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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Candidly, yes, I find it annoying. It tells me the guy has expectations that my cock is going to be erect, and that I’m going to respond in some way to his stimulation of it, neither of which is likely to happen. It’s not impossible, but having my cock sucked does just about as much for me as having my big toe sucked (vanishingly little) and when some guy is clearly going down with the expectation he’s going to get a load out of me, I end up having to burst his bubble and let him know that isn’t going to happen. Any more, if I’m asked for a cock pic, I just say I don’t have one - what would a total bottom need a cock pic for?
  2. With regard to whether I’m gay, bi or whatever, I’ve always said that I hope my sexual orientation is the least interesting thing about me. As to the bear friend - 🙄 - Having a PhD in LGBTQ+ English Literature is like having an MD specializing in toenail fungus: Useful in a very specific set of circumstances, but otherwise beside the point. I was a candidate for graduating with Distinction in my undergraduate English Literature degree. All I had to do was get an A in the qualifying class. The professor teaching it - whose lecture style was in itself a refined form of torture that would have put Torquemada to shame - insisted, however, that we dissect Henry James’ The Figure In The Carpet to derive the homosexual subtext in it. I couldn’t see it. The irony, of course, is that the narrator in James’ story is obsessed with finding the hidden meaning in an author’s work, and if I had been then as jaded and cheeky as I am now I would have just titled my paper “The Figure In The Carpet - The Biography of Professor _____”. The result would have been the same. I dropped the course and gave up on the honor rather than pretend to find his imaginary gay subtext. (In fact, only one student out of the ten or so of us nominated for Distinction survived his class.) And yes, the bear is a fucking snob. No one speaks ‘perfect’ English because no one can - English is a gloriously malleable language, and anyone who claims to know the way it is is a moron. I imagine Mr. Bear can take a cock, because it sounds like he walks around with a huge stick up his ass.
  3. While this is the approach I often use with, say, Tops whose profile no makes it clear they’re looking exclusively for head, I always feel a little ambivalent about it because unless we’ve had an explicit discussion of what he wants, it seems presumptuous or even arrogant of me to suggest that I know what it is he wants well enough to know that I can’t (or won’t) provide it. In these cases I feel obliged to make my abilities sound as undesirable as possible before I urge him to try his luck elsewhere. I’m less circumspect when it comes to other bottoms hitting me up for any kind of play - I simply say that I strictly provide ass to Tops and don’t offer bottom service. As often as not, that quick, definitive shutdown ends with them giving up on hoping I’ll fuck them and they come fuck me instead. There are occasions where a guy would otherwise be someone I would service, but he has kinks like, say, watersports or gut-punching or spanking that are on my cross-off list, and I’ll just say, “I’m afraid we’re not compatible. Good hunting.” I think the useful element is wishing them good fortune in their pursuit, because it indicates that you don’t judge their sexual proclivity, and bear them no ill will.
  4. It was interesting to see the result of the laboratory culture that came back from the swab, confirming that I did, indeed, pick up MRSA, and that it evidently found my flesh very much to its liking. “Heavy growth” was the descriptor. The report went on to detail which antibiotics this particular strain is resistant to - about half of all the antibiotics on the list. ”So, you’re lucky,” the doctor told me. “The one I prescribed for you works on this one.” I said, “Lucky, lucky me. I caught a case of MRSA.” He said. “…Okay, it’s a silver lining.”
  5. I thought Tops like this were a myth. Such a thing has been extremely rare among Tops in my experience. The sequence usually goes: Horny impulse > need for ass > find closest/soonest available > if not available in immediate future, masturbate | or | make plans for fuck within 2-24 hours, decide “fuck it”, masturbate, and forget all about it. I really don’t think most Tops plan their sexual outlets; I think for most it’s reactionary, and to be fair, for some the frequency would turn the planning and coordination into a full-time job. Add to this the dandruff-like flakiness of so many bottoms that make attempts at planning a waste of time, and I think on balance expecting Tops to start getting orderly about rutting is a pretty big ask. The best I’ve been able to do with a very select number of men who have been consistent regulars over time is to make it clear to them that washing out my intestines for them is time-consuming, laborious and unpleasant, and that they have to adjust their expectations.
  6. It depends on what you’re doing to try to clean out. Your rectum is normally empty until you’re ready to have a bowel movement, and any waste matter is collected above the rectum and held while water is absorbed from it. The rectum is around 6” in length, which is also on the high end of the average for cock length, so if the Top has an average endowment, a deep cleaning for a short notice hookup is probably unnecessary, and will draw more matter downstream, resulting in a more complicated cleanout. A simple rinse of the rectum to ensure it is clear should be adequate for an average cock. For a long cock, you’ll have to go a bit deeper, but try not to fill yourself very full - fuller than just the rectum, but try to limit the washout to the next few inches of colon, where firm or semi-firm stools would be gathered in preparation for expulsion. I use a shower-shot type method, and will generally give myself about a 10-second flow for a rectum cleanse, and 15-20 seconds for a longer cock. If I go to 30 I know I’ll get a deeper cleanse, but I can expect to add 15-20 minutes to the cleanout. Beyond that is deep-cleaning territory, usually stages of 50, 40, and a series of 30-second flows that can take up to 45 minutes, followed by rinses at 20, 15 and 10. Definitely not for what I would consider short notice, but I can pull it off with an hour’s notice if I’ve been maintaining diet.
