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partying.hard last won the day on January 5

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About partying.hard

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Nasty pig sex.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    White guy who knew by 15 that vanilla sex is boring. I’m the one your mother warned you about, but now that you’re old enough to make your own decisions, you’re glad to meet me and get me into bed. My mother always told me not to point, but I’m old enough to make my own decisions! Totally 50-50 versatile. I have a big dick and love to fuck but learned a long time ago it makes me no less of a man to give up my hole to a buddy.
  • Porn Experience
    I’ve fucked with several guys we all have jerked off to! I’m an exhibitionist and love others in the room watching. I will never cam again; someone recorded once and outed me to Family and work.
  • Looking For
    Very sex positive. I encourage guys to explore their deepest and most secret fantasies. uninhibited but respect all limits. I am a party pig; prefer to slam but keep on the same level with others. I love being poz; it gives me power and freedom.

    Limits are shit, puke, and blood. Most of the rest I have tried or I’m willing to try with the right guy.

    Love nasty phone. Will chat Tele. Just ask.

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  1. What after they pull out hands! [think before following links] https://x.com/p3rv3rts2/status/1903132324868342008
  2. Oh fuck, I love to eat a guy’s ass. But I’d never eat a woman’s ass.
  3. I was thinking of posting a similar question but didn’t know how it would go over in this group. When I’m getting sucked off, I want him to use his mouth. I can jerk myself off. I prefer him not to use his hands.
  4. <looking right>. <looking left>. <glancing behind>. Who? Me?
  5. Look at the reply directly above yours. People have a preference and it’s not my place to question. I know they’re always are others hungry for my dick. So I just move on.
  6. Yes, you can have 2 accounts. I don’t. But I knew several who do.
  7. I know a guy who didn’t push out the very last pool ball … didn’t realize it was up there. Until the next morning. At home. Pushing hard to shit. And the force with which he expelled the ball cracked his toilet!
  8. If you like that, try a set of the mini pool balls. I first played with regulation pool balls about 25 years ago. I love the weight of having five or six of them up my asshole. Or pushing them up somebody else’s ass and watching them appear again. It’s so fucking erotic to see an asshole slowly open up, not knowing the colour of the pool ball that is being pushed out. And then I was at a store, looking for typical every day things that I can turn sexual. And I stumbled upon a set of the mini pool balls. I’ve mastered the technique of using only my lips and tongue to stuff them up somebody’s ass. And then I latch my lips around the ass hole as he pushes the back out again. Hot!
  9. @pupHawaii, what is your verdict? Any nasty guys there? On Feb 19, they has 31.4 million users. A month later 33.1 million. It’s not taking off the way everyone predicted it would.
  10. I don’t. Some of my friends say it’s actually uncomfortable or painful. I just think the two small prongs opening the ass are awkward. But if it sparks an interest for you and gets your dick, hard, you should try it. Don’t let me discourage you. And then please come back and report what you thought about it.
  11. I Absolutely love speculum. My favorite toy. Only only only only get a Collin speculum to start. A Colin speculum can be manoeuvered and opened using only one hand. With a Colin speculum you only turn a wingnut and it slowly opens. There are other types of speculum to use. But they require both hands to open. You squeeze the handles and they slowly open, and at the same time you have to screw the wing nut to lock them into place. I have seen some people get injured when the guy working the other type of speculum has greasy hands and either the hand squeezing the handles or the hand turning the wing nut slide slides off because of the grease. Here is what I recommend to start. [think before following links] https://www.ebay.com/itm/254735320900?_skw=collin+speculum&itmmeta=01JMZPJVB2HVW3C7J1ER8DQ9SJ&hash=item3b4f688744:g:Il4AAOSw6rxfdatn&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA8FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1e5k1wUunNfeI91Bn2IKNujgHaDwpLjLU5yXOkCdr34E%2FWe6EYGCnMAmwzh2gNH%2FoW81yYceqwQoH8lHmQE3sarErNfi5%2FGAKJ51G9s7iULGkA%2Fwi6NfKp9Q9hQU9Wlfm4%2FbPcLzKFAMwa9D3wil4javP6InXDfmeoMJOEyIL9aEFxRCVE632m3HGKu%2FtSgIqQEodA6l2jRHArsl5Yl1l5jgUzQWJpNKYPA0VLtAfRE5ymc4IyCpD9dhnAX0BYVktm09jGRh0C6B2IvUySthpbX6Ni0BvVpgyqaLfPRuPRBkA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9K1y_anZQ The nice thing about having a set of three is that you can always use one at the same time with a buddy. These are also good because they graduate from small to large.
  12. I never will turn down a cock just because it is cut or uncut. I’m not into cheese and want it clean. The only reason I would say that I would prefer an uncut cock is because it gives me something else to play with. I have been turned down by several guys because I am uncut.
  13. I might consider myself bi. But I like to play intense and nasty … and few women offer that. Men are pigs. i like to fuck pussy if her husband or bf watches … and then ends up in bed with us. I love to each pussy after she’s been fucked. And I always try to aim the squirt towards my face. But again, few woman play like that. I love to eat a man’s butt but won’t rim a woman. But getting back to the OP … there’s nothing better on any body than a man’s ass!
  14. Plenty of men have walked up to me in a bar, handed me an empty beer bottle, and ask me to fill it.
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