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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. My GP was very laid back about it all, to be honest. So I’m not sure I have the utmost confidence in what she said.
  2. If only the producers of daytime TV knew they aroused such erotic thoughts. 😂
  3. I know we’ve chatted about this between ourselves but I’d just add that a mate of mine currently has it. He’s been told to isolate for two weeks, which he finds absurd given the way it is spread (“I’m hardly likely to pass it on buying milk in Sainsbury’s, am I?” were his words) but he’s doing everything he’s been told - which is a first! The doctors aren’t treating him and just told him to let it run its course. He says he’s finding the spots annoying but nothing more than that. When I asked my GP, she suggested the smallpox shot I had as a kid (yes, I still bear the scar) probably does offer some protection and cited as evidence that there have been very few MP cases in the over 50s - at least in the UK. I’m not 100% reassured by that, but I’m going to keep monitoring it.
  4. Pre-Covid, the CumUnion events in Sheffield were amazing. Especially the black-out ones. I haven’t been to one since 2020 but I like to imagine they are just as good.
  5. I’ve never been - the Basement in Manchester was always on my doorstep - but I’m surprised to hear that, as I’ve only heard great things. Not that I’m doubting you, but maybe you hit a bad time? Or monkeypox is making guys chary, perhaps?
  6. Reminds me of being best man to my oldest school friend back in the 90s. I shagged him on the eve of his wedding (to a woman, obvs). They’ve had two kids and are still together. I’m still mates with him but he never, ever, mentions that night…😂
  7. They’re certainly not in Manchester… To pinch and corrupt an old sitcom line, a top arriving at Manchester Piccadilly station is seized on like a Snickers bar thrown over the wall of a fat camp.
  8. I think you’re absolutely right. Most of these outlets have a “come on” premise or theme to draw punters in, but don’t often deliver. I mean, “SlamRush” doesn’t exactly do what it says on the tin, does it? 😂
  9. My friend, for someone whose last paragraph suggest labels are useless, you don’t half bang on about them. But I have neither the time nor the inclination to wade through the rest of your argument. I made a slightly flippant post about my mate, who identifies as 100% straight - as he is perfectly entitled to - end of. He could fuck mice, for all I care. I just know he’s a bloody good friend who would find this discussion a hoot.
  10. I think he is perfectly entitled to identify however he wishes - as we all are. And, trust me, this is not a man in denial about anything. But there’s a joke in the UK that the only difference between a gay man and a straight man is six pints of lager. I can well believe that if he was pissed enough and horny enough he’d fuck anything with a pulse (and even the pulse might be negotiable!). That affects his sexuality not a jot. Just because I might eat a meal comprising entirely of vegetables occasionally does not make me a vegetarian.
  11. Half-Welsh, part English, part Italian.
  12. In fairness, that could apply to many workplaces most Monday mornings… 😂
  13. One of my best friends identifies as 100% straight. But when I asked if he’d ever shagged a guy, he shrugged “Oh, sure”. It’s just no big deal to him. Actually, he’s such a tart (everyone calls him the straight version of me - can’t imagine why…🤔) I believe he’d fuck a tree if he was feeling horny enough. But that’s another story. Now I can well believe he’d go “gay for pay” in a porn movie if he really needed the cash. So I don’t find the notion of a straight guy doing it for money if he was desperate wholly implausible. But, as others have said, it would still likely as not be a staged fantasy for the titillation of its intended audience. The films in question are a commodity, probably no more real than the average Hollywood blockbuster - or Slam Rush video. But if the audience enjoys them and buys into the fantasy, good luck to them.
  14. Try putting some Agatha Christie names into it. I did and was shocked by what Miss Marple got up to…😂
  15. Sounds like a good night at the sauna!
  16. Some day, all novels will be written this way. Dan Brown’s probably already are…😉
  17. I’ve been playing with the link since you sent it me earlier this evening. Some results are a bit random but here’s an example I got. The sentence I typed in is in bold, the result in italics. Marty gasped when he saw the size of Josh’s cock and braced himself for the roughest fuck of his life, but Josh’s touch was delicate as he slipped his hand down the front of Marty’s boxers. Marty gasped and arched his back, but Josh’s hands were strong as he pulled the boxers down with the tiniest of touches. “My sweet little angel,” he murmured. “All that beauty I see inside those eyes is going to be a perfect gift to me, do you understand?” Marty licked his lips and nodded. Josh pushed the boxers all the way down to his knees, then he ran his fingers through Marty’s hair and leaned over him. Marty let out a low moan as Josh’s lips made contact with his. Marty shivered as Josh took a big breath and then kissed him deeply, before letting his tongue play with Marty’s own. Marty trembled as Josh sucked on his tongue and gently pressed his body into Marty. This one is a bit tame compared with other results I’ve had. But it’s good fun.
  18. @AirmaxUK is so right. Each and every one of us fought off millions of competing sperm just to exist. It’s a privilege to be here. And it doesn’t last long. I can’t ever imagine being bored. As the saying goes: “I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I’ll use my time.”
  19. The BBC and Sky News were the worst in pushing grief porn all the way through Covid, so it's not a huge surprise.
  20. I'm not entirely sure why you've been downvoted for stating a fact. But there it is.
  21. Some scientists here in the UK say the reason there were proportionately more gay and bisexual men in the first lot of people testing positive for monkeypox is because they are more in tune with their sexual health and tend to get tested for STIs more regularly than the general population. It seems a plausible argument. Though it is one I have yet to see anywhere in the mainstream media. But, then, they're missing the clickbait generated by Covid. And clicks=revenue. So they've seized on monkeypox as the next click generator. If they can somehow link it to gay sex, they can clutch their pearls for their readers and it's a clear win-win for them. I've worked in the media far too long not to notice their cynical cogs clinking into gear.
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