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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 1 hour ago, ErosWired said:

    Make up your mind where your priorities lie, and how much you actually value your partner, and then see what your conscience tells you.

    Look at this guy's profile and peruse the list of postings by him. If his posts over the last couple of years are remotely truthful, his conscience has already talked to him. There's also a mention in one of his posts about his boyfriend being "a bb slut too, but we keep it secret, to make it fun." (Jan. 1, 2020 post) It's good to check one's moral compass every now and then, but experienced cumsluts who sound as if they're just on the edge of cheating for the first time simply grind my gears.

  2. Many of the aspects of gay porn that I find tiresome have already been listed. Of course, I have a few that no one has yet mentioned.

    • Related to the deficient dialog issue is the bottom whose vocabulary of erotic words is limited to fuck, delivered at various volumes and tone and supplemented by an occasional interjection. Tops don't get a pass on this count either; an actor who played in several Active Duty videos repeatedly uttered the same phrase whenever he was nailing a guy, and he did so in every video I saw (5 of them). 
    • Sexual activity occurring in the kitchen, the bottom being placed on his back on the countertop or the island. Who in their right mind would lay on a quartz countertop in order to get fucked?
    • Tops who, while screwing a guy on a sofa, push the guy into the corner of the sofa, the guy's head ending up under the cushions.
    • Scenes occurring in bathrooms that are almost as big as my house. 
    • Incomprehensible voice tracks. The dialog and erotic utterances might not be Pulitzer Prize quality, but don't place the microphone that only one actor's voice is clear and the other person comes across as wisps of noise. 
    • Music tracks playing far too loud (except in the case of vintage porn).

    That should do it for now. Maybe I should watch some videos to make sure I didn't leave something off the list.

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  3. 4 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I’m afraid it’s something that’s just becoming more and more common in dealing with internet apps because there’s no consequence when men with no integrity behave badly. Honestly, that’s the fatal flaw in all of them - they’re a free pass to treat people like shit and get away with it.

    It's hardly a recent phenomenon even if it's a more frequent occurrence now. It happened to me years ago when I lived near Philadelphia. I still recall a couple incidents: I'm at the front door, I've rung the doorbell a few times, and there is nothing. I send a message on the particular app... nothing; send another message... nothing. After 5 minutes or so, I leave. Sometimes, the expected encounter was to be a 3-way, and I surmise that the guy who hadn't been online when the invitation was extended vetoed my involvement. That I could understand; the inability of anyone to tell me that always irked me. I was much more  wary about 3-ways afterwards.

  4. 9 hours ago, NorfolkUK said:

    And there’s always the possibility he could be lying and he’s actually 15 or 14.

    Grindr, I assume, requires one to state one's age, and I'd hazard a guess that the minimum age to get on the app/site is 18. The Kid is 16 going on 17 as he told the OP. The Kid has thus already told one lie, and for all anyone knows, let alone the OP, The Kid could actually be 15. "But he said he was almost 17 -- I asked. Don't tell me he lied to me" won't be much help. In most states, mistake of fact as to someone's age is not a defense to a charge of statutory rape, sexual assault, or similar offenses.

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  5. 13 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    So if I have someone in my home, he decides to take his clothes off and have sex, and I have cameras placed in places like the living room, family room, etc. I am obligated to tell him there are cameras?  Does the sign "Smile you are being recorded" give an individual a pass on this law? I appreciate the information because I know a number of people have cameras in their homes for security reasons, and are hell bent on keeping them up as they have had individuals steal from them while pretending to change or use another room to prep for sex.  I have worked in Federal law enforcement before going on disability and I was told by friends with the US Attorney's Office that a web cam placed in a room with valuables, like a bedroom might have jewelry, is allowed and that it would be hard to prove an individual was taping for illegal reasons.  Now he said web cams hidden in say a bathroom, where someone would have an "expectation of privacy" is another matter.  But he said the living room, family or entertainment room, were open season for web cams.  He told me they were yet to prosecute anyone for this crime, other than an individual who placed cameras in bathrooms in rental properties he owned.

    So there is no "wiggle room" with the law?  I am rather surprised, but you mentioned the Florida Statute so I would think it is a state's responsibility to hold the violator accountable and prosecute them.  Thanks for quoting that position of the Florida Statute, I am going to look further into this.  I know I have been filmed, I have used web cams but people could see them.  I just want to know if I could ever be prosecuted as anyone who was at my place was well aware they were on.  Thanks again!

    The guy who has the webcam on the bookshelf to ensure that his visitors don't walk away with the checkbook has little, if anything, to worry about. The Florida statute expressly exempts a security system when there's a conspicuous notice that there's a video surveillance system for security purposes. The statute also exempts any video surveillance device that is clearly and immediately obvious to anyone. And most importantly, the statute only reaches people who record for the "amusement, entertainment, sexual arousal, gratification, or profit" of themselves or another. The guy who simply wants to keep an eye on his property isn't acting with that intent. I wanted to disabuse anyone of the notion that recording someone was ok as long as it wasn't posted on a website. Otherwise, it strikes me that my reading of the statute is pretty consistent with your thinking on the topic.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    On the reverse side, I had an individual check all through my bedroom looking for recording devices and to be honest, I was really offended.  He actually tried to manipulate my webcam, trying to tape across the camera lense.  At that point I told him to leave. It's funny he was like "see, I knew you were recording me".  Well, I wasn't.  I even offered to turn the porn off and just close the laptop but that didn't even work.

