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probably stupid question about STD's
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
You’re going to have to get comfortable talking about it, because there will be no way to avoid the conversation. You will, eventually, if you continue to fuck bare, pick up a sexually transmitted infection. It’s the price of the ticket. As a result, you will, eventually, need to be treated, and you cannot resolve these infections without medical intervention. You will, therefore, need to frankly address the situation with a doctor, who will have a pretty shrewd idea how you came to have that infection where you have it, and that it would have been acquired through sexual activity. If your doctor then begins moralizing to you about your sexual choices, that will beca clear signal to dismiss him and find another doctor who can administer his oath in a professional manner. Your best bet is to approach the likelihood of STIs from a purely practical perspective, deal with them matter-of-factly, and carry on. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
It comes from having been pozzed, coming very close to death from it, living with the hard reality of the way both the virus and the medication needed to stay alive tear down the body, and being forced to change my lifestyle to accommodate the disease, and being forced to confront the fact, every. single. day, that I am HIV positive - and then listening to men go on in ignorance about how great it would be to get pozzed and how they just can’t wait to do it. It comes from listening to men glorify and fetishize a disease that has killed so many people, and try to make it sound like something exciting and fun. If that’s what PrEP is for, then it’s obviously not irrational to worry that it could happen. And don’t kid yourself that it doesn’t happen. More than once I’ve had Tops let me know they just seeded me with a ‘toxic load’. If I get a little hostile about that, sorry not sorry. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
Racing, rock-climbing, big-wave surfing and skydiving differ from chasing HIV in a significant way - the other activities do not have as their goal a condition that requires lifetime care. The racer, climber, surfer, skydiver, all approach their risk with the awareness that the worst could happen, but generally with the expectation that it won’t, and that the risk-taker’s skill will enable him to defy the odds. The chaser’s goal is that the worst should happen, and he may go to extra lengths (such as abrading his rectum with a brush) to ensure that it does - and his expectation is that he will be entitled to support at others’ expense when he succeeds. Further, conflating those other risk activities with chasing is somewhat apples-and-oranges for another reason: If a racer wrecks. A climber falls, a surfer drowns, or a skydiver plummets to his death, the individual’s results aren’t communicable to the rest of the population. He can’t spread them. He’s only a danger to himself, not a danger to others as well. A daredevil may say, ‘My body, my choice,’ legitimately, for his is the only body at hazard. Not so the chaser. The argument that health care in a well-ordered society would be the equal responsibility of all taxpayers doesn’t carry much water - it only means the burden the chaser unnecessarily places on other people gets evenly distributed so that his self-centered choice has a negative impact on everyone. There’s a difference between being willing to support persons whose luck or skill has failed them, or even people who have made poor lifestyle choices, and being willing to support persons who have actively engineered a misfortune that need not have been, and that threatens to harm others. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
Oh, goodness no. If I’m not prepared to be wrong at any moment, I can’t truly claim to believe in science. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
No one questions that men have the right to make this choice with their bodies. We only question whether they’re in their right minds when they make it. ‘My body, my choice’ sounds like a statement of responsibility. But how many of these guys who actually do this are following through with the responsibility that comes with their choice? What about the responsibility for the cost of their medication if they start it (it’s expensive, and somebody, somewhere, has to cover it)? What about the cost of their inevitable hospitalization if they don’t? What about the burden their failing health may place on their families and friends? What about the lives they may forever change by ‘passing on the gift’ to someone unsuspecting, who will not be given a choice? Because the boards are sickeningly full of statements by men who say they stealth breed men with ‘toxic cum’. There are all too many gifter/chaser guys who get off on that - ‘my body, my choice’, but not ‘his body, his choice’. Here’s the choice I’ve made - I choose to believe that the man who pozzed me did not know he was infected. I choose to believe he was not a HVL gifter who stepped up to my cunt and smugly, intentionally, pumped me full of the corruption that wrecked my life. Because if I believed that, it would blacken my view of humanity and leave me an angry, bitter, hostile man. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
