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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It is perfectly reasonable to believe that God made Donald Trump. There is ample precedent; God also made warthogs, naked mole rats, and baboons. But Trump was not born the thing he is - he was once a young child with the potential to become a good, decent, honest, admirable adult. His ruin is the work not of God, but of Man. And he is one of Man’s masterpieces of ruin.
  2. Incest occurs first, and has its first impacts, in the context of the relationship between individuals, not in the context of the consideration of society. Sexual contact has its immediate effect on the limbic system, which powerfully colors subsequent perception of the individuals involved toward each other. The sexual dynamic is not consistent with the dynamic of relationships within the functional support structure of immediate family, and we sense this integrally. If the shame associated with incest were merely an imposed societal condition and not an inherent one, we would expect the sanction to be limited to some cultures and not others, but instead the prohibition against incest is strikingly uniform globally. The variations are relatively in the details, but the general prohibition is consistent. Historically, the notable exceptions have been in the service of consolidating power in certain ruling dynasties (the Egyptians in particular), but culturally, it was still a no-no in antiquity. Even the Romans forbade it, and they fucked everything. (Caligula doesn’t count. He was batshit crazy.) It seems to me that if the global human society has decided that there is something shameful about incest, it’s probably because people have always inherently understood that it was wrong to do, on the basis of original experience. It must be pointed out that at some point at the dawn of human origins, regardless of whether you subcribe to scripture or science, that incest was the only option available; the population of original Homo sapiens was a handful of individuals. It is likely that our species, over 50,000 years of copulating, figured out that incest wasn’t a survival strategy, and learned not to do it because it caused problems. The prohibition didn’t just suddenly emerge as someone’s dogma - it’s always been with us. I live in Kentucky - we Appalachian hillfolk are supposedly as incestuous as fuck, and to be fair there have been cases of isolated remote families w-a-a-a-y deep in the mountains, in times past, where the gene pool wasn’t deep enough to wade in. But we don’t really commit incest any more than anyone else, for the same reasons. They’re family. Can we all be clear that although we’re discussing this question as though it were serious, it’s actually just an expression of someone’s sexual paraphilia? Should incest be normalized? Of course not. Everybody knows it shouldn’t, and everybody understands why.
  3. @BBArchangel - Thank you for your courage in sharing your experience. To the OP - No. Incest should not be normalized, in either a heterosexual or homosexual context. Incest has been strongly held as a forbidden practice in cultures worldwide across history, for very good reasons, both biological and psychological. In the heterosexual context, the risk of genetic defects resulting from coupling within the family group is simply too great. But in all contexts, sexual interaction caused deeply powerful chemical and psychological effects between individuals, and is an area where power discrepancies are likely to be acted upon. Relationship trauma and traumatic bonding can be experienced in incestuous relationships, and dealing with the aftermath can be challenging. While thoughts of incest or acting on an incestuous impulse may not themselves be mental conditions, incest presents the psychiatric community a distinct and complicated set of problems to deal with. Here’s an article on the Ramifications of Incest in terms of psychiatry: [think before following links] https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/ramifications-incest
  4. The normal healthy human CD4 count is the range between 500-1500, so a count below 500 is not normal. The goal of antiretroviral therapy is to prevent the virus from replicating itself so that the immune system can recover, but if the damage is too extensive by the time treatment begins, recovery to the normal range may not be possible. A number of factors, including age, can affect this. I am a 9-year AIDS survivor, who started treatment with a CD4 count of 49. In nine years I have missed exactly two doses of my medication. I have been durably Undetectable for a long time, with my viral load well controlled. But in all this time, my CD4 count topped 400 only once, and it’s pretty clear that I’ll never see a normal 500 again, no matter how diligently I follow my treatment.
