore, but I had him trained well, so he’d only cum with me inside him. Once the year was up, he cancelled his lease and moved into my second bedroom, only spending time in there to study, change clothes, and sleep one off. The rest of the time we were in my room, building our reputation as the hottest top couple in the area. Every time some new college boy comes over, we use him till he needs crutches, kick him to the curb, and spend the rest of the night with my cock in his ass. I might grow tired of him at some point, but he recently introduced me to our new neighbor, a law student who’s fiancé lives across the country and doesn’t know how much he’s begun to enjoy partying and watching porn with the dudes across the hall. Tonight he’ll be joining us and Superboy for some Tina, porn and drinks. Pete told him to clean up and out in case we find some bitch to fuck who likes to eat ass. Lawyer boy loves that idea. I hope he loves getting bred too…
  22. Off camera: This is a story based on truth and some fiction. It contains drug use, bareback sex, group sex, rape, and more. if you don't believe the premise of this story, check out any gangbang video by Devil's own, or similar companies. Damn was I excited. Here I was in LA, finally far away from Aurora, CO and my nagging bitch of a girlfriend, about to walk in to the studio where I’d be getting paid some serious cash, just to fuck a bunch of hot pussy on camera. I’d come a long way from where I was a year ago. Back then, I was living with my girlfriend, working construction, drinking myself to sleep every night, and begging for something more fun to come along. It was around that time I got into crystal, and pretty soon I was working five days a week so I could spend the weekends smoking and finding tail. My girl didn’t seem to mind, since she was also smoking my shit, and fucking a bunch of dudes on the side. Since it never occurred to me to break it off with her or make her get a job and pay for her half, the cash was quickly not enough, consequently I spent less and less money on booze and food, and more on crystal. It wasn’t all bad, I even managed to work off the beer belly I’d had since college, which is what helped me get noticed. One night, my girl and I were at my supplier’s apartment, smoking away my paycheck, when we ran out of dough before the midnight had arrived. Desperate, my girlfriend offered to let the dude fuck her, if he’d keep our party going. I was immediately worried, not because she was trading her sloppy pussy for more stuff, but because I had nothing to offer to keep me involved. Luckily, he was a stand-up guy, and said he’d be down to join us both. I figured he was just being kind, since we both knew she couldn’t care less if I was bothered by her cheating on me, and had no idea it might be for another reason. So off came the clothes and for the next seven hours, he and I fucked my girlfriend senseless, only stopping for bathroom breaks and energy drinks. We even let a few other dudes who stopped by to buy join in on the fun. At some point, he whipped out his phone and started snapping pictures, which we had fun viewing once she was passed out. “You know man, you are a fucking machine when you party,” he said as we smoked another bowl, while she snored behind us. “You ever consider doing porn?” I laughed him off, but he wasn’t going to drop it. “I know a guy who owns a porn company in LA, great dude.” He continued as we watched a slide show of our threesome covering most of the Kama Sutra. “He is always looking for dudes who can fuck for hours. I did a film for him last year, got a free trip to LA, all the partying I could handle, two days of pounding pussy, and $700 out of it.” “Fuck me man!” I coughed as I blew some smoke and got a semi at the thought of it. “Seven hundred dollars and a free trip to LA, just for a porno? Sounds too good to be true.” “You should do it man. Good money, hot pussy, free vacation, quality drugs. You got all the assets.” He wasn’t wrong. At 24 years old I was 6’1” tall, weighed about 180lbs, still had a nice four-pack, hefty hairy pecs, nice biceps, a butt that keeps girls heads turning, and a nice seven-inch dick, thicker than a big banana, and two huge balls that shoot cum over my head when they’re primed. Top it off with a nice smile, green eyes, light brown wavy hair, and permanent five o’clock shadow, and I have no trouble getting laid. “I dunno dude. I’d feel weird doing that stuff, or even applying for it, but I sure could use the cash…and maybe some time away from Liz.” We laughed, as I continued to notice how I seemed featured in every camera shot, with almost no view of the other two. “Tell you what bro, I’ll send him some of these pics of you fucking Liz, see if he can’t use you too.” I knodded that it was okay, and began to wonder if I could find the porn he’d done some how, as he loaded another bowl. That was almost two months ago. After some blood tests and a skype interview, I requested a few days off from work, and was on my way