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Everything posted by flacogedor

  1. Hey guys, I've been wondering how many of you experiment getting to the "second hole" (let's call it that way, or share your own name if you have another one; I and another top came up with it a few years ago). I'm talking about the part deep inside the bottom's rectum that feels like a second hole or sphincter. I assume it's simply the part of the rectum that takes an abrupt turn inside the body, and so it feels like a new entrance when we tops get there with our cocks. I'm hung and I like deep fucking so I always get there, but I've noticed two things: first, that not all bottoms always feel a cock getting to that part inside of them, so it's a new experience and sensation for many of them; and second, that this "second hole" sometimes is at a different distance from the anus in some bottoms. Of course, some guys are shorter/taller than others, but even then I kind of can predict when I'll be getting to that spot, so when I discovered a few times that some guys have it deeper inside, it was a surprise to me. In these few occasions, I noticed that these bottoms had their assholes frequently used and were able to stretch their cunts fast and easy, so I guess their rectums changed its shape over time with so much fucking. What do you guys think or know about it? What's your experience in relation to "second holes," whether as a top or a bottom? I'm passionate about deep fucking so I want to learn more about this, but only real stuff, don't bullshit me.
  2. That sounds fucking nuts to me. If users aren't good writers or if their stories suck, then they won't be read or get comments and that's it, their posts die there. But messing with their own creations and editing their texts for whatever reason is not right, simply not cool. And pretty arbitrary and abusive, too. In a site that promotes freedom and consent. Wtf.
  3. I most definitely like bottoms who open their assholes as much as they can and keep it relaxed throughout the whole session. I love making assholes look and feel like pussies after a long and deep fuck. If a bottom squeezes my dick with his hole, it's usually because I asked him to, just to train him, but that's only at the beginning, and it's still not my preference at all. And he better not do it on purpose, let alone repeteadly, or he'll get smacked and corrected. By the way, when I started fucking guys I had one muscle bottom who would push his asshole outwards as hard as he could. The whole situation was new and strange to me, almost as if he was taking a huge shit, while I kept thrusting him deep inside. He would also moan like a bitch. At the time it was a new experience for me and it felt weird on my dick, in a nice way, but then he would do that in every meeting during the whole fuck until I stopped him for good. But that made me wonder if any other greedy bottom does that too, and why it is. When I started fucking him without letting him push his asshole, he could almost take my cock.
  4. Hey guys, I'm interested in using a chastity device on one of my bottoms, so what better way to learn about them than to ask those with experience. I could list myself all the reasons why to use one on a bottom, but I have no idea what the drawbacks or health issues might result from using them. I guess that will depend on how long it stays on, but a general idea will help me. I'm interested in the psychological effects that using a chastity device could have on my boys, not in hurting them in any way, though I suppose there has to be some kind of inevitable physical consequence... Anyways, I'd appretiate your comments.
  5. I absolutely love sluts moaning when I fuck them, but it has to be genuine, not a show, so what I usually do is to make them shut up from the very beginning and then slowly make them feel comfortable enough to express what they are feeling. Also, many botttoms moan simply because they are attention whores, which I hate, so if you teach them to shut up from the beginning and then to open up as they get to know you, it helps them submit and then be honest with you when they're really having a good time. However, just recently I started fucking this hot muscular 26 year old guy who almost did not make a sound the first time I fucked him... for more than two hours. He was definitely into it because his asshole dilated almost immediately and beautifully, but I could tell right away that he was shy and needed to get out of his shell. Thing is, the first time we met I told him I needed to hear him if he was enjoying the fuck, and the next time we fucked he was giving me the sweetest, most heartfelt deep moans EVER! And coming from this beefy young guy, it was just amazing to hear. So yeah, fucking MOAN, BITCH!
  6. I feel like most bottoms fail at something: not learning how to adapt their hole to a cock. Maybe it's because you're greedy motherfuckers and want to take all the cock you want, but that's not really equal to training a cunt. I think every good bottom first needs to learn how to take a man's cock all the way in, to open up faster each time, and to resist as much pumping as the top needs, and THEN move on to new cocks and toys and shit. Because if you can open wide and insert whatever is thrown your way but you cannot handle a good fucking or you squirm with each move of the cock inside you, then that's not a good faggot to me. And if on the other extreme you can take a fist but cannot enjoy a good cock, then all the point of being a cunt is lost.
