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Everything posted by barejackbro3

  1. The non-consensual/non-rape times have happened in various situations that have gotten out of hand, where i've completely lost control of what's happening but i'm still good with that submissive space - it's happened in cruise bars, group action in hotels, and even with one on one encounters at his place or in saunas where the top has just gotten so deep into the rut it can't be stopped. As for the rape situations, yes a few times, but again in various situations . One was an ex-bf and his best friend one drunken night at a party when I was a teenager, another was waking up in a stranger's apartment after drinking at a bar (I'm 100% sure the guy spiked my drink). The most recent time was in a sauna where a guy I definitely wasn't interested in basically grabbed the guy who was fucking me and pulled him out of me before holding me down and fucking me til he was done. Which was horrible because the first guy was really focused on pleasuring me deeply, while the interloper just hurt me and didn't care how aggressive he was being. The contrast there was what made it rape I guess. I never went back to that sauna again. The other two times I couldn't really control the venue or the people. The drink-spiker was just someone I'd been chatting to, and I didn't know my ex would turn up to the party. To be honest, when you skate the edges of non-consensual and deep submissive, eventually I guess someone's gonna go ahead and rape you. They just need to assume that because you're a willing slut, that you're always up for it, then catch you at a time when you're not in the mood, or be so violent that the situation changes for you. No regrets though. The positives of being a sexually liberated submissive btm and the benefits of giving away control in an act of deep submission and power exchange far outweigh the negatives when occasionally someone steals it from you. I do give off a general atmosphere of being free with my body, and every now and then, someone takes advantages of those ambiguities - either because they're too stupid to understand, too horny or too malicious to care. It is what it is. Context is everything. And no, before you ask - you may not even have been thinking along those lines! - I've never jacked off afterwards about those rapes. I've jacked off any number of times about the situations where I've hit the non-consensual non-rape space, but not these.
  2. I love drinking it straight from the tap, mouth open, letting my mouth fill up and then looking up into his eyes and swallowing it down, then mouth open, tongue out begging for more. The craziest time was in a cruise bar where a guy was watching me get gang-fucked and afterwards asked me if I wanted to drink his piss in public in the bar area. I said of course. It tasted damn good, and felt amazing with everyone watching me debase myself so publicly!
  3. I never block flaky guys but I never respond to them again. I figure if you contact me, you must be into me in some way, so if you arrange a meet, then back out at the last minute or fall silent a couple of hours before, seeing me unresponsive on your grids might give you a little regret that you could learn from for the future - namely stop being so flaky! As for filtering out guys who use condoms, I am absolutely upfront within a couple of messages on Grindr, Scruff etc - "Looking to meet now? Into bareback?" - and some do respond sorry safe only, to which my reply is - "ok, have a great day! " - without any attitude at all, because at least they're being upfront about what they want too. The worst are the guys who meet now, actually do meet, fuck you bareback (or try to!) and then find they can't cum, or can't get hard... because they accidentally shot their load earlier in the day, or you meet them at night and they're obviously drunk/high/both, and despite their desires there's really nothing going on down there despite numerous attempts by me to suck them into a boner situation. You think - well i'm here now so may as well see if i can milk that cum out of him - but in vain, and a lot of effort wasted. As a cum junkie I find that disappointing - I'm gearing myself up for a fuck and a load and... nothing. Work hard and... nope not happening. But I don't get disheartened. It's all part of the territory I guess. I just move onto the next fuck, arranging my next meet, or say fuck it and head to the sauna to give my ass away to anyone who wants it.
  4. My load tally this year so far is 10 - 5 random Grindr fucks, and 5 in the sauna tonight (which included 3 poz loads from the same guy!)
  5. I've sucked a few str8 guys. Mostly they just wait for me to get their cock in my mouth, tilt their head back and start playing with my hair. At which point I will grab their hand and push it into my head, as if to say, it's fine to skullfuck me. And they almost always do, take two hands and pound my mouth and throat til they shoot their cum down my throat. There's almost never any words. I'm just a fleshjack to them, just a skullfuck to get off. And I love that.
  6. I reckon I took well over 300 loads in my ass in the 2(ish) years (with a few 'breaks' ) when I was a PrEPster...
  7. Well at least you understood what I mean, I wasn't sure if my random attempts at description were even helping! For me this skill is essential because - it seems - I am a bit of a strange shape down there, or at least, I note that tops often fail to find my hole first time and usually aim just a bit above, which once inside me then they're kinda pointing in the wrong angle. A few pelvic floor clenches and a little tension wriggle or two usually sets him on the right track. I think as a bottom if he is going slightly the wrong way and you can't fix it on your own, you can say something, but if you're a submissive bottom like me, it has to be framed in a sense of service to the top. Sometimes I will say, 'hang on, let's change position a bit' and if he says something like no, i'm fine like this (subtext: i just want to fuck and i really don't care about you) i'll say 'you can get in me deeper this way'... they almost always change their mind and let me guide them to a deeper, harder, rougher and more enjoyable fuck.
