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Everything posted by 408curious

  1. Yes. Although, when I first thought id my answer I was wrong. ... but yes.
  2. Hood. Preferably left on the step of an un locked front door.
  3. I have insurance but I'm a mess about paperwork. I understand there's a huge deductible, but Gilead has a reimbursement program.... I'm too dysfunctional to keep all this straight. Mistr says there's no paperwork for you. Has anyone used their service?
  4. When I first saw this post title, I thought, "What a ridiculous question?" But I guess we now need a new post, "Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2024?"
  5. Do you do it in the suit as well? ... are they made for that?
  6. Hot post. I don't know anything about furry culture. Do any furries like fucking "humans"? Is there a choice of furry animal, color or style that would attract the interest of a top beast more than others?
  7. I don't believe there's a "self-hating" phenomenon. It's merely hatred. People have been shown to vote against their own self interests, if it would mean benefitting the "other", people they don't approve of. Hatred with a sprinkle of cruelty and machismo.
  8. If you've been on keto, does that change how you cleanout? Is it more difficult to get clean?
  9. That sounds like a promotional ad for this website.
  10. I had to drink a liter of that shit for a CT scan. I was literally crying tryin" to choke it down.
  11. That's such a pathetic argument about the party alignments of 160 years ago say something the parties today. You couldn't be more irrelevant.
  12. My two favorite hookups were blind entry. Slip in the door. Strip naked. Put on hood and announce my arrival. ....led to the door left to remove hood dress and go. These were more D/s than fucking though.
  13. Totally accept you arguement Regarding being authentic and going with the guts. I wasn't suggesting portraying as actually chasing, that sort of thing. Just ignoring that extra layer of safety. Many UD say that they cant transmit, so they should not have a problem.
  14. Correction: Perhaps I'd say looking I'm NOT chasing and looking for tops.
  15. Turning the "is it wrong" question around. Is it objectionable to say your negative and not on Prep, when your on PreP. I'm not talking about a big defrauding, only saying that I'm neg and looking for Prep or Un-D tops.
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