  7. I'm Argentinian Am I the only one here?
  8. Wow I never even thought about this (a bottom asking me to pull out) as a possibility. To me agreeing to fuck bareback is basically asking for my seed. Actually, I don't even go into details on how I'm going to do it. I just make sure that we're both on the same page, and then I take full control of the situation from beginning to end without clarifying anything beforehand. I don't have to, and I shouldn't have. That's the point. Those guys might have been bottoms but definitely not good ones. They don't deserve our cock, let alone our cum.
  9. It's roleplay in the sense that each person has a basic way of acting and certain limits or functions, and sex is the moment where all that gets enacted, but that doesn't mean that you should translate it to all other aspects of life, the same way that (most) people don't fuck while they are eating, working, with family, etc. I actually live the same way as you do: I'm a "regular," easy-going guy in life, but when it comes to sex I let this inner force free. Consequently, while during sex I demand a lot both physically and psychologically from my subs, outside of this scenario I'm perfectly capable of exploring other areas of life and seeing my guys as something else other than a toy to play with.
  10. That was perfectly written, @ErosWired. This perspective on D/s relationships comes from the fact that we Alphas are selfish in nature, and subs are the opposite: loving creatures. I know at first this sounds cheesy as hell, but it makes sense because selfishness takes from others while love is all about giving. The problem is that nowadays we're confusing love with personal tastes and needs. When a bottom says "I love Men, I love cock, I love cum," they usually mean that's what they crave for and what they want to obtain, when in fact a true faggot who feels that same way would instead be open to SERVICE Men, to give himself (body, time, effort) to satisfy HIS needs. That's why when I claim an ass I always make sure that at some point the faggot sees me fuck another hole right in front of him without any possibility of enjoying my cock and let alone my cum. If a Dom is training a sub, he needs to experience other faggot enjoying our fuck right in front of his eyes with no reward other than being in our presence while we fuck. If he can get through that with a soft disposition, he's good material to work with. Just a short anecdote: I remember this 18 year old I was training in facefucking. He had a natural talent for cocksucking and really wanted to learn how to please a Man (later on I ended up giving him some truly brutal facefucks, in which he would throw up and get all teary-eyed but would keep going no matter what, fffuck I love that boy), and even though he was submissive with me in all our encounters, I could sense some cockiness and courage that only the rebel phase of the teenage years can give you, so one time after a good facefucking session I decided to NOT give him my load. He was so eagerly waiting for my cum (like a good faggot, that is his ultimate reward) but was so surprised by my decision that in less than five minutes he went from disbelief to rage to crying and begging and then some more yelling. It was so funny and even beautiful to see, really, but not because I liked his reaction (not at all, that's exactly what subs should NOT do), but because he was clearly a young faggot who needed Men and our seed in his life but was still learning how to truly love us and be a good boy. He eventually learned his lesson.
  11. From what I'va gathered from talking to all the bottoms I've fucked, the younger they get fucked for the first time, the better they can take cock. I'm not sure the reason why behind this, but in those cases they seem to have lost the fear for the cock. It still gets hard for them in many occassions, of course, but they are the first to bend over and open their asses for dick, whatever may come their way.
  12. The threads are obviously open for everybody to answer but I was actually looking for honest, thoughtful replies, like tallslenderguy and KptNLine's. I don't need made up stories of incredible sexual feats, which might be interesting to read if they were actually true. Whoever said that they fucked for 14 hours straight just lied to my face. But most importantly, we're in a barebacking site, so how can anybody in their right mind promote sex without condoms but at the same time claim that they cannot fuck without poppers and drugs? I mean, just take a minute to process it... There's clearly a problem there, and I agree with nelly26. He had the balls (and I'm sure a lot of personal experiences) to venture an answer: not being able to connect with the other person. Sex is probably the most complex social ability, and just because people are old enough to participate in it doesn't mean that they are mature at it. You should all actually thank him for being that honest and insightful, instead of jumping at his throat for saying something different and challenging your views. You clearly cannot take dick without poppers and drugs, nor a smart remark. And how can it be allowed to post comments about rape and violent sex (with blood and all sorts of injuries included) but not a smart view on the subject? Just because there are alternatives to sex doesn't mean that they are all healthy and worth it. Any cientific professional (you know, any of the ones who studied and worked to provide you with medicine for your STDs) would affirm that anything that goes against the physical and psychological wellbeing of a person is not OK. PS: And of course bottoms can use lube, just not straight up as if you were a little scared kid who never got fucked before; use spit, take the dick, and then after half an hour of pumping see if you need some lube to keep going. It's also important to be with a good fucker, who will train you to take it the right way and for a long time without major problems.
  13. I guess I should have clarified WITHOUT poppers or drugs... I don't care if you resist cock with aids like poppers or drugs or even a bunch of lube. I appreciate bottoms who can take cock whatever it takes for the love of men.
