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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. @hntnhole- With respect, your description of the arrangement specifically spells out that the Top should determine punishments for noncompliance. One doesn’t do that with a roommate or a fuckbuddy. You also express the Top role in terms of a whoremaster whoring out the boy. Even if the intent is a casual mutual living arrangement with ample sexual outlet, the basic premise that you’re starting from is a Top-Dominant one, beginning with the argument of the benefit being that the Top will be able to ensure testing. As to the rest, the very act of whoring out a cumdump is an unequal power arrangement by design. But as you did ask for Top rather than bottom perspectives I won’t belabor the point further.
  2. @TheSRQDude - I wouldn’t begin to question your first-hand experience of the industry, as it is obviously not my field. But nothing that you have told us here contradicts the underlying fact that the entire industry is dependent upon the vagaries of luck on both the micro level (car wrecks) and the macro level (hurricanes). They may not make their profit from the individual payout, but their ability to invest is similarly keyed to the vagaries of fortune, or there would be no reason for a variation in premium dependent on risk. Regardless of the nuts and bolts, the business of the insurance industry is risk, and risk, by definition, is a gamble. So it is small wonder, touching on the OP’s concern, that insurance companies will take any measure available to hedge that risk - if there is an opportunity to do so, one would be naïve to assume that they have not.
  3. That “approach” does absolutely nothing to satisfy the stipulations of U.S. copyright law, and does nothing but ensure that the people using images without permission know the identity of the people whose rights they’re infringing. We don’t get to decide ad hoc what seems like a fair approach. What’s fair is laid out specifically in the Fair Use doctrine of the law as upheld by the courts. Everything else is entirely at the sole discretion of holder of the copyright, who may allow or deny the use of the work at his or her pleasure, with or without compensation. To claim that one is using an image “courtesy of” the copyright holder is an expression that one has received an explicit waiver of copyright protection for that display of the image, and should only be construed to imply a waiver for that single use, and no other. The only times at which you can freely post (i.e. “publish”) an image on the internet are if: • It is your own original creative work; • You have received explicit permission of the owner of a work that is not yours through waiver of copyright, or by purchase of specific use rights (which may be limited and conditional in both cases) • The work is completed by someone you have hired to produce the work for you (a “work-for-hire”) • The copyright holder has voluntarily placed the work in an open-use status such as the Creative Commons, in which case you are required to adhere to the limitations placed on use depending on the classification of the work • The work is in the Public Domain. Aside from these (and potentially a few other unusual circumstances) posting images you don’t own is technically in violation of copyright and potentially actionable. In answer to the OP’s question, you technically do not have a right to repost any content produced by the studio in any form, including a static image of a moving picture. Your intent, however, may matter to the copyright holder in deciding whether the infringement rises to the level of warranting the cost of adverse action to defend the copyright. The fact that it’s a one-off posting with no intent to make any money, and in fact may benefit the studio by drawing attention to their video may dispose them kindly toward the use. All of which assumes that it comes to their attention out of the surging ocean of the internet in the first place, and even if it did, the likely result if they didn’t like it would be to request its removal.
  4. Some tattoos might not necessarily belie a pure heart; a dove, a cross, an angel, a Star of David, if not ostentatious, might actually enhance the fantasy for some by reinforcing the idea of purity with visual symbolism. It could admittedly get confusing though, if you had a guy tatted on his left ass cheek with “Fuck Me” and his right with “In Jesus’ Name”.
  5. I’m always a bit bemused when insurance companies speak of losing money in business because I have always failed to see how the insurance business is distinct from gambling; the insurers are gambling that the insureds’ luck will hold, the insured are gambling that it won’t. And since the insurers write the policies, the deck is stacked in favor of the house.
