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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Who is the “we” you’re referring to? If you’re suggesting these are somehow universal “guy things”... um, no. I’m actually not comfortable with compliments, don’t just masturbate to kill time, and I sure as hell don’t talk to my cock like it has a little mouth. That may just be a you thing. (Not judging.)
  2. I have two thought on this for you: First, though I haven’t taken billiard balls, I have taken marble eggs that are the same diameter or slightly larger and comparably smooth (for the purpose of seeing what it would look like “laying eggs” from my ass). From this I can tell you that smooth, heavy, ball-like objects can and will happily migrate upwards into your gut, and cannot be relied upon to come back out when desired. Bear this in mind when taking any large object up your rectum - if it becomes stubbornly lodged there, it may become a bowel obstruction, and if so it will have to be medically removed. If the object is very hard and smooth, like, say, a billiard ball, a doctor will have no means of getting a grip in it to pull it out through your hole, and will have no alternative but to cut you open to remove it. This came within 15 minutes of being my fate with a very stubborn 12” double-headed dildo once before I finally dislodged it in the toilet of my hospital room waiting for them to come get me for the surgery. True fucking story. The other thing is speculative on my part, but if you’re playing with billiard balls, at some point - and especially if others are involved - there’s bound to be some temptation to see how deep into you they can be pushed using a pool cue. Please, don’t do this, or allow it to be done to you, or allow yourself to be fucked with a pool cue. Aside from being really bad for the felt on the tip, the rnd of a pool cue is hard and narrow enough to easily perforate your bowel. Bowel perforations are serious injuries that require medical attention, and can also result a visit to the operating table. So, just... don’t with the sticks. In fact, I recommend that you never pick up a cue stick at all. Avoid any practice at billiards. That way, when you get into a game where every ball your opponent successfully sinks into a pocket then gets stuffed into your ass, your lack of skill will maximize your desired result. 🙂 (Always play carefully, eh?)
  3. Yep. And I couldn’t have been in a more exposed position. It was kind of annoying because it was this young guy and he came back a couple of times and knocked on the door and ran off just to be a nuisance. But hey, I once had a Top fuck me with the first-floor, lot-facing door wide open and nobody passed by, so you just never know what you’re going to get. (He walked in, didn’t even pretend to try to close the door - he clearly wanted it that way, so I wasn’t about to ask him to close it.)
  4. WARNING If you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, be aware that the above link begins with full-screen stroboscopic flashing white light and in some cases could induce seizure. If you’re Autistic, it also may be a kick in the head, depending on your sensitivity and tolerance; use caution.
  5. If you can find them where someone has reposted or archived them somewhere, you may find the work of hypnoticbatefuel does something for you. He had a number of pieces out that have been caught up in the various purges, and may be difficult to find, but may be available via torrent somewhere.
  6. That’s not a decent beard. That’s the only photo of him I’ve ever seen in which his beard doesn’t look like it’s out of place on his face and desperately, desperately trying to make a sales pitch. A man’s beard has to reflect the inner man in order to work, and this beard never has. He would be better off with seedy, pencil-thin moustaches and a goatee, if he insists on facial hair.
  7. You’re looking for ones “that work”. The first thing you need to understand is that none of them “work” the way you’re probably thinking they do. The thing about hypnosis is that you cannot be hypnotized to do something you absolutely wouldn’t do otherwise. There’s no such thing as brainwashing or mind control - the CIA actually tried very hard in the 60s and early 70s to figure out how to do it and gave up. Hypnosis works through suggestion, and leading the mind toward what it already has the potential to do. For you, the question is not so much whether being hypnotized would make you any more likely to have sex with another guy, but rather, what’s stopping you in the first place? The fact that you find these files stimulating should tell you something - but in the end, the only thing that’s going to make the difference in whether or not you give guy sex a try is that you just decide you’re going to do it... and then do it. No hypnosis video is going to make that decision for you. And if you’re sort of thinking you could do it and then blame the hypnosis, say, ‘oh, no way, man, I never would have done that if I hadn’t been brainwashed’ - sorry. It doesn’t work like that.
  8. There’s a ‘craze’? I started legit being a cumdump - by most any definition - in 2017, and am going to go right back to being one when my full immunity kicks in in a couple of weeks. If anything, COVID reduced my ability to talk about how much of a cumdump I’ve been lately. If you mean that COVID has been a convenient excuse for dishonest fuckers to sexually misrepresent themselves, I agree. But I don’t think COVID’s departure is going to do anything but bring us bona fide cumdumps back emptier and more willing than ever.