to LA for my first porno. I was surprised that my supplier said the producer supplier the party favors, but he insisted it was true, and that they’d also supply some Viagra and anything else I’d need. I wondered what the hell else I could possibly need besides tina, Viagra and tons of sex, but I didn’t push it. Once I arrived, I made my way to the hotel, with strict instructions not to get drunk or stoned or have sex before the next morning. So once again, here I was, walking through the doors of the studio, which looked like little more than a warehouse from outside, and into my dream come true. I didn’t even have time to set down my duffle bag when I was grabbed by the Producer and swept behind a curtain, where the warehouse transformed into a brightly lit penthouse living room. The camera man and lighting guy were checking light levels on a big-breasted brunette, while four naked, pretty well-hung dudes stood around here, passing a pipe and laughing about something. Another curtain swung aside and some mirrors, hanging racks and make-up kits told me we were in the dressing room. “Okay, we’re ahead of schedule so no time for formalities. Go ahead and strip naked, and here,” he said as he thrust a sack of goodies, a little blue pill, and some lube into my hand, and began to walk back to set, still talking “Take these. Lube up your ass and cock and get it hard before you come out on set, or let me know if you need a fluffer. Do you want to smoke or shoot?” “I only smoke-” I was going to shout after him why I should lube my ass, when a make-up guy, about 20 years old and flaming as could be, appeared with a pipe, torch, and began applying powder to my face and chest as I slipped off my shirt. “Here you go stud. I’m Danny, your make-up slash hair slash pipe supplier. Sorry about Paulie, he is super crazed.” I watched his mouth curl into a smirk as I stripped off my pants and tighty-whiteys and began lubing my cock while he continued to powder me from head to toe, balls and all. I took that moment of awkward discomfort as a sign and began puffing heavily on the bowl, before doubling my efforts on my cock and going from spaghetti to steel in ten seconds flat. “It’s okay, if he is as tweaked as everyone el-” “Oh no, the crew doesn’t do any of this shit. Paulie just gets nervous on days where he’s shooting gangbangs. Four on one is always hard to shoot while avoiding the ass play and drugs and shit. Speaking of which, don’t you want to lube up your ass?” he asked, applying some weird goop to my hair, which his brush and hands transformed into a style while I jerked and smoked. “Uh. No, why would I?” I said, my hole twitching. “Well you did use the enema like Paulie asked before you got here this morning right?” His hands and powder brush moved away from my butt. “Yeah, two actually, but still, why would I want lube back there now?” “Oh, well most of the dudes on these sets have been doing porn for years, and quickly discover the only way to make ends meet is do gay-for-pay. Once you get used to having an 8 inch cock in your ass every time you blow your load, it gets hard to shoot without one. But if you can get up and off with no dick or dildo in your hole, good for you, I guess. Well, you’re all done, head on out there. Too bad you aren’t soft, since I’m the fluffer.” He laughed and pushed me out on to the set. The camera men were now adjusting some equipment, while the woman I was about to tag-team sat off to the side, shooting up between her toes and chatting with someone on her phone. I wondered over towards the couch I assumed I’d be spending the rest of the day on, where the four other guys sat, still naked. Two were shooting between their toes as well, while one was smoking the pipe. The remaining guy was stroking an impressive cock, which had to be nine inches long, turned to me and smiled. “Hey, you must be Peter. I’m Brent, but my stage name is Dick Biggins.” This got a laugh from the other guys, while he took a huge hit off the pipe they were sharing. “Just shittin’ ya man. The guys in these movies just get a first name, and you won’t be saying my name anyway. Here, try a hit of this shit man, it’s better than the stuff they give you when you first get here, in case you can’t handle it.” “Thanks man.” I took a hit and could immediately tell the difference. This stuff was smoother, stronger, and made my balls tingle. “Aw come on man, that was weak, take a real hit.” He took the pipe from me, lit the torch again, and held it there, encouraging me to keep going until I couldn’t take anymore. “That’s better. You point?” “Sorry?” The guys laughed again, but he shot them a dirty look, and picked up a needle. “I guess not, pointing is shooting up. Good for you man,” he took the needle, already filled with some slightly cloudy fluid, and shot it into a vein in his foot. “Paulie tells us this is your first film, that true?” “Yeah, first time in LA too, figured I’d be spending more time chatting with the girl I’d be fucking than the guys joining in on