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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I wonder, though, since he says “your precious fifth amendment”, whether he isn’t indicating that he isn’t a U.S. citizen, in which case it’s unclear why he should complain of not receiving the benefits of a Constitution that doesn’t apply to him.
  2. The First Amendment is only a guarantee that the government will not make laws preventing free speech. It doesn’t mean anyone can say anything he wants anywhere, especially on a privately hosted website belonging to someone else who gets to make his own rules in his own house where you are a guest. What, one wonders, do you hope to achieve by insulting the moderators and by circumventing a suspension, which, on other sites that I am familiar with, would get you banned at the IP level? But perhaps they are more gracious here.
  3. It bears pointing out, however, that at least in the United States the hint that some kind of “artistic expression” is being attempted might be the only thing that stands between a piece of pornography and an obscenity statute. Not that that either justifies or explains all the swooping, but believe it or not, there are federal laws in the U.S. that prohibit the creation, with the intent to distribute or sell, any material determined to be obscene after applying the three-part test established in Miller v. California. Part one asks whether the material appeals to a prurient interest (this obviously qualifies). Part two asks if an average person would find that the material depicts hardcore sexual behavior in a patently offensive way (this can include normal behavior, and wide latitude is given to what constitutes offensive). The third part of this test is: pWould a reasonable person find that the work, taken as a whole, lacks artistic, literary, political, or scientific value? Basically, with porn, it’s kind of hard to pass the either of the first two tests - what saves it is usually falling back on the freedom to express oneself. Just showing fucking for the sake of raw fucking won’t do. So to stay on the right side of the law…yes, studios do have to make some pretense at a story, or some gesture at artistic effort, or risk adverse legal action by some pearl-clutching anti-porn zealot who demands the obscenity statute be upheld.
  4. But there’s an art to making good porn. The problem is that these guys are trying to be art-y. I imagine that in some of these cases someone is fresh out of film school and is trying out all his tricks without the wisdom or experience to know when and how to actually use them effectively. It might also be that some of them are responding to complaints such as we read elsewhere on this forum that porn, and especially studio porn, is becoming too formulaic and boilerplate, so they may be trying to mix it up a bit - and discovering the basic impossibility of creating a piece of porn that somebody doesn’t like. There may be times when this swooping, circling, zooming style is just the thing - like when you’re filming trapeze artists fucking during their act. That would be worth the price of admission..
  5. The lamentable thing is, they could be right. Never underestimate the value the masses place on bread and circuses. I have very little faith left in the American masses to vote in their greater interests.
  6. Cockhead in my mouth, on my tongue, preferably lips closed around it. I despise having a cock “aimed” at my mouth and not a single drop hitting the target. If he’s going to cum in my mouth, I want to experience the instant sensation of the semen pulsing out onto my tongue, washing my tongue with the taste of him, and setting me up so that I can look up at him straight in the eye so he can see me swallow.
  7. Given the torrent of opinion about what a (we will ignore the pointless “true”) bottom should do in reference to a Top’s need, desire, or instruction, or his role in serving Tops, I feel the need to point out that the OP’s question asked nothing whatsoever about that. He asked about a bottom who is feeling horny - no external context, just self-pleasuring - and wants to know the better way to go about it. All this opining about Tops is not topical. When I service a Top, it’s all about him. When I’m alone taking care of my own needs, it’s not about him.
  8. And Cruz isn’t wasting one second. In today’s reporting, he’s unequivocal in his view that the Supreme Court erred in Obergefell, and explicitly says that it should be left for people to persuade the fellow citizens of their respective states of the laws, policies and rights they ought to have. Chilling. What is needed now is espionage. Such men have darkness in them, and darkness breeds dark secrets. Someone needs to ferret out Mr. Cruz’s secrets where they lie deeply buried and closely guarded, and leverage them without mercy. Know who else had a Senate, and a Republic? Rome. If we were in the Roman Empire someone would have likely poisoned him by now. That’s the way things were managed then. Life spans could be tenuous in Roman politics.
