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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It would be - your prostate and your seminal vesicles also start producing the fluid components of semen when you’re stimulated. I’m sure you’re precumming too, I was just commenting on why you’re tasting urine.
  2. I was aware of the differential between oral, rectal, and axillary measures, and kind of assumed that a tympanic measure would trend a little cooler than rectal because it has direct contact with air. I’m a little surprised to see that they’re supposed to range out about the same. If that’s the case, it makes me more curious about my question with regard to warmer vs. cooler ass, since I took readings (repeated for accuracy) in both areas that came in more than a degree apart. Naturally one needs an accurate measurement to determine whether fever is present - but to determine whether a measurement is accurate you first need to have a baseline datum for the individual’s normal temperature, which can vary significantly from 89.6°F. There’s debate in the medical literature about the modern usefulness of the 98.6 standard. And, for accuracy, one needs a calibrated instrument, but common-or-garden household thermometers may or may not be finely adjusted. I wasn’t looking for any sort of serious medical-grade sampling anyway, just curious about the general nature of my overheating. Discovering a hotter ass was just an interesting surprise.
  3. About ten years ago I had a heat stroke. Long story, too boring, won’t bother telling. Result: I overheat easily doing things like mowing the yard on a hot June afternoon. Like today. No big deal, I’m used to it now, I just have to go in and cool myself down. Today, though, for some reason - maybe because the pandemic had got me thinking in such ways - I decided to take my temperature to see if my core body temperature had actually elevated, or I just felt as though it did. I used an infra-red thermometer used for taking a reading from the ear. It read 99.1, which is actually elevated for me. So there’s that. But as a part of cooling down, I had also stripped naked, and it suddenly occurred to me to wonder if I would get the same core body temperature reading from my cunt. I’m science-y that way. Result: 100.3 ! My ass read over a degree hotter. No wonder all those Tops make those groaning noises when they enter me. I wonder, though, whether everyone runs hotter in the ass, or if it varies from individual to individual? I have attempted to Top very few times, and haven’t tried for years now, but distinctly remember feeling in a couple of experiences that the guy felt kind of cold. Anyone have any views on this?
  4. It bears pointing out that Dawson’s adventures are cinematic productions carefully engineered for visual effect. I’m quite sure it’s a lot easier to keep a veritable lake of semen in your ass if you have a crew around you helping you stay in position. The rest of us mere mortals have to contend with gravity, and as a guy who has actually had a Dawson-level gang-fucking (30+, not 50, but I’ve done 20+ More than once) I can tell you that no matter how long you let it work its way deep into you, if you’ve got that much cum in your ass, as soon as you’re upright it’s on its way to the exit. The thing is, by the time you’ve taken that many cocks, it’s almost impossible not to have at least a little bit of a gape - a plug is pretty much the only way to make sure it stays bottled up.
  5. This isn’t difficult to explain. The reason it tastes like urine is that it is urine - you’re losing bladder control. If it only happens when you’re taking a brutal internal pounding, you might just be a little weak in muscle tone down there - doing some kegel exercises might help. Keep an eye on it over time, though - if it starts happening when you’re not being fucked, it may be time to see a urologist to make sure something else isn’t going on.
  6. I never assume the photos are representative of the person in real time, and the more attractive they are, the more I’m automatically convinced they’re not. It’s unfortunate that we’ve come to this level of deception and suspicion. Myself, aside from attempting to choose aesthetically pleasing angles on shots, I make no attempt to disguise what I look like - and as someone who uses Photoshop professionally, I most certainly could. But why? The jig is up the moment they see you in the flesh, and if you’ve been dishonest, the only way that can result is to give the other person a negative view. I know that I’m not going to be every man’s, or even most men’s first choice when looking for someone to fuck. But when they choose me on the basis of my actual appearance, at least I know they actually wanted what they’re getting, and what I can actually give them. To date, I have never seen one if my images used by another person to misrepresent himself - one of the benefits of not being particularly photogenic, I guess. I’ve been catfished plenty, but it doesn’t actually make any difference in my case - I don’t select men, they select me, and when they do, they get me without question, no matter what they look like. With me, catfishing is a waste of time and effort - I’m more or less a fish in a barrel; all you have to do is scoop me out.
