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Everything posted by AriesBB7

  1. Get the hpv vaccine, get the hep vaccines, stay on prep and you'll be fine. you can treat all of the bacteria based stds. Most gay men who bareback have herpes. most are asymptomatic and never know it. some guys just have one outbreak and never have another. It's so common that they don't even test for it.
  2. I have found that the more skin I show, the more messages/attention I get. Gay men want to see as much of you as you can get away with showing.
  3. If you are 45 years old or under in the US, you can get the gardasil vaccination which protects against the main cancer causing strains and I think the wart ones too. That's what I did. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active gay men have one strain or another. It isn't tested for in guys so most don't know they have it.
  4. It never even gets negotiated/discussed anymore with most guys. I have sex with a LOT of different guys (I am a total bottom) and they all just push in and start fucking. Not that I mind, but they also never seem to ask if it is ok for them to cum inside. They just assume it is (which it is fine with me, but I can see how that might annoy some bottoms) and unload inside.
  5. I've been treated for chlamydia 3 times (all rectal) this year so far.
  6. I only wear thongs. They make my butt look sexy and fuckable.
  7. iI think you may be onto something when you said my style may be similar to lovemaking than plain beggary....Reflecting on it, it probably does come across as pretty passionate/aggressive lovemaking. I never really analyzed it that way....but mine although pretty intense and aggressive definitely draws more heavily from the realm of sexy, seductive passion than from grindy physical servicing. Wonder how I picked up that style...maybe that does give more mixed signals.
  8. I did not mean any disrespect or insult in my comment about not knowing names being trashy and I have a lot of anonymous sex in that fashion so I'm grouped in with all of that too. I tend to be a little self deprecating at times and didn't mean to pull everyone into an unintentional global insult.
  9. yeah, I do the 500mg lysine 2x a day. Herpes is totally manageable. If you are one of the small percentage who actually have symptoms, you get warnings before hand (prodromal symptoms) to tell you to take your meds and the meds are so good that they kick it often with one dose before you even have a outbreak (although they tell you to take it for three days). What other conditions come with warnings? So simple to deal with. I drink a lot of Diet Dr. Pepper and I never get outbreaks.
  10. The aids/hiv threat trauma is real. That fear has been drilled into our psyches for decades. For me, PrEP really shed light on just how traumatized and paralyzed I was from that fear. Never being able to have sex without an agonizing fear of exposure and infection. PrEP is fantastic, I feel free to fuck within acceptable risk and enjoy what life has to offer as a gay bottom guy. There are other stds that can be caught. Most can be cured, others managed. I already have genital herpes - which is really no big deal (the stigma is ten times worse than the actual condition - which is just an infrequent skin condition, really), so my risk of catching anything incurable is almost nothing. PrEP is a game changer and it allows a lot of us to realize true freedom of what being gay is about. You can indulge your natural cum slut tendencies without regret, fear or shame. With most insurance, you can get PrEP for around $50-$70 a month...not bad for the piece of mind you get with it. I have tons of barebacking sex now and it's absolutely wonderful. Sex is fun and healthy and should be a big part of everyone's life. Go forth and fuck my friend.
  11. Sometimes I just want to fuck. Anonymous, raw, primal no strings attached plowings. Anonymous doesn't always stay Anonymous. After sex, while you're introducing yourself (sometimes I don't learn a guy's name until after....trashy, I know right?) guys always ask for your number so that they can hook up and fuck again and even if I just want it to be a one time thing, I still have to give them my number, it's not the 90s anymore when you could give out bunk numbers. Nowadays guys immediately text you on your phone and so you have to show them that you received their text....so they get my number, and they inevitably text me sweet shit the next day, and I respond back, sometimes I hook up again, sometimes, I just chat with them....but every time without fail it seems like all of these guys quickly transition over to the wanting to date me mode and they start having feelings immediately that they have to start expressing. And it's not like I'm picking up a certain type through a certain venue or social media source, this is everything from bbrt to bars. Do you guys have this problem where your hookups start making things weird with wanting to date you? I wouldn't be opposed to dating but I'm also not looking for it nor do I try to give out signals of wanting that. How do you guys keep things anonymous or otherwise detached?
  12. Its hard to see in my icon because it's more on the other side but I have a tattoo on my ass that wraps around to the front.
  13. Last night, I went to underwear night at a local bar. I was wearing just a tiny thong. A guy came up and started flirting with me. He complimented my ass and asked if he could touch it. I accepted and he started caressing it. Wasn't long before his finger found its way under my thong and to my hole. He began finger fucking me for a bit and then asked if I'd follow him to the bathroom. We took a stall together and he had me bend over the toilet. He pulled out his cock and pulled aside my thong and fucked and filled me. I then walked out and proceeded to go back to mingling with the other patrons with an ass filled with cum.
  14. I was always into safe sex and was paranoid about catching STIs until I dated a guy for 2.5 years who insisted on fucking bareback. I reluctantly agreed after we were both tested and found I really loved bottoming bb and taking loads...then after that relationship fizzled, condoms felt horrible and I wasn't good about using them, I quickly caught genital herpes (anally) within the first 3 post relationship guys I fucked. I went onto PrEP and saw the risk as worth it, because I already have one of the major incurables now anyway and am protected from the worst. Plus I found after getting hsv2, that most safe sexers are afraid to fuck a guy with hsv2 and 9 out of 10 times cut things off the second they find out.
  15. AriesBB7


  16. I've caught genital herpes (anal region) and chlamydia. Probably HPV too as everyone has had a strain or more of that but if so its been asymptomatic. Genital herpes isn't really that big of a deal physically, but there are a lot of guys who won't come near me when they find out I have it. Big hook up dealbreaker for a lot of guys.
  17. Kissing is an art form and it is essential foreplay in one on one encounters. It gets me heated up and ready to take a cock.
  18. I usually just start teasing their cockhead with my hole and then as things get hotter I start more aggressively pushing against it...9 out of 10 times, they push in. In the rare occasion a guy stops and inquires about a condom, I tell him that he can if he wants to but its not necessary - sometimes he'll put one on and that's fine, but a lot of times they'll just keep going and unload inside.
  19. Hands free, fucking induced prostate orgasms are what make me an insatiable bottom. I usually have multiple p-spot orgasms during a fucking session, often when my cock is completely flaccid. Sometimes I'll cum that way and a top will observe it and stop, my reaction is always "keep going, don't stop!" and I'll cum again. Full body rhythmic orgasms that leave my body tingling and I can get over and over in a single fucking......best thing on earth.
  20. 5 or 6. I'm on PrEP and already have HSV2 so my risk level is acceptable
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