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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. I have also worked with HungerFF. Really a sweet man, but a little too much on the Alpha-male side. Working in his hole and waiting for the amazing blossom was really a dream come true. I remember first seeing his videos with the "UCLAStudent" and my eyes popping out in surprise when he got fisted with a foot. (What would one call that? Footing? Sounds wrong.) Cut to a year after that initial viewing, and I've got my arms buried in that nasty noisy hole. 

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  2. Ask him about his sexual health. If he's fine, then no risk. If he doesn't know his status, how do you feel about continuing with a barebacking? Judging from your concern, I'm guessing you have negative feelings about it. So you're not okay with getting pozzed, right? Or even being exposed to the possibility of it? 

    If you're not ready for the consequences, don't do it. Once you cross that line and get bred, you may not be able to get back on the other side of it. And that's the slippery slope. I used to be a condom nazi, and when I started fucking guys without them, I couldn't stop. I seldom used them after that, and a couple years ago, I went full barebacker and bugchaser this past summer. 

    See where it leads? One little choice makes tidal waves. 

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  3. Definitely! I used to be a member of the Chicago Waterbuddies, who hosted a piss party every 2nd Saturday of the month. My late husband and I were members of this. Good memories there.

    I've done piss and fisting scenes in my porn. I can top and bottom for piss, but top only for fist. Something about putting my hand in a slimy hole and punching away gets me excited, but also mentally focused. I need a regular diet of that.

    • Like 4
  4. What you describe is actually pretty common. You could totally be spreading and not know it. I remember reading an article from one of the gay publications, and the author talked about several HIV-related things. I distinctly remember a commenter saying "#3 is teh [sic] scary."

    #3 was "He didn't know he was poz." One may not suspect it - no flu, no signs, just a long history of not testing, then lo and behold, he's also got a list of guys he needs to call when the diagnosis happens. Not only to let them know what's transpired, but also to build a timeline for when this happened. Doesn't change anything, but knowing makes it a little easier to accept. 

    On to your question. If you don't know you've got it, I don't think it can qualify as stealth. But do get tested. Yes it can be scary and something really shitty may happen. Or it might turn out as you want it, and it's the best day ever. Sounds to me like there's some post-event guilt there, and you can easily clear that conscience by getting checked out. And make a habit of that every three months. Unless the need arises to never have that test again. For some reason, the status doesn't seem to go back. IDK WTF that's about.

    • Like 3
  5. 41 minutes ago, pigbro said:

    I keep checking to see if there's an update. Whether Nate and Nick complete their transformation by fucking each other now as newly created brothers. Finding out the original identities of the earlier monsters, and the remaining soldiers tracking down one untransformed scientist before being lured into a trap when they realise he controls the monsters and then talks them through their initiation when his transformed assistants enter to assimilate them.

    This would actually be a good direction to go in if one of us has to finish the story. We all hope Lucky returns to share the next part of it when he feels it's ready to be viewed.

    • Like 1
  6. Unimportant story:

    When I had to change insurance in 2019, I wasn't able to continue my Truvada. I called one insurance company and they told me that I would have to pay $2000 a month for a bottle of it. I told the woman on the phone that I'd rather be poz than pay that price. She was not amused. 

    Now I think I took that as a challenge. I've got chaser problems, lol.

  7. I had this as my status a few days ago, but it didn't get many responses, so I made a topic about it with a view to get some answers on the matter.

    My neighbour is newly poz, and has been on his meds for a month. In my mind, this isn't long enough to get to undetectable. If I can get a load out of him (say from oral or JO, and NOT anal sex), I can save his spunk in a syringe and freeze for later injection by myself. 

    My question is this: Let's assume he's still contagious. If I saved his charged but slightly medicated seeds and use them later, can I infect myself? Or will they be dead by the time they hit the freezer?

    I could be wrong about how long it takes to get to undetectable, but let's forget that for the sake of the question.

  8. I really think this story (or something like it) needs to be pitched to one of the major porn studios so they can bring it to life. There is nothing quite like it in the entire porn output, hitting so many targets at once: rubber porn, poz porn, military porn, horror/sci-fi porn, and suspense porn. 

    Let me ask around to the studios and see who would do this.

    But keep this story going! 

    Also, read back through the chapters. None of the monsters actually speak once converted. Hmmm...

    • Like 2
  9. Not really. For a porn star, I am generally not a sexual person. I can DO it, but my interest comes in waves. BZ doesn't excite like it did in the beginning. It's not better or worse, just *different*. But I will say that my mind has been opened to a few things I didn't expect, and I'm happier with those discoveries.

    Am I hornier? No. Am I getting laid more? Not really. 

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  10. On 10/9/2020 at 3:21 AM, seasqrd said:

    I know exactly what you mean. I've been working from home during the pandemic and I usually have a cigar in my jaw while I work. My cigar intake has doubled.

    I can't stop thinking about this.

    Fuck it for being an "intake", as if we were eating it. 

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  11. 8 hours ago, pozboy said:

    great! sorry I misunderstood you. what's your daily intake? I found more than 3 ppd hard. can you smoke cigars like cigs, with deep inhales?

    One CAN, but it's not recommended. Cigar smoke is thicker, and while it has no additives like cigarettes, it's actually worse for you. When we inhale cigar smoke, it becomes more fetish so you can do those sexy nose jets and maybe other things. 

    A fan sent me a number of cigars because, apparently, fuck my lungs. LOL

    • Like 1
  12. When I was hooking, I always used condoms. None of my clients objected, and I would tell them that it's for their piece of mind as well as mine.

    Haven't used them but once since then, and that was six years ago. Never will again

    I have to include a joke with this. In high school, a classmate threw a condom at me and said "Here, Scott, you'll never use it!" If only he knew... Lol

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  13. This past summer, I started saving my wasted loads in a large medical syringe, and placed it in the freezer. It's hard to effectively collect it all in there, but I can get about 0.3mg on each wank. When it's full, I can breed myself.

    Had to throw one of them out. When my PA got infected, I made the mistake of putting some of that infected cum in there. Rather than give it to myself again, I just tossed it out. Wasteful, but smart. 

  14. I might have said it before in this topic. I don't remember, and I'm too lazy to go through ten pages to see, so I'll say it again.

    My ex is a little-dicked bottom. He tries so hard to top, but he's really not good at it, and his pecker can't reach that sweet spot that I needed him to reach. If I put him in chastity, there'd be nothing left of his dick. I'd have to buy him a cock extender from one of the toy stores to get any satisfaction out of his tiny poz dick.

    • Like 2
  15. I check the plumbing at least once a week, make sure it's still working. Since coming off my steroid cycle, sex drive is returning to zero. That stuff made me hornier than I have been in years, and what made it worse was putting a ring in my dick a month into the cycle. Then I couldn't play with it for at least a month, and I was horny as fuck. Beating off is a different experience with this ring, but I have to take care to clean after every time. I can't just leave a little mess and say "It will wash off in the bath tomorrow" anymore. 

    Wow, I really got sidetracked there. LOL

    If I jerk too often, my dick begins to rub raw and stays red and sore. Can't cum as much as I would like.

  16. I have another sad story to add to this.

    Since I started injecting steroids, I had been wearing a nice red jock over and over, soaking it with enhanced sweat and odors. It was really quite an aphrodisiac! I loved that jock. Managed to have it for about seven weeks or so.

    I came home one day, took my sweaty clothes out of the bag, and must have grabbed the jock with the shorts that smelled like ass (and not in the good way), and tossed it all in the laundry. I was horrified to find the jock when I was emptying the dryer!!

    I cried.

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