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It’s not that they don’t take them seriously here. It’s not birthplaces, it’s birthplace - they’re only manufactured in Bowling Green, KY. When you drive to Bowling Green, to the second exit on I-65, the Corvette Plant is right off the highway in all its glory, and just across the way is the National Corvette Museum. Every so often long streams of corvettes come riding through the area as owners make pilgrimages, like visiting Corvette Mecca. But most of them are people who come from other places. Also local is Mammoth Cave National Park, home of the world’s longest known cave system, once called ‘The Monarch of Caves’. My grandparents often went to the park for picnics - and never once visited the cave. Somehow people just don’t see what’s right next to them as being as valuable. Familiarity breeds contempt. I suppose it’s the same reason some might get more excited at the thought of fucking a guy from out of town than someone local - even if he owns a Corvette.
Eh, around here, ‘Corvette’ sounds kind of pedestrian. The Corvette Plant is half an hour’s drive from my house. I think a car sounds less impressive when they build it in your backyard. I wonder if it’s the same way where they build Maseratis.
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
It would seem that your take on it, having done it for pay, is that it is only work if money is involved, because money is the reason that there is either an obligation or a necessity to perform. But the money isn’t what drives a prostitute - the motivation is a need or desire of some sort. The money is simply the means to meet whatever that need or desire might be, whether it be food or shelter, or the next drug fix, or an education, or a car, or whatever. We read often about people who exchange themselves sexually directly for such things as drugs, without being paid money; surely this is a form of self-prostitution. What do we make of a young man who supplies his ass in lieu of rent? Is he not settling his obligation? Your analysis of my personal motivation is inaccurate, and assumes that I approach the matter a) as a person in search of sexual self-gratification, and b) as someone questioning his self-image on the basis of his promiscuity. Both assumptions are mistaken. I was trained, extensively and systematically, to be a sexual service submissive for men. This was not casual play, it was Pavlovian-based experimental psychological entrainment, and it was both effective and successful. When I say that I feel an obligation to provide my body to men, I mean precisely that - my training compels me, strongly, to perform, even when I do not feel like it, am not attracted to the person, do not enjoy the sexual act, or even must endure pain and great discomfort to see it through. It isn’t a question in my mind like Do I need the money badly enough to do this?, but rather the thought: This is your duty. You have to do this. I have no issues with my self-esteem in this regard. I am proud of the service I provide, and I do it well. I believe I am meant to serve in this way, so I feel no moralistic ambivalence over my promiscuity. I do, however, feel strongly obligated to perform, for the reasons explained. The need behind the obligation is not physical in the sense of food or shelter, but psychological, yet just as real and just as compelling. It is not play, it is the performance of acts, sometimes unpleasant, to meet a driving need, at the same time providing a service of value to others. We know it has value because it is a service men might pay another man to obtain. If two men each cut down a tree and saw it into lumber, and one man sells his lumber while the other gives his away, did the second man do no work? The calluses on his hands are the same as the first man’s. I respect your perspective as one who has experience in that facet of the question, but I’m not sure I’m persuaded by it. -
Nothing in this statement makes him any less crazy for working to overheat the planet; it only explains that he does it for the worst reasons: Avarice, pride, greed, selfishness. Reflect his ‘accomplishments’? His ‘accomplishments’ are done for the benefit of short-sighted people who will eagerly turn the earth into a future hellscape for a fistful of dollars today … which is crazy. Mr. Manchin represents people from Appalachia. I’ve lived in Appalachia all my life. He’s the same record we’ve heard over and over again, whether it’s West Virginia, central Kentucky, or East Tennessee - manipulate the people of the hills, using their poverty and fear, to make them vote against their own interest in the service of outside forces who want to capitalize at their expense. I don’t think he’s a Democrat or a Republican. I think he’s just a political mercenary. But then, that goes for most of the sons of bitches (and bitches - looking at you, MTG and LB) up there. You don’t think he’s crazy because you see him as shrewd and successful at manipulating people, because he’s got a fancy car and lives life large - which is everybody’s definition of doing it right, yes? No. Not everybody’s. I see a man willing to throw his own people under the bus and then drive the bus himself to do the bidding of those who bought and paid for him. I see a man willing to sell the future for the moment, and I think a man willing to do all that is not right in his mind.
