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  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • Location
  • Interests
    Unprotected sex, including rape, gang rape

  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Experienced, unmedicated and untested BB MTF transgirl.
  • Looking For
    High-risk bareback sex. Aiming at HIV -> AIDS. Rape, gang rape welcome. Open to all HIV grifters, but ideal conversion would be from a MTF transgirl cock and cum.

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  1. I visited another country last year that blocks direct access to Breeding Zone. BZ was also blocked when using the Windscribe VPN service with IP addresses elsewhere, but it wasn’t blocked when using the Privado VPN service. That could change in future of course.
  2. Hook-ups in hotel rooms and private homes, anon & spontaneously in woods and bushes adjoining motorway parking lots known for cruising, on parking lot benches and tables, in women’s restrooms and outside behind such restrooms on motorway parking lots, in parks, open car parks, in my office workplace at night, in trucker cabins, on the rear seat of my car, over the hood of my car, also once in a sex club with another transgirl. I have always done it dressed femme in either a long free-flowing pleated skirt or dress, or tight stretch or free-flowing pleated miniskirts. Am considering also doing it just in lingerie, which could pull guys even better than with a tight miniskirt, in places no self-respecting female would go unless seeking sex and not fearing rape. It has been almost entirely anal bareback. For those seeking risk-free sex, it has sometimes been just oral, including using the 69 position in bed with another transgirl for simultaneous mutual oral pleasure. Against my protestation, one guy insisted on a condom when he fucked me in his apartment. I reluctantly agreed to it, as I was already dressed and made up, horney and ready to be fucked. I was pleased the condom broke inside me, enabling his cum to seed me, just as I wanted. He wasn’t happy about that then, but revealed to me some years later that he was meanwhile only doing bareback, whatever the consequences. I went once to a renowned street walking location on the outskirts of a city, where I has sent off by prostitutes who were clearly not happy with having free-of-charge transgirl competition. But it paid off for me, as a man drove behind me and fucked me in my car after I stopped again downtown. On another occasion, I encountered a man in the woods adjoining a motorway parking lot, who suggested I should drive behind him to his apartment block, then walk to up his apartment without wearing my high-heel shoes in the corridor, so neighbors wouldn’t hear any movement. I put my shoes back on in the apartment, tightening the ankle straps, for foreplay on his sofa, with a lot of kissing. When he was also horney and ready for sex, he led me to his marital bed that he usually shares with his wife, who was away with his daughter at the time for several days. That’s where he fucked and seeded me bareback, as a one-time substitute for unprotected sex with his wife, despite my not being able to bear him another daughter. I left the apartment while still wearing high heels and only passed others who entered the apartment block as I was leaving, looking like a prostitute, proud to have just served a man, whose cock would soon go into his wife’s vagina again, just as it had gone into my transgirl hole. I also drove once behind a man with whom I had hooked up for a fuck in his apartment. At least he wasn’t concerned about the sound of my high heels on the stairs up to the second floor. He said he had some blue pills, but he managed to penetrate and seed me unprotected very well, apparently without the pills. He only asked me if I was healthy after he had already seeded me, which was generous of him. For added excitement, I deliberately paused before asking him about his health. I have done it mainly with men (passive), but also with transgirls (active/passive). I would also love to do it with females, as lesbian sex with a combination of toy and “better-than-toy” vaginal sex, any time in the month.
  3. No rubber condoms ever, but would accept the steel gauze Cruel Condom.
  4. HIV status hardly ever gets discussed before I am barebacked and seeded with cum. One time, a guy barebacked and seeded me with cum before he asked if I was healthy. I delayed, to add some excitement, before asking him “And you, are you healthy?” A negative answer to that question would have gotten me thinking my status had changed and I would have had to live with it, of course.
  5. Only raw and without any discussion on status. I am not on PrEP and don’t need to know if people who fuck me are on PrEP or not. For me, it’s better if they are not on PrEP, as it is an invisible chemical condom that, aside from the pleasure of feeling direct skin contact and sperm, only results in the same disappointing zero-risk, zero-fun experience as with a real rubber condom, just without the inconvenience of putting it on and taking it off.
  6. By provocative behavior, I got a group of 4 men to come over to me at the rear of a washroom building in a motorway parking lot at night. As I supported myself against the wall with my hands, one man penetrated me hard from the rear, fucked and seeded me, while the others put their hands under my skirt and blouse, massaging my genital area and fumbling with my brassiere. As I was leaning against the wall with hands raised and placed on the wall, so I wouldn’t be entirely flattened against it while being fucked hard, I could not defend myself against what they were doing to me. I was completely defenseless and vulnerable, also by standing on uneven ground in high heels. It was a great feeling of total submission. Although only one man put his cock and sperm into my transgirl vagina, I realized as I stumbled back to my car, after the men abandoned me, that what they did to me qualified as rape. If all men had taken turns to fuck and seed me, then it would have been gang rape. I know it’s dangerous in such situations, but I consider the thrill of being raped as being worth much more than my own safety. So I am a perfect rape and gang rape victim, enjoying everything and fearing nothing.
  7. Let's breed each other trans 2 trans converting me Poz, I love to glam up in ff nylons garters and heels...oink oink

