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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. A recent communication with a rubber dragon has found my issue. 

    As I suspected earlier, it's the lube. I'm using Elbow Grease lube, which is oil-based. And the Square Peg toys are silicone. This can cause all sorts of issues, and I think we found our culprit. I'll be going to the local leather store this week for some Swiss Navy, which always worked before and never did this crap. 

    But it would probably still be a good idea to go to the doctor to at least make sure there's no permanent damage. Also, I'm getting to an age where the colon may start to go. Don't men in their 40s and 50s start getting colonoscopies and stuff? And I just may be due for one in the near future.

  2. My STI results are totally normal, so we can rule that out. I think it may be the lube, and also just getting too aggressive with the play. I want to feel something, I want to feel like my hole was thrashed. And I'm running out of time to get opened up, so it's probable that I try to rush the gape. Making up for lost time. And every time I use the Egg Plug, this happens. When I get a dick in there, this doesn't happen at all. Why should a toy have a different result?

    Before going to the doctor, I'll try one more experiment. I'm getting some different lube, and I'm going to try not using the plug. If it comes out clean or just poopy, then I think we found the culprit. 

    Also, it doesn't really "bleed for three days." An exaggeration. It's a small amount, and comes only with a poo the next morning. After that, it's stopped. 

    Rosebuds don't happen overnight, and I mustn't try to rush the process. 

    And for the piggies out there reading this, if I'm going to bleed like this, it'll be one less thing you have to do to infect me. 😈 A built-in feature, lol.

  3. I actually got an incredible amount of sex last year. It sounds weird to say, but between the start of March and mid-July, I got nothing. I was a good boy, but I was also pumped full of synthetics. One can imagine how horny I was at the end of it, and I lived in an area where we weren't hit too hard by the disease. Local hookups, however, just weren't easy - in fact, I think I had to go elsewhere for them. My partners were similarly prepared, and none of us got sick. When I reached Seattle, I was just off my steroid cycle, and climbing the damn walls. I actively pursued a detectable poz guy for a couple weeks until it was apparent that nothing would happen between us. If my housemate had a guest over, I fucked him. Then I started focusing on higher quality guys, and had some really amazing sex with them in the autumn. 

    So far in 2021, I haven't had a drop of cum anywhere near my hole, nor have I shared mine with anyone. People around me are at a point where they are waiting until they get vaccinated before they'll commit to anything, even just meeting. It's kind of annoying, but I get it. Makes sense and is much safer that way. By summer, I expect I'll get more porn stuff to do, and all this nonsense will be over. 

    • Piggy 1
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  4. 15 minutes ago, WelshBBCigarFuck said:

    I would suggest perhaps you aught your make an appointment to see your doctor and perhaps have an endoscopy so they can check inside as it doesn’t sound right breeding so often.

    It’s possible you have an internal haemorrhoid and are catching it with the toys but I would expect blood on the toys when you use them

    It could be a little tear which is opening when you open your bowels and, depending on frequency of which you go and the solidity of the stools, they could be opening it up.

    Like I said, speak to your doctor and get checked out, if you are prone to particularly hard or uncomfortable bowel movements you can change your diet to make things easier.

    Sorry I can’t offer any advice more than that but everyone is different and everyone knows their own body, if this isn’t normal for you then you need it checked out.

    You *would* expect blood? I'm hoping that's a typo.

    Since posting, another thought: I've been using Elbow Grease. Maybe that's the wrong lube to use on a toy? Could that be the problem?

  5. Something has changed in my butthole. Since I started bottoming, I've been playing with it more often. I used to do just fine with toys, but lately, something is very wrong with my hole. It seems that every time I get the toys out, I get a good hour's session out of it, but I bleed for three days after. There was no initial pain or problem, nor did I struggle to do insertions.

    I warm up with some lubed fingers - I've been using Elbow Grease because I have so much of it - and I get the little grey plug inside when I'm ready. If I'm feeling piggy, or like it's not enough sensation, I go up to the dildo (Square Peg "Leo", size S), and get a little more with that. When I'm sorta ready to be done with the in & out motion, I put in my Square Peg Egg, size M. I can wear this for a little while, maybe 30 minutes. I don't go for marathon sessions. I know full well that I have to take my time stretching and deepening, so I impose a limit on my play time. 

    When the time is up, I take it out and clean my toys, and put them away. And when I poo the next day, I get a mixture of brown and blood.

    This isn't normal, and I didn't used to get this. Now I do all the time. Last time, it was so bad I stopped practicing for a full month. Am I doing something wrong? Is this going to happen on a porn set when I get railed hard by a PERSON?

    Help me out here.

  6. When I was first exploring my sexuality a decade ago, I was hooking up left right and sideways. This eventually caught up with me when I got gono for the first time. But I didn't really enjoy those hookups. Most of the guys were the ones who couldn't get it any other way, so I was doing a community service by helping them out. Did I ever have a second go with someone? Rarely. Some of my bathhouse hookups make me shudder nowadays - "I let him put his dick in me? Fuck, what for???" 

    As I've aged, I have been more selective about my partners. I'm trying to get more guys who are my type rather than just spreading my legs for anyone, or squirting my seed at anyone. I like to have fulfilling sex, and I'd like to not be visually offended by his appearance. When he is unpleasant to look at, my dick doesn't stay hard. This can be either bad teeth, horrible tattoos, or something shallow like that. 