her.” This got a laugh again. “Yeah. That’s Karen, she’s a fucking cunt. Only cares about getting high and getting her paycheck. She’s money on screen, but don’t expect her to talk to you before or after. How about I give you a quick run down of how it’s gonna work today Pete?” He shoved the pipe back to my mouth and lit it again, while introducing the rest of the guys there. First, Steve was sitting on the arm of the chair, which is why I didn’t notice he had a big dildo in his ass until he stood up to shake my hand. He is a few inches taller than me, a little heavier, with a slight gut, blonde hair, blue eyes, nice smile, huge biceps and pecs, and a thick eight inch cut cock with average balls. Next, Tommy stood to greet me, which reveal a small butt plug, as well as his slightly smaller stature, around 5’10” probably, brown hair, brown eyes, hairy chest, beard, six pack, and a seven and one-half inch uncut cock, and eerily hairless balls. Craig, who seemed to be the only one not working his asshole, is around my height, with green eyes but bald from head to toe, and built like a body-builder, including his seven inch cut cock, which was as thick as his wrist. Brent himself was about an inch shorter than I am, with black hair on his head and treasure trail, blue eyes, and a rippled swimmer’s body. The only thing that kept my dick from mistaking his bubble butt for a girl’s, was the massive dick and balls swinging down between his legs. Once the guys had been introduced, Brent explained how the filming would work. We’d begin by putting on running shorts and tee-shirts and would “arrive” at Karen’s apartment to help her move, discovering her naked on the couch. After an hour of filming her sucking us off and each of us eating her out, we’d strip off our clothes and take turns in the positions posted on the boards that could be seen behind the camera, based on whichever one Paulie pointed too. Each of us was expected to shoot one cum load on Karen’s asshole or pussy during the shoot at our assigned times, and one on her face and breasts at the end. He figured the shoot would take about three or four hours, and once it was done, we’d get the rest of the day to recuperate before coming back tomorrow and doing it again to another girl naked Cari, who was also “a cunt.” Finally, he explained that Paulie’s assistants would help us make sure that we never had to stop shooting while we smoked and used the off-camera stimulation. “What do you mean?” I took my millionth huge hit off the pipe while he worked a crystal up his ass (a booty bump just like my girlfriend had done and even gotten me to try a few times). “Well, the couch is fitted with secret spaces and “cock-cubbies” which allow the assistants to work toys and cocks into our holes if we need it to get hard, but usually one guy will be off screen getting fluffed, or fucked or using a dong too.” My jaw dropped as he offered me a crystal for my hole. The thought that each of these guys was gonna get fucked made my dick soft and my stomach churn. Sure, they’d all been doing shit before with dildos and dongs and plugs, and Danny told me they’d done gay-for-pay shit and got used to dick in their holes to get them hard, but I never thought they’d be doing it in front of me. “Aw nasty man, I’m not into that gay shit. I don’t care if you guys do it, but does it have to go on while I’m here.” I was really worried that the sight of gay sex in front of me would kill my hard-on while filming, and possibly make me ill. “'Fraid so bro. Besides, it’s not really ‘gay shit.’ It’s just needed stimulation by a real dick, Steve’s dick in fact. Why do you think there are five guys for a four on one scene?” It hadn’t occurred to me that there was an extra guy, but I snapped my head around, just in time to see Steve sliding balls deep into Craig’s chisled ass. Horrified, I looked at Craig, who seemed to be loving it, and shot my glance around to the rest of the actors and crew, none of whom seemed to care less. The weird thing was the tingling that had been in my balls was now in my tight, virgin asshole, and my hard on was gone, just in time for Paulie to call places. “Fuck, this is what I was afraid of! My cock won’t get hard now.” Danny appeared as they began filming Karen’s intro scene, and tried fluffing me while we all got dressed, but after fifteen minutes and still no joy, I was afraid I was about to lose my job when Brent finally convinced me to let him try something. He pulled me back into the dressing area, and lubed up my cock again, while also lubing up his other hand. “I’m gonna give you a booty bump, you ever had one?” I nodded. “Good. Usually for a newbie I’d dissolve it in water and shoot it up there with a syringe, but since time is short, I am going to give you a big rock and I am going to push it in deep using this,” he held up a rubber cock, black in color, around six inches long. “and before you freak out, I promise I’m gonna loosen you up a little with my fingers first, but I need you to trust me