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About Slocbr42

  • Birthday 03/17/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San antonio
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Pozzed Jan 08 2023. Counts were 1.1mil and cd4 169. Started meds March 30 2023
    Started as fantasy bug chasing not I am a gifter who love poz talk
  • Porn Experience
    Waiting for someone to make some with
  • Looking For
    Poz4neg and poz4poz.

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  1. I guess I found my answer as to why. But have to pose a different question with Texas passing hb 1181 which blocks porn sites why is the host restricted breeding zone before the sept 1st effect/enforcement date.
  2. The host is now blocking bz in my state. (Tx). What is that. Why is that happening. Is this going to be fixed? I love this place but if I can’t use the site I might have an issue I am using a VPN to access the site.
  3. What was your viral. Count. I was lied to and stealthed. Two months after I was pozzed my counts were 1.1 million and cd4 of 169. The realist in me knew it would happen at some point. and the other part of me says I wish i was still neg cause I was starting to waste away. And it didn’t feel good.
  4. Mistr . Com. they work based off of your area/state programs and get you prep for free in most cases.
  5. The short installments drive me crazy for more.
  6. As someone who is learning how to fist I have a guy that is very much open and honest about what he wants and what he feels. This just reassures me that I’m doing the right thing. a big thank you. the guy I’m training with has experience being fisted and loves it but my hands are bigger than what he has taken and we have yet to work him up to all the way inside him. I find the noises and movements he makes while im trying more erotic than the feeling of him wrapped around my hand.
  7. I honestly did not read any replies so if someone has said this I apologize. The modern sex Education (1860s to present) is mostly based on abstinence online which according to old research only leads to higher STD rates. As well as teenage pregnancies take for example the state of Colorado where they made birth control free and accessible to all persons with uteruses over the age of 12/13. They saw a decrease in the amount of teenage pregnancies over five years with that in mind a lot of the country is still basing their sex education on abstinence only because it’s quite frankly the lazy way to do it and avoid uncomfortable conversations that children should be having both in and out of schools. And while I understand the main part of this site is about purposeful HIV infection analytically speaking if we were teaching comprehensive heterosexual and homosexual sexual education things like asking am I going to get aids would be nonexistent. I graduated high school in 2008 and I had a pretty fucking awesome sex education as far as what I got told and what I was informed of in 2004 but by no means was it comprehensive we got taught about what different STDs/STI‘s there are what they mean some of their symptoms how to prevent them common practices of how to treat them what birth control is what condoms are but never how to use condoms fort anything about homosexual sex all of my sex education with based on heterosexual activity and once we move to a point where we are comprehensive we teaching both heterosexual and homosexual education things like this will go away but as a sidenote I doubt it will ever happen because in this country of the United States we’re more concerned about what people feel and what they believe then facts and reality
  8. That dream. I hope that dream comes true.
  9. I need a whimper face. Cause this story has me whimpering so bad I’m so horny.
  10. I need more. Damn. This is super hot
  11. Damnit. Now I’m all horny. Thanks for a great chapter
  12. If I had the money to go I would consider it.
  13. Need more of this story.
  14. I want to go to the z but the price stops me.
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