    Nowadays, I'm trying to find someone to connect with and not just on a physical level. My late husband was not a looker - even worse when he shaved his beard. But I loved him. I put his appearance aside for the wonderful soul who loved me so strongly for two years. And this opened me up again to less-attractive men: plain, but not unsightly. I'm currently dating someone who will never be a model or win a beauty contest, but I don't care about that. What matters to me is his heart. And his dick, of course. That's one of my deciding factors. If he has a huge dong and wants to breed, I willingly waive the question of his appearance. I won't see him much with my face buried in a pillow, or blindfolded. When he's attractive but his dick is average or under, I don't tick that box and we proceed accordingly. 

    There are lots of factors and it's different for everyone with me. 

    I guess I am *super* fussy, but I also have respect for myself. I met a hung poz dude in January last year. We had a date, but he was a total jerk, and not that attractive, plus his standards were shit. There was no way we were fucking because he turned me off so. 

    See? It varies.

    • Like 1
  7. Boy, this is an old one!

    But I wonder what became of this user? He tested poz when he really didn't want to. Seven years later, I wonder how he's coped with it so far. 

    That gives me an idea: "Breeding Zone Members - Where are they now?" 

    But people come and go all the time from a chat board, so it would be difficult to track down some people. And it's kinda invasive. Maybe not a good idea.

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  8. I once attended a Kink U class hosted by Chris Wideman in Chicago. I think that was in 18 or 19. 

    Do you use Twitter? There's a thing called Fistly (or something) that talks up teaching fisting techniques, but it's a paid subscription to it. I think it's more lecture than it is lab, and one really needs the second half to make sense of such a course.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Descartes70817 said:

    A word of warning from someone who took things too far - as soon as your CD4 cell count drops below 500 get yourself on meds. I waited until mine was just 34, so while my meds keep me undetectable nothing will ever repair the internal organ and tissue damage done by the various opportunistic infections you will get along the way, and if you get as far as pneumocystis pneumonia you're likely to find yourself with pulmonary arterial hypertension, so even while the treatment will give you plenty of boners you'll rarely have the energy to do anything with them.

    Last August I played with a guy who used to live in Chelsea, a hotbed for the gays during the outbreaks in the 80s, and he never got tested. He and his friends were constantly recharging each other. When he finally got treatment, his CD4 was down to NINE. Knockin' on death's door! He's better now, but god damn that was close. 

    • Like 1
  10. I would probably take myself off the market for a while until I had accepted it. Only close friends (probably those who have it also) would know at first. My family doesn't need that ammo. As for taking meds, it depends on how I really react to diagnosis. We can show all kinds of bravado and say "No meds when it happens for me!", but is that the truth? Not all of us are really ready for that news, and when it becomes reality, are we under any obligation to stick to what we said before? I think not!

    If I actively chased - fucked whoever, begged for their toxic load, etc - then probably no meds for a while. It was what I wanted, so let's put it to use. Let me do some damage first. Meds can come when the party is over and I've had my fun. But gifting only the willing. I don't think I could live with myself to stealth and cause harm to others when they weren't expecting/deserving it.

    If I was surprised by the news - a random encounter, or a stealthing, or an accident on set - I would take it harder. It wasn't planned. Maybe my mind was elsewhere at the time. Maybe it was just lousy sex and deemed "not worth it" immediately after it was over. Let's equate that with getting a parking ticket and someone broke into your car in the same night.

    It will be one or the other. At least I have a plan.

    • Like 2
  11. One must also consider the top's diet. Is it high in sodium? Did he eat asparagus or garlic recently? Does he take any medication? Is he high on shrooms? These things all affect the taste of piss. And if he's ingested something you don't like (or maybe have an allergy to), it could make you sick. Contact high can happen in WS, and if you're sober or in recovery, you might want to be a little selective about the fountains you drink from.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Navi38 said:

    What parts or ideas made you say this.  I take it as a compliment that stuck with me.  I welcome criticism, it only helps be a better story teller.  I know that the early pages had some serious grammar and spelling issues.  I have been taking a lot more care with those two issues.  Are you referring to story concepts, my writing style, etc.

    I would appreciate the input.

    It felt very run-of-the-mill as it started. Then it gained momentum and it was so much that (for me) it became a poz-a-thon that I felt was like too much of a rich dessert. Now that you're 50 chapters into it, this has settled down and you're keeping an even pace. The pacing is better and it has become interesting again. 

    Never mind the spelling and grammatical errors - English may not be your first language, I don't know you at all, so I can't be fair about it. We have another writer here who has clearly been using a translator program and posting the outcome as his story, and it's hard to read because it's word-for-word literal translation instead of expressing the meaning of it. You are clearly not doing that. This is not the issue I had with it at the start. 

    As I said, it has got better and I don't want to turn this into a critique thread. You're doing well and keeping your readers engaged by providing regular updates and story progression. 

    • Like 1
  13. I'm going to interrupt to say that this has become quite the story. From an ordinary horny guy who just wanted to fuck and got pozzed to a really unbelievable overwrought story that was almost unreadable, and now to a genuine tale that shows real human characters and emotion - this has got it ALL. It's come a long way in such a short time. 

    Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. 

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