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Everything posted by wiltslad

  1. Only 1 load so far 😞
  2. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): faggot/cumdump Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 07932955311 (texts/whatsqpp preferred) (hotundilad = tele.gram or rhotlad92 = k.ik) A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): South West UK (unable to accom, happy to travel) Times you're generally not available: Age: 28 Height: 180cm (5'11") Weight: 68kg (10 stone) Ethnicity: British
  3. Same boat here mate... I got on prep 2 weeks ago and now can't stop having bb sex 🤪
  4. I'm at 41 this year 😞
  5. I don't mind any size 🙂 it will fit whatever 😁
  6. Wiltshire here
  7. When I pass my class 1/2 next month I shall be wanting trucker sex ... ass up ready to be used!
  8. 28 yo uk cumdump Wiltshire uk! Hit me up! 07932955311
  9. Hope there are some somewhere
  10. Definitely loving the pig too!! 🐷
  11. I really wanna be a pig thats lined up ready to take cock
  12. @Hotundilad
  13. Write a note, if you're in a dark room write the note on paper, with glow in the dark ink... or write it on a tablet/ipad and put it in a place they will definitely see it Id also use the hanky code too!
  14. Unlike most here... I really need to stop asking guys to rubber up... I need to just let myself be the cumdump that I know I am!
  15. As a bottom I prefer my ass smooth... think it looks cleaner and nicer
  16. I'll be having the vaccine just so we can get back to normal... and fuck whoever whenever we want again
  17. www.twitter.com/hotundilad
  18. Id happily go with you not sure about the colour hood yet though
  19. There might be some i just searched "gay horse fair usa" or "gay horse market usa"
  20. [think before following links] http://horsemarketsf.com/
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