  14. After a good, long and hard fuck, how long does it take for your ass to be able to take cock again? I mean after AT LEAST one hour of good hard fucking with a big dick. I ask you this because bottoms don't usually talk about this with tops, and like most men they brag about their endurance at resisting cock, but I want honest answers, or maybe you could share your toughest experiences at taking dick and how you felt afterwards. Besides, I'm obssessed with fucking and endurance and getting holes tired and sore so I'm truly interested in your truthful replies. Only true, experienced 100% bottoms please (I'm a Dom Top, I hate that versatile shit)
  15. I know everybody is entitled to their opinion and feel whatever they want but what a fucking stupid response, @Lndpozboi. It doesn't even make sense. If you were overtly scared about HIV, then you should have learned more about it to understand it and take action. You basically sound like a moth scared shitless flying straight to the flame. Besides, and no pun intended, there's absolutely nothing positive about your message. Of what "freedom" are you talking about? I do understand that not having to think about people's HIV status and being able to have sleazy sex sounds amazing but reality is very different. Do not sell a marvelous story of continous hot sex sessions when in fact by getting STDs you basically cannot do shit. And if you guys do have sex with smelly, bloody infections then you're all fucked up in the head. And do not even get me started on drugs..... Do we really need to say that drugs are heavy stuff and that many lives are ruined by them? The fuck, Now if you have a shitty life or depression or are going through a terrible time and you want to escape through sex as a coping measure, I might get that. But do not talk about it as a perfectly valid option when in fact it is an autodestructive behaviour that has nothing to do with a mature, adult sexual decision. I say all this in a bareback forum. And I say it because I've never read it before. Some of you guys actually make barebacking a sordid experience, when in fact we should be working to make it common and enjoyable for most.
  16. Hey guys... The title of this thread might sound crazy, but I've been thinking about this for a long time and I really don't think it is. First of all, I have no intentions to get poz, I am not into that. Also, I'm a Dom top and I like fucking way too much, I do it on a regular. Having said that, I've been reading many threads on this site and on many of them I've found basically two extremes: real cumdumps looking for poz breeds on the one side, and people worried about getting HIV on the other. But I never really read anyone being truly worried about getting STDs. I know that you can "control" most of them with pills or vaccines, but I can't believe that almost anyone complaints about the awful effects on your health and, most importantly, the days or even weeks that the symptoms don't allow you to fuck until they are all cured. If instead you get poz, you can follow a treatment and that's it, you can keep fucking. Of course there's still social stygma and taking pills for whatever reason is a drag, and it might be expensive for some, but you.can.still.fuck. But I fucking hate STDs. What are your thoughts on this?
  17. I love your threads, they are all to show respect for tops and to promote true service from bottoms. I do see and experience fucking as a contest. The supremacy of Tops over bottoms doesn't need to be proven, but it definitely is a pleasure to show it. Sometimes my competition is the hole itself or another top I'm fucking alongside with, but mostly myself. If we Tops are feeling particularly aggressive, we'll want to break a bottom; that is, to make them reach a point where they no longer do anything to satisfy their man (be careful with that concept, though... holes should not even take credit for a man's pleasure; that lays on our own ability to choose good holes and work them), and instead they just try to resist until we finally finish with them. I agree with the guys in that we can tell we've broken them when the bottom stops making sounds and all we can hear is our own thrusting against his asses. That is a beautiful sound. Also, I usually make them look at me in the eye when I fuck them, and their facial expressions change drastically: first they can show excitement with a little bit of doubt, then pleasure, then surprise, then fear that turns into terror and even sadness, and that's when they go silent and look like scared little kids. Also, depending on their pain threshold, we can see tears. I sure have. However, in my experience, tears ony come when the bottom surrendered completely, even if he's hurting inside. Now THAT is love and respect for Men.
  18. "especially" if I'm poz? what the fuck?
  19. I'm a Dom top and to me this is no discussion: bottoms don't have a dick, just a cunt. I do not allow my subs to masturbate, and I don't like it when they get hard while I fuck them. I don't go to the extreme of making them go soft because I don't even look at their tiny useless dicks, I just focus on fucking them and satisfying my needs, whatever they are at that moment.
  20. This. Alphas are generally aggressive, but if they need to be that way just to exercise their power over a bottom, then they don't really have it (not the power nor the bottom). PS: I love how you spell "i" every time.