Yet reason and civilization trump animal instinct and impulse - yes, even sexual drive, as potent as it is - every day, and, on balance, have for millennia, which is why we are right now having this pleasant conversation via electronic technology and not throwing our own dung at one another whilst swinging from trees. But never mind reason and civilization - though I think they’re considerably more durable than a veneer - self-preservation is not dependent upon them. It’s a far stronger instinct, universal across living things, a base biological instruction that powerfully drives the behavior of both individuals and populations. We observe that gifter/chaser culture is irrational because it runs directly counter to the most fundamental imperative understood by all living things: Avoid Death. If this were just another fantasy or fetish playing itself out within the confines of the mind, it would be harmless. For some, it is. Their motivations can be rationalized through psychology. I don’t necessarily think a man is looney for having a gifter/chaser fantasy - sexual psychology is bizarre, often with deep, dark roots. But there are those who actually act on it, and It’s when they act on it that it becomes irrationally self-destructive. More than that, in this case, the potential for harm extends beyond the individual to every other sexual partner this person may fuck, should he become infected and feel the desire to “share”. Thus we also observe gifter/chaser culture to be irrational at the population level. A society that openly distributed a deadly pathogen would eventually cease to be. The ‘brotherhood’ we’re discussing speaks openly of going without meds, seeking high viral loads, and trying to reach the advanced stage of the disease so as to appear ‘wasted’, as though it were a status symbol and not a harbinger of death. Their philosophy, taken to its logical conclusion, would doom a society, if not a species. -
I don't understand the desire to get pozzed
ErosWired replied to btmdad's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
It’s not clutching our fucking pearls to wonder why men whom we might potentially fuck want to become incubators for a disease that makes fucking a deadly hazard. Wanting a disease is crazy, by any sane standard. It’s not strange that any normal, rational person would look at gifter/chaser culture and think, ‘those guys are insane’. There is not a single justification for wanting to contract HIV that stands up to rational scrutiny. Every excuse is based on some fevered fetish or fantasy that ignores, glosses over, minimizes or denies some basic truth about the consequences of becoming infected with the Enemy Virus. Calling it ‘being sexually extreme’ is just another delusion. I’ve done sexually extreme, in diverse ways that most guys would justifiably think anyone would be out of his mind to allow, and sexually extreme doesn’t look like this. This is just nuts. Their ‘brotherhood’ is a brotherhood of the misguided, and I can say that as one with more goddamn credentials to join than anybody would ever need. -
This is a hard one to answer, because so many of the things I might have said have now actually been done to me, sometimes in much more extreme ways than I would have imagined. I do still wish someone would fuck me in full suspension bondage, and do it savagely. Being left in bondage at the mercy of a fucking machine would be interesting, too. I also imagine getting into a situation where a man knows that I host and decides to start whoring my ass out without my knowledge, promising men who want to fuck violently, or for hours nonstop, or with oversized cocks, or wanting to double-penetrate, knowing that I don’t refuse any use, and he begins to profit handsomely off me while I have no idea, and know only that I’m being inundated with demands for extreme fucking. Honestly, I don’t know why someone hasn’t actually tried it. In fact, for all I know, they have…
He guesses? Rectal administration is a known alternative for a long list of medications when oral methods are not feasible for whatever reason, because the walls of the rectum are highly vascularized and quickly absorb the compounds, in some cases bypassing the first filtration by the liver [source]. Not only that, but taking alcohol up the ass is a quick way to get dangerously intoxicated, and the Backroom is replete with references to guys taking chems anally for their effect. All of these are substances are not natural to the body, but the components of semen are - why wouldn’t they be absorbable? Besides, every practicing cumdump is a test case, and one would have to look long and hard to find a cumdump who doesn’t know the craving that comes from being seeded. There’s chemistry at work, all right. Even I, who serve out of duty and am not in it for the loads, cannot deny that every load makes me want another one. The overabundance of bottoms versus tops isn’t a mystery; it’s just something akin to a drug culture. In fact, if cum didn’t contain chemicals that stimulate the brain’s reward centers, I truly wonder whether anywhere near as many men would opt for the discomfort and inconvenience required for bottoming.
As if you even really actually could guarantee you could get it all out. If someone at a bathhouse asked me to basically reset my cunt to factory settings for him, I would feel the need to take the time to explain to him where he was and how the place worked so he wouldn’t walk around embarrassing himself. Even if my hole wasn’t cummy it would be impeccably lubed for entry, and I’ll have put too much care into that just to scrub it all out so he can pretend he’s first.
