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About Tempusfuget

  • Birthday September 9

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Porn Experience
    Amateur only

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  1. Definitely not. I've met guys who would bite down if I dared to piss vs cum and I am one of them. Granted, I've tried piss play but it really wasn't my thing.
  2. No apologies needed. To see the original author returning with the intention to continue the story rarely happens and is welcome indeed. Besides, we all have to make a living outside of BZ. (Additionally, I must confess I didn't know the story existed so I'm thrilled I won't have to wait almost a decade to see it continue.)
  3. Going great! I hope there is more...
  4. I prefer men I breed in a jockstrap so their cock and balls are tucked in and puts their focus on my cock.
  5. I have filmed... 1st time was without his knowing, 2nd time with his knowing (same guy... poz too). Sadly I lost the footage due to an unfortunate rain shower and I didn't back up the cloud. 3rd and final time, I was on the receiving end of a 3some that was supposed to pay for my semester of college but they didn't pay up the full amount. I imagine the footage is still out there, somewhere, but whatever. I ended having to bend over and take it for another year (not as fun as it sounds as I was probably at my lowest point while trying to earn a teacher job...) Maybe I'll write a story of it and see what you all think. 🤔
  6. Sad the story is over but am glad. Too often did a story continue only to be never finished due to unknown reasons.
  7. College wasn't cheap. I enjoyed it some of the time but it certainly was a low point in my life based on how some guys treated me.
  8. The first time I was fucked, the top kept the lights off AND blindfoled me me after putting me doggy. Suffice to say, I was terrified because it was my first time and everything I read/heard said I should be in control of the first fuck (sit on it so as to control the penetration) but instead I had zero control. In hindsight, it was the best thing to happen and still to this day do I consider this moment that I still get hard when I think about it.
  9. As a general rule of thumb, yes. Bareback is the new norm and honestly, the gay community has been over saturated with bb porn that most guys never mention condoms.
  10. More of a top but when I do bottom, I prefer to keep in as long as possible. Originally, the top who first fucked me said all guys do and I was a dumb kid and believed him. Now, I am older and still probably just as dumb.... but I still like it to stay in me until at least the next day.
  11. I hooked up with an older guy in college that was pestering me for a fuck everytime we bumped into each other at the bar. When I finally relented, I was going to make it memorable. He was on his knees, me behind him quietly lubing my cock up with spit as I had him jerk off with the idea in his head that I was going to use his cum as lube. However, just as he began to cum into his hand, I pushed him over and shoved into his ass with reckless abandon. My god, his hole kept clenching on my cock and I wasn't sure he was moaning from his orgasm or my sudden invasion. Not that it mattered because I was so tired of his persistent nagging that i wanted him to learn the cost of his actions. I remember taking a hit of poppers a few times and just enjoyed the fuck. When I eventually did breed his ass. I didn't hold back. God it felt good. I didn't stick around after that nor was i ever bothered by him again which was fine by me though I do recall telling friends about the experience. One of the friends used his ass as hard and ruthless as I did to the point the annoying chap moved to another city. It was unfortunate too because I felt he actually would learn to enjoy the treatment.
  12. Lately I have been after short guys in general but as a tall bloke, most guys are shorter than I anyways which is fine. Regardless, a guy in a jock is always going to grab my attention no matter what.
  13. Always enjoy reading this story and how it reaches its conclusion.
  14. Never tried but have a friend who does. He learned the hard way that you must clean the hardware often and very well or risk infection. He spent a week in the hospital after an infection set in resulting in a massive swelling of balls and a 103+ fever.
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