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Everything posted by espaceman

  1. hi i love to be possed by you  i havent had all the way sex yet so i still got a nice tight virgin ass to be broken in and pozzed big time would u be interested  ?


  2. am on fabuys
  3. wish I could get raped but no 1 willing to lol
  4. hello  nice pictures   am just down road from you  in market harborough leic  like to  get kno you better if  that ok with you  


    1. got2getit


      Hi Vic, thanks for post. Always good to know the profile and pics are getting interest on here. Definitely up for getting to know you better. Hope hear back from you and see about getting to know more about you too. 

    2. espaceman


      glad u want  to get know  me  better   send  me private  message and  tell me  more bout your  self   as  am really  interested in you  hppe to hear from you soon  tc  vic x


  5. hello  are you in the uk  / am neg with a tight virgin arse that need to be pozzed up with toxic seed you interested ?

  6. love ur profile and picture  I not had any exsperiance yet with bb guys  but I really want to  I do have a tight virgin arse thou  are you interested ? am in Leicestershire  let me know please

  7. hello trudat   I have a nice tight virgin  arse that really needs to be well and truly braking in  esp by a  a bloke that poz and not on meds  bb of cause I really want to be filled  with loads of poz cum   would u be interested and give me that gift  message me and let me know  thanks  hope to hear from youy soon

  8. I have a very tight virgin arse that needs braking in with 2 4 6 or more well hung black blokes neg or poz but must be b thou so who want to fuck me hard and shoot your toxic cum in me am in the uk send me pvt message if interested
  9. hi am looking to have  a big load or more  poz cum filling up my  tight virgin  neg arse   am in  the uk

  10. hello  nice cock pic  see ur in the uk  where in uk ?  am in uk as well

    1. badpenny72


      Hi there,just read your message.two and a half months after you sent it right enough but I haven't been on the site for ages so for me I'm responding almost straight after reading it :)

      You know 'nice cock' is about the 2nd best start to a message after the all time no.1 which is 'Hello' lol.

      I live in Scotland but I will say that I get about the UK a lot so.....



    2. espaceman


      hello  nice  cock  lol  thanks for replying you are quite far away form me I live in Leicestershire  so if u ever in the area  let me know and i see if i can meet you  that's if you want to of cause  my name is victor or vic for short xxx

  11. thanks for following  me  like your  pic

    1. evilqueerpig


      Glad to have you, m8!

  12. hello nice  cock pic love you to have bb with me

    1. rublthlad
    2. espaceman


      your very welcome  where in uk  are  you  ?  am in the uk


  13. hi   nice cock pic  I love to  be  your dbsm retrain  sub   where London are you 

  14. I love to be kidnaped  constantly  raped  used abused  beaten  caned tied down so couldn't  move   by  loads and loads  of black men and  white with hung cock and are  all  hiv poz  and  full  blown aids  none on  med  so I get the toxic  poz  cum   in me  for hours and  hours on  end rented out  to who  wants  me so they get all the   money and  film it and  put  it all over the internet so every 1  know  who I am  that 1 fantacy  that  I would  love to happen for real in real life 

    1. espaceman


      all have exstremely  violent  painful  cock balls torture with  fire end in my  cock balls  totally destroyed and totally unusable by setting fire to my cock and balls and watching them burn to a crisp no matter how much pain am in  ant 1 willing to do that  to me for real ? x

  15. hello nice picture of you  I love to meet you and  get to know you on here and  in person  I love bb as well only way to fuck  I have already been with a trans  male to fem quite a few year ago  and  I really loved it  and  want if again  do you drive ? if you are interested  reply back  names victor or vic for short  I live Market Harborough Leicestershire  am  50 years old  hope to  hear from you soon  xx

  16. hello like  your  pic  am actually  from Feltham Middlesex  but  I don't  there now  thou  am not  really that far away form you  am in Leicester place called  Market Harborough I love to get to know you better if  your are interested ohh  if you are  I hope you like cute tight virgin arses  cos  that what I got name victor or vic for short 

  17. I really want to be kidnapped so no1 know where I am and then totally raped used and abused by a very very big gang of blokes that are hiv and that got full blown aids and not on meds so I get so much toxic cum in me I get full blown aids so is there any 1 in uk who wants to do that and can arrange it pvt message me
  18. hello every 1  am totally new here so am just working  out how this works

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