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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I don’t think the thrill is from ghosting. It’s from having the erotic idea of doing something sexual, then feeling the rush of taking an actual step toward it. Apparently for some people, that rush is enough for them. How limited their lives must be.
  2. All these replies, and nobody answered the question. Guys, the internet is your friend. The CDC has Fact Sheets for all these STDs that specifically answer the question of what happens if you go untreated. Gono: Epedidimytis, painful, possible infertility. It can spread to your blood and joints, causing arthritis, and possibly death. Increased susceptibility to HIV. [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea-detailed.htm Chlamydia: Reactive arthritis, sometimes along with urethritis and conjunctivitis. Increased susceptibility to HIV. [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/chlamydia/stdfact-chlamydia-detailed.htm Syphilis: Untreated Syphilis progresses in stages and can persist in the body for decades, into the Latent and Tertiary stages. It might not ever get out of the Latent stage, and you might not experience symptoms other than increased susceptibility to HIV (starting to detect a pattern?) But s subset of people in the Latent stage progress to Tertiary, and if you do, Syphilis can fuck you up, or just straight up kill you. There’s a damn list of ways it can make life a nightmare. [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/stdfact-syphilis-detailed.htm Had ‘em all. Some more than once. Got ‘em all treated immediately.
  3. Like I said, it sounds suspiciously like an exercise in construed statistics. That’s why I said I’d be interested in seeing the study - I’ll take some persuading. But almost certainly not as heavily as is generally represented, due to ingrained cultural factors that heavily tilt surveys toward straight because men are strongly socially influenced toward self-identifying in traditional binary masculine-role oriented ways. Also, most people still think of orientation as a binary system rather than a spectrum, so in that situation the tendency for bisexuals given only the choice of straight or gay are more likely to skew straight for the reasons above. Additionally, men who would otherwise land in bisexual or gay areas on the orientation spectrum end up weighting the straight end because they’re either in denial or in the closet and give inaccurate responses. I haven’t run across a study yet (though my reading on the subject has been casual and perhaps there is such) that has devised a way to accurately account for this factor.
  4. Not sure I was recommending you actually try that…might not be the safest, most sterile thing you could put up your ass. You might introduce harmful bacteria, especially if it had been out any time at all. Animal fats are generally not recommended (butter is usually pasteurized). Besides, I’ve always been a little ambivalent about associating birds with sex. My Dad (a man always ready with colorful language) often used to respond to requests for cash with: If I had ten dollars and you had a feather up your butt we’d both be tickled.
  5. I would want to see the study the OP is referring to, so I could pick out all the flaws in it. There is absolutely no way that a result that says, like clockwork, every fourth son behind three straights is gay. That’s absurd. It would only take one incongruous case to disprove a such a theory. But even if the paper is only describing a likelihood or tendency, the whole premise overlooks two things well-researched and supported since Kinsey - 1) sexual orientation is a spectrum; and 2) an individual’s position on that spectrum may fluctuate over time. What the OP described sounds a lot to me like somebody generated some statistics and got carried away. Color me skeptical. Not every study is a good study. That orientation has at least partly a genetic origin is I think largely accepted at this point, but even so, if one were to give credence to results such as claimed here, the opportunity arises for certain elements of society to stand up and say, “People with three sons should be made to stop at three! Stop the gay proliferation!” or “Abort the Fourth!” I mean, for such people any excuse would do, but this would be available.
  6. You’ve obviously never roasted a goose. Rendered goose fat is wa-a-a-ay slicker and greasier than butter. Anybody eating your ass would want a bib. It would probably make a delicious lube…
  7. With the OP’s indulgence, expanding on the question: Given that degrade means to reduce in worth or value, it follows that it’s possible to degrade a thing until it has no worth or value. That would mean there would be a point beyond which there’s nothing a Top (straight or not) could do or say that would degrade a bottom any further. On the other hand, if a thing can be degraded to the point that it has a negative value - less than zero - it would suggest that the bottom falls out and there’s no limit to how low a bottom could be degraded by a Top. If you have an answer to the OP’s question, did he make you feel like you hit the bottom, or do you feel like there’s potential for someone to degrade you even more? Do you think there’s a limit? Was what happened more degrading because he was “straight”?
  8. Well as to that, I had actually just been thinking that the current situation sort of debunks a lot of the “End of Days” thinking, because you can’t have more than one AntiChrist, and at the moment there are two of them living in Florida. And they’ll both probably run against each other for President. The Bible didn’t say anything about a contest.
