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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 11 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    . . . . All of 21, he and his bf started this little power-washing service,  Sooooooo ..... my driveway is dirty, isn't it - but not as dirty as my mind, I reckon .... so unless he bolts after getting paid, I'm gonna fuck that bubble Hole full, give him a sloppy kiss and then go stomp some more dirt on my nice, clean driveway .... 

    We'll see ..... 

    One of the seldom mentioned advantages of owning a home. It eases the pain of writing a check to the HVAC repairman.

  2. 6 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    I am not familiar with what a "Green Card" marriage is, but I surmise that it's some sort of 'fuck free' contivance

    Wikipedia has a description of a "green card marriage" under the topic "Sham Marriage." The general idea is that a US citizen marries a non-resident alien who is typically ineligible for residency but for being the spouse of a US citizen. On the basis of the marriage, the non-resident alien obtains permanent residency status, evidenced by an immigration document that used to be a card, about the size of one's driver's license, that was green in color, hence "green card." 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Other than two tongues on my CockHead (which is delightful), no.  There's also the issue of teeth.  No guy wants to feel a lot of teeth on his Cock from just one Cocksucker, let alone two, and unless the Cocksucker has an extraordinarily wide "bite", one decently-thick Cock is about all he can manage. 

    It would take a couple of Cocksuckers able to open their mouths so wide their heads would disappear, imo.  That is an intriguing, if biologically impossible mental visual though ...

    You seem to overlook the possibility that the hypothetical sucker has dentures and is happy to remove them. Having said that, I don’t disagree with your view about 2 dicks in one mouth. 

  4. 2 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    No need to apologize - I know you're not doing it deliberately (the quoting feature here can be wonky). It's as much "not wanting to take credit for someone else's words" as it is "don't show me saying things I didn't say". (This is a case where I agree about the importance of access to care where the person relocates.)

    I wouldn't say the quoting feature is wonky, just that the developer didn't envision quotations within quotations. BootmanLA is quoting portions of fskn's post of Feb 23, but when ErosWired hits the Quote button on BootmanLA's post to respond, the software shows BootmanLA as the author of the whole thing. Because the software doesn't know how to attribute the source of a quotation that is within another quotation, one gets the result seen here. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 2/19/2022 at 1:37 PM, blackrobe said:

    Bug: I've tried to put in an upvote reaction on a few posts in the last few days and I've found that the expand on hover reaction UI collapses unexpectedly while I'm still hovering on it. This limits the types of reactions that are possible.

    OS X 10.15.7 and Safari 15.3 (15612., 15612)

    Expected behavior: Reaction UI remains expanded until either a reaction is selected, or the mouse pointer leaves the hover area.

    I swapped out the trackpad with a USB mouse and found the problem persists, so it's not an obvious hardware issue. Doing a little more testing, the UI collapses as I move left past the SAD icon on multiple messages. The same problem doesn't occur on an affected message using Chrome (98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (x86_64)) on the above OS version. Ergo this looks like it only affects Safari. It doesn't occur on Windows 10 + Chrome either.

    Take heart, you're not the only one suffering from reaction collapse. I've had that same difficulty for a couple of months, and I thought it was another instance of erratic behavior of the mouse. It also does not occur on every reaction string. I haven't tested Chrome or Firefox to determine if the problem exists with those browsers.

    (The technical stuff if anyone cares: M1 Mac Mini, macOS 12.2.1 (Monterey), Safari 15.3 (17612.

  6. 6 hours ago, TheSRQDude said:

    So I'll throw something out there from personal experience: Philadelphia

    @TheSRQDude is depressingly right about Philadelphia. The only thing he didn't mention is that the parking regulations occasionally make the US tax code look like a model of plain writing.

    I'll offer another locale as a possibility: northern Delaware, more precisely the suburban area of New Castle County, but probably not Wilmington (largest city in the state). Northern New Castle County has the advantage of being within a 30 minute drive of Philadelphia (I-95 and I-495). There's no sales tax; the income tax rates won't cause your eyes to bulge; state and local government are reasonably well-run ; and the state legislature seems pretty reasonable nowadays, far more so than when I lived there. In the America of 2022, there are far more worse places to live....

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, CumPup said:

    Hey all, I'm trying to identify which studio made this movie or the actors in this scene. It's hot as fuck! Any help would be greatly appreciated 😉

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://xhamster2.com/videos/tim-late-night-12626703

    It strikes me as being from Harlem Hookups -- the breathing of the black guy was the thing that tipped me off, and several of the guys are of the body type usually seen in Harlem Hookups videos. Which title and when it was filmed -- no idea.

  8. 17 hours ago, BBArchangel said:

    Oh, you are mean! what a cruel stopping point!

    Yeah, the story ended at the point (pun intended) where everyone can't wait for the description of the slam, etc. But the author doesn't seem to have been online for a couple of years. Sigh....

  9. 8 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    Try to get to visit the Leather Archives up in Rogers Park.

    The web page for visiting the Archives and Museum: [think before following links] https://leatherarchives.org/museum/plan-your-visit. The Archives is 2 blocks from the intersection of Clark St. and Devon Ave. The Clark St. bus (No. 22) and the Broadway bus (No. 36) stop at Clark and Devon; so does the Sheridan Rd. bus (No. 151). Admittedly, it's been like forever since I've been to Chicago, but riding the Clark St. bus was certainly an experience in urban living. (On Friday and Saturday nights, depending on the mood of the bus driver, he'd stop the bus right at the entrance to Man's Country.)

  10. 11 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    ^  and self-centered ... If there's one thing I dislike about a bottom, it's trying to be a "pushy" bottom.  Especially in the darkrooms/backrooms/fuckjoints.

    I always referred to those bottoms as "Cecil B. deMille," sounding as if they were directing "The Ten Commandments."  

    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, fskn said:

    I've never tried it. Recommend?

    Manhunt was one of the first, if not the first, gay hook-up websites. In fact, I joined nearly 20 years ago. Way back then, there was a pretty good assortment of men, and the user interface wasn't any worse than any other website. The website was redesigned at least 10 years ago; it changed almost nothing, and I always thought the web designer was overpaid for that effort. The iOS app I always found to be close to useless.

    When I was playing in the Philadelphia area 10-15 years ago, there were plenty of hot guys on the site (and I played with a fair number of them). Nowadays, at least in my neck of the woods, there seems to be an underrepresentation of guys under 40; in Ft. Lauderdale, in contrast, the age range is much more balanced. A lot of profiles aren't much more than shell profiles, ie, a profile that contains no information. The mail program is ok, and searching for a member isn't too complicated. Trying to do an area search (eg, men between 25-45, slim build, availability "ask me") will cause one to throw the Bluetooth mouse across the room. Free accounts get 25 mail conversations a day and can only usefully see the main profile picture. Paid accounts aren't outrageously expensive; I choose a 90 day non-recurring plan, and it's the grand sum of $35. My current plan expires in 7 days, and I'm not renewing since the return on investment, so to speak, has been pretty minimal.  

    Needless to say, all of this is just my opinion, and someone in a different part of the country may well have a different customer experience. In any event, I hope this is of some help.

    • Thanks 1
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