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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. Hard to pick just one. If pushed, I’d say the much lamented Fort in London.
  2. Neither exciting or anything else. It’s all a bit nothing to me. I take my meds in the morning (I don’t pay for them here in the UK) and forget about it until the next morning. If there was a cure tomorrow would I take it? Yes, of course. But I don’t beat myself up because there isn’t one. What I can say is that it has changed me in one positive (no pun intended) way. I’ve concentrated on eating well and working out regularly. The result is I’m now far fitter than I’ve ever been in my life. Would I have done that before? Probably not. I know that isn’t the case for everyone and there are some harrowing home truths on this thread. But I’ve been fortunate not to have endured any of the bad experiences that have been outlined. For me, it is what it is, nothing more and nothing less.
  3. You speak the truth. The trouble is the 1 out of 10 might be a marvellous shag. And that’s allure that keeps us going…
  4. I share your frustration. It seems to go with the territory online these days. Whenever I’ve felt the same, I’ve always reminded myself that I have met some great guys through the apps/online, a few who have become regular fuckbuds. The percentage is, admittedly, low but it has happened. One has to cling to that! You also hit the nail on the head about guys not reading profiles. Perhaps they don’t feel the need if they’re knocking one out over their screens, but it is annoying.
  5. I think they’re still available on Amazon. I know some people wanted them banned but they based a movie on them - Prick Up Your Ears, with Gary Oldman, Alfred Molina and Vanessa Redgrave - so that didn’t get very far.
  6. Having just reached the magical number in the title, this is a most heartening thread…
  7. Reminds me of Joe Orton’s Diaries. Morroco, and Tangier in particular, was quite the place to go back in the day. Orton’s fairly graphic diaries outline his sexploits there (as well as writing a film script for The Beatles) in the months leading up to his boyfriend bludgeoning him to death in 1967. The film Prick Up Your Ears (in which Gary Oldman played Orton) covered it all, but the film was tame compared to the diaries.
  8. That’s actually really hot, isn’t it…? 😈
  9. Yes. A mate of mine in London was one of the very first diagnosed in the UK. He’s in his 60s now and I speak to him regularly and see him occasionally. He has been gym fit all his life and looks amazing.
  10. I have no interest in football but my Dad was a fanatical Manchester City fan (being a true Mancunian supporting United was unthinkable!) He used to drag me to matches as a kid. Once, when I was about 9, he somehow got a pass to go behind the scenes after a match. It was back in the days when players had communal baths. I didn’t know I was gay before I went in but after seeing 11 professional football players naked in a bath, I sure as hell knew when I came out.
  11. There was a documentary about this here in the UK a few weeks ago, but told from the perspective of guys who were so well endowed it causes them problems. One guy told of an incident where he lost out on a job because his cock was so big in his trousers the interviewers believed he was behaving inappropriately. I’ve told the story on here before of meeting a lovely Jamaican guy in London years ago who was stunning. But he told me he struggled to find sexual partners because many were scared off by his size. I must admit, I did a double take but I wasn’t scared off. And I certainly didn’t run! But being serious, I appreciate it can be an issue for both parties. However, as others has said, with patience and understanding on both sides, great things can be achieved.
  12. I’m 6’. That’s another theory shattered…
  13. Most guys, gay or straight, will go in raw given the chance.
  14. Governments change, but the lies stay the same. Anyone who’s lived for any length of time on this planet knows that to be true. But one cannot live worrying about what might happen. I could get on an aircraft tomorrow and it plummet to the ground. I might cross the road after typing this and get knocked down by speeding car. But I’m not going to stop doing either of those things just because of the risk involved. You say, you don’t want to bring politics into this discussion, and yet your post practically invites it in. All I will say on that score is that it is a mistake to believe that those we agree with politically will always be our allies, and those who hold different political views are necessarily always our enemies. I’ve encountered very little homophobia in my life. The only homophobic bullying that I have been subjected to came from a line manager in an industry which is supposedly very liberal. In public, she espouses all the typical left-wing views that she deems fashionable. She is a member of – and campaigns for – the Labour Party here in the UK, and yet she treated me appallingly. It was quite clearly rooted in some deep-seated homophobia. She seems to epitomise that old adage that if you scratch a liberal, you will often find a fascist bleeding. Maybe I’m cynical. I know that I am, somewhat, but my motto is stop worrying and live until you die. It’s the only way to live.
  15. The Cumunion nights at Sheffield are excellent. At least they were but I haven’t been since before lockdown. I can’t imagine they’re any less so now. In addition to previous replies, you’re not too far from Blackpool, which is always interesting… The infamous Trades Hotel is there, but I would recommend the Prince Albert (the PA) Hotel in Blackpool, personally, The Basement sauna in Manchester can be great. But it can also be a bit hit and miss. There’s a huge variety of guys using it, though.
  16. Yes. That’s the one. It’s worked for me, so it’s worth giving a go. They stock it in the stores as well.
  17. Holland & Barrett. I’ve found you need to take it regularly for a couple of weeks before you notice a real difference, though.
  18. There’s a lot of cock shown, but Channel 4 is no stranger to a penis or a vagina. They’ve had a dating show called Naked Attraction running since 2016 in which potential dates are completely naked when they’re picked. The first thing the picker sees is their genitals. Then gradually more is revealed as those potential dates are whittled down. As usual with Channel 4 sex documentaries, of which there are a lot (they’re very fond of hookers and brothels), My Massive Cock featured the usual fig leaf of “investigation” to deflect any sense of titillation, though I can’t imagine anyone is fooled. All of which makes me sound negative about C4’s output, which I’m not. The recent show about a working class brothel in the north was a hoot. And I do like how gay and Lesbian participants feature just as prominently as straights in Naked Attraction
  19. “I’ve left you £50 on the table” as he leaves…
  20. I think others have beaten me to it and all they say - and more - is true. The only difference I would say in my experience is that I rarely saw condoms used. What marked out the place in my mind was the complete lack of attitude. It didn’t matter if you were a muscled stud or an older guy with sagging tits, no one really cared about looks or age. And because everyone was there bollock naked - boots or trainers only - you had no idea who or what anyone was. It could be a city banker inside you or a homeless guy who’d scraped together the couple of quid to get in. There was a sling by the side of the bar and the entrance to the darkroom. You could lie in that and guys would leave their pints on the bar, come over to do the business, then return to their pints to chat about how Chelsea were doing in the league. The darkroom was almost pitch black where you would grope through a heaving mass of sweating, rutting male flesh. You would eventually find whatever you desired there but it was almost impossible to see whom you were doing it with. Not that anyone cared. At the back of that was another small area - a former urinal and toilet which was totally blacked out. That was the ultimate goal on busy nights. The Fort was the sleaziest, most depraved venue I’ve ever visited. Few friends admitted they ever went there…but I bumped into quite a few! And yet there was a raw (no pun intended) honesty about the place I’ve found nowhere else. I miss it.
  21. It was hardcore. Hard to convey to anyone who never went just what it was like. But it was a place I returned to again and again. I’ve got so many vivid memories of the place.
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