    Sometimes I feel the guys who protest the most are the ones that you need to worry about....not about being recorded sexually but rather if they are trying to steal from you.

    You're all too right that one needs to be alert and apprehensive in this situation. A guy acting as you describe is on day 4 of a chem-fueled bender and the shadow people are now talking to him. It's also possible that he's simply paranoid to start with, and the lack of sleep and too much tina has aggravated his paranoia. Over the years, I've learned that those guys should be shown the exit at the earliest possible moment (or that I should leave at the earliest possible moment).

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  7. 14 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    it is not illegal to film an individual but rather it is illegal to film them and then upload it to a particular site.

    Wrong. It's illegal under Florida law "to secretly view, broadcast, or record a person, without that person's knowledge and consent" even if the recording is for your own entertainment. (The person has to reasonably believe that he could fully undress or expose a sexual organ in privacy without worrying whether his activity was being viewed, recorded, or broadcasted.) Posting to a website isn't required. (The Florida statute is section 810.145, Video Voyeurism.) "Nanny cams" are ok because, presumably, they're not being used to film Nanny in her shower; they're used to keep an eye on her and Junior.

  8. 17 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    Therein lies a risk, however. A reply may be interpreted as an invitation to converse, and one suddenly finds oneself forced into an unwanted exchange that could be open-ended. [Related rant: Guys who send messages like “Hi” and when you respond never say another word]

    To my mind, there are two advantages to email (and its cousin, messages on hook-up sites/apps). The first is that unless the context implies that a quick reply is wanted, I can send the email or message and not fear that I am making unreasonable demands on the recipient to answer. The second is that unlike face to face encounters, it is easier -- or at least, I find it easier -- to ignore email and messages. If after "thanks for the compliment," I see another message which is now unwanted, I just ignore it. Don't be afraid of hitting the "delete" button.

  9. 3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    because I feel obliged to respond with a reciprocal compliment that I probably have to invent (he may have been fishing for one to begin with) or at least some empty pleasantry. In either case, it takes up time to no productive purpose.

    I always viewed a simple "Thanks for the compliment" to be more than sufficient. Indeed, if upon looking at the other's profile, I know I'm not interested, that is all I write. Of course, one can always ignore the message from the other person and proceed with one's own survey of profiles.

  10. "Can you bring some other tops with you?" 

    "Sure, there's a regional Tops convention going on in town right now. There should be 4 or 5 guys wanting to nail an ass after all of these damn meetings."


    Guys who ask you to "bring other tops" seem to think there's 6 or 7 tops sitting in a lounge somewhere, waiting for an urgent plea from a bottom in need, as if they're fighter pilots ready to scramble at a moment's notice. I always avoided guys who made that request.

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  11. 5 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    I have had people hide web cams in plants, inside radios, and not bother to tell me.  However if I asked them if I could take pics on my phone or camera I have gotten a direct no.  It just doesn't seem fair.

    I'd hazard a guess that it's a matter of control. The guy who hides the web cam or cell phone in the plants won't think anything of it because he has control of the video or pictures on that phone, etc. But he has no control over what you do with the video or pictures on your phone, and he accordingly objects. You're right that if one party is recording, then as a matter of logic and etiquette, everyone should be allowed to do so, especially if the host is the one taking pictures. When sex is involved, however, logic and etiquette are often left at the bedroom door.

  12. On 4/6/2022 at 11:01 PM, BergenGuy said:

    Sometimes I wonder if putting inconsistent stats in a profile is a catfisher's method of screening out savvy people?

    I often thought that anyone giving highly unlikely stats, such as being 99 years old or being 6'6" tall and weighing 145 lbs, was just messing with the search filters. 

  13. 18 hours ago, chipygmalion80 said:

    Phone calls help.  Weeds out shady folks real quick. 

    I know -- voice is so old school.  But I've only had a couple crazy guys blow up my phone afterwards, so I block them.

    For folks that cannot give out their real #, a throw-away phone could work.   I've been looking into these and some simple flip-phone styles are <$100 now.  Donate the phone to a shelter after -- after throwing away the SIM too.

    Because some of this technology stuff is a bit beyond me, what about getting a Google Voice number and using that? 

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  14. 18 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    One bit of gear that should be under where the Top stands is a ribbed, rubber mat to collect any lube/load that the Hole can't retain, and still provide a slip-free surface to stand on.

    That would be one hell of a "slip and fall" personal injury case. 

    • Haha 2
  15. 20 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I don’t even think there’s a Circle Of Hell specifically tailored for that. They may have to make one.


    The 8th Circle, Fraud, is for those who commit acts of dishonesty. Of course, there are grades of dishonesty, and in the first ring, panderers, sex workers, and seducers are tortured. They are whipped by the demons for they exploited others by seducing them to fulfill their interests. That sounds like a pretty good fit.

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