  6. There isn’t a “proper” dosage, as sniffing poppers is an “improper” use of the substance. And the effect varies somewhat per individual and depending on how habituated the person has become to using them. In addition, the big inconsistency is the potency of any given bottle due to the high volatility of the active gaseous compounds being emitted - if the bottle has been left open too long, you could sniff it for ten straight minutes and not feel the effect. In order to test whether poppers are actually a solution to your issue, try it with a bottle you unseal immediately before you start. Bear in mind that poppers wear off quickly. I find that the cock-limping effect endures rather longer than the euphoric effects, but it’s not going to hold you for half an hour on a single go; you would likely have to keep the poppers coming to maintain it. But all this begs the question of why you’re getting rock-hard while being bred to begin with. Erection isn’t a purely autonomic physical reaction - it requires a mental component to activate. It may be possible for you to do some work to identify what psychologically triggers you to feel aroused that way while bottoming, and learn to subdue or redirect those thoughts so that they don’t result in erection. This is actually the real reason behind my tongue-in-cheek references to looking at unsexy images; they steer your mind away from taking the thought path that normally leads to a hardon. You might be able to achieve what you want without a pill. In fact, I’m sure you can. There are many, many of us on this site who never get hard for a moment when taking cock. It’s not that we aren’t aroused by it - we may even orgasm repeatedly - it’s just that we’ve conditioned ourselves to turn the sexual fulcrum of our mind and body to a point other than our penis.
  7. Linguistic variances are regional in origin, and I’m willing to bet that if I had a map with pins in it for every BZ member who says ‘arcade’ for a fucking-place and could pin where those men either live or grew up, we’d see a relatively localized cluster. Personally, I always enjoy fucking in a cluster, but that’s me.
  8. If poppers don’t limp you, I don’t know what will. Maybe have a photo of your grandmother you could look at? A recording of any female cam performer on LiveJasmin having an orgasm? The risk, or course, is shutting down your libido, not just your cock. Since you say you don’t like to sniff much of poppers, and since it sounds like you’re asking for something in terms of a substance or pharmaceutical, it strikes me that this could simply be a problem of proper dosage. While I find that (contrary to many Tops’ claims) poppers kill erections in virtually everybody, the amount of exposure required to reach deflation can vary between individuals. You may be more tolerant, and may require more. Or you can have a pic of Roseanne Barr handy in your wallet. Same thing.
  9. Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll be sure to stay off of your lawn. 😃
  10. Yes. But it also works the other way. All the men who seem to be under the impression that any cock should be available to them should become aware of the fact that it simply isn’t so. Sometimes it takes a cage to send that message when all else fails. Not every cock enjoys being fondled. Maybe they don’t want to know that, but it will be true whether they want to acknowledge it or not.
  11. Okay, maybe a regional thing as well, then? Because nowhere in the region I’m in would anyone refer to an ABS as an arcade. An adult bookstore or an adult theatre, but you wouldn’t hear arcade. The one five miles from my house has the shop in front, and in the back a hallway lined with video booths, and then a pair of theaters, so it sounds like it has all the ingredients, but just doesn’t have that name applied to it here.
  12. Out of curiosity, is the park you’re referring to a federal, state, or local jurisdiction? If federal, is it a part of the National Park system?
