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Actually, since you said that, it is amazing the shit some people make up.
“On a forum no Christian ever reads” BWAHAHAHAHA You think Christians don’t fuck bareback? I’m a Christian, and this is my 4,001st post here. And you think no member of the House of Representatives would ever sully his eyes on such content? I assure you, some of those people are among the sleaziest, most corrupt whoremongers on the planet. How about good ol’ George Santos, who evidently used campaign donations to pay for his subscription to OnlyFans? You can’t make this shit up.
I just made my 4,000th post on this forum. If that were one post per day, it would equal almost eleven years’ worth of posts (I’ve only been here for six). By my reckoning, that still leaves me about 400 short of having the equivalent of one post for every day that I’ve been HIV+. By the time I reach 4,500 I’ll probably hit that equivalency. I wouldn’t have thought I had that much to say about sex. I never thought that sex played a significant role in defining me - I live alone, have no social circle, reside in a place where casual sex is practically unobtainable. What’s more, I hate the fact that I exist in an animal body with sexual demands. I haven’t been happy since puberty, when these unwelcome urges were forced upon me. I was perfectly content without them. Yet fast-forward to today and I find myself looking backward at a sexual past that has been, shall we say, colorful by most any standard, with choices made that only caused it to become ever more so. 4,000 - roughly four posts for every man who’s cunted me. I’ve been very (very) open about my sexual life in these posts, possibly oversharing, but if I have it’s been out of a desperate sense that no one would believe that such things actually happened to me. I’ve never told anything that didn’t happen, was always careful not to exaggerate or embellish, because if I ever did, even once, no one could trust any post of mine to be true after that. I’ve never been inspired to write erotic fiction, which is ironic because I’m actually a published novelist. God knows I have enough personal experience to write something, but it’s all too real to me, too personal, too intense. There’s no need to fictionalize it. Possibly part of the reason I’ve never thought to compile it all into a book is because I’ve gotten it all out of my system here, in posts, like Scheherzade telling a story for a thousand and one nights until she ran out of things to say. I do feel as though I’m running out of anything new and meaningful to say. When I do, I’ll stop, because I hate repeating myself. Every time I’ve done so in these posts I’ve felt like I was begging to be believed. 4,000 posts. 1,000 fucks. Pity - I’d much rather it had been the other way around. The posts would have been much more interesting.
Correction: Who you hadn’t heard of. He’s made lots of noise in lots of places influencing lots of people over his misguided career. And the anti-gay Christianity is an active force in the here and now, causing actual harm - just this week the North Georgia division of the second largest Protestant denomination in the US lost nearly half its member churches because the other half insisted on being anti-gay. Hysteria, you say? The man isn’t some fringe political nobody - he’s now the Speaker of the House of Representatives and second in line of succession for the Presidency. He may be crazy, but he’s been placed in a position of power to actually make some crazy happen. There is a significant percentage of the American population that would be absolutely on board with sending people to jail for being homosexuals - or indeed, for doing anything they don’t like. One of their kind is now in power. To object to that isn’t hysterical, it’s vital.
Science, people. This thing has been studied very thoroughly, it being of such vital interest to men worldwide, and the data is quite, quite, quite clear - the average human penis is less than six inches long. Period. Bell curves being what they are, you would expect larger sizes to become drastically rarer the farther they get from the average, and statistics bear this out. There simply are not enough 8+ inch cocks on the planet to account for all the claims, or anything like it. Therefore it becomes glaringly obvious that men are willfully pretending that the obvious is not true. How many men even actually know how to correctly measure a cock for length to compare to the accepted baseline? How many men even bother to use a measuring implement at all, and instead just spitball an estimate? (Before, mind you, deciding invariably to err on the high side.) No, 8-inch cocks are not here, there snd everywhere. They’re just not. Not anywhere. Research studies place 8-inch cocks in the 99th percentile of length. That means that in the male population, only one (1) out of every hundred men will have a penis that long or longer. All the extra ones are either confused or lying. Now, you might say, “But I see more 8” cocks than that around.” It’s entirely possible that the stigma around having a penis that isn’t a superlative size causes many or even most men to hide their cocks from view, and thus only those that can show themselves without fear are the ones on display - that might give rise to an illusion that large cocks are common, but the fact is that they are not. Porn certainly fosters that illusion, since the industry selects for large endowment. Its representation of this (and so much else) is far from realistic. I confess that I was inclined to reply to the poll that I consider 8” large rather than 7”, for two reasons: First, my own is right at 7” (and I do know how to measure it correctly) so to my own perception, ‘big’ would be ‘bigger than me’. But I also believe my view is affected by cunt-creep - having taken a number of legitimately massive cocks, I now have crossed an experiential threshold beyond which even a moderately large cock would fail to challenge me. I imagine that if I took huge cocks regularly, my assessment of what ranked as ‘big’ would edge still further upward, even though the human average would stay right where it is.