  5. I take your point, and certainly there’s no reason (aside from legality) that one couldn’t simply put it to the test. But the observation that those who pay for male prostitutes may tend toward the physically unappealing - by an arbitrary community standard - or older doesn’t necessarily go any farther to explain why anyone pays at all. I am cunted by the fat/old/ugly already, regularly, without compensation, because those men have the same right to fuck me as any other man, and they take advantage of my presence. Admittedly, those men face rejection at a higher rate, and may not be able to have encounters with men with physical attributes at a certain level of what is considered desirable without incentives, if they are choosing to be selective. I have never been one of the ‘beautiful people’, so I don’t really comprehend interactions in that atmosphere. But if they’re simply looking for hole, these boards are replete with bottoms willing to take cock indiscriminately.
  6. l took a look at this and it does check a lot of the boxes, but it appears that the price is a little misleading - they get you on the attachments, which run around thirty bucks or more apiece, including fairly essential things like an extender rod. They do offer a spring attachment to give some flexibility in position mid-fuck, so that’s a plus. Have you investigated the online communal capabilities of the control interface? It sounds from the description as though it offers the potential to give others operational control remotely. I’m not sure how many people are out there eagerly looking to control a fucking machine that’s fucking someone else they don’t know, but if there are I have a pretty shrewd idea where that’s headed. I’ve subbed for people like that. @Loveitraw - the motor on your unit is similar to the type that operates a car’s windshield wiper. I know that because that’s what I used when I built my own fucking machine. Variable speed control built right in. Me, to guy behind the counter at AutoZone: Hi, I’m looking for a windshield wiper motor. Sure, buddy. What’s the make and model of the car? [This is AutoZone, not FuckingMachineZone, so, awkward.] Oh, ah, it’s…um…I’m just looking for something sort of generic… I’ll need to look it up so it fits your car. [Well, fuck.] It’s for a robot. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  7. I’m not sure that’s the best tactic. The rash of spambots in recent times features pics of pretty young men all stating that they’re looking for love, friendship, companionship, etc. - which, for me anyway, is the clue to ignore or block them. Plus, if a guy’s looking for NSA fun, he may be hesitant to reach for someone who’s advertising clinginess (whether he means it or not). The OP did not specify whether he hoped to Top or bottom (though the username suggested a Top) - I’ve always been a bit bemused by guys who have the notion of being paid to bottom. Is ‘rent bottom’ even a thing, when the world is afloat in a sea of desperate, unfucked bottom ass, and bottoms gluttonous for any load by any means? When a Top need only jingle his belt buckle to draw every hungry bottom within earshot like gnats? There is - literally - no need for any Top within reach of me to pay for ass, ever, if he were only aware of the fact, and I’m just one drop in that sea of ass. I could see it, I suppose, if a bottom had gained a reputation for exceptional skills, and, much like the elite courtesans of Chinese brothels in historical times, might become highly sought after, and available only to the wealthy and influential. But again, that’s a lot of competition to rise above to get that kind of notoriety, and indeed, how skilled is it possible to be? I’ve worked hard to become something Tops will appreciate, but it’s taken more than a few kegels - it takes research into anatomy and eroticism, chemistry and psychology…and I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface, like I could be so much more with more knowledge and experience. In other words, it seems to me that to be worth someone paying to fuck you, you really have to have been fucked so much that it’s almost impossible to get fucked enough to achieve it. I do suppose that certain individuals might be able to leverage certain qualities like exceptional attractiveness and make it work - or, for a limited time, monopolize on their youth (or for an even more limited time, their virginity). But it’s still ass surrounded by a glut of free ass, it seems to me.
  8. You say you don’t understand why it’s such a turn-on. The answer is simple: You’re not ‘straight’. Your sex life as you describe it, which you say you have lived for the last 20 years, is that of a bisexual. No ifs, ands or buts, no qualifications. You fuck both women and men, and are therefore, by definition, bisexual - which, as studies into human sexuality since the 1970s have consistently shown, is what the great majority of people actually are to a greater or lesser degree. You might find it less confusing if you simply gave yourself permission to abandon the conventional sexual orientation labels altogether, and not label yourself as anything. There’s nothing that says you have to. So you order from the full menu, sometimes ride the other bus… good for you. You’re getting a bigger slice of life than people who deny themselves needlessly. If you’re wondering what it all means, it means that’s what you like. Congratulations on your self-discovery.