And again, it depends on how you define ‘crazy’. Mr. Manchin’s tireless efforts to aid the fossil fuel industry in continuing to turn the planet into an oven, in spite of the alarming warning signs of planetary distress showing up left, right and center, fits my definition of lunatic very well.
What it’s going to take to defang many of these adversaries is a repeal of the Comstock Act. How that happens I have no idea. Anthony Comstock needed very, very much to get laid.
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
Could you elaborate on that? I had wondered whether the fact that someone had paid gave them a sense of entitlement that they otherwise might not have felt, or a sense that the person providing the service had certain obligations that might or might not have been spelled out. I also wondered if the fact that someone paid tended to make them place a higher value on the sex they received, or view it as automatically higher quality than service they would get from a free cumdump. People do tend to under-value things that have little or no cost. -
I believe the rationale on the restriction is the idea that HPV is so widespread in the population that anyone sexually active has already been exposed to it by the time they’re 45. It’s believed that something like 90% of sexually active men, and 80% of sexually active women, have already encountered it, and therefore the injection would be a waste of time and resources. The focus is on the young, in the teens-20s age range, where half of new STI infections occur. A person who has suffered a significant immune collapse due to HIV, however, could have essentially lost any resistance gained through exposure, and become immune-naïve again, and thus be in the same bracket as a young adult with less history of exposure. That would be the argument I would make, anyway. I know what it’s like for the body to forget it once had a defense against something.
It’s all rotten corn juice.
There’s a man in Nashville who loads me three times each time I go down there. This last visit, he pulled out after the first one to let another guy take a turn, then plugged back in. After he shot a second time, he just stayed still in me for a few seconds, started moving again, and was back in action for the third without ever coming out. He was quite large and dug deep, and afterward when he had gone, I found the bed beneath my ass absolutely slick with cum, and my ass drenched with it. He was just excellent. He always wants it missionary, which is more intense for me to take, but I’m not complaining.
Have you asked your doctor if they can obtain and administer the vaccine to you in-practice? My GP has routinely advised me that he can arrange for me to be vaccinated as needed, in the office, or at the clinic’s lab. I would think that having an immunocompromised status would make you eligible even if the average neg guy might not be.
But did you log onto Grindr with the intent of finding a masseur? I don’t know why it’s called Grindr, but it isn’t called Massagr (or Rubbr). If you want a soothing massage, ‘grind’ isn’t the first word the brain associates. For me the name always invokes crotches grinding together. The question isn’t whether there are men legitimately in search of massage, or men legitimately offering it, but how sensible it is for either to expect to find the legitimate counterpart on a site primarily predicated to hookups? Even if you legit went on there looking for a massage, you didn’t really find a legit practitioner. The dude you found lends weight to the suspicion that his ‘massage’ credentials are a storefront for a different service, because he gave such scant attention to the service advertised.
If you removed all the vulgarity from BZ, there wouldn’t be anything to read.
I have noticed a number of men whose profiles on Grindr and other such apps are up-front marketing their massage credentials. There’s no pretense of being on there for anything they’re personally looking for, they just cut to the chase and start with the sales pitch. Now, there’s no ambiguity about the nature of the online viewers such a guy is talking to on the app where he finds them, and what their likely motivation is for being there, to wit: They ain’t there looking for a back rub. So, the guy clearly nudge-nudge-wink-wink-say-no-more knows he’s actually selling sexual work and calling it something that isn’t fooling anybody, or even really trying. And if that’s what he’s actually selling, that’s what they’re actually buying.
Sorry to have to break it to your FB, but ‘daddy’s milk’ doesn’t fucking cure illness. Yes, to answer your question, it would piss me off royally. There’s a time and a place. His attitude says he doesn’t care about your well-being and the only thing about you that matters to him is whether you can provide warm fuckmeat on demand. And yes, if a man called me in for a fuck while he was running a fever or otherwise contagious with something, it would be the last time he would get any service from me. It’s not acceptable to give someone your influenza just so you can get a piece of ass.