  7. So you’re basically immortal now. Impressive!
  8. Each time you perform an act that you were resistant to before, you cross an "inhibitory threshold". Before you do something for the first time, your mind may have certain arguments against doing it that contribute to your hesitancy. Some of these may be sensible arguments based on rational principles, others may be shakier arguments based on emotion or illogical thinking. Either way, your mind has an arsenal of reasons why you shouldn't. Until you do. Once you actually do the thing, provided that the worst thing you feared doesn't actually happen, the next time you are faced with the situation, your mind doesn't have the same arsenal of arguments to stop you—you just proved at least some of them false in practice. And if some of them turned out not to be true, how possible is it that none of them are true? So with your mental defense weakened, you are more likely to cross that threshold line again, and doubly likely to do so if you actually experienced a sense of pleasure/reward either during or after the act. If you do the thing a second time, and obtain the same result, it confirms the sense that you were probably wrong to be so concerned in the first place, further weakening the inhibition. With each repetition, the inhibition becomes less, until you feel none at all. But you only have to cross the line once to break the hold of the inhibitory threshold. You may not feel any of this directly. You may just find that you simply make up your mind to try something again where you probably wouldn't have before. As long as the experience continues to provide the reward you seek, you'll continue to be inclined toward doing it. If it all goes south on you one session, you may feel the need to pull back, and if it's bad, you may pull back hard, but you'll never be able to put the inhibitory threshold back in place—that genie doesn't want back in the bottle. As to being a "bad" faggot, that assumes there is behavior that one has to perform in order to be a "good" faggot (or indeed, to be considered a faggot at all). I'm a trained sexual service submissive for men, as in I was taken by a man, physically owned by him, and actively trained to perform sexual acts in service to other men for their pleasure. I perform this duty for any man who requests it, without exception, usually anally but also orally. No part of my body is off-limits. By most measures I would be considered a faggot. I do, not, however, serve under all conditions, nor perform all acts, yet I have never had a Top complain that I was a "bad" faggot. Whether you choose to respond to any label is up to you. Whether you apply any label to yourself is entirely your prerogative. It sounds, though, as if you're putting unnecessary pressure on yourself based on assumptions that other men may not even make, and based on failing to do something that you in fact did do. And, after the fact, liked. Even if you were a "bad" faggot before, you were a "good" one then, and you can't unring that bell. So I would say, forget about the labels and do what rewards you, for as long as it safely continues to do so.
  9. *sigh* And I’d been so proud to have earned the right to be called a ‘Whore’. But then, I don’t suppose anyone’s going to stop calling me that. ”Veteran”, though, is a little ambiguous - is it considered a good thing to be a veteran cumdump? Does it imply well-practiced, well-used, over-used, or worn-out? To be on the safe side I guess I’ll just have to work my way up to Grand Master; being a Grand Master cumdump has to count for something...
  10. Iron Man and Batman? Are you kidding? Take Stark out of his armor and what have you got? Take Wayne out of his cowl, belt and cape and you’ve still got a man who could kick ass all over Gotham. And I was never a big fan of either one, so I’m not playing favorites there. I was never a big Flash follower either, but I have always thought Marvel did a relatively poor job with speed-powered characters, while DC developed a near-mythology around the Speed Force and used it as the foundation for a number of strong characters. I followed both lines for years, but always found Marvel a little dark and gritty for my taste. And for a character who is supposed to be super-relatable for the average guy, I could never get into Spider-Man at all. That being said, as a kid I did once paint a frisbee with stars and stripes, strap it to my arm and run outdoors as Captain America. (That makes me laugh. I did not then have, and have never had, a physique that would have made me look anything but ridiculous doing that. My heart might have fit the part, It’s been a very long time since I was that innocent.) I always thought DC had stronger teams, as teams. Marvel teams never seem to quite congeal properly - there always seems to be a disruptive or divisive element among them. And the Fantastic Four - what was that all ever about? Give me the League of Super Heroes, or even the Justice Society for a little retro action. Doctor Strange, I grant you, is a badass... but then so is Dr. Fate. Maybe a better question is which has the better villains? Darkseid or Thanatos? If I had to say which line was more likely to have villains who would gang-rape a guy in an alley... yeah, that’d be Marvel.