  9. Same thing happened here. In the spring I was shifted to a new med for the exact same reason, and by August I had the highest viral load I’d seen since I started meds - still untransmittable, but that was the absolutely wrong direction to be going. My CD4 didn’t take too bad a hit, then, but it just goes to show that one size does not fit all when it comes to HIV meds.
  10. Sleazy? This is a discussion in pursuit of quality, sir! If I’m to have my cunt reamed out by machine, I want only the finest in engineering, the most elegant in design - an instrument appreciated by the discerning tastes of others experienced in such things. How could a man thus joined to a sleek and finely tuned apparatus, operating in perfect order, seem other than elevated and improved?. (The degree to which allowing oneself to be continually anally violated by a machine to the limits of human endurance is unnatural and devolved is a quite separate consideration, which I do not propose to address at this juncture. It would make the whole subject sound sleazy, after all.)
  11. This is what I get from my specialist as well. Even though my CD4 count lives stubbornly in the 300s now, she’s comfortable with it in spite of the fact that a normal range is 500-1500. The key is staying above 200, and if the viral load is controlled, there’s little reason to be concerned about dropping to that level. Although a 500-point drop in CD4 is certainly something to be investigated in someone with HIV, remember - 500 is still a level you could expect even if you didn’t have HIV. It’s within the normal range, and as others have stated, there are several reasons why a person’s system could register such an effect under duress. A superinfection with a resistant HIV strain while you’re in treatment would seem among the less probable explanations.
  12. Can any of you recommend a good brand or model of fucking machine? I know that’s not an item that a lot of people have sitting around their house, but I thought perhaps some of you might have had experience on one and could recommend on that basis. There is a range of styles out there, from simple to sophisticated, compact to bulky, rigid to flexible. Some are for thrusting and penetrating, others are meant to be ridden, and some are more like vibrators. I’m interested in the penetrating/thrusting kind. I’ve actually built one before, and it worked, but I’m not an engineer and the action was less than ideal. The experience gave me an appreciation of what I would really want from a good machine fucking. I’m looking for: 1. Something I can use solo - a machine you can mount on your own or can position it so that it will successfully penetrate. Especially if it fully pulls out, you want it to be able to re-enter without having to manually guide it, and this can be problematic if the dildo isn’t quite stiff. 2. Able to adjust height/angle of entry. 3. Variable thrusting speed -with remote control. Variable speed is not that handy if you have to keep unmounting to change the setting. You need to be able to make adjustments while being fucked, because the machine doesn’t understand “hold it a minute”. Actually, I’m sure they’ll come out any minute with fucking machines with AI interfaces, and that will add a whole new layer of freaky I’m not really looking for. Alexa, fuck me harder. (Cheerfully) Okay! 4. Variable depth of thrust. Actually probably not something I would much use (I’d likely just set it on ‘deep’ and leave it there) but it would be nice to have as an option. 5. STABILITY. This is key. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (physics). The thing needs to stand pretty solid to be able to deliver a pounding. 6. Total practical length. These thrusting machines are all basically some form of linear-motion actuators, and they achieve this by sundry means, some requiring considerably more physical length than others. For some of them, you’d need a fairly open space to use them. I can’t use something that needs five feet of clearance to operate. I mean, obviously, the ideal situation would be to find another person who already owns one and wants to strap me down, turn it on, and then go out for a couple of hours, or until he remembers he had left me there, but the chances of that are so remote it looks like I’ll have to manage for myself. Indeed, a fucking machine increasingly looks like the only way my ass is going to see any regular use in this sexual wasteland. Any recommendations would be welcome.