  8. If I were a early teen or younger today, rather than just castration, I would have gone with a puberty blocker, then full sexual reassignment surgery to convert the cock and balls into a vagina. Some surgeons can do it so that there is some lubrication from body fluid seeping into the new vagina, which should be encouraged not to close up post-op by regular toy and later real cock insertion, both of which must feel nice, even without the nice sensitivity of a bio-woman’s clitoris and vagina. Imagine feeling that as a teen. What deters many of us going through all of this beyond teen years is disturbance of established family, social or work relationships. And also the burocratic procedures of medical and psychological interviews and assessments on top of being required to live a woman for a while pre-op and to take female hormones for 6 months pe-op before a surgeon is ready to operate. The latter may turn out to not be so beneficial, as if the cock shrinks, there will be lest material to create a reasonably sized vagina. And the hassle of getting birth certificates and identity documents changed to the new sex. Some of the hurdles could be overcome if at least a surgeon can be found who will just do the op with no special pre-op procedures and with no questions asked, if there is such a competent surgeon somewhere. Many of us would go for that. All this explains why many transgirls who would love to have a woman’s body end up staying in practice with the bodily functions they had when born, choosing to remaining limited to anal and oral sex. Even if a surgeon creates a nice reasonably functional clitiroris and vagina, the female experience is limited: less pleasure-giving nerves to be stimulated, no menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy (planned or not), childbirth. But having 3 holes for sex must be lovely.
  9. Now I am getting yet another error message. The good news maybe is that it is the same error message as others have been recently reporting, so at least it is a common problem. Could it be something like canceling and reregistering under the same name? Here is the message: PDOStatement: Duplicate entry 'BBTV6' for key 'name_UNIQUE'
  10. I am very interested

  11. I haven’t been able to use the chat function for several years and have reported the associated error message twice without getting a response or solution. I just tried the chat again and found a different error message this time, namely: +++++++++ Call to a member function load() on array [/home/httpd/html/studio3x/s3x.network/public_html/ui/account/index.php:524] Sorry you encountered an error. Details about this error have been written to our logs and will be reviewed to make sure it doesn't happen to other users.
  12. I haven’t been able to use the chat function any more for already several years now. Here is the message I get each time I try: +++++++ Redirect URL not specified. Array ( [error] => UserID and/or BrowserID was invalid ( / 27710986). ) 1 Debug: FP & IP. BID: 27710986 ++++++ Is this also related to the type of browser?
  13. I don‘t have a butt plug, but have had a 10 inch x 6 inch dildo inside me all night in a hotel room, knowing that a guy was coming to fuck me there unprotected early the next morning. A dildo certainly stretches the hole more than a butt plug, so it is still quite large after some immediate contraction. I guess the muscle will finally weaken with repetition, making a transgirl‘s hole as pliable and as pleasurable as a woman‘s vagina Although this size of dildo is intended for insertion into a woman‘s vagina, which gives way more more easily, it does surprisingly slide quite easily into a transgirl‘s tighter hole, if the hole and dildo are well lubed. It appears impossible to push it so far that the hole closes around it, but that would defeat the objective and it could be difficult or impossible to remove then. One solution, as you have also indicated, is to wear a panty, which does at least prevent the dildo slipping out entirely, so it continues to keep the hole wide open, and can be repeatedly pushed deep back inside, which feels nice too. In the absence of a butt plug, I also use a rubber-coated tool handle with an undulating shape that ensures it stays in place. I attach shoe laces to the thin metal shaft, as I can‘t resist pushing it in so deep that the hole closes around it all, so need the laces to retrieve it. As the shaft is narrow, it doesn‘t serve to keep the hole stretched. So for stretching it‘s best to have partial insertion. I advise against using a hollow rubber handle, as when it is inserted with the open end facing outwards, it expands when pulled on a string, making it almost impossible to pull out, similar to the function of the barbs on a harpoon. I finally managed with great effort. Although it felt like rape, I couldn‘t unfortunately get much pleasure from that, as I thought I would end up getting it operated out in a hospital.
  14. if would film it then i would defo be part of it 

    giving Paul head.jpg

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