  7. And by “dangerous together” he means “potentially fatal”.
  8. I would totally sign on to a hookup site run by Bender. Paid membership.
  9. That poor boy is going to need psychotherapy sooner rather than later.
  10. Camp Buckwood in Indiana.
  11. One thing to remember about Mr Netanyahu’s motivations is that he has built his reputation and political persona on being the leader that brings security to Israel - and he’s just watched that entire political legacy get blown to smithereens. He’s absolutely desperate to claw back some kind of credibility, because if he does not, the entire failure of Israel’s security apparatus to prevent Hamas’ attack is going to be laid at his feet like a week-old corpse that’s begun to bloat. He will never get the stench off of him, and he will be politically doomed. Frankly, I don’t see how he comes out of this intact no matter what he does. He simply has too much to answer for. He’s dug himself a hole with walls much too steep, and he’s still digging as fast as he can. In my view he’s already squandered any sympathy Israel might have gained for its losses by behaving at least as monstrously as those who attacked them, if not worse. You can’t get much traction crying about Israeli children murdered in their beds when you’ve just blown up three times as many Palestinian children sleeping in theirs.
  12. I’m still trying to decide whether that works out to a compliment.
  13. I never cease to be amazed at the number of Tops I encounter who have no knowledge of STIs or their associated risks, have no idea what ‘Undetectable’ means (I had to explain that one in detail last week), have never heard of PrEP, and have neither ever been tested for anything nor would have the first notion how to go about it. I’ve had any number of such ‘teachable moments’ in my room at a bathhouse, to the point that I now always bring a few short informational flyers I’ve worked up on STI risk, U=U, and popper/Viagra risk and set them out for anyone who wants one. Some of these guys are babes in the woods when it comes to STI risk, especially some of the younger ones. Let’s not forget that there are plenty of public schools in which sex education (God forbid) is either glossed over, limited to abstinence, or omitted altogether. And if their parents are anything like mine, they sure as hell didn’t get it at home. Combine that with the oddly high number of men who have wandered into my room at the bathhouse and I’ve ended up giving them a tour of the place because it was their first time in a bathhouse, and you get conditions for STI-naïve barebackers fucking cluelessly. (I don’t know why these guys seem to gravitate toward my room as though I were the Information Desk for the bathhouse. I suppose it could be the sign I hang on my door that says ‘Welcome! Cum On In’)
  14. An additional note - Although any break in the skin does provide a more direct access for the virus, the cock does not have to have an injury for infection to occur - the urethral opening is also a potential vector for viral entry, and forward thrusting has a fair chance of forcing fluid at least a short distance inward past the opening.
  15. So I would have thought as well - but I find that in practice, when the opportunity is presented to them, they often don’t. I don’t know whether they’re afraid of the beast within, or whether they don’t trust that there could be no consequence - thinking this is too good to be true and there has to be a catch to it - or whether, when given an option to do anything, they find they can’t decide what they want.
  16. From the No-Good-Deed-Goes-Unpunished Department: So there was this Top last week in Illinois. I mentioned him elsewhere as notable because he brought no fewer than three bottles of poppers and huffed them like they were the last bottles in existence, thoroughly ruining any chance he had of an erection, and then spent the better part of an our drizzling lube into the crack of my ass and sliding his cock along it trying to coax a woody. The good deed was that I tolerated this. The punishment for the good deed became evident the next day, after I’d traveled to my next stop and realized I had a dozen red spots on my ass. I assumed these, however, to be bites from bedbugs - always a hazard in hotel hosting - except that by the following day the bites were infected, and in two days I had the beginnings of an abscess on my ass on the right side. Bedbug bites do not behave this way. Then I remembered something, just a glance I had seen in the dark back at that first hotel with Mr. Slip-n-Slide - he had had a couple of red spots on his lower abdomen. Fuck. Not only was it likely the guy had a case of MRSA, he had spent an hour massaging it into my ass. Fast-forward to today, twelve days after that encounter - the abscess on my ass has begun draining on its own, thank God, but my doctor says incision may still be necessary. We’ll know next week. He’s got me on Doxycycline, antibacterial soap, and prayers.
