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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. One that is both perfectly appropriate and also totally INappropriate for fisting. I give you "Ten Thousand Fists" by Disturbed. A great track with a ton of testosterone in it, and the theme fits, but ... well, let's say there are few fisters who would not be laughing at the irony of the song.

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  2. When he slides in and you feel your insides expand. It's not as big as the toy you were plugged with earlier when you were prepping your hole for him, but the sensation is still a lot. And you feel his hips buck and begin to rock against yours. 

    Then that moment when you've finally adjusted, and he's riding you harder. He sensed the shift inside you from a little discomfort to total pleasure, so he turned it up a notch. And you're having fun. The body begins to sweat, the hair gets mussed up, the spray-on tan begins to rub on the sheets. The sheets also feel moist from the lube slowly oozing out of your hole. 

    And then he gets close to climax. His skin changes colour, and he becomes more vocal and animal. You beg for the load and both of you are almost screaming. And then he's pushed over the edge. 

    All of these things. I love all these things. Hard to pick a favourite.

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  3. I was born in a time when AIDS was just emerging. But "gay" wasn't really accepted where I grew up, and being myself got me in trouble as a teen and young adult. So I was forced to remain in the closet until my very late 20s. Everyone knew, but we didn't discuss it, and I certainly wasn't "out and proud" about it. I didn't advertise it. Partly due to a lack of education, and partly due to avoiding trouble with peers and family. 

    But some of my peers WERE out, some during high school or college, and I regret not following that and allowing myself to explore. Because I was safe there, I stayed and didn't allow myself to grow. I feel like I missed out on the best years of gay, but I know now that I did NOT. My "best years" didn't come until my mid 30s, and now I'm in a more liberal city where no one really cares if you're queer. 

    Do I still go out and explore and enjoy? Not really. Damn Covid and inflation and massive debt kinda take away from such fun things.

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  4. I had an adventurous period when I was 30. I had been seeing my fuck buddies regularly and getting my carnal needs met, but I couldn't always see them. So I started hunting for sex in my own town. I was fucking guys, often unattractive guys, because that's what was available. The pretty ones weren't accessible, and I didn't know where to find them. I got guys on A4A or Craigslist or other means, and sometimes I had a good time. There was a lot of late-night driving to places in town that I didn't know, and weren't the safest at night. I got my balls emptied, sure, but seldom saw the same guy twice. 

    I was hungry as fuck, and couldn't get enough. My promiscuity got curbed quite suddenly at the end of 2010. I picked up a cute boy from my gym, and had a good time when we fucked. A week later I had my first round of gono. It was miserable, and because of the Christmas season, I couldn't get to a doctor to treat it. Had to wait over a month before I was seen. Fucking public health care. After that, I calmed my tits and just stuck with my buddies, guys I knew. I think the only other time I was ever this horny on the regular was during IML 2019 where I fucked nearly 20 guys in one weekend. Didn't get any bugs that time, but it was certainly more fulfilling.

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  5. 51 minutes ago, ejaculaTe said:

    I read the original post to imply that he has anal gono as he says "[his] hole has been very very itchy." From the CDC website ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea.htm) --

          Rectal infections may either cause no symptoms or cause symptoms in both men and women that may include: Discharge; Anal itching; Soreness; Bleeding;      Painful bowel movements.

    Yes, I neglected to finish my thought there.

    One doesn't get just one symptom of gono. You get them ALL. Itching could well be something else - dietary, hygiene, chlamydia, hemerrhoids, and so on. 

    • Like 1
  6. Itching is just one sign. If you start having discharge, you're likely to know. Check your underwear in the mornings. If it's crusty like dried cum, you've definitely got it. If the pain makes you want to bury your dick in the snow, or slice it open and clean it out like one removes a shrimp vein -- that's your brain telling you that something ain't right. 

    You mentioned being turned on by it, but also scared. Fear is normal. It's something new, and one has to process that information. What do YOU want to do? Does this continue to turn you on? If so, you might keep it for a while or share if you choose. If it hurts or burns and you can't tolerate it, then go to the doctor at once. They give you a shot (sometimes in the hip which hurts like a bitch), and often pills. That's usually the end of it. But if you don't like being bugged, definitely don't go back to him. He put you in danger, knowing full well what he had. That's not a nice thing to do unless you are a collector. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, bugRyan said:

    The thought of you accomplishing this inside this pig's hole has my cock leaking toxic pre-nut and my hole twitching.  I know what my wet dream will be about tonight.

