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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Honestly, I have never felt it either. A lot of times I have to ask my top if he finished. (Sometimes it's not obvious.) 

    I think we are made to believe that "a volley of cum" is something to be felt and experienced in what is really a tight, narrow space. I blame erotic fiction for this - it's part of the reading experience. Make the reader feel like they are there, and describe the moment, and it's a good frame of reference. But does it really feel like that? Do you really feel his toxic seed hit the walls of your rectal cavity? Nah. Probably just oozes out quickly unless the top has an exceptional shooting skill, which many, sadly, do not.

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  2. I generally don't have bad sex stories - if they are unsatisfactory, I tend to not remember them. This one, however, is recent enough that I do remember.

    During my first week in Seattle, I was living out of a hotel. A fisting pig approached me (probably through Recon), and came to my room. We chatted for nearly 30 minutes, I wore a red wrestling singlet and matching jock and red socks. This guy was definitely bugged, and that's probably what drew my initial interest. The back and forth was pretty good, and I expected a great time between us.

    I mixed up the last of the J-lube, and got him naked. He knelt on the bed and bent over. I had a look at his hole. Did not look blown out from years of fisting, but maybe it just didn't show. Maybe it's been a while. Maybe he's all talk. (I quickly found out that it was the latter.) I gave him my good poppers, and slowly applied the lube. Got my hand good and covered. I got no more than two fingers into him when he suddenly leapt up, said "It's not gonna happen tonight," and before I knew what happened, he was dressed and running out the door. 

    In his haste, he left behind his mobile phone. I'm standing there, dumbfounded, with a handful of wasted J-lube, and wondering what just happened. A couple minutes later, he dashes back into the room, grabs his phone, and leaves without a word. I heard his thunderous footsteps as he pounded down the hall in a hasty retreat. 

    This led to me calling up someone else who was interested, but fighting was his fetish, and that was even worse. I'm not skilled enough to really punish someone physically, and he wanted to beat the snot out of me. Doesn't do any penetrative sex, which isn't what he advertised. Two shitty encounters in the same night.

    Here's the fucked-up part: The alleged fist pig hit me up a week later, and asked to try again. I told him no. The fighting guy had nothing to say to me until months later when he asked if I knew where he could score some meth. I blocked his ass. 

    Welcome to the PNW, right? LOL

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  3. I got NOTHING off of the Sapphire. Disappointing.

    I also have a few remaining drops of their TRIPLE Scorpio, IML 2019 edition. Still good for a short burst, but after two years, it has lost a great deal of its potency. It was amazing stuff. Bought it, went to the Cumunion party, and sucked down almost half the bottle. LOL

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  4. Totally!

    In my teens, I did practically nothing. A kid with very limited resources and unsure of his sexuality, I think that's completely normal. 

    When my 20s came around, I was a pearl-clutcher. The slightest suggestion of sexual activity shocked and embarrassed me, and I overdramatized it to the point that I actually started BELIEVING in my bullshit. This is one reason I didn't come out until I was 29. Then I met a piggy couple, and we fucked regularly, and that helped me explore. And throw away the pearls. LOL

    Then in my 30s, I kept seeing this couple until they became unavailable to me. And right after that, I went into porn. I was WAY more sexual in my mid-30s, and much happier with my choice.

    So far in my 40s, I'm almost a nun. I made a couple studio vids, and some assorted Justforfans videos. Haven't really done sex in 2021 for some reason, and it's not because of Covid. Plenty of others are still living the ho life, and I... my place is on the sidelines. 😭 It sucks, and I know I can do better than this. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    i don't know how realistic it is to want a 'wrecked hole', fantasy often imagines better than reality.

    my hole has been used a lot, and some FB Tops seemed to make it Their ongoing mission to make me permanently gapped. i do not leak, but i have reached an apparent permanent place where my hole has changed from being better at receiving than retaining. i can clench my inner muscles just fine, but i have to clinch when something is there and wants to come out, and i never used to have to do that.  No messes or problems with incontinence, but there is more of a sense of urgency when i have to go. Honestly, i find it sort of hot. it reminds me every time that my hole is more made for penetration than for elimination and i like the distinction. 

    That sounds a little like me. I am not a fisting bottom and probably never WILL be. But there are times when I've been so thoroughly fucked or toyed or douched that when I have to go, I'm practically running to the bathroom holding my buttcheeks. It looks more comical than anything, but if I wouldn't do the high-knee running thing... lol

    And when it comes out, it's like a torrent. The post-douche is the worst for me. Volcanic. 

    And yes, having that distinction is awesome. Both are fun for different reasons.

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  6. Also, when seeking a partner, don't let your eyes be bigger than your hole. He needn't have a monster dick, and for your first time bottoming, definitely don't look for that. It can have two major negatives: one, sets a false expectation for later when you bottom again with someone else. And two, he might be strong enough to rip you apart and you don't ever bottom again by choice. Average size dick is a safe and reasonable choice.

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  7. Yes, it's possible. I've had black men. I've also had Latino men. And a Persian. 

    Men are men. Some are better endowed than others. Most of my men had their good points, and it wasn't always a monster dick. Some of them I had a really great connection with, and his race was beside the point. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, billy88666 said:

    I think Grey is already converting but the process is much slower until he has been bred by the Maker. He will need this for his body to fully convert, transforming him into he new, superior self.

    It's odd that he wasn't fucked, but just exposed to the toxic secretions when he escaped through the vent. That's enough to cause his hormones to go haywire and change him at a molecular level? 

    I am wondering what form his transformation will take - and whether he will surpass the Alpha in doing so.

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  9. 3 hours ago, ToxicBBlad said:

    Fuck yes. Any possibility that Shiro and Karl had been caught by the other brothers freed from their cube?

    That was my first expectation of the events. Last we heard from them, they sounded laboured and Karl gave an odd grunt. But as the scene concluded, the others turned up (though unnamed), and watched Alvarez and the Alpha wrap up Andy's rape. Maybe the others were occupied with Shiro and Karl? 

    Either scenario is entirely possible. 

    I wonder what terrible fate awaits Grey.

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  10. I have a different issue with notifications.

    I'm getting them, but they are often from people who follow me. I don't follow them, but I see what they post in. Find that kind of annoying because it's often stuff I haven't even posted in, and don't care about. The majority of my notifications are from blackrobe and muscledhorse (I know I follow one of them, but I'm too lazy to look up which, and they can post whatever they like.) 

  11. Made a new video! 

    "Gunge Bless America" will be on my Justfor.fans page tomorrow (Saturday). DM me if you want the link to subscribe and view my sloppy stuff! 

    Or if you have ideas for future videos. I need some new ideas.

    gunge_bless 1.jpg

    gunge_bless 4.jpg

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  12. Got a bunch of them!

    Leather/rubber gear. Cigars - the bigger the better. Cigarettes are okay if a hot muscle man/boy is smoking them. I also like piss, fisting, gunge, toys, poz breeding, barebacking, and (of course) a muscle growth fetish. And tattoos. 

    Do I have a thing for pain? Because most of these hurt on SOME level. LOL

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  13. Found these gems a couple days ago on Twitter. Fuck, this gets me excited. 

    And this guy has a video of his work on Justfor.fans, and his OnlyFans. If anyone wants it, I'll dig up the address. He might appreciate the business.

    peanut butter monster 1.jpeg

    peanut butter monster 2.jpeg

    peanut butter monster 3.jpeg

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