I may have to go bareback to ever get
ErosWired replied to dgamenstuff's topic in General Discussion
You missed the point completely. I’m not scared of what you wrote, and I don’t think anyone should be, and that’s the point. Yes, HIV appeared. And there were 50,000 years of human raw fucking that preceded it in which no equivalent pathogen appeared. I’ll take those odds. You’re telling me not to be scared, but that’s precisely the opposite of what you were saying in your post, which was essentially, ‘If you take it bare, the hidden disease is coming for you.’ -
I may have to go bareback to ever get
ErosWired replied to dgamenstuff's topic in General Discussion
…is not a mystery disease unknown to science waiting to strike like the next AIDS epidemic like the post is trying to suggest is looming. Of course there are STDs developing resistance, we all know that. But the previous post was simply hyperbolic. -
I may have to go bareback to ever get
ErosWired replied to dgamenstuff's topic in General Discussion
Please. This is nothing but fear-mongering based on a speculative hypothetical. Such logic would have human beings never have intercourse again out of fear of some possible future contagion. ‘Probably will if not yet’? How probably? What makes you think something’s lurking out there? Got any science to back that up? If not, you have no business telling someone they’re possibly going to succumb to some imaginary disease. Yes, someday another sexually transmitted pathogen may appear, just as HIV did. But we can’t live lives truncated by fear of what might be. You can’t really call that living. -
Do you still cum in a bottom who asks you to pull out?
ErosWired replied to blktone67's topic in General Discussion
This is not clearly determined. Precum is known to carry HIV, and studies have shown that in cases of delayed condom application - i.e., the condom was only applied midway through anal intercourse - HIV transmission was 5 times as likely from an infected person as if the condom had been used from the start. Precum, therefore, is likely a factor. Precum does not, however, appear to be a significant carrier of virus in men whose infection is well controlled with HAART. Bottom line: Precum should not be considered ‘safe’ or even ‘safer’ unless the person is Undetectable, in which case transmission is functionally impossible anyway. -
An Amp is an Ampallang piercing, a piercing that goes horizontally through the center of the cockhead, but not through the urethra. A related piercing is an Apadravya, which runs vertically through the cockhead, and intersects the urethra. Both of these types that pass through the cockhead take 6 months to a year for full healing.
@Leather69 is correct that healing time for piercings through the cockhead is lengthy - often 6 months or more for full heal. As to the pain, I did not find my Amp that excruciating. It hurt, of course, but my nipples hurt far, far worse.
Be aware of a couple of things before you start: 1. A qualified piercer will almost certainly not start you with a thick piercing, nor should you try. You should expect a .10 or .12 gauge piercing to begin. From there, you would work your way to increasingly thicker gauges -gradually- over time, giving your anatomy time to adapt and heal after each stretch. It’s a process, and you will need to exercise some patience for good results. 2. A Prince Albert piercing will likely change the way you urinate. You currently piss through one opening that directs the urine in one direction (more or less). You’re about to make a second hole that may divert part of that stream in another direction and make control more problematic. Other PA owners here can speak to their experience with this. I chose an Ampallang instead partially because I didn’t want to deal with the urine problem, and I have read accounts of men with PAs who have to sit down to piss to keep it from getting everywhere, but I’m sure experiences vary. 3. Men without piercings are weird around men who have them. They act like magpies. Expect guys to get grabby with your cock even if you’d rather they didn’t. They either can’t resist feeling it or seeing what it feels like in their mouth. For some reason it’s as if they think you having a piercing gives them license to touch without asking. Also, they tend to assume that since you got your cock pierced you must like pain in your cock, so they get bitey and rougher with it than they might have otherwise, and pull at the jewelry, sometimes too hard. Occasionally they may try to take the jewelry off you - I had one this last weekend trying to figure out how to get my Amp off, and I don’t take it out, ever. And, as @Kurami says above, get used to being asked if it hurt. Every. Fucking. Time. Since I don’t Top, I can’t speak to how often you may be asked to remove your metal by some nervous bottom before he’ll let you fuck him, but I can see how that might be a potential liability. Others may wish to weigh in on that.
I’ve heard of guys who couldn’t get enough hole, but that’s dedication.
Also not a doctor but trained in first aid. You have a chemical burn in either the first or second degree. If the skin is broken, blistered, oozing or shiny, it is likely a second-degree burn; if simply discolored it is more likely first-degree. In either case the immediate treatment is to gently wash away all traces of the chemical and then apply a dry, non-adhesive bandage or cloth to the area affected. Over-the-counter painkillers may be taken to ease the pain. You should seek medical help if the burn is: • Larger than 2 inches • Shows signs of infection • Pain does not abate within a few hours • The condition worsens • The area affected involves delicate areas such as the eyes, mouth, genitals, etc. Chemical burns from poppers are not uncommon, and men frequently report them occurring around the nostrils, though those cases usually involve relatively brief exposure and burns are usually not severe. Generally, if a splash of poppers is quickly wiped away with something absorbent, evaporation deals with any residue before a burn can occur.
