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Everything posted by Piggyybttmm

  1. I think the key to both (romantic/ friendships) is being open with your sexuality. Many of us on here aren't out and even have wives....kinda hard to build any kind of foundation when you're living in the shadows (regardless of if the reason is justified or not) Personally I'm sure I could've in my early - mid 20s as there was a few men that wanted to be with me for more than sex and plenty of people I could've made friends with but I just wasn't there in accepting my sexuality and who I was just yet. Nowadays I'm a lil more open (still working on myself but I'm okay with who I am and accept it for the most part) and I would love to perhaps find a boyfriend and a gay friend group but Im either always wayyy too busy with work or the guys I meet only want one thing (which I'm more than okay with) ....I kinda regret not coming to terms earlier, but everything happens for a reason and I'm sure I'll find what I want eventually
  2. I personally love it....yeah I'm a man and all but it's super erotic to hear my man call my hole his bussy/ pussy. When he's inside me in full control I'm his bitch and it's his pussy to use as he sees fit....most men Im with tend to see it the same way as that's always what to seem to call it.
  3. I don't think I've ever been in this situation before... but if I had a friend and their dad was hot I'd absolutely let them fuck...I don't see the issue with it
  4. Man nail right on the head with that last part. It's the same guys in your area, and they seem to only be Twink bottoms, that's why it's best to use it when you're out of town.... Growlr has been the best for me lately
  5. Honestly I realized if I don't mention a condom the guy fucking me doesn't either. Normally I just pull my tops dick out of my mouth and slide him into me and he just goes along with it. Regardless of what his profile said lol
  6. A4A is still my go to for getting consistent dick. It's come through for me time and time again..... literally just finished getting fucked and loaded up by a hot daddy I met on there not too long ago. After that growlr seems to do the trick if no one on A4A is biting. Grindr definitely has too many flakes, I look on there to pass the time maybe flirt with some guys....but I don't get my hopes up or give it too much energy
  7. Depends on the person you're swallowing. Personally I like thick and sticky nut...with a more salty after taste that I can remember days later
  8. I sucked my old fuckbud on the subway coming from NYC pride some years ago ....we were both drunk and horny and couldn't wait to get back to his hotel room. There was one other person on the other side of the car and they seemed sleep, so I just decided to give him a quick blowjob. I quickly found out he was really backed up as he blew a huge load all in my mouth and on my face, some of which ended up on my shirt. So I ended up having to finish the rest of the ride home with a huge cum blob on my black t shirt. I got most of his cum off my face fortunately (or unfortunately)
  9. I kinda always did....from young I didn't realize I was gay but I knew I was different , I used to have these prison fantasies where I was fresh meat from as young as 13/14.... I always seemed to be drawn to more dominant people...women or men. I'd follow the lead of other men in most situations, when it came to sex and when I started having sex with men, it just became a continuation. I preferred to get fucked and have a hot man tell me what to do
  10. I like to have a toy inside me as often as possible lol
  11. Absolutely. Its hard to find a good man as it is so if we connect and have chemistry it seems dumb to mess that up because of status
  12. Absolutely love sucking and fucking white cock....my fave tbh. Especially cock from a bear
  13. I think 14-17 is the best ...when you start that sexual exploration
  14. I want his dick in my mouth when I'm swallowing him....him pointing his dick at me is only if he's giving me a facial
  15. Jeeeeez. I'm so sorry.
  16. Yeahhhh I'd def get a paternity test just in case
  17. Exactly this! Like who has time to respond to every single person anyway? Like you'll be there all night having a meaningless conversation with someone you know you're never gonna meet. Not enough hours in the day
  18. Agreed. Why waste time with small talk..clearly they're not interested, if they were they would've responded
  19. I learned that most tops fuck even harder when you're verbal. Even more so when you stroke their ego. I love to tell my man how good he's fucking me and how good his dick feels. Gets him even more worked up
  20. Fuckkk this is hot....please continue
  21. I'd honestly love to become invisible...or fly. Not really a sexual reason tbh ...but just because it'd be pretty cool lol
  22. It gets me off submitting to men, especially men with bigger dicks than mine. There's no better way to submit to a man than to get on your knees and suck him off and let him blow a thick load in your mouth. Not to mention that sperm tastes absolutely amazing to me....
  23. I don't think this works because what some person may prefer another may find totally rude. Like if I hit someone up and they don't respond I take it as they're busy or not interested. Either way no sweat off my back, plenty of other tops online.. But most people find that to be rude
  24. If it's a reg hey message I just ignore it. If they compliment me I'll reply and at least say thank you. That's the polite thing to do, if they respond in a way that I like maybe I'll return the favor by sucking them off.
  25. All of this. 1,3,4, and 5 are exactly why I bottom. I honestly find it hard to keep an erection unless I'm jerking or there's something in my ass...as well as my cock being smaller than most guys...makes more sense just to bottom. 3. I personally believe bottoming is the more submissive, womanly role. Im naturally submissive, and I prefer being submissive and with a more dominant, assertive man. In the relationship I prefer to be the one who cooks, cleans, takes care of the home and things of that nature. I just feel more at home in that role. 4. I also find most guys don't clean how they should, and the sight and smell of it grosses me up completely. I know my ass and I know what I'm taking and how to process so I know I'm clean. I don't have the guy over till I am completely. 5. I love seeing a hot guy get off...him getting off gets me off, I love to please and seeing a man shoot his load on my face and ass is incredibly intoxicating and incredibly sexy...so much so that the mere thought of it gets me rock hard and ready to cum
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