  8. God yeah this happens to me, or the tendons down the back of my calf muscles start to trigger cos I'm flexing my legs so much in various positions. I know some good stretches to fix such problems, but in a cruise bar or sauna it's really not the place to do that! My advice is, as with any physical activity, keep practising! ? Your hole will get used to the amount of cock its taking eventually. Until then lots of lube to prevent soreness, and make sure you know how to 'react' physically to every cock that slides into you - I mean, if the top starts going the 'wrong' way inside you, you can kinda twist your body, arch your back, move your ass, even work your pelvic floor to direct his cockin the right way for your inner shape, if you know what I mean - that definitely reduces soreness and pain later on if you're directing his cock inside you in the right way... But yeah ultimately a few days of rest is always good too.
  9. Never had syphillis, but oh my god LGV.... that is an STI with spikes on!! Owch! I've had it 3 times now
  10. I love anonymous sex and random hook-ups, sauna fucks and whoring myself out at cruise bars, so obviously I'm no stranger to STIs. I guess on average I've had an STI about twice a year since 2012 - gono, chlamydia and LGV several times each. I'm fairly regularly tested, two or three times a year, which is less than they recommend, and much less than someone with my sexual habits should, but there it is. Luckily, here in the UK, with free healthcare, STIs are treated as medical issue, rather than a financial one or a matter for your insurance company, so it's fairly easy to turn up at the GUM clinics, get tested and free treatment for any STI you've picked up. Usually done in under 2 weeks, a bit longer for LGV.
  11. Similar to you orionboy1, I had a guy off Scruff who once paid me to cum in my eyes, and then lick it off me. He really got off on it, to the point that while licking I thought he was gonna cum a second time. Happily he didn't, cos it stung like crazy, and my eyes hurt for hours afterwards. As a masochist, that was fine by me, but as a sex act it was just a weird way of expressing sexual dominance, I thought.
  12. Spit and precum. Or lube. My favourite thing during an outdoor fuck is to suck his cock while he fingers my ass, until I start tasting his precum. Then I get him to spit in my mouth a couple of times and mix it all together before lubing up and offering my ass for him to breed. On the other hand, in a sauna or cruise bar, lube is best. Oil or water-based I don't care. I like to lube up in a very public area, drop my towel/jeans, shake the lube "like a polaroid picture" to make a few loud snapping noises to grab attention, then apply the lube to my ass hopefully with a watching audience who now know exactly the kind of bareback slut I am. (Obviously my favourite lube of all is cum, but that wasn't an option on the poll!)
  13. Last time I was at a sauna in Manchester it was a slow night and I got bored by 1am. Tried to sleep in a cabin but was too horny, so i decided to while away the time by fishing in the bin to find the used condoms while I was in the cabin. Found three of them, and oozed the cum straight into my mouth from each of them. Got so boned I went into another cabin, and hunted around the same, except this time the cum I found went in my ass. Ended up spending half an hour doing this, from cabin to cabin, mouth then ass. I felt so nasty. This is the only good thing about condoms as far as I'm concerned.
  14. My experience with gangbangs is spontaneous ones happening in saunas and bareback parties. A couple of highlights... - CumUnion in the UK. It's slow and not very cruisy even though there's a lot of guys around. A guy I knew and we sometimes go to these things together was there, and I know he;s always good to get things started, so he took me to a public area and very noisily fucked me, broadcasting the fuck out loud to the gathering crowd. I too was noisy for the same reason. He pulled out before cumming (I got his load later) and invited another guy to fuck me, like he owned me and was giving my ass away to all takers. Perfect. This got the party started - within half an hour for or five guys fucked and loaded me, and other gangbangs were starting just nearby. I stayed on my back with my ass taking loads for about another half an hour til I was exhausted and couldn't take any more. Think I had about 8 loads in me by then. - Vault, cruise bar in London. I hadn't been in there long when I found myself in a dark corner being fucked by some guy - a dark shadow, literally no idea what he looked like but his cock felt good in my ass. A few other guys collected around the scene, and once guy #1 had cum in me he pulled out and someone else was inside me. A different kind of fuck technique and a different feel of cock inside me but no less good. Again too dark for me to see, but I'm fine with that. Somewhere during this fuck I am turned from facing the wall to facing outwards towards the corridor, and I'm leaning on the shoulders of two guys. Guy #2 cums, guy #3 is quickly in. Then the guy on my right who I'm leaning on says quite loudly 'I'm next' - seemingly annoyed that Guy #3 has jumped what he sees as a queue. He gets his turn soon enough, and guys are checking in and walking on, some staying, some waiting long enough to fuck me, some just watching etc for about an hour while I get load after load in my ass. Again after that I stop, too knackered to carry on. This was the last time I was on PrEP. How btm guys can go all night in a gangbang is totally beyond me. I get to about an hour and I'm done... it's really a lot of mental and physical work, I guess one hell of a physical workout, but man I have my limits and when I hit them I'm just done
  15. I'll be going to a naked Thursday and a Friday night back to back in early February when I'm next down in London. Can't wait.