I was raised Methodist, and I observe with either bemusement or amusement (I can’t decide) that the United Methodist Church - the second largest Protestant denomination in America is currently tearing itself limb from limb because some in the denominational leadership are absolutely determined to keep the wicked, heathen, soulless gays away from their communion wafers. I have to suppress a giggle when I read that part of the agreement to “let” almost half the churches that don’t want to preach hate depart includes a stipulation that the departing churches can’t call themselves United Methodists. Well look around, folks, you’re just as un-united as they are now. It takes two sides to have a schism. I haven’t set foot in a Methodist Church since I was an undergraduate, nor have I found any church where the people were actually Christians that Christ would recognize. I’ve known a few of the genuine article, but they seldom need a church to do their good in the world. I pity Mr. Johnson, actually. Not just because he’s clearly such a damaged soul, but because he’s let himself be lured by the bait of power into the abattoir where the demons are even now sharpening their knives for him.
How long for your HIV to progress?
ErosWired replied to pozsewerpig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Christ - that’s a hell of an uphill battle. Did they have you on prophylaxis the whole time? I got over 200 from a low of 49 within a year, but nine years on I’ve only topped 400 once, and have mostly stayed in the 250-350 range. I’ll probably never see 500 again. -
We’re basically in agreement; you just went into more detail. I was more addressing @hntnhole’s observation that there are Doms who have a skewed perception of what the whole thing’s about.
There’s a distinct difference in the use of electro for painful stimulation and its use to stimulate for erotic pleasure. It doesn’t have to hurt, and shouldn’t, when done properly. I’m sorry you encountered someone bent on using it for the former. I’ve met plenty of people who’ve sworn off it because of a negative first experience, and it’s a shame.
A more realistic read might be "a boy must be broken down first, and then re-built [stop there]." Any relationship predicated on one person changing another into what he wants is on unstable footing from the start. The submissive may be, and likely is, searching for a new internal paradigm, and may be trying to work through a kind of internal power struggle within his own psyche through the vehicle of power exchange. He may benefit from, or even need the assistance of, the Dominant to reach a state in which he can have those epiphanies - that is to say, some resistance within him may well need to be broken down. While the Dominant may have a vision of what represents a desirable level of submission, meeting the Dom’s criteria should not be the purpose, for either of them. That’s not to say that the Dominant’s desire and satisfaction count for nothing - he is an equal partner in the exchange with his own value to gain from it, and the submissive has an equal duty to see it met - but there has to be balance. It can be deeply fulfilling when it works.
Thanks for this. I have in other topics on the forum explained that I do find that I most enjoy serving Men of Color, but it has nothing to with the melanin in their skin, nor the size of their phalluses, which varies widely. I attribute it not to racial, but to cultural factors that may tend to predispose them to a body-positive attitude toward sexuality. And you are absolutely right about hygiene, except it isn’t just gays - men are nasty generally. Among the men I service when I host, Men of Color seem to make up a disproportionate percentage of the whole - sometimes more than half - and I live an area where the Black demographic in all the urban areas in which I host is below 29%. That’s men whose race I become aware of; in so many of my encounters I never even see the man who breeds me, so race is irrelevant - which it would be anyway, as I turn no one away. I do make a point in all my ads and profiles of saying “Men of Color very welcome”, but that’s in response to posts I read from gay Black men who relate that they have problems being turned down for sex because of their race. Clearly, that would not be a problem with most of the men replying to this thread, all these guys gushing about how much they “love Black cock” or wouldn’t have anything else - but I challenge them to put on a blindfold and then tell me whether the cock they just sucked is attached to a Black man.
