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Everything posted by toxicspermpig

  1. I always get an anal and oral swab. Realized last time I did an anal swab I actually had loads in me from the night before. 🫣
  2. My "prep" usually begins the day before. I start with a smoothie (berries, sweet potatoes, yogurt, chia seeds, etc.). Chia seeds are especially helpful because they swell and help collect stool. But basically you want to get as much natural fiber as possible. Plus the natural sugars from the fruits help with energy. For my meals I stick to fish, veggies, rice etc. Maybe one more smoothie at night if I'm being glutinous. The morning-of, I'll have one last smoothie and maybe a pb&j or something light. I do want to stress that 9/10 you DON'T need supplements if you are conscious about what you're eating and how your body responds to certain foods. You can't eat a burger and then take Pure or Metamucil and expect magic. Okay back to the plot. I give my body about 4-6 hours to do it's thing and then I prep. I rarely feel like I don't have enough energy but if I need a quick boost, then usually nuts or peanut butter are my go to. Hope this helps someone 🙂
  3. This was a pleasant thread until egos got bruised and began taking over. However, it was still pretty informative. Thanks guys!
  4. I'd say I catch them at least 2-3 times a year. It's the price we pay for being depraved sex addicts. Get treated, take a break, and move on. It's all part of the thrill!
  5. woke up with a throbbing dick today. time to find a toxic hole to breed 

    1. pig123


      good pig, i hope u have it often!!!

  6. Way to go. There's no shame. Keep taking those loads!
  7. Most STDs are treatable. There's not much out there you can't bounce back from. Just focus on taking as many loads possible!
  8. I've had both many times. Both are about equal in terms of discomfort. Gono can tend to burn if gone untreated for too long. Everyone will have a different experience though. Choose your own risks and live life!
  9. for me personally, doxy is kinder to my stomach than azithromycin.
  10. To me, there is no such thing as too many loads. I want to hear the sloppiness and feel it all over my dick and balls. Knowing that you've collected that much random sperm keeps my dick rock hard
  11. Follow me @filthyblkpig to see me fuck more insatiable faggots
  12. If you're a filthy pig, then follow me and don't be afraid to say hi! 🙂
  13. Headed to the park to fuck random faggots with my dirty community dick 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mixnzz


      love a community dick in my community hole

    3. SleazyCumPig


      I would love heading to tha park with you and taking random dick while you fucked random holes. Maybe I get your dick shoved in me between the homeless guys you are fucking. 

  14. My dick is so fucking filthy after breeding random used holes in the park all night long 🦠☣️

  15. I like to keep my shirt on because I need something to rub the extra lube and cum on .
  16. Haha. Where they belong!
  17. I guess I'm too filthy for this site. I keep getting flagged. Just came off of a suspension. I guess AIDS fetish is okay but they draw the line at other bugs. Anyways, feel free to msg to chat. 

    1. TwinkChaserSlut


      Do you like to chat in the BZ chat room or on another app?

    2. pig123


      if u want, let's chat 🙂
      message me!

  18. Haven't touched a condom in over 6 years. It feels so much better and I truly don't care who I slide my raw dick inside.
  19. There's nothing better than walking around the bathhouse sliding my dick inside of loose cummy holes. The best cumdumps are the ones that partially gape open just from bending over. 😋
  20. My dick is leaking discharge this morning. Comes as no surprise considering I've fucked over 15 random holes at the park this week. I know for a fact two of them were homeless but I didn't care. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicspermpig


      I love them because they usually have no standards, morals, or self esteem. 

    3. WhOregon


      I love eating dirty homeless ass. They know nobody else will will have sex with them - might as well fuck me!

  21. OINK!!!
  22. I was never molested but I was raised by my single dad. For as far back as my memory goes, he fucked women in the house while I was home. He did it so much that I thought it was normal. Usually it was in his bedroom but sometimes he'd do it in the living room or bathroom when he thought I was asleep. His room was right next to mine so I could here things perfectly. I soon noticed he watched a lot of porn late at night. He actually caught me a one time watching one of his tapes but he didn't say anything. He closed my door and we never discussed it. He also stopped trying to hide them from me - often leaving them sitting in plain site. It was like an unspoken understanding. However, around 9th grade, he started openly discussing sex with me. He'd pressure me to flirt with women and would tell me about how much "pussy" he got at my age. Looking back on it, I know he's the reason I'm so promiscuous. Unfortunately for him, I turned out to be a raging queer. My dad rarely ever talks about sex with me now but he's still just as horny as he was when I was growing up. He always has a new lady around. So maybe it's also part hereditary?
  23. I fucked 4 sloppy cunts at the park last night. It was about 2am so they had already been loaded up by plenty of randoms before I arrived. My dick still smells like old nut.
  24. I agree with this. Being a chaser means that you willingly accept anything that comes with it. You don't pick and choose.
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