  21. Not all Alphas need to possess all asses, and if they are sexually active they couldn't possess them all even if they wanted. From my first post I meant that we Alphas acquire the RIGHT to possess an ass once we breed it. That ownership can be exercised at any time, but most probably we won't simply because there are way too many holes to mark and use. Also, owning bottoms for experimentation is super common and an amazing experience, and I particularly enjoy whoring a sub with friends (now strangers? not really my cup of tea, but that's just me). By the way, in a group of Tops there can only be one Alpha; and if there happens to be more than one, I can assure you that the orgy will somehow be divided in at least two sub-groups. The ownership lies in the right won by the Alpha and in its exercise for whatever reason he deems fit, and not on the desire of bottoms for cum. So, like you ask in the title of this thread, Tops (Alphas, not just any guy with a dick) have a right to bottoms' asses, but bottoms don't have a right to Tops' cum. I think the fact that you hold a strong sexual philosophy is actually a good thing because if you intend to satisfy Alphas you need to have your shit together and compromise, so I actually prefer a personality like yours rather than an insecure bottom or a quitter. I would just keep thinking and rummaging about this (like I think you are, otherwise you wouldn't have created this thread in the first place)....... Just no fucking giggles around me.
  22. So sad to hear that he was an asshole, but then I guess it was for the better: if you're going to be bred, let it be by a good fuck.
  23. Here: "If an Alpha sashayed into my room at the baths and bred me, and then informed me, “Your ass belongs to me now an no one else,” I would 1) be inclined to giggle, 2) thank him for the compliment but explain that my ass is public property dedicated to the common good and the enjoyment of everone, and 3) ask him to please step outside because others were waiting to fuck me. - or if no on was waiting, ask if he wanted another round..." Oh, and no Alpha would claim an ass at the baths. I already talked in a previous post about the problem of asses being bred by multiple Alphas. I honestly feel like you haven't met many Alphas, and that's why you create a topic asking this question or opening the discussion and why we don't understand each other. It almost feels like this thread is a cry for ownership. Which is not bad. But it speaks volumes about another, deeper issue: people are fucking more but connecting less. And Alphas are not measured by the amount of holes they fuck but the amount of holes they mark. I truly don't think the baths are a place for Alphas. If it's not about the amount of loads collected and your purpose is to serve men, then you wouldn't be "inclined to giggle" if an Alpha bred you and claimed your ass for himself. And no one ever said that serving others was a walk in the park; you always have to sacrifice something. But then again, no Alpha would claim an ass at a bathhouse.
  24. Well then I guess we have a problem with the word "owning.". It makes ME "giggle" to hear someone say that their ass belongs to any man who wants to fuck it. That's not owning an ass, it's simply using it, as if I were to a bar and asked for a coffee and used a cup to drink it and then leave it there. It's also arrogant as a bottom to pretend to be of service to men when in fact all you want is simply to get as many cum as you can. That's not being a bottom, because all bottoms are subs in nature. And yes, tops ARE arrogant. Period. I'm not here to tell others how to live their sexuality, I don't even care to do that either, but it would be useful to understand where each person comes from so then we don't experience this confusion and disagreement, at least not DURING sex.
  25. I guess the short answer to your question would be no, not all tops have the right to bottoms' asses, simply because absolutely nobody can deny each person's individuality and free will. That's where consent takes a major role, whether consciously or unconsciously, explicit or not. Maybe we can get confused with bottoms who identify themselves as objects (garbage, either) for the mere pleasure of all men, but in this case I believe that the original free will was taken from them by a man, men, or someone else at an early developing stage, and that morphed their individuality into something else. Having said that, I've read all the replies in this thread and haven't seen one person make the distinction between alpha an beta males, and that's extremely important in this scenario. Assuming there's consent from both ways (even Dom tops make a decision at some point in their lives to be dominant fuckers), only alphas will take the initiative and claim asses for themselves. If a man doesn't hunt for holes and take them for himself, then he's half a man, he's a beta. So don't confuse them and speak as if all tops were the same. We alphas can almost smell sluts from far away, so we can identify cumdumps when we see one; and if we want them, we take them. Also, another important difference is, well, we're at a bareback website: cum. Willingly and vehemently injecting an ass (not a mouth) with our seed is how we OWN a bottom, how we acquire the right to them as holes for our needs. So basically we could say that, if there's consent, alphas (and not any regular guy claiming to be a top) will choose the cumdumps they want to own, but will only have the right to these holes once they breed them. Once an ass is bred, the alpha can claim it whenever he wants, and here there's no consent valid anymore. Now the problem comes when a bottom is bred by many alphas, because his rightful owners could claim him at the same time, and that would be inconvenient to say the least, but that's another topic.
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