and bend over, spread your cheeks, and push out like you’re taking a dump, cause in about five minutes Paulie’s gonna want you to be hard and ready. It will burn when I put the rock in and the first few seconds the dildo is in, but once you’ve relaxed and it begins to melt and absorb, you’ll be good as new, cool?” I nodded again and bent over a make up stool in front of me. With my shaking hands, I spread my cheeks, jumping a little when I felt the cool lube hitting my crack and sliding slowly down across my button. I jumped when his finger pushed at it and worked the lube in a little, but tried to relax and push out like he asked. One finger, then two, worked their way inside me before I heard the shake of the baggie and figured he was pouring a rock out. Sure enough, I felt his finger slide back in, this time burning like crazy. I bit my lip as his fingers pushed it in. His fingers slid out so fast I almost thought he’d changed his mind, when suddenly the dildo shot in, all the way, all at once. I almost screamed, but his hand covered my mouth just in time. My hole was begging for him to take it out, but my desire to get paid was telling it to shut up. Plus, some part of me wanted to show Brent I could do this. That if he could take a read dick, then I could handle a little rubber one. “Good job Pete, you’re doing good,” he uncovered my mouth and slid his hand down my chest to my cock, and began to work some life back into it. “How’s it feel?” “It feels…good, actually.” I wanted to say it hurts, but suddenly it did feel good. My ass went from burning to glowing with heat, and only got better as he began to pump the dildo in and out in time with his strokes on my cock. “That’s the plan. In a minute or two the rock will dissolve then it will feel amazing! In the mean time, do me a favor and get mine hard too will ya?” I looked down and saw his cock, semi-hard, pulled out over the waist band of his shorts. Without a second thought I reached down and began stroking it too. “How about wetting it for me?” The lube didn’t even occur to me as I spit into my hand and returned it to his dick, watching as the balls tightened up in their sack, before it reached full mast. About that same time, my mind began to swim, and I leaned back against Brent, letting my head fall onto his shoulder. “Just kicked in huh? That’s good, it’s doing its job, we’re both hard, and you seem about ready to do anything.” I opened my eyes when he said that, just in time to see him lean in and kiss me. Nowhere in my thoughts did it seem disgusting or wrong. Instead, I lifted the hand not stroking his cock, and used it to pull his face closer to mine. I whimpered into his mouth as he pulled the dildo from my hole, but quickly got the idea as he slid in behind me, pulled out of the kiss and lined his dick up with tender hole. I wanted to protest, but he shushed me. With one hand stroking me, and the other guiding his cock, he pushed forward until his gigantic cock head pierced my insides and slowly inched half way to the balls before stopping. I leaned forward and slammed my eyes shut, trying to block it out, but his insisting hips got another few inches in before Steve appeared through the curtain and told us it was time. “Damn, I wanted to lose a load up there before we went out. Promise me you won’t let Steve inside you today before I get to shoot one off okay? I did the prep, I want the cherry, got it?” I nodded and mumbled something while we pulled on our shorts and shirts and made our way to the set. For the next hour Tommy, Craig, Brent and I pounded our dicks into Karen’s willing mouth, calling her dirty, disgusting names and slapping her spit covered double-d’s with our cocks and balls. Every few minutes, one of us would slip out of shot as the camera guy would move in for a close up, and the missing guy would take a hit or two and work a plug or dildo or beads inside his hole while Danny or Steve sucked his cock. A few times they would end up bent over a stool or lighting stand, as Steve worked his cock inside them for a minute, which got me hard as a rock. When I got some time off camera, I felt too shy to use any of the big toys, but Steve made sure to offer his dick. One look at Brent’s cock titty fucking Karen and I told him no thanks. What really surprised me was what happened with guys on screen. During filming, the guys were fingering each other, or shoving toys in each others' holes. Kissing and sucking each other just out of the shot, or doing it with Steve or Danny. Paulie would even reach in behind the camera and use his fingers on a willing ass or eat a butt hole of whoever was eating out Karen. I almost jumped out of my skin when it was my turn to eat her snatch, and found Paulie working some beads up inside me…although they felt awesome. In no time, the shorts and shirts were off and we were fucking her all over the couch. Again, it shocked me watching Danny crawl behind it and slide his hands up into holes cut into the cushions and arms, well disguised until