This is sort of the reason I default to ‘Red’ - for me to use my safeword, a Dom would have to take me to an extremity of physical or mental distress at which I might have difficulty recalling that I had chosen ‘Rutabaga’. Red means ‘stop’ in mosts contexts, which is what you want the Dom to do at that point. Now, as I have always been taught and practiced, the use of a safeword isn’t for a momentary pause - use of a safeword ends the scene, to allow for recovery, and communication. I’m not sure if the general readership here is able to entirely appreciate the complexities of this topic, as safewords aren’t usually a feature of vanilla sexual activity, even among certain non-BDSM kink circles. There are plenty of kinky things people do that don’t involve the kind of power exchange that allows Dominants to subject submissives to discomfort, distress and/or pain. Someone might say, “I never use a safeword, I let a Top fuck me as hard as he wants”, but he doesn’t realize that in many cases hard fucking would be gentle treatment compared to what a BDSM submissive might be subjected to. One could hardly blame them for not understanding; by any common measure, people would consider most submissives crazy to allow themselves to be used so. The waters of power exchange run deep, with strong currents, and not many choose to swim in them.
I will never forget a demo session I was the subject of once where I was bound to a table and four men were being introduced to the various uses of the Violet Wand. This was an old-skool Violet Wand mind you, the real deal, one with some power to it, not one of these lightweight ‘neon-wand’ types of apparatuses. I distinctly recall watching as these guys were absolutely fascinated using the wand to make little bolts of blue lightning shoot from the wand into my cockhead and up and down my cock shaft, completely forgetting that I was attached to it. Quite different sensation than using a stim-box. Most electrodes one uses with an electrostim device are either applied directly to the skin (either moistened or with a conductive gel) or inserted into the anus or urethra. Once properly applied, the electricity completes its circuit along the shortest available path, stimulating nerves along the way, so placement is key. You’d be surprised that an anal electrode angled a certain way can cause a feeling of a zing in tour toes, but it can. A sophisticated stim machine with adjustable settings can give you the sensation of being stroked, squeezed, pumped, and even fucked, with just the right placement of electrodes and precise machine settings. But it’s more an art than a science. I’ve achieved some amazing, even what I would call transcendent, states of orgasm this way…but never twice the same. I have never been able to quite duplicate any given experience. And sometimes I can’t quite catch the wave at all and end up frustrated. (It’s somewhat like fishing in that way.) Still, you couldn’t do any of it with a Violet Wand. In my view, the main value in the wand is the visual aesthetic, and the way the ability to visualize the electricity excites the imagination and spices the scene. With other types of electro, the electricity isn’t seen, only felt. Again, though, none of this type of play is for the novice. You can burn your skin, or stop your heart, if you don’t know what you’re doing, and doing it the wrong way can be painful and unpleasant and turn you off it from the start - nobody touches the hot stove twice. My tolerance for it was built up by a Sadist who enjoyed it as a torture of choice; not a way I recommend getting experience with it, but I learned.
Mental conditioning is real, and Pavlov demonstrated the effectiveness of conditioning associated with triggers. If you are exposing yourself to cocksucking situations with that kind of frequency, it doesn’t surprise me at all that something in your mind has learned to associate that state with the sound of belt buckles. My former Master very intentionally applied Pavlovian techniques to condition me to orgasm at his verbal command, to the point that I would have a dry orgasm, involuntarily, any time he, or anyone else, said the word ‘Cum’ as a command. The effect has waned over time, but if someone were to say it in just the right tone, I probably still would. Closer to what you’re describing, though, for me, in terms of what flips my instant-cumdump switch, is the scent of poppers. I don’t even have to sniff from a bottle - just being in a room and catching the faintest whiff of the smell immediately drops me into service mode. Anyone who knew that about me could control me in an instant just by opening a bottle.
If you take any time at all to read the posts in this thread by the men who have had the courage to share their experience and its aftermath, you will realize how utterly inappropriate that question is. This thread isn’t about rape fantasy or fetish. It’s about what happens when shit gets real.
Mr. Johnson purports to believe in God, and, perilously, to act in God’s name. But the God he worships does not need software to hold people to account for their actions. Mr. Johnson will discover this, at the last, when his own account comes up for review.
