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  • Gender
  • Location
    Colorado Springs
  • Interests
    Fucking, fisting, W/S, and more
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Looking For
    Fun. Friends. Conversations. Oh yeah! Great sex!

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  1. Your body is fucking gorgeous!

  2. When I was 10, I discovered what porn was, and quickly grew to like it. I couldn’t cum yet, but the dry heaves of a pre-teen orgasm was enough to hook me. Started with straight porn and later I found gay porn which was sooooo much better. My video of choice was where these two muscular dudes, one of which was acting like a cop, and they start out talking by an empty container or the back of a freight truck behind a loading dock and they start going at it. It was great. It also made me realize that was older brother had bought a dildo from a strip club to antagonize everyone with, and decided in my great young wisdom to sit on it, and Jesus Christ on ice, did it feel goooood. But being 10 and only recently having discovered sex, my dumbass spent the next two weeks convinced I was pregnant. Yeah, I dunno why my brain figured that but whatever. That’s my sexual awakening.
  3. Immediately. Dick goes soft, I get bored, and then I find amazing bareback porn to get back on track.
  4. Sorry to hear that. Ever go to buddies?
  5. Yessir!
  6. Hey there! Chubby guy with an average cock and it’s uncut 🙂
  7. Is there anyone that is actually IN Colorado Springs? If so, what are your stats!
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