his fingers or a toy slipped through it and into someone’s asshole. I watched as each of the other guy’s shot long fuck sessions, all with toys in their holes, thrust back and forth by a hand in the couch. Tommy had his cock in Karen’s mouth at one point, while she rode Craig’s cock, but as soon as the camera did a close up of the fucking, he’d slide his dick in Craig’s mouth. While I fucked her ass doggy style and Brent mouth raped her soon after that, he’d lean out of shot, sucking on Steve or Craig. Tommy and I double fucked her next, one in each hole, while craig licked both holes, occasionally sucking one of the dicks into his mouth when the camera went for a tit shot. The weirdest thing had to be when Craig was ass fucking her, and I was in eating her pussy from below, and suddenly Tommy slid my dick into his hole, balls deep! During all this I figured out that much of what I always assumed was dirty talk for the girl in pornos, was really encouragement for the action off screen. Even Karen got into cheering on someone riding Steve’s dick while doing a line off the stool next to him. And when Paulie began to eat my hole, while Tommy ride my dick, with my tongue inside Karen’s pussy, only inches from Craig’s cock in her ass, I almost shot my load. I managed to give the two finger tap to the camera guy which signaled I was close, and pulled up just in time to shove my cock into Karen’s ass as Craig pulled out. I came in a shot of her back, asshole and my dick, Brent nuzzled his cock head up against my hole and said “I can’t wait to breed that asshole.” Anyone who buys the movie and watches it will hear that line and think Brent is drooling over the sloppy hole I am blasting my load all over, covering her in cum from the hole, up her back, in her hair and up over her hair onto the cushion in front of her. I will always know that was his final step in brain washing me into becoming obsessed with the thought of his cum in my ass. Two more hours of filming after that, with the expected two loads from Craig and Brent, and three from me and Tommy. Off screen Steve bred Craig and Tommy each, fucked Brent while he sucked Craig off, and Paulie finished the day with his load inside Tommy’s mouth causing Tommy to shoot a third load on Karen’s tits and stomach. As for my extra load, Brent used a finger to push some of his cum inside me, making me shoot again, unplanned, creaming her pussy. My last load was with all the other guys, all over her face and tits. My cum was on Karen, but my eyes were locked with Brent. Once the last shot of her licking her lips and moaning was wrapped, I couldn’t believe how quickly everyone showered and went back to their real lives. Karen couldn’t wait to get the cum off her face. Tommy had to pick up his wife from work. Craig’s girlfriend needed him to get her kids from daycare, and Steve had to help Paulie and the crew set up for the next shoot. I figured I’d imagined it all when Brent was nowhere to be found as I slipped in and out of the shower and got dressed. Until I got outside to hail a cab, and found Brent leaning against his car. “I figured you’d need a ride to your hotel, cool?” He opened the side door and I slid in nervously. He ran around to the driver’s side and hopped in, turning on some music and racing off to my crappy beach side motel, neither of us talking the entire way. I climbed out slowly, taking my time in case he wanted to make a move. God, why the hell did I want him to make a move? I was, AM straight, love pussy, just fucked a girl for hours, blew three loads in, on or around her. But before I could convince myself with one more example, I blurted it out. “You wanna come in and smoke the rest of that shit?” I regretted saying it, even as he smiled, slid the car into park, and followed me too closely up the stairs into my room. I turned on a lamp once the door was open, and motioned him in, where he began loading a bowl immediately. “Just so we’re clear,” I said, my brave tone hiding my disgusting urge to get his cock inside me. “I just wanna party and chill, cool?” “Of course man, no pressure, just chill and smoke this shit. But I thought you might be curious to check this shit out.” He tossed a dvd case onto the bed before lighting the torch and taking a huge hit from the pipe. I crossed to see what it was, and got caught off guard as he shot gunned the hit into my mouth when I went to grab the dvd. I froze and inhaled, buzzing from the hit and from his lips on mine again. I pulled away and acted appropriately annoyed, coughing as I read the movie title. It was another porn from Paulie’s company, which held no appeal to the disgusted side of my mind until I saw the guys on the cover and recognized my dealer as one of them. My eyes widened. “Pop it in and we can stroke out another load,” I opened my mouth to object. “No funny business, I promise.” The look on his face made me realize what a tweaker ass I was being, so I laughed, took a hit and shot gunned it back to him. Popping the dvd into the player