  11. I think there’s some truth in this. The more time passes and the more I interact with men in the prospect of looking for actual physical encounters where real sex takes place, the more I become convinced that a sizable percentage of men aren’t actually players in the sexual arena. In spite of what many say, I think many shrink away from taking the final step toward an encounter when it finally comes to it - the common expressions of “wish that was me” are often, I suspect, the words of men who could have, but didn’t. It’s not all that surprising - It usually takes a certain kind of courage to make oneself so vulnerable to another man and allow him to connect so intimately. Not everybody is brave enough to do it, or they’re repressed in some way that “if it weren’t for that” they would be sexually active, but as it is they just fantasize, fap, and brag about entirely fictional adventures they wish they had the balls to actually experience. So yes, the roll call of bottoms is large - but the roll call of practicing bottoms is a significantly smaller subset of that. In any case, we certainly can’t credit the anecdotal claims on this site as representing an accurate picture of what men do. If, for example, one were to ask how many men have taken a ten-inch cock in the last week, one would almost certainly get a collective answer that is mathematically impossible given the actual statistical rarity of such schlongs - there simply aren’t enough supersized cocks on the planet to supply fuck at the rate men claim here. Likewise, I suspect that a proportion of the competition for cock that many bottoms claim to present exists only in their minds.
  12. Your notion assumes that all men approach sex with other men with the same mindset - to enjoy a certain kind of physical pleasure and to have a positive desire that the other person has an equitable experience. This is not, however, always the case. Tops have many reasons for Topping. Some may, as you say, have tried bottoming and disliked it. That doesn’t mean they got it wrong and would realize their error if they did it the right way - it might just not be their thing. Receptive intercourse does not, frankly, square with some men’s parameters for their own masculinity, and nothing is going to change that. Other Tops do it for the aggressive pleasure of power and control - it is an outlet for an aspect of their personality - a source of psychological satisfaction quite aside from the physical pleasure it provides. Likewise, there are bottoms who simply are not suited for flipping. I am one if them. I have tried. I lack the instinct and drive required to remain penetrative. I don’t suffer from ED - I just don’t have any Top in me. My cock must not be wired for it, because ass doesn’t feel as good to me as it apparently does to the Tops whose eyes roll back in their heads while they’re fucking mine. I’ve always understood that there were more bottoms, and that I would have competition for available cock. I don’t worry about it. I just throw myself out there and be my genuine self, average and a little clueless, and take what comes. I get fucked plenty. If I can help two other guys hook up, I do that, because everyone should get to fuck and everyone needs a wingman now and then. (I think it would be fun to be a concierge at a brothel - but that’s basically a job at a bathhouse, isn’t it? Note to self.)
  13. That would fall into the “full of shit” category. Let’s step away from fantasyland for just a moment and have a word about the human kidneys. The kidneys function to filter undesirable substances and waste products from the body, and dispose of them as urine. The materials include salts, toxins, bacteria (no, urine is not sterile) and the metabolites of whatever medications the person happens to be taking. All of these get concentrated together for disposal in the urine, so if you ingest the urine, you take in not just salts, toxins, bacteria and somebody else’s meds by-products, but a concentrated dose of all of the above. Then, since your body doesn’t want any of that shit any more than the other guy’s did, your kidneys have to filter it all out too, except it puts a much greater strain on your system because there’s so much more of it than there should be - you’re now basically filtering for two. Plus, God only knows what meds the guy’s taking and whether any of them may have a negative effect on meds in your own system. Then there’s the salt. There’s a reason you would die of thirst in the middle of the ocean - in order to get rid of the excess salt consumed, the body has to pee out more water than the salty water consumed. If you drink nothing but salted water, you never get there. All urine contains some salt. Here’s a link to an article that covers this exact question in detail, including the fact that the U.S. Army Field Manual tells soldiers not to drink urine for survival. In general, the article explains many good reasons why what you propose to do is unwise: [think before following links] https://healthline.com/health/drinking-urine#hydration-myth To me, the main reason kind of suggests itself - it’s human waste. There are reasons we flush it into sewers. Thank you no thank you.