    Hehehe, thanks! I'm a skilled fister, and men love my hands inside them. 


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  8. It's also blissful for the top. When we watch our limb(s) disappear inside a hole, it becomes quite entrancing. First the fingers, then the knuckles, then the whole hand, followed by the forearm, and then the elbow until one is shoulder-deep in some pig's rectum. And he has the nerve to beg for more?!

    So we go to doubles. Might not get as deep. Probably not because the bottom has to accomodate the extra width, and most (if not all) human bodies simply can't do shoulder-deep double fistings. We're just not built like that, plus it's a physical strain for the top who has ZERO wiggle room in there, and every inch of available space is demanding more of the inner walls of another body. 

    But we feel it too. The tightness, the sensations, the thought that one is doing something really fucking disgusting and getting off on it. It's incredible. And addicting. 

    • Piggy 5
  9. 4 hours ago, Pozguyinchi said:

    I agree totally. I started going to the video store near me a few years ago. I like steam works but the video store seems to bring out more of the pig in me. I really don’t care about looks there and rarely does a guy use a condom. I was just there Monday and now I have many regulars that I can always expect a recharge or load from. Ironically three of my favorites were there at the same time. It was fun to juggle all of them and make sure they left drained and pleased. 

    I heard that RAM closed, possibly demolished. Which one do you go to now?

  10. I used to top, and exclusively, so I feel at least partway qualified to put in my oar.

    For me, it was never about conquest or making a mark. It was about the bottom, and sharing an intimate connection. Or if he was just a random - like in a bathhouse or off Craigslist - it was about dropping a load, and being of service to an underserved community. Too many bottoms, not enough tops. 

    Nowadays, on the rare occasions I get to top, it IS about making a mark. I can't really give him anything like a certain bug, since I haven't got it, but it's more about implanting a connection in his mind that I am who I say I am. And when the need to breed and seed comes to the surface, I give it all I've got. It's about giving him what he needs, and also what I need as a top. This is the guy I chose to share my sacred nectar with, and if I'm a good fuck, maybe he'll ask me back. And most of the time, if they have but few connections, they DO come back for more. 

    That's a good feeling!

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  11. I have been to Steamworks but only on a tour of the space when I was looking for a venue. I'm told that neither place is that great, and if you're looking for a steam room, they don't have them. It's great that Steamworks hosts a regular Cumunion party, but I haven't heard a lot of good things about it. Not much at all, in fact. 

    But don't go by me. I'm spoiled to the Chicago Steamworks, which is huge and clean and steamy and lots to do.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I achieved a few goals lately. Here's the scoop:

    In July I was commissioned by a porn studio to make a film from home. I planned a trip to LA to make the film (and several others), but they all got cancelled the day before my flight. I asked a local to do the film with me, and he dicked around for two months until I gave him up for a lost cause. I finally secured someone for this film a few weeks ago. Last Friday, he flew from NYC to Seattle to work with me. Dude's a bit of a beast, probably the most muscular guy I've ever been with, and definitely a great sex partner. For a full week, I stretched out my hole with toys and plugs to get ready for him. I had no idea how big he'd turn out to be because I can't gauge one's size from pictures. They may lie or distort or give a false expectation. 

    When my scene partner slid his girthy meat into my hole, it was a perfect fit. I didn't wince or seize up or any of the things associated with bottoming discomfort. We fucked, and it was FUN.

    So, in conclusion, two or three goals met: 

    - completed the film 

    - a beefy partner (totally my type)

    - my hole cooperated

    - scene partner is poz U, and we fucked on film. He says he bred me HARD.

    It's nice to have goals and accomplish them.

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  13. Allow me to differ with you. I find it unseemly for children to smoke. Adolescents, sure, but not children. It's like seeing them behind the bar. What was that quote - something about children making martinis is unappealing plus they use too much vermouth? I'm not sure if that's correct.

    Give me a full-grown muscle god burning a hole in his lungs any day over that.

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  14. Axel Abysse has just released a film for Halloween called "The Experiment". And it looks incredible. Gunge takes a backseat to the fucking (and inevitable fisting with Axel), but it's a step in the right direction of getting gunge in porn.

    The premise kinda sorta resembles the poz fiction "Biohazard Transformation" has inspired it - a science experiment gone wrong turning men into sexually depraved beings covered in goo. 

    Available through subscription to his website, unfortunately. $25 for a month. Yikes. 

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