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Everything posted by mikealec

  1. Don't be negative about yourself! Offer to try it - would be interesting!
  2. Get poz as soon as you can - the only way for sure to end the 'am I or aren't I' nagging doubts
  3. Ah, on checking, there's no doncasrer East constituency, so this is a fantasy, if a good one
  4. Exactly, the whole point is getting as many std's as you can and passing them all on as much as you can
  5. I take it this must be substantially true, as you've named an individual?
  6. Beat him hard till his ass it red, choke him while you're ramming it in hard. Tie him up and whip him till he bleeds. Make him your painwhore.
  7. This is so good to hear - hope he's poz too:drool: Tell vus how far it goes.
  8. Hope not! Guys on roids with huge muscle bulk look so hot!
  9. If he wants to, why not? Boys grow up faster than they used to!
  10. They're not going to stop getting/givng poz loads, are they? And why should they, when it's so hot?
  11. I love the US and Americans, but you guys are nuts if you don't improve access to healthcare, which I get totally free
  12. You are just so lucky, converting so young! You have decades ahead of you, enjoying yourself and giving pleasure to other guys. You want to, so go ahead!
  13. what kind of dick piercings really rip up asses and draw blood, incresing the risk of getting/passing on nasty bugs? what's your experience as a top or bottom?
  14. You have just the right attitude, hotload84!
  15. whatever you do, don't back out, and hope you get what you want
  16. I had a feeling you'd like it rough, and would like a bit of being knocked around. Good luck with the next round -now he knows you like it, you'll probably get it much rougher, especially if he's able to take turns with his friend...
  17. An excellent idea,which had crossed my mind too. There should be an entrance requirement of having a count of at least 100k, perhaps higher, maybe other std's they can pass on? Points for successful conversions
  18. Looks an ass longing to get poz - any luck yet?

  19. The UK does well, with all meds free, and I have a wonderful doctor at the clinic who I've been seeing for years. I was fine for several years, but reached a stage where I was passing out. They changed the meds, and that doesn't happen now. Whether our new government, keen on saving money, will change that is not clear right now, but they system gives me the freedom I need for raw sex. Americans are crazy to vote against such a system.
  20. I take it you got poz, if you weren't that already _ did you also get syph?
  21. I recognise your problem! I'm in love with my partner of seven years, but would so much like to fuck around bareback too! Maybe getting out of our heads first would help make it sure we excahnged fluids and bugs?
  22. LiKe your karposi pic on nastykinkpigs - coming on nicely!

  23. sorry your thread got closed - hope you're having success?

  24. Make it clear if he won't rawfuck you, there's plenty more who will. If he still won't do it, chuck him. Is he poz? If not, get him into taking toxic loads until he is
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