  9. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I’ve had dealings with politicians at the federal, state, and local level, and every single time I’ve come away feeling like I needed to go wash. The worst was a governor of Kentucky whose hand I had to shake for a presentation, and it felt like he was oozing invisible black tar. I felt soiled. I know I say on here that I believe any man has the right to cunt me, and I absolutely mean it, but being fucked by a politician like that would leave me feeling violated, and to be bred by a man like DeSantis would leave me feeling permanently stained. Do you realize that DeSantis means ‘of the saints’? Ron of the Saints. No fucking way.
  10. Well, duh. Isn’t that when the Aztec calendar comes round full circle to the sign of Camazotz, coinciding with the start of the Kali Yurga and the perfect conjuction of the Sun and Mars with Planet Nibiru over a giant crop circle in South Dakota at the base of a landing strip for the Fourth Horse of the Apocalypse carrying the Whore of Babylon?
  11. As a former federal employee, I’m frankly shocked at the utter abandonment of accountability in public service now. When I served, there were real consequences if you violated the code of ethics. You did not violate the Hatch Act. And when politicals (elected and appointed, as opposed to hired) they didn’t just brazen it out and walk scott-free. That is absolutely the legacy of Donald Trump, who showed people they could get away with anything as long as they did it without shame. And the body politic today have become so craven and weak that they permit it. Justice must be done and seen to be done to sustain an ordered society. Right now, we ain’t seein’ nothin’.
  12. Unelectable here, in a county where (I shit you not) the south half tried to secede from the north half two years after the Civil War was over, and nobody’s ever gotten over it. Barrel-bottom education standards to the point that if you said consortium they’d think it was some kind of conspiracy and talk about whether they out to go get their guns (you think I’m kidding). This is the state where the aforementioned McCoys lived and made moonshine, about three hours’ drive from my house (Kentucky’s broader than it is tall), and shot at their Hatfield neighbors over this’n’that. If folks here could get away with it today, they’d do the same damn thing. Which isn’t surprising. This is a state that builds its identity and stakes its pride in liquor, guns and horse racing. Not a folk much accustomed to enlightened thinking. Early in the 20th Century, political observer James L. Mulligan wrote what might be generously called a ‘poem’ about Kentucky, famous mainly for its last stanza: Mountains tower proudest Thunder peals the loudest The landscape is the grandest And politics the damndest In Kentucky. I don’t have the heart to plant trees. have very little faith that, here, we’ll ever reach the reawakening of common purpose you speak of. Kentuckians are too goddamn clannish and ornery. What’s ironic is that our state seal shows a frontiersman and a statesman shaking hands, surrounded by the words: United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
  13. This is a difficult question to answer in the terms specified, because the OP isn’t clear what he means by “straight”, and there’s never been any consensus on what it actually means when applied to a man who engages in homosexual acts. (Which, in my mind, means he is at least bisexual by definition.) I’ve been used in some very degrading ways by quite a few men, and with the sheer volume of men who’ve fucked me, no doubt I’ve been fucked by lots of men who think of themselves - ignoring the fact of their cock buried in my male ass - as “straight”. But I have no way of knowing. Hell, half the time I never even see who just bred me. If I had to guess, though, one of the more likely-to-be-straight times was a Top who fucked me brutally, with a lot of hard ass-slapping, and after he came, he picked up my big dildo and started jackhammering me with it as deep and fast as he could go. He kept on and on, the whole time saying, “You’re a fucking whore! You’re a pussy slut! You spread your legs wide open for anybody, don’t you, faggot whore?” Things like that. What made me think straight was the way he said it. There was something about his tone that suggested he genuinely found it demeaning that a man would let himself be fucked, and I deserved to be degraded for it. Other times have been more ambiguous, like the Top who savagely bred me from behind after telling me, “I have zero respect for you. You’re nothing but a faggot to be used.” I’ve always been a little perplexed by gay Tops who claim to have have nothing but contempt for bottoms. In any case, I’ll never forget that fuck because he made absolutely sure I understood I was nothing to him but worthless flesh to nut in, and after he bred me, he jerked his cock out of my cunt, shoved my face hard into the mattress and left without another word. The fact that I never saw him intensifies the sense of degradation I feel every time I remember it.
