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Everything posted by BBCumPigGA

  1. I add at least 20-30 minutes to when someone will be there, period, to every hookup. I almost NEVER have a hookup that gets to me in the timeframe they give me.
  2. But is that in your carry-on or checked? I'm probably not checking any bags, if I were I'd put them in there and not worry. Edit: Just realized I never said I was flying.
  3. So, I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow and I was wondering, how do you guys travel with Poppers? I've heard horror stories and I've heard that it's no big deal, so I thought I'd ask here. I was considering just putting it in my little plastic bag in my carry-on as thought it was nail polish remover or something similar. If I didn't take them with me, is there any place in Chicago to buy the good poppers? I've heard Steamworks and Man's Country as well as one or two porn shops sell them.
  4. Public Relations and Communications Consultant with a Master's in Strategic Communication Planning.
  5. Add me to the list of wanting to take a few stars' loads. I'll be in Chicago 1/23-1/26.
  6. The ones I have sex with know, obviously. Of the ones I don't, only one (my best friend) knows pretty much everything about my sexual likes/dislikes. The rest it's just not something we talk about.
  7. There's one guy I am with that I can feel it every single time. The twitching, the warmth, it's fantastic. I just wish the rest of the sex with him was that good!
  8. Personally I try to eat a diet high in fiber as a general rule, taking an extra supplement of Chia seeds or something similar for the week before a major slut weekend. As for time between a meal and the fun, like at least 12 hours to pass, but that's just me. I probably take things to the extreme there because I'm super paranoid about it.
  9. Thanks for all the advice, guys! I normally like the sleazier, dirtier places, but with your suggestions and my gut I'll more than likely be going to Steamworks. And thanks for the parking advice, though that's not going to be an issue. I'll be going by cab. :-D
  10. Hey guys, So, I'm going to be heading to Chicago in late January. While I have something to do Friday, I'll have the rest of the weekend to enjoy all the city has to offer, and that includes lots of bareback cock and cum! One thing I really want to do is head to the baths, so I figured I'd ask, which would you all suggest: Steamworks or Man's Country? Also always up for suggestions about good BB porn star escorts to check out while there!
  11. You could always upload it to something like Google Drive or Dropbox and then send the link to download it to people who ask for it via PM. Add me to the list of people who would like the vid.
  12. Aww man, this one is gone now. Anyone get tit before it got taken down?
  13. My biggest complaint is the very light grey background of the posts. It honestly hurts my eyes and I wish there was an option to change it to the "white text on a black background" the old site had. I know about the issues with the older browsers, so I want to point out I'm using Chrome version 37.0.2062.94. The site LOOKS good, it's just too dang bright! Honestly I'd change my vote to "Better" if I could leave the site without a headache. Another minor issue I have is that I miss the popup that would happen when you would hover over a poster's name on the old site and you'd have the option of going to their profile, other posts, etc. I haven't found a way to replicate that yet without going to their profile. Finally, for what I dislike, I have to second this quote, though I know you've already responded to it. That said, I do really like a lot of the changes. The new activity feed is awesome, and I'm sure once I learn to filter only certain forums it'll be even better. I like the ability to customize the header picture (although on of the options kinda shocked me... LOL), and the sidebar info on the main site is helpful. The layout I'm neutral about, but I will say that it doesn't seem as efficient, space wise, as the old site. I can imagine the site being a pain to use on a smaller monitor.
  14. Anyone have the PIN for this?
  15. All depends on where I'm at. At home and a few cities around me, A4A is the best to use. In Atlanta, it's BBRT. Other places, it varies.
  16. Oh, I know. I'm just saying that in my mind, from an association standpoint, I see that name, abbreviation, or hash-tag that that's where my thoughts immediately go. It's not a positive association for me.
  17. Honestly BBBH and #BBBH are too strongly ingrained in my mind as iBi's BarebackBrotherhood for me to think of them as anything else. That's not the best association, especially if I remember correctly you're already on his bad side.
  18. I would not use a hookup site that allowed someone to be a member if they were under 18. My reasoning is not age of consent related, but more how broadly the stroke is done with child porn. I have a good friend who just got out of jail for child porn. He was chatting with a 17yo online (age of consent in my state is 16) and the kid had sent him some pictures of him in his underwear. They weren't even sexual in nature, but because the discussion surrounding them was sexual, they were considered porn. As were some in which the guy was merely shirtless. This is part of the "conspiracy" thing BearBandit mentioned. If the context in which they are presented are sexual, then they can be considered porn. Additionally, there are some states that have a sliding scale age of consent, where the age of consent for people under 21 may be 16 but for those over 21 it may be 18. That could be a whole new nightmare. It seems to me if you went ahead of this, it would take a LOT of time with lawyers setting it up with a number on retainer at all times. ^ This. As someone who was once facing jail time and being labeled as a sexual offender for, at 23, having consensual sex with a 31 year old in the privacy of a bedroom in a house where we had permission from the owner to be in, logic doesn't really come into play when it comes to "child predator" laws.
  19. Really? I thought he looked better than he has in a while!
  20. Got an announcement about this in my email today from TIM. Seems Steven Daigle, from BigBrother and who worked with ChiChi LaRue has done a movie with Treasure Island! This should be interesting. Thoughts? http://www.treasureislandblog.com/news/release/cumwhore-trailer/
  21. HungLatinDom: I think you've got about 10 years on Jackson. If I remember correctly he claims to be 20 or 21. :-) But yeah, he's a real douche from what he's shown us lately. :-)
  22. I always wondered what happened to Tom Tomorrow or Tom Tuesday (ugg, those NAMES) from Riding Billy Wilde and Knocked Up.
  23. That was when you fucked Dawson at Folsom, right? (the first scene) LOL, that scene and your threesome in WICS2 are the scenes that made me CRAVE your cock. LOL I REALLY wish you'd work for them more often. :-D
  24. I think his end game is that he's wanting to work with more "mainstream" companies, such as Falcon, and needs the poz whore scrubbed from his past. That's the only real reason I can think of. He needs a new image and thinks what he's doing will help. He doesn't understand that noting really goes away and people don't take kindly to him lying when they are involved. Of that, Jason, I have NO doubt. Someone as controversial as Paul Morris, ESPECIALLY in his early days, didn't survive without good legal protection. I just don't get the kid. I would LOVE to be in on what's going on in that litigation though! I'm sorry, but on the model application it EXPLICITLY asks if you are willing to have sex with someone of a different HIV status than yourself. He would have to be INCREDIBLY stupid (like, legally not able to make his own decisions) to not realize what that means.
  25. There's been a minor update on Fleshbot. They quoted Anton Dickson in saying that Jackson is poz. Seems the final scene of Bad Seed is the one that was really Taylor's last straw. Though Slammed was obviously an issue too. Here's the link: http://gay.fleshbot.com/5908292/surprise-the-film-that-sparked-jackson-taylors-legal-battle-is-available I was going to say the same. There's a LOT of abstinence-only education out there in the US that doesn't touch on STD's. We had "sex-ed" in Georgia in 6th, 8th, and 9th grade and NONE of them mentioned birth control, STD's, or safer sex. Hell, we had a teacher that got in trouble for including the clitoris on a sexual anatomy chart.
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