Safewords are not “training wheels”, and every experienced submissive in the BDSM lifestyle has one, and incorporates it as a matter of course in every scene negotiated with a Dominant. Every Dominant worthy of the name asks for, expects, and respects the safeword. Both parties expect that it will never be uttered, because of the trust they are placing in one another. The word is a safety precaution to avoid real harm, not a cop-out feature or signal of weakness. No submissive who takes his submission seriously will use his safeword unless at the end of need; its use will cause a sense of failure in both parties - in the Dominant, a sense of failure at mastery of his power, and a failure of due care, and in the submissive a failure to endure, and to serve. No scene is ever a contest to see what it takes for the Dominant to force the submissive to say his safeword. Such a thing would be abhorrent to anyone in the lifestyle. Those who say they don’t have one or refuse to use one a) are inexperienced, b) never engage in play that rises to the level in which a safeword would be remotely necessary, or c) are foolish. There is no ‘bragging right’ to be had in claiming that you have or use no safeword; it only says that you do not clearly communicate with your sex partners, and a discerning Dominant might well decline to interact with you if you say you don’t use one. My safeword is simply ‘Red’, because it’s more or less universally understood throughout the BDSM community even if it were not explicitly discussed in scene negotiation. I also use ‘Yellow’ as a ‘slow-down’ word in the way @hntnhole mentions above, though I am far from a novice; I use it (exceedingly sparingly) to allow a Dominant to fine-tune the subtleties of his technique as we spend time exploring and expanding the boundaries of my endurance. I have always made my safewords clear; I have never said ‘Red’ because I have used ‘Yellow’ to make sure I never needed to. Note: I do not employ my red word in vanilla sex, as most men outside the BDSM lifestyle do not understand the concept or its significance, and because if the kind of action that would prompt its use in BDSM occurs in a vanilla context, you’re most likely dealing with a sexual assault or rape, and no safeword is going to help you.
I can see someone edging for 1 to 3 hours, but 7? Ten? Seriously? Edging for an entire day? That’s…devotional. That interferes with meals. In my experience there comes a numbing point with penile stimulation at which stimulation is no longer really felt; the nerves are overstimulated, oversaturated. Plus, who among us is able to maintain an erection for ten hours? (With Viagra, if you don’t lose it after four you’re supposed to seek medical attention.) There’s a way around the numbing and erection issues, which I employ myself - electrostimulation*. It bypasses all the mechanical aspects of masturbation and goes straight to the nerves themselves, sending signals to the brain that can tell it you’re being sexually stimulated in various ways, even if your cock is totally limp and cold. And it can go for ten hours, or 24, or 72, or until you fail to pay your electricity bill because you’ve been gooning out in endless orgasms for over a month. That’s an exaggeration, but not by much. I’ve induced a continuous rolling orgasm in myself that’s lasted well over five minutes before - and that’s not an exaggeration in the slightest. Think about that for a moment: That intensity you feel at the moment you cum, but five minutes long. Set a timer and see how long five minutes is. It’s eternity when you’re cumming. I had to finally cut it off because I couldn’t take it any more, and seriously thought my heart might fail. The system could stim me below the level of orgasm, or skip from one orgasm to the next at intervals, indefinitely, and I have used it that way at length - but even with such means, when I could theoretically go on and on and on, I have never done so for more than about three hours at a stretch before feeling that I’ve had enough. *WARNING DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Not unless you know exactly what you are doing, and have the equipment to do it with. I have extensive experience with electro, have trained Dominants in its use (with myself as the subject in case they make mistakes) and have top-of-the-line equipment. Do not attempt it with anything not made especially for the purpose of electrostimulation. Never attempt to attach any electrode above the waist. Injury or death can result.
How long for your HIV to progress?
ErosWired replied to pozsewerpig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
I should add that the information in my post above applies to an untreated infection. If a person is diagnosed as HIV -positive, begins treatment, and adheres to that treatment consistently, the answer to how long it takes to get AIDS is: He never will. This is the miracle science has given us, that even though we cannot (yet) remove the Enemy Virus from our bodies, we now have medicines that stop its destructive work so that we never see the end result. I take my pill every single day, without fail, and have done so for more than nine years now. The pill I take is not just a packet of pharmaceuticals to me - it is a dose of Life. Having had an AIDS diagnosis, I will always technically have AIDS, but I will never let it have another chance at killing me. -
How long for your HIV to progress?
ErosWired replied to pozsewerpig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Let’s be very, very clear that the OP’s topic title is an inquiry about how long one would normally expect an untreated HIV infection to develop to late-stage disease, that is, AIDS. The title does not imply that there is a good or preferred time for an HIV-positive person to choose to let his condition deteriorate to AIDS. It’s never “time to let it happen”. (And if the OP did mean to imply that, the topic has no place on the health board.) The time from seroconversion to diagnosis of AIDS will vary based on a number of factors, with a median of 12 years within a range of 9 months to 20 years. In my case, I believe the process took just over three years, from my hospitalization for seroconversion illness to my hospitalization in which I was diagnosed with AIDS. -
Yet what you’re suggesting is that participation in this thread should be limited to those who are only of the same mind and similarly enjoy a particular kink. That’s not open-mindedness, nor does it invite open discussion. But the OP has asked his question in such a way that makes it difficult to evaluate a response simply as a question of how best to practice a kink. He explicitly asks for advice in how to avoid causing the Top to lose interest. The question cannot be practically answered solely in terms of how to play his game and keep the Top. The reality is that, as with all kinks, his very decision to play his ‘game’ is very likely to cause rejection with a significant percentage of Tops. The answer to ‘how can I play my game and not drive him away’ is ‘often you simply can’t - many men find any sort of game-playing an annoying waste of time, and it’s foolish to assume that any stranger about whom you know little to nothing is going to enjoy your kink. More, it can be doubly annoying when they realize they’re being toyed with just to satisfy the other person’s desire for titillation. As the OP seems unaware of this, it seems necessary, as objective observers and recipients of his question, to advise him of the reality. To tell him so is not an attempt to suppressive, abusive or condescending - indeed, failing to do so would do him a disservice.