  17. Speaking from experience? So…how many guys are you blackmailing?
  18. I have had men who’ve used me in hotels and bathhouses who seem to relish the idea of freedom to use me in an unfettered way - sometimes at great length - and I wonder if the anonymous, objectifying setting is what makes that more likely. I sometimes think those men are the ones that get the greatest benefit from my service.
  19. I think you’re right that it’s a particular sort of mindset, and I’m wondering how common - or uncommon - it actually is. It’s interesting that you point out that a man might not feel comfortable admitting that such a desire is a part of him, though I suppose that depends on the nature of the desire. My experience has been that it’s not always a matter of a man taking pleasure from pleasing the other; in some cases his pleasure derives from pleasing himself through the feel of power from the control of the other, or from observing the other’s helplessness, pain, humiliation or distress. But a background in BDSM is likely to expose one to more of that than a vanilla lifestyle. But I also wonder whether some men simply wouldn’t know what to do with total control if they had it. I’ve offered a very small, very select number of Tops the option to use my body at will, for whatever purpose, and made it very clear that I considered it an absolute right conveyed to them - none of them has ever availed himself of the opportunity in any significant way, and I’ve never understood why not. I would hate to think it’s because men are mostly simply actually a sexually timid lot underneath.
  20. Please set your fantasies aside for a moment and ask yourself what the honest answer is to this for you. Imagine first of all that you could actually, for real, have another man’s body that you could use however you wished - anything you ever wanted to do, to try, to experiment, you would be free to do. No conditions, no limitations, no strings, just total freedom to enjoy the other body. He would do anything you wanted, or you could do anything you wanted to him. A. How many of you have ever imagined such a scenario, or ever desired it? B. If you have, if you suddenly found you could actually have it, would you take advantage of the opportunity? Honestly. I have always assumed that men would seize upon an opportunity to live out a sexual desire, especially when there was no resistance. As a submissive, I have experienced many instances in which men have had me at their mercy and shown none, delighting in their power, almost intoxicated by it. Often their excesses would begin with a phrase like ‘You’re so fucked.’ I always found their behavior completely understandable. Even when I’m not in bondage, I offer the same option to whatever man enters my room, and often tell them explicitly: I am for them, and they may do whatever they wish, live whatever fantasy they want through me (subject to a very few certain hard limits), try new things, go all out. Yet I find that many men are reluctant to take the opportunity offered. I don’t really understand it.
  21. This is what has happened to CumUnion in Indianapolis, and why I stopped going - they got greedy, limited the time to move as many people in and out as possible, and priced it beyond reason for the amount of time. They weren’t able to guarantee turnout to start with, and that was the surest way I can think of to make sure there wouldn’t be enough to make it worth the cost. They told me they had just implemented the change. I told them I would not be returning, and I had just paid my membership fee at that bathhouse for six months. It’s a shame. I had a couple of 20+ load CumUnion nights there.
  22. And now the chosen speaker for the party demanding steep cuts in funding for government in the name of fiscal discipline. Naturally. Anyone who doesn’t think parties are solidly entrenched in our system can examine any ballot offered to voters in Kentucky. The first boxes at the top allow a voter to check off a choice to vote a straight Democratic or straight Republican ticket - check one box and you’re done voting. They couldn’t make it any easier to be partisan. I don’t know how many other states do it this way, but I cannot remember ever seeing a Kentucky ballot any different. Personally, I have had occasion to interact professionally with politicians of both parties, at the federal, state, and local levels. I have yet to meet one who did not make my skin crawl. I have found them as a class to be duplicitous, untrustworthy, machinating opportunists, and if they don’t start that way they become that way in short order. I offer two words: Term limits.
  23. There is no such thing as a “country’s burden”. The country is a compilation of individuals who share a common burden, and thus the burden of a nation is the burden of every citizen. Doubly so, in fact - the citizen bears the burden of shaping the direction and character of the nation, and bears the burden of responsibility for the nation’s actions. If they do not bear a cost individually, and the nation covers the cost, it’s because other individuals are paying, not because the monolithic nation creates money by magic out of nothing. And what comes around goes around; the individual might not pay for this, but he will pay his share that gets spent in someone else. All the money of a nation is spent on people, by people, and those decisions are made by individuals - who, in democratic societies, are elected by individuals. You cannot speak of this issue in terms of any individual bearing no cost or responsibility. I got my latest 90-day supply of HAART yesterday, with a bill of $0.00. But I know how much I pay in health insurance, and I know how very expensive this medicine is, and I always have the sense that somewhere, a lot of someone’s money is in motion on my behalf. That’s a burden I personally bear.
  24. I should probably add that my incident related above took place prior to my ever having taken an actual cock, before 1,000 cocks had rearranged my insides, before I’d ever been fisted. I doubt that dildo would be so tightly gripped inside me now.
  25. The way this was headed, I thought you were going to be telling us a story about a master sex toy thief.
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