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Everything posted by PigFaggot2904

  1. As for me, personally, I never use rubbers & only seek out men who want the same. If a guy insisted on a rubber, I'd walk out.
  2. Something similar happened to me around 2010....guy with a thick dick just shoved it in one night, it hurt, but thought it was all in my head. I didn't realize how badly hurt I was, until 9 months later: got chlamydia, sought treatment, and their advice was to see a doctor. Then...I didn't adhere to the treatment plan--i.e., got fucked rough by hung guys--and made things worse. As a result, it took me over 3 years to fully heal. Would have done things way differently. But I had insurance. I'm very sorry to hear you don't. Hopefully you find a way to get treatment. I worry about your injuries developing into life-threatening infections.
  3. Long time friend of mine (almost 20 years) is a huge pig & nasty piss daddy, but never fucked bareback until PrEP came along--he's in his late 50s, and he had a partner in the 1990s who died of AIDS complications. The sex was hot, but knowing a condom was in the way, was always a bit of a buzz kill. In addition, even in my 20s, I couldn't stay hard when fucking with a condom but it was required for sticking it in my friend's hole--his body, his boundaries. For the first time recently, I got to feel his bare dick in my hole--all 8" of it. It was heavenly.
  4. @BootmanLA, @rawTOP, @viking8x6 - thoughts from the mod/admin perspective on this? Would appreciate some direction from those who are responsible for running/maintaining the site. 🙂
  5. I received a notification that a user was newly following me. I checked out that user's profile. Brand new profile, no information filled out at all, random picture of a sexy twunk, and their website had a spam link to "g a y .s i t e". Clearly a spam bot, but couldn't figure out how to report the user in general. User had no posts, so couldn't flag user that way. How can this be dealt with, both now and for future reference? User Name is available to admins/mods upon request. Thanks!
  6. From what I have read anecdoatally, some guys can't take HIV medication. It's typically been a combination of their strain being med-resistant, and/or meds that do work would cause severe/fatal allergic reactions.
  7. I like uncut as long as it's clean. I wish my parents hadn't circumcised me when I was born.
  8. Close to 8" and very thick. I was 17, but he went slow and was gentle, and I fucking loved it.
  9. I wear a butt plug to hold the cum in after getting filled with potent DNA.
  10. Cum belongs in my hole, but love it when a guy felches my loaded hole and then kisses me. Mmmmmm….
  11. I hate deodorant. 🤢 Love the smell & taste of natural pits, sweaty dick/nuts/ass crack.. 🤤 A big cum & piss whore, too. A lot of what I want to say is best discussed in the "Hardcore Fetishes" or "Backroom" section........ 😈
  12. Do what you need to do, in order to protect yourself, your health, and your personal & sexual boundaries. No one can stop you from asking that question, if you feel it is necessary due diligence. As you have found out, however—and others have suggested in this thread—be prepared for rejection.
  13. First times fucking and getting fucked in the late 1990s was bareback. Later, I found that I couldn't stay hard with a condom on--being circumcised probably didn't help with that, either. Then I found Treasure Island Media. Eventually, I sought out only those who fucked without condoms.
  14. You're right @iman2004, thought I'd share some additional information for those outside of the UK: AIDSmap is a UK charity that "works to change lives by sharing information about HIV & AIDS." [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/ I did a search for "brain function" on their website and these are the results, some interesting reads: [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/archive?keyword=brain+function
  15. Mine required surgical removal twice, although i am in the US, I had decent insurance
  16. From my experience, Truvada is now generic so insurers would prefer patients use that for PrEP. For me, personally, Truvada's side effects re: bone issues caused me to stop taking it a couple years ago. Decided to resume PrEP recently, but this time, asked for Descovy, explained side effects from Truvada, etc. My insurer required a Prior Authorization for Descovy, which my clinic sent in & it was approved. After it was approved, I ordered the medication online, and I had a $0 copay. I was expecting a copay of a couple hundred, based on how my prescription insurance works.... Based on this, I would presume PrEP--regardless of medication--is covered 100%. But insurers might make you jump through hoops if you want Descovy.
  17. I've seen profiles on BBRT where poz unmedicated tops only want to fuck neg bottoms, not on PrEP, for the sole purposes of seroconversion. Shower them with attention & affection, get them in bed, and then once conversion occurs, block 'em and onto the next [un]willing f@g. I even saw one profile say "...no guys on PrEP, that's just cheating." So it is definitely a thing.
  18. There are also gift giving toxic top breeders who won’t fuck neg f@gs who take PrEP, they call it a cop-out.
  19. Based on everything you have said, she is not giving you the quality care that you need & deserve. "Spidey senses and emotions" can sometimes be enough--it's also known as a "gut feeling" and sometimes you have to trust what your gut is telling you. I'd switch doctors immediately--her reputation be damned. So sorry you had to experience this.
  20. Should also add, the "Bad Seed" film was released in August 2013. So it fits the timeline the Original Poster (OP) mentions--10 years ago. Unsure when exactly the scenes were shot, let alone how long it took to edit the film before it was released.
  21. Someone suggested it might have been one of the "Fucktard" scenes; I wonder if it was this one? **DISCLAIMER:** I have NO idea if this is truly the scene in question, since the original poster didn't provide those details. I am not suggesting it is this scene, but it would seem to make sense, based on everything that has been described. It is very uncomfortable to watch and definitely seems as if consent was violated. [think before following links] https://timstore.treasureislandmedia.com/bad-seed-scene-11-touch-of-evil/
  22. I recently resumed PrEP. Because of this, I was able to get Descovy with $0 copay--I was shocked when I saw $0 on the screen, when I was ordering from my pharmacy website.
  23. First the Tube networks, and now the Fans sites. OnlyFans seems to have been the latest target of Visa & MasterCard--given they announced their decision to ban sexually explicit content at the request of their "banking partners." I wonder when Just For Fans will fall victim--at this point, it seems to be not if, but when....
  24. I wonder how long until they crack down on JustForFans?
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