  9. I think men’s take on this who are in relationships may be somewhat dependent on the emotional stability within the relationship. I can see a potential issue arising between some partners in which one partner masturbating causes the other to question whether the masturbating partner is dissatisfied with the partner, or their sex together, or not getting something that he needs. Not as likely to happen in strong, stable relationships, but I can see in where there might be some insecurity.
  10. I too, fear that it may not be possible to achieve a state of political equilibrium without factional violence. It’s already begun at the Capitol, but as draconian laws outrage the public and raise the temperature of politics to a flashpoint, I fear the saturation of firearms will turn the population into a powderkeg. I fear that the inflection point that makes it impossible for these radicals to continue to sustain themselves politically will be the public recoil from a massacre. My home is on the site of a Civil War battlefield that I spent 20 years helping to preserve. The historical resonance is chilling. Don’t ever think Americans won’t slaughter Americans. Don’t ever think it. I still find the spent bullets in my yard. My great fear is that hate-driven nationalists like this are in fact like Klingons in nature, when Admiral Cromwell asked the Klingon L’Rell how to end the Klingon War: Cromwell: How does this war end? L’Rell: It doesn’t. Conquer us, or we will never relent.
  11. Too late. The Millennials and Gen-Z are already through school, and they’re going to be the ones who decide what their children learn about the world. These right-wingers are all about parental control of education - they’re going to get it. The parents aren’t all going to teach the party line. That assumes that the political system is impervious to a determined majority. The United States is not a nation of slaves. We’re not known for putting up with tyrants. If their system becomes too onerous, we will change it. Permanent politics is a contradiction in terms. It might be noted that the sort of men that are attempting to cling to power and foist their will on an entire nation in this way once had considerably more unquestioned power, and had these backward laws already. Their power diminished. The laws got changed. It happened before. It will happen again. History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
  12. But you didn’t ask whether people wanted to see stories continued - you asked if it was proper, which indicates that you understood it might not be. We answered the question you asked to the best of our ability, from alternate viewpoints.
  13. Scotland is itching for another independence referendum as we speak. Northern Ireland is getting the shaft from Brexit (surprise, surprise). The question is whether the United Kingdom as we know it will expire before the Queen does.
  14. No, you wouldn’t, because you don’t have any skin in the game. We all choose the hill on which we fight and die, on which we finally stand on principle. I’m sure yours is just as vital to you. I’m not going to tell you your battle is ridiculous. Theft (define it how you like) of intellectual property is epidemic, grossly exacerbated by the advent of the internet, and getting worse by the day, aided and abetted by apologists who pooh-pooh it as nothing to get riled up over. No, the world isn’t going to stop spinning if some dude steals somebody else’s storyline on a tawdry pornographic forum and scrawls out something to fap to. But so far, we haven’t waited for the world to stand still before deciding that a thing is something we shouldn’t do. Since we can’t actually stop the earth turning, justifying anything on the grounds that it won’t make the earth stop spinning is carte blanche for anything humans are capable of - and therefore it can’t be taken as a justification for anything at all.
  15. The real estate on my body’s priced considerably higher than that. Hard pass.
  16. I have a prediction, too. It is possible that the worst may come to pass as these forces of social intolerance may come to power and impose their will on us all and turn the nation into an arch-conservative dystopian nightmare. But I predict that even should that occur, it will not endure. It cannot, because there is a generation of people coming up who have been raised in the context of a society in which these rights have been normalized. They, in time, will have the power, and they will decide what laws they do and do not want to live by. I predict they will not choose the laws of the dystopia. I also predict, separately, that those currently greedy and ravenous for the power they may be about to wield, will do so with such zeal - for they are zealots - that they will overreach, go too far, and offend the sensibilities of people of common sense to the point that they will at the least blunt their blade, if not lose their grip on it entirely. We shall see. I vote. Where I vote, my vote never shifts the needle one bit - the forces of ignorance and hate are too strong. But I vote. Gamling: Too few have come. We cannot defeat the armies of Mordor. Theoden: No. We cannot. But we will meet them in battle nonetheless.
  17. But…that opening dialogue: Hey, what’s up? This bad boy needs a new fucking water pump. Well, I’ve got a water pump, but it might be too big. Now, you know that if the pump’s too big - oh…that kind of water pump. I can always make that kind of water pump fit… 🤣
  18. Many times I’m not put in a position to say how many loads are in me. The Top doesn’t ask - he just counts the hash marks on my ass.
