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  • Gender
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    UK Portsmouth
  • Interests
    Twitter @bodmodboy
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Looking For
    Portsmouth based chaser looking for a viral poz top (aren't we all lol) 😈☣️

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  1. The word "even" was a typo should have read "while" but I can't seem to change it. I'm curious to know how many guys got pozzed while only topping bottoms.
  2. Did you get pozzed topping? I wonder what percentage of poz tops got pozzed whilst topping a poz bottom. A regular top I play with, tells me he's neg because he's only ever been a top. He's a real slut and fucks a lot, I'm wondering what his chances of getting hiv are especially if no prep used.
  3. Sorry I beg to differ, prep is NOT 100 % effective. [think before following links] https://www.thebody.com/article/has-anyone-gotten-hiv-when-they-were-on-prep [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/nov-2019/how-do-we-deal-apparent-cas
  4. Same here about a month or two ago. I couldn't be arsed to get a new account after it wouldn't let me log in with my password and username...... The site must have a bug..... I wonder if it's a poz virus 🤣🤣🤣
  5. The major increase is probably because each period spans four years and then the last period (2010 to now) spans over 13 years.
  6. Shame newtumbl. Com ceases to exist.
  7. @bodmodboy
  8. I wonder if in two weeks time you'll get the fuck flu 🤞
  9. Was that video taken whilst you was still neg? Or was that a conversion video?
  10. 😉☣️😈 Newtumbl.com definitely has some good content [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_kXfLwxvXt01L
  11. Another poz video to enjoy. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_npQctftJKcmh
  12. 5, 11 and finish with 4 😉
  13. It got so bad I stopped using poppers
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