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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 1 hour ago, BlackDude said:

    I get it with younger guys. But at 60? Like a previous poster said: you’re gonna die of something.

    There are no age restrictions on being clueless. The guy's remark that he "[wasn't] looking to take a load from a guy on Prep" suggests that he's inferring that anyone on PrEP is too much of a sexhound for him. And for whatever it's worth, I've seen that attitude in more than a couple of A4A profiles. As I said, there are no restrictions on being clueless.

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  2. On 1/9/2021 at 11:44 AM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I’m new to Twitter, and haven’t started posting.  What is “Twitter Jail” and how do you end up there?? I’ve noticed a couple of guys on here mention it...  I’m scared!

    I'm also a newbie in the Land of Twitter, but I'd hazard a guess that if your tweets resembled those of a certain U.S. president, you'd be sentenced to Twitter Jail. (Yes, I know that the certain U.S. president has been exiled, rather like Napoleon. One can hope that the exile is more like Napoleon's stay at St. Helena rather than at Elba.)

  3. I'm hardly a keen observer of social trends, but it strikes me that your encounters show that metrosexuals still thrive among us. "Metrosexual? What's that?" One definition in Urban Dictionary reads "Despite being flattered (even proud) that gay guys hit on you, you still find the thought of actually getting intimate with another man truly repulsive." Another definition there is "A male who looks like he's gay, but bangs chicks, not dicks," giving David Beckham as an example. The bar encounter doesn't surprise me at all: a couple of years ago, I looked at the websites of the bars I frequented when I lived near Philadelphia. All of them, including the leather bar at which I spent many hours, showed a very different crowd than I used to see on a Saturday night: the median age seemed to be about 25 instead of 30, and women were at the bars in astonishing numbers. (Ok, astonishing to me, and they appeared to be attached to reasonably attractive young men.) I'd also guess that in large cities in this vast country, 20-somethings and 30-somethings are more accepting of a range of sexual identities.  

    In short, you're getting old, the crowd has changed a bit at the bar, and folks have lightened up a bit about being around gay men -- just as you surmised. <wink and grin> I don't know about you, but I think I need a drink now.

  4. 10 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    ART and PrEP, along with U=U, have changed the parameters of the discussion in a big way, one that I think renders any argument supporting the old laws exceedingly weak.

    Bareback Sex in the Age of Preventative Medication: Rethinking the ‘Harms’ of HIV Transmission, 84 J. Crim. L. 596 (2020), accessible at [think before following links] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0022018320974904. (Credit to @seaguy for tweeting on the article's publication.)

  5. As soon as I can get in line for the vaccine, I'm getting in line (socially distanced and masked, of course). I have way too many high risk factors not to get the vaccine, and I'd much rather spend 2021 working on my yard instead of being in a hospital bed.

    @tallslenderguy - you're well on the way to sainthood. I would have wrapped an IV tube around the guy's neck, pulled it tight, and sent him on his 200 mile return trip.

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  6. 1 minute ago, BootmanLA said:

    My only issue is with dismissing the locals, who may not have those options, as being unable to read. I think that's gratuitously cruel. 

    But if one is asked the same questions -- e.g., can you host, do you top, what are you into -- by the same guy (or guys) over a length of time, it suggests poor reading comprehension or a poor memory on the part of the questioner. One's response then need not be mean, but it can show a degree of exasperation. In those situations, my response has been "you asked me that last week, and the answer is the same. Have a good evening."

  7. Everything @renovers82 said, and a couple of things to add: The banding system renovers82 mentioned is the same used by my gastroenterologist, and I'm quite willing to guess that it's the standard procedure. (In fact, banding is the most effective option for most internal hemorrhoids.) If there are several hemorrhoids, the practice is to band only one at a time in order to reduce the chance of inflammation. After each banding (I had 3), I waited for 3 weeks out of an abundance of caution before I resumed playing. And after it's done, you'll wonder why you waited so long to have the thing treated.

  8. I'll repeat some of the advice already given and add my own spin:

    1. Find out what your employer's policy is. 

    2. If you have any supervisory or managerial responsibilities, the answer is NO SEX. You can buy yourself and your employer a boatload of hurt because obviously, the other person [let's call him D] can make a sexual harassment claim. It won't matter very much if D initiated the contact: D can say there was implicit coercion because of your position in the company even if you have no direct supervisory responsibility over him.

    3. In your initial post, you don't mention anything about any possible boyfriends, etc. D might have. Don't underestimate the chance that someone who knows D will get mad as hell at the fact that D and you frolicked. I offer two examples that occurred at my office (we had about 100 attorneys and 100 support staff, and I was a senior attorney). --- Two attorneys, S (man) and P (woman), had been having an affair for some time. S had told his wife, A, a paralegal in our office, that the affair had ended. Alas, it flared up again. Unfortunately, A found out that S and P were at it again. A's screaming at the two of them went on for about 15 minutes, and A took a few jabs at P. About 3 months later, P was transferred to one of our other offices (about 100 miles away), and the general consensus was that P had climbed the promotional ladder as far as she was ever going (in fact, I flat out rejected her request 2 years later to transfer to my section). --- The other incident was downright scary. A senior administrator (R) and an attorney (J who had been there 20 years) began an affair. J's husband, an attorney who worked for a different firm, found out about the affair. Husband came to our office one morning to visit J. He did more than just bring coffee and donuts; instead he brought 20 minutes of chaos. Husband began arguing with J, eventually helping her along to the office of R (which was on a different floor). More argument ensued in R's office and the hallway, and punches started to be thrown. At that point, a couple of retired police detectives who worked in the office stepped in to restore order; Husband wasn't a 98 pound weakling, and it took the detectives a couple of minutes to get Husband under control. (Look at the clock on your smartphone for 2 minutes -- two minutes that morning seemed like two years.) J left the office about 3 months later. --- Unless you're pretty good at karate or judo, you can be signing yourself up for some serious bruising at the hands of a pissed off relative, friend, whoever who is just mad as hell that you and D played.

    4. You don't say how many people work with you. If D becomes distant after the two of you play, it's going to be noticeable if you guys work for a small company (let's say under 100 people). If your employer has a workforce of 1000, that might be less of a problem, especially if the two of you are in separate sections or divisions.

    5. I've rattled on enough about this. Whatever you do, be careful....

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  9. 3 hours ago, SFSloppyAznBottom said:

    A DL Grindr white daddy messaged me. I thought the dick looked familiar, turns out we’ve played three years ago in San Francisco when he visited.

    That you recalled him is a testament to your memory. If he remembered (and it's not clear if he did) is a testament to your skills, abilities, charm, etc.

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