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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Also consider the possibility that your insides may be different from expectation. For years, I thought the reason I didn't enjoy bottoming was because I was inexperienced. Turns out that once you get in my hole, it turns immediately to the right (my right). The passage doesn't descend straight down as expected - it curves sharply. And when we get in that spot, all's well. This works great for guys with a curved dick if theirs goes that way, but if you curve to the left, we might have a hard time doing the deed. 

    Actually, it's more a micro-turn to the right, it's not diagonal nor is it 90 degrees. Just think "right turn" - I'll let you know if you went too far. 

    My thinking is that, perhaps, your sphincter also verves in a similar way.

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  2. Other hotels near the event are the Travelodge (across the street) and the Essex a couple blocks down. Both are nicer hotels, and good for giving yourself space between things (or a good night's rest when you've partied too hard and just need QUIET). 

    You'll also meet a number of porn stars at the event, all of whom are booked like crazy to hawk merchandise, dance, and offer their unique services to individuals for inflated rates. 

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  3. All right, a real story this time.

    Mark and I were in a Milwaukee motel when he competed for Mr Harbor Room. It was a rainy Saturday morning, and we were bored, so we got a little frisky. We started making out on the bed, and I had his dick in my mouth eventually. I took it out, looked at him, and said "Now watch, the maid will knock on the door any second." He laughed slightly, and not ten seconds later, we heard a knock and "Housekeeping!". Mark leapt out of bed and practically raced to the door to make sure it was locked. He let her know we were still in here, so she moved on. When we tried to resume our fun, we kinda couldn't. It was just too funny. Every time we were in a hotel after that, he made sure to lock the door, and he'd sometimes knock a wood surface and say "housekeeping" in a high-pitched voice to remind me. LOL

    Fuck, I miss that man. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, blackrobe said:

    That is a very (annoying) Seattle thing. 

    It's been the same since I got here 25 years ago. Its why I ended up connecting with East coast or other nationalities much more than long time Seattlites. The social culture isn't very outgoing in general.

    And I moved 2000 miles for THAT crap??? I was told there was more acceptance out here, more variety, more activity. Maybe pre-covid, but the only activity I've seen is a multitude of cars on the I-5 ramps. Don't these people have jobs instead of driving all the time?

  5. I was definitely more active in 2020. Before everything went to hell, I was in a situation with a house to myself. I got my first fucks in January with three men. Four in February. One in March. Then I got NONE as the first wave started up until July. Two for my birthday, another one a month later. Then I moved to Seattle. Got laid on my 2nd night here, and when I moved in with that guy (as a roommate and not a lover or love interest), I fucked half his friends (or got dick from them). Then I got charged cum from Brian Bonds and Wolfie Braden, and then another poz pup who claims to have worked for Treasure Island as Christmas approached. I counted it up, and that's like 18 guys. For me, that's a LOT. Couldn't even do that over an IML weekend! 

    Yes, I got sex more while it went on. Nowadays it's a surprisingly low number. Something's out of balance here.

    • Piggy 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Proudlypoz said:

    It is a cruel cosmic joke that I love piss and more but am eternally pee-shy. 

    The best way to fix that is to go to piss parties. I recognize they may not be an option right now, but that's what got ME over it. I joined Chicago Waterbuddies in 2016, and it forced me to go in front of others. Problem solved. Nowadays I put it down to a prostate issue. When I have to start taking diuretics for it, my whole life will be a 50-yard dash! LOL

  7. Don't worry about whether people think you're gay or disgusting. Just go and have fun, and be sexually liberated. Otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of fun. And take care of your body in your youth. Stop eating junk, work out hard, and play with your butthole a LOT more. It will be painful at first, even seemingly impossible, but once you get past the mental barriers, you'll be fine.

    Trust me, a lot of good is waiting for you. But YOU have to seize it! It won't just show up on your doorstep, and the old battleaxe is going to shame you anyway. So just let it happen. 

    Also, don't go to the university. You were right to wait a year because it turned into two years of hell you never imagined. If you do go anyway, remember that you're there to learn, not party. But still be a ho if you have got to that point. Rob might turn out to be amazing in bed. 

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  8. Let's also acknowledge the neckbeard guys. For those who don't know what that is, the stubble goes down the chin, then looks like they haven't shaved for a month. Then it touches their adam's apple. This is NOT and never will be an attractive look. 

    Plus, if he thinks he's going down on me with a neckbeard, I will not enjoy that sensation of his hairs bristling against my balls or whatever action is being performed. Just do the grooming, guys. A beard is fine, and I'm not particular about whether he has one or not, but in this instance, his appearance would be a turn-off.

  9. On 9/1/2021 at 1:03 PM, bbfarm said:

    I repeated this post from earlier, sorry.  


    I got inspired some years back to do gunge, and I like the idea of sticky.   So I bought three huge things of honey from Costco, with designs to play with it in my steamroom at home.   

    I got my ‘boy’ (who is still my ‘boy’ ten years later), and we got in the steamroom and slathered ourselves head to toe with honey.  HOT.  Sticky.  Slippery. Decadent.  A good time was had. I came where I always do, inside his honey-lubed asshole.   

    It was easy to wash off and a lot of fun.

    Here’s the thing though. (There’s always a thing!) Playing like we did - honey top to bottom, everywhere, and then some -we used like a CUP, maybe a cup and a half!!   I had SO MUCH honey I’d bought for this! Three HUGE containers!!  Hahaha.

    I’d still have that lifetime supply, but we moved and I had to get rid of it.   

    Don't worry about the repetition. It's a good story, but honey is not a great substance for this type of play. Too damned sticky, and flows slowly.


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  10. When I started making videos, I checked out OnlyFans. But I didn't care for its layout, and had some tech issues at the time. So I gave it up in favour of Justfor Fans. I intend to keep things going over there.

    I know one of you subscribed to the page for a few months. Maybe others will enjoy it as well. You can find me at justfor.fans/feral_o and on Twitter as Shannon O'Feral. I'm also workshopping a page on Raw Fuck Club, and I have no idea how it will turn out. Just need to get the queue filled with four more vids, and see what happens. 

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  11. Last night, I met a local who has an Only Fans page. We had talked some on Twitter, and he wanted to seed my hole. I need another film for my Raw Fuck Club page, so I went to his place. We talked a good deal before the reason to get together. His husband helped with the camera stuff so he and I could focus on the sex. 

    We undressed, and when his back was turned to me, I saw it: a large biohaz on the backside of his shoulder. I made sure he knew I saw it. I asked him if he earned this, and he sounded proud when he said, "Sure did." When I said, "Good for you," he made a face like "WTF?" 

    HUGE THICK dick. We swapped orally, and he fucked me good and deep. We were just about done when his libido started objecting to this treatment, so he proceeded to crank his dick til he got close. But he got there well before expected, so he climaxed outside me. I sat on that dick as fast I could and he pumped the last squirt inside. I scooped up the spilled cum from the bed, and used it as lube, and asked him to keep going. He gave me a second volley of cum, but it couldn't have been much. I stood over him, and cranked out my own spunk in a white shower. It was EVERYWHERE on that rubber mattress! 

    That was really one of the best fucks I've had in this city! 

    Am I chasing poz men, or are they chasing ME? 🤔

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  12. Finally got one in my ass last night. Medicated, of course. Haven't had that since December. 

    It's pretty sad when the pornstar roommate is the one of the three who gets the least amount of sex. LOL

    Long dick, and very much about the touch and contact. Great head of hair, too. Curliest pubes I've ever seen. He swallowed my load after he gave me his. My ass was a little sore when I got home. But I really needed that.

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