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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. 22 hours ago, Bbbttm34 said:

    I have a way that I want to go with this story but I’m not sure. What’s in my head has the potential to be a novel 😂😂

    We could do with some decent new novels around here. The stories that were big earlier in the year have all been replaced by old tales that were just average. Share what you will, and don't worry about it being commonplace. 

  2. I used to be total top. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I switched to bottom out of necessity. 

    I lived in a conservative midwest American town in Illinois. There were gays, but many were closeted. Probably still ARE. I knew the score back then, and recognized the need for tops. As an artist, I wanted to create that which was not there. So I stayed total top. My thinking was that it would be easier to find a boyfriend (based on the ratio), and I would get a lot of ass in the meantime. Neither one happened. What I got was treated badly by a lot of shitty people who thought they wanted sex, but went full-on giggles and goofy bitch when it should have been about lust and getting off. Most of the bottoms I played with had no idea how to clean out, or would tap out, or would change their minds and just jerk off, or kill the moment by declaring that since THEY can't get hard, I shouldn't be allowed to empty my nutsack either. And a ton of closeted married guys in middle-age or past it when I'm 20-something and horny. The few I got to do the deed with were usually a one-time thing.

    This paragraph right here is why I never got to explore my sexuality until I turned 30. My youth was gone, and I had very few partners and stories and experiences. 

    Which led to me being an inexperienced bottom in porn - a place where I need to know how to fuck and have partners in hundreds to thousands. 

    I got off topic there. Sorry! Shit, I did that again.

    Best to be versatile. Change positions as needed depending on one's partner at the moment. And it's good to be well-rounded if you're gonna be a ho. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, BB4fking said:

    I started wondering about recalling names when I set up an electronic record of hookups, including inserted partner details of dozens of guys I could assemble from apps, and realised that I knew guys who had bred me several times only by handles such as Thicccock 246.

    At least that's something to go by, unlike putting down "that one guy from Scruff" or "unknown #235". With a sequential order, one can narrow the experience down to a specific window of time when something happened. Easier to shorten the list when the calls have to be made.

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  4. I usually ask prior to the sex part. That way, if I want to call out their name during the sex, I have something to go to. Also helps me track them and I add them to my list of guys I've had sex with. If I had a good time, they get a star next to their name. And it helps to have the memory, especially if the hookup (or one soon after) results in the need to contact them and say "go get tested". One more bonus - I can keep an accurate record of how many men I've had over a lifetime.

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  5. Some of it is personal preference. Where are you most comfortable? Do you want to be upright, or lying down? Depending on the toy, I change my position. I find I get the best insertion when lying on my back, knees to shoulders. A few times I've been able to sit on a toy, or take it from an angle (such as bending over in the shower to reach a pre-suctioned dildo on the shower wall). Each hole is different - some turn left inside, others turn right, some go straight down. Find out which way yours is by experimenting. 

    But also be aware of your limits. If you don't know what they are, do NOT dive in headfirst. This leads to injury or not doing it at all through disinterest. Take your time, enjoy the exploration, and be prepared for an accident (they do happen! Blood, poop, lube spills, etc.). Let us know how you do.

  6. I think it will be a long time before we return to a level of normal like in 2019. This will now always be here at some level, but it won't be as catastrophic as it has been. Now it will be part of how much we are willing to risk, just liking weighing the risk of getting any other STDs from sexual contact. 

  7. It could just also be plain dry skin. I get that itchy calf thing mostly in the winter of the year, and when I start scratching it, I can't stop. Could be eczema, even. Calming lotion usually helps. Try that. If it persists or worsens, then you can see a doctor. I'd try a dermatologist or your general practitioner.

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  8. I had this experience only once. Cumunion party at IML 2019. Fucked a bunch of randoms without ever finishing. They would often tap out or go find another top to get as many dicks as possible. I got fucked twice at the same party. This wasn't my normal behaviour, but I think I did it because I was taking the PreP for a couple months, and I was eager to get some use out of it. I must have nailed 15+ guys over that weekend.

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  9. Yes, definitely. I keep hearing "I just want to wait til after I get vaccinated". And it's hard when I see my peers fucking each other and making videos while I just sit here with my sensitive butthole and shrinking penis, and I can't do anything to keep them from atrophy. 

    Also, people suck and have no follow-through these days.

  10. An update:

    I've asked around on the subject, and got an answer that addressed the cause. I can't mix oil-based lube with silicone toys! So I got some Swiss Navy lube, and after two experiments, there has been no blood. We found the culprit.

    Some of you will continue to push me to see the doctor. This is something that I will do, but before I go, I still have a question. 

    Do I go to a general doctor - one who treats multiple things - or can I do this with a sexual health doctor? Sex is kinda how I ended up in this position, and I have a better chance of seeing such a physician if it's a better choice anyway. 

    No more arguing over whether I need to see a doctor. I'll go. Let's focus on the other matter as well.

  11. 4 hours ago, DannyBoyCMH said:

    For me, it's always been about eye contact.  What has worked most of the time is a slightly long look at them in the face, look down to their crotch, look back up and smile.  Then I usually turn around and look back.  Sounds simple, but it really works.  It's also subtle enough around other people that it's not really noticeable by anyone except the two of you.

    I will have to give this a try. I have no game when it comes to picking up guys. I usually have to be approached, and this results in me getting men who are often less than my standard. 

  12. One of my fuckbuddies in town pissed in me during our last play time. I wasn't aware he had done anything, didn't feel warmer at all, or some kind of swelling. He had to tell me, "I just pissed inside you!" I didn't believe him since I couldn't feel it. And then I went in the bathroom to relieve my own piss. Sat down because I didn't want my PA ring spraying all over his seat and floor. And then the torrent of his piss came out my backside. WOW. Couldn't believe that. 

    Super disappointed that I wasn't aware it was happening. 

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  13. For those who missed the status update a few days ago, I won a porn award!!! I got "Underrated Performer" from Ravens Eden. Last year I won "Best Newcummer", but we all know what happened a week after the win, and I really didn't have opportunity to make much of the distinction. Now that the world grinds back into turning in recent days, I have a new title, and hopefully directors get off their asses and put me in things already. Goodness knows I've applied over and over to a variety of studios, but I seldom get a response. The title means nothing if I just sit on the couch for the next year and wait for the phone to ring.

    That's kinda how I feel about it. It's like I set up a huge party, advertised it like mad on Grindr and other sites, and then I put my ass in the air, and not one of the tops showed up all night. (Surely some of you can relate to this.)

    I'm rambling here, but before I hit the "send" button, I want to thank each and every one of you who voted for me when the ballots were out. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Even if you voted only once and forgot about it after, IT STILL COUNTED. Couldn't have won any other way. Thank you for getting me here.


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  14. Well, THAT was rude! Shame on them. Way to turn off people who support your niche outing, Hoist!

    You've got me thinking. I've got a bud who does lots of biking up in the forests around Seattle. He will probably know a place or two on the trails that could do for a mud pit.

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