across the room, I shucked my pants and shirt and hopped over him onto the other side of the bed, hoping my callous attitude would ease the tension I’d created. “It’s cool man, I’m not freaking out, just high and horny still, I guess.” I said, as I watched Brent stand and strip down to a black jock strap. His thickening snake created the first bulge I’d ever been tempted to unwrap, and the black straps framed his tan cheeks perfectly when he bent to retrieve something from his pocket. “How about we do some g to help with that?” He turned back around, and tossed a bottle of lube onto the bed, along with another bottle, unmarked, filled with GHB. “I dunno Brent, I’ve only done it once before and got kinda sick.” The memory of the party with Liz and another couple made my stomach turn. The entire night I listened to another guy plow my girlfriend, while I tossed my cookies ten feet away, before passing out. “Don’t worry man, you just gotta take the right amount. I’m gonna do a cap full, so I’ll give you a half cap.” His ass cheeks bounced together as he sauntered to the minibar to get us some soda to chase the liquid. He returned moments later with two hotel cups filled with coke, and two Dixie cups with tiny amounts of clear GHB. "Bottom’s up,” I regretted the expression as I downed the bitter liquid and chased it quickly, imagining my ass in the air. Taking a hit off the pipe, Brent returned to the other side of the bed by climbing over me, rubbing his bulge across my stomach in the process, causing my nipples to get hard. I turned my eyes back to the dvd, and fast-forwarded through all the bullshit plot until my dealer walked in, and pulled out a sizeable dick. How had I missed how nice his cock was when we fucked Liz? I didn’t miss the fact that one of the other men in the video happened to be Brent. I took an extra big hit, and could feel Brent smiling, as if he knew each puff got me that much closer to losing control. “I didn’t know you knew my bud!” I pointed to my dealer, and Brent nodded as he smoked. He handed the pipe back to me while sliding his thick beast out the side of the jockstrap. “Yeah, it was his first movie too. But he was no virgin, that man can take a pretty big cock in his ass. Don’t you want to lose those briefs?” I fished my briefs off letting the words sink in before taking a hit. “You mean…” I sputtered smoke between syllables. “Oh yeah, he took two loads during the day, from Steve and Paulie, and that night, he and I fucked the shit out of that short twinky guy,” he indicated a handsome young guy with a round ass and large uncut dick on the screen face fucking a busty blonde. “Took turns on his ass all night long. He was a pro. Even let us double fuck him. I came a record seven times inside his ass and mouth that night. It was hot, but I prefer real men, the type that don’t realize how badly they’ve needed cock all their lives, until the moment my cock head is inside them. Those are the guys who’ll let you ravage their asses, just to feel your load inside them.” “Too gay dude, I need a pussy in the room.” I didn’t dare look at him as he passed me the pipe. The G was taking effect and although I was relaxing, I was also pulsing with sexual need. “That’s what I used to think man. Till one night, I was partying with my girlfriend and another guy. My girl passed out and I was out of supplies. I asked him if he’d mind loading a bowl, and he agreed, as long as I’d blow him. I was desperate and said yes, and before I knew it he was in my mouth and I was hard as a rock….kinda like I am right now,” I glanced up from the bowl I’d just hit and saw he was right, his cock was fully hard and had a constant stream of precum running from the piss slit down into his neatly trimmed black bush. “The taste of precum became my version of Viagra man. Try some.” He wiped a drop off and brought it to my lips. I sucked his finger dry, savoring the salty taste. I knew I should be grossed out, but my body hungered for him to keep going. “Hmm, doesn’t seem to work for you,” looking down, my cock was shriveled and small. I cursed it for not playing along and thanked it for saving me from giving it all at once. “I do remember one thing that worked to get you hard though.” Right then, I should have pushed him out the door, tossed his clothes behind him, and never looked back. But at the same moment, I heard my dealer’s voice call to me from the video, saying “you know you want it in your ass.” I barely moved as Brent slowly knelt between my legs and began fingering lube into my hole. Watching silently, I trembled as he chose the largest rock he had and put it up my ass. Now was the time for the dildo to push it in, but neither of us had a dildo. As the rock slid past my inner sphincter, the burning brought me to my senses for one crucial moment. “That’s far enough man. Thanks.” I sat up and slid back against the head board, but Brent moved his hand with me and wouldn’t withdraw his fingers. My hands moved to pull his out, but the G had taken over