  14. If you’re having both at the same time, I can see how they would tend to blend together. I don’t usually get to enjoy both in a single Top because which one happens has a lot, for me, to do with cock length and girth, and how the Top employs it. My prostate orgasms usually result from a sustained attack by a deep penetrator who likes to spend a lot of time as far inside as he can get, and makes sure he’s deliberately either bumping or pressing my p-spot. My anal orgasms occur more often when the Top prefers less depth of penetration (or lacks the length) and the focus of the assault is concentrated more in the area of my hole. Or, if he’s very girthy, he can accomplish it even if he goes deeper. Obviously, a skilled Top with choice endowment is primed to do both at once.
  15. Note that a prostate orgasm is a separate phenomenon from an anal orgasm. I’ve had both, and they’re somewhat different. I can’t imagine having rapid repeating prostate orgasms, or riding a wave of them, the way one can with anal. I find prostate orgasms to be more concentrated in the pelvis and less distributed than anal orgasms, with a distinct sense of contraction inside. They can be intense. I doubt women are more susceptible to anal orgasm than men - rather, I suspect they’re helped along by clitoral stimulation by either direct or labial friction (it gets busy down there during fucking and things get bumped around). Obviously I’m speculating in this regard.
  16. That’s a very difficult question for me. I have a TARDIS console that I built in my living room (Not Joking) and taught myself electronics and metalworking in order to build my own sonic screwdriver that does, in fact, do things. In college I taught myself knitting so I could make myself a scarf (I stopped at 14 feet) which I wore around campus. In July. I’m not one of those crazy people who goes and dresses up at conventions; I know the difference between reality and a TV show. Still, from a philosophical standpoint, Doctor Who is probably the closest thing I have to religion. Never Cruel, Never Cowardly. Never carry a weapon. Bananas are good. When I say run, run. It’s hard for me to separate the actors into ‘favorites’ because they all merge together at the edges, especially where they’ve taken pains to mimic each other’s styles to fuse themselves into the single character. The Fourth is ‘my Doctor’ because he was my first, but I have a special fondness for First, Second and Fifth as well. Eleventh(Twelfth) grew on me, as did Thirteenth(the real one, Capaldi). I also thought the War Doctor was excellent. The woman is not The Doctor. I’m sorry. They could have possibly pulled it off, but they... well, muffed it. She is not portraying a Mad Man With A Box. So, the only way I can definitively answer your question is in the reverse: I dislike her far and away the most.
  17. In terms of my own face pic, if someone asks for one I provide it, but I always tell him in advance: “Warning - I have a face made for radio.” I’m not hideous, but I’m not Apollo either, and Time isn’t doing me any favors, so all-in-all I consider my face a marketing disadvantage. Yet the way the apps are tending now with their photo policies - no nudity, no visible underwear, nothing sexually suggestive (have they completely lost track of what they’re for?) - you’re essentially left with a choice of a clothed torso, a blank, or a face pic. Or the increasingly common bare shoulder shot - I expect a crackdown on this shameless display of flesh at any moment. In olden days, a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking But now, God knows Anything goes
  18. This sounds chancy to me... if you go about looking at people’s shoes, some of them could mistake you for a foot fetishist… …but then, maybe this little habit is telling you something…? 😉
  19. Face pics do not interest me. I don’t assess a man by his appearance in general, and I certainly don’t discriminate as to whether a man is going to fuck me or not on the basis of his looks (or much of anything else, for that matter) so his face is of no particular significance. His dick pic is only more significant in that it tells me if I need to prepare myself for taking something sizable, but I don’t make decisions based on those either. I would 1,000 times rather deal with a faceless profile that actually walks through my door than a pretty picture that flakes - which so many of them seem to do.