So is this to say that these odious laws are fatally flawed and we need merely bide our time until someone challenges them in the courts? But are they unconstitutional if the court that is supposed to judge constitutionality doesn’t find them to be unconstitutional, even if they patently are? In this day and age, I’m not sure even the Declaration of Independence could have been written, because we seemingly can’t hold any truths to be self-evident.
Having performed cunnilingus numerous times in the past (and told I was good at it) I can say with confidence that were a man to employ teeth in that scenario in similar fashion he would learn of his mistake suddenly and in no uncertain terms. (Yes, gentlemen, we know some of you are revolted at the thought; let it go.) I can only imagine this tendency comes from the same place as the idea that they can chew savagely on just anyone’s nipples without asking.
Three and a half inches is the width of a credit card. Or the length of a microdick - a term that I despise. There is a Top in Indianapolis who fucking terrifies me because every time he encounters me at a bathhouse he reduces me to a quivering puddle of post-anal-orgasmic jelly using just such a cock. Attached to him, it is a fearsome weapon. I encountered another one today as I was hosting in Nashville. In the last minutes before I had to close up shop to leave, a man contacted me on Sniffies: ”Do you accept small cocks?” He asked. “I accept all cocks,” I replied. He sent a picture. It was small, all right. ”Do you think we could make that work?” He asked. This seemed a slightly odd question, but I said that as long as it could get hard we could do something. He replied, “Good, because I want to try this.” By ‘this’, it turns out, he meant ‘have sexual intercourse’ which he had not yet done in his 34 years of life. So, suddenly it became rather important that this go well. (He had never been given head, either.) He was a grower, not a shower, and was significantly overweight, so his cock wasn’t initially visible and I had to feel for it. Once I found it and got my mouth around it, however, it stiffened up right away; there was enough to work with. I knew right off that the only way to guarantee penetration would be a gravity assist with me coming down on him from above. With that kind of overweight anatomy, it’s difficult for a man to see what he’s doing if he’s the one mounting an ass, plus there needs to be a minimum of ass cleavage on the way to the hole. I was going to have to spread wide, aim my hole for the spike, and impale. If successful, all he would have to do would be to stay hard. I was surprised at first by the depth of the penetration, but then reminded myself that a heavy guy like that has some padding in the groin that can conceal an inch or more of cock length, and I was compressing it with my weight. Still, in-and-out thrusting was out of the question. It would have to be a rocking ride in which I discovered that he had enough length, at three and a half inches, to rub my prostate. This is unsurprising if you think it through - you know the index finger the proctologist uses to give you a prostate check? Measure its length. (Hint: It ain’t nine inches long.) He did not last three and a half minutes before I heard him say, “You want this load?” ”Of course I do.” This is why I go to hotels and bathhouses and let men I don’t know and sometimes never see use my body for acts that some in society consider unsavory and wanton at best, disgusting and immoral at worst. Not for the loads, though that man’s short dick shot volumes, and was my twelfth load of the night. Not for the ecstatic physical release that I receive, because no one attempts to give me that in return, nor is it expected. I go out and hike my ass in the air for the sake of the man for whom that ass is his first time, and it is within my power to make sure that turning point in his life is a triumph. He entered my door a man so uncertain of himself and his small dick that he didn’t even know if he could fuck; he left a bona fide member of the brotherhood of Men Who Have Bred Another Man. No one can take that away from him. As I write this, it’s very rewarding to me to have his load inside me. I can be proud of my own three and a half inches, the three and a half inches of cunt that he rode to victory.
Just took load number 11 for this hosting visit in Nashville. I calculate I have somewhere between a quarter-cup and a half-cup of other men’s semen inside me right now. And I still crave one more, to make an even dozen.
At tonight’s hotel hosting I’ve already had two requests of “Can I come watch?” Which, no. I explain that some men require discretion and will not come if a third party is present. I also tell them that if they bring someone they want to watch fuck me that’s fine, but he can’t stay afterward. Then, this, on Sniffies: Huge Vouyeur - Will pay to listen silently over voice call. I just…I’m at a loss for words. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t mind getting fucked in front of onlookers. I wouldn’t even care if someone listened in and got off on the sounds I make during sex. But offering to pay me to clandestinely let someone listen to the men who are fucking me seems like a bridge too far. Have others had strange voyeurism requests?
The sensation I had was that he sort of sealed his lips around a spot, sucked inward to draw the flesh into his mouth, and bit down on it.
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