and I had used all my remaining strength to get this far away. “That’s cool bro, I’m just gonna make sure it’s as far in as my fingers can get it.” A third, previously unused finger slid into my hole, pushing the rock up deeper and sliding across my prostate, which awoke my cock. I moaned and knew if he made a move, I’d be powerless to stop it. He began pumping the fingers in and out while turning them slowly from side to side. My eyes rolled back in my head as Brent grasped me around my waist with his free hand and slid us both back down to the bed. Me on my back, him on top of me, with our hard cocks between us. He began to pull out of my hole, and now my hands tried to stop him instead. I looked up at him, pleading and confused, as he pushed my legs towards my shoulders. “I can’t…please, don’t…I don’t want to be….” He forced his lips on mine until I turned my head away. “Be what? Fucked like the whore you really are? Forced to realize how you won’t be able to survive without cock? Turned into another closet cumslut who needs my dick inside you, just so you can get hard enough to fuck your girlfriend? Don't fight it Peter, you took a whole cap full of GHB, and I took none. I shoved a rock so big up your ass you'll OD if I don't dilute it with some jizz. God I wanted you from the first moment your friend sent me pictures of you fucking your girlfriend. All I had to do was promise to set up my camera phone to record it all from the bedside table so e can watch it when he inevitably fucks you too!” Panic filled me right before his nine inches did. This was all a trap. My dealer was gay, or at least bi, and wanted to turn me too, so he sent me out here to get my ass fucked by this Greek God, knowing they’d get me too high to say no. I screamed, as he laughed, while his dick bottomed out. I’d like to say I hated it or it hurt like hell, but once the initial pain was gone, I began grasping at his jockstrap and pulling him closer on each pound, even as I whimpered for him to stop. He slammed me deeper and deeper, lasting only a few minutes before I could see his chest muscles tightening and sweat rolling off his strong, tan arms. With a gigantic roar, he unloaded his balls into my ass deeper than I thought could ever be possible. He smashed his lips into me, forcing me to kiss his rapist’s lips. I tried to turn my head away, but it was trapped between my own knees. He pulled back just enough to stroke my dick while not breaking lip contact, and within three strokes I followed his epic load with one of my load. The first shot was so strong it sounded like a champagne cork bursting when it splashed between our chests. He shot up straight before the second and third shots doused our faces. The fourth and fifth shots ricocheted off of his carved ab muscles before coating my hairy chest. The last three or four shots continued to paint me in white hot goo, marking me as the very cum slut he wanted me to be. I must have passed out for a moment then, because the next thing I remember, he was back to pumping full length in and out of me, but with his phone in his hand, taking photos and video of his second turn inside me. I gave up trying to push him off after a few feeble attempts, especially when he shot gunned a few more hits to me. By his next cum load, I was talking dirty and begging him for his loads in my hole. In total, I took eight loads from him over the next nine hours, before I panicked, thinking we had to be at the studio in a few hours. Turns out, the shoot was the next day, and he’d only told me it was that day so I wouldn’t try to plan anything for the night before. I figured he’d finally let me sleep, but he wasn’t satisfied with that idea. “Sorry Pete, but now that you’re a cum-loving, manwhore, it’s my responsibility to make sure you get truly initiated so you crave all dick, not just mine.” He never could have convinced me that was a good idea if he didn’t say that at the same moment as my first point. When he released that band, I wanted to scream no, but all that came out was a cough and some pleas for more cum in my ass. In the amount of time it took for me to shower and down some Gatorade, Brent got Steve and a big black friend of his to come join us and bring some play toys. So If you see me in a porn video one of these days, pounding away at Karen’s pussy, remember that it was the video I enjoyed making second best. The best for me is a video I’m always afraid will show up somewhere. The video where I lose my virginity to a nine inch dick, offering to do anything if he’ll only stop fucking me. The video where I offer to do anything if he’ll never stop fucking me with that same nine inch dick. The video where I get gangbanged by that man, his beefy blonde college age friend, and their 6’6” tall massive black pal with an eleven inch monster. If you think what went on off camera during the shoot in the studio was wild, just wait till I tell you what went on off camera in that hotel room…
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