  13. Forgive my reply as I’m not a Top, but I just want to make sure I’m following along properly, and I think your suggestion misses an important element. If I understand correctly, you’re essentially saying that the principle benefit to taking on the commitment of a live-in, regular-use cumdump, aside from having them take on a share of household work, is the ability to guarantee regular STD screening and necessary treatment? Your point about not withholding sex as a punishment is well taken, as it affects the foundational transaction that makes the arrangement possible. But it’s only one side of that indispensable coin. It’s not only that the Controlling Top cannot withhold sex, nor that he is empowered to enable sex at will - it’s that he is obligated to do so. The arrangement you propose is a form of Power Exchange. The cumdump/breedboy/submissive surrenders a degree of his personal agency to the Controlling Top, for the Top’s benefit. But this is an exchange - the submissive must have something of equivalent value in return. Generally, this takes the form of having certain needs met by the Top. When the agency to meet the needs on his own is removed or curtailed, the Top then becomes obligated to fulfill them, because the submissive doesn’t stop needing them. If a Top controls a submissive’s sexuality, it is then his responsibility to ensure that the submissive is sexually used in the manner agreed upon. Taking in a “free-range” fuckboy, who is used at will and controlled at whim but otherwise left to his own devices with permission to fulfill his own needs is not an acceptable solution. Even though the ability is there, the expectation remains that the Top will provide in exchange for what is surrendered. When it isn’t, the submissive may go out at need, but a feeling of want will persist. Leaving him to scrounge for himself is a cop-out on the Top’s part - even if the submissive wants and likes the liberty - a way of not paying the piper, and a guarantee that the arrangement will ultimately break down because the power exchange is not equitable. It must be equitable. The arrangement is not relational, it is transactional, and the currency is sex. If the submissive gets less value in return for the value of his sexual output, it is servitude; if he gets more, it is prostitution. If it is equal, the transaction is zero-sum, therefore the value is spread equally and the arrangement is sustainable. But the relative values are constantly shifting, so it is not an easy balance to maintain. I have never found a suitable Top to have control of me in such a way, even though I would theoretically be an ideal candidate for such a situation, because none of those who have tried have kept this end of the bargain. If you get a dog you can’t just pay attention to it when you want dog time. You have to feed it, every day, no matter what, if you want it there when you’re ready for dog time. It’s not always convenient, and sometimes it can feel like a chore, but it has to be done because the dog is bound to you and reliant on you. If you take a dog and only feed it sometimes but let it loose to roam and fend for itself, you can’t expect it to always come when you call, and someday it may not come back at all if it finds someone who feeds it every day. And it won’t be the dog’s fault - it will be yours. For this reason, I suspect - and frankly hope - that not many Tops are going to answer this in the affirmative, because taking someone on like this is in fact a heavy commitment, one that most men aren’t thinking through in a lustful haze. When it works, I can imagine how rewarding it is for both men. When it doesn’t, I can tell you how much it sucks.
  14. There is a prior thread related to this topic that may contain information you would find helpful:
  15. I’m Gen-X. To me, an arcade is a place where you go to rid yourself of all your quarters playing Pac-Man, Dig-Dug and Galaxian on stand-up consoles. Boop Boodle Boop Boop Boop Boodle Boop Boop BooooodlyBooooooodlyBoooooodlyBoop* You couldn’t have heard yourself fucking for the noise, and there weren’t any surfaces remotely horizontal enough to do it on. But I don’t think that’s what you men who speak of fucking in arcades are talking about. What’s the distinction between an arcade and an adult bookstore/adult theater? Is it something else entirely? Is this a generational thing, or something understood in some parts of the world and not others? * My apologies to anyone under 40 whom I may have just caused to suffer severe eye-rolling, or anyone under 25 who may have no idea what I’m talking about.
  16. I think exhibitionism can be expressed in various degrees among individuals, with the far end crossing over the line into which it becomes considered a paraphilia disorder. The thrill attendant on the risk of being seen or getting caught is an adrenaline-surge motivator for some; I’m not sure if you can really simply call it stupid when impulses as potent sexual drive and strong pleasure center gratification are at play - but it is certainly unwise. On the other hand, there’s a time and a place, and there are limits even on the most daring of possible experiences. Fucking in front of children is such a limit. If a man is so cavalier and unconcerned about a very real risk of this, or if his drive to expose himself overrides his reluctance, he must be considered to have a pathologic exhibitionist paraphilia. This is not stupidity, but a mental condition in need of treatment, and for which treatment is available. @NWUSHorny’s comments about the potential for attracting increased law enforcement presence are accurate; we see this happen over and over again when agencies feel obliged to respond to the complaints of the shocked and offended public unnecessarily shocked and offended by fuckers fucking in unwise places. It’s a bit of a conundrum, to be sure - to keep the cops away it’s best not to do it in public places, but the biggest thrill (for some) is the danger of doing it in a place where someone might want to call the cops. I’m afraid appealing to such dangerphiles to keep it mellow so the rest of us can have danger-free places to fuck in the open doesn’t seem likely to be persuasive, and honestly I don’t know what would be. I’m fairly risk-averse, not because I’m timid, but because I don’t do stupid. I don’t intentionally put myself in situations where I would be in a position to fuck in a compromising public location in this way. I don’t do it, for one reason, because if I was approached by a man and told to unzip because he wanted my ass then and there, I am conditioned to obey him. Mercifully, I think such approaches are probably usually subtle rather than overt, and I suspect I am oblivious to subtle sexual advances, so my risk is slight. But I don’t go looking for trouble. God knows, it has my address.