  16. In most of the scenes I did, we didn't get paid until we'd signed the release form afterwards and the studio had got copies of our identification for 18+ proof etc. I never was part of a shoot where someone failed the money shot so never got to see if that was really the essential thing but they were too polite to say! And Saturn1 - you're welcome
  17. We sat around chatting in the living room (the whole house was a porn studio but they'd left the living room reasonably untouched) waiting for everyone to turn up, and then yeah we all went upstairs to shower and douche our asses really thoroughly. Yeah the director made it clear that even the smell of poop was way off limits. So I douched the hardest I ever douched in my life, every time for every scene! For me it was fun, because I knew I wasn;t trying to make a career out of it. I was a total tourist. A couple of big studio DVD scenes, and a handful of pay-per-view scenes that never went anywhere. Various photoshoots that got into those free magazines you get in gay bars. Still do them every now and then. I didn;t even get so far as having a porn name. Just used the name 'Jack' or 'Johnny' for most of it. But I did work with a couple of proper bona fide porn stars, and I'll be honest they were kinda broken people. One of them was friendly but really fragile and obviously fucking himself up big time, the other was a total asshole. He hated me almost on sight, but he was also really into me sexually, so it made for a weird chemistry on set! Meeting them really underlined for me that yeah I definitely don;t want this for a career! In my case I did safe sex porn because the directors all insisted. Funnily enough I did all the scenes right at the time when I was starting to bareback so yeah in my case it's true what you say. Hook-ups off set, didn't happen for me but to be honest I was like got the money, had the fun, see ya! about it all. But a couple of scenes did get a wide distribution around Europe, especially the Triga stuff, and I did kinda get recognised a few times (as in 'I've seen you somewhere before, god its bothering me cos i don;t know where', or a strange look in a gay bar from a guy with his boyfriend... or a husband with his wife and kids on the train staring at me oddly a few weeks after one of the DVDs got released!) which once or twice I was able to turn into a hook-up... and once managed to turn a boring sauna night in London into a bareback fuckfest after being 'kinda-recognised-seen-you-somewhere-before' - I just told him and he told half the guys I was a porn star, which for the purposes of getting gang fucked I did not correct him! I'm glad I did it - there are definitely experiences both fun and surreal to be had in a porn studio that you definitely don;t get anywhere else. Well that's my essay done for the day!
  18. What BottomInNeed said! It's down to the company - they decide what happens, at times down to serious detail. The porn I did about 7 years ago was pretty heavily scripted. Back then condoms were used for fucking, but in one scene, I ended up on my back (as per the script) and four guys around me (as per the script) and two of them shot their loads on my face (as per the script) while the other two shot across my chest (scripted again), before rubbing it into my face (scripted) and fingering my ass with cummy fingers (scripted) before I shot my load last (scripted). You get the point. The setup was pretty detailed, and before each take we kinda had a run through from the director about what he expected. There were a few points where we could get spontaneous but not often. Therefore I can;t imagine that in bareback porn the setup would be any different. TIM Porn looks a lot more spontaneous, as was Triga, but I reckon most of the rest will be scripted.
  19. I've always said no to FF, like its a complete turn-off for me. Until very recently when it seems like a switch has flipped in my head and I started to get curious. Have watched some FF porn, and yeah this is a new turn-on for me. Love finding new turn-ons like this! Anyway, I haven't let anyone FF me yet, but I would love to read your FF primer thread for beginners if you write it!