  19. Just because you can get away with something doesn’t automatically put it in the category of ethically defensible. It’s still one person appropriating something that does not belong to him for his own use. That’s generically referred to as “theft”. Now, you might say that nothing’s been stolen, the original story is still right there. But let’s say that this guy does try to contact the author and get permission to use the work and, for whatever reason, is unable to do so. He does what he wants anyway. Then, the author comes back to continue his work, only to find that some fucker has had the temerity not only to co-opt his creative skills, but to then take his story in a direction he didn’t want it to go. Suddenly he can’t complete his own work and realize his own vision without there being two “alternate endings” out there, one that carries his intent, and one that does not. I’m sorry, but one of the hats I wear in real life is that of a published novelist. No credible writer defends this kind of practice. It isn’t ethically acceptable, whether the law gets enforced or not. And yes, not only is every piece of “fan fiction” out there a violation of the law, the vast majority of it is a violation of the senses - it’s godawful. So not only have these talentless hacks ripped off someone else’s characters, they’ve then degraded them by running them through a sausage-mill of ham-handed, amatuerish prose. This doesn’t even count the putrid sea of dreck out there that takes other people’s characters and makes them enact scenes of sexual depravity. If this dude wants to write a story, he can make up his own. He’s got all the space he needs to type it in.
  20. Be aware that just because story is written in a public forum does not place it in the public domain. You are no more at liberty to appropriate another person’s written creative work than you are his photographs. It is not sufficient to simply say “this is inspired by the work of X” and then use X’s characters, plots, and settings as though they were your own. There is no provision in copyright law for claiming salvage to “abandoned” works, and indeed, copyright to a work does not expire upon the death of the author, but continues to accrue to the estate for decades. If you’re truly inspired by someone else’s story, take that inspiration and come up with something new. If you’ve got the writer’s chops to do justice to his work, then you have the ability to do justice to your own ideas.
  21. I don’t think I can really weigh in on this one. In order to like or dislike the guys who fuck me, I would have to know who they are. Or see them, even.
  22. I’m going to buck the trend here. I’m not a fan of spit. I don’t like being spat on in the first place, but if a Top does try to lube me with his spit the application is usually at a distance from my hole and it’s hit or miss the amount that actually ends up in a useful location. Not that it matters. I never rely on a Top to lube me. It’s my responsibility to make sure I’m ready for entry.
  23. I did exactly that. And I found polka dots in the shape of little hearts, for extra lovin’.
  24. Possibly, but some might argue that the decent-minded men aren’t the ones fucking the cumdumps. Some might. And if they were… where’s the fun in that?“Decent” and “indecent” are such flexible terms.
  25. Okay, let’s walk this back a little. What are you trying to achieve with this line of questioning? The OP has asked a straight-up question, how to keep his cock soft during fucking. He didn’t ask anyone to try to talk him out of doing it. You’re warning the guy, with zero scientific support (because there isn’t any) that he’s going to damage his mental health if he doesn’t embrace his boner? You’ve made it abundantly clear in another thread that you don’t understand men who seek to avoid cock stimulation, but telling a guy he’s going to hurt himself if he doesn’t use his cock is about as useful as telling a guy he’ll go blind if he masturbates. Why fight his body’s natural reaction? Because he doesn’t like it. It’s not complicated. That’s all the reason he needs. He’s not asking for radical measures, he’s asking essentially for the most basic reliable method to use when the occasion arises. He’s not trying to shrink his cock off. Why would a man fight the natural function? I really don’t much like ejaculatory orgasm because I find it an unpleasantly violent sensation with a nasty after-feel, and trying to make myself enjoy it hasn’t been good for my mental health. I do much better without it, and would be ecstatic if I were told that my body would never again inconvenience me with the need to deal with that particular function. I can’t speak to the OP’s personal reasons for wanting to experience his own sexuality in a way that best fulfills him, but neither I nor you need to understand them - that is decidedly his prerogative. Suggesting to him, without basis, that his desire is not only wrong, but unnatural and potentially harmful, is not the prerogative of anyone else.
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