  17. Thanks - It does strike me as a weakness of the current system (think of this as a wish-list suggestion for RawTOP’s future efforts) that there are no direct launch points from a member’s profile directly to either the member’s gallery content or the member’s blog content. Any time I want to add a blog entry I have to hunt down my own blog in order to do it. I get there eventually, but it seems like it could be much more intuitive from a user interface perspective.
  18. As a former park ranger, I cannot recommend this. There’s no need to invest in high-end equipment you’re going to use once, but this is your shelter from the elements, and you do not know what nature has in store for your visit. At the least, you want a tent reinforced to withstand moderate winds, and treated for water resistance if not waterproofed. If your shelter fails, sex will drop on your priority list surprisingly quickly. Unless you plan on sleeping in another man’s tent every night. Or not sleeping at all. I might add that I don’t tent camp at all - I always get a cabin, and am consider it worth every penny.
  19. “No, but you’re going to think you’ve gone to Heaven.”
  20. Yes, I get this from time to time, and when I do, I stop right there and educate. The most important service I can provide for that Top is for him to walk out of my room with the knowledge he needs to live his sex life in a healthy, responsible way, whether he fucks me or not. Sometimes it takes effect right away, sometimes it takes a while to settle in. One time at the bathhouse in Indy, a Top asked, and even after I patiently explained about U=U, PrEP, and Top risk vs. bottom risk, he still rejected me. The following month when I came back, he sought me out in my hotel room to fuck me, apologized, and told me that what I had told him had changed his perspective. And he fucked me very well.
  21. Camp Buckwood, south of Indianapolis in Indiana, fits all the criteria you list. Very mixed, open and non-judgmental, in my experience. There are a couple of dedicated play areas, but the whole place is a playspace, properly considered. There’s a range of accommodation from tent spaces to cabins to bunkhouse and lodge rooms, as well as RV sites.
  22. Out of curiosity, how do you prevent the existing and active “Telegram Group Chat” thread in General, which exists for the purpose of recruiting BZ members to Telegram groups, from feeding into this AIDS fetish group? Members here are simply posting their contacts and saying “add me to all groups”. Isn’t the very presence of that thread an open corridor from BZ to the Forbidden Zone? I realize there are plenty of Telegram groups that are perfectly acceptable, but how do you enable the one without enabling the other?
  23. It wouldn’t, and it doesn’t. Your take on this suggests that you still maintain a reasonably charitable view of men that assumes that, when given any opportunity, they will behave in a commonsense manner as gentlemen. They emphatically do not. A fair number of them are arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed assholes with an acute sense of entitlement who don’t think twice about violating another man’s intimate body areas without asking and respond to ‘no’ with ‘challenge accepted’. If I wear a jockstrap to prevent groping I might as well be wearing nothing at all, because every. single. time. I end up with hands slipped inside the pouch. Because of the kind of service bottom I am, I submit to it, but for that reason I also almost never wear a jock and put myself in the inevitable position. This is not a “simple issue” for those of us getting unwillingly manhandled, and the “common solution” here is in no way one-size-fits-all.
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