  20. A few weeks before Tumblr died and went to conservative shareholder heaven, there was a Dom Top guy who asked on his blog if anyone had had sex which was non-consensual but also not rape. I knew immediately what he meant, and I think that headspace does exist because I've been there. there have been times, particularly if I'm face down, ass up, or in a group of tops and dom guys who just start to rut at me - and stop giving a fuck what i want because i'm just a couple of fuckholes to them - where it's gotten so rough or aggressive I want it to stop, but I can;t revoke any consent because I cant speak or they're not listening. Or I';m tied up, gagged, whatever. so i just kind of surrender to the moment and wait for it to finish, brace myself in to minimise the damage and ride it out. i am no longer consenting, but i recognise i'm here til he, or they, decide when they're done. And I am paradoxically fine with that, even though i want it to stop now. it's a strange headspace. it's kind of fucked up during, and it hurts, physically and emotionally, but afterwards, once i am free again, i get so boned about it and glad it happened, and glad i took it. this has happened to me a lot of times. I;ve also been actually raped a few times but that's a whole other story, and tbh, no regrets there either.
  21. Level 2 til 2012, then one drunken transformative night slipped right to level 4 and 5. Took a little while to figure out that it was what i really wanted and moved to level 6 a couple of years later. PrEP in 2016 helped cement my level 6-ness. Now off PrEP, still level 6, and currently neg. So far dodged the bullet, but damn I want that bullet in me bad! ?
  22. I wrote about this some years back, in a previous account incarnation on here (barejackbro or barejackbro2 i forget which) in the Your Last Load section I think, but I met one guy who must've had hyperspermia at a naked party in a London cruise bar in 2016. When he shot his load in me it went on continuously pumping for about a minute. It blew my mind, so many pump shots I could feel in my ass because he stopped fucking, and went absolutely still, with his cock deep inside me. When I thought he'd finished I said wow, and started to move, but he stopped me, held me down, closed his eyes and said, hang on i;m not done yet. I felt then a couple more spurts hit inside me. All told he almost continuously came in me for about 90 seconds! And afterwards he claimed that occasionally he could pump for up to 2 or 3 minutes. Based on my experience, I did believe him. It was a memorable fuck!
  23. Worst thing I ever did to a last minute flake (and yeah I do feel a bit bad about it now) There was a bi guy in London when I was visiting, wanted to fuck me, I need to keep it discreet though ok? My girlfriend can't find out. Fine, I'll be discreet. We swap pics, including crucially his face pic. Later that afternoon I travel for an hour across London and I arrive at his place when suddenly he cancels on me. An hour of travel and I'm right there outside the door of his apartment block and he's like no can do sorry. I was beside myself with anger. A couple of minutes later, coincidentally, a woman leaves the apartment building, and I think right, fuck it. I smile at her and try to politely ask her if she knows this guy - show her his face pic from my phone, tell her his name's Mike. Oh yeah, I know him... well I know his girlfriend really. Well I say you tell Mike that escort rent boys don't like being called up then cancelled on at the last minute! Turned tail and stormed off, leaving her to make whatever conclusions she wanted to. God knows what happened next but this was one flake I definitely blocked! I was so fucking angry!
  24. I live in a city (Leeds, UK) that is kinda notorious for flakes, no-shows, cancel-at-the-last-minute (with a shit excuse) or go silent a few hours before we arranged to meet. So I can get pretty ruthless at times - if its a grindr quickie and they started to back out i give them 10 minutes to man up - and I tell them this. I never block a flake - if he contacted me, he must've thought I was hot and fuckable. Not blocking him means he still sees me on his grids (grindr, bbrt etc) but i will never reply again. Sometimes I even send him naked pics to wordlessly suggest: here's what you missed Recently one guy who wanted to fuck me and load my ass in his deserted office backed out at the last minute. Then, hang on maybe I can. I said right, you got 10 mins or i'm done. 20 minutes passed and suddenly he's back. My reply: Time's up - C ya. I landed another random fuck off grindr less than half an hour later. I was in his area again today, and guess who messaged. Still wants me, it seems, but cancel-at-last-minute flakes only get one chance. For me, integrity is important, in every part of life, including this one. If you contact me in advance saying you can't make it, sorry etc, it's fine with me. Cancel at the last minute and you never hear from me again, and I have a near eidetic memory for this kinda thing.
  25. Damn, all the chokeplay and BC I've done and I've never had a noose round my neck. This got me boned, I really need a guy to hang me while he's fucking me. And BoyStrangler, I love the way you think too. That is just fucking awesome. Love the last thing I hear is you telling me you're pozzing my neg faggot ass right before you put me out. Fuck yeah.
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