  9. Have you considered taking an iron supplement? 🙂
  10. Well, that’s the thing. From what I’m reading, the GDPR is being interpreted to include a person’s photographic likeness per se, absent any other attached data, as personal information. Therefore the EU could make such a claim about any photograph in which an individual could be recognized. Let’s say Dietrich, a citizen of Germany, visits the United States on holiday and, being the Schlampe that he is, decides to ass-up on a picnic table in a public park where he is happily fucked in front of spectators. He is also photographed. Under U.S. law, given his choice of venue, he likely has no reasonable expectation of privacy, so the photographer is within his rights to document the public event, has no general obligation to obtain a model release to post his images for non-commercial purposes on social media, owns copyright to the work, and as owner of such license elects to post it here. Dietrich, on his return to Germany, discovers the photograph of him blissfully taking it up the ass posted online, and demands that it be removed. Under U.S. law, he has no grounds to make that demand. Under EU law, he does. If you accede to the EU demand, you abridge the right of the photographer under U.S. law. If you don’t, you abridge Dietrich’s right under EU law. The pressure, it seems to me, is likely to be on you as a business to fall on the side of EU law, since that’s where you would face possible sanction if you failed to act. Yet this is unfortunate, as it essentially places freedom of expression in the United States under the thumb of EU laws which we have no part in creating. The last time we had a situation like this, we began the resolution of it by dumping someone’s cargo of perfectly good tea into Boston Harbor, but it’s hard to know what the internet equivalent of that would be today. I don’t envy you the convolutions of your business environment. (And thank you, Dietrich, for causing all this trouble in the first place.)
  11. I hear you. And ‘disadvantaged’ men of all sorts are so routinely denied such a basic human need. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t say no to anyone. Everybody deserves to be sexual, because everyone is human. What’s cruel is how our society paints only certain types of people as deserving, and teaches everyone what that standard is supposed to be. To be sure, in a hetero/potentially reproductive context, biological cues remain at play from an earlier stage in our development as a species - individuals with genetic traits most optimal for survival and adaptation tend to be more attractive as breeding partners, and some get a better set of genes than others. This dynamic is undeniably still in force, and why persons with misshapen bodies are not usually considered on a par with those with symmetry. But in a homosexual context where there is no reproductive potential, this imperative no longer matters - or rather, it ought not. Yet we see it still, perhaps because some core of our sexual biology remains firmly animal, and it takes an extra effort of higher thinking to extend kindness to those that callous nature might neglect.
  12. And here we arrive at the root of sooooo many issues. How many of the negatives about online hookup apps would simply vanish if guys would just stop using them for fapping? Lol - You used nine syllables to say something for which English has more than two dozen words that use three syllables or fewer. Consider: bad-looking, ill-favored, hard-featured, homely, plain, uncomely, unlovely, unsightly Or, with more feeling: appalling, beastly, deformed, disfigured, foul, frightful, gross, grotesque, hideous, horrid, loathsome, misshapen, monstrous, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, revolting (I have been fucked - and seeded - by candidates for this second set) Or, adding a syllable or two: unbeautiful, not much to look at But you’re very diplomatic. 🙂
  13. No. We aren’t. We don’t all share this mindset. Like you, my gratification comes from the pleasure the Top receives in using me. The more fully and completely he uses me, the more fully and completely he fulfills his desire, the happier I am. I am not, however, trash. I am a trained sexual service submissive, and I provide service of high quality. When I am not in service, I am a person of worth and accomplishment in other areas of life. Am I a slut? By most any measure, yes. I not only permit but encourage any man to fuck me, and hundreds have. Am I a whore? It depends on your definition. I accept nothing in exchange for my public service, so by the specific definition of the term, no, I’m not. By other definitions maybe I am - it makes no difference to me as long as I’m used as intended. I believe I was born to be this way, but I wasn’t always this way. I became a slut because something in me responded to a purpose intended for me from the beginning, like a program running its course. Instinct, if you will, guided me to this. But if I was meant to fill this need for other men, it wasn’t simply the default result for me because I was worthless trash. It’s because I was chosen for it, and I’m very good at it. And when the day comes (and it does for all of us eventually) when I’m no longer able to provide the service that men seek, I won’t suddenly become useless because men don’t want my ass anymore. That facet of my life will dim, and some other value will take its place, because I am not a piece of trash. As for you Tops, if you sincerely consider me a piece of trash when you’re fucking me, if that enhances your fuck and gives you the greatest pleasure, then it doesn’t bother me at all. Alphas, if you genuinely believe that I am inferior to you and that you have a natural God-given right to use me as you please, I won’t argue with you. Take your pleasure. Call me what you will. Whore me out, humiliate me, breed me like a mare. It’s all fine. Because I gold-plate my spirit, and gold doesn’t tarnish.
