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Status Updates posted by BgChsr35

  1. So im debating on a biohazard tattoo...but where is the sexiest location to get one...and thoughts....go.

  2. Well i did get a chance to be bred twice by a guy last night. Says he's off meds and has a HVL. So we will see if he was lying or telling the truth. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BgChsr35


      Sadly he is a very private person specially with this quarantine thing. Took me lots of convincing and in the end it was only cause we have been friends for awhile. But ill ask him. But said no meds and his hvl was very elevated. 

      I took two beautiful loads.

    3. bottombehr


      Hmmm yummy yummy slurp slurp!


    4. bottombehr


      Only Anonymous testing for me...

  3. Well i have an unmedicated hung guy going to breed me in a few hrs. Lets hope it sticks hard.

    1. BgChsr35


      Thanks. Crossing my fingers.

    2. MattQueen1


      Hope you are blessed by the bug.

  4. Well met a guy who is detectable and not on meds, he seeded me and now I'm holding the nut in. 

    Hopefully it takes.

    I'm so excited.

    1. Guest


      lucky you I can't wait for my turn, I want to get knocked up so bad.

    2. BgChsr35


      It's taken me years of searching, with very little luck. 

      Crossing my fingers

  5. Well another test time in the morning. Wish me luck for a poz result.

    1. PissPigBrooklyn
    2. beanna


      hope result is what you want

  6. Well the test is done, just waiting on the phone call with the results.

    1. beanna


      hope it is very much to your requirements

  7. You are the guy i dream seeds me and turns me into a poz aids fag. 



    1. ronnie4u


      Simply HOT and Delicious - more - more - Please !  

  8. Bring that aids load to STL. You would be popular.

    1. Syracuseboy


      Would love to find some videos or find this master.  

  9. Just took a load and a bloodslam from a poz guy with a HVL of 85000. Fuck im horny



    1. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful and Delicious !   more - more - Please !  

  10. Well hiv test neg again but i did test poz for syphilis. So thats cool.

    1. scott0882


      Spread syphilis, if you can. Unless you have started treatment. 

  11. Hey buddy you should hit me back asap. I'm not far from your area

    1. BgChsr35


      Also I hit you up on bbrts 

  12. Woof

    1. bottombehr


      Did you get fuk flu And covert yet

  13. Finally took my first high viral load 3 times by this hot guy. Now it's a waiting game.

  14. Super hot profile sir. Would love to bttm for you anytime.

  15. I want you to seed me deep

  16. Hey Dickluva, I'd love to communicate. 

  17. Last Thurs i got out off the shower heard a pop in my right ear and now been deaf on one side.

  18. Well its time to give it another try.


    I have a hung high viral multiple cummer hosting me Sat night for an all night breeding session. Will it stick? I hope so. 


    I have a good feeling about this one. When i get permission ill try to post some pictures.

  19. Well a buddy of mine is going in today to find out if he has hiv. If he comes back poz we plan on having sex all night with him seeding me several times. 

    I have been unlucky many times before bit hopefully this is the one. Wish me luck fellas

  20. Well I've been getting fucked a lot lately by guys not on meds, Friday night I started feeling sick and haven't been able to get out of bed today.

    Either it's a summer flu (which I get every year) or hopefully it's the fuck flu setting in. 

    I'm happy but this sucks at the same time. 

    Any advice on what to do?

  21. Also second thought of the day so I was with my buddy at his house and we got on Chaturbate, he fucked me on cam and the last number I saw was 821 ppl watching. Then Chaturbate were douches and kicked us out.

  22. We need to exchange numbers so I can get ahold of you when I'm in the city.

  23. If you ever come to the St. Louis area I have a neg hole for you to seed.

  24. I wonder how many guys on here actually have full blow aids. I see a few posts here and there but not many.

    I was thinking there should be a section dedicated to FBA guys. Maybe I can find one near me. 

    Not a lot of gifters in my area, most are either fakes or flakes.

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