I wouldn’t place any heavy bets on what kind of media is going to “dominate” in four or five years’ time, let alone a decade hence. ‘New Media’? It won’t be new then - something else will be jumping up and down waving for attention. Given that social media is a broad, encompassing paradigm used by billions of people across every demographic, and has not only dedicated boards, forums, sites, even entire apps dedicated to right-leaning thought (‘Truth’ Social comes at once to mind) the suggestion that social media is going to fold because it’s all ‘woke’ and ‘left’ is absurd. One might point out that Facebook was founded in 2006 - seventeen years ago. That’s a millennium in internet years. But if by ‘New Media’ you mean the frothing-at-the-mouth, propaganda-driven, hate-speech machine that some people are perverting our information systems into, my own prediction is that the bad actors will, sooner rather than later, take it one step too far (read: people are going to die) and society will find it’s had enough and rein it in. Either way, Mr. Ramaswami cannot become more relevant in the future. In order to become more relevant, he would have to be relevant now. But really, his bug-eyed lunacy is beside the point. Frankly, if you believe the average white Anglo-Saxon protestant Christian American voter would actually cast a ballot for a man with a surname like Ramaswami, you’re just not paying attention. There are millions of Americans who would rather forego medical assistance than see a doctor with a name like Ramaswami. He has zero chance of becoming president, now or in a decade - the country’s simply too full of bigots.
No. For me, any sort of penetration is bottom service, and I do not provide bottom service. The moment a man asks to be penetrated I see a red flag - he’s wanting to draw out a Top nature that simply isn’t in me. You can’t get blood from a turnip. Not that the issue comes up a lot - I make it pretty clear that any head I give is a warmup for the assfucking to follow, so doing something that would increase the chance of him blowing in my mouth is a non-starter.
In cases like this I’m not sure ignorance and naïvete is the problem. What we have are ruthless politicians with a religious agenda using emotionally manipulative rhetoric as propaganda to influence voters to act against their own interests on the basis of their emotions rather than their reason. They do it absolutely by design because they know their agenda will not prevail if people stop to think about it. This is why you see all these moral/religious crusades couched in language that they’re “to protect our children”. It’s extremely difficult for an opposing politician to argue against that, because it makes them look like they don’t care about children, and separating the actual issue from children is a steep uphill climb when you’re having to make people think instead of feel. Thinking is hard. Feeling is easy, and feeling happens first. Humans default to quick and easy. Educating people is only useful if you can get them into thinking mode. The difficulty lies in preventing them from acting on their fight/flight/freeze self-protective fear instinct that fires up automatically - the children are in danger? No! We must act! - and stop to think. You only have to spook one herd animal to start a mass stampede. Try stopping a herd of panicked wildebeest with a reasoned argument (or indeed, anything at all). One might argue that a wildebeest can’t be educated in the first place, but these politicians are manipulating a very animal part of the human brain, instincts we had long before we started rational thought. We still panic, and stampede, and don’t stop to think it through. Possibly the more effective educational tactic isn’t to make people see the issue more clearly, but simply to expose and discredit the politician’s tactics for what they are so that his manipulations no longer have power. One way or the other, the key is to remove his power to evoke fear. One way to do this is through ridicule - which is why political cartoons have long been so powerful.
Medical authorities generally agree that the nutrient content of a load of semen is tiny - it’s formulated to sustain single sperm cells, not a human being - and that the nutritional value of swallowing it is basically nil. On top of that, a single average ejaculation consists of less than a teaspoon of matter, about 60% of which is water. So yes, you would lose weight, since you would be starving yourself, but unless you ate something else you would also shortly die of starvation. A cum-only diet is pure fantasy.
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