  14. I get my second vaccination in exactly six hours. [Checks clock] Yep. Six hours. Coutin’ em’ down. I last walked out of a bathhouse with my ass full one year and ten days ago. I’m giving it three weeks to kick in and then the dry spell is going to break. Enough already.
  15. @rawTOP - Given that the site serves members across the EU, are you liable for adherence to restrictions against the storage or publication of a person’s private data - as defined as his photograph - under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws now in effect, even though you’re not an EU-based company? What happens if someone goes howling to the authorities in the EU that his picture is on Breedingzone and he doesn’t want it there? Can they fine or otherwise sanction you? The laws apparently have significant implications abridging freedom of speech in Europe.
  16. There may be something to this, though for the life of me I cannot grasp how some people get enough fulfillment from the idea of fucking as much as from actually doing it - unless they’ve never actually done it and therefore don’t realize that what they imagine is wholly unlike the real thing. In the current context, you can never experientially understand what it feels like, before, during, and after, to take a load you really would prefer not to take from a man or a cock you would really rather not have inside you, until you have done so because you are being true to your principle that you never refuse. I.e., they’re only No Loads Refused when they’re in heat. I don’t think that really counts, any more than a bottom who says he can take a gangbang only to tap out after five minutes because he ejaculated and isn’t feeling it anymore. What defines the No Loads Refused bottom is that he’s acting on his principle, not his appetite.
  17. This is exactly my typical hosting experience. You try to offer up something so simple - a willing, lubed-up, possibly pre-loaded hole for anyone to come by and enjoy, absolutely free, no requirements, no conditions, no strings. And instead you discover that all these guys can’t seem to make up their minds unless you check all their personal boxes. I’ve begun to think that the great majority of men actually don’t enjoy fucking as much as they say out loud for the sake of appearances. Trying to meet guys’ requirements for pre-loading status is just ridiculous. I’ve had them specify the number of loads they wanted in me before they wanted to fuck me. And as for those bottoms 🙄 I straight up tell them I don’t service bottoms in any way and they’re going to have to go pay for their own hotel room. It’s no surprise they want to come suck the loads out of you - they’re fucking parasites.
  18. Here’s why that baffles me: It doesn’t matter what shade men’s skin is - their loads are all the same color.
  19. You’re going to have to define “sleaze” in the context of this question.
  20. This may partly explain why some do it, but I don’t see it as a justification. A man calling himself 20 lbs lighter than he is simply because he wants to think of himself as being 20 lbs lighter doesn’t change the fact that he is not. A bottom claiming to be a No Loads Refused cumdump just because he gets titillated thinking of himself taking any man’s load doesn’t change the fact that he actually is not. Lots of people aspire to be doctors, but that doesn’t mean it’s legitimate to add M.D. to their name before they have the bona fides. Those you generously term aspirational, I consider pretenders. It is unfortunate that everyone else has to be involved in their fantasy because so often that involvement costs other men their time and their opportunity to make an alternate connection, and makes a mockery of their trust. The more general approach? As in he’s generally-but-not-always No Loads Refused? That’s equivocation of the first order. “No” in the explicit context of the phrase is understood to mean “zero”, and the totality of the phrase is expressly understood to mean “without exception”. You can’t be kinda-sorta No Loads Refused any more than you can be kinda-sorta pregnant - you either meet the criteria or you don’t. No matter how it’s equivocated, I call it dishonest to say you do something you don’t do. The day I tell a man that I will not take his load, I will stop applying the term to myself. Now: Sometimes I don’t end up taking a load. Such a circumstance happened yesterday, in fact. I had just got home from servicing a partnered couple with two fresh loads still in my ass and one in my belly, and I got a Grindr hit from a man at the rest area nearby on the interstate wanting my ass. I went right back out the door, got in the car, and messaged him, “On my way to you.” He replied, “Bring condoms”. I apologized that I didn’t have any, as I only took it bare, and waited for his response. He never replied. One might argue that I refused him because I didn’t agree to his fuck on his terms; I don’t consider that a load refused, because if he had told me to come even without the condoms, he would have emptied his load into me. Faced with the choice of having my ass bare or not having it at all, he chose to refuse the fuck. Had I in fact had a condom (why he assumed it was my responsibility to supply him with condoms is unclear) I probably would still have serviced him, but - and this is a key point - there still would have been no load to refuse. It would have been intercepted by the condom. As it was, it ended as a load I wanted to take, and would have gladly had he let me.