The OP’s question doesn’t seem to be asking how common it is for someone to like rimming, but rather, how common is it for someone to want nothing except eating ass, for an extended session, and then leaving without having done something else as well. In my, shall we say, broad-based experience, I receive such requests very rarely, though I have received them. I separate those requests into two categories, however: The first, and by far the more likely, is the bottom wanting to eat my ass not for the pleasure of rimming, but in order to get the cum that Tops have fucked into me. Whether I get anything out of it is beside the point to them; I’m just a pot than needs emptying. The other category are the genuine ass-lovers, and I have found these to be rare - and unpredictable. Their fetishization of ass-eating can at times become damn near cannibalistic, and I’ve experienced biting and chewing that put a quick halt to proceedings. I don’t do it myself, for health reasons, and because the closer my face gets to the hole the harder it is for my brain to not connect the hole with its primary function. Yet at the same time, if done right, eating my ass is possibly the fastest way for a man to put me in his complete sexual control, like, in seconds. So, to the OP I would say that singular focus on analingus is probably not that common…but a man who becomes masterful at it has a value beyond any common measure.
This is a new genre? Both Bara and Yaoi has been serving up an Asian take on male/make attraction for a long time, in differing forms for differing audiences (including Yaoi actually being largely produced by and for women even though if features male/male romantic relationships).
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
I should clarify that by ’degrade the outcome’ I mean ‘make someone regret fucking me’ or worse, ‘make someone end up in need of a doctor’. -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
Last night a guy showed me the pics of his large cock and asked if I was going to let him breed my ass, which, of course. Then he adds, “Oh, and I have chlamydia, but you won’t get anything and most guys are fine with it.” 🤨 When I explained that I would not be willing to put myself or anyone who fucked me afterward at risk, he said, “You sure? Because I’ll just breed somebody else instead.” I operate to standards, many of which are directly geared to protecting the interests of the men I serve. I don’t refuse a man’s basic request for the use of my body, but I do refuse certain scenarios that will degrade the outcome. -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
And I think you’re probably right. Especially taking into account @partying.hard’s following reply, it seems pretty clear to me now that, in both cases, sometimes it is work, and sometimes it isn’t, to varying degrees. I try to treat it as a ‘service’, performed to a high standard; whether it’s a professional standard is more than I know. The whole question does, however, have implications about whether the term whore actually applies to me. Last night, a guy seeing my ad on Sniffies, contacted me with, “Wow! You really are a cum whore!” -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
Then maybe my question is better framed as ‘Is what I do when I host the same thing a prostitute does when he is doing sex9 work?’ Or even more basically than that, is there a point at which hosting becomes a type of unpaid sex work? As to whether I would continue if I ceased to get a sense of gratification from it, I’m not sure where you’re going with the comparison. Yes, the prostitute might continue in the absence of the same gratification, but i the prostitute’s case, the gratification isn’t the motivating reward - the cash is, and if the cash stopped, they too would probably cease doing it. But I don’t always enjoy it, and don’t always get satisfaction from it. Two cases from last night: One Top was ckearly mostly into heavy oral and led with “Do you like to gag?” No, I categorically do not. A while later he hit me up to assfuck me, so I took him in. Sure enough, the first thing he wanted was some head, and proceeded to skullfuck me with a long, rather narrow cock tailor-made for tripping a gag reflex. But I let him fuck my mouth because that was his pleasure and hhe was enjoying it. As unpleasant as it was for me, it was a means to an end. The second was a Top with an under 4” cock who I’d serviced last time. It was going to be a challenge at best, but he also let me know he had jacked off already. The chances of him being able to keep an erection to complete a fuck were not good, but he wanted to try anyway. He didn’t make it. Started off okay, but after a bit he went soft and we spent half an hour with him rubbing his flaccid genitals against the outside of my hole before he gave up. It was discouraging. So, sometimes, it’s a lot like work. -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
I agree that this obligation to perform in exchange for compensation tendered is a fundamental difference between Job an unpaid work, but then we come to the concept of ‘volunteer work’. Volunteers do work that is unquestionably work in the same way employees do it, and indeed are sometimes tasked with work paid employees would be doing if there were money to pay them. Is someone like me a ‘volunteer prostitute’? I should add, I think, that if I seem to be trying to find a rationale to label myself a prostitute, I’m really not. But I just took load 13 for the night’s hosting, and given that that’s not all that unusual a number for me, I have to think there’s something to it. -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
So does that mean that a prostitute who enjoys the work being paid for isn’t a prostitute or isn’t working? There are lots of peole who love their jobs I (mostly) loved my job before I retired, and miss it now. I don’t know that I can quite buy into the idea that work consists only of those things we don’t like doing.
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