  13. For you, perhaps it is. For otherd, especially those who are experienced at doing it often, it may not be anywhere close to their “ultimate high”. But don’t let that stop it from being yours. I do remember the feeling being delicious. I wish I could get it back again. For me, it’s little more than a tickle any more. That’s the thing about the “ultimate high” - once you’ve felt it, you never feel it quite as sharply again, and after you feel it again you always get the sense that something’s missing, that there must still be an ultimate…er high out there, which means this must not have been it to begin with. Perhaps it represents the “ultimate high” to you because that’s as far as your imagination has taken you, and you can’t conceive of anything more ultimate than that. But, oh, my friend…there are such debaucheries, such depravities, such dizzying tightrope walks between ecstasy and self-destruction, that they make the notion of letting someone have access to your body without negotiated parameters seem like a naughty decision to eat your tea-cake with your fingers instead of a fork. I candidly don’t know what an “ultimate high” would look like for me anymore, and I’m a little afraid to find out. It would be at the end of a very twist rabbit-hole, I’m pretty sure, probably would involve altered states of consciousness and/or test the limits of some or other law of physics, and would in all likelihood require someone at least slightly psychopathic. If my bodily responses were not completely untethered from my rational thought by the end of it, it wouldn’t even be worth the effort.
  14. Adding to the above, having ‘cock’ in your last name isn’t helpful. At least his surname wasn’t Wiener. We know how badly wrong that can go for a politician.
  15. Bathhouse gets my vote, though because of my location I do far more hotel hosting. At a bathhouse, you have the advantage of a cruising arrangement, and the ability of men to act on impulse. The guys are there, and if you’re not getting action in your room, you can change it up and go try to seduce someone in the common areas. The management know perfectly well why everyone is there (it ain’t to take a bath) because the shop is full of dildos and lube. Hotels not so much. Some hotels don’t seem to care what guests do as long as they don’t damage the facility or involve the business in legal trouble, but others can make trying to cumdump (which, when done without compensation, is as far as I know not illegal) challenging to impossible. One Top told me of using a cumdump at a motel when the management came thumping on the door, hollering, “If there’s fucking going on in there you can vacate the premises!” Hotels require the Top to make an effort to fuck you, and incur the expense of time and cost of transit, getting himself ready to go out, the hassle of finding you, etc. - even if you do everything possible to make it easy for him to use you, there are still hoops to jump through. I think the relatively high no-show rate has a lot to do with this. All in all, I find hotel hosting a crap shoot. You never know what you’re going to get, if anything, for the expense of your hotel room. I seldom come home unfucked - though that’s happened a couple of times - but results can vary widely. Successful hotel hosting is also a lot like work; when I’m not actively being bred, I’m monitoring the apps, fielding inquiries, keeping the bait fresh in the water, because if the Tops don’t know you’re there, they’re not coming, and you have to make yourself stand out as tempting enough to make the effort. At a bathhouse, you can just lie there with your door open and let your ass do the advertising. There’s also the question of security. You’re relatively safer physically at a bathhouse than you are chancing it with randos in a skanky motel room where you’re letting basically anyone walk through your door while you’re in a very vulnerable position. In general I just like bathhouses better for the overall atmosphere of sexual openness. It’s not everywhere I get to walk around without any clothes on. I think I didn’t get enough naked time as a baby…
  16. Which is, after all, just as good a question as “Who?” The reason people took offense evidently had to do with his decision to do a photo-op at General Dynamics riding an M1 Abrams tank to emphasize his position on defense. Protocol at General Dynamics required wearing a helmet for safety whilst traveling in a tank at higher speed; unfortunately, this ran afoul of the generally accepted political sentiment that any politician who puts on a helmet for a military photo-op is an asshole with no respect for actual servicemembers. And his opponents had a field day with it. But all in all, what really dinged his brand wasn’t that the disrespected the people in uniform. It was the sense that he had no control over his message. It was the kind of gaffe one simply doesn’t make at the level of a presidential campaign, and if the people who let this happen were the kind of people he had around him, how could anybody get behind that? In addition to which: If I say to you the phrase “helmet head” what’s one of the things that eventually comes to your mind? You’ve got a little helmet on yours, too. It’s hard to run for President when people mentally associate you with “dick”.