  21. I don’t see what there is to be confused about in the space of three fairly distinct words - No Loads Refused. How many ways can that phrase actually be interpreted if it’s being used without purpose of deceit? When I say I Refuse No Loads, or its corollary, Take All Loads, I mean exactly that. No conditions, no qualifications, no ifs, no ands, no buts. So to answer your question, for those who are genuinely No Loads Refused bottoms, the phrase has not acquired a new or different meaning. It means exactly what it says. Whether there are assholes out there co-opting the phrase for other purposes is another question. I haven’t heard any good excuses above for the kinds of runaround you’re getting. I tell the men who fuck me up front that if another man is using me when they arrive, they may have to wait a few minutes, but they’ll have me. And I never ask about size because I always prepare myself for the most extreme possible use that might occur - it’s unthinkable that I might have to turn a Top away because I’m unprepared. After all, I’m only a No Loads Refused bottom until I refuse a load. After that, I can’t make that claim anymore.
  22. I have for some time been very seriously considering getting my taint tatted with my Slave Registry registration number, and/or its barcode. I also have in mind a very specific tattoo to go around my cunt. The difficulty is in locating a tattooers who is willing to do that kind of work. I have no Idea how to go about that. I have a friend whose husband tattoos for a living, and she says there aren’t many tattooers who will deal with “special” clients like that.
  23. Indianapolis has actually put out for me pretty consistently, and there are two bathhouses there you could sample. This ^ is key to feeling successful no matter where you go. You don’t indicate that your expectations are anything like this, but if you were to set yourself up to score a 40-load weekend, the reality is that barring an very unusual set of circumstances, it’s not going to happen, and certainly not if you’re just slutting yourself in a hotel room. If, on the other hand, you go in thinking that whatever comes along will be great, then you can’t possibly be disappointed. The fact that you’re looking for the best cities, though, suggests that you consider some cities inferior in that they aren’t likely to provide cock in sufficient quantity. If you shift your measure of success to quality versus quantity, your choice of city may become less important. I also agree that you’re highly unlikely to find any city with a preponderance of Tops, or even an equilibrium of Tops and bottoms - there simply aren’t enough Tops for that math to work anywhere. One of the recent (admittedly unscientific) polls posted on this forum asking members to describe themselves as Top, bottom, or Versatile has so far registered self-declared Tops at a dismal - some would say alarming - figure just over 9%. Bottoms, by comparison, chimed in at over 66%. Given that BreedingZone’s membership is a global sampling, I’d say things are pretty much tough all over. Unless a guy’s a Top, of course. If he’s a top, it’s ass heaven.
  24. I am a submissive of your first type. I know those aspects of my personal attributes, skills and experience in which I am not inferior to other men, and indeed those in which I excel above others. I have, in fact, had an experience just of the sort you describe in which I was being gang-fucked by a group of four men, and at one point, after particularly intense oral use, I said I needed a break. ”You don’t get a break,” the leader said. I raised my head slowly and purposefully, looked him in the eye, and replied, “When I say I need a break, I need a break.” He backed down. This was a man who had been eagerly swapping his cock between my ass and my mouth for an hour and enjoying telling me each time he plugged back into my mouth, “That cock was in your ass.” (He was likely not a Dominant of your first type.) I take your point about those who are essentially broken personalities starved for any form of affection or acceptance and therefore apt to accept even abuse if it offers some crumb of what they’re starving for. They’re trying to meet one of what Maslow defines as a basic human need, and to a starving man, any food, however vile, is better than none. You may be right that such a person is going to get killed one day, but in the sense that he cannot meet his hunger, he’s already dying as a person; in that regard, his actions may be more comprehensible. You are right that there is no yawning gulf between the types, and possibly this touches on my inquiry that inspired this thread. No, I am not one of the submissives that considers himself a piece of trash for a “real Man” to use and throw away. I have value as a person in my own right, independent of my sexual role with respect to other men, and I have a different sort of value within the hierarchy of men (and there is clearly hierarchy of men in the world) related to a specific sexual role. The degree to which that role is naturally imposed versus self-assigned is a matter for debate, but I now accept it as a part if my intrinsic nature, which imparts value, At the same time, however, a part of me has for some time now felt a growing need to be used in ways that degrade my value, that debase and devolve. I am not trash, but I strongly need to encounter exactly the kind of Dominants you place in your second grouping, who would use me like trash because they see me as trash. I need them, because a Dominant of the first sort won’t do - he lacks the negative qualities necessary to get the job done. Why do I have this urge to be degraded by a certain kind of Dominant? I honestly don’t know. Possibly I wish to prove to myself that I am not undesirable, and fear that if I cannot even interest the men who use trash, then perhaps I might be worth less than trash after all. This conundrum is inconsistent with my general self-image, yet the urge and need is increasing as time passes, and given the least opportunity, I will likely act on it.
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