  20. I would add that @RawBottomAriel’s description of a feeling of numbness in the body can be accurate, though I’ve found that it’s the kind of numbness you feel after a jolt of electricity - like your nervous system has just conducted an overload of current and is recovering its capacity. The thing is, the numbness, at least for me, doesn’t apply to subsequent anal orgasm. Instead, it’s as though the first one pushed through and left the system wide open for the others to follow without any hindrance, so I feel them just as intensely, and in a way moreso because I’m number to other sensation. I honestly can’t say how weak my legs become, though... I’m usually flat on my belly or back when this is happening... 🙂
  21. They absolutely exist. I have them very frequently when I’m being fucked, and certain Tops know how to weaponize them - there’s no better way of putting it. A guy on Grindr asked me just this last Friday, as it happens, to explain what an anal orgasm feels like. I told him to imagine cumming as you normally do, except your cock isn’t there and you’re not feeling any of the contractions that come with shooting - instead, imagine those contractions spreading outward and upward from the back of your taint through your whole body, as though that energy was looking for a way out and can’t find it. It rushes, sometimes very intensely, then peaks and subsides. Except - There’s no refractory period as with an ejaculation. You can have another anal O immediately. In fact, you can start another one while you’re still in the middle of one, and another one while on the middle of that one. That’s what I mean by weaponizing - there’s a Top in Indy who absolutely loves to start triggering my anal orgasms on top of each other in series until I’m basically a writhing jelly on the end of his cock. My former Master understood this phenomenon too, but he refined it into a form of torture. After 20 or so forced right on top of each other, they’re no longer a form of pleasure. A related term is Tantric orgasm. It’s an ability to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating, and you essentially ride them along like a wave. I first discovered I could do it a few years ago when experimenting with electrostimulation, and I still occasionally use that to keep my skills going. Last week I has a really good session in which my anal orgasm went on more or less unbroken for a good four or five minutes. Extremely draining. Definitely something you have to work up to over a period of time and practice. In general, I’d say anal orgasm requires you to pay attention to your own internal signals mote than regular orgasm. It doesn’t happen in the same way as beating off - you have to finesse it a little, and you have to make way for it to happen. But when it does, you know it. There’s seldom a fuck of any length in which a Top doesn’t anal-O me, but I’ve been sensitized to it.
  22. I have always sort of wondered about the psychology of dentistry - what mindset prompts someone to think I’m going to become a person who works in other people’s mouths all day long. Given that you ask this question, it suggests that you wonder why people don’t expect their doctors/dentists to make a play at them, which makes one wonder about the fantasy wallpaper on the walls inside your head. Which, in turn, you see, brings me back to wondering about the psychology of dentistry, and makes me realize that dentistry involves really a very great deal of vicarious penetration of people’s oral holes with various elongated instruments, and no small amount of drilling and filling, which could be extremely satisfying in a symbolic way. And then there’s the whole S&M angle, but I won’t explore that because I have a thing about my teeth. Not saying that your head works like this by any means, of course. I have only observed that the vast majority of the men who choose to put their fingers into my holes seem to enjoy doing it. 😉
  23. The important thing to me about a man’s culture is whether it leaves him more or less inclined to walk into a room and fuck a man he doesn’t know. At that point, his cock has no culture, nor does he - he is simply a man, with a man’s basic need. That’s why I’ve been able to successfully satisfy men of all manner of ethnicities and nationalities. Now, when it comes to talking, I love cultural diversity. (In fact, a Top who engages me in an interesting conversation pre-fuck is taking a serious risk of shifting me into a different mode altogether.) Give me infinite variety.
  24. @ejaculaTe - Interesting. Classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans, based in part on a study done in which rodents were made to breathe the stuff at concentrations of up to 630mg/cubic meter for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 103 weeks (2 years). Yes, I imagine the poor creatures developed cancer from that. You could get cancer from practically anything that you consumed for 6 hours/5 days/2 years straight, (except possibly clean air and water) and that includes sunlight. What I find significantly more interesting are the findings that isobutyl nitrite inhibits immune cell function. For those of us who are Poz, that’s something to make you sit up and pay attention.
  25. I am conflicted on this topic. In general life, I do not seem to get along well with Middle Eastern men. My experience with them has been that they almost universally treat me with suspicion, callousness, disdain, or arrogant contempt, even though I’ve only just met them. This could be entirely a matter of my own Autistic difficulty in interpreting emotional expression - it’s possible that Middle Eastern men are just particularly inscrutable to me. Nonetheless, in terms of interaction, things most often do not go well. If a Middle Eastern man wishes to breed me, however, his right to do so is the same as any other man’s, and I submit without question or hesitation. It’s possible that I may feel a shade of deeper humiliation when such a man seeds me than when other men do, but that has nothing to do with him. He simply becomes one of a very large and growing brotherhood of men, of many races, colors, ethnicities and creeds, who have each left their essence inside me, and claimed a piece of me for their own.
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