  17. It would be a privilege. I love it that you said ‘use’ - it means you know how to use me at my best, and I would give you some exceptional cunt. You have an open invitation any time. 😉
  18. I am old enough to remember the “Dukakis in the tank” debacle and still the first thing that comes to mind when someone says “Michael Dukakis” is: “Who?”
  19. Just as a point of interest, while the ‘statute of limitations’ may have ‘expired’ on the implications of whatever sexual hijinks the pair may have gotten into, what has not expired is their copyright to the content. Without their express permission, it is a violation of copyright law to repost it anywhere. They can; anyone else can’t. Just because the original creator of content is no longer publishing, or online, or still in a relationship, or breathing, doesn’t matter - the content still isn’t fair game. Just because you can’t locate the person to get permission doesn’t mean you can go ahead - it means you can’t. And if the content is the joint work of two or more people, as appears to be the case here, each has an equal, separate interest in the copyright. I just had to buy out the copyright interest of a collaborator on a book I’ve been writing just so I could effectively sell my own copyright to the book. This goes for any other content, whether written text or visual, that you may find posted. Just because you have the ability to copy or save a file does not mean you have the right to use that file yourself for another purpose (beyond fapping). If a content creator makes it clear that the file is released to public use, you can use the content freely subject to the terms of that release, but no further. More than once I’ve seen new members here show up with an avatar featuring an image of posted by someone of himself who is already a member here. Not only does this instantly tell you something about the new member (he’s a douche), but it’s a violation of the other member’s copyright. Whether the other member considers it a compliment is immaterial. Remember - for sites that allow crawlers, you can often find past content on the Wayback Machine.
  20. The nice thing about the Bigger Blacker Book app is that it’s completely customizable. You can add categories and activities to be as specific to your style as you want. For instance, under the “Bottoming” category, it offers as standard list of activities where you can record the nature of the encounter - bareback, condom, he came inside, pulled out, etc. - but there was no category to describe the kind of bathhouse encounter where the Top fucks you bare but doesn’t cum because he’s just sampling your cunt as one among many he will fuck that evening. So I added “Sampling Fuck” to my list of choices, just because I like to keep track of the nuances. 🙂 If you were the sort of enthusiast who wanted to keep track if what brand of poppers you were using in a given encounter and how well they worked, you could probably set it up for that too (realize though that all poppers are actually pretty much the same thing in different labels in the U.S.) Or if you wanted to keep actual stats on claimed vs. actual cock size, you could set that up too. (But then you’d be a field researcher instead of a cumdump, and it’s hard to do both things well at the same time. Priorities are important.)
  21. I use an app for my iPhone called Bigger Blacker Book. It’s very configurable for a lot of detail, and summarizes the data by category. It also allows you to keep a note about individual encounters and partners. In other words, a handy little fucking database.
  22. Not only this, but I heard an interesting piece of reporting not long back about the fact that reelection is openly the main priority of most of them, from the start, especially in the Senate. The rationale against term limits is that if you’re term-limited you can’t be there long enough to gain the influence to get anything done, but while you’re there you get precious little done because you’re constantly working on getting reelected to stay there. And if you try to do anything for the common good, special interests will just threaten your chances of reelection. Personally, the only people I think should be allowed to hold public office are those who absolutely do not want to.
  23. Maybe the guy thought he was posting to the fiction section. Except that was too ridiculous to even seriously be called fiction. Every member of a 36-member team? And all four coaches? And all of these ostensibly straight men were fine with getting oral sex from another male? And all of them successfully ejaculated? And his dad was the one who set all up? Please. How many more fantasy tropes could he pack into one load of bullshit?That’s an insult to our intelligence.
  24. That’s true, of course, but I’m talking about the evident absence of principle - politicians don’t seem to actually stand for anything anymore, and I’ve dealt with enough of them, federal, state and local alike, to see that they’re all pretty much the same - rap then and they ring hollow. It’s all become poisonously transactional, at every level, and the more money that gets pumped into it, the worse it gets.
  25. Anyone who believes any career politician will not flip on any given issue at any given time under the application of pressure is simply not paying attention.
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