  14. Be careful what you pray for - what if the sonofabitch won? Then we’d all have to suffer him for four years. I’m afraid your “we” is pretty weak, considering Floridians elected him by a landslide. When I was driving through the panhandle a couple of weeks ago, it was nothing but DeSantis signs everywhere. He might as well have been running unopposed.
  15. If five Supreme Court justices made their decisions on the basis that they wished to ensure a partisan candidate could run on his own bespoke terms, then said justices would need to be impeached for gross dereliction of their oaths of office, forthwith, immediately after being horsewhipped, tarred and feathered in the finest American tradition.
  16. I would imagine the argument would be that it isn’t a requirement for running for an office so much as a restriction against holding an office. That is to say, “We as the state of Florida aren’t saying you have to resign as governor to qualify to run for President; we’re saying that once you qualify to run for President, you’re no longer qualified to serve as our governor.” As a state, they should have every right to make such a decision. As holders of positions in the public trust, officers are routinely subject to prohibitions against holding and/or running for public office, or participating in partisan political processes of various kinds. Conflicts of interest would be extremely difficult to reconcile, and the ability to fully execute the duties of the office would be impaired. Indeed, the very fact that compromising the ability to fully perform the duties of the office so that the campaign could be conducted would itself constitute such a conflict of interest.
  17. Not if he decides to run for President. Under Florida law, a holder of a federal, state, or local office who is seeking another office must resign from the office held no later than ten days prior to qualifying for the office sought. Failure to resign by that date will result in an automatic resignation with immediate effect. How this applies to a presidential race is unclear, but seems likely to apply to qualifying for the Florida Republican Primary. In short, if he intends to throw his hat in the ring for POTUS, he’s a short-timer.
  18. Oh? You have a spare $44 billion lying around you can use to just buy and change a major global internet media company and change the tules to suit you? How nice for you. No wonder you consider it a “non-issue”. Create your own company? Again, I didn’t realize you had access to that kind of capital, or that you were a programming genius with an uncanny sense of how to convert that into a viable business plan. Your comments betray a very shallow understanding of the interlocking nature of the social media infrastructure and the influence of major media outlets on culture. What we’re witnessing is the ability of one man being able to decide how millions of people can or can’t express themselves, what information they can or cannot see, and how information affects our society. The ability to post and access pornography is just one facet of that. No, it is not a ‘non-issue’. The whole landscape of internet porn and sexual contact has undergone major shifts in just the last couple of years because of site changes, and in some cases you can’t just jump to an equivalent alternative. Amateur content is harder to find now, and harder to post. Doublelist notwithstanding, there is still yet no real replacement for Craigslist. You may consider it a ‘non-issue’, but you don’t speak for anybody else. Some of us are actually paying attention.
  19. Not a physician of any kind here, but comparing your image visually to resources available online, they do resemble monkeypox lesions at the latter pustule stage. The pustule stage normally lasts 5-7 days before the lesions begin crusting, a process which lasts a further 7-14 days. Once the scabs have fallen off and new skin is underneath, the person is no longer infectious. If you do have monkeypox, judging by the information, you’ll likely be out of action for a week and a half to two weeks. I would see your doctor at once.
  20. Lol You don’t have to keep saying ‘Oh fuck,” dude. I know what it is I’m doing.
  21. According to the site rules: FTM trans guys are welcome to post wherever – just keep the pussy pics to a minimum in the more public areas. The last part, of course, only applies if a FTM has not physically transitioned. From a practical perspective, however, be aware that on the whole, images of female genitalia or breasts in the General areas of the site tend to elicit negative feedback. You may want to gauge your visual post content accordingly. In the case that you find yourself at some point experiencing frustration when cis gay men fail to sensitively understand or relate to the circumstances of being transsexual in a majority binary world, there is also a space on the site set side for transsexuals where you may find some people of like mind. You are very welcome among us.
  22. Hi - I can’t give you a very useful report about the new ownership, I’m afraid, as I’ve only been able to make the trip once this year, back in the spring. I’m tentatively thinking about going up next week, but not certain. I can say that when I went in the spring I didn’t notice a lot of change. One of the old staff checked me in, though there were a couple I didn’t see. The layout had changed a little but not much. I did my usual full day plus CumUnion in my usual room. I didn’t have any interaction with the new owners that I’m aware of. That said, when I go, I don’t give them any reason to need to pay any attention to me - I spend time in my room between trips to the steam room and the play rooms, and generally do my duty to ensure that their other patrons leave with a smile.
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